UN City Copenhagen Post Supplement 2013

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© UN City


A GUIDE TO OUR NEW HEADQUARTERS This special publication was brought to you by The Copenhagen Post in association with UN City



IN THE SPIRIT OF ONE UN Building a stronger United Nations, the city of Copenhagen brings together eight United Nations’, agencies in one UN City.

The Executive Director of the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), Jan Mattsson, says that there is a long tradition of United Nations presence in Copenhagen, which started with the establishment of the regional office for Europe of the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 1957. “Since then, seven other UN agencies have set up operations in Copenhagen, including; the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the World Food Programme (WFP), UNOPS, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and most recently the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women). UNOPS moved its global headquarters from New York to Copenhagen in 2006,” explains Mattsson.

IMPROVED OPERATIONS Appointed by, and reporting directly to the UN Secretary-General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Mattsson is joined by over two hundred colleagues in Copenhagen. “UNOPS is an operational arm of the UN. We support the UN’s peace building, humanitarian and development objectives on the ground, often in some of the most challenging environments,” says Mattsson. With active operations in some 80 countries around the world, Mattsson explains that UNOPS has world-class expertise in the focus areas of project management, infrastructure and procurement. “We actively promote sustainability which involves balancing economic, social and environmental considerations in all of the work we do.” Mattsson says that he started working for the UN many years ago because of its mission to help people in need. “Yes, it is difficult, and even frustrating at

“I have already seen an increase in international meetings held in Copenhagen thanks to the new building and its facilities, and I have only heard good things from Copenhageners that I have met.” Jan Mattsson - The Executive Director of the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) 

times, such as in Syria at present, but if anything I am more convinced than ever about the important role the UN has. The results are there, on the ground, even in the most challenging circumstances,” he says. Having improved their efficiency and effectiveness by adopting up-to-date business practices, through developments such as the establishment of UN City in Copenhagen, there has been a great deal of red tape cut in the process. “Quality, speed and avoiding waste are as important in UN operations as in any endeavour. And this makes a difference to people in need.” Copenhagen has in recent years become a hub for UN procurement and it is an excellent location for liaison with the Nordic countries. The high quality of life in Copenhagen, the access to educated local personnel, and Copenhagen airport make the city an ideal location to house the eight agencies, and an asset for the UN. The plans for UN City in Copenhagen first came about in 2002, and the location at Marmormolen was decided on in 2005. “The UN City building is itself an asset for the UN. We have excellent working conditions here with good offices and meeting spaces. Most importantly, all these UN agencies being located within the two campuses will surely help improve our productivity,” Mattsson says.

A GLOBAL CITY Today, Copenhagen is the world’s 6th largest UN hub in the Western world (measured in terms of UN staff).

The City is comprised of two campuses, of which Campus 1 is considered green a building with its low-carbon footprint. Mattsson says that this is in line with the UN’s commitment to being an environmentally conscious organisations, one that actively promotes a cleaner, more efficient and sustainable use of energy and a greener planet. The two campuses are:

CAMPUS 1: Located at Marmormolen, Campus 1 will accommodate about 1,250 personnel from all eight agencies, when completed in spring 2014. The campus comprises an office building with 45 000 m2 of floor space. CAMPUS 2: Further out on the Nordhavn waterfront, Campus 2 comprises a state-of-the-art, high bay warehouse, which was handed over to UNICEF in 2012. UN City is a new landmark for Copenhagen and will enhance the international character of Denmark. “I have already seen an increase in international meetings held in Copenhagen thanks to the new building and its facilities, and I have only heard good things from Copenhageners that I have met,” Mattsson enthuses. He says that if ordinary Copenhageners are interested, you can show your support of the UN by visiting UN City when there are special events, and by interacting with the many personnel and their families, some of whom could well be your neighbour, classmate or friend. Copenhagen is truly a city of the United Nations.

President and Publisher: Ejvind Sandal ● Editor: David Nothling ● Layout: Lyndsay Jensen ● Sales Director Supplements: Hans Hermansen, hans@cphpost.dk, +45 2420 2411

© UN City

UNITING THE UN IN COPENHAGEN The concept of a more efficient and coherent United Nations was strongly underlined in the declaration of the UN Millennium Summit of World Leaders in 2000. In order to facilitate this, it is seen as vital that the various agencies within the UN function as a more unified front. The Government of Denmark, wishing to lend its support in practical terms to the idea of a stronger and more unified United Nations, decided that bringing the eight agencies closer together provided an opportunity for the UN agencies to function more coherently – and so UN City in Copenhagen was born.



DENMARK WELCOMES UN CITY TO HER SHORES The Government of Denmark is proud to play a role in the development of the UN, to the benefit of all. Christian Friis Bach - Development Minister of Denmark  For many years the Government of Denmark has wanted to create one central location for all the UN organisations in Copenhagen. Christian Friis Bach, Development Minister of Denmark, says that this dream became a reality when on the fourth of July 2013, together with Her Majesty the Queen, UN General-Secretary Ban Ki-Moon and Prime Minister Helle Thorning Schmidt, UN City was inaugurated. “I think that Copenhagen is already recognised as a truly global city, and the new UN City of course adds to this positive image of Copenhagen. We can now offer one attractive location for the UN and thereby compare ourselves to other global UN cities like New York, Geneva or Vienna,” explains Bach. Denmark and its government is a major contributor to the UN, and Bach says that UN City symbolises this dedication. “We want to ensure a modern multilateral system, high quality work and great efficiency in the achievements of the UN for the benefit of the people in developing countries. We believe that UN City with its modern Danish architecture, high design quality and state-of-the-art energy efficiency can inspire the UN organisations to fulfill our common ambitions for the UN and indeed the world,” he says. Copenhagen is ranked as the most livable city in the world, for many reasons; the city is clean, family friendly, green and has a rich cultural life. It is for this reason Bach says that Copenhagen can offer a high quality of life for all its inhabitants, including the people serving at the UN agencies in Copenhagen. “The Government actively supports the UN organisations in Copenhagen by offering rent-free, modern energy-efficient accommodation in UN City. We believe that we can offer an enabling environment with the potential for great synergy between the UN organisations – allowing the eight agencies to perform as one,” Bach says. He goes on to say that this benefits the UN and more importantly the people we both (the Danish Government and UN) want to help, “When we improve the working conditions for the UN, we also expect improved results at the end of line: New schools for children, better healthcare for women and so on.” However, hosting UN City is also attractive for the Danish Government, not only because of the above-mentioned humanitarian factors, but also in economic terms. Bach says that the various agencies buy a lot of Danish products for the UN, they employ a lot of Danes – and the employees spend part of their salaries on products and services in Copenhagen. “So it is a win-win situation for both parties, not just on an ideal level but also in economic terms,” he says. UN City has generated great interest from the citizens of Copenhagen, especially because of the unique design of the building. “A lot of people pass it every day on their way to work, and I think that there is a great curiosity to see it also from the inside. I think that most Copenhageners have the same feeling as me: I am proud that Danish architects have designed such a fantastic building, and that we are abler to offer such great premises for the UN,” Bach says.

