UC Indec UC1-UC43

Page 1

UNDERCURRENTS The First Nine Years An Index of Undercurrents 1to 43 prepared by Charmian Larke of the Alternative Technology Information Group with help from: Mark Southgate, Chris Mutton Squire and Dorinda Rowe. THE INDEX is in two seauences: (1) Authors. Articles bv title, and Subjects: and (2) Books

Reviewed by title. ltems'are in word-by-word alphabetical order; they are identified by the issue-number (underlined (eg 33)) followed by the page number(s), except for Nos. 1 - 4. which were not paginated.Additional information is: E=Eddies (Nos. 1-4only); L=Letters; and R=Review; journal titles are underlined: Dawn. PUBLICATION DATES: For the first four years (1972-5) publication was irregular as follows: 1972 - 1 (Spring), 2 (Summer), and 3 (Autumn/Winter); 1973 4 (Spring) and 5 (Winter, first bound issue); 1974- 6 (March/April), 7 (July/August) and 8 (October/November);and 1975 - 9 (January/February), 10 (March/April), 11 (MaylJune), 12 (September/October) and 13 (November/December). For the five years 1976-80 Undercurrents was published bimonthly as follows:


For details of current subscription rates, back number availability etc. please write to UndercurrentsSubscriptions, 27 Clerkenwell Close, London EC1R OAT, England. Xerox copies of out of print articles will be supplied at cost.

66 The question is, can a London-basedcollective of lefties hot on the trail of the Industrial Counter-Revolutionfind true happiness producing a magazine for neo-peasants about the problemspresentedto African Liberationby space colonialism when none of 'em can levitate without using both hands??? Muscle Powered Revolutionary Samadhi Pierce Butler

A&Z L e n i n f o r beginners R g 41

50 6 21 5 22 2-3 2 5 3 2^3 501 2 1

ABC Defence C o n n i t t e e f ABC T r i a l

demonstration O f f i c i a l Secrets A c t sentence S i l k i n speech AEG-Telefunken ARG KENT ASEA-ATOM




z6 w4

Abbs, P Proposal f o r a new c o l l e g e R z 42 Aberdeen People's Press O i l on t r o u b l e d waters R z 6


Aberfeldy community

11 10 588


ACID RAIN Acoustic Environment P r o j e c t Canada A c t i o n Space

7 24-32

22 5

s8 -6 6 -2 1

ACUPUNCTURE smoking cure UN study


Adam T r u s t


Adams, I Trudeau papers: e x t r a c t

42 22 -

ADOBE see B u i l d i n g M a t e r i a l s Rammed e a r t h




Analysis R E 42





Agar Grove E s t a t e allotments

~ l ~ ~ v spiritual forebearswho flourishedduring the English Revolution.

Agee, P * R z 47 Covert a p t i o n Agenor Greening o f Marx & o p t i o n s f o r the l e f t R z 41

41 5 10 10-12 R12 4 4 59 I5 256

R g g*

A g r i c a p i t a l Group Our d a i l y bread A g r i c u l t u r a l Colleges AGRICULTURE see a l s o FACTORY FAORGANIC FARMING FARMING



AGRICULTURE Pollution Radical S o l a r energy a p p l i c a t i o n s

28 5 37

T h i r d World needs A i r on a s h o e s t r i n g 1

2 26-28 2 $17-19


fi 5

Advice Centres i n C r i s i s


A b o r i g i n a l I n f o r m a t i o n Centre ABORTION LAW Australia

~ b o v et h e c i t y s t r e e t s ACCIDENTS steam b o i l e r Berkeley

A Long Delayed Echo: here at last. In fulfilment of a promiserashly made in UC 17,ls Christopher Wren's octagonalbeelhe hives Commonwealth Of Bees, a



- I r i s7h 1-2 Sea

s o l a r powered



Albion cartoon poster R E 44 ALCfflMY ALCOHOLS P r o d u c t i o n from wood L E 4 4


Political involvement 20 7-8 Portugal T? 27 25 9-12 Power in society 14-16 3-41 Review 53-54 Student projects Sudan Sweden exhibition 8 w c. Tea cosy 50-31 Third World USA ?-36 Women World plan Worldwide % 17-20

ALDEHMASTON. Radiation 582 screening Alice & Atman 3 24-25 ALIENATION 10 20-24 science Technology 26 12-13 All electric lies Allaby, M Home farm R E 46-47

3 ~~~~ -

Inventing tomorrow R E 43-44 AILOTHENTS Agar Grove Estate Bill Alternative America 8 Alternative Bookshop, right 5^^ wing ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES see Renewable energy sources Alternative England & Wales a



3 ';


see also COMMUNITY TECBB'OLOGY Alternative Technology Information Group 42 8 Alternatives to Unemployment, Conference 20-21 Amathila, L 24 11-12 SWAFO medicine Ambient En~rgyDesign 2 5 Ambient Energy Stand Interbuild Exhibition 14 40 Amis dela terre de Rennes 41 6 Amey Roadstones Co 93 Amra Anna 2 Anarchist cities 10 38-40 ANARCHISTS History Holland Anarchists Anonymous 8 19-20, 26, 45 Debunking the bunkers 9 4-6 ANARCHY, Communes 52 25-27 ANCIENT BRITAIN Earthcurrents R 9 43 Anders Leben and Sanfte Technik






Alternative Lateral Access NetATLAS Work ALTERNATIVE LIVING 16 7 Festival, Eire ALTERNATIVE PRESS Guide 5 R c 39 42 8 Alternative Press Index




50 7

Alternative Press Syndicate D-i-y guide to alternative Rl& 46-47 publishing Alternative Research - 8 Alternative Research Group zc a



Alternative Societies B26 w ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGY 6 35-39 41-44 I 15-16 2? 26-27 L d 43 20-21 R g 11-13 Big business Canada Cen-tea

Community 2 Community technology 5 30-36 Comtek see Comtek Confe r e n G Bradford 14 10-14 Newcastle Decentralization 21-23 Directory Engineering course Experiments Future Government policy 35' 18-19 Guide 23-24 29-30 Home use 25-32 India 4 33-36 16 16 Inventions L^ 7 Lucas Aerospace 11-15 see also Lucas Aerospace NATTA 16 12-14 New Guinea E?-





Pakistan Philosophy







Appignanesi, R Lenin for beginners R22 41 Appropriate technology for UK. conference 16 6 ApT Design & Development


56 7 AQUATIC PLANTS R E ARCHITEC!PUREL Ecolow ARCOLOGY Archway Motorway 4 Inquiry ARCOLOGY 5 Arcosanti project 5 Armor, M Building your own home R 2

ST 55-37 3 36-38

Anderson, B Solar home book R s 41-42 Andrews, D Networking 55 26 Andrews, T Edge of the anvil R Z 36 Anglo-German Foundation Worker-owners: the Mondragon =A 59-40 achievement ANGOLA 45 7 ANIMALS. Uses & abuses


Annan Committee 20 36-38 Anti-apartheid Movement Shell & BP in South Africa R27 4 Anti-Cruise Missile Rally 41 6 Anti-Nuclear Campaign


36-38 41




AHMY VEHICLES *5 ASBESTOS R z3 Ashby, M 55 20-21 Stream power Asimov, I Extraterrestrial civilizations R E 43 ASPIRIN Dangers 2 ASTROLOGY



Athanasiou, T Compost & communism Liberty machine Atkins0n.J How to save a steelworks



50 7





28 12-13 L55 39 ATLAS 55 26 Atom Free Embassy, Australia 25 31 ATOMIC BOMB 2 building instructions 5 29-32

39 23

Sunday Times letter re: E2 Pat Coyne article Atomscandal Attock Petroleum Aubrey, C Here is the other news R S 39 Secrets trial see ABC TRIAL AUSTRALIA Aborigines 47 Alternative socie-cy Autonomous houses Citizens Band Radio


Festival Ecology for alternatives Appropriate Energy Group 42 8 Anti-Nuclear Power Show, Wexford 41 8 Altham Workers Co-op 1-1 14-16 Antur Aelhaearn Village Co-operative 25 26-27



Nuclear legislation Politics Uranium mining AUSTRIA Neue Freie Presse Xuciear refS'PBOTCBIi



AUSTRIA 2 4 Zwentendorf AUTARKIC HOUSE PROJECT 15 5 AUTONOMOUS HOUSES Australia Cambridge University Granada TV T Ã ˆ L


BBC see BRITISH BROADCASTING COSR~EATION BRAD see Biotechnic Research and Development BSSRS see British Society for Sociamesponsibility in Science BABY FOOD 23 BAER, S Canned heat 5. 39, 51 Baergluetli Switzerland 4 Baker, R UN revolutionary 14-15 Baker, R St B My life my trees R s 43 Balbennie, R Keeping your feet dry 26 18-19 Ball, M & C 2 29-?iO Risks and rewards BANGLADESH Cockroaches L s7 BANTRY BAY, Ireland Oil pollution 107 BAREJ?OOT DOCTORS PARAMEDICS Barefoot in the class struggle 50 10-12 BAREFOOTISM R B 35 Barkas, J Vegetable passion Barnet, C Human factor and Bqitish industrial decline R z 44 Barrat-Brown, M Resources and the environment R E 47 Barren, I Future with microelectronics R22 44 Barrow Docks Nuclear fuel 41 1 Bartlett, J que sera SERA? 29 10 Barzdo, J Whale conservation 38 Bate, H Chickenamethane 1



Bate, R Bum package deal 26 34-35 Bath Anti-Nuclear Group Bulletin Battersea Power Station

326 BEANS. Gasless


Bear, E Deprogramming Beck, R Cosmic drum BEEKEEPING

40 21-22 -

58 26-27 11 11-14, 24 17 19-20

BEER E BREWING Beginning now 15 3 BEHAVIOUR MODIFICATION 28 27-28 g-33 USA 3z 34-36 BEHAVIOUR THERAPY Beldon. D Can capitalism co-opt co-ops? 41 30-32 Stronir voice of our ow-n BELGIUM

- Nuclear referendum

Black Hills Alliance Blackaby, F Deindustrialisation R E BLACKSMITH Papua New Guinea Blair. J control of oil R22



2 I3 42-43

2? 47

BOATS Conversion for living 26 18-19 2'4 4 squatting Boden, M Artificial Intelligence and natural man R Z 38 Bolger, P Irish co-op movement R a 42 BOLOGNA R E 42 BOMB SCARES Oil rigs



Bell, C Methane fuel of the future R5 Bendixson, T Instead of cars R22 43-44 Beneath the Official Secrets A C ~ 7 20-23 Benn, T I4 3-4 Interview 14-15 Bentley, B Role on Berger, J Pig earth Beryl field 22 3 Berry, J Secrets trial ABC TRIAL Beshara School of Intensive Esoteric Education 2 49 Best, G Health, the mass media and the NHS R22 42 Bethesda, co-op 13-15 ~ e h o n ,H What happened at Speke R B 41 Bibby, A Corn-corn's first meeting 22 5 BICYCLING see CYCLING see also TRANSPORT Bidwell, B S World War 3 R E 39


Rz *

BIOFEEDBACK R^ 43 R3^ 44 BIOGAS PLANTS see METHANE BIOLOGICAL DETERMINISM R 2 2 44 Biotechnic Research & Development 65 8 11 IT 15-17 I* 57-39 5 BIOTECHNOLOGY, food product 40 4 Birth control campaign 9 7 BIZARRE PHENOMENA R22 44 Black, B Work for Wales 26 31-32




Bookchin, M Environmentalists vs. 44 Ecologists Limits of the city Rg 44-45 BOOKSHOPS directory R z 43 Bord, J & C Secret country R z 43 Bosch, R van der Pesticide conspiracy R g 40 Boston, R 596 Boston Women's Health Book Collective R z 41 Bowen, D Weather lore for gardeners R53 43 Boyle, G Alternative energy assessments 24 14-16 Community technology 30-36 Cure for methane indigestion? 11 31 Do we want the half-liTe' of the plutonium economy 22 6-8 Greentown IGa Is your electricity rea ly necessary? 12 5.5-56 Let's have some more ra?ioactivity R% Living on the sun Politics of technologyR23 45 Undercurrents wind eenerator 12 49-51 Velikovsky foils the inquisitors 1 6 20-21 Winds of charge Boyle, S Clams Brachi, P Alternative technology L28 43 Bnotional plague Freewheeling 2-23 Tactical nuclear fusion








it- 37-39

Bracknellfieading Energy Studies 41 7 Group Bradbrook, J Ecological consequences of Mrs Thatcher 42 16-17 Bradford CAITS Lfi 44 Bradshaw, J Babesintheward 1931-33 Barefoot in the surgery 12 38-41




Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament All against the bomb, TV 18 3 Campaign for the North 12-12 Campbell, A Alternative uses of computers 4 Counter Revolution Quarterly



# g:?

Fungi for fun Hard chips Worker-owners: Mondragon R2& 39-40 Campbell, D 11 10 Aberfeldy Eavesdroppers 20-23 Heathrow manceuvres: was there 9 1-2 an atomic threat? Secrets trial ABC TRIAL Statement on Time Out article 24 22 Unspeakable in ~ursuitofthe R2 41 unthinkable CANADA Alternative technology Forestry CARALS Freight CANCER RESEARCH


3; 25 2

Australian activities Central London Polytechnic Built Environment Research Group 3 4-5 Centre for Alternative Industrial & Technological Systems


Energy options 30-33 Launch Le2I Quarterly bulletin Unemployment meeting 6 Centre for Alternative Technology 8 12-14 -



Beginnings C0urse.s. Duke of Edinburgh's vsit

#: 8 1

Low energy research Water power 20-21 Wind generator appeal Centre for Environmental Studies 3 Centre for Living 10 43 project Periphery Models 4 CenCervenka, z Nuclear axis R z 44 Challen, 1 Terrestr~alzodiacs L z 7 CHANNEL 40 20 38 52 4 Charta 77 CHEESE MAKING 24 35-36 CHEMICALS from biomass 2~PP Chemical cornucopia collapses 20 16-18 Chemical Defence Establishment

26 2


Radioactive contamination -


see also Legalise Cannabis Campaign Cantell, T Urban Wasteland Wasting away Cap La Hague CAPITALISM R16 46 Ecological movement 2? 31-34 19-21 Capra, F Tao of physics R E 45 CAR SHARING . 3 39 Carlson, E Solar power -2 CARRINGTON, Manchester I? 6 Carroll, J R4'J 38 Nuclear Ireland 6 CARS Banning, debate Long Life Castleman, M Heavy breathing Catholic Trust Land'owned L z7 Catt. K ourend is our beginning 42 20-21 Cavtat Shipwreck Cawley, P Sock insulation CENSORSHIP Other secret service 9 7





