h Car
The Un i
Creating a Campus of Distinction
Faci l i ti es Focus
The newsletter of Facilities Management at UNC Charlotte . Issue 47 | Winter 2013
We S. H. A. R. E. Facilities Management Values: Safety, Honesty and Integrity, Accountability, Respect for Others, and Excellence
Issue 47 | Facilities Focus
FACILITIES MANAGEMENT | From the desk of the Associate Vice Chancellor
Greet i ng s from the Associate Vice Chancellor of Facilities Management
The leaves are turning and the nights are cooler telling us autumn is upon us! I think our “Campus of Distinction” looks great this time of year with the vibrant colors all around us.
Philip M. Jones of
h Car
The Un ive
Creating a Campus of Distinction
Fa ci l i t i e s M a na ge men t
MISSION To provide a quality learning, research, and living environment for the benefit of students, faculty, staff, and the community by planning, building, operating, and maintaining the campus of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
VISION A leader in Facilities Management distinguished by safety and excellence
We are almost through the inaugural season of football at UNC Charlotte. Our department has been at the forefront of making this dream a reality. The football stadium has received rave reviews. The design and construction of this facility was managed by our Capital Projects group. Facilities Operations has been instrumental in making sure fans had a positive “game day” with their work on the landscaping, maintenance of the facility (especially the kitchen equipment for concessions) and managing the clean-up from tailgating around campus. Our Recycling section championed a student initiative for a “zero waste” football stadium. Due to their leadership, this initiative has been a tremendous success and is now a model other universities are trying to copy. Football is just one recent example of how Facilities Management is is leading the UNC Charlotte 1961 way in making UNC Charlotte a special place. I want to thank each of you for your part in creating a campus of distinction. We’ve certainly come a long way from 1961 when the first building was built on this campus. This past summer has been an extremely busy and exciting time with the opening of two new student residence halls, a parking deck, the Regional Utility Plant #4 and a new road (Alumni Way) in South Village. In January we will complete and start-up the PORTAL Building on the CRI campus. This next six months will bring more challenges as we start construction on the first High Rise renovation (Holshouser Hall) and on the realignment of Phillips Road. Another new residence hall will also start construction in South Village. As our campus continues to grow, so too do the demands on Facilities Management employees. I’m confident that, working together, we will meet every challenge.
A proficient, responsive, and a adaptable ‘Team of teams’ Providing high quality services and facilities in an environmentally sustainable manner
Hunt Hall
We are continuing our “self-assessment” as part of the APPA Award for Excellence program. This self-assessment will move us a long way on the path to excellence as we identify and correct gaps or shortcomings in our programs and processes. Writing of the final report is underway and we can expect a visit from an outside assessment team on campus early in the new year. Continued on page 11
2 Facilities Focus | Issue 47 Website:
Nort of
The Un i
Inside this Issue
Creating a Campus of Distinction
Winter Issue | November 2013
Facilities Management, a department of Business Affairs
Message from Beth Hardin, Vice Chancellor Business Affairs
Employee of the Quarter Eric Walcott
Team of the Quarter
Do Things Better. Do Better Things. Do The Right Thing.
Solar Decathlon House Electrical Training Team
Philip M. Jones Associate Vice Chancellor
6 7 8
Focus on Staff New Employees & Promotions Safe Teams of the Quarter Awards for Excellence
Editor Beverly Imes
Focus Feature: Lewis Jackson
Welcome New Employees
12 13
Archibus 21.1 Upgrade
BES Radio Etiquette Protocol
Recycling Tours
Did You Know?
Staff Elizabeth Haddock Ronda Latham Laurie Manderino Shelly Theriault Design & Production Solomon T. Franklin Proofreaders Elizabeth Frere Devin Hatley Photographers Joyce Clay Wade Burton Clyde Derberry Robyn Flowers Kelly Freshcorn Brian Kugler
p. 5
Message from Lee Snodgrass, Director of Facilities Operations
p. 9
p. 15
South Village Deck (Aerial View)
Thanks to all contributors!
Facilities Focus is a communication tool for the benefit of all Facilities Management employees to develop a better informed workforce, to foster a greater sense of community, and to build morale. Your ideas are welcomed and appreciated for future issues.
