Monday, Feb. 6, 2012 e-Mirror

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the mirror Monday, February 6, 2012

uncm i r r o r . c o m

Volume 94, Number 55

Look in The Mirr or Page 6

Men’s hoops falls to Weber

News MAST in business of ‘flipping’ MAST coordinator Jerry Overmyer is putting technology in classrooms with a new model. PAGE 2

Sports Bears defeat Wildcats at home The UNC women’s basketball team made sure Weber State stayed winless in conference. PAGE 7

Online Track and field team comes home The Bears took part in the Nebraska Huskers Invitational Saturday. Read at Mon: 34 | 12


25 | 12

Wed: 38 | 21 Thur: 33 | 15 SOURCE: WEATHER.COM

Upcoming In Wednesday’s issue of The Mirror, read about a guest speaker’s research of literacy in prisons in Oaxaca.


Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Penn.) speaks to the Weld County Republican Party during the annual Lincoln Day Dinner Saturday in the UC Ballrooms.

w w w. u n c m i r r o r. c o m C A M P U S N E W S . C O M M U N I T Y N E W S . Y O U R N E W S .

2 The Mirror


Monday, February 6, 2012

Professor ‘flips’ classrooms to improve education New model combines latest technology with classic learning styles CARMEN BRADY Internet has changed our daily lives in innumerable ways, and it is hard to ignore how much more prevalent it has become in the classroom. Students and professors are able to communicate easily outside of the classroom and office through email, assignments and tests are given online through websites like Blackboard and research is no longer constrained to library hours. The Math and Science Teaching Institute at UNC

outreach coordiis advocating for nator, came up surrounding with the idea in schools to take 2008 when he advantage of was using Google these technoloto research new gies and follow ways to incorpothe flipped classrate technology room model. Jerry Overmyer within the classThe flipped said the flipped room. He has classroom model classroom increasbeen working on has teachers crees teacher- student implementing it ate and post vodinteractions. ever since. casts, or online “It allows video lectures, that students watch outside teachers to spend less time of the classroom. When stu- lecturing their students and dents go into the classroom, more time interacting with they are able to ask the them,” Overmyer said. Overmyer said the majoriteacher questions in class. Jerry Overmyer, MAST’s ty of teachers who use the

flipped classroom model are science and math teachers, but it works well for all subjects. Overmyer says it also allows teachers to communicate with each other more efficiently. Edward Lopez, the MAST Institute Business and Technology manager, says he supports the flipped classroom. “Communication between students and teachers is essential, but it isn’t always easy,” Lopez said. “This really opens up communication.” Data from various high schools and other research

show this method helps improve students’ scores. On average, more than 50 percent of freshmen failed English and 44 percent failed math. After the flipped model was introduced, these numbers decreased dramatically, dropping to 19 percent failing English and 13 percent failing math. Other members of the MAST Institute see this model as being beneficial for the classroom setting. “Education can always be improved,” said Julie Sexton, a research assistant for MAST “This is a new, innovative way to

make sure students are getting a better experience from their teachers.”

Education can always be improved. This is a new, innovative way to make sure students are getting a better experience from their teachers. — Julie Sexton, a research assistant for the Math and Science Teaching Institute

Editor: Benjamin Welch

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Mirror 3

POLL This week’s poll question: Have you started making plans for spring break?

Cast your vote at Last week’s poll question: Could Greeley support a highend seafood restaurant? Yes

50% No


This poll is nonscientific.

Mirror Staff 2011-12

KURT HINKLE | General Manager BENJAMIN WELCH | Editor SARA VAN CLEVE | News Editor PARKER COTTON | Sports Editor RYAN LAMBERT | Arts Editor MELANIE VASQUEZ | Visual Editor TRACY LABONVILLE | Advertising Manager RYAN ANDERSON | Ad Production Manager JOSH DIVINE, RUBY WHITE | Copy Editors

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Mission Statement The Mirror’s mission is to educate, inform and entertain the students, staff and faculty of the UNC community, and to educate the staff on the business of journalism in a college-newspaper environment.