9 3



- 9-11 15-16 41 44


28-29 4l,42 31-33 R E 37 R#

hospital vs. home CHILDHOOD CHILDREN Country visits Education

CHILE Community project CYBERSYN project CHINA British delegation Censorship Factories . Life in Tour 3 Women





US campaign CANNABIS 24-26 Growing Law ^r 3 %7 Legal cases Paraquat contamination-


Central Electricity Generating Board Closures Metrication Nuclear brochures PR Tff5 20 W R announcement lylons, corrosion Windpower Central Intelligence Agency

China syndrome CHIPS see


CHLORINE Accident, Copenhagen 2 Choisy, K de Allotment gardening R z 41 55 16-18 Chortle Christensen, T Nei~hbourhoodsurvival R g CHRISTIANIA

224 CIDER MAKING CITIES Future design

3 24 10



Inner cities CITIZENS ACTION GROUPS R55 Citizens Band Association CITIZENS BAND RADIO Australia

LI 4

27 L 1

Club Legalisation opposition CITIZENS BAND R A M 0 TransmissioninUK


5? 29-30




28 5

UK value L33 ; o USA 7 33-36 Citizens Energy Project Hazards of solar energy R s 41 3 29-30 Citizens seize band CITY DEVELOPMENT see URBAN DEVELOPM ' CITY FARMS City Farm 1 Federation Newham City Farm Surrey Docks City Jungles City Seeds CIVIL DEFENCE

10-11 9 &

Environment Health 28-29 Place in life Wild life experience 15-16 Children & the environment


Resources CHILDREN'S BOOKS Non sexist

K29 45 RE41

CIVIL LIBERTIES Nuclear Clamshell Alliance No nukes Seabrook occupation CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE Clark,,D Basic communities



19 2-3

RE 2



2 16-17


;g r

:g ;:

20 31-34


8 :c:z

Bethesda, Wales Burnley Canada. British ~ o l u m b i a 22 22 Capitalism ^FT 30-32 Clwyd Connah's Quay, N Wales Cumbria CO-OPERATIVES Denbigh Fife List Literature Ff 34-36 London, City Seeds :;-I8 London, Computercraft Ff 19-20 Management Representation Retail Socialism 3-52 Spain, Mondragon 14-16 Suma ^FT 11-12 Training Handbook USA, food 15-16 North Country, food Wholefood Women's, Pulse Worker's Co-ops a living alterCo-operatives native, conference 26 3 Co-operatives fair



Co-ordinating Animal Welfare M 7

Couper, D ELF fields L Z 43 Cousins, E As long as it's green 3 39 Covent Garden Community Garden

21 4-5 Housing CORPORATE CRIME, Third World 40 29-31 CORROSION Galvanised zinc pylons 7 5 COSMETICS, Natural 2 Cosmic drum 58 26-27 Council for Science k, Society Acceptablility of risks R^i. 43 Deciding about energy policy R59 43 Counter Information Services Anti-reports GEC Lucas Oil companies Unilever New technology 567 Counteract Countermeasures 27 18-19 Country College Real Bread Festival 2 . 3 55 16-17 COUNTRY LIFE Personal experiences 22-23 Herefordshire Wales 11-12 Wye Valley 20-21 see also CKOFTING 56 21 Country shock Countryside Review Committee 55 14-15





37 A '

Covent Garden Community Theatre IQ 7


COWS vs. GOATS Cox, J Overkill Coyne, A Coyne, P 5 Airships Chaos in nuclear policy 21 ELF 2^ Kiddies euide to nuclear


19-21 36-57 rower 9 18-19

Interviews Herman Kahn 2 12 Low energy cornucopia 33-36 New toys for terrorists: the 9 29-32 backyard A bomb Reply to K Pedlar's letter on atomic bomb Towards a people's Why the nuclear power programme must be stopped 17 27-30 Wither the UKAEA CRABAPELE COMMUNITY 12 16-18 ^U_ 9-11 CREMATION, by electricity




CZECHOSLOVAKIA Civil rights Nuclear accidents

CROFTING Caithness Orkneys Cronje, S Lonrho: portrait of a multinational R a 44 Crood, F Lost art of mathematical exploration R E 46 Cross, N Whole lotta shakin' 27 27-30 Crown, S Pricking the nuclear balloon y\_ 27-28 Feminists Against Nukes 29 11 CUBA -6 8 Scientific liaison Cuddle power CULTURE 11 44-48 Alternative 3-11-12 L~S 7 L g 20-24 Changes Dangers of


Curnow, R Future with Microelectronics R55 WCYBERSYN 58 28-31 CYCLING Calendar Conference Co-operative Directory London Pressure group Rally Train ban

Dalton, A Asbestos R z3 Chemicals from biological 4~PP sources Dames, M Avebury circle R 1 42-43 Silbury treasure 41 DAMS 5 9-13 2 l't-15 Danger: geography DANGEROUS CARGOES Shipwrecks Dangers of counter-culture 21 11 DARRIEUS WIND TURBINE H-2 33 Dartington Hall Trust 20 13 55 9-15 Community Model E 2 Squatters Barrow. K ~ ~ ~ r o p r i atechnology te sourcebook R22 47 R E 40 Darwin, J Workers' plans Data Protection Committee 522 Report DATA SECURITY 522 Dauncey,'G Blueprint for Greentown? a 42 9-11 Ti 34-35 Nuts in October Davies, H Modern medicine Davis, L N Frozen fire Bawling, P Crapabble revisited 2 9-11 Dawson, E Parks for the people 2 l b l 5 Day, C Planning 1 DECENTRAL,ISATION AT USA DEFENCE EXPENDITURE 21 26-27 5? 11 B4 DEFOLIANTS Delta-T 41 16-17 DEMOCRACY Local 50 31-32 Demolition Decorators 2 4 DENBIGH, Wales 27 20-22 Co-op DENMARK Antinuclear campaign 1 8-9 10-12 Nuclear referendum



Windmills Ty-ind Women' s house Dennis, J y? 28-29 Fit for the family DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Chief Scientist 11 5 Energy conservation 2^ 5 Evidence to Select Conmiittee on Science & Technology

Dorrell, M Incidental Dropped Real7 7-8 state Inc Doshi, M Midwife Dougan, T 2 26-27 A woman's right Douglas, S The wood food guide 16 28-29,




DERELICT LAND Reuse New York St Pancras R a 44 DESIGN ,* DESULPHURISING PLANT Lockton, Yorkshire 75 Devereux, P Levhunter's com~anion R22. 40 Towards a comprehension of the prehistoric cosmology 4'7


DEVOLUTION Islands Dickson, D Alternative technology& the politics of technological R7 46-47 change Who controls technology? 20 22-23 Dickson, P Electronic battlefield R E 44 63 Diggers of Cornwall 1 8 9 1 42-43 326- 24-5 Diggers, 17th century 20 14-15 R B 37 DINORWIC PUMPED STORAGE STATION 64


~2-I 0

DISCONNECTIONS Electricity & Gas Disnev. R ~rrelevanttechnology 18 8-9 Steady reddy 16



Downton, P Power towers 14 5 Downton hydroelectric power station


Doctor writes Draper, H Private police Dresser. P van

R S 45

Earl, D E Forest energy & economic development R E 45 R B 45 EARTH ENERGY Earth Exchange Collective 51 38 38 26-27 EARTH RADIO WAVES Earth Resources Research LOQ energy research 51 6 Earthcare 51 21-23 EARTHQUAKES 58 18-19 East Hants Selfsufficiency Group 51 7 Eavesdroppers 24 20-23 Eco-Action ,EL8 28 17-18 Eco 2000 ECOLOGIAL COMMUNITIES Greentown Ecological Land Bonds 3 40 R42 40 ECOLOGY 22-23 French movement & Technology -? ~ P P 42 16-17 & Mrs Thatcher 41 Warfare Ecology & Socialism Discussion 558 Group Ecology Party '




324 DRURY, N Occult sourcebook R z 42 DUANE ARNOLD NUCLEAR CENTRE 32 3 Dudley, N CAT courses Dumbleton. B Danger: geography 14-1 5 Dumont, R Growth of hunger R42.37 Manifesto of an alternative culture 10 18-19 Dunipace, R Sunpower 1972-style 2 Dunlop Hunters L Z 45 Durham. T ~ustralianCommunity radio




28-30 29-30 Breeder: fast & deadly 21 DISTRICT HEATING 20 3 see also COMBINED HEATTNDInner space scientific expedition FOWEft Latin America DJILAS, M Durham, Earthcare 51 21-23 Living the revolution 10 12-13 Duyn, R van Dixon. P Message of a wise Kabouter soybeans grow & cookbook R62 41 R5 DYES DOCKS London 2 Red No 2 Dyson, F DOCKS REHABILITATION, Hull Disturbing the universe 27 24-26 R z 41 DOME HOUSES Jaap t8Hooft Paper USA DOME LIVING EGIS Yacuumatics Story of a river 518 Donelson, E & ELF Women


ECONOMICS Radical Economist. World in figures R B 47 ECOPOLITICS 24 31-34 2 19-21 79-14 g1,57 Political parties The Diggers Diggers France New Zealand The People Survival Party L a 36-37 see also GREEN BANS POLITICS. Individual political parties Ecoropa


Ecostreet Ecotheatre Ecotopia

4I:: 52 24-25 ~cotopol~, game Edinburgh Science for People Red paper on Scotland R z 42 EDUCATION


Alternatives AT home Projects see also FREE SCHOOLS EDUCATION ACT Edwards, M Planning 2 EFFLUENTS

10-11 49-50 23-26


EGG PRODUCTION R G ??I0 hhrenreich,B Witches, midwives & nurses R22 45 Eiloart, T Primal therapy EIRE 22 14-16 L2? 6 Anti-nuclear magazine Energy R 8 ;l-52 Uranium exploration 4 ELECTIONS. County Council 1.1 3 ELECTRICITY Medallion homes ELECTRICITY GENERATION Future options Overcapacity Plant margin 55 26 Turbine choice ELECTRICITY TRANSMISSION LINES 35 3 Scotland ELECTROMAGNETISM ELF fields see ELF Weapons 354


ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS 12 30 Comtek '75 ELECTRONIC CONTROLLER, Solar nanels see SOLAR POWER Panel flow controller ELECTRONIC DEVICES 27 3 Anti-bugging ELECTRONICS 6 10-12 Elen, R CB: why is it banned 16 17-18 Cross my mind with ~ i l G 11 39-40 Elemental ecology 15-16 How to make a ley detector 18 35-37 Index of possibilities v.l


Soft soap 20 32-33 Spitting in the wind What is to be made Workers & the world unite 12 11-15 Working on all fronts16 12-14 Elliott, M Ground for concern R E 44 Elliott. R ~lternativenurseries

3 ?$I?;


Brineine - - it all back

i? one I5-l6

Women & AT Ellsberg, D Macho-nations 41 28-29 Emerson, T Resources & the environment R24 47 Ripple revolutionism 25 36-37 25 10-14 Emotional plague EMPLOYMENT Alternative energy Alternatives Blaenau Ffestiniog Control V5 34-36 Energy Energy conservation 27-30 38-59 Energy production 26 1 35 30-33, 34-36 Future 30-32,


RR 41 . .



I3-l4 Can't set - no .iob - satis action 20 31-34 Criticism Decentralising AT 21-23 End of the nuclear roa 9-11


Farewell to arms Fast breeder Future of alternative technology 10 44-46 How the land turned sour 11 15-17 Is all space occupied Letter from Amerika Milton Keynes: the AT con35 27-28 nection 42 26-27 NATTA gets to work Peace work 3 26-27 Seabrook occupation Solarcal


local NALGO National Front World Energy Research Group Open University Energy Show 1977 1979 56l Energy 2000 ENGINEERING Employment Statistics R g ENGINEERS Finniston inquiry 39 ENGLISH CHANNEL Median line dispute 'I_ 3 English, G Collective of shopkeepers 51 21-23 Engstom, M-B Simple knitting R E 39 ENTREPRENEURS 3 35 Enviro fair Brignton.2 6





Kirlian photography Mysterious energies Recasting broadcasting21 13-15 ELIZABETH GARRETT A N D E ~ N HOSPITAL 3 39 Elliott, D After Windscale 28 8-9 Alternative energy assessments 24 14-16 AT: art and the state 25 18-19 20-21 A.T.: gift horse British road to ecotopia

Conservative Party decision making

Rhondda Valley Roads Self-help Unemployment London Women see also SOCIALLY ENCLOSURE Village common lands R E 42 End of civilisation as we know 14 30-32 it (play) ENDANGERED SPECIES 2 ^-PP FOE Campaign Energie Anders 42 4 ENERGY Books R1 45-46 R d 51-52 Ireland -2 Special issue Wales Lf[ 38 ENERGY ANALYSIS 9 26 Nuclear power ENERGY & FOOD


Energy & humanity, conference QMC, 1972 E2 Energy Bulletin ENERGY CONSERVATION Domestic Job creation 9 3 Programme Energy, Department of see DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY ENERGY DIVERSIFICATION 55 32 USA Energy Group of the Conference of Socialist Economists Workers ' power R E 43 Energy, Ireland Critique Z 8 ENERGY POLICY 12 52-56


# FE





2 22-23


27 30-31 ENVIRONMENTAL MOVEMENT, USA Right wine accusations 40 9-11 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY Labour Party 51 4 ENVIRONMENTAL SHOP Durham yjr 21-23 Enzensberger, H Mausoleum R z 44 Erhard Seminar Training 9 32-33 Esposito, J C Market manipulation, pollution & the energy industry 2 ETHAKOT L Z 44 European Economic Community Agricultural policy 219-21 Evans, B Home grown gas 18-20 Evans, I Home truths from abroad " 42 29 Wood burning stove 18-19 Eve the Gardener Growinp: dope at home 2C 24-26 5 :EVOLUTIOE Ewenstein, N 30 energy-efficient houses R22 36 you can build Ewins, B Sometime stories R E 47 EXPLOSIVES 83 Detection EXTRA LOW FREQUENCY RADIATION see ELF Extra-0-rdinary levels 56 22 EXTRATERRESTRIAL LIFE R* 43 Eysenck, H J 26 4 -