Please look online for the newsletter at:
Issue 47 | Facilities Focus
FACILITIES MANAGEMENT | Message from the Vice Chancellor
Greetings from the Vice Chancellor of Business Affairs
Pumpkins and scarecrows will soon give way to tinsel and greenery.
There’s a nip in the air many mornings. Our 49ers are completing their inaugural football season. As the year winds down, I remember the many times I observed how much you do to make the University environment so first-rate. Each of you is very important to the University’s success and your work does not go unnoticed. You build and set the stage and we could not do it without you. Your commitment, dedication, and expertise continue to make the University a place to admire and be proud of. On Saturdays as I walked the campus with many other UNC Charlotte fans, old and new, I noticed, as they did, the significant impact your work makes. Whether it is in field, facility, fixture, or flower, your touch and the pride you have in your work are evident. So, on behalf of the Division of Business Affairs and the University community, thank you. Beth Hardin
Enjoy the holidays! Cordially,
Elizabeth A. Hardin Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs Do Things Better. Do Better Things. Do the Right Things.
Vice Chancellor Hardin at the final home game vs. Wesley College (Nov. 9)
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Facilities Facilities Focus Focus | Issue | Issue 47 47
UNC Charlotte Center City: 2013 International Architecture Award Winner!
CENTER CITY SUCCESS ! UNC Charlotte Center City won the International Architecture Award for 2013 from the Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design and the European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies.
Zone 3 Team
This award is considered one of the highest building awards for new and cutting-edge design. Congratulations to all that have contributed to Center City’s success!
Issue 47 | Facilities Focus
FACILITIES MANAGEMENT | Employee of the Quarter
Employee of the Quarter: Eric Walcott (Zone 5) Nominated By David E. Smith (Zone 5 Supervisor)
Congratulations go out to Eric Walcott, Facilities Operations Zone
5, for once again being named “Employee of the Quarter.” Eric was also honored as “Employee of the Quarter” for the April to June 2011 quarter. In 2011, his “out of the box” thinking to solve a natural gas leak issue gave him the honors. Now, in the July to September 2013 quarter, we honor him for another innovative idea. David Smith, Supervisor of Zone 5, indicates “Walcott came up with the idea to pipe out a clean out that is located on the outside of Colvard South. By doing this, if the line got clogged, water would run out of the pipe onto the ground where it would be visible to people passing by. He came up with this idea after the line had clogged a couple of years ago which made the water back up in the building causing water damage. On July 2, David received an email from a staff member on campus stating water was running across the ground and asked was that normal. When Eric arrived on site, he quickly identified the problem and made the repairs. Best of all, no water backed up inside the building causing any damage.”
Phil Jones presents EOQ Award to Eric Walcott The Employee of the Quarter award is presented to an individual who goes beyond expected duties, consistently maintains a high level of work, exhibits outstanding customer service and/or demonstrates creativity, safety, and noteworthy behavior over the course of the quarter.
Walcott joined the UNC Charlotte Facilities Management staff in May of 2006. Today, as a Maintenance Mechanic IV, he ranks his top three job responsibilities to be: 1. “Safely maintaining and repairing all plumbing systems in Zone 5 (and other zones when needed) including working overtime for building shutdowns or being available for emergencies. 2. Working with Design Services and Capital Projects to estimate and submit bids for renovation work on campus in order to keep the work in-house and cut expenditures for the University allowing us to accomplish more of our goals by stretching our budget. 3. Assessing the needs of the different buildings in my zone and proactively providing solutions to potential problems that may arise as the campus continues to expand.”
Eric Walcott and son, Dalton
In addition to his dedication to UNC Charlotte, he is a devoted family man. Walcott “loves being a very busy family man.” Volunteering at CMS in the elementary, middle and high schools; being the assistant scoutmaster for his sons’ Boy Scout troop (Troop 42); and the official “Dance Dad” for the Hopewell High School Dance Team (Thunderbolts) tend to keep him on the go. When he is not occupied with his children’s activities and work, Walcott enjoys taking his wife and three children fishing in the mountains. Thank you Eric for your service to the community and UNC Charlotte!
