Facilities Focus, Issue 62

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Issue 62 | Facilities Focus


FACILITIES MANAGEMENT | From the desk of the Associate Vice Chancellor


e are embarking upon another academic year. Summer has flown by for me, as I am sure it has for you. The past year has been very successful for our organization. We have been fortunate to add strategic, new positions in the areas of fire alarms, building automation, space management, real estate, preventive maintenance, retro commissioning, cost accounting, Building Environmental Services learning and development, and critical facilities. What a blessing to welcome these new employees to our Team! Please make them feel at home. The organization gets stronger as we bring in these experienced and talented people.

Philip M. Jones

MISSION To provide a quality learning, research, and living environment for the benefit of students, faculty, staff, and the community by planning, building, operating, and maintaining the campus of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.

VISION A leader in Facilities Management distinguished by safety and excellence. A proficient, responsive, and adaptable ‘Team of teams’. Providing high quality services and facilities in an environmentally sustainable manner.


Another way our organization grows stronger is by assessing where we are in our connection with each other. From the latest work climate survey, I am happy to report 89% of respondents answered they are satisfied working in Facilities Management. Thanks to everyone who provided feedback on the survey and via the data collected at the all employees meetings. We, the leaders of Facilities Management, heard you. The top two areas where we can improve are communication between units and communication within units. Leaders on all levels within the department are in the process of developing an action plan to make sure we do better to keep each other abreast of what is going on, what processes are in place, where to find information, and other issues we identified. Our goal is for you to see a positive change in our communication efforts soon. I am proud of the work by Design Services teamed with Facilities Operations to complete more than 200 high-priority repair and renovation projects worth over $15 million this past fiscal year. We also had a banner financial closeout, led by our Facilities Business Office team. Through a super team effort across all units, the Labor Services account finished in positive numbers for the first time in three years.

2Website: Facilities Focus | Issue 62 facilities.uncc.edu

The campus continues to grow as construction swings into full force on the new Student Health and Wellness (Recreation) Center, expansion of Union Deck, and the new Facilities Operations/ Parking Services Complex. Later in the fall, we will see the start of the new Admissions and Visitors Center in South Village, the Belk Plaza Revitalization project, and the Charlotte Research Institute Entrance project. Everyone in the organization has really pulled together to make the Five-year Capital Construction Plan go smoothly. The Burson Renovation, Residence Dining Hall Repurposing, Elm/Maple/Pine Renovations, and new Student Counseling Center projects will all complete this fall. We learned some hard lessons regarding the difficult renovation projects, which I expect we will put to good use as we start the next round of projects. One of the most difficult tasks involves moving faculty and staff from the Academic Complex to swing space in Cedar and Hickory buildings. This has required teamwork and cooperation from everyone in Facilities Management. As classes start this fall, expect more students, an expanded bus service, more cars, more congestion, and more construction traffic. SAFETY FIRST – please slow down. Do not be in a hurry to get around campus. Remember to abide by our Service Vehicle Parking and Off Limits Areas standard operating procedure found at http://facilities.uncc.edu/. Keep vehicles off the sidewalks! It is indeed an exciting time to be at UNC Charlotte and in the thick of all this change. You are truly “Creating a Campus of Distinction” with your hard work and dedication!

Philip M. Jones Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management

Hechenbleikner Lake facilities.uncc.edu


In s i d e t h i s Is s u e 2-3

Cover Story - Eric Giles, Stan Gant, and Bobby Robinson exhibit Facilities Management’s Key Business Drivers


Team of the Quarter - Flood Recovery Team

Fall Issue | August 2017

Facilities Management, a department of Business Affairs

Do Things Better. Do Better Things. Do The Right Thing.

5 - 6 Staff Recognition New Employees Promotions Safe Teams of the Quarter


Learning and Development


Focus Feature - 2017 SRAPPA Annual Conference Directors Coin Recipients

8 - 9

Philip M. Jones Associate Vice Chancellor

Editor Beverly R. Imes Staff Solomon T. Franklin Ronda Latham Laurie Manderino Leigh Richardson Proofreaders Pamela Duff Pamela Hickman NiCole Lynch Jade Reed-Kreis Photographers Wade Bruton Clyde Derberry Pamela Duff Kelly Freshcorn Beverly R. Imes Sandy Mullins Thanks to all contributors!

We S.H.A.R.E. Facilities Management Values:

Fiscal Year 2017 Highlights Annual Spring Fellowship Highlights

10 - 11 Building Environmental Services and Recycling Focused on Process Orientation 12 Capital Projects Welcome New Staff - Josh Kallum and David Schlobohm Projects in Construction John Neilson reaches 20-year milestone 13

Construction Update


Facilities Faces Shawn Kelly, Design Services Austin McComas, Facilities Information Systems Don Gariepy, Facilities Operations


Facilities Operations Going Paperless UNC Charlotte hosts the PGMS Summer Conference


The Real Deal: Real Estate Super Team


Staff Council Representatives


Facilities Planning - Sustainability


Recycling News


Happenings Around Campus


Quarterly Birthday List 6


Safety, Honesty and Integrity, Accountability, Respect for Others, Excellence Facilities Focus is a communication tool for the benefit of all Facilities Management employees to develop a better informed workforce, to foster a greater sense of community, and to build morale. Your ideas are welcomed and appreciated for future issues.


Please look online for the newsletter at: http://facilities.uncc.edu/about-us/facilities-focus-news

Issue 62 | Facilities Focus



FM’s Key Business Teamwork - Customer Service - Continous Improvement

Stan Gant, Eric Giles, and Bobby Robinson earned honors at our recent all employees meeting by exhibiting FM’s key business drivers


acilities Management’s key business drivers are teamwork, customer service, and continuous improvement. This could not be more evident than through the winners announced during our recent all employees meetings.

Eric Giles receives the Employee of the Quarter plaque from Phil Jones, Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities


Eric Giles, electronics specialist in the Fire Systems group, was named Employee of the Quarter. He was nominated by his supervisor, Stan Gant, who stated, “Due to vacancies within the fire systems group, Eric was the lone fire alarm technician. He has handled a significant workload increase with professional ease and an extraordinarily positive attitude. He has worked independently to ensure our fire alarm systems remain in an excellent state of repair. He has voluntarily worked overtime without complaint and kept various design and capital projects on track. Overall, he has proven himself repeatedly to be consistently productive, courteous, and professional since his arrival last May.”