-= RE


Fisher, P Food & heat producing solar greenhouse R a 45 Fachongle Isaf see Centre for Living FACTORY FARMING


FALLOUT SHELTERS 3,5 FAMILY PLANNING 57 27-28 20 2 Fare Fight Farewell to arms 5 I1 Farleigh, A Land reform no thank's 3 16-47 L s 45 Farm, The Farmer, A 10 35-37 Good sward pide Ploughs into swardshares a 18,26 FARMING



B3^ 45

see also AGRICULTURE FARMING, FACTORY see FACTORY FARMING FARMING, ORGANIC see ORGANIC FARMING FARMING TOOLS 22 16-17 Fast Breeder Nuclear waste (record) R24 45 FAST BREEDER REACTORS 21-22 L a 36 B d 45-46 Kalkar, demonstration



meeting planning enquiry


!+15 36-37 FATS. Heart disease 58 33 Federation of Northern Wholefood Collectives

FISHING UK limits 22 28-29 Fleet Line Tube 27 Fletcher, J Cheesemaking 24 35-36 Christopher Wren's beehive

L% T 2 0 Paranoia Paranoia power & the ~ l u s i o n of conspiracy Part 1 22 17-21 31-34 Part 2 Patchwork mouse 17-18 Secret people 19-21 Fletcher, T Noise R16 Science fiction Flood, M Torness: keep it green R E FLUIDISED BED COMBUSTION 28 Government policy Foley, G Energy question R z 9 Fondacion Bariloche FOOD special issue

43 39 44

19 41-42




Feminism &. the left, conference 42 3 Feminist Resources on Energy & Ecology 59 7 Feminists Against Nuclear Power 54 27-28 - 5 FERROCEMENT SEPTIC TANKS 3 15 Fenton, S Wwoof 55 27 Festival for Alternatives 22 3 Australia Feyerabend,P Against method R 2 41 FIBREGLASS 16 9 Health effects Field, F Conscript army Fife, Co-op 25 36 Fife day week Findhorn 15-16 R E 44 15-16 46 My life, my trees R- 43 3 39 Finniston Inquiry FIRST AID FISH FARMING 22 30-32 2 1 5 - 1 6 25A-5






Ecolo ie d n c e s


Larzac 15-17 local energy plan Malville demonstratio?i2^ 5 Nuclear power union opposition Organizations Politics Alternative manifesto 10 18-19 Protest demonstrations 24 2 Francis, J Land decayed Frank, M Marijuana grower's guide R S 16-47 Franklin, R 4 4pp Menace of mobility Fraser, R ' De-school 16 11 FREE SCHOOLS :;-33 Sydenham Freedom Association bookshop -~


% E-25


FOOD ADDITIVES 51 11-12 Food & Agriculture organisation 57 14-15 Conference 2% 44 FOOD & FAMINE FOOD BOOKS

FOOD CO-OPS Havering Tech Milton Keynes FOOD POLITICS Potatoes Food Politics Group FOOD PRODUCTION Energy use

FRANCE Army vs. fanners Computers Ecological party ~;;~;gymovernent


Gardens 35-40 Foot, P R50 35 Ford, B Solar collectors 10 25-30 Windpower 25-27 FORECASTS Foreman, A Femininity as alienation R 3 43 FOREST FARMING

FORESTRY Canada Defoliant use Expansion UK meeting Forrest, R Linear dream 18 33-35 Fort, C Biography 25 19-21 Foundation for Education with Production Fourth world 10 15-17 Fraenkel, P Food from windmills R z 45


s8 -

2.24 Freer, J Brainwashing for the bour/t5 32-33 geoisie Freire, P Education RIQ 45-46 Friends of the Earth Administration Anti-nuclear campaign no I Cookbook R F 4~4 Crops & share Criticism ?I7 Cycling

w, RZ$



Energy paper No.? No.2 Is nuclear power necessary?

R$g t2

L,ow energy research Nuclear power; the big risk R W 40 Nuclear questions TO 4 Other campaign fSS 45 Pressurised water reactor 26 5 TO 3 Rethink electric 8 Torness: keep it green RZU



Turtle badges 7 FOE Australia 3 ournal IQ 47 FOE Birmingham Nuclear file FOE Cambridge Nuclear power Whole meal in minutesXH. 7 '


FOE Chiswick Bike goodies FOE Coventry FOE Eire Commonsense view


FOE Harrogate 50 5-6 FOE Loughborough FOE Rennes 41 6 FOE Somerset Hinkley demonstration




FOE Surrey/Hampshire Border Iff, 7 a '

FOE Sydney Phone bugging FOE West Germany FOE York, bikes FRUIT PICKER design

25 30-31 3 38 40 4 -


Fry, J Gas-man's manual 'Q 36-37 Practical building of methane power plants R'Q 36-37 FUNGI R z 40-41 Hallucinogenic, books a 2 41 Future perfect 56 12-14 FUTURE VIEW FUTURES FUTURE STUDIES Cabinet office Fyson, A Change the street

R E 39 R E 19-20 R Z 45


GEC api" 19% South Korea contract Gadsby, P computer study of megalithic 17 14-17 alignments GAIA


Galbraith, J K Money Galdor Computing


R Z 46 E



2 '

GAMES R z 38-39 55 11-12 GARDEN CITIES GARDENING Laurieston Hall ' 21 24-26 see also ORGANIC GARDENING Gardiner, D 52 31-32 Free speech Home radio transmitter manufacture part 1 2 26-28 part 2 17-19 Koestler's social modzs


2 2

Off the peg piracy Soft chips22 34 2 6 Garrett, J Micro is beautiful 3 33-36 Garrison, J Silkwood & after 32-53 GAS CONVERSION Cars 6 26-27 Gay Rural Aid & ~nformation '&. 7 Network GENERAL ELECTION 1979 22; 3 GENERAL SYSTEMS THEORY see SYSTEMS. General systems theory 54 14-15 GEOGRAPHY George, F Machine takeover R g 39-40

George, M Alternative readers 18 20-21 George.,.M London unemployment 2 38-39 Positive sabotage 21-22 Radical economics L 10-11 Reply on 'positive sabotage' criticism L28 43 SERA Windscale opposition 25 11 George, S How the other half dies R E 46


GEOTHERMAL POWER Austria, below nuclear station 24 Gerauny, J After industrial society L55 40 Ghaidan, U Lamau: a study in conservation R Z 46 Gilbert, J Change the cities 21 21 Gillott, J Nuclear energy 3 8 Gimpel, R 1.,5539 GINSENG 2 Girardet, B Country life 55 20-21 Girardet, H Garden cities of tomorrow

~ k ?

Greentown & alternative Land ahoy! Land for the people New villages now Radical house Small tools for smal



At home L z 36 GRAIN TRADE R s 36 GRANADA TV ECOHOUSE 12 3 T. .i 6 Grass roots farming 2 20 Graves, T Dowsing I? 23-26 Essential TC Lethbridee R ~ I42 Holistic medicine 24-25 Needles of stone R B 45 GRAVITY R s 43 Gray, C & Leaving the twentieth century R c 51 Green, E Biofeedback


Green Alliance GREEN BANS Australia Birmingham ?I6 London, West Kensington 18 21-22 GREEN CARS 25 39 y^ 18-19 Green Danube GREEN GUERILLAS New York I? 5 Green Radio Greenhill, R Photography R Z 43 GREENHOUSES R z 41 Greenpeace ^I Windscale protest in Endon 25 5






Who wants a country estate? We do: 12 27 Glastonbury Fayre 1979

51 7

GOATS 11 41-43 GOATS vs. COWS L z9 Godfrey, S Operation flood 51 22 Golborne Neighbourhood Council Kensington -1 Golding, E W Generation of electricity by windpower R E 42-43 Golding, L Glimpse of reality 28 31 High way 25 Gooch, S -6 43-45 Good day, sunshine: 2 23-25 Gould, S J Ever since Darwin Rf-140 GOVERNMENT AID 42 29 GOVERNMENT BUNKERS 11 2 Edinburgh 8 10-20~26% London 9 4-6




Renewable energy sources

77 6


GOVERNMENT SECRETS 7 20-23 Graaf, J de Dangers of counter-culture 2 11-12 Graham, D Step right up: DC-AC? 2 22-23


Grey, M What kind of alternative?

2~PP Grey, S Liberator'

2 27

G~OPP,L Solar houses R z 43 Groundwell Farm Arts Workshop

52 7 Growing pains Grunberger, R Social history of the third reich R Z 46 GRUNWICK R Z 41 Guardian - Motoring section



GUATEMALA aid 42 29 Wood burning stove 18-19 GUILD SOCIALISM 25 21-22 Guin, U Le Dispossessed R E 49-50 Word for world is forest R25 45 11

~ u l fOil Gullahorn, J E & Women

22 5

38 gg-29

R55 45

HACKNEY Health services R Z 45 Hackney Anti-Nuclear Group 58 19-20 HAENOPHILIACS Jobs wanted L Z 43 Haines, R Prestel 40 16-19 Halacy, D S . Earth, water, wind & sun R29 43 Halevi, Z Kabbalistic universe R Z 47 Half Life 12 2 Halfmoon Gallery 51 45 Hall, B Whale talk Hall. C Hallucinogenic mushrooms-

22 7 Hammond, J L Village labourer R z 42 Hamer, M National Travel Survey R22 39 Striking a spark 43 Vital travel statistics R22 43 Hanson, Maria Animals or ethics Duck Lane Hanson, Mick Simple biogas system 22 34-35 Hardy, K AT inventions Harman, C Is a machine after your job? 28~+ Harper, C Albion cartoon ~ ? 11 5 RE46-47 New times Harper, P AT in the shade 7 41-44 House that Jaap built 1732-36 New improved Undercurrents ^Tf^-24 at guide 29-30 -Transfiguration among the windmills What's left of AT Harris,K Tvind 28 10-12 HARRISBURG ACCIDENT 54 2 HARRISBURG EFFECTS 51 5 Sweden Harrison, M Fire from heaven R a 44 Hart, R A de J Cel~bacy& psyche L B 5 Harte, F B Heathen chinee is peculiar 1




Havering Technical College AT lectures Food co-op Hay-on-Wye Newspaper 518 H-BOMB. Secrecy 38 5 Head, D Freeway to learning R E 49-50 Head for the Hills L20 8 2?46 HEALERS HEALTH Hackney Statistics Women's guide Health & Safety Executive Incidents a t nuclear 2.56 installation HEALTH CARE Critique of issue 19 22 12-14 28 Local, Venezuela Health for the New Age Trust 68 Heap, R D Heat loss HEAT PIPES Hay to greenhouse L z 28 HEAT PUMPS 6 13-17 R2n 41-42 ^S 19 Government policy LUCAS Aerospace



Milton Keynes $? 3 HEATHROW AIRPORT Terrorist threat 1/74 9 1-2 Heavy breathing 5 28-30 HEAVY LORRIES Heilbroner, R L Business civilisation in decline R S 46 Heller, T Community health & the NHS 19 29-30 Henderson, G Fanning ladder R55 43 Henderson. G & I Solar electricity charges L a 44 Henderson, H Creating alternative futures R Z 39 Hennessey, J How things don't work R Z 44 Hennis, M Managerial woman R z 43 Heptonstall, G Paranoia L z6 HEEMETICISM 8 35-40 Herring, H Alternative technology directory R z8 Dangers of counter-culture L Z 10 Hess, K Community technology R z 39 HEYSHAM B NUCLEAR POWER STATION 58 3 SITE Hicks, K D Catholic Trust & land


Highgate & Job, sperm oil

23 Hill, C Milton & the English revolution R s 39 World turned upside down 15 42-43 Hill, D Democratic theory & local government R Z 51 Hills, L D Comfrey R I ' J 42 Down to earth gardening R1 43-44 Fertility without ferti isers R 3 43-44 Grow your own fruit & vegetables Save your own seed 10-13


Hiltz, S R Network nation Hines, G Food co-op' Riq 43 HINKLEX POINT NUCLEAR POWER STATION 252 Demonstration Hinton, J First shop stewards movement R z 46 Bird, C Your employer's profits

R Z 46

HISTORY Ancient Power HISTORY OF SCIENCE Hermeticism Hitler, A sayings Hofstatter, K Everybody's knitting R E 39 Hogan, I Building Hillside Cottage 14 22-23 Solar collectors 25-30 Hollingberry, K New clear energy Holloway Tenants Co-operative


HOLOGRAPHY Holton, B British syndicalism 1900-1914



Home grown gas Home Office Home Oil of Canada 25 HOMEOPATHY 55 4 Home Rule for the North! 55 12-13 tlHooft,J Dome house 11 32-36


HORMONE USE Horrobin, D F Medical hubris Hosenball, M Eavesdroppers Hosie, J OPUS HOT AIR CIRCULATORS

24 20-23 23 37 26 14


Hot 50 40 8 Hothersall, R Anvil chorus 52 I5 Hoult ,J Short history of the dragon R z 42-43 HOUSE ALTERATIONS VAT refunds HOUSE BUILDING VAT refunds 518 see also BUILDING HOUSE OF COMMONS Select Committee for Energy

z8 f-5

Select Committee on Science & Technology Department of Energy I? 7 evidence HOUSING Derelict Self help see also SHELTER Howard, E Garden cities 55 11-12 Howden, D 29 8-9 Countrywoman Howkins, J Air farce 20 36-38 Hoyle, F Commonsense in nuchar energy R40 40 Energy or extinction?" R z 41-42 Hudson. M ~ i c ~ c iplanning e book R g 32-54, 37-38 Way ahead R z 1-2 Hudson Institute UK in 1980 ~2 33-34 HULL 26 AT housing project HULL DOCKS 3 24-26 Hulon, P Dancers of counter-culture L22 10 Time to change tack 38-59 View from the barge 38-39 Humphrey, D & A Crofting in Caithneds 22 16 HUNGER Third World R42 37 World wide R z 46 HUNTERSTON B NUCLEAR POWER STATION =I Accident Hurlev. B ~esiitifor windmill 28 4 Hello sailor - 26 Huss, J Counter-measures Protest kite Hutchins, V Radio 22 38





Hyams, D On baby

HyamS, E Millennium postponedRZ 48 HYDROELECTRICITY R %I3 Downton Dower station



see also WATER POWER HYDROPONICS -2 18 24-26


504 ICOM ICI Chemical plant. Manchester Carrington 226 ICL Marketing policy 8 2-3 Illich, I Disabling professions R2 44-45 Medical hubris: a rep y to R26 42 Ivan Illich Medical nemesis R B 53 Ilyan L Z 38 IMPERIALISM Malcolm Caldwell 52 5 Ince, M After Windscale 28 8 Encineerinc - on the doT^