Facilities Focus | Issue 47
Eric Walcott
Team of the Quarter: Solar Decathlon House Electrical Training Team Nominated By Elizabeth Frere (Design Services) and Bob Smith (Facilities Operations Area A Manager)
Construction of our Solar Decathlon House began and
Lacy Brumley, Ed Diaz, and Nick Grey from Zone 2, were instrumental in a key piece to this puzzle of offering expertise in the area of electrical training. During this time, 11 student volunteers participated in the construction of the project. Required training was implemented by Zone 2 with short notice due to internal transitions within the Safety Department. This team met with the student volunteers to discuss the scope of the training, sharing vital information. Lacy, Ed, and Nick performed above and beyond their normal daily activities, performing exceptional work, and coordination to accomplish the training. Elizabeth Frere, the Project Manager, commented on what a pleasure it was to work with individuals who were dedicated and reported to work with such enthusiastic attitudes. Lacy Brumley, an electrician in Zone 2, with the coordination of his supervisor, Ed Diaz, were recently involved in the Solar Decathlon Project currently under construction in the EPIC yard. The Solar Decathlon project began with a schematic design completed by students and designers who were hired to create construction documents. Final construction was completed by students and contractors.
Solar Decathlon House The Team of the Quarter award is presented to a team with exceptional performance above and beyond expected duties exhibiting outstanding customer service with fellow workers and the University Staff, demonstrating creativity and initiative that results in outstanding measurable outcomes during the quarter.
Lacy volunteered his time and electrical expertise to assist students to complete a training program qualifying them to install electrical components in the Solar Decathlon House. Lacy met with students for discussions of the scope of training and to review a presentation provided by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. He was an active member in the two-hour training session along with 11 undergraduate students, two temporary employees, and two faculty mentors. Lacy’s efforts went above and beyond his day-to-day responsibilities and exemplified an excellent commitment to customer service and collaboration. Elizabeth stated it was a pleasure to work with an individual with such a dedicated and enthusiastic attitude.
C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S : To: Lacy B r um ley, E d D iaz, N ick G rey, Zone 2 who wer e honor ed with the Associ at e Vi ce C hancellor ’s Team of the Q uart er Aw ard for J uly - October 2013
Issue 47 | Facilities Focus
N e w E m p l o y e e s & Pro mo t i o ns (July - September 2 01 3) New Employees
Congratulations to the members of Facilities Management who completed the Fall 2013 session of ASPIRE Certificate Program!
Building Environmental Services (BES) Gloria Escobar, BES Technician (Library - 3rd Shift) Aretha Jeter, BES Technician (Library - 3rd Shift) Juana Morales, BES Technician (North - 1st Shift) Facilities Business Office Jennifer Smith (FBO – Human Resources Manager) Susan Shackleford (FBO Temp Editorial Assistant) Facilities Information Systems Elias Mahfoud (Business and Tech. Appl. Analyst) Grounds Julio Brandon (Grounds Worker) Pete Caza (Grounds Worker) John Cartier (Grounds Worker) David Rogers (Grounds Worker) Anthony Thurmond (Supervisor Crew Leader) Recycling Luis Chalco (Recycling Technician) Renovations Mark Waters (FM Technical Mechanical Trades) Steam Plant Tony Fink (Boiler Operator II) Zone 6 Hoyt (Van) Womble (Electrician I)
Congratulations On Your
Promotions Facilities Information Systems Fred Brillante, Director Facilities Operations Paul Taylor, Area B Manager Zone 6 Parick Foley
From Left to Right: Paula Lail, Terrell Morris, Laurie Manderino, Kim Sowa, Patrick Foley, and Shalisha Kennedy
ASPIRE CERTIFICATE PROGRAM ASPIRE is a professional development program that enhances the employee’s knowledge of university policies, state regulations, and communication skills. It is a great program for firstyear employees to become acclimated to the University culture. This 21-hour program is divided into three full day sessions. Topics covered in the course are: • • • • • • • • • •
Time & Attendance Performance Management Feedback Matters Disciplinary and Grievance Equal Employment Opportunities Diversity Unlawful Workplace Harassment Safe Workplace Program Disability Awareness Essentials of Leadership
Participants must attend all session in order to receive credit for the program. Facilitators included Jules Keith-Le, Kathy Hurst, and Joanna Roop, HR Employee Learning and Development; Paula Boettcher, Financial Services; Kieffer Gaddis, Director of Compensation and Position Management; Cindy Edwards, Employee Relations Manager; Tracy Worthy, Interim Director of Staff Employment; and Jerry Lecomte, Police & Public Safety. Congratulations to all present and past ASPIRE graduates.
