Candidate match - UMCB

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Celt John

We asked this year's candidates where they stood on various issues that students have approached us about over the years. Here's what they said....

UMCB should be more open to Welsh learners



Academic Representation for Welsh Students and the Language

Current representation is sufficient

UMCB as an Organisation

The representation currently provided could be improved

A social organisation

UMCB should do more for the local community

UMCB and should do more to engage with a wider breadth of Welsh speakers

A representation body for matters of the Welsh language

UMCB does enough already

UMCB's work is...

Sabbs should be on the ground talking to students

is integrated into Undeb Bangor enough C a n d i d a t e M a t c h 2

Celt John

Fe wnaethom ofyn i ymgeiswyr eleni ble roedden nhw'n sefyll ar faterion amrywiol y mae myfyrwyr wedi cysylltu â ni yn eu cylch dros y blynyddoedd. Dyma beth ddywedon nhw....

Dylai UMCB fod yn fwy agored i ddysgwyr Cymraeg

C a n d i d a t e M a t c h 2 0 2 3


Cynrychiolaeth Academaidd i Fyfyrwyr Cymraeg a'r Iaith

Mae cynrychiolaeth bresennol yn ddigonol

UMCB fel Sefydliad


Gellid gwella'r gynrychiolaeth a ddarperir ar hyn o bryd

Sefydliad cymdeithasol

Dylai UMCB wneud mwy i ymgysylltu ag ystod ehangach o siaradwyr Cymraeg

Dylai UMCB wneud mwy dros y gymuned leol

Mae gwaith UMCB...

yn cael ei integreiddio ddigon i Undeb Bangor

Corff cynrychioliadol dros faterion yr iaith Gymraeg

Mae UMCB yn gwneud digon yn barod

Dylai Sabbs fod ar lawr gwlad yn siarad

â myfyrwyr

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