Facilities Focus | Issue 62

In response to winning this award, Eric stated, “It feels great to be acknowledged for good work.” He likes working with his fire systems team and working on a beautiful campus. His colleagues enjoy working with him. Jeffrey Briggs commented, “Working with Mr. Giles has been a pleasure. He keeps you laughing but is committed to getting the job done. We don’t work together everyday, but when we do I usually learn something new.” Stan Gant, Fire Control Systems Supervisor, was the winner of the annual Idea of the Year contest. Throughout the year ideas are submitted to the associate vice chancellor’s office. Ideas that are facilities.uncc.edu


Drivers in Action

Teamwork - Customer Service - Continous Improvement I can tell you that these should have always been being collected and recycled along with automotive batteries, and I think these kind of fell into that category of ‘we don’t know what to do with these because we don’t actually handle them’ until we got the Universal Waste building and our staff had a place to store them. Until then, I think all did what worked for their respective unit. So...more kudos for actually having a specific place to house them!!” Stan Gant with the Thinking Out of the Box Award

approved and implemented are eligible for voting at the end of the fiscal year by the directors within Facilities Management. Here is Stan’s submission, “We replace many sealed, lead acid batteries in fire alarm panels. I currently have either the Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) office collecting them through hazardous waste disposal efforts or the battery vendor retrieve them for recycling. I know that they can be recycled by recycling companies who will pay by the pound for these type of batteries, much like car batteries. Why not have our recycling unit collect these and reap a financial benefit? I had asked this question before, but there was a disconnect between EHS and Recycling on how to handle these batteries to be recycled.” During a follow-up conversation with Shannon Caveny-Cox, Recycling Coordinator, she stated, “There’s a State contract for recycling lead-in batteries, so it should be giving us some funding, but they pay State Surplus directly, and then State Surplus distributes the revenue back out, so I actually can’t tell you what the financial impact is. facilities.uncc.edu

Shannon continued by stating, “In the grand scheme of things, asking this question last year led to a discussion with EHS and the Automotive Shop about how lead-acid batteries were being handled and where they were going, because we (Recycling) were not involved in the process at all. As it turned out, nobody really knew what anybody else was doing. Stan’s idea led to a discussion and now there is a process. His idea has made things more efficient and better for the University’s liability, and we have a specific home for lead-acid batteries whenever other departments have a random battery. In short, what we had thought was happening was not really happening, but now it is... and that’s because Stan’s question made us all talk to each other. So, the financial aspect may not be impressive, but the intangibles of increasing operational efficiency, decreasing liability, and increasing communication and partnerships have made a big impact. Robert “Bobby” Robinson, lead automotive technician, is the winner of the ninth annual Safety Slogan contest. Out of 161 entries, his slogan, “Nothing is Finer than a Safe 49er” prompts us to be safe in our work environment. UNC Charlotte is the home of the 49ers. Whether we

Phil Jones presents Bobby Robinson, safety slogan contest winner, with the Makita jobsite bluetooth radio

are staff, students or faculty, we are all 49ers and we all want to be and feel safe. According to Facilities Management’s vision statement, we are “a leader in Facilities Management distinguished by safety and excellence.” Bobby has worked in Facilities Management since June 2000 and comes to UNC Charlotte everyday with the goal of providing customers with the best and most efficient service. Bobby stated, “We sometimes get in a hurry, which can lead to accidents, lost time, a drop in efficiency and poor customer service. We don’t want any of that. Let’s focus on safety, working as a team, and doing our best to improve.” Ladies and gentlemen, that sums it up! These are just three of more than 400 staff members in Facilities Management who intentionally come to work as a team, provide excellent customer service, and continuously improve personally and professionally to create a campus of distinction. Congratulations to Eric, Stan, and Bobby! By Beverly R. Imes Associate Vice Chancellor’s Office Issue 62 | Facilities Focus



Flood Recovery Team earns Team of the Quarter

C ongratuations to Harvey Ballard, Paul Dilgard, Johnnie Doyle, and Greg Towne (BES), our Team of the Quarter. On April 4, business was going along as usual until Virgie Fewel, Building Environmental Services Supervisor for Grigg Zone, received notification from Shannon CavenyCox, Recycling Coordinator, that the sprinkler system malfunctioned on the second floor of the Facilities Management/Police and Public Safety Building. In addition to the news about the malfunction, considerable flood damage was reported. At the time, the Facilities Management side was undergoing a renovation project – which, fortunately, meant most of the floor’s occupants were working in their temporary work environment in the Hickory Building.

Team of the Quarter Pictured here are Harvey Ballard and Johnnie Doyle Not pictured are Paul Dilgard and Greg Towne

Fewel immediately sprang into action to call Johnnie Doyle (Grigg Zone) to provide him with instructions to contact Harvey Ballard (Grigg Zone). Meanwhile, Paul Dilgard (CHHS Zone) also learned of the situation when a call came over the radio. Paul, then, contacted Greg Towne and proceeded over to the Facilities building to analyze the situation. With a first-hand assessment complete, the team utilized a wet-vac to extract the water from all offices and the hallway. Additionally, they took steps to ensure the sprinkler company was informed of the situation. Clearly, this was a bad situation; but thanks to the timely actions of this team, the situation was not any worse! By Ronda Latham Building Environmental Services

Team of the Quarter Pictured here are Paul Dilgard and Johnnie Doyle Not pictured are Harvey Ballard and Greg Towne

Staff Recognition ~ April - June 2017 APPLAUSE CARD RECIPIENTS

Jeff Michel with Phil Jones

Individuals Eric Giles, Fire Control Systems Michael Peddycord, Facilities Information Systems Jeff Michel, Fire Control Sytems Joyce Patterson, Building Environmental Services - Woodward

Teams Flood Recovery - Harvey Ballard, Paul Dilgard, Johnnie Doyle, and Greg Towne Woodward Hall Clean Up - Bloko Nguessan, Franjo Pauler, and Anthony Thomas


