Candidate match

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Celt John

We asked this year's candidates where they stood on various issues that students have approached us about over the years. Here's what they said....

UMCB should be more open to Welsh learners



Academic Representation for Welsh Students and the Language

Current representation is sufficient

UMCB as an Organisation

The representation currently provided could be improved

A social organisation

UMCB should do more for the local community

UMCB and should do more to engage with a wider breadth of Welsh speakers

A representation body for matters of the Welsh language

UMCB does enough already

UMCB's work is...

Sabbs should be on the ground talking to students

is integrated into Undeb Bangor enough C a n d i d a t e M a t c h 2

Celt John

Fe wnaethom ofyn i ymgeiswyr eleni ble roedden nhw'n sefyll ar faterion amrywiol y mae myfyrwyr wedi cysylltu â ni yn eu cylch dros y blynyddoedd. Dyma beth ddywedon nhw....

Dylai UMCB fod yn fwy agored i ddysgwyr Cymraeg

C a n d i d a t e M a t c h 2 0 2 3


Cynrychiolaeth Academaidd i Fyfyrwyr Cymraeg a'r Iaith

Mae cynrychiolaeth bresennol yn ddigonol

UMCB fel Sefydliad


Gellid gwella'r gynrychiolaeth a ddarperir ar hyn o bryd

Sefydliad cymdeithasol

Dylai UMCB wneud mwy i ymgysylltu ag ystod ehangach o siaradwyr Cymraeg

Dylai UMCB wneud mwy dros y gymuned leol

Mae gwaith UMCB...

yn cael ei integreiddio ddigon i Undeb Bangor

Corff cynrychioliadol dros faterion yr iaith Gymraeg

Mae UMCB yn gwneud digon yn barod

Dylai Sabbs fod ar lawr gwlad yn siarad

â myfyrwyr

C a n d i d a t e M a t c h 2 0 2 3

We asked this year's candidates where they stood on various issues that students have approached us about over the years. Here's what they said....

Strikes and protests are a good way of making your voice heard Disagree

Inclusive Curriculums


The curriculum is fine

A blended approach (online & in person)

The future of University Education

The Curriculum should be more inclusive

Completely back to all in person

Students should have online exam options


Building a sense of community within courses

Students should be responsible for this


The university should be responsible for this

Rhys Harrison

Fe wnaethom ofyn i ymgeiswyr eleni ble roedden nhw'n sefyll ar faterion amrywiol y mae myfyrwyr wedi cysylltu â ni yn eu cylch dros y blynyddoedd. Dyma beth ddywedon nhw....

Mae streiciau a phrotestiadau yn ffordd dda o sicrhau bod eich llais yn cael ei glywed Anghytuno

Cwricwlwm Cynhwysol

Mae'r cwricwlwm yn iawn

Dyfodol Addysg Prifysgol


Dylai'r Cwricwlwm fod yn fwy cynhwysol

Dull cyfunol (ar-lein ac wyneb yn wyneb )

Yn gyfan gwbl yn ôl i bawb wyneb yn wyneb

Dylai fod gan fyfyrwyr opsiynau arholiad ar-lein Cytuno Anghytuno

Adeiladu ymdeimlad o gymuned o fewn cyrsiau

Dylai myfyrwyr fod yn gyfrifol am hyn

Dylai'r brifysgol fod yn gyfrifol am hyn

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C a n d i d a t e M a t c h 2 0 2 3

Shubhamkumar Singh

We asked this year's candidates where they stood on various issues that students have approached us about over the years. Here's what they said....

Strikes and protests are a good way of making your voice heard Disagree

Inclusive Curriculums


The curriculum is fine

A blended approach (online & in person)

The future of University Education

The Curriculum should be more inclusive

Completely back to all in person

Students should have online exam options


Building a sense of community within courses

Students should be responsible for this


The university should be responsible for this

Shubhamkumar Singh

Fe wnaethom ofyn i ymgeiswyr eleni ble roedden nhw'n sefyll ar faterion amrywiol y mae myfyrwyr wedi cysylltu â ni yn eu cylch dros y blynyddoedd. Dyma beth ddywedon nhw....