About us The Mirror is published every Monday, Wednesday and Friday during the academic year by the Student Media Corp. It is printed by the Greeley Tribune. The first copy is free; additional copies are 50 cents each and must be purchased from The Mirror office.

Extensive Super Bowl coverage detracts from actual game There are advantages and disadvantages to there being two weeks between the NFL conference championship games and the Super Bowl. Advantages include extra preparation time for the two teams, time for players to nurse injuries and give players and coaches several media sessions to give the opposing team bulletin board material. Notice all the advantages benefit the teams, not the fans. The fans fall victim to the disadvantages of the two most boring weeks of the year.

As soon as the conference championships end, sports crews are live talking analysis, favorites, predictions and strategy before the end of the night. The monotony continues through the end of the first week with highlights, play designs and past matchups. Fans finally get a break on the Sunday in between two conference championships and the Super Bowl. The highlights are replaced by the Pro Bowl, a halfeffort, irrationally billed as an exciting and worthwhile game that nobody in their right mind

pays even slight attention to. Come Monday, it’s back to sound bites and analysis that continues through the week. Then, early on Super Bowl Sunday, sports networks and shows have hours upon hours of pregame coverage, as if the previous two weeks weren’t enough. The shows’ analysts can only say the same thing so many times before people get sick of hearing it. It’s remarkable they are still able to find statistics and facts and subjects to talk about. There is such a thing as overkill, and pumping the air-

ways with the redundancy that is Super Bowl hype is the perfect example. The reason the Super Bowl is watched in countless countries every year is because people all around the world are thankful for the end of boring highlights and the beginning of a meaningful game. Halftime shows are terrible as it is, and suffering through two weeks of pregame coverage just adds to the downtrodden feeling one has when realizing that they hate both teams, but one has to win.

Mirror Reflections are the opinion of The Mirror’s editorial board: Parker Cotton, Ryan Lambert, Sara Van Cleve, Melanie Vasquez and Benjamin Welch. Let us know what you think. E-mail us at

Character, as much as ideas, relevant in deciding candidates Josh DIVINE


f we can judge a man by who his enemies are, then Rick Santorum’s character is pristine. That’s largely because the person who probably publicly hates Santorum most is columnist Dan Savage. In the realm of unfortunate last names that coincide a situation (Anthony Weiner, anyone?), Savage’s has to rank high, but it’s not because it holds him back; rather, he epitomizes his last name rather well. Take a look at the facts. Last July on Bill Maher’s show, he said, “I wish the Republicans were all (expletive) dead.”

When Green Party candidate Carl Romanelli allegedly received campaign funds from GOP donors, Savage said Romanelli “should be dragged behind a pickup truck until there’s nothing left but the rope.” His actions are more than vitriolic speech; they’re sometimes flatout illegal. In 2000, he volunteered for Republican presidential-hopeful Gary Bauer and intentionally tried to infect him with the flu, going as far as licking doorknobs (while he had the flu) and handing Bauer a salivacoated pen. He then proceeded to vote illegally in the Iowa caucus. These actions alone ought to invalidate almost everything Savage says, and people who agree with him politically should be embarrassed to share a similar political platform. After all, in addition to lacking a verbal filter, he openly admitted to The New York Times that he frequently cheats on his gay

spouse after claiming that gay marriage is beautiful. But it gets worse. A few years ago, Santorum, naïvely believing that Americans were tolerant of other people’s views, made a comment that discussed homosexuality in relation to other forms of deviant sexual behavior (a simple comparison, not to equate). And what did Savage do? On national television, he said he sometimes fantasizes about raping Santorum. Savage, a man who claims to decry bullying and then does so to Santorum by Google-bombing him, implies on national television that it’s OK to rape people you disagree with. There’s no better phrase to describe Savage than “savage,” perhaps combined with “hypocritical.” Obviously, this alone can’t be taken as justification to vote for

Santorum, but it is reason to look at Santorum’s character. If somebody as savage as Savage hates Santorum so much, maybe there’s something to the guy. The point is good leaders are not simply men and women who have good ideas; they are people who synthesize good ideas with personal integrity. Santorum and Ron Paul are the only two GOP candidates who reflect good character. Romney is as fake as Barbie, and I have a moral issue with voting for Gingrich, who’s at least a two-time adulterer and thinks it’s feasible or responsible to build a moon base. I’ll be supporting Santorum tomorrow. My backup falls to Ron Paul. — Josh Divine is a senior mathematics major and a weekly columnist for The Mirror.


