s e r v i n g t h e u n i v e r s i t y o f n o r t h e r n c o l o r a d o s i n c e 1 9 19
the mirror Saturday, December 15, 2012
uncm i r r o r . c o m
Volume 94, Number 30
w w w. u n c m i r r o r. c o m C A M P U S N E W S . C O M M U N I T Y N E W S . Y O U R N E W S .
2 The Mirror
Graduation by the numbers About the Fall 2012 Graduating Class: • No. of students graduating: 786 • No. of students earning bachelor’s degrees: 588 • No. of students earning graduate degrees: 198 (159 master’s, 6 certificate/specialists, 33 doctorates) • Age range: Undergrad: 20-68; Grad: 23-62 • Average age: Undergrad: 26; Grad: 34 • Graduate’s average GPA: Undergrad: 3.2; Grad: 3.78 • Average number of years to graduation (undergrad): 12 terms Top 5 majors (by degrees awarded): Undergrad: Interdisciplinary Studies, Business Administration, Nursing, Psychology, Communication Studies; Grad: Special Education, Sport and Exercise Science, Education, Educational Psychology, Clinical Counseling Countries Represented: 12 (Canada, Columbia, Iran, Japan, Libya, Kenya, Malaysia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, Taiwan, United States) States Represented: 36 (AK, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, MA, MI, MN, MO, MT, NE, NJ, NM, NY, NC, OH, OR, PA, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WY) Colorado Counties Represented: 36 (Adams, Alamosa, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Clear Creek, Conejos, Delta, Denver, Douglas, Eagle, El Paso, Elbert, Fremont, Garfield, Jefferson, Kit Carson, Larimer, Lincoln, Logan, Mesa, Mineral, Moffat, Montrose, Morgan, Otero, Pitkin, Prowers, Pueblo, Rio Blanco, Rio Grande, Routt, Summit, Teller, Weld, Yuma).
To us, you’ll always deserve the star treatment. At the Monfort College of Business, we know our students spend an enormous amount of time and energy studying, taking exams, working on projects, participating in student clubs and preparing for life after college. The faculty and staff applaud your efforts and congratulate our 2012 graduates. May you go on to have stellar careers!
Saturday, December 15, 2012
A letter from Kay Norton: Commencement: A Time for Reflecting on Milestone Dear Graduates, Congratulations on earning your degrees from UNC this fall. Your degree serves as validation of your hard work, dedication and, in a way, is a contract with yourself that indicates your commitment to lifelong learning. Before you walk up to the stage, I’d like to ask you to participate in an exercise. Not another test, I promise. I’d like you to think back on your first semester here. What did you take away from those 16 weeks? As I reflected this fall on 10 years serving as UNC president, the answer to that question for me was reinforced inside pages of scrapbooks my mother had made for me. School memories and achievements, from childhood to college, were tucked inside those three scrapbooks, which included the requisite report cards, newspaper articles and programs from awards assemblies. What particularly struck me about my foray into college wasn’t the grades — in fact, I wasn’t all that thrilled with those first-semester results — but the discovery of what we talk about here as transformative education. It was a true education — an education in the positive and liberating sense — when I gave myself permission to figure out the things that were going to matter most in the long run. My education continues to this day at this exemplary teaching and learning community. As you start the next chapter of your life, I wish you continued success on your journey as a lifelong learner. Commencement represents a milestone on that path. It’s a real treat to celebrate with you the feather in your cap — that tassel on your mortarboard, as it were — that marks your transition from student to graduate. You’ve certainly made a wise investment in advancing your education at UNC. What you’ve learned here, the friendships you’ve made, the faculty who know your name, the opportunities to learn inside and outside the classroom combine to form an experience unique to you. Know that the university is still, and always will be, here for you. By graduating, you’re a member of the Alumni Association, which offers a range of benefits and activities to keep you connected. Once again, congratulations. Sincerely, Kay Norton — Kay Norton is the president of the University of Northern Colorado.