Facilities Focus | Issue 62

Anthony Thomas and Bloko Nguessan



New Employees and Promotions ~ April - June 2017 NEW EMPLOYEES

Building Environmental Services (BES) and Recycling Ronald Foreman, Building Environmental Technician, BES South, Night Shift Gregory Jones, Building Environmental Technician, Central Operations William Cavelli, Building Environmental Technician, Colvard Christian Gamble, Building Environmental Technician, Colvard Andrew Smith, Building Environmental Technician, Kennedy Paul Montgomery, Building Environmental Technician, Library Stanley Smith, Building Environmental Technician, Library Hope Davidson, Building Environmental Technician, Woodward Leonard Gordon, Building Environmental Technician, Woodward Sumia Mayfield, Building Environmental Technician, Woodward Rosemary Jenkins, Building Environmental Technician, McEniry Monica Mitchell, Building Environmental Technician, McEniry Donneesha Richardson, Building Environmental Technician, Grigg Timmie Woods, Recycling Technician, Recycling

Capital Projects


for the New Employee Be a dependable employee! This lets your supervisor know your job is important to you. Master your tasks and do more than is expected. Avoid “it’s not my job” thinking. Keep the lines of communication open. Inform your supervisor of how you’re progressing and ask for regular feedback on your performance. If any assignments are unclear, ask for clarification instead of proceeding in the wrong direction.

Joshua Kallam, Construction Engineer David Schlobohm, Water Quality Engineer

Enjoy the company of your coworkers. Get to know and be known by others in your work environment.

Facilities Business Office Charleata Neal, Human Resources Manager

Facilities Operations Joshua Parker, Preventive Maintenance Technician – Central Operations Ryan Reichert, Electronics Specialist – Fire Controls Jeremy Smithgall, Electronics Specialist – Fire Controls Kenneth Baucom, Building Environmental Supervisor, Playing Fields - Grounds David Kinder, Grounds Services Technician, Central Campus - Grounds Charles Stafford, FM Building Trades, Perimeter - Grounds Randall Philemon, FM Tech Building Trades – Lock Shop Jeffrey Efird, FM Building Trades - Renovations Timothy Smith, Retro-Commissioning Manager

Facilities Information Systems Robert Alexander, GIS Surveyor

Avoid “office politics.” Maintain confidentiality and avoid gossip. Ask for advice and help from others, and let them know they can depend on you. Learn the art of tact when working on a team, which includes being receptive to others’ input and knowing when to compromise. Be assertive, self-confident and visible. Think of the three “E’s” - enthusiasm, energy, and excellence.

Christy Langdon, Real Estate Specialist

Make use of the employee assistance programs offered at your workplace to help find your balance between the world of work and your personal and family life.

Space Management

Source: Experis

Real Estate

Michelle Embry, Facility Planner PROMOTIONS

Building Environmental Services (BES) and Recycling

Design Services

Calvin Hough, Center City Tony Menton, Center City Jessica Vera, Center City Connie Worley, Grigg Carla Howze, Kennedy Robert Cooke, Recycling Robert Marrero, Recycling

Shawn Kelly

Facilities Operations Derrick Massey, Center City Nelson Austin, Grounds Central Campus Anthony Gasparini, Grounds Central Campus William Crocker, Zone 4 Patrick Foley, Zone 4 To view awards photos and read detailed descriptions of nominations, visit: ht t p: / / f aci l i t i es. uncc. edu / a b o u t - u s / a w a rd s - p ro g ra m/ p a s t - a w a rd - re c i p i e n t s


Issue 62 | Facilities Focus



Safety Recognition The following teams earned “Safe Team of the Quarter” having NO accidents April - June 2017 (Statistical information provided by UNC Charlotte Safety Office)

Building Environmental Services and Recycling Center City, CHHS (College of Health and Human Services), Colvard, EPIC (Energy Production & Infrastructure Center), Kennedy, Library, McEniry, Recycling, and South Area Floor Crew Facilities Operations Automotive, FCAP, Fire Control Systems, Grounds – Central Campus, Grounds – Playing Fields, High Voltage, Lock Shop, Renovations, Steam Plant, Utilities, Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone 5, and Zone 7


Pictured above left to right are Phil Jones, Billy Poston (Steam Plant), and John Reid Castor (Steam Plant)

Compensatory time earned for the quarterly Staff Recognition Program must be used within 90 days of receipt. If you do not use it, you will lose it!

Learning and Development UNC Charlotte Facilities Management hosted its fourth APPA Supervisor’s Toolkit workshop August 7-11 at Center City Building. Twenty-five attendees from FM participated in the workshop. The “Toolkit” experience has proven to be a valuable investment in our employees which prepares future leaders to carry on the FM story.

APPA Supervisor’s Toolkit participants on the lawn at Center City Building

Safety Slogan Contest A big thank you to all who entered this year’s Safety Slogan contest. We received over 160 entries with the winner selected via three rounds of voting by Facilities Management’s directors. Congratulations to Robert Robinson, Automotive, on his winning submission, “Nothing is Finer than a Safe 49er”. Also, a major thank you to Grainger and Laurie McDermott for sponsoring our contest. This is the sixth year of sponsorship from Grainger of which without them this would not have been possible. This year’s contest prize is a Makita Job Site Bluetooth Radio.

Safety Training With most of July having 90+ temperature days, we provided Heat Awareness training for our Grounds group on July 26. Key information was shared with attendees on precautions to take when working in hot climates along with samples of the Quencher electrolyte replacement drink. Arc Flash Awareness training was held on July 27 for the Facilities Operations (FO) group. Two sessions were set to accommodate all FO members, which highlighted life saving techniques and procedures to safely work with electricity. By Clyde Derberry Facilities Business Office 6

Facilities Focus | Issue 62



Focus Feature ~ UNC Charlotte to host 2017 SRAPPA Annual Conference among the 11 states. Duke University hosted SRAPPA in 2006 and North Carolina State will host in 2028. The conference will convene on October 25-28 at the Charlotte Westin Hotel located at 601 South College Street, Charlotte, NC 28202. As the conference wiLL have nearly 500 participants attending, there will be opportunities to support and network with our business partners, gather relevant facilities information, and make new business contacts for their respective facilities.

