Monday, Jan. 30, 2012

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s e r v i n g t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f n o r t h e r n c o l o r a d o s i n c e 1 9 19

the mirror Monday, January 30, 2012

uncm i r r o r . c o m

Volume 94, Number 52

Look in The Mirr or Page 5

New sisters find family

News Remembering Professor Peake Business instructor Junius Peake, a subject of the controversial The Howling Pig, dies at 80. PAGE 4

Sports Men’s team lacks leadership Mirror columnist David Wilson discusses how the men’s hoops team needs to improve. PAGE 7

Online Track & field competes at Air Force The men’s team finished eighth while the women finished ninth. Read at Mon: 56 | 29


49 | 27

Wed: 50 | 29 Thur: 41 | 24 SOURCE: WEATHER.COM

Upcoming In Wednesday’s issue of The Mirror, read about a presentation discussing the repercussions of social media postings.


UNC sophomore Sam Bauer (above) wrestles Chadron State junior Dustin Stodola in a 133 pound bout Saturday at Butler-Hancock Sports Pavilion.

w w w. u n c m i r r o r. c o m C A M P U S N E W S . C O M M U N I T Y N E W S . Y O U R N E W S .


2 The Mirror

Monday, January 30, 2012

MGCC celebrates ethnicity with history month COLLEEN ALLISON

February is Black History Month, and UNC has several different events planned to celebrate. The first event is the kickoff reception to a month-long celebration from 3-4 p.m. Tuesday at the Marcus Garvey Cultural Center, located on 10th Avenue and 20th Street on central campus. Throughout the month there will be a variety of different film screenings for students to attend. The films being shown throughout the month include “Banished,” “Blacking Up: Hip-Hop’s

Remix of Race and Identity,” “The Help,” “February One,” “Freedom on My Mind” and “Scarred Justice: The Orangeburg Massacre 1968.” Films will either be shown in the Michener Library or at the Marcus Garvey Cultural Center depending on the date. A variety of speakers and programs will also be available for University of Northern Colorado community members to attend. “We just pray that each and every event is successfu,” said Ty’Ray Thompson, the director of the MGCC. “Students will

leave differently than when they came in. This is our hope.” The last event, “My Black is Beautiful: Celebrating Black Women in the Arts” will be hosted from 7-9 p.m. March 5 in Lindou Auditorium. Sonya Renee is slated to be the special guest. UNC students and staff have celebrated Black History Month for many years. “I’m thinking (UNC has celebrated Black History Month) since the establishment of Marcus Garvey Cultural Center in 1982,” Thompson said. This year’s celebratory theme is “African

American Women in American History and Culture.” The theme is helping honor the founding father of Black History Month. “The Association for the study of African American Life and History, founded by Carter G. Woodson — who is also the founding father of Black History Month — sets the annual theme. So, in honor of his legacy, we decided to go with annual theme,” Thompson said. The events are being put on by a team at the MGCC, the Africana Studies program, Black Student Union, Black Women of Today, Black

Men of Today, Michener Library, Dining Services and the Women’s Resource Center. Students wanting to

get involved with the MGCC can contact Ty’Ray Thompson at TyRay.Thompson@unco.e du or call 970-351-2351.

Black History Month Events •Kickoff reception - 3 - 4 p.m. Tuesday at the MGCC •“Banished” - 12:15 - 2 p.m. Wednesday at Michener •Soul Food Night - 4 - 6 p.m. Wednesday at the MGCC •“Blacking Up: Hip-Hop’s Remix of Race and Identity” - 12:15 - 2 p.m. Feb. 8 at Michener •“The Help” - 7 - 9 p.m. Feb. 14 at Michener •“February One” - 12:15 - 2 p.m. Feb. 18 at Michener •Dearfield Dream Conference - 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. in Columbine Suites •Miss Black History Scholarship Pageant - 5 - 7 p.m. Feb. 20 at the Lindou Auditorium •“Freedom on My Mind” - 12:15 - 2 p.m. Feb. 22 at Michener •“Scarred Justice: The Orangeburg Massacre 1968” - 12:15 - 2 p.m. Feb. 29 at Michener •Black History Knowledge Bowl - 3 - 5 p.m. Feb. 29 at Ross 1060 •“My Black is Beautiful: Celebrating Black Women in the Arts” 7 - 9 p.m. March 5 at Lindou Auditorium

Editor: Benjamin Welch

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Mirror 3

POLL This week’s poll question: Could Greeley support a highend seafood restaurant?