2012 UNC Fall Graduation
Saturday, December 15, 2012
The Mirror 3
Undergraduates—2012 Fall Graduation Adamoli, Christina † Ahrendsen, Mitchell Ainsworth, Michelle Aki, Maile Alatawi, Abdulmohsen Albert, Johnathan Alcorn, Ian Aldosari, Mesfer Alford, Brittani Allen, Jeffery AlQarni, Fahad Alzahrani, Mazen Alzamanan, Alhassan Amborn, Micah Anderson, Avery • Anderson, Demi Anzlovar, Katherine Armstrong, Barbara Arnette, Sara Ash, Brenda Ash, Kitchner Atkins, David Auker, Lindsay Baca, Braea Baca, Matthew Baird, Jenna
•—Cum Laude †—Magna Cum Laude ‡—Summa Cum Laude §—President’s Leadership Program ?—Honors Program Boeding, Skyler Certain, Terri ‡ Cunningham, Anna Baker, Anita Boles, Elizabeth Chacon, Geoffrey Curro, Stephen Balderas, Angelica Bolton, Elizabeth Chase, Iliana † Dabrowski, Livia Baldwin, Julia Bonner, Andrew Cheng, Yuk Dake, Emily Ballantyne, Broderick † Borawski, Rexford Christensen, Kayla Dawley, Luke Ballard, Nicole Bottoms, Shalese Cisarik, Dylan Dawson, Jill Ballenger, Jania Bowden, Robert Clark, Jerry Day, Maitri Banks, Julia Bowen, Grace Clark, Karen Decker, Matthew Barker, Devon Bracht, Nicole † Cleveland, II, Mark Denney, Shelby Barnes, Meagan Brady, Carmen Clifford, Alexis • Denny, Jessica Barros, Richard Brase, Alison ‡ Clous, Amanda Deyle, Carly Beebe, Elisa Brevik, Taylor Cobb, Karli Dezelick, Melissa Behrens, Travis Brown, Jacob Coffey, Rachel Diaz, Martin Bellendir, Samantha Brown, Tiffany ‡ Cole, Allison Diaz, Sara Berens, Ashley ‡ Burgess, Daniel Combs, Johanna † Dickman, Mark Berg, Oleg Burke, Marshall Conchas, Lorenzo Donegan, Amanda Bertram, Rebecca Burley, IV, Boyce Conn, Jared Downing, Andrew Betz, Rachel ‡ Burnley, Jonathan Conway, Ariana † Driver, Amy Beyer, Elizabeth Byrd, Katlyn Cook, Aaren Drury, Ryan Beyer, Jessica Cabrales, Sonia Cordova, Megan ‡ Duncan, Erin Beyer, Melissa Cain, Cynthia Corliss, Brittany † Dupuch, Cedric Bible, Emmanuel Caldwell, Riordan Corsaro, Camilla Dutcher, Ganna Bielinski, Theresa † Callender, Michael Cox, Candiss-Marrie Eberhard, Sharon Biglen, Anna ‡ Candler, Nicolas Cox, Courtney ? Eckermann, III, Richard Blanton, Darcie Cantin, Corwin Cox, Janice Ellington, David ‡ Boddiger, Stephanie Carleton, Erin Creech, Hillary Elliott, Emily Bodkin, Mary ‡ Carrillo, Gloria • Crookston, Bradley Elliott, Kristina Cary, Derek Crookston, Jennifer Endsley, Adrianna Case, Sara Cumberbatch, Lenardo Espinoza, Benito Castorena, Roman • Cummings, Kylene Evans, Becky