“Copenhagen is ranked as the most livable city in the world, for many reasons, the city is clean, family friendly, green and has a rich cultural life.”

© UN City

Bach has this message for Copenhageners; “Come together to enjoy the new building, enjoy the city – and be proud that together, we create the best environment for the UN to deliver global change.”


LEADERS IN GREEN PEACE UN City walking the talk to a greener Copenhagen and world


SUSTAINABLE SITES This measures the way in which the UN City has been built, considering various factors such as the impact of its presence on the surrounding community during construction, and how construction waste was recycled, etc. The UN City scored highly for its connectivity to the public transportation network, with hundreds of trains leaving daily from the close-by Nordhavn station. In addition UN City is also a sustainable site in the following categories:

CYCLING & ACCESSIBILITY Since the onset of the project for a new UN City in Copenhagen, there was a clear mandate as part of the NU Millennium Development Goals (MDG), that the building had to be environmentally friendly. To this end, it was decided to register the project for certification under the LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Green Building rating system. Participation in LEED ensured that sustainability was integrated in the project from the beginning.

WHAT IS LEED? LEED is a voluntary, consensus-based, market-driven programme that provides third-party verification of green buildings. LEED addresses the entire lifecycle of a building and is organised into five environmental categories:

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Sustainable Sites Water Efficiency Energy and Atmosphere Materials and Resources Indoor Environmental Quality

To reduce pollution from transportation, UN City encourages cycling to work. There are 680 bicycle racks across the site, including 225 which are covered, and a further 115 in the basement. Fifteen showers and changing rooms are also available to freshen up after the ride to work.

REFLECTIVE ROOF The roof of the UN City has been coated with a white, recyclable membrane, made from plant-based materials. The environmentally-friendly coating reflects much more sunlight than the usual dark layer. This reduces the temperature of the building and cuts the ‘heat island effect’ often created in urban areas. It therefore minimises the need for cooling in the Summer, resulting in fewer greenhouse gas emissions.

MITIGATING RUN-OFF WATER UN City is designed to limit any damage that could be caused by the water that runs off its surfaces. Around 2% of the total surface area of UN City is covered with vegetation, helping to prevent drains from becoming over-loaded as water is cleaned by natural filters as it goes into the ground and surrounding harbour. This process dramatically cuts the risk of pollution while reducing pressure on the municipal sewage system.

© UN City

The LEED certification process for the UN City in Copenhagen will be completed in early 2014; the following steps have been taken to ensure that the building compiles to the rigorous verification process.



WATER EFFICIENCY With fresh water resources coming under pressure worldwide, water conservation is a priority. Many environmental measures targeting water efficiency are integrated into the building. Innovative aerators have been placed in the taps in kitchens, toilets, and showers throughout the building. These low-flow taps spread the stream of water into a spray of droplets, reducing water usage. Toilets in UN City are flushed an estimated 5 300 times a day. To reduce the municipal water needed for this, UN City captures run-off rainwater from the roof. Pipes gather the available rainwater and lead it to eight underground collection tanks, where it is filtered and pumped into the plumbing system. © UN City

The innovative taps and toilets as well as reused rainwater leads to a 61% reduction in water use in the building’s toilets, kitchens and showers.

MATERIALS AND RESOURCES From the design phase onwards, the teams involved in the UN City project have worked to comply with international environmental standards and regulations, as well as the local requirements of the City of Copenhagen.


ENERGY AND ATMOSPHERE Perhaps the most important environmental aspect of the UN City is the fact that the building has extremely low energy consumption, an impressive achievement for such a large office complex with hundreds of working stations and extensive common facilities. This means that the offices should emit significantly less CO2 per m2 than what they do now. In 2012, UN City won an EU GreenBuilding Award for New Buildings, after cutting its predicted energy consumption by more than half. This is achieved by putting in place the following sustainable power optimising techniques:

SOLAR POWER More than 1 400 solar panels line the roof of UN City, with an estimated total production of 297 000 kWh/ year, this significantly reduces the electricity needed from the grid.

UN City recycles its waste wherever possible. Organic waste from the canteen is pumped through a vacuum system to a container in the basement. This food-based waste is then removed by a company that recycles it for use as fertiliser or to create biogas. Other materials, such as paper, cardboard, glass, plastic and metal, are separated in different bins to be collected and recycled by the City of Copenhagen.

INDOOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY The comfort and well-being of staff are also important components of a green building. Smoke, insufficient ventilation and indoor pollutants can be sources of allergies and other health problems. Eliminating or reducing their concentration is good for both the environment and people.



The building puts its close proximity to the harbour to good use, as cold seawater is pumped into the building’s cooling system, almost entirely eliminating the need for electricity to power the cooling cycle. Solar shades on the building’s facade, which can be opened and closed to either trap or reflect the sun’s heat, and the ability of employees to change the their local room temperature via their computers, are other innovative ways UN City saves on energy use.

UN City has been designed to limit the use of chemicals and pollutants during both its construction and its use. Environmentally-friendly, non-toxic materials were also used in the construction and furbishing of the building, to prevent long-term damage to health and the environment.

UN City has been designed to use at least 55% less energy than expected from a similar-sized office building.

STRICTLY NO SMOKING In compliance with Danish non-smoking laws, smoking is strictly prohibited in UN City. UN City is entirely ventilated with filtered, outside air. This ensures that only clean, fresh air is present in the building and helps balance the interior humidity level.

THE FUTURE LOOKS BRIGHT GREEN In 2013, UN Copenhagen staff moved into a building which is indeed very “green”. However this does not mean that the job is done! Now that the UN has taken over the building, the behaviour of the organisation as a responsible user of energy will determine how the agencies operate and maintain the systems put in place, down to each individual’s actions – so to maintain the building’s “green” status.



