Facilities Focus, Issue 58

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Issue 58 | Facilities Focus


FACILITIES MANAGEMENT | From the desk of the Associate Vice Chancellor



Welcome to the beginning of a new academic year. The summer has flown by for me as I am sure it has for you. The past year has been a very successful one for our organization. Be sure to check out the article on page eight of this issue, “We Have a Lot to Celebrate,” which details many of our accomplishments during fiscal year 2015-2016. Thank you for all of your hard work to make it happen! Teamwork is the key to these successes.

Philip M. Jones

Perhaps, most importantly, our customers think we are doing a good job as evidenced by results from our recent customer survey. Overall, 90.6% of the respondents were satisfied or very satisfied with our services.

MISSION To provide a quality learning, research, and living environment for the benefit of students, faculty, staff, and the community by planning, building, operating, and maintaining the campus of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

“Overall, I am satisfied with the services provided by Facilities Management”

VISION A leader in Facilities Management distinguished by safety and excellence. A proficient, responsive, and adaptable ‘Team of teams’. Providing high quality services and facilities in an environmentally sustainable manner.


Many units within Facilities Management (FM) received high marks on their service to the campus community. One area that received high marks across the board was the professionalism and courtesy of our team members. We can be proud of these results. Of course, there is always room for improvement. One area noted in the results is our customers desire more feedback after work is completed. This is an area we will focus on this year. Looking forward to the new academic year, we expect more than 800 additional students on campus in the fall semester. This brings UNC Charlotte’s enrollment to an all-time high of more than 28,500. Expect traffic and congestion, especially during the first two weeks of the semester. Please slow down, keep service vehicles and carts off the sidewalks and park only in designated spaces.

2 Facilities Focus | Issue 58 Website: facilities.uncc.edu

Visit http://facilities.uncc.edu and refer to Facilities Management’s Standard Operating Procedure #2 “Service Vehicle Parking and Off Limit Areas” or consult your supervisor if you are unsure where to drive or park. Our new safety slogan, “Safety is Our Norm!” Therefore, let us lead by example. Our University will continue to grow in the years ahead. To accommodate that growth, we have developed a 5-Year Capital Construction Plan to grow and improve the campus. The first wave of construction swings into full force during the next year. Construction has started or will start soon on a long list of projects to include Burson Renovation, Elevator Upgrades (campus-wide), Elm-MaplePine Renovation, Generator Upgrades (campus-wide), Atkins HVAC, Residence Dining Hall Renovation, the new Student Counseling Center, and swing space. The renovation of former residence halls Hickory and Cedar will provide swing space (temporary work environment) for faculty who will be required to move out of the Academic Complex (starting with the Denny Building in December) to allow for a major renovation. Read more on the 5-Year Capital Construction planning effort on page 11. Success on this complicated project will require teamwork from the entire FM organization. Add to all of this more than 200 informal projects that Design Services will complete within the next year along with our normal maintenance and operational duties. We have a real leadership and management challenge on our hands, but the “pain will be worth the gain” as we modernize older buildings in the core of campus to serve our University for the next 25 years. I am confident our organization is more than up to the task. It is indeed an exciting time to be at UNC Charlotte and in the thick of all this constant change. You are truly “Creating a Campus of Distinction” with your hard work and dedication!

Philip M. Jones Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management



In s i d e t h i s Is s u e 2

Cover Story: 2016 Idea of the Year

Steve Terry, Design Services

3 Fall Issue | August 2016

Facilities Management, a department of Business Affairs

Do Things Better. Do Better Things. Do The Right Thing.

Philip M. Jones Associate Vice Chancellor Editor Beverly Imes Staff Solomon T. Franklin Ronda Latham Laurie Manderino Leigh Richardson Proofreaders Pamela Duff Elizabeth Frere Pamela Hickman NiCole Lynch Kristi Westphal Dorothy Vick Photographers Dan Baughman Wade Bruton Joyce Clay Jon Canapino Bart Davis Clyde Derberry Pamela Duff Solomon T. Franklin Kelly Freshcorn Beverly Imes Christy Langdon NiCole Lynch Dorothy Vick Thanks to all contributors! Facilities Focus is a communication tool for the benefit of all Facilities Management employees to develop a better informed workforce, to foster a greater sense of community, and to build morale. Your ideas are welcomed and appreciated for future issues.



Employee of the Quarter Gary Edwards, Grounds


Team of the Quarter

Team Awards for Excellence

Atkins Temperature Resolution Team

5 - 7 Staff Recognition

New Employees Promotions Safe Teams of the Quarter Zone 7 Earns 5 Year Award 2016 Safety Slogan Contest Winner 2016 Directors Coin Recipients Jacob Atkinson Retires


8 - 9 Fiscal Year 2016 Highlights 10 11

Focus Feature A Different Catch

Facilities Planning


5-Year Coordination and Planning Effort

12 - 13 Building Environmental Services and Recycling

Focused on Continuous Improvement Welcome New Leadership Revere the Beard Part 2 Fluorescent Bulb Disposal

14 - 15 Capital Projects


Daignault and Lanier Join Staff Construction Update Holshouser Hall wins CPN Star Award


Facilities Business Office


Facilities Information Systems

Learning and Development Recap

New Computer Installations

18 - 19 Facilities Operations Hillside Landscape Renovation Automotive Named Among Top Fleets 20


Did You Know? Facilities Spring Fellowship Upcoming Events

21 Birthdays Please look online for the newsletter at: http://facilities.uncc.edu/about-us/facilities-focus-news

Issue 58 | Facilities Focus



Steve Terry - 201 6 Idea of the Year Winner By Beverly R. Imes, Editor He continued, “While managing an NC paving firm, all equipment, off or on road, made use of high reflective materials to meet NC vehicle codes. In both work environments, it was for safety first - both to the operator and oncoming traffic. In my current position, I deal with reflective products daily doing NC Department of Transportation spec signage and knew there were off-the-shelf products we could use to make the Grounds (and others’) vehicles safer for the operator and campus vehicle traffic. The idea was to apply the reflective products to make FM vehicles more visible at dawn and dusk. It also communicates to those who see it reflecting that FM thinks safely, acts safely, and safety is a priority.” Phil Jones presents the “Thinking Out of the Box” statue to Steve Terry for the Idea of the Year Phil Jones presents the “Thinking Out of the Box” statue to Steve Terry, 2016 Idea of the Year winner


nd the winner is...Steve Terry, Design Services! Hats off to Steve for submitting the winning idea for fiscal year 2016. Facilities Management’s Idea of the Year is presented to the individual or group of individuals who reflects thinking “out of the box.”