Mae streiciau a phrotestiadau yn ffordd dda o sicrhau bod eich llais yn cael ei glywed Anghytuno

Cwricwlwm Cynhwysol

Mae'r cwricwlwm yn iawn

Dyfodol addysg Prifysgol


Dylai'r Cwricwlwm fod yn fwy cynhwysol

Dull cyfunol (ar-lein ac wyneb yn wyneb )

Dylai fod gan fyfyrwyr opsiynau arholiad ar-lein Cytuno Anghytuno

Yn gyfan gwbl yn ôl i bawb wyneb yn wyneb

Adeiladu ymdeimlad o gymuned o fewn cyrsiau

Dylai myfyrwyr fod yn gyfrifol am hyn

Dylai'r brifysgol fod yn gyfrifol am hyn

C a n d i d a t e M a t c h 2 0 2 3

C a n d i d a t e M a t c h 2 0 2 3

Nida Ambreen

We asked this year's candidates where they stood on various issues that students have approached us about over the years. Here's what they said....

Strikes and protests are a good way of making your voice heard Disagree

Inclusive Curriculums


The curriculum is fine

A blended approach (online & in person)

The future of University Education

The Curriculum should be more inclusive

Completely back to all in person

Students should have online exam options


Building a sense of community within courses

Students should be responsible for this


The university should be responsible for this

Nida Ambreen

Fe wnaethom ofyn i ymgeiswyr eleni ble roedden nhw'n sefyll ar faterion amrywiol y mae myfyrwyr wedi cysylltu â ni yn eu cylch dros y blynyddoedd. Dyma beth ddywedon nhw....

Mae streiciau a phrotestiadau yn ffordd dda o sicrhau bod eich llais yn cael ei glywed Anghytuno

Cwricwlwm Cynhwysol


Mae'r cwricwlwm yn iawn

Dyfodol Addysg Prifysgol

Dylai'r Cwricwlwm fod yn fwy cynhwysol

Dull cyfunol (ar-lein ac wyneb yn wyneb )

Yn gyfan gwbl yn ôl i bawb wyneb yn wyneb

Dylai fod gan fyfyrwyr opsiynau arholiad ar-lein Cytuno Anghytuno

Adeiladu ymdeimlad o gymuned o fewn cyrsiau

Dylai myfyrwyr fod yn gyfrifol am hyn

Dylai'r brifysgol fod yn gyfrifol am hyn

d a t e M a t c h
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C a n d i d a t e M a t c h 2 0 2 3

We asked this year's candidates where they stood on various issues that students have approached us about over the years. Here's what they said....

Strikes and protests are a good way of making your voice heard Disagree

Inclusive Curriculums


The curriculum is fine

A blended approach (online & in person)

The future of University Education

The Curriculum should be more inclusive

Completely back to all in person

Students should have online exam options



Building a sense of community within courses

Students should be responsible for this

The university should be responsible for this

Oluwabukunmi Johnson Payne

Oluwabukunmi Johnson Payne

Fe wnaethom ofyn i ymgeiswyr eleni ble roedden nhw'n sefyll ar faterion amrywiol y mae myfyrwyr wedi cysylltu â ni yn eu cylch dros y blynyddoedd. Dyma beth ddywedon nhw....

Mae streiciau a phrotestiadau yn ffordd dda o sicrhau bod eich llais yn cael ei glywed Anghytuno

Cwricwlwm Cynhwysol


Mae'r Cwricwlwm yn iawn

Dyfodol Addysg Prifysgol

Dylai'r Cwricwlwm fod yn fwy cynhwysol

Dull cyfunol (ar-lein ac wyneb yn wyneb )

Yn gyfan gwbl yn ôl i bawb wyneb yn wyneb

Dylai fod gan fyfyrwyr opsiynau arholiad ar-lein Cytuno Anghytuno

Adeiladu ymdeimlad o gymuned o fewn cyrsiau

Dylai myfyrwyr fod yn gyfrifol am hyn

Dylai'r brifysgol fod yn gyfrifol am hyn

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C a n d i d a t e M a t c h 2 0 2 3

Ade Akindele

We asked this year's candidates where they stood on various issues that students have approached us about over the years. Here's what they said....