4 The Mirror

Monday, February 6, 2012

Republican nominee hopeful talks election at UC CONOR MCCABE With caucuses being held across the country recently, presidential hopefuls’ campaigning is in full swing and even included a stop in Greeley, when Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Penn.) attended the Weld County Republican Party’s Lincoln Day Dinner Saturday at the University Center. Santorum strayed away from his Republican rivals by campaigning in Colorado, as opposed to Nevada, where caucuses were hosted Saturday. Colorado’s caucuses are Tuesday. The UC Ballrooms were filled with members of the Weld County Republican Party as Karen Pelzer, the chair of the WCRP, gave the welcome address followed by the presentation of colors by the Weld County Sheriff’s Office. “I’m glad we came,” said Jodi Rinard, a member of the WCRP. “It’s a great chance to discuss ideas. It’s a great chance to discuss politics.” However, Santorum didn’t receive the welcome he was hoping for when The Denver Post announced it would endorse Gov. Mitt Romney (R-Mass.) just the day before the dinner because The Post believes Santorum is “short on realworld experience.” He is trailing Romney and former congressman Newt Gingrich in almost all of the major categories, including delegates, primary votes and GOP endorsements. Santorum gave a speech

to about 640 people after a full day of campaigning in Colorado, starting in Montrose at a Holiday Inn Express, a campaign rally in Loveland at the American Eagle Distributing and, finally, the Lincoln Day Dinner. He started his speech by commenting on his out-ofthe-ordinary clothing accessory, a bola tie, which he signed and gave to the live auction. He then emphasized how his campaign is getting down to crunch time and understands the voters are going to have to start making some tough decisions. As he continued, he explained that Republicans need to nominate someone who can appeal to the middle. He mentioned that, in the polls, Romney is currently losing to President Barack Obama by three points and Santorum is currently beating the incumbent by one point. He then pointed to the fact that his campaign is run on a moral high ground. “I didn’t engage in any petty politics,” Santorum said. “I had many opportunities, but this race isn’t about that; it’s about big issues.” He then accused Democrats and Obama as seeing America as a country in decline, and criticized the incumbents for decreasing funding for the Department of Defense. He later said Obama doesn’t recognize that America was born great, that the Declaration of Independence is what makes the United States different than any other country. He received a positive

response when he explained that American rights do not come from the government, but from a higher power: God. Placing a large emphasis on his Catholic values is a theme that has followed Santorum since the beginning of his campaign. He continually stressed the importance of health care, pointing to his record of preaching free-market health care for 20 years and criticized that the health care beliefs of two of his rivals, Gingrich and Romney, are too close to “ObamaCare.” “Once the people become dependent on the government for their health, there is nothing the government won’t be able to control,” Santorum said. Health care was one of the main issues that voters wanted to hear about during the dinner. “I think some of the strong points were that he really contrasted himself with Mitt Romney and Gingrich on where his stand is for global warming and ObamaCare,” said Kathryn Kettler, a member of the WCRP. He continued addressing the notion that Romney seems unstoppable because of the amount of money he is pouring into his campaign. “Yes, Gov. Romney has the most money in the primary, but he will not in the general (election),” Santorum said. “Money is not going to buy the presidency. Ideas, principle, trust; that is the currency that will win the election in the fall.” He continued to criticize