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Evans, Moriah Fahrenbach, Michael Fazzino, Devon Felemban, Mohammed Fellin, Ashley Fennig, Richard Filikitonga, Setaita Fisher, Shawna Flint, Darci • Flores, Ernesto Ford, Dylan † Forney, Curtis Fragola, Margo Frazier, Cherise Fredericks, Whitney Gallegos, Mark Gamarano, Jennifer Garbutt, Monique Garcia, Jeremy Garcia, Michelle Garcia, Veronica Geddis, Erin Geiser, Julie Gibbons, Marcel Gibbs, Amanda Gibbs, Brooke Gibson, Steven • Gilliland, Ryan Goble, Peter † Goehring, Jenna ‡ Golden, Sarah • Goldfarb, Lindsey • ? Goodman, Tiffany Goranson, Erik Gossman, John Gould, Rebecca Graeve, Joshua Granados, Jose Grange, Stephanie ‡ Gray, Andrew Greeley, Christopher Greener, Luke Greener, Toryn † Grimes, Brandon Grooms, Ashley • Gross, Jr., Daniel Gruntorad, Andrea Guest, Mackenzie † Guillan, Paul Gumbs, Amal Gunn, Dominic Haddock, Gregory Hadjinicolaou, Sophia
4 The Mirror
The Mirror 5
2012 UNC Fall Graduation
Undergraduate Students: (continued) Hagen, Mary Haines, Amber • Haley, Brianna Hall, Derek Ham, Lindsay Hamaker, David Hammer, Lynae Hammond, Aaron Hammond, Ashley ‡ Hammond, Grace Hardman, Kyle Harris, Brandon Harter, Cody Hartman, Kyle Harvey, Jacob Hassler, Heidi ‡ Hayden, Jeremy Hayes, Hillary Heath, Jon Hedberg, Kyle Heffron, Jr., Timothy Heindl, Erica Heise, Gerard • Helo, George Hemphill, Henry Herr, Andrea • Herrington, Brittany Herrman, Michelle Hersee, Clinton Hersey, Jessi Herzberg, Ashley Hesse, Richard Hiney, Timothy Hobby, Leighann
Hofbauer, Mikaela Holubowicz, Maria-Ann ‡ Honegger, Karl Hope, Donna, Jo Hopper, Cailin Hruza, Alexandra Huaman, Kevin Huber, Katherine Hudgen, Kendra Huelsing, Hannah ‡ Hulce, Megan Humble, Heather Huner, Rebecca Hunter, Johanna Hurst, Anthony Ibesate, Shawn Ibrahaim, Ahmed Inderlee, Jennifer Ingle, Danielle Ireland, Kelly † Ivan, Jennifer ‡ Jackson, Caleb James, Kaylyn Janssen, Aaron Jaramillo, Andrew † Jaster, Mariella • Jenkins, Bryan Jenner, Chelsea Johnson, Debra Johnson, Rebecca Jones, Christopher Jones, Christopher Jones, Jennifer ‡ Jones, Nicola Jones, Shannon • Juarez, Norma Kato, Raquel Kauffman, Samantha Kearney, Austin Kearns, Jeffrey
Kehn, Nicole • Kerr, Justin Kickbush, Ana Kingsley, Kyle Kinner, Scott ‡ Kinnison, Emily Klein, Alicyn Kling, Megan • Knoll, Alex Koch, Ashley Konzek, Bethany • Kordischova, Petra • Korn, Ryan Kovacic, Adrienne ‡ Kroll, Jessica ‡ ? Kruse, Michelle Kuehl, Lisa • Kurtz, Devyn LaBonville, Tracy Langer, Royal Langlee, Joseph Lanteri, Kaitlyn Lanz, Alan Larson, Sasha Law, Natasha Lawler, Daniela ‡ Layden, Justin Leeper, Eric Leffler, Natalie • Leibold, April • Lembo, Elizabeth Lenz, Skyler Lepine, Andre Leske, Sallie Lewis, Candace Licholat, Kema Linclau, Chelsey Lindgren, Heather Litke, Natalie Long, Joshua