Steve’s Idea:

Install inexpensive Amber LED lighting on Mules and Facilities Management service vehicles to provide better visual impact to other drivers. For the Mules, install small strips of reflective tape so that in early morning travel, the sides are visible to other drivers. This includes red/white tape on rear of vehicles for high visiblity both day and night. Do a test pilot program with 10 vehicles that are on the road the most, and field review visibility enhancement success.

The analysis:

Chris Facente, Automotive Supervisor, assessed the idea, consulted with Lee Snodgrass, Director of Facilities Operations, and determined the following: - The lights have to be low profile for some of the areas the grounds crew travels. - The lights have to be wired in with a plug to prevent the tendency to remove the lights and not replace when done. - Lights are too expensive to outfit all vehicles.


Therefore, the solution implemented was reflective tape on Grounds’ Mules only, as the original request was during inclement weather and early morning driving for Grounds. Following the approval and implementation of this idea for Grounds Mules, Brian Guns, Director of Building Environmental Services (BES) and Recycling, authorized approval this year for reflective tape to be applied to BES service vehicles. As BES vehicles come in for maintenance, automotive technicians will stripe them with the reflective tape.

How do you feel about winning the idea of the year? Steve replied, “I appreciate the recognition. I am always in University mode for ideas and processes to make life a little easier, safer, or that focuses on our initiatives; both as a designer/facility planner and as a project manager for FM based projects.”

This fiscal year three ideas were approved and implemented. All who submit an idea that is implemented receive recognition at the summer All Employees Meeting and receive a gift. The other submitters were Kathy Fisher (Motor Fleet) and Charles Kraus (Zone 7).

What prompted the idea?

Steve stated, “Coming to work at approximately 5:45 a.m., a Mule (Grounds service vehicle) pulled out from the service drive in front of me. It was dark, the Mule is dark green, and the operator’s lights were on, but several were out (broken). They kept going; I ground to a stop.” Prior to working at UNC Charlotte, Steve was responsible for overseeing a fleet of more than 400 trucks and vans. He became very familiar with Caltrans enforced reflective products which are used on any type of vehicle, bike, etc. on State roads.

Facilities Focus | Issue 58

Steve Terry and Kathy Fisher


Ideas are accepted from Facilities Management staff throughout the fiscal year via our Intranet. Please visit http://goo.gl/DcpkGI to enter your ideas. facilities.uncc.edu

Employee of the Quarter | FACILITIES MANAGEMENT

Employee of the Quarter: Gary Edwards By Laurie Manderino, Facilities Planning


ongratulations to Gary Edwards, Grounds Construction Crew Foreman, Employee of the Quarter! Joey Cochran, Grounds Superintendent, and Dan Baughman, Grounds Supervisor, nominated Edwards for his outstanding service during the fiscal year-end asphalt road repair project. They explain how he exceeded expectations in their nomination below. “Mr. Edwards was instrumental from the very beginning and in all aspects of the project….he was determined to complete the job on time. First, he assisted in setting the specifications for the bidding process where his insight proved to be crucial. Next, he took the lead on the evaluation of the sections of roads that needed to be repaired and prioritized them in order of deteriorating conditions. He then took all the measurements and marked the sections for the bidding process. Once the construction began, he worked with the contractor to ensure that the project went smoothly. He reviewed all traffic locations and kept impediments to a minimum as well as worked to keep the contractor on schedule. He devoted 10 to 14 hours a day for four days straight with no complaints to ensure the project would be completed and billed within the year-end deadline.”

Phil Jones presents Gary Edwards with the Employee of the Quarter Plaque Baughman added, “He has a great sense of humor and is extremely friendly and kind. He would literally give you the shirt off his back. He is one of our go to guys whenever an emergency arrives.”

Gary has been recognized with his team for numerous team awards for excellence. He has also been nominated for UNC Charlotte Employee of the Year four times within the last seven years. He was a finalist in 2009.

Edwards has been employed with UNC Charlotte since 1987 and has not taken a sick day in 25 years!!

Edwards enjoys shooting pool in the APA league, riding his Road King Harley Davidson on trips and charity runs, and spending time with his children, Gary W. Edwards Jr. (31 years old) and Felishia M. Edwards (26 years old), who reside in Concord, NC.

He was hired as a grounds worker and has held construction crew and maintenance mechanic positions before being promoted to his current position as Construction Crew Foreman/ Supervisor.

Thank you, Gary, for your dedicated service to UNC Charlotte!

Gary operating the backhoe to crush items in the construction and demolition (C&D) bin in the compound to make room for more.


Issue 58 | Facilities Focus



Brissenden, Burris, and Loder Earn Team of the Quarter By Ronda Latham, Building Environmental Services

Team Awards for

BES Duke Centennial Hall Team

Pictured left to right are Jeffrey Dean Burris, Jason Brissenden, and Phil Jones. Not pictured: Joe Loder


ongratulations to Jason Brissenden, Jeffrey Dean Burris, and Joe Loder, Facilities Operations Zone 6, for winning Team of the Quarter! Jason Brissenden and Jeffrey Dean Burris, who have been with the University less than two years, were sent to assess a situation in the J. Murrey Atkins Library. Upon assessment, they identified bouncing pressures existed due to air build-up at the tank. Joe Loder, Zone 6 Supervisor, joined the team to look deeper into the situation. They worked together to replace the drain nipple on the tank that was found to be leaking. After changing the nipple, the team tried to adjust the pressure but were unsuccessful. Adding water to the system at the old tank seemed to only affect the tank and not the pressure on the system.

The next step was to determine the cost of replacing miles of pipe. Joe completed some research and moved to implement a plan to install a bladder expansion tank. The bladder expansion tank proved to be significantly less expensive than re-piping the system from the chiller room to the 11th floor of the building. Installation of the new tank eliminated the pressure issues. Temperatures in the building were then maintained and the customers were very satisfied. This type of thinking and hands-on action resulted in more than $300,000 of cost savings for the University as well as many man hours.

At that point, the team pulled a portion of the pipe apart to determine if a blockage existed, and found the line was totally blocked. The line was pressurized from the chiller room in an effort to clear the blockage but this, too, was unsuccessful.