Facilities Focus | Issue 47
S afe TE AM S of the Q u ar t e r
(Statistical Information provided by UNC Charlotte Safety Office)
The following Teams had NO accidents July - September 2013 Facilities Operations High Voltage/Fire Alarms, Lock Shop, Renovations, Steam Plant, Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 4, Zone 5, Zone 6, and Zone 7 Building Environmental Services (BES) and Recycling Center City Building (CCB), Colvard, Charlotte Research Institute (CRI), East, EPIC 2, Friday, Library, North, South, West, Woodward, and Recycling
Wes Wright (Steam Plant), Tom Guenther (Zone 1),
First Shift - P i c tu r e d above from left to righ t:
Jeff Efird (Renovations), Lacy Brumley (Zone 2), Andy Lavoie (Lock Shop), Stan Gant (High Voltage/Fire Alarms), Josh Hyatt (Zone 7), Steve McMiller (South), John Renwick (Zone 4), Virgie Fewell (North), Latoia Young (CCB), Bob Fitzgerald (Zone 5), and Patrick Foley (Zone 6)
Debra Mayfield (West), Franjo Pauler (Library)
Second & Third Shift - P i c tu r e d above from left to righ t :
Althea Cook (EPIC), Catherine Harris (Friday), Uma Pandya (Woodward) Diana Parks (Colvard), Tomasa Bonilla (Charlotte Research Institute), and Melvin Mayfield (East).
Facilities Management Safety Slogan
Issue 47 | Facilities Focus
In d iv i d u a l Aw a r d fo r Exc e l le n c e Individual Awards Brien Clapton (Zone 2) David Daignault (Design Services) Randy Hudson (Steam Plant)
FRIENDLY REMINDER Compensatory time earned for the quarterly Employee Awards Program must be used within 90 days of receipt. If you do not use it, you will lose it!
Brien Clapton (Zone 2)
David Daignault (Design Srvices)
Te am Awa rd s fo r Exc e l l e n c e Team Awards Zone 7 Maintenance Team Randy Baucom Josh Hyatt Bruce Kerschner Charles Kraus Brent Offenberger
Assisting Zone 5 Team Calvin Buchanan, Zone 6 Arnold Vanhoy, Zone 6
Bruce Kerschner and Josh Hyatt (Zone 7)
A pplau s e C a rd s Individual Awards
Team Awards
Jonathan Bell (BES - Kennedy) Julius Brice (BES - EPIC) Nelly Lezama (BES - Kennedy) Bobby Robinson (Automotive)
Krista Chambers & Vince McNeil (Automotive) James Brown (BES - Colvard) Elzy Neeley (BES - Colvard) Robert Bonds (BES - Library) Laymiya Whittenburg (BES - Library), Robert Ervin & Melvin Mayfield (BES - East)
Robert Braun, Mike Camp, Jeff Efird, Robert Gray, James Krupa, Kenny Leazer, Steve Reis, Michael Rogers, Tim Smith, Mark Waters, Robert Whisnant, & James Williams, (Renovations) Jeff Efird, Michael Rogers, Mark Waters (Renovations) & Armando Vazquez-Montalvo(Zone 5)
Julius Brice & Bill Cavelli (BES - EPIC) To view awards photos and read detailed descriptions of nominations, visit: ht t p: / / f aci l i t i es. uncc. edu/ ho me / a w a rd s - p ro g ra m/ a w a rd - re c i p i e n t s / a w a rd - re c i p i e n t s
Facilities Focus | Issue 47
Facilities Focus Feature | FACILITIES MANAGEMENT
S P O TLIG H T: L e w i s Ja ckso n By Christy Case (Facilities Operations)
We are pleased and disheartened at the same time to
announce the retirement of a diligent, hardworking employee, Lewis Jackson. Lewis has been a part of the Facilities Operations team for approximately 22½ years and has decided that now is the time to begin the next chapter in his life. His official date of retirement is December 31, although he will be leaving sooner than the set date due to the holidays. Lewis Jackson began working at UNC Charlotte as an electrician. Over the years, he has moved up to become a Fire Alarm Technician. Throughout his years working for Facilities Operations, he has received numerous awards and achievements. Some of these awards include service awards, team awards, and safety awards. Lewis was also presented outstanding awards within his shop. Along with the awards listed, Lewis has also had perfect attendance up until the past year, which shows just how dedicated and reliable he is! According to Lewis, the best thing about working for the University is watching it grow. He enjoys seeing how much the University has grown from his first day working here, compared to where it is now, and where it will be in the future. Lewis also said another great thing about working for UNC Charlotte is the people he worked with. He really hates to leave this job because the people he has met over the years have become like family to him. Lewis also expressed how much he will miss his fellow employees once he retires and said he will definitely be back to attend football games and other events.
