Course Rep Activities Risk Assessment
• All Course Reps carrying out events or activities must have a risk assessment in place before the activity starts.
• The Generic Risk Assessment covers most on-campus indoor activities including those serving low-risk foods. Low risk foods are those that are able to be eaten at room temperature (do not require refrigeration or reheating) and are bought from a food business (e.g. supermarket, café) with Public Liability Insurance.
• If your activity is outdoors, offsite, involves cooking or selling food, or isn’t otherwise covered by the General Risk Assessment, please contact the Student Voice Team for advice. We will help you to prepare a Specific Risk Assessment for your activity.
• Please contact the Student Voice Team for advice if you intend to undertake any fundraising activities (e.g. cake sale).
• The Team can only advise on the information given. If details are withheld appropriate advice may not be given potentially affecting the health, safety and welfare of participants and others affected by Course Rep activities.
• Course Reps must immediately notify the Student Voice Team if their activity or risk profile changes.
Describe all the activities that will be taking place at your event
Locations(s) RA Covers University rooms where event takes place
Person(s) RA Covers E.g. students, staff, visitors
Please confirm if the Generic Risk Assessment is suitable for the Course Rep event you have planned YES / NO
If ‘NO’ please confirm you have completed the Specific Risk Assessment YES / NO I confirm that attendees will be briefed on the content of Risk Assessments with records kept of this YES / NO
Reviewed by Student Voice Team
Accessibility and Inclusivity
• Every effort must be made to ensure accessibility and inclusivity.
• Event organisers should consider their own and other attendees needs at all times.
• Attendees should not have to disclose specific needs for these needs to be anticipated.
• Everybody to be treated equally / fairly at all times.
• Seek advice from the Student Voice Team to insure accessibility and inclusivity.
• Remind members that they can discuss in confidence their specific needs, which may require support or adjustments to be made.
Internal Facilities: Use, general building condition and facilities
• Book rooms through the Student Voice Team or your School.
• Brief group in relevant policies etc.
• Leave buildings as found e.g. clean, tidy.
• SU / BU premises have suitable arrangements in place to ensure space is fit for use e.g. fire detection & notification system, maintenance, cleaning.
• Activities fall under the policies, procedures, rules and regulations of the SU and BU.
Injury/Illness: Requiring First Aid • First Aiders available in most University buildings. Details should be displayed on First Aid Posters.
• Security can provide First Aid on University premises: Internal Phone - 333 / Mobile01248 382795.
• Incident report form to be completed.
• Report building related faults to SU and / or Security if urgent.
Fire Safety
• During a fire alarm, users should evacuate the building and gather at the Fire Assembly Point. Users should not re-enter the building until instructed to do so.
• Lifts must not be used in a fire alarm. Users unable to evacuate via stairs should go to a Refuge Point and activate.
• Activities that increase fire risk require a Specific Risk Assessment- please contact the Student Voice Team for advice.
• Ensure the safety of participants, the first aider and the injured party.
• In the event of an immediate life threatening situation the event organiser to dial 999 immediately and then inform University Security.
• Call Security if first aid is needed
• If using external facilities confirm fire safety arrangements are in place.
• At the start of the activity, brief members in what to do if they start or discover a fire, or the fire alarm sounds, including the locations of Fire Exits and Fire Assembly Points.
• Consider those who need support in an evacuation e.g. cannot evacuate via stairs.
Electrical Safety
• Electrical equipment to be fit for purpose and the environment to be used e.g. outdoor use.
• All electrical equipment brought onto site must be CE Marked and have a valid PAT Test with a label on the item to show PAT Tested.
• Never use equipment without a valid PAT Test label or if concerned about condition.
• Contact Student Voice Team if PAT Test Training is required.
Food Safety: Allergens, hygiene
• Source food from a reputable provider e.g. Supermarket or business holding
• Make participants aware of handwashing facilities and that they Name
Communicable diseases including Covid-19
appropriate Public Liability Insurance and Food Hygiene Certification.
• Never provide unlabelled / out of date food.
• All dishes must be served/be able to be eaten cold and not reheated on premises under any circumstances.
• Any common allergens should be clearly labelled.
• Take care when handling hot food or drinks to reduce the risk of scalds and burns.
• Practice good hand hygiene when handling any food or drink- wash or sanitise hands before preparing or eating food.
• Food Safety Guidance available for those handling food.
• Participants with symptoms of communicable diseases including Covid-19 should remain at home and not attend inperson events as per Bangor University guidelines.