Cast your vote at Last week’s poll question: Are you interested in running for next year’s Student Senate? Yes

44% No


This poll is nonscientific.

Mirror Staff 2011-12

KURT HINKLE | General Manager BENJAMIN WELCH | Editor SARA VAN CLEVE | News Editor PARKER COTTON | Sports Editor RYAN LAMBERT | Arts Editor MELANIE VASQUEZ | Visual Editor TRACY LABONVILLE | Advertising Manager RYAN ANDERSON | Ad Production Manager JOSH DIVINE, RUBY WHITE | Copy Editors

Contact Us Advertising 970-392-9323 Fax 970-392-9025

Front Desk 970-392-9270 General Manager 970-392-9286

Mission Statement The Mirror’s mission is to educate, inform and entertain the students, staff and faculty of the UNC community, and to educate the staff on the business of journalism in a college-newspaper environment.

About us The Mirror is published every Monday, Wednesday and Friday during the academic year by the Student Media Corp. It is printed by the Greeley Tribune. The first copy is free; additional copies are 50 cents each and must be purchased from The Mirror office.

Romney’s self-made fortune exemplifies ‘American dream’ In nearly every election, candidates are asked to release their tax information to ensure their integrity. This year, the candidate who has received the most flak for his tax information is Mitt Romney, who released his 2010 and 2011 documents last week. During the last two years, Romney is expected to pay $6.2 million in taxes on his $42.5 million income, which turns out to be 13.9 percent and 15.4 percent in 2010 and 2011, respectively. These rates are just a few percentage points higher than the average American

and more than 10 percent lower than what other millionaires pay. Romney insists he has not evaded taxes and has said he earned every cent of his income. He said he did not inherit his money and is very proud of his success. Most politicians are incredibly wealthy, and many have probably avoided paying the taxes that most citizens believe they really should. Just like most of these politicians, Romney surely received some tax breaks. But despite what people think of Romney because of his stance

on issues or his religious views, he should be admired for being a hard-worker who got all of his money through his own accords. Many politicians come from “old money” and inherit their millions; Romney, however, is a self-made millionaire. Instead of bashing Romney for not paying as much in taxes as many believe he should, perhaps Americans should consider that it is not Romney evading taxes, but our flawed tax system that allows wealthy individuals to pay such a small portion of taxes. Middle-income Americans usu-

ally end up suffering the most when loopholes are put into motion for the wealthiest in our country to avoid paying their fair share. On the other hand, as many proud Americans would agree, our country is based on a freeenterprise system and each and every citizen has the right to be successful. Maybe we should, instead, applaud the hard work of diligent businesspeople who have the ambition and intelligence to create the successful enterprises that have made this country so great.

Mirror Reflections are the opinion of The Mirror’s editorial board: Parker Cotton, Ryan Lambert, Sara Van Cleve, Melanie Vasquez and Benjamin Welch. Let us know what you think. E-mail us at

Continual media bias against pro-life side is failure of journalism ethics Josh DIVINE


hat do you call 500,000 people marching in Washington, D.C.? If you’re the New York Times, it’s “not newsworthy.” For the fifth year in a row, the Times largely ignored the March for Life. The ironic twist is they did include a “Happenings in Washington” section, which spoke of Obama honoring the Boston Bruins. Abortion is arguably today’s most heated issue, and the 39year history of the March for Life and the fact that it has continuously drawn crowds of more than

250,000 since 2003 can hardly be deemed not newsworthy, especially when the Times wrote an 800-word piece in 2010 about four D.C. protestors marching in support of the Dream Act — four! It’s not just the Times; most major news networks have a repeated history of ignoring the significant protest. To be fair, many do cover the event, but a large portion slant stories in ways that are so inaccurate it would be hard to believe the actions weren’t intentional. Take CNN anchor Rick Sanchez, who in 2010 implied it was difficult to tell which side of the abortion debate was represented more. Apparently, he couldn’t distinguish the fact that estimates placed the ratio of prolife-to-pro-choice supporters as high as 20,000 to 1. In similar flavor, Newsweek’s