BES McEniry Zone OS1 Boot Camp Certification

Facilities Focus | Issue 58

CHHS Hillside / Star Quad Water Feature

Niner House Renovation Clean Up



New Employees, Promotions & Recognition ~ April - June 2016 NEW EMPLOYEES

Building Environmental Services (BES) Susan Clapton, Building Environmental Services Technician - EPIC Cinthya Coral, Building Environmental Services Technician - Colvard Brenda Howard, Building Environmental Services Technician - Library Calvin Hough, Building Environmental Services Technician - BES South Clara Howze, Building Environmental Services Technician - Kennedy Jodi Kowalski, Building Environmental Services Technician - Grigg Tracy Phillips, Building Environmental Services Technician - Library Patricia White, Building Environmental Services Technician - EPIC Donald Watkins, Building Environmental Services Technician - McEniry Demarcus Williams, Building Environmental Services Technician - BES South

Design Services Caroline Hill, Interior Designer

Facilities Operations Eric Giles, Electronics Specialist - Fire Systems Jeffrey Saer, Facilities Maintenance Technician - Zone 2

Facilities Planning Tyler Sytsma, Sustainability Coordinator PROMOTIONS

Building Environmental Services Tonya Wright, Building Environmental Services Technician - McEniry

Facilities Operations Michael Crawford, FM Tech Mechanical Trades - Center City Christopher Desmet, High Voltage Distribution Specialist Derrick Massey, FM Tech Mechanical Trades - Zone 4 APPLAUSE CARD RECIPIENTS

Individual Johnnie Doyle, Building Environmental Services - Grigg Gary Edwards, Facilities Operations - Grounds

Teams Atkins Library Temperature Resolution Jason Brissenden, Dean Burris, and Joe Loder BES EPIC Team Althea Cook, Susan Clapton, Judy Davie, Jonathan Delano, Reginald Dempsey, Carl Sampson, Cierra Stover, Maria Velasco and Patricia White BES Duke Centennial Hall Team Johnnie Doyle, Mary Smith, Chantel Kiyedi and Tiwana Faison BES McEniry OS1 Boot Camp Certification Jessica Vera, Regina Goodridge, Carlota Mieles, Iris Davis and Hnin Phyu

CHHS Hillside / Star Quad Waterfall Feature Bart Davis, Gary Edwards, Randy Walter, Mark Blackwelder, Steve Plott, Sean Tracy, Charlie Austin, Cameron Gentle, Julio Brandon, Herminio Chirino and Dave Rogers Facilities Business Office Sonia Perez, Monique Davis and Jennah Bennett Niner House Renovation Clean Up Sherby Price, Walter Alexander, Marijan Pavlovic and Elizabeth Sims

To view awards photos and read detailed descriptions of nominations, visit: ht t p: / / f aci l i t i es. uncc. edu/ a b o u t - u s / a w a rd s - p ro g ra m/ p a s t - a w a rd - re c i p i e n t s


Issue 58 | Facilities Focus



Safety Recognition The following teams earned “Safe Team of the Quarter” having NO accidents April - June 2016 (Statistical information provided by UNC Charlotte Safety Office)

Building Environmental Services (BES) and Recycling Center City, CHHS, Colvard, EPIC, Grigg, Library, McEniry, North Floor Crew, Recycling, South Floor Crew, Woodward Facilities Operations Controls, Fire Systems, Grounds - Central, Grounds - Playing Fields, High Voltage, Lock Shop, Renovations, Steam Plant, Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 5, Zone 6, Zone 7

Pictured first row left to right are: Robert Bonds (Recycling), Darlene Johnson (CHHS), Sam Coleman (McEniry), Sara Brooks (Woodward), Jonathan Delano (EPIC), Johnnie Doyle (Grigg), and Aaron Moore (Center City) Pictured middle row left to right are: Danny Fisher (Renovations), Brian Perry (Zone 3), Sammy Moore (Zone 4), Nick Gray (Zone 5), Bob Fitzgerald (Zone 6), and Josh Hyatt (Zone 7)

Third Shift Staff Pictured left to right are Mario Moore (BES North Floor Crew) and Closel Macena (BES South Floor Crew)

Pictured top row left to right are: Don Teate (Controls), Dale Kroeze (Grounds-Playing Fields), Rob Herrington (Lock Shop), Willie Clark (Fire Systems), Randy Hudson (Steam Plant), and Chris Desmet (High Voltage)



y time earned Compensator rly Staff for the quarte ogram must be Recognition Pr t. days of receip used within 90 it, e us If you do not you will lose it!

Zone 7 was presented with the

5 Year Safe Team Award.

Pictured left to right are: Randy Baucom, Brent Offenberger, Josh Hyatt, Bruce Kerschner, Karen Richardson, and Charlie Kraus

Zone 7 is on their sixth consecutive year of having no accidents. Zone 2 is the only other shop to receive this recogniztion.

BEVERLY STARCHER Building Environmental Services

2016 Safety Slogan Contest Winner! 6

Facilities Focus | Issue 58



Fiscal Year 2016 Directors Coin Recipients

Congratulations to this year’s receipients of the prestigious Directors Coin! Facilities Management’s associate vice chancellor and directors present this coin to Facilities Management employees that embrace the S.H.A.R.E. values of Facilities Management. This coin may also be given to external service providers, sponsors, supporters, etc. that exemplify Facilities Management values. Capital Projects Rick Ellis Building Environmental Services and Recycling Lila Bonila Vanessa Dodd Katherine Humphries Ronda Latham Steve McMiller Marcos Torres Yan Yim Facilities Business Office Jennah Bennett Sherry Ceallaigh Monique Davis Noella Paquette Sonia Perez


Facilities Information Systems Ashish Panday Facilities Planning Bonne’ Czochara Chris Gilbert Laurie Manderino


External to Facilities Management Claire Apaliski Dr. Eric Delmelle Betty Doster Thomas Rogers

Jacob Atkinson Retires By Christy Langdon, Facilities Operations


t is with regret but warm wishes that Facilities Operations announces the retirement this past quarter of Jacob Atkinson. Jacob worked in our Lock Shop for 18 years, and he decided that the time had come to retire. Jacob is definitely leaving a mark within our department and specifically the Lock Shop. Jacob helped the Lock Shop exceed in several areas. He was a receipient of numerous team awards over the years: August 2002 – Team of the Quarter October 2004 – Team Customer Service Award January 2005 – Award for Excellence (Team) October 2006 – Award for Excellence (Team) One customer stated, “But no matter what, we were treated with a smile (yes, we can even hear you smiling over the phone) and faster than prompt service.” Jacob Atkinson began on May 14, 1998 and served as a Locksmith. He contributed 18 years of service to our department, and his achievements will not be forgotten. Known for his phrase “Another Day in Paradise,” please join Facilities Operations in wishing him the best days in paradise as he moves on to the next steps of his journey. He will be sorely missed and impossible to replace.