FishYsiegl Russians aren't coming 26 16-17 Tesla us an other one42 30-32 Things that go bang inthe dark 24 8-9 INDIA Dairy industry Politics INDO-CHINA WAR Ecological consequences R g 44 INDUSTRY R s 38 Industry, the community & AT 15 15-16 conference INFORMATION RIGHTS 1-2 17-19 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 42 17-19 16-19 Ingham, A Mixed technology dwelling 59 30 INNER CITIES INNER SPACE INSECT SENSES




20 4 FOE Durham Medallion homes see ELECTRICITL : edallion Homes Practical advice Scandinavia Window shutters INSWORKE POINT Power station strike 24 INTELLIGENCE GATHERING, USA R E 46 Inter-Action Radio 22

# ;;iE

INTERMEDIATE TECHNOLOGY see ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGY Intermediate Technology Develcp ment Group Centre 592 Hund pump maintenance



45 Meeting,work Methane generation by anaerobic fermentation R g 46

Publications R1 46 Water power project 10-1'1 International Centre Co-operative Society 2240 International Commission on Radiological Protection

596 International Common Ownership Movement 504 International Communes Network 59 17 International Institute for Environment & Development

156 International Survival Gathering 41 4 INTERNATIONAL TRADE UNIONISM R z 41-42 International vegetarian health food handbook R z8 International Whaling Commission 522 International Windmill Competi12 7 tion, France Interplay 41 18 INVENTIONS, AT L E7 IRISH SEA Aircraft crashes ;-2 Oil exploration IRON AGE Farm Research Project21 22-23 Irvine, J Demystifying social statistics R55 44-45 Is all space occupied 16-17 35 Islington Council Islington Economy Group


599 ITALY ECO-newsletter Nuclear power Radio free Bolo-

- 33

Jaggi, M Red Bologna JAMAICA Marijuana James, J Atlantis community 12-13 James, S People power -299 JANATA PARTY see 1NDIA.Folitics JAPAN. Nuclear industry JAZZ Jeavons, J How to grow more vegetables 2 l^t-l7, 40

Jenkins, C Collapse of work R z 45 Jensen, E A Depression challenges R52 47 du 51-54 JOB ENRICHMENT Jerome, L Astrology disproved R E 43 Jobs & .the environment, 15 16 conference


Lenin, V I L e t t e r from a d i s s i d e n t 41 23 LESBIAN JOURNAL Lesbian Link C o l l e c t i v e W7 LeShan, L How t o meditate R Z 40 Lesson from t h e people 56 31-32 R4J 42 Lethbridge, T Levellers R^-2 37 LEVITATION R'S. 43 LEY DETECTORS 18 35-37 11 18-20, LEY LINES 21 17 9, 14-17929 R21 41-42 L E 6 Errors -




4 g-37

Leys, S Chinese shadows R y i 43 Librariais f o r S o c i a l Change 50 7 58 28-31 L i b e r t y machine Lieber, A Lunar e f f e c t R 5 5 43 Liedloff, J Continuum concept R a 42 LIFE-SUPPORT GARDEN 1 LIGHT BULBS E f f i c i e n t lamps 272 LIMITS TO GROWTH MODELS L a t i n America 9 6-7 LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS R E 44 Liu Academy 50 7 2 30-32 Lloyd, I MP L0bbenberg.S A ~ a r d e n c i ft o~r today 11-12 Farewell t o welfare 19-20 LOCAL AUTHORITIES R z 42 Shareholding LOCAL DEMOCRACY 5 0 31-32 LOCAL ENERGY PROGRAMMES

'S. 3 Local E n t e r p r i s e Advisory Project, paisley ~ e c h n i c a l College 518 R E 50951 LOCAL GOVERNMENT Local ~overnment, Planning & Land B i l l LOCAL POLITICS 50 31-32 LOCAL TELEVISION Milton Keynes, Channel 40 20 38 Loch Doon, Ayrshire 59 3 lock, D Garden c i t y f o r 2 11-12 today Lockett,M P l a s t i c s n o t f0rn-r. burning 5 41-43 LONDON Government bunkers 8 19-20? 26.45 Planning R41 43' Tunne 1s R^T 43 Unemployment 38-39 London countryway R s 42



London Cycling Campaign

.L z-l

z 36 7 J

LONDON DOCKS 29 London Peace Action 4J LONDON TRANSPORT Music B4 LONG DELAYED ECHOES E5 22 LONGENDALE VALLEY Longo Mai 40 14-16 L S 44 L Z 44 R z 44 LONRHO Lopate, B Cockroaches i n Bangladesh L24 7 LORENA STOVE Burning b r i g h t l y Lorenzo, R Future p e r f e c t 56 12-14 LORRIES. Weight l i m i t s 2 2 Lovelock, J E Gaia: a new look a t l i f e on R s 38 Earth Lovins, A Is n u c l e a r Dower necessary? S o f t energy paths


Towards a non-nuclear



9 27-30,

38-39 World energy s t r a t e g i e s R'g 45 LOW ENERGY FUTURES R?/3-36 Sweden UK UK r e s e a r c h LOW ENERGY HOUSES. Ambient 53 5 Energy Design low Energy Systems Kaybox: t h e energy saving cooker R E 46 Low Impact Technolow E1 LOW IMPACT TECHNOLOGY see ALTERNATIVE TECHNOLOGY Lowe, B Scandinavian sunshine 59 12-14


Lowrance, W W Of acceptable r i s k R 2 44-45 Lucas Aerospace Combine

w ~ i v e r s i f i c x i o n~ l a n 24 4



42 5

Electric car 20 3 Heat pump Management r e j e c t i o n Mass redundancies t h r e a t t o corporate plan Nobel Peace P r i z e Road/rail v e h i c l e Shopstewards Socially useful projects

3 26

TV show 1,ualey-Smith. R Windscale o p p o i i t i o n groups L z 8

Ma G a i a ' s Earth comik 2 23-26 McCarthy, B Sometime s t o r i e s R Z 47 McCartney, K P r a c t i c a l s o l a r bleating R 5 0 36 McCullough, J Meanwhile gardens R z 41 McCullough, J Not funny Way t h e wind blows Macdonald, C Ham r a d i o & TV Macgregor, I BSC McGrew, J I n s u l a t i o n heresy 26 1 4 McGuigan, D Burning wood R4J 38 Small s c a l e water power R 4 41 Small s c a l e wind pow - &37 KcHarg, M Country shock 56 21 Machin, A Sydney spooks 25 30-31 McKean, C Flight blight R E 45-46 MacKie, E Science P- s o c i e t y i n prehistoric Britain 42 Mackillop, C Around t h e world i n an AT daze 1 4 17-20 A l t e r n a t i v e sources o f d o l l a r s 28 20-21 Methane ( a t o m i c r o o s t e ~ shere) R 8 44 Hydropower RE44 Third World energy Windpower McNeil, J Consultant R z 45


MacShane, D Using t h e media R z 38 McVeight, J Going s o l a r R 5 0 57 Magers, S Owner b u i l d e r s guide: stonemasonry R22 46 MAGIC


24 26 Magic mushrooms Mailer, P Portugal: t h e impossR 22 41-42 i b l e revolution? Malambert, M Undercurrents 1.28 43 Mal1ett.L I n t e r n a t i o n a l Communes Newsletter Malos, E work

P o l i t i c s of houseE g 41

Man, h i s e n e r g i e s & t h e cosmos 6 8 MANAGEMENT Britain By women


MANCHESTER. Hazardous chemical 27.6 plant Mander, J 4 arguments for the elimination of television R E 45 MANPOWER see EMPLOYMENT Manpower Services Commission Brookhouse Ampersand Cuts 21-23 Earthcare M a t , A Rise & fall of the British manager" R z 38


Manton, L And here begins our alienation from science 3 14-15 Marcan, P Directory of specialist book dealers in-the UK R B 43 MAR1JUANA R a 43 Burnt f6r electricity 95 Growing Jamaica MARINE POLLUTION 22 38-39 Chemicals, Cavtat Marshall, D Cobs for haemo-. philiacs 128 43



Marshall, W 11 5 Marken, M Worlds within worlds R z 42 Martin, B Life without TV 524-27 Making a good job of it 40 34-36 Soft energy hard politics 27 10-13 Martin. R Opening up the air waves 8 21-25 Masters, G Other homes & garbage R25 45 26 12-13 MEDALL,ION HOMES MEDIA CONTROL Emerpency situations 12 4-5 MEDIA TISE R E 38 MEDICAL PROFESSION R B 39-40 MEDICINE 12 38-41 Alternative





Medical nemesis R_ 53 National Health Service



Namibia Self help 33 25-27 see also HEALTH MEDICINES R B 45 Medvedev, Z Hazards of nuclear power R72 43 MEGALITHIC MYSTERIES R s 42-44 Mellanby, K Can Britain feed itself R15 43 MeMO exhibition 29 38 MEN Language R 2 44 Relationship with women R w 42-43 Menage, H Unheated greenhouse R z 41


528 MENTAL HOSPITALS R 2 43 E5 MENTAL ILLNESS Mephistopheles, I Co-op lesson 54 13-15 MERCURY POISONING Japan 22 5 Merram, M F Tvind windmill Merrifield, S Merrill, R ed Radical agriculture R Z 44 Merseyside Socialist Research Group Kerseyside in crisis R E 38


METHANE Bottling Nepal METHANE PRODUCTION Chicken waste D-i-y system Simple systems METRICATION CEGB



Mice power Michell, J Phenomena Reflections MICROPHOTOGRAPHS MICROPROCESSORS

11 39-40 -





MINIMATA DISEASE 22 5 Minimum Cost Housing Group Rooftop waste lands R 2 45 Ministry of Overseas Development Renewable8 funding 2 6 Minns, R State shareholding R B 42 Minority Press Group 4 J 7 Mole Express R E 47 Mondragon Co-operative 26 3 R E 39-40 14-16 Montagu, A Nature of human agression R55 40 Montefiore, H Nuclear crisis: a question of breeding R 2 45-46 Moody, R Devil you don't R B 41 MOON, effects R z 43 Moorland Conservation Orders


Alternative uses Employment Training centre Mid-Peninsula Conservation Project 528 MIDWIFERY Journal 42 8 Murder charge, USA 3 2 Milan, L W Sex & broadcasting R5 47 MILFORD HAVEN REFINERY 22 5 Pollution Militant Socialist programme to save health service R a 46 MILITARY RESEARCH 26 5 Universities MILITARY SPENDING 21 26-27



Mille, R de Castaneda's journey R25 4-1 Miller, C Words & women R a 44 Miller, F Union nuclear opposition L E6 Milne, R Coal in the dock 2 32-34 Milton R55: 39 MILTON KEYNES Alternative community Comtek connection Greentown



28-29 18-21

Morgan, D Merchants of grain R S 36 Morgan, W C Urinals Morgan-Grenville, G eration veritas 40 26-28 View from the Quarry15 33 Morison, R K Experiment with space R 9 43 Morris, W Political writings R E 52 Morrison, J Fife co-operative 3 36 Morrison, S 21 28-31 Copytaster Maser, T Years of apprenticeship on the couch R25 43 Mosterk, N Supership R s 41 Mother Earth News Handbook of homemade power R2 44 MOTHERHOOD R26 44 R?? 44 MOTOR FUELS 6 25-28 Propane L9-9 MOTOR INDUSTRY 5 Guardian coverage Motorway madness a cure? 21 35-37 MOTORWAYS Archway Enquiries


- -

Movement Against a Monarchy Z& 7 1


Movement of Resistance to the 596 Nuclear Threat Mozambique, Angola & Guinea Information Centre 15 7 Murgatroyd, N Winds of change fi 13-14 On ~hrisWalker's Eire L g6 MULTINATIONALS 20 26-27 Mundey, J USA ban 22 5 Murdock, G Cable TV MUSHROOMS Psychotropic Musicians United for Safe Energy MYSTICISM


NALGO Energpa planned policy NATTA

56 2

21-23 8 26-27 S3

Conference Navin, T Breakup of Britain 3 46 Nalder P 22 23 shrugking it off NAMIBIA RTZ uranium mine 34 National Academy of Sciences Energy for rural development R 3 46 Making aquatic weeds useful R Z 42 National Caucus of Labor Coma0 9-11 mittees National Centre for Alternative Technology see Centre for Alterative Technology National Council for Civil Liberties Privacy, the information gatherers R g 45 ~ationalCouncil for Voluntary 15 3 Organisations National Cycling Campaign


592 51 8

National Cyrenians National Federation of City Farmers !G2 National Front 51 3 Energy policy National Health Service R1 41 29-30 National Nuclear Corporation Chairman 52 3 2 1615 NATIONAL PARKS National Right to Fuel 22 5 Campaign


NATIONAL SEAT OF GOVERNMENT 85 Sale National Union of Mineworkers Antinuclear motion 42 2 National Vegetable Research Station Know & grow vegetables R59 44 NATIONS 16 22 Albion NATURAL COSMETICS -2 Recipes Natural Energy Association Going solar R E 37 Natural Energy Show 40 8 Nature et Progres, 10th International Congress 9 13-16 NATURE SPIRITS 19 15-16 Findhorn Nazi nukes 15 14-15 NAZIS Britain 50 24-25 Needham, J Put politics in command 18 12-13 Neighbourhood Energy Program15 3 mes Neighbourhood Service Co' &5 operative Nelson, T H Computer lib & Dream Machines R19 43-44 NERVE GASES vx 10 3 Nesbitt, J Alice's adventures with Atman 50 23,

NEW ZEALAND Journal Mushroom 20 6 Newby, H Green & pleasant land? R s 42 Newport & Severn Energy Group 40


5? 26-27 News from schools Newsreel Collective Nicholson, G Future perfect Nickolay, G Cuddle power

2 18-19 37 56 12-14

Nield-Smith, P L23 5 Tao of physics Nilson, R Insulation heresy & 14 Nixon, J Plan without Atomkraft 58 10-12 No Nukes Music 42 7 NOBEL PEACE PRIZE 51 3 Lucas Aerospace


Nofziger, M Co-operative method of natural birthcontrol R 2 41 R S 45 NOISE NOISE MEASUREMENTS Ford factory, Leamington 12 8 NON-RETURNABLE BOTTLES see PACKAGING Bottles