The Daily Beast writer Krista Gesaman said in 2010 young women were missing from the march, asserting the elderly comprised the majority of the protest. In actuality, young women were the predominant demographic in the pro-life protest. CBS Washington may be the winner of blatant bias, though. Until they drew excessive fire, CBS exclusively released photos of pro-choice counter-protestors. I’m amazed they could take pictures at all without getting at least a thousand pro-life protestors in each shot. This doesn’t just extend to pro-life marches, however. The media has not given the attention warranted to the fact that Massachusetts Judge Christina Harms recently ordered a woman to undergo a forced abortion and sterilization, something the pro-

life side has warned about for years. This story should have people on both sides outraged. The bias seems too ubiquitous to be labeled as oversight. Peter Kreeft, professor of philosophy at Boston College, points to the secular Wirthlin Agency’s research, which states that while 72 percent of Americans find some aspect of abortion inherently bad and deserving of greater restrictions, only 3 percent of media personnel do. It seems that the media’s treatment of the March for Life is not just bias; it’s blatant agenda setting meant to marginalize the pro-life cause. And that is a patent violation of journalism ethics. — Josh Divine is a senior mathematics major and a weekly columnist for The Mirror.


4 The Mirror

Monday, January 30, 2012

Junius Peake, former prof and subject of tabloid, dies at 80 SARA VAN CLEVE

A former UNC professor, known for his professional work with the stock market, more than a decade with the Monfort College of Business and being a subject of the controversial “Howling Pig,” died Thursday night at the age of 80. Junius Peake, a professor

of finance at the University of Northern Colorado, died Jan. 26, confirmed Mindy Rickard, the general manager of The Bridge at Greeley, the assisted living facility where he lived. Peake served multiple terms as the Monfort Executive Professor, and retired from the university and teaching in 2007. Peake grew up on the East Coast and was seen by

many people as a rough New York and had a percepNew Yorker; however, John tion of being a rough guy, Sears, a former student of but he cared about his stuPeake, said there was much dents. His rough edge was more to him than the tough his personality because he was from the East Coast, but exterior many people saw. he was very soft“We got hearted and comalong pretty passionate.” well,” said Peake never Sears, who completed a colgraduated with lege education, a degree in but Sears said he finance in 2003. thinks Peake’s “He was very parochial educacaring and Junius Peake was tion was better compassionate a former UNC prothan most of to me.” fessor who died today’s college Sears, who is Thursday at 80. educations. in a wheelchair, said Peake was always mak- Although he never returned ing sure he was comfortable to Syracuse University and looking out for his well- when he left in 1951, Peake being during class. When saw success in the profesPeake was in college in sional realm before he Syracuse in the 1950s, he taught at UNC. “He grew up in a generahad to leave his studies to take care of his father, who tion when a guy could start had become wheelchair- out and work his way up and have a pretty good bound, Sears said. “Jay was used to being in career,” Sears said. “He that environment,” he said. spent 40 years in the stock “He was very helpful to me market back at a time when and concerned about how I seniority meant more than was doing. I’ll always it does today. He showed remember Jay was from that you have to persevere

and be tough. You have to want it. Toughness and determination can turn into the breaks you get. Hard work is what brings that about, and throughout his career he worked very, very hard.” Following his stock market successes, Peake joined the UNC faculty in 1993 and taught finance at the MCB for 14 years. Even from Greeley, Peake had an influence over the stock market. “Jay was influential in the 1997 decimalization of the stock market,” Sears said. “If a stock market price was $25.12, before 1997 it would be 25 1/8. He got things going so the market started using decimals.” Although his influence on the stock market and countless students will be his legacy, that influence is not necessarily what Peake is best known for, at least to the UNC community. In 2003, Peake found himself the subject of a satirical newsletter-type website, “The Howling Pig.” Tom Mink, a former UNC student, started the website, which featured an altered photograph of Peake, renamed “Mr. Puke.” The photograph combined Peake’s photo with the likes of Gene Simmons from Kiss and Adolf Hitler. Peake went to the police for criminal libel and the Greeley police seized Mink’s computer and other materials used to make the website. After the American Civil Liberties Union got involved and after three trips to the 10th Circuit