T he University of North Carolina at Charlotte has the honor of hosting the 2017 Southeastern Region of the Association of Physical Plant Administrators (SRAPPA) 66th Annual Conference. SRAPPA consists of facilities management personnel in higher education who represent 11 states from Louisiana to West Virginia, as well as Puerto Rico, the U. S. Virgin Islands, and the Mexican states of Campeche, Chiapas, Oaxaca, Quintana Roo, Tabasco, and Yucatan. The Annual Conference rotates

We invite you to the 2017 SRAPPA Annual Conference hosted by the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. We are excited to bring all of our colleagues from public and private universities, community colleges, and K-12 together this year for a great opportunity to learn, network, share, and discover. Please visit http://www.srappa2017.com for information. General and breakout sessions, as well as the exhibit hall will all be located at the Charlotte Westin Hotel. Eight of the 36 breakout sessions will be led by staff from the UNC Charlotte. Former Navy Seal, Shannon Rusch, is the keynote speaker. The plenary speaker is Glen Ward, an inspirational speaker.

A golf tournament is scheduled on Wednesday October 25 at Olde Sycamore Golf Plantation. Those not participating in the golf tournament may enjoy taking part in the Stop Hunger Now Project held at the host hotel. Events for spouses of conference participants take place at The Billy Graham Library, NASCAR Hall of Fame, and the National Whitewater Center. There are numerous possibilities for business partner participation. Sponsorship levels range from Diamond to Bronze, which include exhibit hall booths with different levels of benefits and values. In addition, there are sponsorship opportunities for many of the conference events to include speakers, entertainment, meals, golf, and educational classrooms. If you know of a vendor who may be willing to help us, please contact a member of the committee so that we can reach out to them. Facilities Management employees interested in volunteering at the conference please obtain permission from your supervisor and then contact one of our committee members. They are Paul Taylor, Brian Guns, Clyde Derberry, Sandy Mullins, Brian Kugler, and NiCole Lynch. By David Smith Facilities Operations

Fiscal Year 2017 Directors Coin Recipients


ongratulations to this year’s receipients of the prestigious Directors Coin! Facilities Management’s associate vice chancellor and directors present this coin to Facilities Management employees that embrace the S.H.A.R.E. values of Facilities Management. This coin may also be given to external service providers, sponsors, supporters, etc. that exemplify Facilities Management values. Associate Vice Chancellor’s Office Beverly Imes Capital Projects Jennifer Price BES and Recycling Henry Bennett James Brown


Facilities Information Systems Sara Clayton Jon Coty Pamela Duff Facilities Operations Kathy Fisher External to Facilities Management Josh Park, ITS Matt Chase, Parking Services Issue 62 | Facilities Focus


FACILITIES MANAGEMENT | Fiscal Year 2017 Highlights

Let's Celebrate!

2016-2017 was a banner year. Due to excellent funding support from the Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs, Facilities Management was able to add critical human resources (new positions) in several strategic areas: space management, real estate, critical facilities systems, building automation, retro commissioning, water resources, cost accounting, preventive maintenance, and Center City Building operations.

Building Environmental Services and Recycling's Leadership Team

Building Environmental Services and Recycling •

Standardized campus universal waste handling to reduce university risk of OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) violations with a documented and streamlined process. This was a joint effort with Environmental Health and Safety Office and Facilities Operations. Reorganized to provide lead technicians on each recycling zone for better management. Moved BES keys to electronic key boxes across campus to provide a tracking system and a significant reduction in risk of lost keys. Five leaders graduated from the APPA Leadership Academy: Ronda Latham, Vanessa Dodd, Joe Scollo, Solomon T. Franklin, and Brian Guns.

Design Services

Facilities Business Office

• •

Capital Projects •

• •


Holshouser Hall renovation project recognized for excellence with Association of Builders and Contractors (ABC) Eagle Award and Construction Professionals Network (CPN) Star Award. Successfully completed Levine Hall (first combined academic / residence hall). Negotiated largest designer agreement in UNC Charlotte history for a capital project – science building. Continued to lead the UNC System in Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) participation despite difficult bidding climate.

Below is a partial list of achievements within our units. Thank you for your contributions, dedication, and hard work. Facilities Management could not have accomplished these amazing feats without each of you. - Philip M. Jones

Successfully completed 229 projects (an increase of 26 projects from last year) at a value of $14.2 Million (an increase of $800,000) and a customer satisfaction rating over 90%. Process improvement - Improved reporting from ARCHIBUS for projects to capture capital project expenditures made outside of our normal purchasing process. Yearlong process improvement; a joint effort with Facilities Business Office and Facilities Information Systems. Process Improvement – Using Six Sigma methodology, streamlined the process of entering Design Services projects into the State Construction Office’s InterScope Plus system. Four individuals achieved advanced level Six Sigma certifications – Steve Terry (Design Services) and Sherry Ceallaigh (Facilities Business Office) – Green Belt, Amanda Caudle (Design Services) - Yellow Belt, and Mac Fake (Design Services) – Orange Belt.

• •

The fiscal year-end ended successfully. Entire team achieved some level of Six Sigma Belt Certification: NiCole Lynch, Leigh Richardson, Beth Brown, Carolyn Lewis, Virginia Bennett; Sonia Perez, Monique Davis, Noella Paquette – White Belt; Clyde Derberry and Melanie Witherspoon - Yellow Belt; Melanie Witherspoon - Orange Belt; and Sherry Ceallaigh – Green Belt. Development of a Facilities Management Apprenticeship Program concept. Process Improvement – Using Six Sigma methodology, streamlined the process of entering Design Services projects into the State Construction Office’s Interscope Plus system - Sherry Ceallaigh (Facilities Business Office) and Steve Terry (Design Services). The Five-year Capital Construction Plan communication plan is being executed with an increase in campus-wide initiatives.

Facilities Information Systems Facilities Planning •

Successfully led the Five-year Capital Construction Planning effort - both within Facilities Management and with campus partners. Prepared quality submittals and action items on time, each time for Board of Trustees, Board of Governors, and General Administration. Implemented Phase 3 of the Capital Renewal and Deferred Maintenance system to predict repair and replacement needs and avoid major reactive outages and unplanned replacements.

Facilities Focus | Issue 62

Completed application upgrades: ARCHIBUS to 23.1, Building Automation System to Niagara 4.2, Open Options to 6.6 and moved all servers to VM (Virtual Machines). Developed and deployed Asbestos and Refrigeration tracking modules in ARCHIBUS. Deployed a new Key / Access Request module in ARCHIBUS that allows access requests for either a key or a card.