NON VIOLENT PROTEST USA Noca, S Com~uterisationof society

NETHERLANDS Illegal reactor operat'on


44 . . 6 29 38

Network for Alternative Technology & Technology Assessment NETWORKING Meetings New Age Access

16 12-14


Jo-21 One man's munch RZ 47 Wind over matter 47 New Alchemists Community -1 11 project New Architecture Movement



New Directions Radio NEW GUINEA Whole earth catalogue E5 New Scientist D notice


NEW TOWNS 16 30-33 New Villages Association 55 10 NEW YORK Derelict land 17 5 Plant growing Sewage works explosion


Norfolk ~adicalPlanners 226 Group North England Radio Club

318 North Kensington Community


North London Anti-Nuclear 588 Group NORTH OF ENGLAND 2 12-13 NORTH SEA Bomb scare 53 6.' NORTH SEA OIL OIL , Northern Broadsheet 2 8 NORTHERN IRELAND. Nuclear 42 45 power 6 Women in jail Northern Wholefood Collective Food, the wholefood 27 31-32 Ncirthumbrian Energy Workshop 41 13-14 NORWAY Journals Altin-N tt




vannbaereren Nossiter, B BritaiA



Not quite Smiths 23 Netting Dale Technology Centre


Novack, G 3 America1s revolutionary heritage R 1 2 46-47 Noyce, J AT index Nozick, R Anarchy, state & utopia R z 41 NUCLEAR ACCIDENTS Czechoslovakia 1-2 France Reactor accidents 3 2',31,


Sweden, U fuel plant NUCLEAR ACCIDENTS UK, Dounreay Hunterston List of incidents Possibility Windscale




12 1-2

Belgium Sweden



T^ +4 40 R


Transport through ~ o n d z 38 19-20 NUCLEAR FUSION 24 38-39 NUCLEAR INDUSTRY USA, injunction Nuclear Installations Inspectorate Seek employment NUCLEAR MISSILES NUCLEAR POWER




Switzerland 25 USA, California Nuclear Regulatory Commission USA NUCLEAR REPROCESSING Accident 22 3 Defects USA, Karen ~i-ood


UK,Anti-nuclear campaign 36 I 40 26-28 Cycling pressure group

Harrisburg Three Mile Island 42 24-26 USSR,Kyshtym West Germany, 0bri~hein-2 NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT 20-21 NUCLEAR FUEL Accident, Sweden 544 Faulty rods, death of Silkwood @-33 Shipping


Costs Decommissioning Pressurised Water Reactor UK UK campaign NUCLEAR REFERENDUM Austria




524 USA, Brown's Ferry Duane Arnold, Palo

Bomb attacks France. Italy Denmark. 19 Demonstrations Worldwide Eire Europe France Plogoff Unions NUCLEAR POWER Opposition cont'd Fiction FOE c a m- ~ a- i m Italv ~orthernIreland Organisation Orkneys Rock record Spain, demonstrat

Demonstrations Heysham 6 Hinkley 35 London Sizewell Torness


France W. Germany Windscale

8 i2

23 NUCLEAR SHIP MV Otto Hahn NUCLEAR SITES, 52 UK NUCLEAR TRADE WeGermany &. S.Africa R E 44 NUCLEAR WASTE Disposal in glass Sharpness Test-bores, Scotland 1 Transport 2 2 22 38-39 Flasks NUCLEAR WAR 41 28-29 NUCLEAR 1EAPONS 24 8-9 5 12-13 Instiwctions for building an atomic bomb 2Rally S.Africa Spain Sweden 3.5 3 Nukebuster 42 8 NURSERIES see CHILD CARE. Nurseries NUTRITION Filmstrips Nuts in October 3 34-35




South Yorkshire CC USA 19 9-10 Seabrook 22 5 Demos 56 Wales West Germany Kalkar, demo Worldwide Philippines 21 19-24 G I' 4 0 Policy Trade unionsI Programme, UK Pro-nuclear agent provo222 cateurs Pro-nuclear organisation


z2 7 4 '




Right of entry of officials -10 C Safety film Security expenditure,

Brazil Civil liberties Construction AEG Telefunken W.Germany


Costs Dance Etoergency plans Energy analysis Feminists against Film Future Hazards Japan Labour Party Netherlands, illegal reactor Opinion poll Oo~osition



41' 26 5 4

Agitational materiams 41 Anti--Nuclear Campaign =2,12-13 g 4 5

Siting, UK Slide set Sweden Switzerland, Referendum Trade Union attitudes USA programme California USSR Weapons Woman's view

X f


9 $$

27-28 see also Plutonium Economy Windscale Inquiry NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION 9 27-28 Nuclear Reactor Vigilantes


NUCLEAR REACTORS Advanced Gas Cooled Reactor 50 1

OOA OPUS Oakeshott. R Case f o rworkers' co-ops Rjg 39 Obrigheim nuclear reactor, -2 accident R B 42 OCCULT Ocean Living Institute 10 3 0'Connor K Behaviour self 2 34-36 October Action Defence Fund 596 2 2 OFFICE WORK OFFICIAL SECRETS OFFICIAL SECRETS CASE see ABC Trial



OIL Accidents .Shetland

Q ' 6

Depletioneffects R4141 Politics R E6 Oil COMPANIES 21 4 S.Af rica OIL EXPLORATION English Channel Irish Sea Onshore UK Shetlands OIL FIELDS Beryl field 20 3 OIL INDUSTRY 2. OIL FIATFORMS.Design 98




OIL POLLUTION Ireland .Bantry Bay

10 7

Sullom Voe OIL RESERVES North Sea Oman OIL RIGS .Bomb scares LJ?


Dlivier, D Scandinavian sunshine 2 12-14 OMAN.Oil reserves One Purpose United in Service

25 37

Open University. Alternative 41 7 Technology Group OPINION POLL. Nuclear power 581 ORBITS Over territory seized 3 3 Organic Farmers & Growers Ltd LL 33 ORGANIC FARMING Conference, Paris Education Guide see also CITY FARMS.. ORGANIC GARDENING 8 15-17, R z 40,- 26


Organic Growers Association &I 7

59 34-36 ORGANIC GROWING ORGANIC WASTE Conversion by nuclear explosion 2.3 Orgasmic labour & national economic planning 41 20-22 L?7


ORGONE ACCUMULATOR R z 43-44 ORGONE BLANKET L a 8 ORGONE ENERGY 21 17-18 O'Rio, E Atom scandal 34 28 Orkney Alternative Press

328 ORKNEYS Anti-nuclear organisations -


crofting - :?-23 Free-winged Eaule, paper


MV Otto Hahn 19 5 OTTERS R g 45 Our end is our beginning 42 20-21 Out Oxenham, J Competition kills oxfam Field directors handbook R4 40-41 Wastesaver scheme 16-17 Oxford Ecology Movement



Playing the ~arliament'TTde 52 12 Oxford Fanning Conference, Jan 1975 10 34 Oxtrike



Pacey, A Barefoot engineer Pacific Fisher Nuclear ship PACKAGING Bottles Paelhke,R Canadian forestry Page, A Blueprint for Greentown?

42 9-11 Convivial computing 12-1 5 PAKISTAN Appropriate Technology Development Organization 34 20-21 Palz, W R x 36 Solar electricity Pam, R Appropriate technology sourcebook R Z 47 Papanek, V How things don't work R Z 44 Paperchain Ltd PAPERMAKING Small scale Papworth, J Industrial slavery can now 10 15-17 end PARAMEDICS China PARANOIA L24 6 Paranoia & conspiracy 37-34 Paranoia power & the de usion of conspiracy 22 17-21 PARANORMAL PSYCHOLOGY R45 40 Parham, D Flower power 2 PARIS Protests Parish, P Medicines R19 45 PARISH COUNCILS 50 30-31 Parks for the people? 55 14-15 Parslow, R 45 3 Parsons, C A



centrefor Alternative Technology Energy fixer Phew: what a scorcher 2 25 Patchwork mouse Patterson, C Evolution Patterson, W Fissile society Nuclear power Pauling, L Vitamin C, the common cold & flu R24 47 Pauley, M Private future PEACE library PEACE MOVEMENT


PEANUTS Senega1 Pearce, D Decision making for energy R E 42 futures Plutonium prof's polemic 59 9-10 Pearce, J Industrial co-operative experiment in Cumbria R s 45 I4 21,26 PEDAL POWER L E9 Pedestrians Association

518 Pedlar, M 3 34-35 Past propertarians PEDLER, K Atomic bomb article Lz Penfield, L Owner builders guide: stone masonry R a 46 Penney, K Eco 2000 The People Political party* PEOPLE Personal energy PEOPLE'S HABITAT People's Press Agency E5 People's radio primer 7 25-32 PEOPLE'S TV 12 8 France Perrin, B AT workshop Persinger, M Space time transients unusual events R22 44 PERSONAL FREEDOM L55 37 PESTICIDES R s 40 PETROL Pollution 6 25-28 PETROLEUM see OIL Pettit, A 21 9-10 Good squat guide Romance & reality 71-12 Pezzey, J British road to ecotopia 32 9-11 L Z 44-45 PHENOMENA


Radical Co-operators Group 59 31-32 RADICAL ECOLOGY Australia 11 6 RADICAL PHOTOGRAPHY 2 45 Gallery, London Radical Statistics Group


Health RADICAL TECHNOLOGISTS Radical Technology German edition RADIO Children' s Ecological Bate Review Stations RADIO 88 Radio Caroline RADIO FREE BOLOGNA RADIO HAMS



Raudive, K Breakthrough: an amazing experiment in electronic communication with the dead R4 27. 45 Reading News RECORDS CO-OP 20 40 RECYCLING sump oil 76-17 Wastesaver scheme see also WASTE PAPER -2 RED No 2 Reddy, A K N AT in India 2 33-36 REDESIGN 25 7 Reed, E R2 44 Sexism & science Woman's evolution R d 41 REGIONAL SEATS OF GOVERNMENT



RADIO HIJACK RADIO JAMMING I7 4 South London Radio Julie 3.6 Radio Liberty E5 RADIO TRANSMISSION ECHOES E'2. RADIO TRANSMITTERS Design Home manufacture

Rare Breed Survival Trust 18 4 Ratcliffe, J Limits to medicine 22-23 RATION BOOK ISSUE


25-32 f-28 17-19 VHF building instructions 52 31-32 RADIO TRANSMITTING Running a station -8 21-25 RADIOACTIVE DOSEMETERS 50 7 RADIOACTIVE WASTE Disposal



2 :2;23

Reich, W Orgone accumulator R z 43-44 Reid, J Reflections of a Clyde built man R a 43 Reid, M Findhorn revisited 25 15-16 REINCARNATION R 2 38 Release


Trouble with thglzw l 3 3 Trucker' s bible RELIGION R20 46 Cults W 21-22 Renascimento Rural, porGgal


Sharpness RADIOACTIVITY In cigarettes Low level effects Raeburn, M Black fire: Ragged Robin RAIL CUTS Railway Allotments Group

5? 14-16 Assessments Brittany Buildings design pt.1 'TC 24-25 27 30-33 Employment Government expenditure

m6 un

28 RAILWAY. Bicycle ban 2 6 Rain reprint D-i-y woodstoves Raising the energy RAMMED EARTH see BUILDING MATERIALS Rammed earth RANDALL, R 25 10-14 Emotional plague Barefoot psychoanalyst



^? 2


Co-operative & community group dynamics R s 36-37 RAPHE, J 14 Eoliennes,Faciles a Construire 6 20-23, - 42 RARE BREEDS L E 45

Hazards R?2 41 Hull 26 Re~ionalplan. ~ rtt ianyA 41 6 Third World 77 9-11 see also PEDAL POWER Renouf, J First aid for hillwalkers & climbers R E 38 RESEARCH & DEVELOIMENT Worldwide R E 44 Resource Aid for Co-operative 507 Enterprise Rogaly, J Grunwick R Z 41 ROLES Men Women


Roper, C Latin American Political Economical & Commodities ~ e ~ o r t

124 7

Rose, B Acceptability of risks R54 43 Rose, H & S Political economy of science R02 47 Rosenbliun, A Unpopular science R E 49 Ross, D Energy from the waves New waves White horse power 8-9 Ross, S Rural planning policies L a8 Roszak. T ~erson/~lanet Pontifex Unfinished animal Where the wasteland ends Rtl.

Rowan. J ~ehaviourmodification 28 27-28 Rowbotham, S Beyond the fragments R B 39 Roy, R Wastage in the UK food system R S 45 Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution Royal London Homeopathic Hospital RURAL GOVERNMENT 26 31-32 Wales

z4 z4


11 -

Eire Encouragement England France RURAL PLANNING



L2 8 9-10

RURAL RESETTLEMENT Rural Resettlement Group Handbook g-32 Parish politics Russell, P Transcendental meditation 45-44 Russell, T Tory party R z 42 RESOURCES Worldwide Resurgence Community & Planning' colloquium 22 4 RETAIL CO-OPERATIVES 31-32 Rethink electric 538 Rettig, W Pyramid power L Z 10 Revolutionary Health Committee of Hunan Province Barefoot doctor's manual R z 42 Rhondda Valley 566 Jobs





Rich, A Of woman borne R& 4 Richards, C L Z 7 CB radio Rickard, R Biography of Charles Fort 25 19-21 Right to intervene? RIGHT WING BOOKSHOP RIGHT OF WAY Riley, P Economic growth Rimmer, S Nazi nukes Ripple Revolutionism RISK Risks & rewards Rivers, P Living,on a little land Survivalists Rivers, S ROAD BUILDING Road drill ROAD/RAIL VEHICLE ROADS Jobs London docklands Policy Roberts, A Consumerism & the ecological crisis 16 44-45 Hazards of nuclear POW= R Z 43 Robertson, J Sane alternative Robinson, J Reports from China, 1953-1976 H a 44-45 Robson, P Road drill Rodney, W HOW Europe underdeveloped Africa R E 44 RUSSIAN MILITARY INTENTIONS 26 16-17 Russians & Nikola Tesla 58 21-26 Politics of mental handicap R13 43

SAAB 55 3 Weapon building SCANUS Bibliography R x 46 SCRAM see Scottish Campaign to Resisthe Atomic Menace SERA see Socialist Environment &esource Association SIPRI see Stockholm Internationalpeace Research Institute SSOTBME Essay on magic, its foundations. development & place in modern life R z 42-43



SWAPO Medicine Sabady, P Solar house SAILING SHIPS Sale, K Human scale

24 11-12

Scott, W Backyard beekeeping R a 47 Scottish Campaign to Resist the Atomic Menace