No matter how niche, all students should be able to start their own club/society Disagree

All clubs and societies should receive equal funding


Agree Disagree


We should establish more volunteering options

It's fine as it is

Should be completely student led

Our Current Offer of Societies and Volunteering

We should enhance the projects currently on offer

Student volunteering opportunties

It needs to be more accessible for post grads

External opportunsties should be prioritised

Ade Akindele

Fe wnaethom ofyn i ymgeiswyr eleni ble roedden nhw'n sefyll ar faterion amrywiol y mae myfyrwyr wedi cysylltu â ni yn eu cylch dros y blynyddoedd. Dyma beth ddywedon nhw....

Ni waeth pa mor arbenigol, dylai pob myfyriwr fod gallu dechrau eu clwb/cymdeithas eu hunain


Dylai pob clwb a chymdeithas dderbyn cyllid cyfartal


Dylem sefydlu mwy o opsiynau gwirfoddoli

Mae'n iawn fel y mae


Ein Cynnig Presennol o Gymdeithasau a Gwirfoddoli

Cyfleoedd gwirfoddoli i fyfyrwyr

Dylai gael ei arwain yn gyfan gwbl gan fyfyrwyr

Dylem wella'r prosiectau sydd ar gael ar hyn o bryd

Mae angen iddo fod yn fwy hygyrch i ôlraddedigion

Dylid blaenoriaethu cyfleoedd allanol

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Cytuno Anghytuno

Polly Bridges

We asked this year's candidates where they stood on various issues that students have approached us about over the years. Here's what they said....

No matter how niche, all students should be able to start their own club/society Disagree

All clubs and societies should receive equal funding


Agree Disagree


We should establish more volunteering options

It's fine as it is

Should be completely student led

Our Current Offer of Societies and Volunteering

We should enhance the projects currently on offer

Student volunteering opportunties

It needs to be more accessible for post grads

External opportunsties should be prioritised

C a n d i d a t e M a t c h 2 0 2 3

Polly Bridges

Fe wnaethom ofyn i ymgeiswyr eleni ble roedden nhw'n sefyll ar faterion amrywiol y mae myfyrwyr wedi cysylltu â ni yn eu cylch dros y blynyddoedd. Dyma beth ddywedon nhw....

Ni waeth pa mor arbenigol, dylai pob myfyriwr fod gallu dechrau eu clwb/cymdeithas eu hunain

C a n d i d a t e M a t c h 2 0 2 3


Dylai pob clwb a chymdeithas dderbyn cyllid cyfartal



Dylem sefydlu mwy o opsiynau gwirfoddoli

Mae'n iawn fel y mae


Ein Cynnig Presennol o Gymdeithasau a Gwirfoddoli


Dylem wella'r prosiectau sydd ar gael ar hyn o bryd

Mae angen iddo fod yn fwy hygyrch i ôlraddedigion

Cyfleoedd gwirfoddoli i fyfyrwyr

Dylai gael ei arwain yn gyfan gwbl gan fyfyrwyr

Dylid blaenoriaethu cyfleoedd allanol

C a n d i d a t e M a t c h 2 0 2 3

We asked this year's candidates where they stood on various issues that students have approached us about over the years. Here's what they said....

No matter how niche, all students should be able to start their own club/society Disagree

All clubs and societies should receive equal funding


Agree Disagree


We should establish more volunteering options

It's fine as it is

Should be completely student led

Our Current Offer of Societies and Volunteering

We should enhance the projects currently on offer

Student volunteering opportunties

It needs to be more accessible for post grads

External opportunsties should be prioritised

Sam Dickins

Fe wnaethom ofyn i ymgeiswyr eleni ble roedden nhw'n sefyll ar faterion amrywiol y mae myfyrwyr wedi cysylltu â ni yn eu cylch dros y blynyddoedd. Dyma beth ddywedon nhw....

Ni waeth pa mor arbenigol, dylai pob myfyriwr fod gallu dechrau eu clwb/cymdeithas eu hunain

C a n d i d a t e M a t c h 2 0 2 3


Dylai pob clwb a chymdeithas dderbyn cyllid cyfartal


Cytuno Anghytuno


Dylem sefydlu mwy o opsiynau gwirfoddoli

Ein Cynnig Presennol o Gymdeithasau a Gwirfoddoli

Mae'n iawn fel y mae

Cyfleoedd gwirfoddoli i fyfyrwyr

Dylai gael ei arwain yn gyfan gwbl gan fyfyrwyr

Dylem wella'r prosiectau sydd ar gael ar hyn o bryd

Mae angen iddo fod yn fwy hygyrch i ôlraddedigion

Dylid blaenoriaethu cyfleoedd allanol

C a n d i d a t e M a t c h 2 0 2 3

We asked this year's candidates where they stood on various issues that students have approached us about over the years. Here's what they said....