Fiscal Year 2017Highlights | FACILITIES MANAGEMENT Facilities Operations

Real Estate

Space Management

Two 2017 UNC Charlotte Employee of the Year Award Recipients (Gary Edwards - Dedication to Duty; Brent Offenberger Safety and Heroism). Consolidated the Administrative/ Customer Service Group to standardize processes and improve customer interface. Established 24/7 customer care line. Created Access Control position that reduced Open Options Contract by more than $100,000. Collaboration among units especially Facilities Business Office in making sure our processes are more efficient.

Incorporated industry standards and best practices for handling funds with wires and electronic funds transfers. Established and maintained professional relationships with both UNC General Administration and the State Property Office. Both staffs have had large turnovers. Obtained approval and funding from the Board of Trustees of the Endowment Fund to renovate and rent the first two properties in the Craven Croft neighborhood.

Completed policy revision of University Policy 601.4, which improved governance structure. Completed Science Space Study that enhanced the science building program development. Developed vision statement for new science building and gained buy-in from the Provost and Academic departments.

Facilities Management’s 16th Annual Spring Fellowship Nearly 300 of FM’s staff came out for a day of fun, food, and fellowship on May 25, 2017. The festivities began with kickball followed by a cookout. Bingo was a hit again this year. The finale’ was the pie toss again because the recent rains made the area too soggy to bring in the dunk tank. Special thanks to the event committee and other volunteers who helped make this event a success. Join us next year! ~ Photos by Kelly Freshcorn, Recycling ~


Issue 62 | Facilities Focus


FACILITIES MANAGEMENT | Building Environmental Services and Recycling

FOCUSED on Pr BES North Area Floor Crew Supervisor, Rob Ervin

BES South Area Floor Crew Supervisor, Bill Costello

T he Building Environmental Services and Recycling (BES&R) leadership is taking action to become a first-class, process oriented and data driven team that consistently delivers excellent, proficient, and cost effective cleaning and recycling services. An organization focused on process orientation is characterized by:

“Investing in management means building communication systems, business processes, feedback, and routines that let you scale the business and team efficiently.”

Toia Young and Rosalia Moron-Perez on the von Drehele site visit

Consistent utilization of processes based on core competencies, strategic objectives, action plans, and work systems

Aligned to ensure consistency of plans, processes, measures, and actions

Integrated to operate in a fully interconnected manner and deliver anticipated results

von Drehle product display in their training facility

The Central Operations team is responsible for program development, education, and logistics for the BES&R unit. One strategy in keeping the Leadership Team focused on becoming more process oriented is to conduct site visits with vendors and distributors that support the mission and day-to-day operation. On July 11-12, 2017, the BES Leadership Team participated in site visits at the von Drehle plant in Hickory, NC and also the Morrisette plant in Huntersville, NC. von Drehele partners with UNC Charlotte to provide quality paper towels for the campus. This company is experienced in the away-from-home market. One can find their products in thousands of industrial and commercial locations, in medical and government complexes, and in airports and hotels. As a vertically integrated company, von Drehle Corporation is able to fully control all of their products — from selecting raw materials to producing and converting the finished product. This is an unusual level of control. They have state-of-the-art equipment and over one million square feet of production area. Morrisette is a global leader in packaging and facility solutions with a complete line of industrial janitorial and sanitation supplies. Site visits to these facilities demonstrated the processes that have to be in place and followed to execute complex routines to consistently produce high-quality products and services. Thank you to Duke Thomas (von Drehle), Jessica Williams (Morrisette), Lisa Williams (Morrisette), and Randy Tillery (BES Logistics Supervisor) for organizing the site visits. This experience truly made a lasting impact on our team to become more process oriented. By Solomon T. Franklin Building Environmental Services and Recycling


Facilities Focus | Issue 62


Building Environmental Services and Recycling | FACILITIES MANAGEMENT

rocess Orientation

Group photo from the von Drehle site visit

von Drehle site visit training by Duke Thomas on processes for their products

BES Night Manager, Joe Scollo, on the von Drehele site visit

Group photo on the Morrisette site visit

The Central Operations team also worked closely with a vendor, ProTeam, to organize training for a new tool that will assist in the operation of keeping UNC Charlotte safe and healthy. On July 25, 2017, the BES Leadership team participated in a training with ProTeam representatives. This training oriented the team to new tools, techniques, and processes that enables the staff to more effectively clean for health.


Issue 62 | Facilities Focus



Capital Projects News

Josh Kallum and David Schlobohmm

T he Capital Projects Team is excited to announce the arrival of two new members to the team; David Schlobohm and Joshua (Josh) Kallam. David joined our team on June 5 as our Water Resources Engineer. This is a new position in which his duties include​​developing and monitoring​the university​water systems maintenance program. He is a registered engineer with more than 30 years engineering experience in the water resource engineering profession. David comes to us from the North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality, formerly known as the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), where he served as an environment regulator. Prior to that, he was at NC State University as the Water, Energy, and Utilities Manager. David and his wife have lived in Charlotte for nine years although the majority of his career was in Florida. His hobbies include ham radio, flying (he’s a licensed pilot), exploring North Carolina, photography, and football. You may reach David at dschlobo@ uncc.edu or 704-687-6198. Josh joined our construction management team as our fourth construction manager on June 12. He is a Raleigh native and a North Carolina State University graduate 12

with a degree in Construction Engineering and Management. While at State, he worked internships with Umicore, MBP and DPR/Hardin Construction. Josh has been working as a construction manager with the United States Army Corps of Engineers for the past eight years; six years with the Savannah District and more than two years with the Wilmington District servicing Fort Bragg. He has an interest in new and classic cars and enjoys going to auto shows and reading about automotive history and technology. He also enjoys home improvement projects and looks forward to finding a fixer-upper here in Charlotte. You may reach Josh at jjkallam@ uncc.edu or 704-687-0517. Renovation on the Residence Dining Hall (RDH), built in 1970, continues and when finished, will provide much needed administrative offices for Housing and Residence Life and a catering kitchen for food services.