his rivals on issues such as environmental reform, saying Obama will slam them during a debate, then mocked Gingrich’s remarks about setting up a colony on the moon and making it a state. He then discussed some of his experience in working in welfare reform. He represented one of the poorest districts in Pennsylvania. “I care about the very rich, the very poor and everyone in between,” Santorum said. He emphasized the importance of bringing companies back to the United States and taking American manufacturing bases out of China. He said America must put together a plan that directly competes against China, Mexico and India by cutting taxes and reducing regulation, then create a competitive playing field to bring manufacturers back to America. He challenged the voters to maintain the honor of America and pointed out that if voters do not act with honor, then they can’t expect this country to be free. “The greatest threat to freedom is not military but the test of time,” Santorum said. “I ask for your help and support.” Some of the dinner attendees said Santorum swayed their opinions and gained their support during the dinner. “I really liked his speech talking more about what we need for a president,” said Robert Roos, a member of the WCRP. “I think that I probably will end up voting for him at the caucuses on Tuesday.”


A Rick Santorum supporter holds up a banner for the Republican presidential hopeful during the Lincoln Day Dinner Saturday in the UC Ballrooms.

Republican Candidate Appearances in Colorado Mitt Romney •12:15 p.m. today at Country Inns of America, 718 Horizon Dr., Grand Junction •6:15 p.m. today at Arapahoe High School, 2201 East Dry Creek Rd., Centennial •8:45 a.m. Tuesday at RV America, 4777 Marketplace Dr., Loveland Rick Santorum •3 p.m. today at the Colorado School of Mines, 1500 Illinois St., Golden, •7:30 p.m. today at The Cable Center, 2000 Buchtel Boulevard Denver Newt Gingrich •11:30 a.m. today at Marriott Denver West, 1717 Denver West Boulevard Golden, CO •2 p.m. Monday today at Green Center 924 16th St. Colorado School of Mines Golden, CO Ron Paul Currently does not have any events scheduled


Monday, February 6, 2012

The Mirror 5

Professor, PLC partner to create dig site STEPHANIE RICH With the help of a $4,000 grant, UNC and the Poudre Learning Center are bringing education out of the classroom with the creation of a mock excavation site for archaeology students. The relationship between the University of Northern Colorado and the Poudre Learning Center started thanks to an anthropology student who acted on what her professor said during class. Adrien Hoff was taking a class taught by Andy Creekmore, an assistant professor of anthropology

at UNC, when Creekmore told his students they needed a “hole to work in.” Hoff was interning at the PLC at the time and remembered the center wanted to expand their archeological class offerings, so she put Creekmore and the center in touch with each other. Once the two learned they were on the same page, the ball started rolling. As a result of the partnership between the two, the grant was given to UNC. The pair plans to use the grant to its full potential. The grant will be used to build trenches, called features, allowing UNC students the chance to

increase their own understanding of archaeology by teaching it to others.


Andy Creekmore, an assistant professor of anthropology, works in a Turkey excavation site. Creekmore is helping the Poudre Learning Center create a mock dig site for students.

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one else,” Creekmore said. The features are going to have period-related items in them, which will be used to teach the basic principles of archaeology, such as drawing maps and plans, to kindergarten through highschool students in Weld County. There is even potential for eighth – 12th grade students to learn how to interpret their findings. The university and the center plan to offer a variety of curriculum appropriate for students of different ages. Over the course of this semester, Creekmore’s Archeology Methods class will build the excavation site.

“The students will be working in five groups and each group will excavate a trench to create the features,” Creekmore said. This project is planned to take place on weekends and other special dates so that students can be a part of the excavation process as much as possible. Creekmore said the site should be ready for testing this summer and hopes that it will be integrated into Weld County’s school curriculums as early as next year. He also said this was a great way for everyone to gain a working relationship with each other.