Issue 58 | Facilities Focus


FACILITIES MANAGEMENT | Fiscal Year 2016 Highlights

We Have a Lot to Celebrate!


e had many successes this past fiscal year. We prove that we lead by example with the partial list of achievements the directors submitted below. Thank you for your contributions, dedication, and hard work. Without you all, Facilities Management could not have accomplished these amazing feats. - Philip M. Jones

Building Environmental Services and Recycling • •

• •

• •

(OS1) Rookie of the Year Award. Filled key positions: BES South Area Manager Position (Larry Blomberg) and Recycling Waste Contract Administration (Amelia Fisher). Created and filled BES&R Assistant Program Development and Education Coordinator Position (Ronald Kelly). NCAPPA presentation on Organizational Change. In cooperation with Grounds, Recycling continued an ongoing effort to switch out exterior recycling bins to match the campus standard. Special waste handling structure has been constructed to alleviate improper waste disposal issues in the Facilities Management (FM) compound. Recycling has been standardizing interior bins and working with other units to insure all waste/recycling stations have receptacles for each waste stream grouped together. Recycling collaborated wtih Jules KeithLe, Human Resources Learning and Organizational Development Specialist, on staff development ideas for fully engaging front line staff in recycling initiatives and education. Conducted four (OS1) Boot Camps. Workloaded McEniry Building (90% complete) on our own for conversion to team cleaning.

Design Services •

Facilities Planning • •

Capital Projects •


All project manager positions are filled. Hired an electrical engineer within the facilities engineering group. Delivered two residence hall projects in time for students’ arrival and one other followed shortly after move-in. Organized project management reporting to complement Facilities Planning’s 5-Year Capital program. Dorothy Vick received UNC Charlotte’s Employee of the Year Award.

Completed a significantly large number of end of year projects that were provided to Design Services unusually late during the end of the fiscal year. All such projects were completed before end of fiscal year close. Successfully hired a new Office Manager (OM) with the personality and strong capabilities for team collaboration. The new OM is flexible and adjusts to the needs of the team. The Design Services Team responded to several new processes and formats in a highly professional manner: a) Significant changes and needs to InterScope Plus; b) Multiple changes to requirements from Materials Management (MM) including significant changes to existing forms, new requirements affecting all contractors and vendors, greater scrutiny by MM on purchase requisitions and other documents; c) Significant and time consuming review by Internal Audit.

• •

Implementation of a collaborative 5-Year planning process. Refinement of the Campus Renewal Deferred Maintenance (CRDM) website and the Customer View. Coordination and collaboration with other units: Light Rail, Core Campus Landscape Master Plans, Belk Tower, Friday Building, Belk Pool, Solar house removal, Attic Storage plan, FCAP, etc. In-house planning of multiple projects and efforts: Facilities Operations and Parking, Admissions, Data Center, etc. Support to Space Management and Real Estate. Sustainability Improvements - grants, scope, expanding budget, Princeton Review, etc.

Facilities Focus | Issue 58

Facilities Business Office Finance • Successful year-end closeout. • More than 97% of major general fund balances were expended; Improved by 3% from fiscal year 2015. • All Receipts supported fund balances ended in the black. Labor Services ended with $86K positive balance. • Improved budget process for FM to include new methodology for training allocations. • Met all deadlines for funding requests for Business Affairs - One Time and Central Funds. • Expanding budget sessions with unit supervisors, as requested. Human Resources • Enhanced recordkeeping (licenses, targeted selection, etc.) resulting in better documentation and reporting. • FM-HR representative serving on FM Search Committees. • FM-HR representative certified as Defensive Driving Instructor. • Implemented an Incident Reporting Routing Sheet (Checklist). Communications • Hired new Communications Officer. • Customer Satisfaction Survey administered spring 2016.

Real Estate •

• •

Comment from the State Property Office,“...UNC Charlotte is setting the standard...(regarding market rents, lease terms, easement provisions, etc.) Building relationships with UNC General Administration and the State Property Office. Better team work with UNC Charlotte’s Office of Legal Affairs. Timely coordination with the City’s legal counsel on the Light Rail Pedestrian Bridge Easement.


Fiscal Year 2016 Highlights | FACILITIES MANAGEMENT

Seated left to right are: Richard LaLiberte’, Real Estate Manager; Kathryn Horne, Director of Space Management; Philip Jones, Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management; Melanie Witherspoon, Director of Facilities Business Office; and Lee Snodgrass, Director of Facilities Operations. Standing left to right are: Brian Guns, Director of Building Environemental Services and Recycling; Fred Brillante, Director of Facilities Information Systems; Beverly Imes, Executive Assistant to the Associate Vice Chancellor; Mac Fake, Director of Design Services; Chris Gilbert, Director of Facilities Planning; and John Fessler, Director of Capital Projects.

Facilities Information Systems

Facilities Operations

Space Management

• •

• • • •

Revamped our mobile development process to use ARCHIBUS mobile rather than SAP. Took the lead for Open Options in order to improve support, streamline processes and reduce issues. Managed and supported the Campus maps. Built process for putting space data into the GIS system for better analysis and visualizations. Advanced BAS system with N4 Training and project work. Implemented and deployed GFMS key management software. Supported and re-architected the space management and the audit. Provided GIS infrastructure support and deployed mobile devices for viewing data in the field.

• • • •

• • • •


Completed power washing for all nonreimbursible buildings on campus (saving more than $250K by utilizing inhouse staff). Developed and implemented new Facilities Operations orientation process. Installed electronic key cabinets campus wide; improved key control. Improved work efficiency of shops and zones by eliminating afternoon break. Collaborated with Classroom Support and BES to develop classroom inspection and grading program. Hired key positions: Program Development and Education Coordinator and Preventive Maintenance Supervisor. Paul Taylor and Lee Beard received UNC Charlotte’s Employee of the Year Award. Successful and timely vehicle replacement. Automotive Awards (Environmental Leadership and Best Fleet nomination). Completed year-end roadway repairs.