replacement and brick clad façade on the exterior of the building to keep with the characteristics of Holshouser Hall and South Village. Expansion to the Union Deck began late June as evidenced by the loss of Parking Lot 18 with its 92 parking spaces. Union Deck had 1,033 spaces and when the expansion is completed, May 2018, 570 additional spaces (215 actual gain with loss of Parking Lots 18 and 19) will be available. The good news is, the two existing entrances to the deck will remain open during the expansion. Commuters will be disappointed to see that Parking Lot 19, with 263 spaces, adjacent Union Deck, is no longer available as it is now the site for the new Health and Wellness Center (HAWC). Construction began August 1, 2017 on the 5-level, 150,000 square foot gymnasium, natatorium, and fitness facility. The project includes offices, administration areas, cardio, selectorized and free weight training, multipurpose group fitness rooms, locker rooms and support spaces. Completion is scheduled for July 2019. Health and Wellness Center

Residence Dining Hall

Scott Hall Renovation began this June with completion scheduled for July 2018. Renovation to the 12-story residence hall built in 1969 includes new elevators, electrical and mechanical systems, window and roof

By Dorothy Vick Capital Projects

Congratulations to our Associate Director for Capital Construction, John Neilson, for his 20 years with UNC Charlotte! John began in 1997 as our first construction manager. Now he leads a team of four that has managed over a billion dollars of construction projects. Thanks, John, for all you do!

Facilities Focus | Issue 62



Construction Update “Facilities Management is working through an unprecedented level of construction,” said Phil Jones, Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities Management. “The goal is to do our best to ease the challenges and facilitate smooth transitions in the months ahead. We appreciate everyone’s patience as we work together through an exceptional series of construction projects that will enrich the campus upon completion.”

Union Deck Expansion

To remain aware of the work in progress or in the pipeline and to seek assistance with detours and navigation, use these Facilities Management resources: •


n increase in campus construction began over the summer and here is the latest update: Parking Lots 18 and 19 are officially closed. A $14 million Union Deck expansion is currently underway. When completed, the structure’s west end will have an additional 570 parking spaces, which adds parking spaces to this part of campus. A new $63.5 million Health and Wellness Center began July 31 on the lot 19 site near the Popp Martin Student Union. The planned 140,000-square-foot facility will include aerobic and weight training rooms, group fitness areas, multipurpose courts, a recreational pool and space for administration of intramural and recreational programs.

• This will create a dedicated left-turn lane from Poplar Lane to Cameron Boulevard and will lessen impact of traffic due to construction on a new Facilities Operations and Parking and Transportation Services complex located near North Deck. Renovation of the Academic Complex continues with the Phase 1 Denny Building work expected to complete in December. Phase 2, Macy and Barnard, will begin later this month. Employees in these buildings moved to temporary occupancy in the Cedar and Hickory buildings.

Visit the Five-year Capital Construction Plan website for ongoing updates. The interactive campus map a is resource for navigating campus. Real-time updates will show restrictions caused by construction. Contact the Customer Service Line at 704-687-0562 for assistance with facilities-related issues. The Facilities Operations administrative group answers calls from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday.

By NiCole Lynch Facilities Business Office http://capitalconstructionplan.uncc.edu/

Belk Plaza Revitalization

The revitalization of Belk Plaza will start in September. The project includes a “great lawn” and a unique water feature with plans to be an exceptional outdoor “living room” for the campus. Drivers will soon notice a wider section of Poplar Lane between Cameron Boulevard and entrances to Lots 25 and 26. facilities.uncc.edu

Issue 62 | Facilities Focus



Shawn Kelly


hawn Kelly joined Design Services on May 15 as the new Landscape Planner. You may recognize Shawn; he has been with Facilities Management as a Grounds supervisor since joining the Facilities Operations team in October of 2015. Originally from Michigan, Shawn earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Landscape Architecture from Michigan State University. Following graduation, Shawn relocated to Charlotte to work on several commercial and residential landscape planning and construction projects in the Charlotte area over the last eight years. Shawn brings his design, construction, and maintenance experience to the team as well as an excellent understanding of Facilities Operations. We are excited to have him as the newest asset to our team. Shawn’s office is located on the first floor of Facilities Management/Police and Public Safety Building in room 135. His telephone number is 7-5597; his email address is skelly64@uncc. edu. Please join me in welcoming Shawn.

By Mac Fake Design Services 14

Don Gariepy

Austin McComas


oger ‘Austin’ McComas came onboard to become part of the Facilities Information Systems (FIS) team on Thursday, July 20, 2017. He will be supporting the Open Options Access Controls (card access) application. His duties include assisting with Access Control development support requests, resolving card access helpdesk tickets, and other related customer access control issues. Austin brings one year of development experience gained from previously working at Desktop Support. Austin obtained his Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science from UNC Charlotte. He is originally from Lakeland, Florida and has lived in Charlotte for three years. His hobbies include fishing, classic trucks, and watching movies. We are excited to have Austin on our team and know he will prove to be an extremely valuable asset in supporting our Facilities Management team and campus customers. Austin is located on the second floor of the Facilities Management/Police Building in room 228. His phone number is 7-8288; his email address is rmccomas@uncc.edu. Feel free to drop by, say hello and welcome Austin to the team. By Pamela Duff Facilities Information Systems

Facilities Focus | Issue 62


on Gariepy recently joined Facilities Operations as the Critical Facilities Manager. We are excited to have Don onboard in this new position. Don is a certified Professional Energy Manager and comes to us from Rowan Cabarrus Community College where he was the Facilities Manager. Don will provide a critical link between Academic Affairs and Facilities Management with a focus on areas such as clean rooms, labs, IT main server rooms, etc.; he will also assist in identifying equipment needs as well as maintenance responsibilities of equipment in these areas. Don will be engaged in the renovations to these spaces and with the science building. Don, originally from Pennsylvania, is married with four children. He earned a BS in Mechanical Engineering Technology from UNC Charlotte. His greatest accomplishment here was graduating from the William States Lee College of Engineering’s Leadership Academy, and his team was one of the few recipients to ever receive the Golden Circle Award. He is very involved with his children’s activities, teaches Sunday school, and volunteers at his local YMCA. You may reach Don at dgariepy@ uncc.edu or 704-857-6111. By Sandy Mullins Facilities Operations facilities.uncc.edu