Court of Appeals in eight years, Mink received $425,000 from Weld County for violating his freedom of speech. Sears said Peake was not lucid when the case was finally settled, but was hurt by the case since its beginning. “The whole thing hurt his feelings,” Sears said. “The case lasted eight years, and it just hurt his feelings.” Sears said Peake’s wife, Diane Ryerson-Peake, told him that her husband’s health has been in decline in recent years. “Part of it was just old age,” he said. “He started to decline after he gave up teaching.” Sears said Peake absolutely loved teaching and remained somewhat active in the field after his retirement through some consulting and writing a few articles. The Mirror will provide updates on the story, including information about a memorial service, as it becomes available.

I’ll always remember Jay was from New York and had a perception of being a rough guy, but he cared about his students...he was very soft-hearted and compassionate. — John Sears, former student of business professor Junius Peake


Monday, January 30, 2012

The Mirror 5

Latina sorority members come out to greet Greeks TESSA BYRNS

New sisters of UNC’s chapter of Latina-based sorority Sigma Lambda Gamma were welcomed into the fold and formally introduced to Greek Life Saturday on Turner Green. Every year, SLG hosts a similar show for their new members to introduce themselves to other SLG sisters, Greek community members and peers. “Our sorority likes to put on the show because we want to bring our girls out and welcome them into the Greek world,” said Rebecca Reyes, vice president and community chair of SLG. “We want to show everyone that our girls are legit.” Other members said

welcoming is a big part of what the coming-out show is about. “We want to introduce our girls and welcome them into the Greek community,” said Kayleigh Mullins, a junior journalism and communication studies major. Sigma Lambda Gamma is also the fastest-growing Latina sorority in the United States. “A lot of people choose us because of our diversity,” Reyes said. “They come and join our sorority for the cultural backgrounds.” The sorority is currently active in all 50 states but its number of active sisters is unknown to headquarters because of graduates and pledges. There are currently 23 active members at the

University of Northern Colorado. On Saturday, four girls became active members of the sorority. To introduce them to everyone in Greek Life, the four new girls were welcomed by each sorority and fraternity on campus as well as traditional clubs and member families. With each introduction and welcome, the girls would sing a popular song but change the words to fit the group they were introducing. Afterward, the girls introduced themselves and told the crowd why they were chosen to be a Sigma Lambda Gamma and why they chose the sorority. “I believe in the principles SLG puts forth,” said Cecilia


From left to right: Valandra Espinoza, Cecilia Ramirez, Mariah O’Connell, and Sophia Hadjinicolaou show the crowd of students their funky dance moves at the Sigma Lambda Gamma come-out event Saturday evening at Turner Green. Ramirez, a sophomore elementary education major. “Their principles are very important to me and that is what made me want to become one of the members.”

Another new member said she liked everything about the sorority and that is why she wanted to be a part of it. “I like everything about

this sorority,” said Sophia Hadjinicolaou, a senior elementary education major. “I think everyone who isn’t a Sigma Lambda Gamma should be jealous.”

‘Operation’ ongoing to rename avenue COLLEEN ALLISON Sudoku rules: Fill all empty squares so the numbers 1 to 9 appear once in each row, column and 3x3 box. Some numbers are provided to give you a head start.

For solution, see page 8

Operation Bear Aware is well on the way to reaching its goal to rename 11th Avenue Bear Boulevard. According to Kim Barbour, the public affairs director for the

Greeley Chamber of Commerce, Operation Bear Aware is “a collaborative effort to connect UNC students with Greeley area businesses and organizations – to encourage students to explore Greeley beyond campus.” Operation Bear Aware

The College of Natural and Health Sciences (NHS) at the University of Northern Colorado invites you to attend our forth annual

Saturday, February 18, 2012 • 8:00am-5:00pm UNC’s University Center Ballrooms • 10th Avenue and 20th Street in Greeley Registration fees: $35/person if you register and pay by 2/10/12 • $45/person if you pay after 2/10/12 Checks, cash and credit cards accepted (Payable to the University of Northern Colorado Foundation)

