Candidate match - sports

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We asked this year's candidates where they stood on various issues that students have approached us about over the years. Here's what they said....

Raising Sponsorship for Clubs

C a n d i d a t e M a t c h 2 0 2 3

We should look to do individual deals with local businesses

Free Clubs and Societies

A hindrance to funding for clubs

Gender neutral changing rooms available for sports people and teams

Priority Investment

Clubs are already accessible and inclusive

Accessibility of Clubs

The VP Sport should....

Priotise health and wellbeing

We should look for corporate sponsorship for the AU as an entity

One of Bangor's unique selling points

Not a priority currenlty

More work needs to be done

Prioritise performance sports

Lewis Thompson

Fe wnaethom ofyn i ymgeiswyr eleni ble roedden nhw'n sefyll ar faterion amrywiol y mae myfyrwyr wedi cysylltu â ni yn eu cylch dros y blynyddoedd. Dyma beth ddywedon nhw....

Codi Nawdd i Glybiau

C a n d i d a t e M a t c h 2 0 2 3

Dylem geisio gwneud

bargeinion unigol gyda busnesau lleol

Clybiau a Chymdeithasau Rhad ac Am Ddim

Rhwystr i ariannu clybiau

Dylem chwilio am nawdd corfforaethol i’r UA

Un o bwyntiau gwerthu unigryw Bangor

Ystafelloedd newid rhyw niwtral ar gael ar gyfer chwaraeon a thimau

Buddsoddiad â Blaenoriaeth

Hygyrchedd Clybiau

Mae clybiau eisoes yn hygyrch ac yn gynhwysol

Dylai'r IL Chwaraeon....

Blaenoriaethu iechyd a lles

Ddim yn flaenoriaeth ar hyn o bryd

Mae angen gwneud mwy o waith

Blaenoriaethu perfformiad chwaraeon

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