Ener~yBulletin Torness occupation Scottish Freedom of Infomation Campaign 55 3 Scream your cares away 22 26-27 Screeton, P Astrology on the ground

Sampson, A Arms bazaar Seven sisters Sanders, H Sandford, J Prostitutes


s', E g

Sawders, C Engineering in Britain, West Germany & France R z 41 Saunders,M W Destiny Mars R E 46 Saunders, N Alternative England & Wales

1540 Save the Whale Save Walthamstow Marshes Campaign

%ti &


SCALE OF SYSTEMS R s 39 SCANDINAVIA Energy activities Journals R q Scharf, D R Don't shoot the planner 55 9-10 SCHIZOPHRENIA 38 Treatment Scholem, G Zohar Scholes, M Pirate radio

Phenomena Quicksilver heritage R11 18-20 41-42


Scully, D Fuel savers Sea, N Make it orange 51 11-12 SEABROOK NUCLEAR POWER STATION 22 5 2 9-10 254

$36 5 1 - & g Seaman, B & G Women & the crisis in sex Hormones R z 44-45 SECRECY LEGISLATION 57 1-2 SECURITY SERVICES 25 Seed Bank Exchange 27


SCHOOLS Community Projects

24 32 Schumacher, E F Conscious culture of poverty 10 10-12 Economics of permanence 1 Good work Guide for the perplexe 44 R S 46-47


SEED SAVING SELF HELP Women 31 27-28 Self Help Clearing House rsc n


Self Help Housing Research Library 42 8 Squatters: myth & f a c t R22 45-46 SELF MANAGEMENT R 2 41-42 SELF RELIANCE Meeting



SELFSUFFICIENCY R20 45 Experiment 18-19 8-9 Women's view SELF SUFFICIENT COMMUNITIES Aberfeldy, Scotland 11 10 Planning 9-15 51 45 Semper vivum Trust SENEGAL 52 24-25 Peanut economy SEPTIC TANKS 51 15 SERVAS Settlement Forum Habitat: UN Conference ~

22 Schumacher Gentre Scicinska, J Communes 29 32-33 SCIENCE 29 14-15 Alienation Capitalism, conference W 7 Socialist science 8 Women 15344 SCIENCE FICTION Rl1 49-50 Competition Science for the People Biology as a social weapon Science's fool SCOTLAND Electricity options Life Newsletter Review journal

R29w 3 19-21


z8 10 5

7 Days Severnside Anti-Nuclear Alliance SEWAGE WORKS 6 Explosion, New York Seymour, J R26 45 Bring me my bow Centre for Living 43 Complete book of selfszficiency RB 45

Selfsufficiency R 5 49 Selfsufficient gardher R Z 39 There are no fairies at the bottom of my garden 21-22 2 27-30 SHAKERS Shapiro, A B Woodburner' s encylopedia R26 43-44 SHAREHOLDING 43 Local authorities R B 42


Sharman, H Oil industry 28 Sharp, A Bicycles & tricycles R Z 37-38 Sharpness radioactive waste 35 3 Sharpness Defence Fund 2 Shatzman, M Story of Ruth R 3 40 Sheffield Anti-Nuclear Cam-




south Africa 21 4 Sheppard, R Paper houses R S 47 SHELTER R 6 47 Shelton, J W Woodburner's encyclopedia Wood heat safety SHETLAND ISLANDS Oi1

ES?- 21 #

:8-19 6, R a 41

Shoard, M Theft of the countryside RA.3 36 SHOEBURYNESS Weapons Range Shoop, G College co-op Shore, J Organic living

544 55 35

Organic living experiment 6 18-19 SHOTTON, North Wales 2 53-55 Shrader, K S Nuclear power & public policy R4J 40 SHUTTERS 14 27-29 Shreiner, 0 Woman & labour Silbury treasure Silkin, S Speech Silkwood, Karen



Silva, J Simmons, G Undercurrents Simmons, J Windscale engineer 2 8-9 Simonon, L News from schools Ma Gaia's earth comic Simons, M Workers Dower not nuclear power R 9 41

Singer, A Backyard dairybook R z 43 Backyard poultry book RIQ 41-42 Singer, P Minstrel cycle R E 52 Sinn Fein Great Irish oil & gas robbery R E 51-52 SIRIUS R E 42 Sizewell nuclear power station ? i$: 2 '

Small, T Hull housing

52 26

Small Farm Research Association Annotated bibliography of biological agriculture R Z 46 European biological agriculture R q 47 Use of ground rock pow ers in agriculture R s 46 Smith. C emi in ism & the politics of 51 27-28 food Smith. D chemical cornucopia collapses 20 16-18 2? 38-39 Nuclear fusion Organic farming guide 22 32 Third World rip-off 29-31 Wholefood chain 3 18-19 Smith, F Never trust an expert 21 39 Smith, G Economics of water collection & waste recycling Letter from Mendi Smith, K Wish we were there? 28 14-16 Smith, M Way out R S 47 Smith, P Co-operatives Smith, S Communes 29 32-33 Feminists against nukes 3 11 SMOKING Acupuncture cure Diseases Snoopers & the peepers 2 10-14 SOAP Community factory, USA 20 32 SOCIAL CHANGE 11 44-48 12 33-37 3 2 3 8 Social Control of Capital 59 7 2 SOCIAL ORG&NISATION SOCIAL SECURITY Frauds 3 3 SOCIAL STATISTICS R z 44-45 SOCIALISM Alternative



Science Socialist Environment & Resources Association 3 I0 Combined heat & power Conference Windscale opposition

%1 I1 -

SERA Energy Group 3 10,12 Socialist International, 13th

20 4-5 Socialist Workers Party Is ,I machine after your job?


Workers power SOCIALLY USEFUL WORK 20 26-27


Conference Sweden TO 22 TASS 3 m7 3z USA see also EMPLOYMENT SOCIETY Herman Kahn interviewed 25 12 Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding 50 5 Society for Environmental Improvement Ltd 8 12-14 SOCIO-BIOLOGY R29 44 SOFT ENERGY 2 10-13 see also RENEWABLE SOURCES Soft energy hard politics 10-13 Soft energy Sunday 2nd Soil Association Friend & foe in the garden R24 46 Muckle 22 34-36 Some good companions R W 43 R E 36 SOLAR ELECTRICITY SOLAR ENERGY R E 47 2n 29-' 127 42 Agricultural applications 28 5 Airships 5-9 ~ustraiia California Comtek '75 Conference /



Cookers Design wanted Employment Florida 19 Government policy RT^ 41 Hazards Legislation, Califo r n G



Politics Switzerland USA, Sun Day 26 3 Solar Energy Society j2 2 SOLAR HEATING 3. 5 R Z 56.37,



Bury Drums h,51 Electricity charges, New Zealand L28 44 SOLAR HOUSES Milton Keynes 58 5 Solar-MEC air-conditioning 172 SOLAR PANELS Flow controller Formulae, d-i-y Homemade collector South London Swedish design 23

SOLAR SAUNA 58 3 14 5 SOLAR TOWERS Soleri, P 5 36-38 Interview Matter becoming spirit R 2 Some People in Leicester 26 45 Some schools 56 33 Sommer, P Alternative broadcasting L22 10 Are laws necessary? R 2-43 General systems



Sorensen B ~enewableenergy South, B Undercurrents L Z 43 SOUTH,AFRICA Nuclear trade.FRG Nuclear weapons 4 Oil companies SOUTH DOWNS WAY R Z 46 SOUTH KOREA Nuclear power programme

R# W -

Z l l C; L'

South London Anti-Nuclear Affinity Group ElW,


South of Scotland Electricity Board Uranium exploration& 20 South Wales Energy 2000 54 38 South Yorkshire County Council Nuclear free zone 42 2 Southern Wholefoods Federation Y_ 14-15

R^J t2

~aref oot 'psychoanalyst Emotional plague Greening of socialism


50 10-12 Organic labour 8; national economic planning <V\ 20-22

SOYA BEANS R26 41 17'2 9 Growing Seeds SPAIN 3 39 Feminism Nuclear demonstrations


Letting it all hang out



Mind expansion 37 Mysterious energies 18 Plutonium prof's polezc 39 9-11 Undercurrents business news 10 47 STABLEX ROCK ,252 5 Stalinoids 22 23 Stark, T Battery chickens 24 9-11 State Research


STATISTICS Radical Social Transport STEELWORKS Corby Shotton Stellar Heat Systems Ltd

9 11-12

Stellon, P Heat that comes in from the 6 13-17 cold Stephens, V Feminism & AT Sterling, S Environmental education 52 50-31 Stem, G Motorway madness a cure? 21 35-37 Stickland, S Compost cures Growing pains Muckle 34-36 Stockholm International Peace Research Institute Offensive missiles R War books Warefare in a fragile world - R40 41 39 World armaments STONEHENGE Cosmic power house 22 24-25 Stoneman, C R e s o W s & the environment R Z 47 Stoneman, D I0 44-46 Future of AT Stop Urenco Alliance




Stream power Street, L Backyard dairybook R s 43 Stretton, H Capitalism, socialism & the R 2 41 environment

Catalonia Galicia SPECIAL BRANCH SPEKE Spencer Solarise SPERM OIL


Students Against Nuclear Energy

Spring Green Motorway 7 Springhead Trust 2.2 7 SQUATTING Rural guide Sweden Squire, C H Community technology 2 22-24, 57

Feudalism L28 45 How straight is the o m 11 21 straight track?

SULLOM TOE 554 Suma 41 11-12 Sumner, J Domestic heat pumps R g 41-42 Sun Day 26 3 Sunshine on Coronation Street 16 34-35,




24 20-23

Survival Party Swan, J Symbiosis (story) SWARD GARDENING American deserters ARARAT exhibition Nuclear accident. Vasteras Nuclear programme Nuclear referendum

L Z 36-37



8 18,26 35-37

$ 2

Nuclear weapons Radio 88 Squatting, Jamat 23 Sweet, C End of the American nuclear 9 23-24 dream SWINDON Local TV SWITZERLAND Alternatives Communities Journals Blabla Nuclear referendum



2 Solar energy -6 Syer, G N Marine pollution & CaVrat 22 38-39 Symbiosis (story) -1 SYSTEMS General systems theory 10 40-43 Szcelkun, S Survival scrapbook, 1 shelter R 2 5 energy R 48 Szokolay, S Solar energy & building R z 42 Szostak, J Sail wing darrius Szykitka, W & Public works R E 52


Talbot, M Pirey furnace 3 30-31 T AOISM 21 33 Science R5T 45 Taylor, B Alternative shopkeeping L22 11 Taylor, C 11 22-24 As below so above Building with rammed earth 8 27-28, - 32 Taylor, D Fair stand the windmills from 6 20-22, France - 42 Many blades make light work -8 29-31 Taylor, N Extra-0-rdinary levels '% 22 TEA COSY Knitting pattern 9 30-31


L40 38


41 Teamwork Training Trust Underneath the arches 55 10-11 TEAR GAS TESTING 23 Technological American Party 65 TECHNOLOGY Alienation Misuse 39 Politics R 17-19 Women, Trade Unions 29 17-19 Technology Assessment Consumerism Centre Bread: an assessment of the British bread industry R 8 42 20 22-23 TECHNOLOGY CONTROL TELEGRAMS 12 7 TELEPATHY Via electromagnetic waves -2 TELEPHONE TAPPING 7 10-14 TELEPHONES Special calls procedures 16 5 see also PHONE FREAKS TELEVISION Cable, Swindon viewpoint Effects Effects on brain Elimination Local stations, Swindon 18 TELEVISION SURVEILLANCE




Sweden Temperton, P Home Rule for the North:

55 12-13

Temple, R K G Sirius mystery TERRESTIAL ZODIACS

R I 42



9 1-2


. ?2 30-32

Tewkesbury Council Thatcher, M Theiss, B Iron Age farm Things that go bang in the dark 24 8-9 THIRD WORLD 40 29-31 Corporate crimes Energy Schools Third World Publications 45 7 Catalogue 18 30-31 Thirty years on Thomas, A Follies of conservation R 2 45 Thomas, C Material gains R 4 8 Neas don bond 35-55 46 Paper chain


Thomas, J Fed-up Co-op 22 22 Thompson, E 22 5 Thompson, F It 21,26 Power to the pedal Thompson, M New clear energy Rubbish theory R g 11 4 Thompson & Morgan Thomson, D Where were you brother? R B 41-42 Thornley, J Hanging separately 2 16-17 29 21-23 THOUGHT Three Mile Island report



226 Time Out Eavesdroppers Tinker, J 3 6 Titus free university of the fields 12 26 Tompkins, P Secret life of plants R 5 45-46 Tonkin, S Licences for water power L S 44 Tonkin, S What turbine 28 26 TORNESS. nuclear site 0ccupation



Power lines 1 Women's workshop TORNESS 79 55 3 TOWER BLOCKS Demolition 56 5 Town & Country Planning Association 28-29 Greentown TOYS I@ 38 TRADE UNIONS Nuclear power policy Shop stewards Women TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION R12 44 15 6.35 Lw 9 43-44 Transfiguration among the wind5 3-4, mills 53-54 TRAWSFYNYDD nuclear station Dead cat 20 4 Translating Co-operative Nurnburg TRANSPORT Bus services Ecology Fares, London National Travel Survey 22 39 Nuclear flasks 25 38-39 "CT 1 Nuclear waste 7TT 1 Politics Statistics Transport 2B00 TREES

Tripp, H Cider making 24 37 Magic mushrooms 3 26 Trotsky, L History of the Russian revolution R a 47 Tucker, A Toxic metals R2 Tudge, C Famine business R26 44 Home farm R E 46-47 TURBINES 28 26 Turner, J Blowing it sky-fi }ll-43 Housing by people Turner, N Community radio in Britain R 5 46-47 Makin' it: a a i d e to some working alternatives R244 Turning industrial decline into 551 expansion




P-l2 TVTV Prime time survey R s 48-49 Twinch, C Plain & simple egg production R55 43 Twine, S 38 245-T 58^

UKAEA see United Kingdom Atomic

Ener~y-uthori ty Uhuru collective Political packages UNDERCURRENTS Aims comments Competition Criticisms

&1 16-18 8

Errata Finance





5 years on Library holdings Regional network Undercurrents Radio Frequency Emission Monitoring Station