Call or email NOW to register! Beckie Croissant (970) 351-2774, All proceeds go towards funding research projects and travel for undergradutate and graduate students in the College of Natural and Health Sciences.

has been in motion for two years now. There are currently about 75 Greeley businesses that are part of OBA. Students who visit participating stores sign in and have a chance to win prizes. Special discounts as well as other offers at the stores are available to students who sign in. Some of the discounts and offers are for a limited time while others are permanent. Participating business should have a banner or sign saying they participate in OBA. Prize drawings are held weekly. The prizes vary each week depend-

ing on the business. “Most of the prizes are gift certificates or cards from our supporting businesses – they range in value from $10 to $50. Some businesses have donated gift baskets,” Barbour said. The winners are posted on the OBA website weekly. The main purpose of OBA is to unite UNC students and the City of Greeley. “OBA’s purpose is to move us toward being more of a university community,” Barbour said. OBA’s other goal is to See OBA, Page 8

6 The Mirror

Editor: Parker Cotton

Monday, January 30, 2012

Wrestling team defeats Chadron State at home GRANT EVANS

Everything was working Saturday for the UNC wrestling team as it easily took care of business against Chadron State, 29-12, at Butler-Hancock Sports Pavilion. The University of Northern Colorado (3-5) won eight of 10 matches and led the entire match. The Bears started the dual with junior Patrick Gomez pinning Chadron State

I feel like it hyped up the guys to start out the night with a pin. — UNC junior Patrick Gomez

sophomore Jordan Debus. country at 165 pounds by Wrestling, “Being the first guy out Intermat there, I was pretty nerv- extended his winning ous,” Gomez said. “I feel streak to eight, improving like it hyped up the guys his overall record to 15-1 to start out the night with this season. McMartin a pin.” said he was very UNC sophocomfortable on more Nick the mat as he Bayer, freshwas the only man Henry wrestler to win Chirino, redby tech fall. shirt freshman “Before the Jesse Meis, match my s o p h o m o r e Charlie McMartin coaches really Justin Gonzales, was the only stressed believredshirt fresh- wrestler to win ing in myself,” man Charlie Saturday by McMartin said. McMartin, sen- technical fall. “I think that ior Gabe Burak and redshirt freshman really helped motivate me Josh Van Tine all followed to be successful.” UNC’s two losses in suit with wins throughout the dual came from Sam the evening. Burak, currently Bauer, who lost a 12-9 ranked No. 13 in the decision to junior Dustin

Stodola at 133 pounds, and senior Casey Cruz, who lost in overtime to Chadron State freshman Leandro Arias at 141 pounds. Although spirits were high after the win, head coach Ben Cherrington said he was not pleased with some of his wrestlers’ efforts. “I have mixed feelings about our performance tonight,” Cherrington said. “I thought some guys went out there to dominate and other guys held back to try and get wins. Chadron State is a good team, but we are at another level and we need to take these opportunities to learn how to dominate throughout the lineup.” The Bears’ next dual is at 7 p.m. Feb. 8 at Wyoming.


UNC freshman Henry Chirino (above) wrestles Chadron State redshirt freshman Mike Hill Saturday at ButlerHancock Sports Pavilion. Chirino won the bout, 12-3. Cherrington and his team knows the challenge it faces heading into Western Wrestling Conference competition. “It is going to be a

tough one, they are very, very good this year,” Cherrington said. “Hopefully the guys will be rested and ready to compete after a week off.”

Swimming and diving splits senior day meet STAFF REPORT

The UNC swimming & diving team split its duals Saturday on senior day, falling to Wyoming 162-92 and defeating Colorado School of Mines 213-41, who also fell to Wyoming, 170-61. The University of Northern Colorado gave the team’s three seniors a final regular season goodbye during the dual with eight second-place finishes, including seniors Hannah Halstrom and Jennifer Smith, who gained second place finishes with a 2:14.09

site. “All three time in the 200swam very well, meter butterfly and I couldn’t be and 25.14 in the 50 happier that they free, respectively. were able to go UNC senior out on such a Sammy Leonard’s high note. It’s highest finish was wild to think third, individually, Jennifer Smith their career will in the 200 back, placed second in be complete in finishing second the 50 meter three weeks. I behind sopho- freestyle Saturday know they have a more Courtney on senior day. lot of mixed Van Oost, with final times of 2:15.02 and emotions of excitement and sadness, but these girls have 2:11.05, respectively. “We sent the seniors out represented UNC swimming with a great meet,” head and diving with honor and coach Kelly McClanahan pride and have deserved told the UNC athletics web- their day in the spotlight.