• • • • • •

Completed audit of space on campus and updated ARCHIBUS facility data base Worked with FIS to refine the process for auditing space. Worked with Academic Affairs to build consensus on reporting space use. Reviewed University Policy 601.4 and recommended revisions. Initiated Science Space Utilization Study (complete in August 2016). Completed the Botanical Garden Welcome Center and Greenhouses study. Provided input regarding space guidelines and space use for Capital Projects: - Counseling Center - Admissions Center - Health and Wellness Center

Issue 58 | Facilities Focus



A Different Catch: On-the-job training attributed to rescue By NiCole Lynch, Facilities Business Office


acilities Management’s Brent Offenberger hoped for an uneventful vacation fishing trip in Newport News, Virginia, on the James River. The outing, which included his teenage son, and father-in-law, appeared to be going as planned - until the unimaginable happened. With virtually no warning, a U.S. Navy MH-60S helicopter crashed into the river during a routine training mission. Although it was not uncommon for Offenberger to see air training exercises around the Chesapeake Bay area, he said they witnessed a scenario that seemed scripted for an action-packed movie. “Initially, they circled around us three times” Offenberger said. With a 500-feet away view, he knew something was about to happen when the helicopter began to descend. “They hovered about 20-feet off of the water, the top blade of the propeller pulled the water up in the air like a fountain, and the mist, because of the wind, blew over on us.” Within seconds of the crash, the Good Samaritans took action. As their boat approached the scene there was no sign of the crew. One of Offenberger’s immediate thoughts was he would have to jump into the river, but suddenly, three crew members who were aboard the helicopter emerged.

Brent Offenberger

“They hovered about 20-feet off of the water, the top blade of the propeller pulled the water up in the air like a fountain...” Offenberger, a licensed master plumber in Facilities Zone 7, instantly inquired about “how many souls were aboard” the chopper and confirmed none of the crew were injured. He, then, with the help of his son and father-in-law, assisted the crewmen aboard the fishing boat. A veteran UNC Charlotte employee, Offenberger attributed his preparedness to onthe-job first aid training he participated in a few years ago. Currently a student pilot, he said he knew to inquire “how many souls” were aboard based upon his lessons and time flying.

“From the aviation perspective I don’t have a fear up there, but now I see how quick something could happen,” he said. In appreciation of the heroic act, one of the three rescued tore off a patch from his flight suit. Offenberger says the family plans to keep it in a shadow box with news clippings about the incident. Offenberger will complete training for his private pilot license in September.

Patch from the flight suit given to Offenberger


Facilities Focus | Issue 58



5-Year Coordination and Planning Effort By Chris Gilbert, Facilities Planning

God dwells in the details.”

- Mies van der Rohe, Architect

Whether it is the above quote or the derivative, “The Devil is in the details,” both mean essentially the same thing. Success or failure, the good or bad of a project or a set of projects, depends on carefully considering the details. Over the next five years, UNC Charlotte will experience an unprecedented construction effort; over 40 Capital projects, road and utility improvements, core campus building renovations, and major new construction efforts. Not only does each individual project require attention to detail, but given the complexity across the entirety of the plan, the coordination of collective details is vital in order to prevent major disruptions to normal university operations, including Facilities Management’s work to maintain, operate, and conduct informal projects on campus. Facilities Management (FM) units have come together to strategically plan this effort based on our experience with multiple projects on South Village and the recent work coordinating the CATS Light Rail project. Working through the details will minimize impacts and ensure a common knowledge of issues and concerns. A “5-Year Plan” Coordination Committee, including other campus constituents such as Parking and Transportation Services (PaTS), will

convene regularly to ensure proper communication and a shared approach to decision making. Unlike the South Village projects, however, the bulk of the 5-Year Plan occurs in the core of campus rather than on the periphery and several projects are interdependent. Construction of the Science Building, for example, will occur on the existing Facilities Operations and PaTS site; meaning that new facilities will have to be designed and completed for Science to start construction on time.

work will be concurrent, consideration of construction traffic routes and lay down areas considering normal campus circulation is also important. Working through the 5-Year Plan will be a continuous, changing effort engaging all FM units and campus constituents. As we continue to work through the details, more information will be shared with the campus community in order to ensure the mission of the campus continues unabated. These projects will improve campus facilities and UNC Charlotte’s ability to fulfill its mission as enrollment continues to grow.

Further, several renovations will necessitate office and instructional space moves to and from temporary swing space. As much of the

Facilities Planning pictured left to right are: Nick Patel, Space Planner; Bonne’ Czochara, Administrative Assistant; Chris Gilbert, Director of Facilities Planning; Laurie Manderino, Planning Coordinator; Tyler Sytsma, Sustainability Coordinator; and Mike Lizotte, University Sustainability Officer.


Issue 58 | Facilities Focus


FACILITIES MANAGEMENT | Building Environmental Services and Recycling

Focused on Continuous Improvement By Solomon T. Franklin, Building Environmental Services

“Paul and Darlene are invaluable assets as we kick off the Classroom Conditions Assessment Program (CCAP). Their willingness to go the extra mile when reporting classroom issues is truly amazing and is key to making CCAP a success. More internal reporting will ultimately result in fewer faculty having to report classroom issues, insure issues are addressed in a timely manner, and reduce future classroom deterioration.”

BES Advisory Board and Katherine Britt


he BES Advisory Board is a group of lead technicians within the unit focused on planning and executing continuous improvement initiatives. Since spring of this year, BES Lead Techs, Darlene Johnson and Paul Dilgard, have worked with Katherine Britt, Classroom Coordinator, to report classroom conditions for buildings in the CHHS Zone. Darlene and Paul utilized customized touch panels in selected classrooms to report conditions of the floors, walls, ceilings, and furniture and to conduct a chair count every week. The data collected is used to assess current classroom conditions and to create work orders that address those issues. This project will expand to include classrooms throughout UNC Charlotte’s campus. Katherine has worked closely with the BES team to conduct presentations to every zone on the scope of the project. She has also presented at BES Advisory Board meetings to ensure successful execution. Katherine and the BES Technicians are diligently working to create a campus of distinction at UNC Charlotte.