Lewis Jackson
As with any job, he has had his ups and downs, but he wouldn’t change anything about the people he has worked with and the memories he has created. After he retires, Lewis will be able to spend more time with his wife, as well as his kids and grandchildren. Lewis’ time here with Facilities Operations is greatly appreciated and he will be sorely missed.
Join Us! Retirement Reception Friday, November 22 2:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Student Activity Center Salons Third Floor
Issue 47 | Facilities Focus
We l c om e N e w FM Em plo yees Tom Bastian (Design Services)
Michael Rogers, Jeff Efird, Mark Waters (FO)
Design Services is excited to introduce our newest team member, Tom Bastian. Tom came on board in May as our Senior Project Coordinator.
Tom was born and raised in Chicago where he graduated with a Bachelor in Arts and Architecture degree from the University of Illinois. The reason he went into architecture was because his father was a carpenter. He spent many years of hard labor working alongside of him. While he liked that industry, he did not enjoy the physical aspect!
The Facilities Operations team is happy to welcome the three newest employees to the Renovations Shop! The new employees are Michael Rogers, Jeff Efird, and Mark Waters (pictured left to right above in that order).
After graduation, Tom moved to Dallas to work for the next three years for a nationally known Architecture firm. One of his more memorable projects was a 60 story office building, where he provided the construction documents. Tom then moved to San Diego, where he worked for two firms also doing commercial architecture. While there, he worked on several projects with Disneyland. During this time he received his architecture license. From there, he moved to Montana where he was exposed to university work. He was the architect doing design work for the University of Montana.
The three men joined Facilities Operations as FM Building Trades Technicians. To get to know the guys, they were asked to participate in an interview and we learned some interesting things about them.
Not long after moving there, he and his wife decided to work with Engineering Ministries International. He designed projects for missionaries and churches that serve the poorest of the poor. Examples: hospitals, orphanages, clinics, and schools. They lived in Guatemala (five years) and Costa Rica (three years). He served as director of the office in Costa Rica which served all of Latin America and the Caribbean. They returned to the US in 2011 to work for JAARS, a ministry center for bible translation.
Last but not least, Mark is an avid fisherman who coached baseball and basketball in the past.
Tom and his wife, Debbie, met in San Diego and have been married for 20 years. They live in Waxhaw with their children Maggie (17), Richard (16) and Lydia (13). Their eldest, Josh (29), lives in Montana. He enjoys spending time with his family and is actively involved in his church.
First, Michael enjoys bird hunting and spending time with his wife and kids. He is also a skilled brick mason. Jeff is an outdoorsman who loves to go camping and fishing. He also enjoys listening to bluegrass music in his spare time.
Their job duties include things such as remodeling offices, cabinetry, and brick masonry. Recently, Michael, Jeff and Mark completed a project that consisted of redesigning the FM and Design Services area. When they were asked how it went they said, “It worked like clockwork. We all worked together as a team, in fact, all of Renovations works together very well. It’s as if we know what each of us is thinking.” We are happy to have Jeff, Michael, and Mark join our team. Please help us to welcome them to Facilities Operations!
Please join us in welcoming Tom to our team! Amanda Caudle, Design Services
Facilities Focus | Issue 47
Christy Case, Facilities Operations
We l c om e N e w FM Em plo yees Mike Lizotte (Sustainability)
Jennifer Smith (FBO)
Facilities Management welcomes the new University Sustainability Officer, Michael (Mike) Lizotte. Chris Gilbert, Director of Facilities Planning, noted that: “we are very lucky to have hired such a talented, experienced professional into this position. I am sure Mike will make a positive impact on furthering sustainability practices on campus.”