PVA honors musicians ‘Breaking Boundaries’ AMANDA STOUTENBURGH The College of Performing and Visual Arts is recognizing musicians and artists who have overcome great obstacles in their life through the “Breaking Boundaries” display in Skinner Music Library. The Breaking Boundaries display honors everyone who has ever overcome something tremendous. The College of Performing and Visual Arts’ spring semester theme was originally “No Boundaries,” however, both libraries on campus decided to interpret it as “Breaking Boundaries.” The display honoring

select artists is up during the spring semester and will stay up until the Jazz Festival in April. It will be completed by the end of the week. Naomi Johnson, the library technician in charge of the event, said because of the new interpretation of the theme, she decided to expand further, now showing artists, musicians and composers who have overcome boundaries of disability, convention or prejudice. “To have overcome convention is where someone has broken the boundary of how a type of music is played or composed and how an instru-

ment is usually played,” Johnson said. “When prejudice is overcome, it is in relation to race.” There will be a short biography and an example of music about each individual portrayed in the display. Examples of artists who overcame great boundaries are Stevie Wonder, who was blind, and Beethoven, who was deaf in his later years. Johnson said after the display is constructed, she will accept suggestions from students and faculty of other musicians, composers and artists they think have overcome boundaries.

Editor: Parker Cotton

6 The Mirror

Monday, February 6, 2012

Weber State downs UNC men’s hoops in Utah PARKER COTTON

OGDEN, Utah — It didn’t come down to a buzzer-beater this time. Damian Lillard made sure of that. The Weber State junior guard, who couldn’t play against the UNC men’s basketball team last season because of a broken foot, made up for that absence Saturday at the Dee Events Center by dropping 35 points and showing the fans, media and at least five NBA scouts why he is the nation’s leading scorer in Weber State’s 93-81 victory. Last season, the University of Northern Colorado (7-15, 4-7 Big Sky) came into Ogden undefeated in conference play and left with its first loss after a 40-foot heave from nowjunior guard Scott

Bamforth went in as time expired. The roles were reversed Saturday, and while the Wildcats (18-4, 10-1) weren’t undefeated, they showed why they are widely regarded as the best team in the Big Sky. Lillard opened the game with a 3-pointer, and the Wildcats went up 11 before five minutes had elapsed. UNC was able to get within four points in the first half before the Wildcats got hot again. Lillard and Bamforth finished the first half with 12 and 11 points, respectively, and Weber State went into halftime ahead by 19 at 54-35. UNC sophomore guard Tate Unruh said the team’s energy as compared to its loss to Sacramento State Thursday was much


UNC redshirt freshman guard Tevin Svihovec, right, keeps the ball away from Weber State junior guard Damian Lillard Thursday in Ogden, Utah at the Dee Events Center.

They showed a lot of resiliency. They fought for 40 minutes for the first time in a long time. They took a step with that effort. — UNC head coach B.J. Hill on his team’s effort improved, but the opening part of the game was still tough. “I think it was just a mental thing,” Unruh said. “We came in ready to roll last night at practice and today at shootaround, and when it was game time, we were ready to tear the nails out. They punched us right off the bat and hit us early and we took their shots and couldn’t really come back from that.” Lillard said the Wildcats’ defensive gameplan worked to perfection in the opening minutes of the game. “We wanted to come out and get after them,” Lillard said. “That’s what we want to start doing every game is pick up our defensive intensity in the first five minutes.” Unruh had nine points in the first half, all off 3pointers, and freshman forward Tim Huskisson had 10 points to lead UNC at the break. Bamforth opened the