Loos, Spenser Louch, Lucas Lovato, Desirae Lovegreen-Johnson, Kayla Lubeley, Laura † Lucero, Rudie Luer, Joseph Luker, Megan Luthye, Mandy Macintyre, Caitlin Madrid, Angela Mahoney, Riley Malara, Vincent Manriquez, Andrea Maranville, Chelsea Marek, Anna Mares, Suzann Markle, Matthew Marples, Alyssa Marquart, Jennifer ‡ Marsden, Liana Martinez, Aundreaha Martorano, Megan Mascarenas, Samantha Mauch, Brandin Mauk, Jessica McConnell, Carol McCormick, Brandon McCoy, Amburli McDaniel, Devin • McDonald, Darin McEahern, Joshua McFarland, Sarah McGuffee, Nicholas ‡ McNiel, Shayna Meadows, Laura Medina, Joshua Medley, Collen Meek, Kayla ‡ Melcher, Troy †
Melendez, Joseph Mendoza, Julio Meneghin, Margaret † § Metherd, Joshua ‡ § Migdall, Melinda Miller, Beau Miller, Brittany Miller, John • Miller, Natasha ‡ Miller, Sean Mingroni, Michael Moeller, Lauren ‡ Mondragon, Jr., Marty Monett, Heather Monreal, Daisy Montoya, Dominic Morey, Colin Morgan, Danielle Morris, Matthew Mross, Molly † Muhler, Enola Mulder, Kayla Mund, Aaron Mund, Eleesha Munoz, Anne Munoz, Roberto Murphy, Kelly • Murphy, Scott Murray, Kelsey Mustaffa, Masniza ‡ Muth, David Neel, Jo, Anna Neely, Alexandra † New, Lindsay Nicholson, Keith Nikkel, Kathryn ‡ § Nixon, Alice Nochi, Kayla Nosal, Breanna Nyman, Sean
Ogden, Annie O’Hara, Kyle Olivas, Palma, Carlos Olson, Brendon Ophaug, Nicholas Ordal, Danny Orrantia, Yessica Orth, Danielle Ortiz, Natalie Otto, Sarah Owsley, Kendra † ? Pace, Devin Palin, Chloe Palma, Alma † Palmer, Shalacia † Parker, Michael Parrott, Christian Patterson, Michelle Peak, Evelyn Petermeyer, Kara Peters, Katherine Phan, Tuan Pierce, Carissa Pierce, Karissa Pierson, Bradley Points, Shanna † Poland, Kelli † Porterfield, Ashley Potter, Rebekah ‡ Price, Chelsi Price, Christina Price, Corey Pringle, Aaron Proctor, Jr., Michael Rahn, Miya Rairdon, Emily Ramos, Adam Rangel, Joshua Rascon, Leticia • Ratican, Kristine
Rausch, Rebecca Ray, Erin ‡ Redmond, Eleanor Reingardt, Kelly ‡ Reinhardt, David Reliford, Jioni Reynolds, Kayla † Richards, Lauren Richardson, Michael Richardson, V, James Riddlebarger, Sarah Ridings, Kellie Rink, Sarah Ritter, Courtnei Ritter, Jayne • Roberson, Alicyn Robinette, Alyssa Rochford, David † Rodriguez, Brisia Roelfsema, Randall • Rogan, Kevin Rogers, Christopher Romig, Jacob • Rosgen, Stacey Ross, Sydney Rossman, Rhonwyn Rudman, Lauren Rue, Adam Rupp-Moody, Amber ‡ Rutherford, Michelle ‡ Saarinen, Shelby Sack, Kellie Salazar, Turriago, Natalie Saller, Connor Same, Elizabeth Samuel, Allison Sanchez, Nicolya Sand, Kayla ? Sandoval, Meggan Santillanes, Lindsey
Satler, Stephanie † Schaefer, Zane Schepmoes, Joella ‡ Schilz, Tyler Schnell, Christina † Schumacher, Joseph Schuman, Elisa Sebring, Kathryn Serna, Vanessa Sharrah, Shannon ‡ Shields, Amy Shutte, Deidra Sirio, Stephanie Smith, Chane Smith, Jennifer Smith, Joel • Smith, Raeann ‡ Smith, Tyler Sommers, Danielle Spencer, Rickey Staffieri, Estelle Steger, Joseph Steinert, Ashley Stevens, Sarah Stever, Allison Steward, Atiba Stockman, Adacia Strachan, Mares, Ida Stroik, Michelle † Strong, Meagan Studer, Jeff Swick, Renee Sylvester, Jodi Szafranski, Christopher Tallman, Cameron Tarantino, Denise Taylor, Amy Taylor, Heather Terhark, Summer ‡ Themig, James ‡
