Candidate match - societies

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C a n d i d a t e M a t c h 2 0 2 3

We asked this year's candidates where they stood on various issues that students have approached us about over the years. Here's what they said....

No matter how niche, all students should be able to start their own club/society Disagree

All clubs and societies should receive equal funding


Agree Disagree


We should establish more volunteering options

It's fine as it is

Should be completely student led

Our Current Offer of Societies and Volunteering

We should enhance the projects currently on offer

Student volunteering opportunties

It needs to be more accessible for post grads

External opportunsties should be prioritised

Sam Dickins

Fe wnaethom ofyn i ymgeiswyr eleni ble roedden nhw'n sefyll ar faterion amrywiol y mae myfyrwyr wedi cysylltu â ni yn eu cylch dros y blynyddoedd. Dyma beth ddywedon nhw....

Ni waeth pa mor arbenigol, dylai pob myfyriwr fod gallu dechrau eu clwb/cymdeithas eu hunain

C a n d i d a t e M a t c h 2 0 2 3


Dylai pob clwb a chymdeithas dderbyn cyllid cyfartal


Cytuno Anghytuno


Dylem sefydlu mwy o opsiynau gwirfoddoli

Ein Cynnig Presennol o Gymdeithasau a Gwirfoddoli

Mae'n iawn fel y mae

Cyfleoedd gwirfoddoli i fyfyrwyr

Dylai gael ei arwain yn gyfan gwbl gan fyfyrwyr

Dylem wella'r prosiectau sydd ar gael ar hyn o bryd

Mae angen iddo fod yn fwy hygyrch i ôlraddedigion

Dylid blaenoriaethu cyfleoedd allanol

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