UN CITY CAMPUS 1: SYMBOLISM & DESIGN EXCELLENCE Bringing together eight agencies and functions of the United Nations

© UN City

The UN City complex in Copenhagen is located at Marmormolen in Nordhavn.


BUILDING FACTS: ✓ There are more than 90 meeting rooms in Campus 1. ✓ The auditorium has a total capacity of 450 people.

© UN City

✓ Phase 1 was completed by the end of 2012. ✓ Phase 2 will be completed by the end of 2013. ✓ Once the second phase of the complex is complete, UN City will house around 1 250 personnel.

© UN City

SYMBOLISM: ✓ The eight-pointed star shape is a clear visual reference point, which, like the UN, reaches out to all corners of the world. ✓ 3XN has created a central staircase as a dramatic spatial sculpture, symbolic of the UN’s work to create dialogue, interaction and positive encounters between people in all parts of the world.

STAFF: ✓ Approximately 900 UN staff from 104 countries currently work in UN City Campus 1.

✓ UN City Campus 1 is owned by three parties; ATP, PensionDanmark and CPH City & Port Development. The three parties have formed a consortium, Harbour P/S, that leases UN City to the Danish State.

© UN City





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Home to UNICEF’s Supply Division; responsible for global procurement of life-saving supplies for children in need.

THE CONSTRUCTION OF CAMPUS 2 STARTED IN SEPTEMBER 2010: ✓ The building process was completed in March 2012, and the warehouse became fully operational in February 2013.

© UN City

WAREHOUSE FACTS: ✓ The warehouse covers over 20 000 m2. ✓ The fully automated high-bay storage is 25m high, 63m wide and 150m long, with 36 000 pallet locations and eight robot cranes. ✓ The warehouse can handle 1 500 pallets of essential supplies for children per day. ✓ Campus 2 also features UNICEF’s Innovation Lab and Global Learning Centre. ✓ The value of procurement was almost USD 2.5 billion in 2012. There are some 850 life-saving supplies stored and shipped from UN City Campus 2. These are sent to needy children in 180 countries across the globe.

STAFF: ✓ Approximately 320 UNICEF staff are located at Campus 2.

© UN City

OWNERSHIP: ✓ Campus 2 is owned by CPH City & Port Development.



MESSAGES FROM ON THE GROUND We speak to employees who work at the various agencies within UN City. They share their thoughts and impressions of their new working facilities, and how working at the UN inspires them.


Q: A:

How do you enjoy working at UN City? I feel humbled and privileged to work in UN City. I came from the construction industry and understand that striving for LEED Platinum and being awarded the GreenBuilding Award 2012 by the European Commission are important and aligned with our sustainability initiatives. It is a great place to work, with a diverse group of people from all over the world.

Q: A:

What is your impression of the building? I think the building design is very unique in architecture and beautifully designed. The building is in a great location and I know once the building is complete and the first year of occupancy has passed, it will only get better!

NINA MADES IS A REGIONAL PAYROLL ASSOCIATE AT UNDP, IS FROM ZIMBABWE, AND HAS BEEN WITH THE UN FOR NINE YEARS. “I grew up in a developing country and having seen the UN at work, first hand, I didn’t need much convincing to join the organisation. I love to be a part of making positive changes in people’s lives.”

Q: A:

How does the UN makes a difference in the lives of ordinary people? The UN gives hope and a future to people in vulnerable situations. By partnering with governments in developing countries and providing advice on how to reach their targets, the UN makes the realisation of a brighter future possible for those who do not have anything.

© UN City

“I enjoy working for the UN because as an organisation it strives to have a positive impact on the lives of people all over the world, who need help most. We aim to make a contribution and difference.”

PETRA AUER IS A COMMUNICATIONS ANALYST FOR UN WOMEN, AND ORIGINATES FROM FINLAND; SHE HAS WORKED WITH THE UN SINCE 2006. “I’m an idealist at heart, and I want to channel my energy and professional skills to ‘a greater good’.”

Q: A:

How does UN City help improve the job that you do? I think it’s a great space for UN organisations to come together under one same roof, allowing for more coordination, cooperation and efficiency in the use of resources. As one of the newer organisations in the building, we are already seeing the effects of this in terms of enhanced coordination and joint activities with other UN organisations.

Q: A:

Why get involved in the UN? Nothing beats the feeling one gets from giving a hand or helping those in need. Imagine, some people do not have the basic things in life and to give or help out even in the smallest way can change someone’s life.

Q: A:

What is your impression of the building? I love working in the building. It’s so light, with fantastic views of the harbour. Facilities are great.





“I love the iconic staircase in the middle of the UN City Campus 1 Building, the space provides for constant informal cross-organisational encounters.”

Q: A:

Q: A:

How does the UN makes a difference in the lives of ordinary people? For the millions of Syrian refugees who receive emergency food assistance every single day, for the pregnant and nursing women who get access to the nutritious food that will secure their babies the right head start in life, for the millions of school kids across the globe who are served a hot meal every day at school allowing them to focus on math and grammar instead of on their empty stomachs, for the victims of floods and droughts who are helped to recover and rebuild their livelihoods through food for work projects. Agencies like the WFP make a difference every single day. How do you enjoy working at UN City? I feel extremely privileged to work in such a stunning and conducive environment; pleased with the UN’s contribution to the global agenda for environmental sustainability – UN City is indeed walking the talk – and as a Danish citizen I am proud of Denmark’s strong support of the UN system and the continued reform process.

“We need a lot of support and public engagement in order to make the world a better place for all. The UN brings the world’s nations together around that mission, and that’s worth being involved in.”

Q: A:

Why do you enjoy working for the UN? Because we work to make a difference! In UNFPA, we work to ensure that women can enjoy the human right to decide themselves when to have children, how often and how many – and to ensure that they can get them without risking their own lives and health.

Q: A:

What are your thoughts on UN City Copenhagen? I believe that the UN City truly brings us together across agencies and provides us with a place, where we can relate much more to each other, work together on common projects and be more efficient. I am proud to be part of that process.

DARMAL MUKAMIL WORKS AS A PROCUREMENT ASSOCIATE WITH UNOPS, IS FROM AFGHANISTAN, AND HAS BEEN WITH THE UN FOR EIGHT YEARS. “I enjoy working for the UN because of its noble cause: Supporting people in need in all corners of the world.”

