Uncommon Schools Highlights of 2014 State Exam Results

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Highlights of 2014 State Exam Results In each of our regions, Uncommon Schools demonstrated strong performance and growth in both Math and English Language Arts.

Uncommon Newark (North Star Academy) continued its stellar performance on the NJASK exam, increasing overall proficiency rates and the percentage of students scoring at the Advanced level. • Every single 3rd and 4th grader at our elementary schools scored Proficient or Advanced on the NJASK in Math, with 40% achieving a perfect score and 93% scoring at the Advanced level.

• 75% of North Star Academy 5th - 8th graders scored Proficient or Advanced in English Language Arts, increasing the percentage of students scoring Advanced (12%) in ELA by 3 points over last year.

• 96% of 3rd and 4th graders scored Proficient or Advanced on the NJASK in English Language Arts.

• When statewide results are available later this fall, we anticipate that North Star Academy will continue to reverse the achievement gap and to be at or near the top of the state in terms of performance.

• 88% of North Star Academy 5th - 8th graders scored Proficient or Advanced in Math, increasing the percentage of students scoring Advanced (40%) by 9 points over last year.

Uncommon New York City outperformed New York State on both the Math and English Language Arts exams. • 57% of Uncommon NYC students scored Proficient or Advanced in Math – reversing the achievement gap by performing more than 10 percentage points higher than the statewide proficiency rate of white students (45%) and more than 20 percentage points higher than the citywide and statewide proficiency rates (34% and 36%). • Uncommon NYC is narrowing the achievement gap in English Language Arts, from our students scoring 10 percentage points below the proficiency rate of white students statewide last year to 4 percentage points this year. • 81% of our Uncommon NYC 3 and 4 graders scored Proficient or Advanced in Math and 55% in ELA. They closed the achievement gap with white students statewide, and scored 28 percentage points higher than last year in Math and 9 points higher in ELA. rd


• 71% of Uncommon NYC 8th graders scored Proficient or Advanced on the Math exam – more than 3 times the citywide and statewide averages for 8th graders (23% and 22%). • Leadership Prep Ocean Hill Elementary Academy, where 98% of students are African-American or Latino and 81% qualify for Free or Reduced-Price Lunch, ranked #3 among all elementary schools in New York State in Math. 99% scored Proficient or Advanced on the exam, with 89% scoring at the Advanced level. • The 8th graders at Leadership Prep Bedford Stuyvesant Middle Academy, 100% of whom are African-American or Latino and 78% of whom qualify for Free or Reduced Lunch, ranked #3 among 8th graders at all schools in the entire state in Math. 94% scored Proficient or Advanced on the Math exam, more than four times the citywide average for 8th graders (23%).

• 34% of Uncommon NYC students are proficient in ELA – more than 5 percentage points higher than the citywide proficiency rate (28%) and 3 percentage points higher than the statewide proficiency rate (31%).


Uncommon Schools starts and manages high-performing urban charter public schools that close the achievement gap and prepare low-income students to enter, succeed in, and graduate from college. Uncommon Schools serves 12,000 scholars across 42 schools in Boston, Camden, New York City, Newark, Rochester, and Troy. 98% of our students are Black or Latino, and 82% qualify for Free or Reduced-Price Lunch.

Uncommon Rochester dramatically outperformed the Rochester City School District. • 41% of Uncommon Rochester students scored Proficient or Advanced on the Math exam – almost 6 times the rate of Rochester City School District students (7%). • 55% of 8th graders at Uncommon Rochester scored Proficient or Advanced on the Math exam, as compared to 1% of Rochester City School District students. Uncommon Rochester accounts for 3% of all 8th graders tested in the city of Rochester, but 39% of all students who scored Proficient on the 8th grade math exam.

• 22% of Uncommon Rochester students scored Proficient or Advanced in English Language Arts – more than 4 times the proficiency rate of Rochester City School District students (5%). • Jay Street Elementary 3rd grade saw a 30 percentage point increase in students scoring Proficient or Advanced in ELA and a 56 percentage point increase in Proficient or Advanced in math compared to last year’s 3rd grade results.

Uncommon Troy strongly outperformed the Troy City School District in Math and English Language Arts. • 60% of Uncommon Troy students scored Proficient or Advanced on the Math exam – over 4 times the rate of Troy City School District students (13%).

• 21% of Uncommon Troy students are proficient in English Language Arts – more than 6 percentage points more than the Troy City School District rate (15%).

• Students at Uncommon Troy increased Math proficiency rates by 27 percentage points over last year, as compared to a 1 percentage point increase in the Troy City School District.

Uncommon Boston (Roxbury Prep) outperformed the Boston School District in both Math and English Language Arts. • 52% of Roxbury Prep students scored Proficient or Advanced in Math – 15 percentage points higher than the citywide proficiency rate (37%). • 57% of Roxbury Prep students scored Proficient or Advanced in English Language Arts – 7 percentage points higher than the citywide rate (50%).

• Our 8th grade students continue to reverse the achievement gap in Math with 68% scoring Proficient or Advanced – 10 percentage points higher than the proficiency rate of white students statewide (58%). • Our 6th grade students at our Mission Hill campus had the highest overall ELA and math performance in the school’s 15-year history, with 72% and 70% respectively scoring Proficient or Advanced.


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