what have chabged...

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When I visist my aunt for some days I do not know how this event was generated, she invited me, I thought I could leave behind the horror I used to stay alone and poor she lived very well even thought she was not at home everyday but I stayed with six cousins the elder bigger than me she always was taking care of the other, the second he was like me very interesting in planes very good at studying, the other was Leonor younger than me and the other three were children girls. My aunt worked seeing the tarot and giiving herbs to the people, my uncle worked in Chilectra they lived in “the flowers poblation� near Sumar. That summer was great cause they were very alive and I was with my cousins they played, quarrelled, and that was very sane, I helped my Elder cousin, there wasn’t danger or anger that was constant where I lived. They lived in a very different way from me they had all kind of things but it was not significant to me I loved to be free from violence and a nasty sorround I was 12 years old. When my aunt noted the vacations were going to finish she, who was very happy woman went with me to the center, she was like my grandfather gentle and was alive, that is be happy, take inniciative, express the sad or happiness and emotions in general, Well it was just for some days in the year, she bought many things for me and them I came back to the same maybe even worst after a year I left home and went to the only family I knew in this city. Well as it was worst I got desperate as I did things everything got worst, this guy tried to got my life Always worst, even when my uncle passed for me, yes, If he went to my work in Moneda Street my life he was angry and angry I lived at home with more violence shown me at my face even almost pushed or step on my feet when passe4 at my side I thought he detest me. Today I think of all that problems given in the past were caused mostly by a perverse man who abussed from the power he had, where I was not protected well as it must be done. I know today I can do things that change not properly but I am convinced I advanced this year doing activities for me and for others Changes in my life are the best I have done in years. The way the things take in makes the people get not close each other here and in other places too. I believe this is the result of the political system. Other problema is caused by been grown up by cristianism like my uncle and I, we both had problems with the money my uncle did not worry about it we were taught it is not important and the other is the greed of the people when I have seen it, I repulse it or when they show this is the most important thing, so I have a problem. All of the time I worked just one I found the job.

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