Thescoop spring14

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! ! Welcome! •

Catch up with our faculty on the program website Reconnect with old classmates and let us know what’s new with you! Visit our alumni Facebook page and join our LinkedIn group. Want to contribute to the next issue of The Scoop? Contact

Inside this issue CCA Kristen Okamoto

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Meet the 4-5 New Cohort Faculty Spotlight




Let’s Keep In Touch!


Newsletter Staff

The Scoop A Resource for Alumni of UNC Charlotte’s M.A. Program in Communication Studies Volume 1, Issue 2

Spring 2014

Welcome! A Note From the Graduate Program Coordinator ! Dear Alumni, ! I hope this newsletter finds you well! We miss you! The newsletter outlines a great deal of very exciting things going on in the life of our program. Our MA students are conducting and presenting research, and they are graduating and going on to PhD programs and other exciting career opportunities. We’ve graduated our 85th graduate of the program, and our incoming class of 10 students this year included 4 international students. Our faculty is growing (we hired media scholar Dr. Rachel Plotnick from Northwestern University this year and are in the middle of interviewing for a new Organizational Communication scholar).

Dr. Christine S. Davis Communication Studies Graduate Program Director, Associate Professor

For the third time and second year in a row, one of our alumni (Kristen Okamoto) was awarded the Graduate Dean’s Master’s Thesis Award. Our students are receiving recognition for their research at a variety of conferences, including Carolinas Communication Association and Organization for the Study of Communication, Language and Gender. Our students Nicole Sikora Heschong, Heather Sackett, and Nan Wilson, will present their research on LinkedIn and impression management at the 2014 International Communication Association Conference in Seattle. Congratulations to all of our students for their hard work and achievements!

Editor in chief: Dr. Christine Davis

Please keep in touch with us. Send me an email to let me know how you’re doing. If you’re in the area, invite me out for coffee. Subscribe to our alumni LinkedIn page (if you have not yet) by going to UNCC M.A. in Communication Studies – ALUMNI.

Writer and Editor: Anne Deekens

And have a very happy New Year!

Contributing Writer: Jaclyn Marsh

Cordially, Dr. Cris

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