New Human Resources Manager, Jennifer W. Smith, recently joined the Facilities Management team. She brings over 22 years of experience within higher education.
Lizotte holds a Doctorate in Marine Biology, a Master’s in Botany and a Bachelor’s in Environmental Science and says he has “been preparing for the job of a sustainability officer for a long time.” He brings a history of interdisciplinary work in systems ecology and in teaching environmental studies. “My favorite puzzles were trying to integrate ideas from many disciplines or positions,” he says. Most recently, Mike worked for six years managing sustainability initiatives at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. Lizotte brings experience from a diverse range of activities, all strong components of a successful sustainability program. As a classroom professor and researcher, he understands teaching sustainability curriculum and maintaining a competitive research lab. He enjoyed several years engaging students, working with environmental organizations and advocating for increasing the number of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) degrees. Lizotte also worked at NASA headquarters and served as research director for an oceanography institute. In his most recent position at Oshkosh, Lizotte “really enjoyed the challenges of merging social, environmental and financial goals of the institution, and getting to work with students, faculty, staff, and our home city.” He was also personally involved in several community sustainability efforts. UNC Charlotte’s dedication to advancing its sustainability initiatives is what attracted Lizotte to the position. Lizotte transition to Charlotte has been very favorable, “People have been very positive, with many friendly and helpful offers to help me settle in on campus and the neighborhood. Thanks too for the beautiful weather!”
She is new to Charlotte having moved from Lake County, Illinois, in February, 2013. Jennifer comes to UNC Charlotte from Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science where she served as the Assistant Director of Human Resources for 5.5 years. Prior to relocating to Lake County, she lived in Peoria, Illinois and worked for Bradley University for 16.5 years as their HR Administrator. Jennifer has a Master of Science in Health Administration and a Bachelor of Science in Family and Consumer Sciences and Business Management. Her office is located on the second floor of the Facilities Management building, Room 213. She may be reached by phone at 704-687-8470 or email at Shelly Theriault, Facilities Business Office
From the desk of the Associate Vice Chancellor Continued
The first value in our S.H.A.R.E Values is Safety. This year we have a 30% reduction in accidents from last year. Let’s finish out the year strong with NO More Accidents. Be safe, watch yourself, and watch your teammate. With winter approaching, make provisions for bad weather. Our Facilities Management vision says we are striving to be “A proficient, responsive, and adaptable ‘Team of teams’”. Let’s keep this idea foremost as we work together as a ‘Team of teams’ to provide the best possible service to our customers – the students, faculty, and staff of UNC Charlotte! Finally, as we enter the holiday seasons, I hope everyone enjoys their winter break. You deserve the time off. Please take time to reflect and relax with family and friends.
Laurie Manderino, Facilities Planning
Philip M. Jones
Issue 47 | Facilities Focus
Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management
A R C H I BU S U pda te By Pamela Duff (FIS)
The Facilities Information Systems (FIS) team completed its ARCHIBUS system upgrade to Version 21.1 on Friday, September 13, 2013. Although the upgrade addressed many backend system updates, users have also been provided several useful functionality changes and many upgraded views and reports.
We appreciate your patience during the last several weeks as we worked to resolve bugs and correct problems resulting from the upgrade. We will continue to troubleshoot and resolve all remaining issues as they are reported. Please feel free to contact us at our-services/business-related-services/information-systems with any ARCHIBUS related problems or questions.
A couple of the most noticeable changes for users are: • The log in screen’s new look • The autocomplete function when entering data on a request form • The simpler, easier way to filter information on data lists o Prior to the upgrade, many of the old ARCHIBUS report views required users to scroll to the far right to select a filter button to filter the data and remove the filter after they typed in their search criteria. o
The old filter buttons have been removed and these upgraded report views provide users the ability to select Enter on the keyboard after they have typed in their search criteria.
To remove the filter, users simply select the small “x” located to the right corner of the list.
For additional information on these and other new changes recently implemented with ARCHIBUS, you may refer to the What’s New document located at the bottom of the ARCHIBUS log in page: ARCHIBUS What’s New document URL:
Facilities Focus | Issue 47
Facilities Operations | FACILITIES MANAGEMENT
F rom th e D e sk o f L e e Sn o dgrass By Lee Snodgrass, Director (Facilities Operations)
Facilities Operations (FO) continues to experience
many positive aspects of change. Our recent leadership changes, work order process updating, and final FCAP (Facilities Condition Assessment Program) development stages are three examples of our growth and our dedication to our customer service core focus. In the last few months we have made three exciting changes amongst leadership. Lee Beard joined us in June as the Central Operations Manager.