Katherine Britt, Office of Classroom Support Please congratulate Darlene and Paul on a job well done thus far. Darlene Johnson

Paul Dilgard

Darlene’s email is: djohn242@uncc.edu Paul’s email is: p.m.dilgard@uncc.edu

Welcome New Leadership



Larry Blomberg

arry Blomberg was recently selected as the new BES South Area Manager. In this role Larry will supervise four BES Zones (McEniry, Colvard, Library and the Kennedy). He previously served as the Kennedy Zone supervisor. He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the organization in his new role as a manager. Larry’s new office is located in the BES&R Modular, room 108. You can contact him at (704) 687-0602 or by email at lblomber@uncc.edu. Please take time to congratulate Larry!

Ron Kelly

on Kelly was recently selected as the new Program Development and Education Coordinator (PDEC) Assistant. In this role Ron will assist with converting buildings to a team cleaning model as well as executing educational initiatives within the BES & Recycling unit. He previously served as a BES Tech, Floor Tech, and Lead Tech. Ron’s new office is located in the BES&R Modular, room 115. You can contact him at (704) 687-8436 or by email at: rkelly39@uncc.edu. Please take time to congratulate Ron!

Revere The Beard Part 2: Rewarding His Dedication James Brown


fter nearly 30 years of dedicated service, Mr. James Brown (J.B.) has retired from UNC Charlotte. J.B. began working at UNC Charlotte on September 25, 1988. During his tenure, he served as a floor technician on the BES Floor Crew. On July 7, 2016 BES & Recycling Director, Brian Guns, presented J.B. with a Director’s Coin (shown in the left image) to reward and honor his consistency and dedication to service on the job. The Director’s Coin is given to employees exhibiting actions that demonstrate our S.H.A.R.E. values. J.B. has proven to be such an employee.


Facilities Focus | Issue 58


Building Environmental Services and Recycling | FACILITIES MANAGEMENT

Fluorescent Bulb Disposal By Shannon Caveny-Cox, Recycling


ffective August 1, 2016, the process for disposing of fluorescent lamps changed. WHAT CHANGED? 1. Bulbs are now brought to Recycling’s Universal Waste Storage Building, located right outside the Recycling and Grounds modular units on the way back to the Compound. 2. You must contact Recycling to schedule a drop-off. The building stays locked, and it is not acceptable for lamps to be left outside the facility. In general, we are here from 7:00 am – 4:30 pm, but please give us some notice to accommodate meetings and other work that takes us out of our offices. CONTACT: • Shannon Caveny-Cox, Recycling Coordinator sccaveny@uncc.edu; 704-687-0604 • Kelly Freshcorn:, Recycling Office Manager kafreshc@uncc.edu; 704-687-0607 • Amelia Fisher, C&D Coordinator afishe52@uncc.edu; 704-687-0605

WHAT STAYS THE SAME? 1. Lamps still need to be boxed and taped shut to protect them from breakage. We have a limited number of 4’ boxes if you need them. DO NOT TAPE LAMPS TOGETHER. 2. The department that is removing the lamps is still responsible for delivering them to the storage facility. 3. Contractors remain responsible for proper disposal of lamps and other materials from contracted projects. We can only accept lamps from UNC Charlotte departments. MORE IMPORTANT INFO: 1. Do not tape lamps together. This will increase the disposal cost. 2. Broken lamps should be kept in a separate box. Please do not mix broken lamps with whole lamps. 3. All lighting projects should include the cost of properly boxing used fluorescent lamps. If the project is replacing lamps with the same style, then those boxes can be used.

If the project is up-fitting a building/area with a different type of lamp (i.e. LED), then you need to include the cost of boxes in the project cost. Fluorescent lamps do not fit properly in LED lamp boxes. WHY ARE WE CHANGING? We began crushing bulbs due to a lack of storage space. The bulb crusher helped with the need for storage space, but it was timeconsuming, and the crushing process created a hazardous waste that significantly increased the cost of disposal. Now that we have a designated space for storing lamps, we can recycle them whole, which makes the process simpler, safer, and much less expensive. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Recycling. Thanks for your help!

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram, as UNCC Recycles, and Twitter @unccrecycles.


Issue 58 | Facilities Focus



What's New in Capital Projects? By Dorothy Vick, Capital Projects


apital Projects would like to welcome two new members to the Capital team; David Daignault (Facilities Electrical Engineer) and Ms. Lisa Lanier (Project Manager).

David Daignalt

Have you been enjoying this summer? The Capital folks are! Cliff Jumping

David is coming from the Design Services team where he served as the Facilities Electrical Engineer for informal projects since January 2012. Prior to that, David spent 18 years in the public sector doing electrical designs for healthcare and higher education customers.

Roman Holiday

Before that he spent about seven years working in landscaping. Although he is not a true Charlottean, David has resided in Charlotte since 1974 and his father taught chemistry at UNC Charlotte for 15 years before retiring in 2000. David has two sons and is an avid Carolina Panthers fan. He graduated from UNC Charlotte and is an alumni of both UNC Charlotte and NC State. Talk to him if you want more on this!


David’s office is room 241 in the Facilities Management/ Police and Public Safety Building. You may call him at 704687-0532.

Lisa Lanier has been with the University since November 2014 serving as the Architectural and Interior Designer for Design Services.


Chillin’ near Robinson Hall


Taking in the Sunset

She is from Kingston, NC and is a graduate of UNC Charlotte. Lisa Lanier Lisa has worked for architectural firms in Wilson, New Bern, and Greenville NC. She even had her own small business while living in Montana. Lisa, who does not miss those Montana winters, is engaged to an old high school friend, Mark, also a UNC Charlotte grad and Johnny Depp’s (Captain Jack Sparrow) look-a-like. Down ladies! Together they have an adorable black Scottish terrier named Bonnie! Lisa’s office is room 201 in the Facilities Management/Police and Public Safety Building. You may call her at 704-687-0535.



Facilities Focus | Issue 58



Levine Hall

Construction continues on Residence Hall Phase 14 (Levine Hall). You can’t miss it as it tends to dominate the front entrance of campus. The hall will house the Levine Scholars Program and is scheduled for completion early November 2016.