Thomas, Marketta Thomas, Shelisa Thomas, Zachary Thompson, Jessica Thompson, Robert † Todd, Meaghan † Torres, Cassandra Torri, Danielle Townsend, Elena Trevizo, Cindy Truett, Curtis Trumble, Amber Tsikoudakis, Antigone Tynan, Kelly Utash, Amelia Van, Dyke, Julie Van, Otterloo, Jennifer ‡ Vandegrift-Kram, Christofer Vander, Vliet, Nicole ‡ Vannest, Christina Velisek, Sean Vermilyea, Brittany ‡ Viney, Terace Vitullo, Nadine Volner, Sarah Vorderbruegge, Cordray ‡ Voyles, James ‡ Walker, Robert Waller, Melissa ‡ Walter, Brady Waltman, Mark Wanner, Hans Ward, Derek Warner, Jacob Watt, Lindsey Waxler, Greg Wayland, Laura Weaver, Marcie Webb, Jade Wells, Ian
Wells, Samantha • Westhuis, Kayla Weston, Keren Westphal, Mackenzie Westwood, Joshua White, Michelle Wieland, Tia Wilczek, Allison Wiles, Corinne Wilkinson, Nathan Williams, Amanda Williams, Breanna Williams, Derek Williams, Gregory Williams, Wesley Williamson, Roslyn Wills, Holly § ? Wilson, Hilary Windham, Michael Witkowski, Jaclyn Witsken, Brandon Wittrock, Samantha ‡ Wojcik, Nicole Wolf, Cassie Wolfe, Tana Woodka, Karina Woodruff, Samuel Woods, Meggy Woody, Deborah Wright, Kristen ‡ Wyatt, Jodie • § Yaris, Melissa Young, Kelly Young, Kelsey Yowell, Ryan Yowell, Tyler Zimmerman-Chavez, Philip Zuniga, Gloria
Graduate Students: Abdugadar, Amani Adams, Lila Alhashem, Hashem AlSuliman, Maha Alomair, Gadir Alqurashi, Mohammed Alshanta, Nadia Ames, Christina Anderson, Javondai Ashrour, Nourah Atwater, Carol Bailey, Ali Bash, Austin Bass, Justin Bearman, Tim Becker-Sullivan, Jean Bertsch, McLayne Bilotta, Diane Bladt, Lori Boren, Natalie Boshoven, Ryan Bosworth, Kaylee Botdorf, Denise Bowman, Meredith Broshar, Molly Brown, Lesa Carlson, Dustin Carson, Karina Castro, Gina Catalona, Nicole Caudill, Jonathan Chao, Yung-Chen Charteris, Frances Chavez, Diana Crowley, Jennifer
Davey, Franklin, Megan Davis, Savannah DeKinder, Amy Dicamillo, Katherine Dinnetz, Joseph Doolen, Jessica Doss, Andrew Einhellig, Katrina Ellis, Jessica Estrada, Lorraine Everett, Nathan Every, James Farzam, Deborah Fedde, Peder Ferber, Sara Finan, Rachel Foster, Katelyn Freeman, Christopher Fudge, Brittni Fuller, Lindsey Gebhardt, Mark Gentry, Ashlee Goffena, Kirsten Gomolchak, Jennifer Gonzales, Troy Hagmeier, Mathew Hailu, Tekleab Harrison, Hall, Lisa Hartman, Ryan Havens, Susan Heinsma, Amy Henry, Sarah Hirchert, Chelsea Hixson, Nancy Ho, Li-Chiu Holcomb, Whitney
•—Cum Laude †—Magna Cum Laude ‡—Summa Cum Laude §—President’s Leadership Program ?—Honors Program KARL HONEGGER
Congratulations from your happy mother and mums!