He has a diverse background in facilities management, a lot of experience with public utilities, and most recently came from the facilities manufacturing arena. Lee is looking forward to expanding our BAS (Building Automation) capabilities and is already engaged with the development and implementation of FCAP. Paul Taylor was promoted from Zone 4 (Food Service Supervisor) to Area B Manager. He is well known for his customer-centered focus and looks forward to getting more familiar with the building systems and the customers.
Ed Diaz was recently promoted to Zone 2 Supervisor. He served as the interim supervisor for the past nine months. Ed is well known for his candid demeanor and getting things done. Ed’s focus will be the new PORTAL building and working to validate a new BSL 3 Lab.
We continue to update internal guidelines in an effort to improve the work order process. Christy Case, FO’s University Program Associate, is the FO liaison and will continue to proactively help identify issues and get them resolved.
This process will streamline and expedite problem resolution and how we communicate this information to our staff. FCAP is a multi-level program which analyzes our facility conditions. In March of 2014, the State will begin a campus wide assessment of our facilities. Our internal program is designed to not only report conditions, but also enhance our ability to prioritize overall building needs and planned improvements. On November 11, Christopher Liner joined our team as FCAP Manager. He will be actively involved with finalization and implementation of this multi-leveled program. FO will continue to proactively engage in all aspects of Facilities Management. We must flex and be ready for any all challenges to meet the needs of the campus community. I appreciate all FO staff and the contributions you make to our team of teams. Have an awesome winter break!
Issue 47 | Facilities Focus
BES & Re c yc li n g Imple me nt s Radio Et iquet t e Prort ocol By Solomon T. Franklin (BES & R)
Building Environmental Services (BES) & Recycling
cares for UNC Charlotte’s built environment to provide a safe and healthy campus. We achieve this by routinely cleaning, recycling, and conserving University resources. In striving to align with Facilities Management’s vision, key business drivers and standard to continually improve in our operation we are implementing Radio Etiquette Protocol. BES & Recycling currently shares channel 5 on the radios. With nearly 160 employees accessing this channel to communicate on the radios daily it is important to streamline our internal communication processes. The Radio Etiquette Protocol was created by the BES Advisory Board, a group of BES technicians, representing each zone and shift focused on establishing new standards of unity, transparency, communication and accountability within BES. The BES Advisory Board determined this issue to be a priority and continually met to develop, edit, prioritize and finalize the Radio Etiquette Protocol. The Radio Etiquette Protocol has become a 10 part formalized guide on how to engage in effective communication when utilizing the radios. In addition to the Radio Etiquette Protocol, a radio ‘Quick Guide’ was also formulated and distributed for technical assistance. As we continue to roll out the training on the Radio Etiquette Protocol, we will see continuous improvement in communication and a coordinated ‘Team of Teams’.
RADIO ETIQUETTE PROTCOL 1. Make sure your radio is on, functioning properly, and on the correct channel (channel #5 –BES & Recycling). If you suspect that your radio may be malfunctioning, radio check to a Supervisor. 2. Do not lean on or sit on the talk button to inadvertently tie up the radio channel. 3. Keep your radio volume set at an appropriate volume. Adjust your volume based on situations. Eg: When an employee is running a machine that is loud. 4. Don’t interrupt others as they are trying to speak; don’t cut off people when they are attempting to call someone. Wait 5 seconds to know if there is a previous call on the radio, so you do not interrupt. If there is a previous call on the radio, wait until it is complete before starting your call. 5. Keep a moderate and respectful tone when speaking on the radios; do not speak too loud. 6. Speak professionally when using the radios. Use consistent protocol for describing the situation(s) over the radios: - State your first and last name (Let the person know who’s calling) Who you are calling (First and Last Name) when initiating or prompting the call What location of the issue is - Brief and succinct description of the issue; Action item to be addressed; End each call with “10/4” or “Thank You” 7. Use: “Where can I meet you?” or “What building are you in?” instead of asking “where are you (What’s your 20)” Revise the radio language “What’s your 20?” - Employee may be in a situation where they do not want to divulge the information of where they are. Eg: They may be in the restroom. 8. Do not discipline or threaten colleagues on the radio, especially if they do not answer. If you do not get an answer, the Supervisor or the Lead Tech should find the colleague; have consideration that they may be doing a task that impairs their hearing. 9. Do not hold conversations or discuss personal business on the radio; get to a land line to hold work related conversations.