No matter how niche, all students should be able to start their own club/society Disagree

All clubs and societies should receive equal funding


Agree Disagree


We should establish more volunteering options

It's fine as it is

Should be completely student led

Our Current Offer of Societies and Volunteering

We should enhance the projects currently on offer

Student volunteering opportunties

It needs to be more accessible for post grads

External opportunsties should be prioritised

Joanna van Weber

Fe wnaethom ofyn i ymgeiswyr eleni ble roedden nhw'n sefyll ar faterion amrywiol y mae myfyrwyr wedi cysylltu â ni yn eu cylch dros y blynyddoedd. Dyma beth ddywedon nhw....

Ni waeth pa mor arbenigol, dylai pob myfyriwr fod gallu dechrau eu clwb/cymdeithas eu hunain


Dylai pob clwb a chymdeithas dderbyn cyllid cyfartal


Cytuno Anghytuno


Dylem sefydlu mwy o opsiynau gwirfoddoli

Ein Cynnig Presennol o Gymdeithasau a Gwirfoddoli

Mae'n iawn fel y mae

Cyfleoedd gwirfoddoli i fyfyrwyr

Dylai gael ei arwain yn gyfan gwbl gan fyfyrwyr

Dylem wella'r prosiectau sydd ar gael ar hyn o bryd

Mae angen iddo fod yn fwy hygyrch i ôlraddedigion

Dylid blaenoriaethu cyfleoedd allanol

C a n d i d a t e M a t c h 2 0 2 3

We asked this year's candidates where they stood on various issues that students have approached us about over the years. Here's what they said....

No matter how niche, all students should be able to start their own club/society Disagree

All clubs and societies should receive equal funding


Agree Disagree


We should establish more volunteering options

It's fine as it is

Should be completely student led

Our Current Offer of Societies and Volunteering

We should enhance the projects currently on offer

Student volunteering opportunties

It needs to be more accessible for post grads

External opportunsties should be prioritised

a n d i d a t e M a t c h 2 0 2 3

Emily Pearce

Fe wnaethom ofyn i ymgeiswyr eleni ble roedden nhw'n sefyll ar faterion amrywiol y mae myfyrwyr wedi cysylltu â ni yn eu cylch dros y blynyddoedd. Dyma beth ddywedon nhw....

Ni waeth pa mor arbenigol, dylai pob myfyriwr fod gallu dechrau eu clwb/cymdeithas eu hunain

C a n d i d a t e M a t c h 2 0 2 3


Dylai pob clwb a chymdeithas dderbyn cyllid cyfartal


Cytuno Anghytuno


Dylem sefydlu mwy o opsiynau gwirfoddoli

Ein Cynnig Presennol o Gymdeithasau a Gwirfoddoli

Mae'n iawn fel y mae

Cyfleoedd gwirfoddoli i fyfyrwyr

Dylai gael ei arwain yn gyfan gwbl gan fyfyrwyr

Dylem wella'r prosiectau sydd ar gael ar hyn o bryd

Mae angen iddo fod yn fwy hygyrch i ôlraddedigion

Dylid blaenoriaethu cyfleoedd allanol

We asked this year's candidates where they stood on various issues that students have approached us about over the years. Here's what they said....

Wrexham Campus (home to 300 students)

C a n d i d a t e M a t c h 2 0 2 3

The SU needs engage more with Wrexham students

Accessibility of campus

More needs to be done

The university should provide support

Students Mental Health

The SU should focus its resources on Bangor

It's fine as it is

We should rely on the NHS to support students

The Cost of Living crisis

More support for all

Always work to find a compromise

Challenging Conversations with the University

More support for those with the greatest need

Students first at all costs

Cynthia Harrison-Obi

Fe wnaethom ofyn i ymgeiswyr eleni ble roedden nhw'n sefyll ar faterion amrywiol y mae myfyrwyr wedi cysylltu â ni yn eu cylch dros y blynyddoedd. Dyma beth ddywedon nhw....