Q: A:

How do you feel UN City, and its facilities and location will help improve the job that you do? All UN organisations residing in Denmark are now under one roof. This facilitates stronger cooperation and coordination of activities among UN organisations in the building. In addition to being situated in a wonderful location, the complex has a range of modern facilities, such as video conferencing, a spacious auditorium and meeting rooms with modern audio-visual facilities. This helps us do our job more effectively.

Q: A:

Why get involved in the UN? Working with the UN provides a unique opportunity to be part of a noble cause, while giving you the opportunity to meet and work with people from all over the world.

EIMAN AL-ASAD WORKS AS A PROGRAM ANALYST WITH THE OFFICE OF HUMAN RESOURCES AT UNDP; SHE IS FROM KUWAIT AND HAS BEEN WITH THE UN FOR FIVE MONTHS. “I experienced the Gulf war in Kuwait in the 1990s, and the happiest moment I remember as a little child during that period was when a UN helicopter landed in an open area next to our shelter; the soldiers were cheerful and they lifted our spirit.”

Q: A:


Why do you enjoy working for the UN?

LILIANA YANOVSKA WORKS IN THE WHO REGIONAL OFFICE FOR EUROPE, AS AN ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT FOR THE STAFF ASSOCIATION, SHE IS ORIGINALLY FROM RUSSIA, AND HAS BEEN WITH THE UN FOR MANY YEARS! “The UN offers a possibility to make a change on different levels (global, regional and country), as well as in a very wide range of human activities.”

I personally feel I am lucky to be a part of the UN as a Junior Professional Programmer (JPO) which allows me to learn something new every day. The experience I have had over the past five months has

Q: A:

What is your impression of UN City? It is a beautiful building that fosters inter-organisational collabo-

been priceless. Being a part of the decision making team has given me

ration on very different levels – from hi-tech appliances assisting

a better picture of the operation of human resources and how human

in virtual meetings with colleagues in other regions and organisa-

and precise these decisions are. Every day is a true opportunity to

tions to informal conversations at the coffee machines.

learn, innovate and develop within UNDP.

Q: A:


How do you think the UN makes a difference in the lives of


The UN sets the overall goals for peace and optimal living

How do you enjoy working at UN City? The building is smart, and the security system gives me a safe feeling.

ordinary people?

At the end of a long day, I run in the gym with a view of the canal, as it

conditions for all people, as well as provides guidance on how

washes away any stress that I might have. Being comfortable in my

these conditions could be reached and made sustainable. Some

work surroundings allows me to be creative and energetic throughout

UN organisations take active part in the actual projects in

the day.

countries. 11



GLOBAL PROCUREMENT FOR DEVELOPMENT, HUMANITARIAN AND PEACE-KEEPING ASSISTANCE UN City Copenhagen: The hub for procurement and distribution of tangible aid to all corners of the globe.

SOURCING SUPPLIES Several UN organisations at UN City provide procurement services that aim to deliver the best value-for-money and timely distribution of goods, services and capacity, to enable governments and partners to execute their missions and achieve their objectives within fair and transparent commercial partnerships. The four UN organisations that work to ensure that the procurement of supplies, humanitarian aid and peacekeeping related supplies meet the demand from all around the globe, are: The UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the UN Office for Project Services (UNOPS), the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and the UN Development Programme (UNDP).


With more than 30 years of specialised experience, UNOPS is a central procurement resource in the United Nations system. The UNOPS Sustainable Procurement Practice Group sources products and services that promote economic, social and environmental elements of sustainability and identify manufacturers and supply chains that minimise impact on the environment and support sustainable development goals. UNOPS works hard to diversify its supplier base and find additional suppliers of quality goods and services at competitive prices, especially from developing countries and countries with economies in transition. The Sustainable Procurement Practice Group also helps advance the empowerment of women by supporting women owned businesses. UNOPS supports the United Nations Global Compact and strongly encourages its suppliers to do so. The Global Compact promotes corporate social responsibility, particularly in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. From its headquarters in UN City, UNOPS manages UN Web Buy, an internet-based procurement application that allows customers to order common user items quickly and easily for delivery anywhere in the world. Products include a range of vehicles and solar powered equipment, to name but two. UN Web Buy provides online tools to compare prices, track orders and to calculate the environmental rating of a variety of products. This enables subscribers to make informed choices around sustainable options. UNOPS partners with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and other UN organisations to develop guidance on sustainable procurement for the UN system and beyond. An example is the online sustainable procurement training ‘Buying for a Better World’. UNOPS also provides face-to-face procurement training to procurement practitioners in the UN system and in national governments within developing countries. The UNOPS Sustainable Procurement Practice Group also manages the United Nations Global Marketplace (UNGM) from UN City, and online database of UNOPS suppliers. From its headquarters at UN City, UNOPS produces the Annual Statistical Report on United Nations Procurement and its thematic supplement, both widely read by procurement practitioners and policymakers.


UN City is home to the UNOPS Sustainable Procurement Practice Group, which provides oversight and guidance for its global portfolio of procurement services. It is supported by more than 150 procurement personnel around the world.

The latest statistical report shows a continuing positive increase in UN procurement from developing countries and countries with economies in transition. Procurement from these locations represents more than 60 percent of total UN procurement. In addition, the thematic supplement to the statistical report contains a range of articles and case studies on sustainable procurement from academia, the public and private sectors and the United Nations.

THE PROCUREMENT SUPPORT OFFICE UNDP is supported by the Procurement Support Office (PSO) which functions in strengthening and improving procurement within the agency. PSO is a part of the Bureau of Management, which provides advisory and transactional services that allow UNDP to achieve programme and development results. Upon request, PSO may also undertake direct procurement activities for complex or urgent purchasing through the Global Procurement Unit (GPU) and the Central Procurement Unit (CPU). Ensuring the best combination of cost, delivery and quality, PSO looks at: The cost to administer the contract; the life cycle cost of the product; the quality of the product; and the past performance of the supplier. GPU, based at UN City, has three dedicated teams of procurement specialists. The Crisis Prevention and Recovery Team partners with the Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery (BCPR) to support relief-to-rehabilitation/reconstruction activities. The Global Fund team plays an important role in the UNDP/ Global Fund partnership, working to ensure the uninterrupted supply of time-sensitive, life-saving medicines and health products by procuring these goods and developing innovative approval and supply chain management methodologies. The Elections Team provides strategic guidance and operational support in electoral procurement to UNDP Country Offices and Electoral Management Bodies around the world. In addition to the three operational support teams, PSO Copenhagen also includes a Procurement Training Unit that conducts procurement certification courses in partnership with the Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply (CIPS).