second half with a 3- whole package. He’s obvipointer, and Lillard ously a great shooter from scored Weber State’s next deep. For him, a future eight points to open up a NBA player — to come 26-point advantage with out here and play against a guy like that, and 16:10 to go. Bamforth as Considering well, it’s always how the Bears fun to compete were able to against the best outscore Weber in the league.” State 46-39 in Bears head the second half coach B.J. Hill, to make the who said UNC final margin a r e c r u i t e d little tighter, Tim Huskisson Lillard out of UNC redshirt had 10 points at high school and freshman guard halftime and 14 Tevin Svihovec points total against offered him a scholarship, said he was Weber State. also said Lillard proud the team showed why he’s deservdidn’t give up. “It brings us confi- ing of so much profesdence,” said Svihovec, who sional attention. “He doesn’t have scored 11 points, pushing his streak of double-digit weaknesses — he has tenscoring games to 12. “Our dencies,” Hill said of team is very talented. Lillard. “We need to take Offensively, we don’t real- him away from those tenly have a problem. What dencies just to give our we scored tonight, on defense a better chance, their floor, that’s tough to and we didn’t do a good do. It’s defensively where job of that. That’s what we have to try to do next we need to get stops.” More stops on Lillard time. You’re not going to would have been wel- stop him. You have to try comed, as the 6-foot-3 your best to contain him. guard did nothing but He’s going to be a firstimpress Unruh and round pick, and someSvihovec, who shouldered body’s going to be lucky the load of defending to get him in the NBA.” UNC will face Weber him. Two days after burning Portland State for 40 State again Feb. 23 at home. Bamforth finished points, Lillard shot 12for-18 from the field, 5-of- with 18 points, and the 9 from behind the arc and Wildcats had two other 6-of-10 from the charity players score in doublestripe to go with five figures. Weber State head assists against UNC. “He’s the real deal,” coach Randy Rahe had Unruh said. “He’s got the some praise for UNC

players as well, saying he liked the Bears’ rebounding hustle to the tune of a plus-14 advantage on the glass. “They’re a good rebounding team,” Rahe said. “They’re the best rebound-margin team in our league. And they just sold out the last eight, nine minutes and said, ‘To heck with the block,’ and they did a great job. They out-rebounded us and slowed it down a little.” Unruh finished with 17 points to lead UNC and also had six rebounds. Huskisson finished with 14 points, four rebounds and three assists, sophomore center Connor Osborne scored 12 and came down with six boards and sophomore forward Emmanuel Addo recorded 10 points and grabbed nine rebounds. UNC senior forward Mike Proctor contributed eight points and six rebounds, freshman forward Brendan Keane tallied four points and five boards and sophomore guard Paul Garnica added five points. For a young team in a difficult environment, Hill said he was pleased with how his team responded while playing likely the best team in the Big Sky. “They showed a lot of resiliency,” he said. “They fought for 40 minutes for the first time in a long time. They took a step with that effort.”

Monday, February 6, 2012 Vehicles

The Mirror 7





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Mirror Editorial

The Mirror newspaper has positions available in its newsroom for reporters. Applicants must be UNC students and understand deadlines. Those interested need to call Editor Ben Welch at 970-392-9327 or email at

Mirror Photography The Mirror is looking for photo journalists who have an understanding of how to capture a story through the lens. Photographers must have their own equipment before they apply. Contact Photo Editor Melanie Vasquez at 970-3929270 or

Mirror Advertising The Mirror is looking for confident, personable and self-motivated marketing and advertising majors to join its advertising department. All advertising representatives earn commission on ads sold, but more importantly gain valuable sales training in a friendly, yet competitive, environment. To inquire about the position contact Ad Manager Tracy LaBonville at 970-392-9323 or at

Science Fair Judges & Project Inspectors The 42nd Annual Long's




Engineering Fair is scheduled for Wednesday February 29, 2012 at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley. The LPSEF anticipates 320 student researchers from Weld and Larimer County schools in grades 5-12. Volunteers to serve as project safety inspectors from 8:00am - 9:30am and judges from 8:30am - 3:30pm are needed. No specific qualifications are required, although STEM experience is helpful, as training will be provided the day of the event. Email