thing we’ve been The girls showed a working on and lot of class and the new philosodignity in the face phy of getting of adversity today. your hand on the I am so proud to wall before the be their coach.” competition. It’s Halstrom also finished in third Hannah Halstrom good to see them racing as best place during the finished second in they can (while) 100 butterfly the 200 butterfly tired and broken b e h i n d and third in the down. That will Wyoming’s Nikki 100 butterfly. bode well for Finnesand (first place) and UNC freshman conference.” Leonard and Van Oost Jessica Reed-Baum (second were able to come together place). “The girls raced really in the relays, giving the Bears well today,” McClanahan a third place finish in the 400 said. “They applied every- medley relay, with sopho-

mores Renee Stephens and Kira Alger. Leonard, Stephens, Smith and freshman Brenna Boese scored the highest for the Bears in the 200 freestyle relay with a second place finish. Van Oost had two individual third place finishes in the 100 backstroke and the 200 individual medley. The Bears have a couple of weeks outside of competitions before they begin the Mountain Pacific Sports Federation Championship Feb. 15 in Los Angeles.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Real Estate Office Space Furnished office space 1600 sq ft., great location $9.75/sq ft. Jim Dech 970-352-7683

The Mirror 7

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The Mirror is looking for confident, personable and self-motivated marketing and advertising majors to join its advertising department. All advertising representatives earn commission on ads sold, but more importantly gain valuable sales training in a friendly, yet competitive, environment. To inquire about the position contact Ad Manager Tracy LaBonville at 970-392-9323 or at

own equipment before they apply. Contact Photo Editor

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Men’s basketball season hangs on mental maturity David WILSON


n the first overtime of the UNC men’s basketball team’s 99-94 double-overtime loss to Idaho State Thursday, Idaho State senior guard Kenny McGowen went coast-tocoast and scored while getting fouled by UNC senior forward Mike Proctor in the last four seconds. McGowen hit the free throw to tie the game and send it into a second overtime, where Idaho State eventually prevailed. Those final four seconds and three points by McGowen of the first overtime dropped the University of Northern Colorado (6-13, 3-5 Big

Sky) to seventh in the Big Sky Conference standings and pointed out the glaring problem in the 2011-12 Bears’ season. Fouling a player going for a layup while up three is a cardinal sin — a mental lapse — that epitomizes the first half of conference play for UNC. There is a lack of maturity and lack of leadership on this year’s team that overshadows the amount of talent in the Bears’ locker room. Anyone who has paid attention to the men’s team the past few years expected a down year in the win column, but nobody could have predicted the frustrating nature in which the losses have piled up this season. Bears head coach B.J. Hill has stated numerous times this season that this year’s team doesn’t know

what it feels like to be 4-24 like the four graduates from last year’s NCAA Tournament team, Devon Beitzel, Chris Kaba, Neal Kingman and Taylor Montgomery, did in the 2006-07 season. The fact that this young team has only known success from a supporting role is showing in its inability to handle both success and failure this season. UNC has won back-to-back games only once and has three losing streaks this year of three or more games. Those losses have been aided by the fact that UNC has not taken care of the ball in the majority of its games. The Bears have committed 15 or more turnovers in 13 of 19 games this season. The carelessness with the ball is another sign of players

trying to do too much. It’s difficult to point fingers because it has been a collective effort, but if there was one position that stands out, it’s the guards. Sophomore guards Paul Garnica and Tate Unruh along with junior guard Elliott Lloyd are the three that come to my mind, as all were factors in the Bears’ success last year. Garnica was the Bears’ leading scorer for the first two months of this season, but after losing his spot in the starting rotation to Lloyd, he has turned into a ghost. His scoring average has nosedived from 17.3 to 10.2 since the start of January and he hasn’t scored more than six points in the last five games. Garnica is arguably the most talented player on UNC’s roster, but he