Congratulations! I'm very proud of you! Love Jeff
Bachelors in Dietetics and Honors Program
Congratulations on all your hard work! Your Loving Family
Congrats! Love Mom & Dad
6 The Mirror
Graduate Students: (continued) Hollis, Ashley Hotchkiss, Tamera Ibarra, Christina James, Heather Jaworski, Breanna Jenkins, Robin Johnson, Esther Johnson, Katie Johnson, Kristina Johnston, Megan Jones, Rachael Jones-Brown, Kenya Kaelin, Shannon Kaiser, Sandra Kang, Kee Kennedy, Gwen Kievenaar, Caitlin Klett, Jacob Knowlton, Emily Koester, Shannon Kuhn, Debra Lafleur, Bonnie Lambrecht, Lynnsey Leban, Ita Lee, Kang Lei, Jeanne Lincicome, Shawna Loeffler, Tiffany Loveless, Breawna Lugo, Jamie Lusher, Melissa Lyles, John Mann, Herlinda Matsuzawa, Hayato McCalla, Lindsey McCurley-Hardesty, Karen McDowell, Angie McFadden, William McNichols, Elizabeth
Saturday, December 15, 2012 McPhail, Shawnee Megargel, Quinn Meier, Susan Mendoza, Angela Mendoza, Jenna Michaels, Tamara Miller, Gretchen Min, Sung-Ho Mizer, Crystal Moore, Lisa Murdock, Jessica Murillo, Jose Myers, Beth Nagar, Janelle Napier, Kristine Neises, Jordan Nguyen, Phuong Nicolson-Church, Jean Nuhn, Laurie, Jean Olson, Anna Passarelli, Patricia Pettit, Jessica Pieper, Desiree Plunkett, Megan Pop, Dumitru Porter, Emily Potter, Kathryn Powers, Chandra Prigge, Alexandra Ramezani, Niloofar Ramsey, Amy Reinbold, Julie Reuter, Mark Richards, Jason Robertson, Craig Rocco, Erin Rodriguez, Maria Rohrbach, Louisa Romont, Lori Ross, Amy Ruch, Catherine Runyan, Marla Sadle, Sharon Samaras, Elizabeth
San, Juan, David Schroeder, Dorn, Jill Schulz, Robert Schuman, John Schwabe, Anna Scofield, Haley Shepherd, Cecilia Skelly, Menina Skinner, Genevieve Slade, Karie Smith, Bryant
Sorensen, Robert Southall, Crystal Spicer, Melissa Stalker, Meghan Stanley, MaryJo Stark, Sheila Stephens, Diane Sterling, Brooke Stewart, Joshua Stoen, Erin Strom, Julie
Stynchula, Renee Sullivan, Katherine Tabler, Rebecca Teman, Eric Thomas, Jessica Tolbert, Latoyua Tuck, Susan Turnbeaugh, Daniel Turner, Kaleyne Ucci, Meagan Ulrich, Leann
Waller, Mary Wells, Robi White, Lauren Whitlock, Rachel Wieber, Steven Williams, Steven Wilson, Asedo Wolking, Callie Woodruff, Megan Woolhether, Erin Zarlengo, Maria
Citation for Excellence • Yeni Violeta Garcia, Doctor of Philosophy, Biological Education • Jacqueline Johnson, Master of Science, Biological Sciences • Angela Mendoza, Master of Arts, Gerontology • Chandra Powers, Master of Arts, History • Joshua Stewart, Doctor of Philosophy, Educational Psychology Outstanding Dissertation • Maha AlSuliman, Doctor of Philosophy, Special Education, “The Nature of Implementing Response to Intervention in Fourth Gradeâ€? • Joshua Stewart, Doctor of Philosophy, Educational Psychology, “Teaching of Evolution in Public Schools: A Cross-Cultural Examinationâ€? Outstanding Thesis • Emily Folsom, Master of Arts, Speech-Language Pathology, “Guided and Non-Guided Clinical Observation in Communication Sciences and Disorders: Undergraduate Perspectivesâ€? • Jacqueline Johnson, Master of Science, Biological Sciences, “Engineering Plants to Aid in the Fight Against Malariaâ€? • Chandra Powers, Master of Arts, History, “Inconspicuous Imperialism: Softening American Power Through H
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Arts & Entertainment
Saturday, December 15, 2012
The Mirror 7