Campws Wrecsam (cartref i 300 o fyfyrwyr)

a n d i d a t e M a t c h 2 0 2 3

Mae angen i UM ymgysylltu mwy â myfyrwyr Wrecsam

Hygyrchedd y campws

Dylai UM ganolbwyntio ei adnoddau ar Fangor

Mae'n iawn fel y mae Mae angen gwneud mwy

Iechyd Meddwl Myfyrwyr

Dylai'r brifysgol ddarparu cefnogaeth

Mwy o gefnogaeth i bawb

Yr Argyfwng Costau Byw

Dylem ddibynnu ar y GIG i gefnogi myfyrwyr

Sgyrsiau Heriol gyda'r Brifysgol

Gweithio bob amser i ddod o hyd i gyfaddawd

Mwy o gefnogaeth i'r rhai sydd â'r angen mwyaf

Myfyrwyr yn gyntaf ar bob cyfrif


Nyah Lowe

We asked this year's candidates where they stood on various issues that students have approached us about over the years. Here's what they said....

Wrexham Campus (home to 300 students)

Accessibility of campus

More needs to be done

The university should provide support

Students Mental Health

The SU should focus its resources on Bangor

It's fine as it is

We should rely on the NHS to support students

The Cost of Living crisis

More support for all

Challenging Conversations with the University

More support for those with the greatest need

Students first at all costs

SU needs engage more with Wrexham
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Always work to find a compromise C a n
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Nyah Lowe

Fe wnaethom ofyn i ymgeiswyr eleni ble roedden nhw'n sefyll ar faterion amrywiol y mae myfyrwyr wedi cysylltu â ni yn eu cylch dros y blynyddoedd. Dyma beth ddywedon nhw....

Campws Wrecsam (cartref i 300 o fyfyrwyr)

a n d i d a t e M a t c h 2 0 2 3

Mae angen i UM ymgysylltu mwy â myfyrwyr Wrecsam

Hygyrchedd y campws

Dylai UM ganolbwyntio ei adnoddau ar Fangor

Mae'n iawn fel y mae Mae angen gwneud mwy

Iechyd Meddwl Myfyrwyr

Dylai'r brifysgol ddarparu cefnogaeth

Mwy o gefnogaeth i bawb

Yr Argyfwng Costau Byw

Dylem ddibynnu ar y GIG i gefnogi myfyrwyr

Sgyrsiau Heriol gyda'r Brifysgol

Gweithio bob amser i ddod o hyd i gyfaddawd

Mwy o gefnogaeth i'r rhai sydd â'r angen mwyaf

Myfyrwyr yn gyntaf ar bob cyfrif


We asked this year's candidates where they stood on various issues that students have approached us about over the years. Here's what they said....

Raising Sponsorship for Clubs

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We should look to do individual deals with local businesses

Free Clubs and Societies

A hindrance to funding for clubs

Gender neutral changing rooms available for sports people and teams

Priority Investment

Clubs are already accessible and inclusive

Accessibility of Clubs

The VP Sport should....

Priotise health and wellbeing

We should look for corporate sponsorship for the AU as an entity

One of Bangor's unique selling points

Not a priority currenlty

More work needs to be done

Prioritise performance sports

Lewis Thompson

Fe wnaethom ofyn i ymgeiswyr eleni ble roedden nhw'n sefyll ar faterion

amrywiol y mae myfyrwyr wedi cysylltu â ni yn eu cylch dros y blynyddoedd. Dyma beth ddywedon nhw....

Codi Nawdd i Glybiau

C a n d i d a t e M a t c h 2 0 2 3

Dylem geisio gwneud

bargeinion unigol gyda busnesau lleol

Clybiau a Chymdeithasau Rhad ac Am Ddim

Rhwystr i ariannu clybiau

Dylem chwilio am nawdd corfforaethol i’r UA

Un o bwyntiau gwerthu unigryw Bangor

Ystafelloedd newid rhyw niwtral ar gael ar gyfer chwaraeon a thimau

Buddsoddiad â Blaenoriaeth

Hygyrchedd Clybiau

Mae clybiau eisoes yn hygyrch ac yn gynhwysol

Dylai'r IL Chwaraeon....

Blaenoriaethu iechyd a lles

Ddim yn flaenoriaeth ar hyn o bryd

Mae angen gwneud mwy o waith

Blaenoriaethu perfformiad chwaraeon

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