has shown his youth when it comes to shot selection and defensive responsibilities. Unruh has also slipped into the shadows the past month. Hill has called him one of the best pure shooters in the country but a nagging ankle injury has stifled his output. Unruh has been held scoreless his last two games and hasn’t reached double digits since the New Year’s Eve game against Northern Arizona. Finally, we arrive at Lloyd. He was the starting point guard last year and has the most floor experience of anyone on the roster. If there is anyone who needs to take the reins and be the leader of the guards, I believe it is Lloyd. His inconsistent offensive numbers are the result of

his timid approach. If he can grow out of it, his defense and team-first mentality makes him the logical choice as the leader of this team. There is too much talent to write this year’s team off completely, but for any success to occur in the final two months of the season, they have to drastically improve mentally and grow up faster than their year in school indicates. It’s easier said than done. There are no drills Hill can have his team do, nothing else he can say for his players’ mental growth to transpire. Each player will have to figure it out on their own, starting with the floor generals. — David Wilson is a senior journalism major and a sports reporter for The Mirror.


8 The Mirror

Monday, January 30, 2012

Mondays now motivation for turning new leaf CARMEN BRADY

Students may often dread Mondays. They signify an end to the weekend and the start of another work-filled week. It’s easy on Monday to get caught up thinking about homework, tests and other anxieties. Though Mondays can conjure thoughts of stress, they can also provide a fresh start for students, an idea that the nationwide program the Monday Campaigns has latched onto and is taking full advantage of. The Monday Campaigns is a program designed to promote a

healthy lifestyle for people across the nation. Each week will feature a new healthy idea, offering the chance to start a routine like a new diet, starting an exercise program and quitting smoking. The overall goal of the program is to help stop chronic diseases that are health related and preventable. “Research shows that people think of Monday as a fresh start,” said LeeAnne Kosovich, the graduate assistant for wellness at the Campus Recreation Center. “It’s a perfect opportunity for students who want to improve themselves to go

ahead and do that.” Along with the encouragement of a new week, students will also be reminded by advertisements on campus. “Seeing posters and ads around campus will help them remember the goals that they have set for themselves,” Kosovich said. “Along with that, I think it will be helpful for them knowing that there are other people, their friends and their peers, who are trying to do the exact same thing that they are.” Students said revolving the goals around the new beginnings Mondays provide is an attractive quality of the program.

Students can find discounts, specials at participating stores OBA from Page 5 rename 11th Avenue Bear Boulevard. In order to do this, the organization needs to have 6,000 students sign in at the participating business. So far they have about 4,000 signatures. “The committee wanted a goal that would get students excited about participating,” Barbour said. “Renaming 11th Avenue is a motivating factor for some of the students who sign up.” The required 6,000signature figure was derived from approximately the number of half UNC’s student body. The change from 11th

Avenue to Bear Boulevard would likely be a permanent one. There are several different people who help with Operation Bear Aware. A committee of volunteers from the Chamber of Commerce, the City of Greeley, Downtown Development Authority and interns from UNC all help make the operation possible.

To find out more information about OBA check out their website at

Renaming 11th Avenue is a motivating factor for some of the students who sign up.

— Kim Barbour, with the Greeley Chamber of Commerce

Quote of the day

The lessons from the peace process are clear; whatever life throws at us, our individual responses will be all the stronger for working together and sharing the load. -- Queen Elizabeth II

“I think it’s a great idea,” said Emily Harris, a freshman psychology major. “I think I will be more likely to stick to a goal if I start it Monday. It will feel like a fresh start.” Others said each week’s new goal will also help them along the process. “I plan on participating as much as I can,” said Nick Cain, a sophomore accounting major. “I like that each week has a different focus, too. It seem more manageable.” The university will run the campaign today through March 9. Those interested in learning more about the Monday Campaignsz can visit their

website at Along with the incentive of being healthier, the university will also offer random drawing prizes for partici-

pants. To see how to be entered in the drawings, visit the Healthy Mondays section of the CRC website at

Sudoku solution from page 5

1[ \PQ[ aW]Z resume? Jane Doe

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Education 2008-present


University of Northern Colorado GPA 3.45, Advertising Will graduate May 2012

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