Renovations to the Elm, Maple and Pine Residence Halls are now underway, which will replace the roof and windows, and bring these Halls to current code requirements as was done for Oak Hall. Pictured left is a rendering of what the finished project will look like. Completion is scheduled for midJuly 2017. Parking Lot 11A (adjacent the Student Health Center) is currently closed as the lot is being reconfigured to replace the 30 parking spaces that will be eliminated with the new Student Counseling Center (construction to begin shortly) plus add 20 additional spaces. Construction should be done by mid-August.

Holshouser Hall wins CPN Star Award By NiCole Lynch, Facilities Business Office


he renovation project for Holshouser Residence Hall, which reopened in 2015, received a 2016 Star Award for projects between $10 million and $25 million from the Construction Professionals Network (CPN) of North Carolina. The honor recognizes and promotes professionalism and excellence in “star quality” projects. Built in 1973, Holshouser now offers traditional-style doubles featuring two private bathrooms for every three rooms, and suites with two double-occupancy bedrooms, a living room and bathroom. The approximately 100,138-square-foot reconfigured tower is located in South Village. While there are many innovative qualities to the renovated Holshouser Residence Hall, enlargement of the ground and first floor student common spaces, a new monumental stair connector between the floors, and a new


exterior student plaza with views of the patio and courtyard are some of the most significant. The new student common locations have large windows, which provide an abundance of natural light. “This project transformed the residence hall into a vibrant place where students want to live,” said Phil Jones, Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management. “The exterior changes to the building have also transformed the entire South Village sector of campus.” Jones, in collaboration with Housing and Residence Life, worked with Jeanine Bachtel, Associate Director of Capital Projects; and a team of CPN members including Clark Nexsen, Balfour Beatty Construction, SKA Engineers, and S&ME, Inc. to complete the project. “It was with the outstanding efforts of the entire project team that helped deliver the successful completion of an exceptional renovation project,” Bachtel said.

The completion of Holshouser Hall is the first of four high-rise residence halls to be renovated in South Village as a part of a multiyear project expected to conclude in 2022.

Issue 58 | Facilities Focus


FACILITIES MANAGEMENT | Facilities Business Office

Learning and Development By Clyde Derberry, Facilities Business Office


e had several training events during the previous quarter focusing on safety, leadership, and professional development. Continuous improvement is one of Facilities Management’s key business drivers and the underlying theme of the investment in our employees. Also, for added value, training events are scheduled onsite when possible to maximize Facilities Management’s learning and development initiative. Here is a summary of training events during the fourth quarter. • • •

Supervisor’s Toolkit

InterScope training delivered onsite for Capital Projects and Facilities Planning staff members. SRAPPA Supervisors Toolkit – Facilities Management (FM) hosted this workshop for the second time in June at our Center City campus. With more than 40 in attendance from several schools and universities, FM was able to send 25 employees to this popular training event. Safety Compliance for Electric Utilities - a two-day workshop for High Voltage technicians and zone electricians.

Supervisor Safety Talks

Each month we continue to enhance our number one value – safety, via Supervisor Safety Talks (SST). Last quarter’s topics were: May - How to Avoid Electrical Accidents June - Foot Protection July - Working in the Heat The SST topic for August is “Eye Protection.” This session will teach employees to: Understand which hazards require eye protection; and How to select, use, and maintain eye protection correctly.

Safe Teams of the Quarter

The fourth quarter safety results in FM are quite impressive. All, but three, units reported zero accidents for the quarter. A list of teams can be found on page six. Congratulations to those teams for their efforts to maintain a safe work place environment in Facilities Management. Great job!

Representing the Safe Teams of the Quarter

FM Safety Fair

The Sixth Annual FM Safety Fair was a huge success. The new location, Hauser Alumni Pavilion, perfectly accommodated the over 280 in attendees and 20 safety product vendors. A big thanks to Grainger for continuously sponsoring this event.

FM Safety Slogan Contest

The Annual Safety Slogan Contest, now in its eighth year, had 269 entries submitted which really tasked the FM directors in their efforts to select the winning slogan. The winning entry for fiscal year 2017, “Safety Is Our Norm,” was submitted by Beverly Starcher in BES. Congratulations Beverly! She won the “summer prize package” donated by Grainger.

Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) training sessions - Aerial lift training and recertification (Forklift & aerial lifts) - Bloodborne Pathogens - Radiation Awareness - Asbestos Awareness

Safety Fair

Please complete an Employee Training Record and submit it to Clyde Derberry, FM-HR Learning and Development Coordinator, following each training session. To obtain detailed information about training opportunities and to download related forms, visit the Facilities Business Office website at http://facilities.uncc.edu/our-services/business-related-services/facilities-business-office or contact Clyde via email at Clyde.Derberry@uncc.edu or by phone at 704-687-0544.


Facilities Focus | Issue 58


Facilities Information Systems | FACILITIES MANAGEMENT

New Computer Installations Begin for Facilities Management By Pamela Duff, Facilities Information Systems


n Tuesday, July 19, 2016, the installation and setup of new DELL OptiPlex 7040 computers began in Facilities Management. This year Business Affairs and Technical Operations and Planning were able to allocate funding to replace 120 of our oldest computers. As part of the Dell warranty, our contracted Dell Installers, Alphanumeric, will be completing our installs this year. The Alphanumeric team of Johnny McCree and Arjan Tempelaar will be working with us through August until all 120 replacements are completed.

Johnny McCree installs a new computer for Chris Facente, Automotive Supervisor

Arjan Tempelaar installs a new computer for Sara Nester, Automotive Administrative Assistant

All computers are being installed with the newest operating system, Windows 10. The Windows 10 operating system will provide users a slightly different desktop environment experience than the use of Windows 7. Therefore, all Facilities Management personnel are encouraged to take advantage of the training options available to assist them in learning the new Windows 10 environment.

Pictured above are Facilities Management employees in the August 5 session facilitated by Cortni Schenker. Additional Introduction to Windows 10 training sessions will be offered by ITS training in September. This introduction provides users information on the differences they will experience in using Windows 10 versus Windows 7. Registration for the class is available through ITS training’s calendar (http://itservices.uncc.edu/calendar). More in-depth training options are also available within Skillport (skillport.uncc.edu).

DELL OptiPlex 7040 computer


Meanwhile, if anyone needs assistance or has questions about the Windows 10 computer replacements or training opportunities, please contact Facilities Information Systems at 704687-0552.