COPENHAGEN CARING FOR CHILDREN Each year UNICEF Supply Division, now located at UN City Campus 2, is responsible for the procurement of around USD 2 billion worth of life-saving supplies for children who

WELCOME TO UN CITY COPENHAGEN are in need of help all across the globe. According to the Director of Supply Division, Shanelle Hall, “We have a dedicated team working to procure vaccines, essential health, water and sanitation and education items. We are also collaborating with partners to innovate products like tents, water containers, school furniture and medical diagnostic equipment so that supplies for children are more robust and more effective.” Supply Division also manages warehouse hubs in Shanghai, Dubai, Panama, and Douala, strategically located to speed up delivery and keep costs down. Copenhagen is an ideal location for UN procurement. It is a great port city within access of shipping lanes from Asia and to Africa. UNICEF Supply Division has been located in the Copenhagen Free Port since 1962. From the start, the Danish Government has supported UNICEF by providing a warehouse and office facilities. In keeping with the vision of UN City, a new, automated warehouse was opened in March 2012. “Our job here is to ensure that affordable life-saving products for children are available at the right quantity, of the right quality, where they are needed,” explains Hall. The new state-of-the-art warehouse, and also the largest humanitarian warehouse in the world, enables UNICEF to respond effectively to children and families who need support, whether in emergencies or in regular development programmes. “As a major buyer of life-saving commodities for children, we have a positive role to play in making sure that products are available and affordable for all children, especially the most vulnerable,” Hall goes on to say. UNICEF uses a number of strategies in achieving its procurement mandate. Hall says that by influencing markets UNICEF is helping to ensure that children’s needs are recognised and matched by high quality and sustainable supplies of vaccines, medicines, diagnostic equipment and a range of other life-saving products. In addition to procuring supplies, UNICEF through its



Supply Division, also has the expertise in planning, logistics and delivery, and provides technical assistance to help governments so that they can optimise and build capacity of their national supply chain – so that health-related products quickly and securely reach where they are needed, wherever children live. In response to emergencies, the world-class facilities of the warehouse mean that the first plane load of essential items can arrive in an affected country within 72 hours. Hall says that UNICEF puts children at the centre of its work believing that this is what inspires the agency, its staff, partners and supporters. “The protection of Human Rights defines the core of the United Nations’ mandate, and UNICEF keeps its focus on serving children. These rights are enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child which drives UNICEF’s belief that everyone – whether an international organisation, a government, a community, a mother or father – has a responsibility to ensure these rights are protected and that every child has an equal chance to reach their full potential,” she says.

SUPPLIES FOR REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH The UN Population Fund, UNFPA, works to ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health, promoting reproductive rights, reducing maternal mortality, and fostering an understanding of population dynamics. UNFPA Procurement Services Branch in Copenhagen, with over 40 years of experience, plays an important role in achieving this mission: They provide millions of safe, effective contraceptives, census supplies, and reproductive health related products to over 140 countries globally. UNFPA is indeed the world’s largest public procurer of reproductive health products. In addition to the USD 129 million of contraceptive and medical supplies donated last year by UNFPA, the organisation also enables developing countries and their governments and health organisations to purchase products via UNFPA’s own supplier contracts, a service called AccessRH, thereby providing access to quality



assured health supplies at a considerable savings. In order to develop stronger national health systems, UNFPA also works with governments to build capacity in procurement and logistics, and with reproductive health supplies manufacturers to ensure product safety. “Access to a reliable supply of contraceptives, reproductive health medicines and equipment saves and improves lives,” says Eric Dupont, UNFPA’s Procurement Chief. A choice of contraceptives empowers couples to plan their families. Condoms can keep HIV from spreading. An inexpensive medication can keep a woman from bleeding to death in childbirth. These are essential to UNFPA’s mission of delivering a world in which every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe, and every young person’s potential fulfilled.

GREENING HEALTH-CARE PROCUREMENT The provision of supplies is a critical component to ensure development and health programmes make an impact. “We have programme colleagues in countries who are advocating, raising awareness, training, building local capacity and helping to adapt the way people think about and use items so that they are effective.” Therese Ballard, Director, Sustainable Procurement Practice Group agrees saying, “Our UNOPS personnel work in the most challenging parts of the world supporting projects, often in areas where the supply markets are absent or at best, underdeveloped and not working efficiently. Our procurement practitioners have the specialised expertise to address the unique challenges of the local supply markets and through their excellent work contribute to the projects and to the development agenda.” UNOPS takes a leading role in advancing sustainable procurement practices worldwide. For example, UNOPS became a member of the advisory committee for the Sustainable Public Procurement Initiative (SPPI), which aims to help

governments maximise economic, social and environmental benefits from the public procurement of goods and services. The increased global focus on sustainability has led to the set-up of a UN Informal Interagency Task Team for Sustainable Procurement in the Health Sector (the IIATT-SPHS), consisting of UNDP, UNEP, UNICEF, UNFPA, WHO, and UNOPS. Within the task team, the organisations are working together to develop green procurement guidelines for the benefit of the environment as well as public health. These guidelines ensure that sustainable procurement is a priority of all UN organisations involved in procurement. The secretariat is provided by UNDP Nordic Office. The work on green health care procurement has met considerable donor interest, and the team is preparing a joint programming proposal.




UN’S GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT NETWORK Operational on the ground in 177 countries, UNDP is the UN’s global development network, an organization advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources in order to help people build a better life. The organization works in each country in close cooperation with governments, civil society, the private sector as well as other UN agencies and international development partners to facilitate nationally tailored solutions to global and national development challenges. UNDP seeks to accelerate the achievement of the MDGs by 2015 and actively engages in defining the next development agenda post-2015. UNDP plays a key role in securing a more coherent and efficient UN. As chair of the UN Development

Group at headquarters in New York and as coordinator of the UN team at country level, UNDP works to strengthen coordination and cooperation among the 32 UN development organisations.

NORDIC OPERATIONS IN COPENHAGEN The agency has several headquarter functions located in Copenhagen including its Staff Administrative Services (SAS), which supports UNDP globally and up to nine other UN agencies with HR and payroll services; the Office of Information Systems and Technology (OIST) provides ICT advisory services to UNDP country offices worldwide while the Procurement Support Office (PSO) runs complete procurement solutions, training, advisory services and e-solutions. In addition, UNDP hosts the UN Common Services at UN City.