• Equipment and spaces should be cleaned after the event.
• Participants should maintain good hand hygiene by regularly washing or sanitising hands throughout the day.
• Participants may wear a face covering if they wish to.
• Air filter units should be switched on if present and windows should be opened where appropriate, for example in crowded spaces.
should wash or sanitise hands before handling food or drink.
• Participants should not share food or plates, cups, cutlery etc.
• Prepare ingredient list including allergens for all food served, or keep the packaging of pre-packed foods.
• Seek advice from the Student Voice Team for high risk foods (e.g. homemade hot foods, foods that need to be refrigerated) or if you intend to sell food (e.g. a cake sale).
• Participants are encouraged to place any waste (e.g. food waste, napkins etc.) into bins or bin bags provided.
• Event organisers to ensure rooms and surfaces are left clean at the end of the event.
• Make participants aware of location of nearby handwashing facilities at the start of the event and encourage participants to use these regularly.
• Encourage participants to wash or sanitise hands before and during close contact games and activities.
• Alcohol is not permitted to be consumed or be present during activities outside of a licensed premise.
• Seek permission of Student Voice Team if wishing to arrange alcohol for an event.
• Establish requirements as advised.
Reputational Risk: SU, BU, Course Reps
• All Course Reps and activity attendees are BU / SU Ambassadors and must follow BU and SU policies and procedures at all times during official activities.
• Participants must not offend others, cause a nuisance or breach procedures/policies. Representation includes when wearing branded clothing.
• The SU will take disciplinary action if required.
• Remind members of required standards.
• Monitor to ensure standards met.
External Speakers: Process
• External Speakers fall under BU Policy and must not be conducted without SU guidance.
• All activity must be in line with the Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech Policy.
• Event organisers must fill in the External Speaker request form at the bottom of the above document and submit to the Student Voice Team.
Specific Risk Assessment for Offsite and Outdoor Activities
Vehicle Travel: Minibus, general driver and vehicle safety
Existing Controls
• The SU Vehicle Risk Assessment must be complied with. For example: journey duration, driver numbers, use of personal / hire vehicles, vehicle inspections.
• Members must be briefed in requirements.
• Contact Student Voice Team if activities require driving.
• Follow arrangements as advised by the Student Voice Team.
• Brief members in driver / vehicle / minibus procedures.
External Venues: Use, condition, facilities
• NOTE: Specific requirements apply if driving Minibuses and / or towing trailers.
• Groups must select appropriate venues if using non-BU / SU premises for activities / social events.
• Groups should seek the advice of Student Voice Team if needed.
• Monitor to ensure compliance.
• Check basics if using venues which are not an established public venue e.g. Public Liability Insurance, cleanliness, Food Rating, fire safety.
Environmental Considerations: Weather, tides, daylight hours
• Appoint a Responsible Person (RP) to check conditions for an activity: leading up to, during and for a period after in case of delays.
• RP to have competence and authority to cancel if the activity cannot be carried out safely e.g. weather, inexperience of Activity Leaders or participants.
• Checks to include all relevant conditions for the activity and location e.g. daylight, temperature, wind, rain, tides.
• Information to be included in activity planning, with activities adjusted if needed.
• Extra kit e.g. backup lights to be taken on activities operating in darkness, or during low or zero light.
• Brief members in what to expect and arrangements.
• Student Voice Team to approve all night activities.
• Check forecasts and seek expert local knowledge ahead of activities.
• Contact Student Voice Team for advice and assistance regarding resources to make decisions.
• Pre-Activity inform members of arrangements and what they are directly responsible for themselves e.g. waterproofs, food, drink.
• Pre-departure check members prepared.
• Timetable of activity to be produced – copy left with a RP not on activity.
• Do not allow members to participate if not prepared or concerned about their ability to participate safely.
Personal Safety
• Consider means to contact others during activities e.g. land line, mobile phone.
• Advise participants as needed e.g. work in pairs.
• Report concerns to the SU, University Security or the Police if appropriate.
• Report all incidents on the University’s Accident & Incident Form.
Slips, Trips and Falls
• If first aid is required, ensure safety of both the injured party and the first aider. Incident report forms also required to be completed
• Ensure the event is taking place in a suitable location with minimum risk of slips, trips and falls.
• Ensure that the event plan is suitable for the competency of the participants, given environmental conditions.
Insert further activity specific hazards and controls below.