Facilities Operations | FACILITIES MANAGEMENT

Facilities Operations to go Paperless

T here are many reasons for people to do their part in protecting our earth and making sure we leave the world a better place for our children and their children. Here at UNC Charlotte, we have many campaigns to do our part, Giving Green, recycling materials, and performance contract to name a few. For the past few years, Facilities Operations (FO) along with Facilities Information Systems (FIS) have been looking for more ways to protect the earth and our campus. This partnership has grown stronger over the past few years and will continue to grow.

many of our lead technicians. This is the first step in going paperless. FIS has developed our ARCHIBUS App, which allows our techs to access ARCHIBUS easier and view work requests better. Our techs are now able to access their work request from their tablets in the buildings they are working in. This access allows them to add pictures, time, craftsperson notes, and also more details about the equipment they are working on. By having these tablets, they can also access the internet to find manuals, equipment spec sheets, and other critical information to help with repairs.

great customer service. These tablets have us heading in the right direction. Special thanks to Phil Jones for allocating funds to purchase enough tablets for all of FO’s staff.

Working with our FIS unit, we have recently provided Android Tablets to

FO will continue to look for more efficient ways to help our staff deliver

By Paul Taylor Facilities Operations

Jim Harris, Barry Hannibal, and Nicholas Gray (Zone 5) with their Android Tablets

Professional Grounds Management Society (PGMS) Visits UNC Charlotte conference wrapped up with a tour of the Metrolina Facilities and Trial Gardens.

Joey Cochran, Grounds Superintendent, shows before and after photos and some of the challenges in the work performed.

Presentation by Patrick Anderson of Rainbow Treecare Scientific Advancements

UNC Charlotte hosted the PGMS 2017 School of Grounds Management summer conference on July 25, 2017. PGMS is an organization made up for Grounds Professionals from across the country. There were more than 100 people in attendance representing 58 public and private universities.

was educated on ways to recruit and train employees. Mr. Patrick Anderson of Rainbow Treecare Scientific Advancements, presented a class on using growth regulators and how they can assist in managing pruning and improving the appearance as well as the health of shrubs. The day ended with a tour of the beautiful UNC Charlotte campus, a North Carolina barbecue dinner, and networking reception.

The event kicked off (no pun intended) Monday morning with a tour of the Carolina Panthers stadium. Mr. Tom Vaughan, the Head Groundskeeper, gave members an inside look at both the stadium and practice areas. The group then traveled to UNC Charlotte where they were greeted with a warm welcome. Events included a presentation from Mr. Michael Kirshman with the Mecklenburg Parks and Recreation Department on the true values of nature preserves. Later, the group facilities.uncc.edu

On the morning of the second day, the group was entertained with a tour of the Bartlett Tree Research Facility followed by a lunch and learn session with Mr. John Swintosky, Landscape Architect with Louisville Metro Parks, on the challenges with maintaining historic sites. Vendors were also present to provide up to date equipment reviews and displayed various types of equipment. The

Ms. Stephanie Bruno, Associate Executive Director of the PGMS, gave rave reviews of the conference and its activities. She stated that the committee and all of the conference attendees were amazed by the UNC Charlotte campus, and the University’s commitment to the quality of care. The mission of the PGMS is to unite professional grounds managers and those interested in or providing service to the grounds management industry, to promote the dissemination of educational materials and reliable information pertinent to the execution of grounds management functions, and to assist in attaining and maintaining a high standard of business ethics. Many thanks to Joey Cochran, Grounds Superintendent, Dan Baughman, Grounds Supervisor, and several other grounds staff that spent many hours planning and hosting this fantastic event. By Lee Snodgrass Facilities Operations Issue 62 | Facilities Focus



The Real Deal

Picutred left to right are Jade Reed-Kreis, Administrative Assistant; Richard LaLiberte’, Real Estate Manager; and Christy Langdon, Real Estate Specialist


et me introduce you to the Real Estate Super Team! Within the last few months, the Real Estate Office gained two new staff members to create a new team. Please welcome (back) to the Facilities team Christy Langdon as the new Real Estate Specialist. Christy began her career at UNC Charlotte in 2008. Since her return to the Facilities Department on Memorial Day, she has already proved herself a strong asset to the Real Estate office. Through the years at UNC Charlotte, Christy has acquired valuable organizational knowledge and a myriad of skills. Her continuous efforts to improve has earned her numerous certificates, certifications, and multiple degrees. In addition to her Computer Science, Paralegal, and Political Science degrees, she is currently working on her master’s degree. Her office is temporarily located on the first floor of Facilities Management/ 16

Police and Public Safety Building in Room 146. Her telephone number is 7-5253 and her email address is cccase@uncc.edu. Please join me in welcoming (back) Christy. On July 17, Jade Reed-Kreis joined the team as administrative assistant to Real Estate and Space Management. Jade is a graduate of the University of Southern Mississippi with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English. Her previous elementary school administration background includes supervision, clerical, finance, and customer service. Her her skills, experience, and professional demeanor have already been noted as a valuable asset in support of our Facilities Management operations and continued campus growth. She has only been here a month; however, she has quickly adapted to our processes and procedures. She is helping with the closing of a property sale, getting the renovation process started on some properties near

Facilities Focus | Issue 62

campus for future leases or housing options for students, and scheduling multiple meetings including those regarding two feasibility studies. Jade’s work space is located on the second floor of the Facilities Management/Police Building in 219D. Her telephone number is 7-1666 and her email address is jreedkre@uncc.edu. When you see her, please welcome her to Facilities Management. Real Estate transactions are tedious and time consuming requiring a high degree of consentration to avoid errors. Accuracy is essential. Christy and Jade have already proven to be dependable, reliable, and loyal to their responsibilities. I look forward to working with this dedicated and professional team to achieve many notable successes.