28 5


-8 19-20,

26945 London Buskers Underneath the arches 2 10-11 Underwood, P Dowsing & divining R45 39 UNEMPLOYMENT see EMPLOYMENT UNILEVER 2 39-40 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Nuclear power 21 5


Unit for the study of Health Policy Health money & the National Health Service R Z 41 United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority 2 27-50 Future employment 50-33 United Kingdom,International Solar Energy Society Solar energy R g 29-30 United Nations Conference on Science & Technology for Development 9 I : Alternative forum United Nations Conference on the Human Environment 2 United Nations Habitat Conference n^ 5 United Spates of America Co-ops, food




Future vision,1988 Jack Mundey banned Nuclear Dower -

22 5

roer- ram me

9 23-24 Political development R21 46-47 Seabrook power stationsee NUCLEAR POWER, Opposition USA, Seabrook


United States Labour Party 223 University of Lancaster, Peace & Conflict Research Programme Chile community 2 ~PP University of London Union ECo-Action 558 University of Warwick AT course 507 Upton, P Karma & the art of gardening 21 24-26 URANIUM EXPLORATION Eire -4 Norther Ireland Orkney 27 20 L Z 45 URANIUM MINING Australia




Vale, R Allelectric lies 2612-13 Productivity of small" holdings 55 33 Vale. R sunny spells forecast 20 29-30 Vale of Belvoir enquiry 59 32-32 VALUE ADDED TAX Exemptions House alterations 28 Values Party 51 3 van Dresser, P see Dresser, P van Vann, L Which came first the factory or egg Wholefoods here VEGETABLES Growing g-37 Nutritional values VEGETARIANISM R1 46 L22 11 Handbook 228 Vegetarians against the Nazis





... jj ?2:4


50 7

Velikovsky, I Velli, M Manual for revolutionary leaders R 8 43 VENEZUELA Health care Versluysen, M Politics of self help 2 25-27 Vickers R s 41 24 11 Victory plan R E 48-49 VIDEO VILLAGE CO-OPERATIVES Antur Aelhaearn 25 26-27 VILLAGES Land resettlement 16 24-27,



Vivian, J Woodheat Voices of the Unions Workers Co-operatives





VOLES Volunteers in Asia L B 39 Appropriate technology sourcebook R Z 10 Von Daniken, E 10 3 10 3 vx




Valadez, J Chile community Vale. B ~utonomoushouse R1 42-43 AT cosy 3O Shutting out the cold YOU

pays yer money

2 9

see World

Information Service on Energy

Wade, A 30 energy-efficient houses you can build R z 36 Wade, B Good squat guide 21 9-10 Wainwright, H Workers' plans

Journals Penderyn 20 6 Y Fanes Goch 51-52 Rural development Walker, B Encyclopaedia of metaphysical medicine R a 42 Walker, C Coming up for Eire 22 14-16 Walker, J Alcoholic strength of beer


258 Walker, J Oxfam Wastesaver scheme


Walker, M National Front WALKING 28 31 Glimpse of heaven Pedestrians ~ssociatix

518 Walton, B WAR '

L55 39

Overkill Ward, B Home of man R18 46 Progress for a small ganet R Z 40 Ward, C Anarchist cities 10 38-40 D-i-y new town 30-33 Housing: an anarchistapproach R E 46 Warnback, H Reliving past lives R 3 38 Warner, F Windscale 591 WASTAGE Food R S 45 WASTE DISPOSAL Stablex rock 50 5 WASTE LAND see DERELICT LAND WASTE PAPER Coventry collection 32 WASTE RECYCLING R E8 WATER & WASTE RECYCLING R 5 50 WATER POLLUTION STANDARDS 52 5 WATXR POWER 2 6 31-34




Comtek '75 31 Estimating ITDG projects Licenses, Anglia Water Authority L28 44 Turbines ^5 26 see also HYDROELECTR~ITY Water running wild 5 31-34 WATER SUPPLY 21 16 Rural, worldwide Waterhouse, K Office life R52 40 WATERMILIS Meeting 6 WATERWAYS 41 5 WATERWHEELS L S9 Watkins, J P Frog-child Watson, G Maximill




Watson, P War on the mind Watt, S Antur Aelhaearn Can Wales make it? Co-op lesson 2[ 13-15 Dirty work in Denbigh

3 $;I;;

Entrepreneurs Finniston's follies Ivan's after hours bricklaying Jungle stories Political economy of "EEe peanut 52 24-25 Second class caoitalism Street fightin' man Thai dilemmas Watt Committee Deployment of national resources in the provision of energy Results Watter, N Correction on Winstanley book L g 10 Watterson, C Sunshine on Coronation Street Watts, G Cancer research 1f you're in a mental 20spita1 you be mad E 5 Where's your sense of tumour? People, prescribe I Swapo medicine WAVE POWER &


# 8-9

R5_ 39

Government policy






Japan Queens University, Small scale WEALTH WEATHER LORE Webb, J Harmonious circle

@ 12-13

R 5 40

Webb, T Building ANC 38 12-13 Scots seek soft path 18-19 Wedd, T Celibacy 8. psyche L24 7 Counter-culture 8 Stonehenge: cosmic power 22 24-25 house Weizenbaum, J Computer power 8- human reason R2^ 44 Welch, C Introduction to Chile R25 43 Welch, L Return to senses 3 28-29 WELFARE Computer information 24 3 WELFARE STATE 29 19-20 Wells, M How to buy solar heating R Z 43


Wesley, P Greenpeace West, A Ethanol production from wood L Z 44 West, B 21 17-18 Energise yourself West Country Nuclear power station 41 1 WEST GERMANY AT translating co-operative VI. R

Nuclear opposition ^HS 4 Conference 5?2 Kalkar demo 55 2 Police spying Self immolation L g 57 Nuclear power programme 22


Nuclear trade. SA R% k West Kensington Environment 18 21-22 Campaign Westway self help 2 10-1'1 WHALES



Communication Save the Whale Rally

Tuc see also SPERM OIL Wharton, D Burning brightly Woodburning Aove WHEAT Protein content Surpluses Wheeler, R Up north Wheeler, S Grass roots farming 2 20 Whisker, R G Soyabean grow & cook book R Z 41 Whitcombe, R Harold Bate, one man cult -0 White, B Bean cuisine R g 41 White horse power 2 8-9 Whitehouse. H Other homes & garbage R25 45 Whitt, F Bicycling science R E 37-38 Who are we kidding? 2 8-9 Whole Eirth Warehouse 7 WHOLEFOOD Personal experience 1 12-13 - 18-19 USA, Vermont WHOLEFOOD SHOPS Whyatt, A Wish we were there? 28 14-16 Wickerbasket, R Complete book of indoor selfsufficiency & yoghurtcontainer gardening R22 44 L Z 7 Wickers, D Complete urban farmer R S 47 Wik, 0 Woodstoves R z 42 56 15-16 WILD LIFE Cities





WILDFOWL Williams. A ~ a c k ~ a rpig d & sheep book R2 47 Backyard cow R d 42 Williams, S Schumacher centre 22 Williamson, J Decoding advertisements R 2 43 Williamson, J Doctor writes: critique of 22 12-14 Issue 19 Willoughby, J Homemade solar collector 25 25-25 Wilson, A Wise virgin R E 42-43 Wilson, C Dark side of the mind 5 43-45 Wilson, D Bicycling science R Z 37-38 Wilson. M ~ealthis for people R 2 44 WIND GENERATORS 5 23-24, 51 Building 19 Building co-operativen/\

D-i-y design 12 49-51,


Denmark Inverters Maximill National grid 'storage'

2. Sail wing Darrieus 42 33 Synchronous inverter Theory ;3-34 Trimblemill Tvind , Denmark 12-14 USA 11-12 USA sales Vertical axis 284 26 Windcharger 51 WIND MEASURING INSTRUMENTS 21 32 WIND POWER 2

If -

Government policy WINDMILLS Cretan, Rotherhithe model plans . 22 46 France "s 20-22, 42 Multibladed Pivoted aerofoil Safety WINDSCALE Accidents 16 10-11 2F8$ After Windscale 23 Debate


Engineering mishaps Visit WINDSCALE INQUIRY costs Evidence, G Leach Opposition groups ~ ~ ~ o s i t iview on




Windsor, P Oil: a plain man's guide to E 41 the energy crisis R Winstanley, G film 1 8-9 The Law of freedom 42-43 Writings R 42-43 Winter, F L55 38 Womanthought 29 21-23 Woman ' s Place




special issue WOMEN AT Chauvinism China Convenience foods Drugs Ecology Rnployment




4 Groups list 46 dealers Health Housework politics Identity Jailed, Armagh Language Managers Manual trades Nuclear opposition 501 Psychology R Z 45 Relationships with men R 4 42-43 Science R& fq5

R g 1:

Spain Women against Nuclear power 29 11 Women's Information Referral Service 29% WOMEN'S LIBERATION 29 27 Technology Women's Research & Resources 29 46 Centre Wood, G Community ham Green Danube WOOD Alcohol production L S 44 WOODBURNING R26 45-44 Safety Woodhead, S Trees please

WORKERS' CO-OPERATIVES 20 31-34 see also CO-OPERATIVES" WORKERS' PLANS R 3 41 Working Weekends on Organic 35 8927 Farms Working Women's Artists Calendar, 1979 R z 45 WORKSHOP, Self help ^, 10-11 World Campaign against Military & Nuclear Collaboration with South Africa R B 43 WORLD IMAGES 2 32 World Association for Celebrating the Year 2000




World Information Service on Energy 3 8 Kite World Wildlife Fund Audio visuals 17 18-20 Wren, C Wright, G Future of radical technolom 26 26-27 Looking forward to 195? 4 30-,32 Manifesto for the EiR&Eies 42 17-19 Micro is beautiful 33-36 Wright, J Answer lies in the chemicals 18 24-26 Wright, N Lesson from the people 56 31-32 Writers & Readers Publishing Co-op 15 47 WWOOF 55 ,3327



Yaada, B Food 8- heat producing solar greenhouse R 3 45 YOGA Pranayama R B 45 York Safe Energy Group

52 7 You makes yer own or...

Show WOOEWORK books Woody Declaration of independence 16 22 ?FT 31 Radical economies Towards an alternative culture pt 1 10 20-24 'R' 44-18 Pt 2 Pt 3 Pt 4 ?:-37 Woolston, G Big dams cast dark shadows


Water running wild Water works!

WORK Hazards

6 5-1-54

3 23-25

27 56-37 Young, G Conservation scene R E W Young, L Other homes & garbage R25 45

Zarate, 0 Lenin for beginners R E 41 Zeitlyn, D Leys Zeitlyn, J Printing it yourself 27 ZODIACS Ground ZWEMTENDORF nuclear station


Reviews About Chinese women R x 4 4 Achilles Heel 57 8 Adastra R s . 44 Adjustment or protectionism R g 38 Aether , 27 After industrial society L55 W Against method R 3 41 Alice through the microscope R g 37 Alleged assassination plots involving foreign leaders R 2 47 Allotment gardening R E 41 Alternative sources of ener2 11-12 Alternative Technology: an answer to the energy crisis? 5 8

Alternative technology & the politics of technological change R'j! 46-47 Alternative technology directory Ryi; 8 Alternatives in housing? R B 46 Altin-Nytt 22 23 Anarchy, state & utopia R x 41 Anatomy of an illness as perceived by the patient R S 39 Annotated bibliography of biological agriculture R a 46 Appropriate technology source R22 47 book R E Architect or bee Rt-1 59 Are laws necessary? R x 41 Arms bazaar 25 43 Artificial intelligence and natural man Ask the kids Astrology disproved

Atom Avebury circle Atomic Times ATindex AT Times Autonomous house Awakened mind

Backyard Backyard Backyard Backyard

beekeeping R a 47 cow ELt2 dairy book I?L 43 pig and sheep book

R 2 5 47 Backyard poultry book R z 41-42

Barefoot doctor's manual R z 42

Barefoot psychoanalyst

;$j :;

Basic communities Bath Spark Bean cuisine Beyond the fragments Bicycles Bulletin Bicycling science Bicycle planning book

R E 40

457 R Z 41 R z 39


R Z 37-38 R Z 32-34,

37-38 Bicycles &. tricycles R22 37-38 Big Red Diary 1978 R a 47 Big Red Diary 1979 R Z 45 Biology as a social wea on R 44 Birth control by observing 458 natural cycles Blabla 11 6 Black Fire R28 37 Brip-ht Times 45 9 Bring me my bow R E 45 Britain a future that works





Britain's first socialists RA-1 37 British syndicalism 1900-1914 R 3 W>

Building woodburning stoves R y 38 Building your own home R z 41 Bunting wood R E 38 Butter side up R w 45 Calgacus , R12 43

RK 47

Camerawork 15 47 Can Britain feed itself? R-15 43 Can you hear me at the back? R Z 43 Capitalism, socialism & the R B 41 environment R45 1 Carrying the can Case for workers'co-ops R Z


Castaneda's journey R a 41 57 47 Cauldron Chain Reaction 3 46-47 Change the street R Z 45 Child in the city R z 38 R E 43 Chinese shadows Civil defence R417 Collapse of work R 5 5 45 Commonsense in nuclear energy R E 40

Community radio in Britain R 5 46-47 R z 39

Community technology Comin~ARC 57 47 Complete book of indoor selfsufficiency and yoghurtcontainer gardening R22 44

L25' 7 Complete book of pressure cooking R B 40 Complete book of selfR Z 45 sufficiency Complete urban farmer R E 47 Computer lib & dream machines R-1Q 43-44 Computer power and human reason to calculation R C 44

Com~uterisationof society Conscript army Conservation scene Consultant Contaminated Crow Continuum concept

R2'J-42-43 R Z 40 R 5 5 45


Control of oil R Z 42-43 Conveyancing fraud R Z 46 Co-operative and Community R f i 36-37 group dynamics Co-operative method of birthR a 41 control counter-spy 67 Country woodcraft R E 38 County war book R Z 47 Covert action: what next? ~ 2 47 5

Creating alternative futures R E 39 56 7 Creative mind 26 47 Dawn Deciding about energy policy R59 43 Decision making for energy futures R 5 8 42 R& 45 Declining o tter Decoding advertisements





De-industrialisation R z 37 Democratic theory and local government R E 51 Demystifying social statistics R55 44 Depression challenges 3 47 Depressives associated 3 47 Destiny Mars R B 46 Devil you don't R B 41 Directory of scial change 3 R z 41 Women Directory of specialist bookdealers R55 43 Disabling professions R22 44-45 Dispossessed R f i 49-50 Disturbing the universe R s 42