Senior used summer experiences to shape future SARAH KIRBY arts@uncmirror.com Grounded by the roots of her experience at UNC, Emily Dake, a senior art education major plans to foster her voice by developing personal narratives in student art. The Lee Summit, Mo., student began her college career on the University of Northern Colorado campus in the fall of 2008, and she concludes it this week as she strides across the stage to receive her diploma. Originally a graphic design major, Dake enjoyed how using the computer as a creative medium allowed one to see a range of possibilities before choosing one. “When painting, there is no improving,” Dake said. “At least not as fast. I guess I like the speed of (computers), and I like typography.” An artistic twist that pays special attention to the creation and arrangement of fonts and lettering, typography is a key factor in the design of logos and posters that can create, manipulate and deflate a series of aesthetic attempts. Invested in the ways that words can be made visually pleasing, one might say that Dake’s personal narrative as a freshman whom came into her own, also replicates her teaching philosophy and artistic interest. A lonely freshman upon arrival, Dake quickly began getting involved in the campus community by
playing clarinet in the UNC “Pride of the Rockies” marching band and became a leader in Young Life, a non-denominational high school mission program that’s dedicated to teaching kids about Christ. “(Young Life has) changed my life in a way I never expected when I got here because I was a freshman and became a leader, but today I can’t imagine that not being a part of my life,” she said. “Just meeting all of those people changes you.” Dake knew she wanted to switch her major from graphic design to art education after she came back from her summer experi-
Senior art education major Emily Dake examines art at Zoe’s Cafe. ence as a coach for a summer league swim team in Missouri. “I realized that I loved hanging out with (the girls on the team), and I realized that I wanted to be in that kind of setting the rest of my life,” Dake said. “I still love graphic design, and I
still want to do it, but I also know that I am supposed to work with kids. Art education is K-12, but surprisingly I want to do middle school, and I think that is because I was a middle school leader in Young Life, but I think I could go anywhere and be happy.”
Coming into her own as a leader, and recognizing where she would like to draw her focus and skills, Dake’s college journey illustrates a student who was courageous enough to recognize that she had to pursue what type of work would be truly satisfactory
on an everyday basis, which shines through in Dake’s desire to facilitate students by providing them with a outlet to share their personal stories. Believing that this type of pedagogical approach creates more ownership for their art, Dake wants students to have the freedom to make those choices that help them have an opinion that they, as a person, can state what they feel, and it is OK, even appreciated, when those opinions are not all the same. Next year, Dake plans to substitute teach in the Windsor, Loveland and the Greeley school districts.
Thanks for your contributions to the cultural life of the College and community during your time at UNC. Wishing you all the best as you pursue your dreams!