Women’s basketball sends Weber State home without win MICHAEL NOWELS

The UNC women’s basketball team got a 70-57 victory against Weber State in a total team effort Saturday at Butler-Hancock Sports Pavilion. The University of Northern Colorado (14-9, 6-4 Big Sky) got at least four minutes of playing time from every player on the roster and sent the Wildcats (2-21, 0-10) home still in search of their first conference win of the season. The teams traded the lead in the opening minutes before the Bears took the lead for good on a jumpshot from junior for-

ward Lauren Oosdyke to put the Bears ahead 8-7. Late in the first half, UNC head coach Jaime White called a timeout while up four as her team struggled to stretch its lead. Oosdyke said White doesn’t get upset during timeouts regularly, so when she does, it really does have an effect on the team. “She had some words to say to us, and you have got to listen when that happens,” Oosdyke said. “She doesn’t do that too often.” UNC outscored the Wildcats 13-9 in the final six minutes and went into halftime with a 41-33 advantage. The Bears shot 58.3 percent from the field in the first half but allowed the Wildcats to

shoot 46.7 perand we did those cent. In the second things to ourhalf, though, UNC selves,” White allowed only 24 said. points, solidifying UNC played its defensive effort. more effectively White, who in the second moved into sechalf and kept the ond all-time on motivation that the school’s wins Lauren Oosdyke stemmed from list for a women’s led UNC with 17 the timeout late basketball coach points against in the first half with 76, said she Weber State on to extend its was tired of seeing Saturday. lead to as many her team make as 22 with 5:17 unforced errors. remaining. “We are working on cutOosdyke led the team ting down the runs from the with 17 points in the game, other team and going on runs 15 of which came in the first ourselves, and when we make half, and attempted five 3back-to-back mistakes, and point field goals, making it’s not just that Weber made two. Senior forward Kaisha great plays, it was that we Brown, usually a big 3-point were three seconds in the key threat, added 15 points of

her own, using her midrange game to get in rhythm. Oosdyke joked about the evident role-reversal. “Kaisha and I switched positions tonight, I guess,” she said. “But Kaisha had some great drives to the basket — pull-up jumpers. I was wide open for the threes.” Brown said she made a conscious effort to get the ball inside because she is viewed more as a long-distance shooter. “Most people know that I’m a 3-point shooter, so having another element to my game is just going to have the defense kind of question whether they can fly out at me or not,” Brown said. “Tonight, our posts just set really good screens

on the ball defenders.” UNC sophomore guard D’shara Strange had her eighth double-double of the season with 11 points and 13 rebounds. White said Strange’s positioning, length and athleticism were big components of her rebounding success. “She plays the bottom on our zone, so she tends to be in that position quite a bit, but she’s got long arms and she’s got a good jumping ability,” White said. UNC embarks on it annual Montana roadtrip later this week as it takes on Montana State (15-8, 7-4) at 7:05 p.m. Thursday in Bozeman and faces Montana (13-9, 6-3) at 2 p.m. Saturday in Missoula.


8 The Mirror

Monday, February 6, 2012

Odyssey to Ogden well worth long car drive PARKER COTTON BEN WARWICK

SOMEWHERE BETWEEN GREELEY AND OGDEN, Utah — Over the weekend, Parker Cotton, the sports editor of The Mirror, and Ben Warwick, the sports director of Bear News and a sports reporter for The Mirror, travelled to Ogden to cover the UNC men’s basketball team’s game against Weber State University. These are their stories. Friday, Feb. 3, 10:02 a.m. After running a few errands in Greeley, we are officially on the road. We decide to take CO-34 to I-25 North instead of US-85 because we figured I-25 would have less snow.

10:58 a.m. Roads have a little snow, but definitely not as apocalyptic as the weather reports suggested. We get out at the Colorado-Wyoming border to play catch with a baseball on the side of the road, just to say we threw a baseball from one state to the other. 12:21 p.m. We pass Happy Jack Road on I-80 West. Jokes ensue. 12:24 p.m. We meet the nicest Wyoming Highway Patrol officer after Ben is stopped going 60 mph in a 45 zone. The speed limit was lowered from 75 because of the snowy conditions, which at this point were not worthy of 45 mph. Collins gives us a written warning. Six minutes later, we’re driving again and Collins is still behind us.