By Richard LaLiberte’ Real Estate facilities.uncc.edu


Meet Your Staff Council Representatives Pictured left to right are: Clyde Derberry, Facilities Business Office; Carolyn Lewis, Facilities Business Office; Katherine Humphries, Building Environmental Services - McEniry; Virgie Fewell, Building Environmental Services Grigg, Dwight Nealy, Facilities Operations Zone 2; and Jeff Saer, Facilities Operations - Zone 2. Not pictured is Ronnie Bell, Facilities Operations - Lock Shop

T he Staff Council recently held elections. Our new representatives are pictured above. Staff Council was established to create and provide a more harmonious working environment for the staff of The University of North Carolina at Charlotte. It has been delegated by the Chancellor, the authority and responsibility to bring to the attention of the administration matters of general staff concern; and to take such actions as are necessary to enable it to meet those responsibilities. Monthly Staff Council meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month (except in October) from 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Meetings are open to all UNC Charlotte staff. The next meeting is September 13 in Cone Center 112. For more information on the Staff Council, please visit http://stafforg.uncc.edu/ or contact your representive listed below. Area 11 - Administrative Offices (AVC, Capital Projects, Design Services, FBO, FIS, Facilities Planning, Real Estate, and Space Management) Carolyn Lewis - clewis71@uncc.edu; extension 7-0545 Clyde Derberry (alternate) - clyde.derberry@uncc.edu; extension 7-0544 Area 12A - Building Environmental Services & Recycling (first and second shifts) Virgie Fewell - vfewell@uncc.edu; extension 7-8957 Katherine Humphries (alternate) - khumphr9@uncc.edu; extension 7-7398 Area 15A - Facilities Operations - (Central Operations, Utilities, Fire Systems, Grounds, Automotive, Motor Fleet) Ronnie Bell (alternate) - rbell@uncc.edu; extension 7-0588 Area 15B - Facilities Operations - Zones 1-7 Dwight Nealey - dnealey@uncc.edu; extension 7-08959 Jeff Saer (alternate) - jsaer@uncc.edu Building Environmental Services third shift (Area 12B) and Facilities Operations (Area 15A) need a representative. If you are interested, please contact Penny Stevens, Staff Council President, at pstevens@uncc.edu or extension 7-8928.

Ronnie Bell Represents UNC Charlotte on the UNC Staff Assembly


onnie Bell, Facilities Operations - Lock Shop, is pictured with Margaret Spellings, President, University of North Carolina System. Ronnie is one of two representatives from UNC Charlotte on the UNC Staff Assembly. which is the elected body of representatives of the staff of the 17 campuses of the University of North Carolina, General Administration, and affiliates. Their goal is to improve communications, understanding, and morale throughout the whole of our respective communities, and to increase efficiency and productivity in campus operations. For more information on the UNC Staff Assembly, please visit https://www.northcarolina.edu/leadership-policy/staff-assembly. By Beverly R. Imes, Associate Vice Chancellor’s Office facilities.uncc.edu

Issue 62 | Facilities Focus




T his spring we were able to award five new departments with a Green Office Certification. This program is open to all departments/units. The goal is to identify simple ways teams can make positive impacts on our environment and budgets. Chartwells Catering, Chartwells ID Office, Chartwells Dining Services, the Urban Institute, and the Career Center joined our only Facilities Management unit, Design Services, in attaining a Green Office Certification. In response to organizations on campus looking for service opportunities, we relaunched the Adopt-A-Spot program. This spring, 11 locations were awarded to staff departments and student organizations. They pledge to take responsibility for litter cleanup in 18

an area of campus. Custom signs inform people about who has adopted an area, giving these departments and organizations recognition they deserve. The signs also provide the public pressure to keep the group’s reputation as clean as their adopted spot!

To get your department Green Office Certified or to propose a team for Adopt-A-Spot, please contact Tyler Sytsma at tsytsma@uncc.edu or 704687-0606. There are many locations around campus and likely near your building that could use the extra attention.

As we gear up to start another school year, our office is busy preparing for the annual Campus Sustainability Week festivities scheduled for October 2-5. Activities on the agenda so far include Campus Cleanup, Transportation Fair (any questions about Charlotte Wheels bike sharing or light rail can be answered here!), and a Student Gathering. More events and details will be added as Sustainability Week planning is finalized.

Updates on Campus Sustainability Week events will be posted on the University sustainability website and social media channels accordingly. Additionally, if you have event ideas, do not hesitate to drop Tyler a message.

Facilities Focus | Issue 62

By Tyler Sytsma Facilities Planning facilities.uncc.edu


Recycling News

Universal Waste Shed


reat new things are happening in the Recycling Unit! Many of you have probably noticed the new building on your way back to the fuel pumps or compound. This building will help the recycling unit centralize its operations. While initially the whole point of a new building was to have a place to put our baler once construction starts on the new science building, the plans evolved, the building got bigger, and now recycling will be more centralized. In addition to housing the baler, there is space to store everything in the old metal trailer, the styrofoam, our paper toters, and all of the bins we use that are currently stored in the compound. This will free up some valuable space in the compound. With the proximity of the new building to the universal waste shed, it should

be even easier to find someone to help you drop off fluorescent lightbulbs, batteries, latex paint, and pressurized tanks. Please do not leave these items unattended or in the compound.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram, as UNCC Recycles, and Twitter @unccrecycles.

Please call our office 704-687-0607 and someone will come right outside to help you.

By Kelly Freshcorn Recycling

Recycling Building


Issue 62 | Facilities Focus


FACILITIES MANAGEMENT | Happenings Around Campus

August 17 - University Convocation 21 - First Day of Classes (evenning 22 - First Day of Classes (day) September 4 - Labor Day Holiday - University Closed October 2 - 5 - Campus Sustainability Week 3 - Tree Banding and Campus Cleanup 4 - Transportation Fair at CHHS Plaza 5 - New Employee Orientation 10 - Staff Council Fall Festival (bring work ID) 15 - 21 - UNC Charlotte Homecoming Week 17 - Chancellor’s Staff Recognition Reception 20 - Strategic Planning Session 25 - 28 - 2017 SRAPPA Annual Conference 31 - All Employees Meeting

It’s time to begin planning our annual Holiday Party 2016 Holiday Party Event Committee

The holiday party committee’s first meeting is September 12. Facilities Management has several talented employees who are gifted in entertainment - playing instruments, singing, dancing, mime, and acting. Be on the lookout for a sign up sheet so we can gather a list of talent not just for the holiday party but for other departmental events and just for the fun of getting together.

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Facilities Focus | Issue 62



Issue 62 | Facilities Focus



Facilities Focus | Issue 62


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