Doctors on trial Domestic heat pumps Doomsday fun book Dowsing and divining Dowsing

59-40 R Z 41-42

R E 45 R 3 39 R z 44-45

R z 46 Earth garden Earth, water, wind & sun R 2 9 43 Ecological consequences of the second Indo-China War R g 44

Ecology: a critical reading R a 47 guide Economic growth R E 8 Ecotopia Edge of the anvil R22 36 R a 45-46 Education Ekologiskt Byggande 1 R E 44 Electronic battlefield 344 Encyclopaedia of metaphysical medicine R a 42 Energy: a planned policy Energy controversy 97 Energy for rural development R S 46

Energy from the waves R z 42-43 Enerm Manager Energy options and employment criticism Energy or extinction R R Energy primer Engineering in Britain, Germany & Francee R R Essay on magic


a 41-42 x 45 West z 41 z 42-43

European biological agriculture 25 47 Ever since Darwin R 4 1 40 Everybody's knitting R E 39 Everyman project R E 47 Evolution R s 45 Experiment with space R 4 5 43 Extraterrestrial civilisations R W 43 R& 44 Famine business Faner Goch 558 Fanning ladder R B 43 Femininity as alienation R25 43 25 Feminist Revolution Fight blight R E 45-46 *2 ^ Fire from heaven First aid for hillwalkers R E 38 First shop stewards movement Fissile society

R E 46 R a 41

Folkevett R g 43 Food and heat producing solar greenhouse R a 45 Food co-op R19 43 Food from windmills R z 45 Forest energy & economic development R E 45 Fortean Times Foul -


16 47 Four arguments for the elimination of television R s 45 Free Earth 62 Free Radio Flyer 40 7 Freewheeling 22 7 Free-winged Eaele E8 Friend and foe in the garden R Z 46



Frog-child R z 41 Freud for beginners R z 43 Frozen fire R E 44 Fuel savers R a 37 Fungi for fun , -&40-41 Fusion 40 9-11 Future with migroelectronics R22 44 Gaia R u 38 Gandhi Narg 2% GEC anti-report R2 Going solar R E 37 Good beer guide R Z 40 Good work Great Irish oil & gas R E 51-52 Green and pleasant land? R g 42 Greenfly 40 7 Greening of Marx R B 41 Ground for concern R E 44 Grow your own fruit and vegetables R 2 40 Growth of hunger R g 37 Grunwick R 2 2 41 Guide for the perplexed





Guide to alternative medicine R Z 44-45 Guide to the London countryway R B 42 Hand pump maintenance R 2 2 45 Harmonious circle R s 40 Harpoon 228 Hay Herald Haybox R 2 2 46 Hazards of nuclear power R2? 43 Hazards of solar energy R g 41 R 2 3 45 Health in Hackney Health rights handbook R g 39 Health, the mass media & NHS R 2 2 42



Heat pumps R E 40-41 Heat retaining greenhouse Helios Here is the other news

588 30 7

R 4 1 39 History of the Russian revolution R a 47 Hitch-hiker's guide to the Galaxy R z 41 i z 41 Hitch-hikers manual f

Home dairyine handbodKS 43 R 24 46-47 Home farm Homegrown R E 45 Homegrown sundwellings R E 46 Homo Tyrannicus R s 40 House on the rock R s 40 Housing by people R a 42-43 How things don't work R a 44 How the other half dies l . 2 R 46 How to buy solar heating R52 43 How to meditate Human factor and British industrial decline R z 44, Human scale R s 39 =A 47 Humpty Dwnpty Hydropower RE 44 In pursuit of gold R 2 2 44 In the makin6 40 7,


Index of possibilities Vol 1 RE 41 Indigestion Industrial co-operative experiR 2 5 45 ment in Cumbria Inside story R z 40 Instead of cars R Z 43-44 Interferences


Lamu: a study in conservation R g 46 Land for the people R z 41 Latin American Political Economic and Commodities Reports R s 43 Laurel's kitchen Leaving the Twentieth Century R E 51 Leeds Other Paper

$3 F5 -

Legal frameworks handbook

59 21-22 Lenin for beginners R E 41 Let's get well R E 38 The Leveller 8 4 . 9 ^ Ley hunters companion R z 40 Lik Lik Buk R 2 2 43 Limits of the city R2 44-45 Lip R s 44-45 Little red book R30 43 Living on ablittle land R 2 2 40-41 Living on the sun R E 47 Local socialism 42 8 Lonhro: portrait R2J 44 Lost art of mathematical exploration R E 46 Lucas: anti-report R z 19 Lunar effect R Z 43 Lund Letter % 18-19


R 2 8 39-40 Machine takeover Make waste space play space R56 39 Making aquatic weeds useful R 2 2 42 27 Making playgrounds Making the most of your heating



Manager and the environment R g 39 R a 43 Managerial woman Manual for revolutionary leaders RE 43 Marijuana grower' s guide

Introduction to alternative technology R E 36 Introduction to Chile R a 43 Inventing tomorrow R E 43-44 % ^2 IQ & racism Irish co-op movement R 2 2 42 Is nuclear power necessary? R z 42

Mausoleum Material gains MeanwhileGardens Medical hubris Medicines Merchants of grain Merseyside in crisis Methane

International Communes letter gt?-29 Internation 1 J


Jamaica destabilised R a 47 Journal of M e t e o r 0 1 0 a ~43 H Kabbalistic universe R 2 2 47 Kimberley Land Council News42 8' letter Know and grow vegetables




R a 4 4 R% 8 Rz42 R E 42 R z 45 R s 36 R z 38

Methane generation by anaerobic fermentation R 2 2 46 Milton and the English revolu39 tion Minstrel cycle R S 52 Modern magick R z 42-43 Modern medicine: a doctor's Ra 42 dissent

Money R Z 46 Moosewood cookbook R z 39 Motorway Monthly 20 6 Mushroom 20 6 My life my trees R g 43 NATO facts & figures R B 43 NHS: your money or your life R40 39 National Front R a 41 Natural Enerpar News R E 43 Naturebirth =A 47


Nature of human aggression R55 40 Needles of stone R54 45 Neighbourhood government R E 50 Neighbourhood survival R g 39 Network nation R B 42 Neue Freie Presse 10 55 New technology 38 New technology of repression Rz 45 New Earth Times R E7 New Times R z 46-47 News from Neasden 97 1988 R Z 40 No nukes R z 44 Northern Broadsheet nuclear axis Nuclear crisis R a 45-46 Nuclear power no thanks R E7 Nuclear file R S 40 Nuclear Ireland Rfi 38 Nuclear power and public policy Rfi 40 Nuclear power, the big risk R E 40 Nuclear waste (record)RE 45 Nuclear weapons-enerw 5 12-13 Nufois

R s 46

Occult sourcebook RZ 42 Of acceptable risk R z 44-45 Of woman borne R& 44 Offensive missiles R2 41 Office life R22 40 Oil: a plain man's guide to the energy crisis R x 41 Oil fix: CIS anti-reptR2 47 Oil on troubled waters R s6 On the dole R E 45 One man's munch R Z 47 Onearth R B 44 Open Road R Z 44 Options for the Left R Z 41 45 Other homes & garbage Other secret service 97

Other Times R E 42 Our daily bread R Z 40 Overkill a1 43 Owner builder's guide: stone masonry R a 46 Oxfam field directors handbook R 5 40-41 R a 46 Faper chain Paper doctors: a critical assesment of medical research R Z 42-43 Paper houses R E 47 Passive solar greenhouse and organic hydroponics R E 46 Peace News 5Z 47 Penderyn 20 6 Person/Planet R5Z 37 Pesticide conspiracy R g 40 Photographs of the unknown R^5 43 Photography Pig earth Plain & simple egg production R Z 43 Political economy of science R g 47 Political police in Britain R Z 46 Politics and power 1 Rfi 41 Politics of housework R g 41 Politics of mental handicap R 9 43 Politics of technology 5 R26 45 :.e pont 27 3 R g 45-46 Poor of the Earth Portugal, the impossible revolution? R Z 41-42 Practical building of methane power plants R.15, 36-37 Practical Selfsufficiency R E 43 Practical solar heating R z 36 PracticingMidwife R g 8 Pranayama: the yoga of breathing R z 45 Privacy: the information gathers R E 45 Private future RE 43 Private police R Z 45 Progress for a small planet R g 40 prop-ressive 58 5 Proposal for a new college R a 42 Prostitutes R z 40 Public works R E 52 Quatermass R z 43 Quicksilver heritage R x 18-20 Racism, IQ and the class 59 42 society Radiation Rfi 43 Radiation hazards in hospitals



22 5

Radical agenda for London Rfi 43 Radical Bookseller 42 8 Radical Statistics 37 Radical technology R s 11-15 Red Bologna R z 42 Red House a2 47 Reflections of a Clyde built man R 2 2 43 Reliving past lives R 9 38 Renewable energy R s 42 Reports from China R X 44-45 Resources and the environment: a socialist perspective R E 47 Restructuring British industry R g 38 Resurgence TO4 Revolution: there and back Rfi 40 Rise and fall of the British manager R E 38 Rooftop wastelands R 2 2 45 Rosso Vivo R Z 46 R o w h Justice 518 Rubbish theory R 9 42 Running on empty R s 41 Rural resettlement handbook R57 40 Sane alternative R Z 39 Save your own seed R s 46 Science and society in pre42 historic Britain Scientists confront Velikovsky R E 40 Scott & Amundsen R58 38 Scrap the.Act R a 47 Secret country R s 43 Secret life of plafrts R5 45-46 Secret war R E 35-36 Selfsufficiency R5 49 Selfsufficiency in a flatR Seifsufficient pantenerR28 % w Sequel 5146 Seven sisters R s 41 R 2 2 44 Sexism & science Shelter R2 Shetland way of oil . R 2 2 41 Short history of the dragon R Z 42-43 Simple knitting R E 39 Slate R Z 47 Slow burning fuse R z 40 Slums of hope R g 43 Small scale water power R B 41 Small scale wind power R z 37 Smallternatives R s7 Smokers' Guider to nonsmoking R55 43 Social history of the third R 2 2 46 reich



A socialist programme to save R B 46 the health service Soft enerh paths R 2 2 43 Solar 50 7 Solar,Age Catalog R E 37 R22 42 Solar conspiracy Solar electricity R& 36 Solar energy R g 29-30 Solar energy: a diy manual



R2^ 46

Solar energy & buildingRa 42 Solar garden 589 Solar home book R z 41-42 Solar house R E 37 Solar houses R E 45 Some good companions i 3 2 43 Sometime stories R Z 47 Song of the man who came R f i 38 through Soviet war machine R22 43-44 Soybean grow & cook book R Z 41 Space time transients R z 44 Squatters handbook R s7 Spare Rib 59^ Spectrum 2 8 Spinster 42 43 State shareholding R z 42 Story of Ruth R s 40 Stress & the art of biofeedR Z 44 back Squatters R z 45-46 Streetwork ~56 38 Support R Z 47 Survival scrapbook 4 paper houses R g 47 Survival scrapbook 5 R 5 48 The survivalists R a 44


R z 40

Tao of physics Techniques of high magic R a 46 Technological selfsufficiency R22 45 The tenth session R2 Theft of the countryside R45


30 energy-efficient houses you can build 36 Torness: keep it green R Z 4+

Tory party Towards survival

R z 42


Transcendental meditation R Z 44

Trouble with the law R E 42 Trucker' s bible R z 43 Trudeau papers: extract 42 22 Tuning in to nature R22 42 Tunnels under London R s 43


Uhuru cookbook , R z 39 Unfinished animal R Z 46 Unheated greenhouse R z 41 Unofficial guide to official 42 8 health statistics Unilever's world: anti-report R z 39-40 UK in 1980 ~233-34 Unspeakable in pursuit of the unthinkable R2 41 Use of ground rock powders in R a 46 agriculture Using the media RZ 38 Value Today ~243 Vannbaereren RE 44 R S 55 Vibration R E 47 Village common lands R E 42 Village labourer R E 42 Vital travel statistics R 5 5 43 Vitamin C, the common cold &, flu R z 47 Vole 596 Voluntary Action 597


Wallraff: the undesirable R f i 42 journalist War on the mind R 5 0 35 Warfare in a fragile world R 3 41 Waveney Clarion 40 7 Way ahead R z 42 Way out R Z 47 We R s 41 We shall not be MIRVed R 2 41 Wealth of some nations R a 41 Wealth report R E 43 Weather lore for gardeners R Z 43 Weaving, spinning & dyeing book R Z 40 What happened at Speke R B 41 What Uncle Sam wants to know about you R a 47 Where is the 'other' news 40 32



Where the wasteland ends R4

Where were you brother

R z 41-42 Whole Earth R z 8 Whole Earth epilog R.1J. 52 Wholefood Network Newsletter R24 46 Why Paul Fomt should be a Socialist R E 35 Wild and free: cooking from nature R g 44 Wild foods of Great Britain


Wind over matter

R2^ 44 R Z 47

Wind power principles R s 37 R x 45 Windscale fallout Winning through co-operation RE 38-39 Wise virgin R Z 42-43 Witches, midwives & nurses R 2 9 45 Woman & labour R 2 9 43 R Z 41 Woman's evolution Women R Z 45 Women & the crisis in sex R z 44-45 hormones Women as mothers R Z 44 Wornenergy 41 7 Women's health handbook R a 42 Wood R z 43 R Z 42 Wood heat Wood heat safety R g 42 Woodburners' encyclopaedia R26 43-44 R E 43 R& 43-44 Woodburning book R Z 43-44 Woodheat Woodstove book R Z 43 Woodstoves R Z 42 Word. for world is forest R 2 9 45 Words & women R z 44 Worker-owners: the Mondragon R Z 39-40 achievement Worker Photo~rapher 3 8 Workers' power R S 43 Workers power not nuclear power R s 41 Workers' report on Vickers R 5 8 41 R Z 40 Working wood World armaments*& disarmament


World armaments & disarmament 1980 R g 39 World energy strategies R Z 45 HA 47 World in figures World turned upside down 42-43 R 5 4 39 World War 3 World without trees R z 40 Worlds within worlds R z 42 XS the information exchange Z2Y magazine Years of apprenticeship on the R a 43 couch Your employers' profits R 3 46

You're on next R 5 5 43 Youth Action Teams manual R f i 41 Youth Action Teams, USA R s 41 Zen & the art of motorcycle R I 43-44 maintenance Zohar R Z 47

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