“Should we wave when he passes us?” Ben asks. “No, just don’t do anything,” Parker said. Collins ends up waving at us, which we find hilarious. 2:45 p.m. We spend almost $2 in quarters in an attempt to break the Pac-Man high score of 283,530 at the Rawlins Travel Center. We combined get to 28,330 — just a little shy of the record. 5:30 p.m. We partake in the obligatory purchasing of 50-cent ice cream cones in Little America, Wyo. The road conditions couldn’t be much better. We could hardly tell it snowed in most places. 6:56 p.m. We reach the WyomingUtah border.

8:31 p.m. We check into room 114 of the Ogden Motel 6 on Washington Boulevard. 9:15-10:30 p.m. We get dinner at The Training Table, a place Ben loved when he was younger and spent time with family in Utah. Saturday, Feb. 4, 12:29 a.m. We fall asleep to Sports Center in the motel. 8:15 a.m. Our “Do The John Wall” alarms on our phones go off. We wait 10 minutes to actually get up. 9:37 a.m.-10:20 a.m. We get breakfast at The Stagecoach. A minivan backs into Ben’s Saturn in the parking lot as we’re leaving. There was no noticeable damage. 11:15 a.m. We finish our self-guided tour of Weber State’s campus after comparing their buildings to UNC’s. 11:33 a.m. Parker critiques the Weber State student newspaper, The Signpost, while Ben drives us to Salt Lake City for some exploring. 12:15 p.m. Parker realizes the Lakers play the Jazz in Salt Lake City tonight and proceeds to lose his mind. 12:47 p.m. We complete our selfgiven tour of the University of Utah’s Rice-Eccles football stadium. “For being a Pac-12 school, they have terrible security here,” Parker says. “I’d expect that from a Mountain West school,” Ben jokes. 1:51 p.m. We stop at In-N-Out Burger in Centerville, Utah. Ben has his first DoubleDouble, while Parker has his, well, there are too many to count. 4:16 p.m. We arrive at Dee Events

Parker Cotton, left, and Ben Warwick drive in Wyoming. Center and are greeted by Weber State’s Media Relations Director Paul Grua, who shows us where the media room and visiting locker rooms are. Ben sets up his camera on the baseline closest to UNC’s bench while Parker takes his place on media row, sitting next to NBA scouts from the Warriors, Pacers and Bobcats. The Hornets are here too, all to see Weber’s junior guard Damian Lillard, the nation’s leading scorer. 5:07 p.m. The game begins with Lillard hitting a long 3pointer. 5:56 p.m. UNC goes into halftime down by 19 after Lillard hits a 3-pointer in the final seconds. Ben walks over to media row and says, “Well, it could be worse.” 6:30 p.m. Charlotte Bobcats scout praises UNC’s resiliency in this game during a media timeout. “I mean, they’re out of this one, but they aren’t going away,” he said. 6:59 p.m. The game ends. It’s a tough loss, but after being down by 26 at one point, to lose by 12 points, for this young of a team, is impressive. 7:30 p.m. After wrapping up interviews with head coach B.J. Hill and players, we thank Paul Grua for all of his assis-

tance and leave the arena. 8:45 p.m. We’re refused entry to the Lakers-Jazz game in Salt Lake City because the ticket office closed at halftime. We got there three minutes into the fourth quarter. 9:30 p.m. We find a Brazilian restaurant called Tucanos for dinner, where we eat like kings and leave at 11:05 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 05, 12:15 a.m. We’re back in Ogden and in need of sleep. 9:05 a.m. We begin the trip back home, and we reach the Utah-Wyoming border at 10:29 a.m. 4:35 p.m. After making three short stops the entire length of Wyoming, one of which included Little America again because we needed more ice cream, we finally reach the Colorado border. 5:20 p.m. We’re back at our Greeley apartment. We missed the kickoff to the Super Bowl, but that hardly matters to us. Neither of us have a strong rooting interest in the game. We bring our stuff in from the car reminiscing on how enjoyable the weekend was. Yes, our basketball team lost, but it was a valiant effort and we had great a time and we made it there and back safely. Plus, we got In-N-Out. That alone makes the trip a success.

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