10. If there is a scheduled break do not call colleagues over the radio, unless there is an emergency. In case of an emergency, where an employee does not answer after three attempted calls, contact the nearest colleague working in the area. Facilities Focus | Issue 47
R e c y c l i n g De pa r tm e n t gi ves t ours in Oct ober By Devin Hatley (Recycling)
R ecent successes with the UNC
Charlotte Recycling program have brought attention from outside the University borders. As such we have been able to provide two tours during the month of October to Duke Energy and Wells Fargo Corp. The tours allow us to share our experiences with others on various ways to reduce waste. People are eager to hear how it works along with many other initiatives within the Recycling Department. Zero Waste football updates Through the first five games we have recycled 12,000 pounds, composted 23,000 pounds, and landfilled 7,000 pounds of material for a total diversion rate of 85.5%. The diversion rate has grown each week and the results from the UNC Pembroke game increased to 93%!
Z e ro Wa s t e re c o g n it io n (No v e m b e r 9 )
C a mp u s C le a n u p P h o t o s (F al l 2 0 1 3 )
Issue 47 | Facilities Focus
Did Y o u Kn o w ? FM Training Academy, By Clyde Derberry (FBO)
Trade and Management Training Seminars are being offered through the “Facilities Management Academy.” The most recent seminar was Fire Stop training held Octobert 24, 2013. Seminar suggestions and questions are welcome! Please contact Clyde Derberry by phone at 704-687-0544 or email
By Dorothy Vick (Capital Projects)
In case you didn’t know, there is now a three-way stop on the section of Cameron Blvd that runs from Mary Alexander Road up to John Kirk Drive. The stop is located where Martin Village Lane, which has been widened and repaved, intersects with Cameron Blvd. The additional stop was added as a precaution for the limited visibility drivers may experience along the road due to the construction fencing for the Residence Hall Phase XII project. The completion date for Phase XII is July 2014.
Three-way stop, Cameron Blvd.
On November 18, we kicked off the holiday season with our annual holiday party. There were 230 attendees including retirees and guests.
2013 Holiday Party
There was a winner at every table thanks to the Left/Right game. James Harris was our grand prize winner receiving four tickets to the Carolina Panthers football game. One of the highlights was the singing contest featuring our managers and directors. Our leaders have talent! Chartwells provided us a delicious buffet which received rave reviews. Thanks to our event committee, volunteers, and entertainment for making this the best party ever!
ALL EMPLOYEES MEETINGS January 21, 2014 (2nd / 3rd Shift) 10:00 pm | CHHS 281 January 22, 2014 (1st Shift) 10:00 am | McKnight Hall
Did You Know?... You can go to the Campus Special website: Focus | Issue 47 forFacilities all types of discounts for UNC Charlotte faculty/staff.
H a p p y B i r t h d ay No v . 20 13 - Ja n . 20 14 B irt hdays
Issue 47 | Facilities Focus
The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Facilities Management 9201 University City Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28223-0001
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Creating a Campus of Distinction
Mission To p r o v i d e a q u a l i t y l e a r n i n g , r e s e a r c h , a n d l i v i n g e n v i r o n m e n t f o r t h e b e n e f i t o f s t u d e n t s , f a c u l t y, s t a f f , a n d t h e c o m m u n i t y b y p l a n n i n g , b u i l d i n g , o p e r a t i n g , and maintaining the campus of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
Vi s i o n • • •
A leader in Facilities Management distinguished by safety and excellence. A p r o f i c i e n t , r e s p o n s i v e , a n d a d a p t a b l e ‘ Te a m o f t e a m s ’ . Providing high quality services and facilities in an environmentally s u s t a i n a b l e m a n n e r.
C R E AT I N G A C A M P U S O F D I S T I N C T I O N We S. H. A. R. E. Facilities Management Values: Safety, Honesty and Integrity, Accountability, Respect for Others, and Excellence 18
Facilities Focus | Issue 47