UNDP works for lasting transformation of societies that better the human living conditions in developing countries. The organisation sees social, economic and environmental sustainable development as closely related and ascribe to an integrated development approach that focuses on poverty reduction and the achievement of the MDGs, democratic governance, crisis prevention and recovery, the environment and access to energy. Human rights, gender equality and national capacity building are key issues.

UNDP’s Nordic Representation Office (NRO) is also located in Copenhagen. Its role is to inform and raise awareness of UNDP’s mandate, work and results in promoting sustainable human development. NRO serves as a liaison office between UNDP headquarters in New York and the Nordic donor governments and as a communication office. NRO seeks to reach and engage stakeholders and the broader public through media coverage, public events, presentations and study tours, as well as through cooperation with development actors in the Nordic countries, including civil society, research institutes, think-tanks and the private sector. Approximately 200 UNDP employees are located in Copenhagen making it the second largest UNDP hub outside of its headquarters in New York.

PRESERVING OUR ENVIRONMENT FOR GENERATIONS TO COME UN City in Copenhagen is recognised as one of the most environmentally friendly or ’green’ buildings in the region. It is fitting then that the United Nations Environment Programme is represented as one of the eight agencies that call the building home. GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL PRIORITIES

✓ Harmful substances ✓ Resource efficiency

tions Conference on the Human Environment in June

UNEP also has six regional offices and various coun-

1972 and has its headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya.

try offices and collaborating centres, of which UNEP

The agency is the voice for the environment within

Risø Centre (URC) is based in Denmark.

the United Nations system. UNEP acts as a catalyst, advocate, educator and facilitator to promote the


wise use and sustainable development of the global

In Denmark, UNEP is represented by two collaborat-

environment. It coordinates all the United Nations

ing centres UNEP Risø Centret on Energy, Climate

environmental activities, assisting developing

Change and Sustainable development and UNEP

countries in implementing environmentally sound

DHI on water. URC is an international research and

policies and practices. Its work is spread over six key

advisory institution with a team of over 40 scien-


tists and economists with activities in 60 countries. Established by a tripartite agreement between UNEP, the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Risø DTU in 1990, URC is an integral part of UNEP’s Division of Technology, Industry and Economics (DTIE) and is

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Climate change Disasters and conflicts Ecosystem management Environmental governance


The UNEP was founded as a result of the United Na-

organisationally a part of the Technical University of Denmark. The UNEP-DHI Centre is a UNEP centre of expertise dedicated to improving the management, development and use of freshwater resources from the local to the global level. The Centre is hosted at DHI, an independent, international consulting and researchbased not-for-profit foundation of more than 1000 employees, with offices in 26 countries, and with more than 30 years of experience in water resources management.



CARING FOR THE WORLD’S CHILDREN UNICEF is the world’s largest humanitarian organisation for children. Established in 1946 by the United Nations to care for children affected by World War II, today UNICEF is active is some 190 countries and territories around the world.

UNICEF’s mandate is to help children survive and thrive (from childhood through adolescence) by providing long-term development support and humanitarian emergency response. Together with governments and the humanitarian community, UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, education for boys and girls, access to water and sanitation and protection from violence, exploitation and disease. UNICEF is entirely funded by voluntary contributions of individuals, business, foundations and governments. Since inception, UNICEF has been a global voice speaking out and working with other UN agencies, governments, international partners and communities, to take action that protects the lives of children. UNICEF programmes cover: ✓ Health and nutrition, ✓ Water and sanitation,

✓ Education, and ✓ The protection of children from violence, exploitation, and AIDS.




Operating out of UN City Campus 2, UNICEF in Copenhagen boasts the following impressive statistics:

✓ In response to emergencies, UNICEF in ✓ UNICEF procures vaccines for one-third of the world’s children. ✓ UNICEF’s warehouse located in Copenhagen is considered to be the world’s largest humanitarian warehouse. ✓ UNICEF’s Supply Division in Copenhagen is home to product innovation for children. Its campus includes an Innovation Lab where partners from public and private sectors, academia, science and design work together to make life-saving items easier for children, women, and health workers to use.

Copenhagen can ensure that the first plane load of life-saving supplies reaches the affected country within 72 hours. ✓ Supply Division is host to many guests who want to learn about and put the spotlight on important children’s issues. In 2011, UN City Campus 2 hosted a visit of UK’s Prince William and his wife, Kate, as well as the Crown Prince and Princess of Denmark. Their presence in the warehouse, packing supplies for the Horn of Africa helped re-focus international attention on the on-going crisis in Somalia.

BECAUSE EVERYONE COUNTS The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every birth is safe, and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.

The United Nations Population Fund promotes the right for everyone to decide the number, timing and spacing of children without risking the life and health. Today, more than 222 million women do not have this right fulfilled as they have an unmet need for contraception. This results in a high number of unwanted pregnancies, maternal deaths and child births related diseases such as fistula. UNFPA works to overcome the barriers that these women face to have access to family planning. Access to family planning is essential in all human beings’ personal lives, but it also has a big impact on population dynamics such as urbanization, aging, the environment, social infrastructure and poverty. UNFPA works in close cooperation with governments, other UN agencies and civil society partners in more than 150 countries around the world in order to promote everyone’s access to a safe sexual and reproductive life.

Apart from assisting governments to procure and provide quality contraceptives for their population, UNFPA also assist in building sound health systems that can provide sexual and reproductive health care services. This means training midwives, obstetric doctors and other health service providers; strengthening the capacity at maternal health clinics and local health units; formulating curricula for schools on sexuality education and working with civil society, TV, radio and entertainment programs to inform young people about sexuality. Finally, UNFPA works to secure safe births everywhere – also in emergency situations.

UNFPA AT UN CITY UNFPA Nordic Office liaises with the Nordic donor countries and works through on-going dialogue with the Nordic public, media and civil society to inform about UNFPA’s mandate and work. Moreover, UN City hosts UNFPA Procurement Services Branch which is the world’s largest procurer of contraceptives for health and emergency programs in developing countries.





UNOPS is an operational arm of the United Nations, helping a range of partners implement USD 1 billion worth of aid and development projects every year. WHAT WE DO The United Nations Office for Project Services’ mission is to expand the capacity of the UN system and its partners to implement peacebuilding, humanitarian and development operations that matter for people in need. With a focus on sustainable infrastructure, sustainable procurement and sustainable project management, UNOPS projects range from helping partners build schools, roads, bridges and hospitals to procuring goods and services and training local personnel.

GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS IN COPENHAGEN UNOPS Global Headquarters and the Asia, Europe and Middle East Regional Office are based in Copenhagen, at UN City. Through its headquarters and a network of regional and country offices, UNOPS oversees activities in more than 80 countries. It is comprised of three delivery practices, which provide oversight and guidance for the agency’s global portfolio of projects in its core areas of expertise. They are:

Last year UNOPS built over 2 600 kilometres of roads in some of the most challenging places in the world such as Afghanistan, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Haiti. Built 40 schools and 48 medical facilities, and procured 9.6 million doses of medicine for people in need. In Syria, and in refugee camps in neighbouring countries, UNOPS are supporting humanitarian activities. These are just a few examples of what the 6 000 personnel under UNOPS contracts contribute to around the world.

✓ Sustainable Project Management Practice Group ✓ Sustainable Infrastructure Practice Group ✓ Sustainable Procurement Practice Group The agency also provides a range of administrative services through these headquarters, including legal, internal audit, information technology and communications services.


AN OPERATIONAL ARM OF THE UN OUR GOALS During the period 2010 to 2013, four high-level goals have defined the work of UNOPS. They are called ‘contribution goals’, since UNOPS contributes to the work and results of its partners. These goals are: 1. Rebuilding peace and stability after conflict 2. Early recovery of communities affected by natural disaster 3. The ability of people to develop local economies and obtain social services 4. Environmental sustainability and adaptation to climate change

OUR PARTNERS UNOPS provides implementation support services to partners – from UN organisations and international financial institutions to governments, intergovernmental organisations and non-governmental organisations. Some of there partners are:

✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) European Commission (EC) The World Bank Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) United States Agency for International Development (USAID) UK aid from the Department for International Development (DFID)

EMPOWERING WOMEN AND GIRLS One of the youngest agency’s within the UN fold, UN Women was created in July 2010, for gender equality and the empowerment of women. In doing so, UN Member States took an historic step in accelerating the organisation’s goals on gender equality and the empowerment of women. The creation of UN Women came about as part of the UN reform agenda, bringing together resources and mandates for greater impact.

UN Women is the UN entity dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. A global champion for women and girls, UN Women was established to accelerate progress on meeting women’s needs worldwide. In intergovernmental forums at the United Nations, Member States come together to debate and seek agreement on global gender equality norms and standards. The entity supports UN Member States as they set global standards for achieving gender equality, and works with governments and civil society to design laws, policies, programmes and services needed to implement these standards. UN Women conducts research, and compiles and provides evidence, including good practices and lessons learned, to inform intergovernmental

debates and decisions. UN Women also assists in implementing norms and standards through country programmes. In addition, UN Women leads and coordinates the UN system’s work in support of gender equality and the empowerment of women.

OPERATIONS IN COPENHAGEN UN Women’s Nordic Office situated at UN City liaises with Nordic governments, parliamentarians and key decision-makers, as well as UN Women National Committees in Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, the private sector, media, civil society and all UN agencies based in Copenhagen. The Nordic countries have a steadfast relationship with the UN, and have historically been strong advocates for gender equality both within their own countries and as part of their development cooperation policy.





The WHO is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system. It is responsible for providing leadership on global health matters, shaping the health research agenda, setting norms and standards, articulating evidence-based policy options, providing technical support to countries and monitoring and assessing health trends.

“I want my leadership to be judged by the impact of our work on the health of two populations: women and the people of Africa.” - Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General WHO operates in an increasingly complex and rapidly changing landscape. The boundaries of public health action have become blurred, extending into other sectors that influence health opportunities and outcomes. WHO responds to these challenges using a six-point agenda. The six points address two health objectives, two strategic needs, and two operational approaches. The overall performance of WHO is measured by the impact of its work on women’s health and health in Africa. The six points are: 1. Promoting development: WHO activities aimed at health development give priority to health outcomes in poor, disadvantaged or vulnerable groups. 2. Fostering health security: The world’s ability to defend itself collectively against outbreaks has been

strengthened since June 2007, when the revised International Health Regulations came into force. 3. Strengthening health systems: Areas being addressed include the provision of adequate numbers of appropriately trained staff, sufficient financing, suitable systems for collecting vital statistics, and access to appropriate technology including essential drugs. 4. Harnessing research, information and evidence: WHO generates authoritative health information, in consultation with leading experts, to set norms and standards, articulate evidence-based policy options and monitor the evolving global heath situation. 5. Enhancing partnerships: WHO uses the strategic power of evidence to encourage partners implementing programmes within countries to align their activi-


PROVIDING GLOBAL HEALTH CARE AND SECURITY ties with best technical guidelines and practices, as well as with the priorities established by countries. 6. Improving performance: WHO aims to ensure that its strongest asset - its staff - works in an environment that is motivating and rewarding. WHO plans its budget and activities through results-based management, with clear expected results to measure performance at country, regional and international levels.

WHO AT UN CITY The WHO Regional Office for Europe (WHO/Europe) is one of WHO’s six regional offices around the world, and is located in Copenhagen. It covers 53 Member States – from Ireland to Uzbekistan. It has over 500 staff, 29 Country Offices and five other technical centres. The Office’s goal is the attainment of the highest possible level of health for the almost 900 million people who live in the WHO European Region, and it works closely with member countries and partners to achieve this, with technical expertise and support on issues ranging from; communicable diseases, non-communicable diseases, disease prevention, health determinants, health systems and public health to environment and health, life stages such as maternal health, information and evidence, and emergencies.



✓ Support or restore food security and nutrition and

WFP pursues a vision of the world in which every man, woman and child has access at all times to the food needed for an active and healthy life. In 2012, WFP assisted more than 97 million people in 78 countries WFP is funded entirely by voluntary donations.

establish or rebuild livelihoods in fragile settings following emergencies. ✓ Reduce risk and enable people, communities and countries to meet their own food and nutrition needs. ✓ Reduce undernutrition and break the intergenera tional cycle of hunger.

The mission of WFP is to end global hunger. WFP supports national, local and regional food security and nutrition plans. It partners with other United Nations agencies, international organisations, non-governmental organisations, civil society and the private sector to enable people, communities and countries to meet their own food needs.


The agencies’ work is guided by four objectives, outlined in its Strategic Plan: ✓ Save lives and protect livelihoods in emergencies.