From the faculty and staff of the
School of Communication
8 The Mirror
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Gunn looks to pro day in post-grad plan SAMANTHA FOX sports@uncmirror.com
Five years is the maximum number of years one can participate as a player in the continuous cycle of collegiate sports. When an impact player graduates, it takes only one player to stand up and take on that role. The University of Northern Colorado had senior wide receiver Dominic Gunn as an electrifying player on special teams and on the receiving corps during the year, and as Gunn graduates with his degree in business management, someone will have to step up. For now, however, Gunn has pro day on his mind and NFL dreams he is looking to achieve. “That’s something I’m striving for,” Gunn said. “I’m going to continue to working at that. That’s definitely my goal.” Gunn is not the first Bear to try his hands at the NFL. Last season’s star wide receiver, Patrick Walker, was one of them, but Gunn’s biggest strength has been seen on special teams. “We had a big hole missing with Pat Walker graduating,” UNC head coach Earnest Collins Jr. “Pat was (quarterback Seth Lobato’s) security blanket. With Pat not here, somebody had to step up and be that guy, and we challenged Dom. It was the third or fourth game of the year and we said, ‘You’ve got to step up and make plays for us.’ And he
did that, and he didn’t just do it in the role of wide receiver. He stepped up with everything.” Stepping up has led to Gunn being recently named to The Sports Network All-American First-Team and the Associated Press SecondTeam All-American. Gunn had a stellar year on the field, totaling 1,563 all-purpose yards, a Division I school record for a single season and the sixth-most single season total in UNC history. Gunn also scored nine touchdowns during the season, six receiving, two punt returns and one kick return. “It just goes down to the determination of the individual,” Collins said. “When you get awards like that, it’s just a testament to the hard work that he put into this season. It’s a testament to the mental attitude, mental focus that he put into this season.” Offensive coordinator Jon Boyer said more than just Gunn’s physical ability will be key to having an edge over the others looking to fulfill pro-ball ambitions. “That’s something he’s going to continue to grow on and to understand that it may be one rep, and if he does take that off he’s not going to have that opportunity, and I think that’s where he’s going to gain some advantages on the other guys that he’ll be competing with for roster spots,” Boyer said. “I think he’s aware of that, and he knows that his advantage is going to be not just the
Graduating Athletes Baseball Tallman, Cameron Bachelor of Science: Sport and Exercise Science
Men’s Basketball Proctor, Michael Bachelor of Science: Earth Science Football Baca, Matthew Bachelor of Arts: History Bible, Emmanuel (Jordan) Bachelor of Arts: Criminal Justice
Candler, Nicolas Bachelor of Science: Business Administration
Downing, Andrew Bachelor of Science: Sport and Exercise Science
Gibbons, Marcel Bachelor of Arts: Communication Studies Gumbs, Amal Bachelor of Science: Business Administration Gunn, Dominic Bachelor of Science: Business Administration
McDonald, Darin Bachelor of Arts: Communication Studies Truett, Curtis Bachelor of Arts: Criminal Justice Men’s Tennis Andre Lepine Bachelor of Science: Business Administration Soccer Martinez, Aundreaha Bachelor of Science: Human Services Wayland, Laura Bachelor of Arts: Interdisciplinary Studies COLLEEN ALLISON | THE MIRROR FILE PHOTO
UNC senior wide receiver Dominic Gunn runs with the ball Oct. 6 against Montana at Nottingham Field. physical piece of it, but he’s got to win in the meeting rooms as well.” The UNC football team has grown in Gunn’s time on the team, culminating in a 5-6 record this season — the program’s best win total since 2005 when it had four wins — and Gunn has been a contributing factor to the progression the program has seen.
“I think I’ve had a big role in it,” Gunn said. “Just making plays, just being there when the time’s right. As we know, I’m a special teams guy, and I sparked a few plays and sparked a few drives and keep the guys going, keep them motivated. I’ve been a big part and I’ve always played my role, always being positive and keep the guys going.”
Softball Geddis, Erin Bachelor of Science: Sport and Exercise Science
Neely, Alexandra Bachelor of Science: Mathematics** Swimming and Diving Smith, Jennifer Bachelor of Science: Sport and Exercise Science
Volleyball Williams, Breanna Bachelor of Arts: Interdisciplinary Studies
Law, Natasha Bachelor of Science: Business Administration ** Graduating Magna Cum Laude