Issue 58 | Facilities Focus


FACILITIES MANAGEMENT | Facilities Operations

Hillside Landscape Renovation and Waterfall Feature By Christy Langdon and Shawn Kelly, Facilities Operations

Hillside - Before

Student Enjoying the Beautiful Surroundings


hancellor Dubois tasked our Grounds crew with a very important job this year. The areas between the Library Quad and the back side of College of Health and Human Services (CHHS) were in need of a good landscape make-over. Grounds Superintendent, Joey Cochran, was asked to see what his talented grounds crew could do to repair and update the area. Joey then met with his grounds staff and outlined a plan of attack to encompass the entire area. There was discussion regarding the addition of a lot of decorative rocks in order to create a more natural setting. The crew proposed adding a dry rock swale to resemble a stream bed (since the contours worked well for this application). Bart Davis, Grounds Greenhouse and Landscape Specialist, had a great idea of adding a recirculating system to create a setting that has running water. Once these ideas were proposed to Phil Jones, he gave his approval for the needed funding to make this happen.


The project started with removing a lot of overgrown vegetation in many areas, especially on the hillside, east of the CHHS sidewalk. After removing several dead and dying trees and much unwanted underbrush, a ‘hidden canvas’ was uncovered they could work with. Channel drains were installed into sidewalk sections to begin the process of slowing and capturing the large amounts of storm water flowing through the area.

were added next to the east hillside to help combat erosion and water movement while improving the appearance of the hill.

Next, retaining wall sections were added to the area just below the “Star Plaza” on the Library Quad to add stability to the hillside, reduce erosion, and create opportunities to plant more attractive landscape beds. The remaining areas were re-graded and contoured to create proper swales necessary to handle the additional water on site. Additional piping and several drainage basins were added to capture and remove unwanted water from the hillside. The setting of large boulders and the construction of grass swales

It was completed just in time for Spring Commencement for visitors as well as faculty, staff, and students to enjoy.

Facilities Focus | Issue 58

The waterfall turned out to be a great final touch to the project, which was very time consuming as it had many complex components. The entire project took roughly eighteen months of careful planning and hard work.

There were several team members from the grounds unit involved in making this project a reality. Without their talents and team efforts the CHHS hillside would not be the attractive and appealing space you can visit today. This project was a great team effort!


Facilities Operations | FACILITIES MANAGEMENT

Automotive Named among Top Fleets By NiCole Lynch, Facilities Business Office

Pictured left to right are Joey Cochran, Grounds Superintendent; J. Vince McNeil, Vehicle Equipment Repair Technician; Kathy Fisher, Motor Fleet Administrator; Robert J. (Bobby) Robinson, Vehicle Equipment Repair Technician; L. Jerome Crawford, Detail Technician; Chris Facente, Automotive Supervisor; Landon Martin, Mechanic; and Sara Nester, Administrative Assistant.


hen it comes to being recognized for excellence in the fleet industry, it is worthy to mention that UNC Charlotte is notably among the best. Facilities Management Automotive received honorable mention as one of the top fleets in the Americas by 100 Best Fleets in the Americas. The organization, founded by Tom Johnson, is part of the 100 Best Fleets Program. He noted, “To me, you are unsung heroes … Your efforts are having an immediate and impressive effect on the economy. To put it in perspective, there are over 38,000 public fleets in North America alone and thousands more in South America.”

The automotive team’s standards are a result of a knowledgeable and efficient team in collaboration with an unwavering level of support from management.

The award was formally presented during this year’s Institute & Expo, an annual event presented by NAFA Fleet Management Association.

“Without a great level of managerial support, learning opportunities, and resources, these types of recognition wouldn’t be possible,” said Joey Cochran, Grounds and Automotive Superintendent.

Johnson developed the program to recognize and award “peak-performing” fleet operations and increasing levels of performance improvements in the industry. Automotive Supervisor, Chris Facente, credited the Automotive team for the “standout” recognition. “This is our first time applying for the award and to receive honorable mention acknowledges the work our team does daily to provide quality fleet operations.”


Issue 58 | Facilities Focus


FACILITIES MANAGEMENT | Did You Know? The Facilities Management Department uses a variety of acronyms to communicate standards, best practices, and other information among its employees and to customers. To view the Facilities Acronyms Listing go to the Mission, Vision, and More section in the About Us menu on facilities.uncc.edu.

The Facilities Management (FM) Spring Fellowship, with a few new changes this year, was an overall success. FM employees gathered for a time of togetherness and engagement. This year it was celebrated at the new Hauser Alumni Pavilion, which offered cool shade and room for all to enjoy. Laughter was all around, as people had fun playing bingo, appreciated good food and company, and danced to the music played by the DJ. A great new addition to this year’s fellowship was kickball. Friendly competition was in the air, as many people came out to play in the morning. Another game played by many was horseshoes, which was a tournament style with a coveted prize. The winning duo was Mike Watt (Zone 5) and Dean Burris (Zone 6). All gathered around for the finale’ to see the three lucky gentlemen, Paul Taylor, Lee Snodgrass, and Brian Guns get a friendly pie to the face. The FM Fellowship couldn’t have been such a success without the help of the many employees who volunteered for the committee. Thank you to all that came out and made this year’s fellowship such a fantastic day. Amelia Fisher, Recycling

Mark Your Calendars August 18 - University Convocation 22 - First Day of Classes (Night) 23 - First Day of Classes (Daytime)

It’s time to begin planning our annual HOLIDAY PARTY!

September 5 - Labor Day Holiday October 4 - Campus Clean Up 5 - Transportation Fair 7 - Board of Trustees Meeting 25 - All Employees Meetings 28- Strategic Planning

To make the event a success we need a representative from each unit. Supervisors, please send Beverly Imes (brimes@uncc.edu) the name of your willing volunteer. One meeting is held each month until the event unless something requires an additional meeting.

Did You Know?... You can go to the Campus Special website: http://www.campusspecial.com/unc-charlotte/coupons for all types of discounts for UNC Charlotte faculty/staff. 20

Facilities Focus | Issue 58



H a ppy B i r thday A u gu s t - O c t o ber 2016


Issue 58 | Facilities Focus


The University of North Carolina at Charlotte Facilities Management 9201 University City Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28223-0001

We S.H.A.R.E. Facilities Management Values: Safety, Honesty and Integrity, Accountability, Respect for Others, Excellence 22

Facilities Focus | Issue 58


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