WFP’s Nordic Liaison Office in Copenhagen works to raise awareness of the key role of the organisation and its Nordic partners in fighting global hunger and under-nutrition. The Nordic Liaison Office is WFP’s window to the Nordic countries which combined is the 4th largest donor to WFP. WFP’s information and communication activities aim at increasing the political and public support to

© WFP/Shehzad Noorani

The United Nations World Food Programme is the world’s largest humanitarian agency fighting global hunger. In emergencies WFP gets food to where it is needed, saving the lives of victims of war, civil conflict and natural disasters. After the cause of an emergency has passed, food is used to help communities rebuild their shattered lives.

the fight against hunger and targets a broad crosssection of politicians and other decision makers, partners, media, students and the public. Activities include presentations and lectures, participation in workshops and conferences, study trips for parliamentarians and journalists, outreach to traditional external media platforms as well as working through WFP’s own websites and social media platforms. WFP’s Nordic Liaison Office also serves as liaison between the WFP headquarters in Rome, regional and country offices and partners in the Nordic countries.



ALLEVIATING EXTREME POVERTY The Millennium Development Goals – will they be reached?

GOALS & TARGETS The eight Millennium Development Goals range from halving extreme poverty to halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and providing universal primary education to children across the globe, all by the target date of 2015. The eight goals are: GOAL 1: ERADICATE EXTREME POVERTY AND HUNGER; Target: To halve, between 1990 and 2015, the proportion of people whose income is less than USD 1 a day, and who suffer from hunger. GOAL 2: ACHIEVE UNIVERSAL PRIMARY EDUCATION Target: Ensure that, by 2015, children everywhere, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling. GOAL 3: PROMOTE GENDER EQUALITY AND EMPOWER WOMEN Target: Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education, preferably by 2005, and in all levels of education, no later than 2015. GOAL 4: REDUCE CHILD MORTALITY Target: Reduce by two-thirds, between 1990 and 2015, the mortality rate of children under five. GOAL 5: IMPROVE MATERNAL HEALTH Target: Reduce by three-quarters, between 1990 and 2015, the maternal mortality ratio and achieve universal access to reproductive health. GOAL 6: COMBAT HIV AND AIDS, MALARIA AND OTHER DISEASES Targets: Halt and begin to reverse, by 2015, the spread of HIV/ AIDS, achieve universal access to treatment for HIV/AIDS for all those who need it, and halt and begin to reverse, the incidence of malaria and other major diseases. GOAL 7: ENSURE ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY Targets: Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programmes and reverse the loss of environmental resources. Reduce biodiversity loss; halve, by 2015, the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation. Achieve, by 2020, a significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers. GOAL 8: DEVELOP A GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP FOR DEVELOPMENT Targets: Develop further an open, rules-based, predictable, nondiscriminatory trading and financial system; to address the special needs of least developed countries, landlocked countries and small island developing states and help them deal with debt, provide them with essential drugs and build new ICTs.


“Eradicating extreme poverty continues to be one of the main challenges of our time, and is a major concern of the international community. Ending this scourge will require the combined efforts of all, governments, civil society organizations and the private sector, in the context of a stronger and more effective global partnership for development. The Millennium Development Goals set timebound targets, by which progress in reducing income poverty, hunger, disease, lack of adequate shelter and exclusion — while promoting gender equality, health, education and environmental sustainability — can be measured. They also embody basic human rights — the rights of each person on the planet to health, education, shelter and security. The Goals are ambitious but feasible and, together with the comprehensive United Nations development agenda, set the course for the world’s efforts to alleviate extreme poverty by 2015.” United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

MONITORING THE PROGRESS Measuring the progress of these goals is a key indicator as to how much has been achieved and what still needs to be done in order to meet the mandate set back in 1990. An Inter-agency and Expert Group (IAEG) on MDG Indicators has been set up to monitor the development and roll-out, and is coordinated by the United Nations Statistics Division. With the 2015 target date approaching, it is more important than ever to understand where the goals are on track, and where additional efforts and support are needed, both globally and at the country level. The MDG Monitor is designed as a tool for policymakers, development practitioners, journalists, students and others to track progress through interactive maps and country-specific profiles. Learn about countries’ challenges and achievements and get the latest news, and support organisations working on the MDGs around the world.

THE MDG MONITOR REPORTS THE FOLLOWING STATS ACHIEVED PER MDG TARGET: Goal 1, targets met to date: ✓ In developing regions, the proportion of people living on less than USD 1.25 a day fell from 47% in 1990 to 22% in 2010, five years ahead of schedule. ✓ The proportion of undernourished people globally decreased from 23.2% in 1990-1992 to 14.9% in 2010-2012. This however still leaves 870 million people – one in eight worldwide – going hungry! Goal 2, targets met to date: ✓ New national data shows the number of out-ofschool children dropped from 102 million to 57 million from 2000 to 2011. ✓ Primary education enrolment in developing countries reached 90% in 2010.

Goal 5, targets met to date:

✓ Globally, maternal mortality declined by 47% over the last two decades. Goal 6, targets met to date: ✓ Worldwide, the number of people newly infected with HIV continues to fall, dropping 33% from 2001 to 2011. ✓ In 2012, 290,000 fewer children under age 15 were infected with HIV, than in 2001. ✓ A record 9.7 million people were receiving antiretroviral therapy for HIV in 2012. ✓ In the decade since 2000, 1.1 million deaths from malaria were averted. ✓ Treatment for tuberculosis has saved some 20 million lives between 1995 and 2011.

Goal 3, targets met to date:

Goal 7, targets met to date:

✓ Globally, the share of women employed outside

✓ More than 2.1 billion people have gained ac-

of agriculture rose to 40%, but rose to only 20% in Southern Asia, Western Asia and Northern Africa. ✓ The global share of women in parliament continues to rise slowly and reached 20% in 2012.

cess to improved drinking water sources since 1990, exceeding the MDG target. ✓ While almost 2 billion more people now have access to proper sanitation than in 1990, 2.5 billion still do not have access to toilets or latrines.

Goal 4, targets met to date: ✓ Since 1990, the under-five mortality rate has dropped by 47%. While around 17,000 fewer children are dying each day, 6.6 million children under five died in 2012, mostly from preventable diseases. ✓ More than 10 million lives have been saved through measles vaccines since 2000.

Goal 8, targets met to date: ✓ Official development assistance stood at USD 126 billion in 2012. ✓ A total of 83% of least developed country exports enter developed countries duty-free. ✓ In 2012, trade of developing countries and transition economies outpaced the world average.

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