UC49 December 1981

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Organizer PAUL MURPHY tel I024041 3051

Psychotherapy and HypnotherapyTraining Course

During me last twenty-three years, investigating a wide range of approaches, following up long-term results and developing the most effective methods, we've evolved the "besttrdnfcM course in psycho-therapy and hypnotherapy. Experiential as well as academic, it's free of theory, medicine, rate or religion. If you have integrity and exceptional intelligence, are eager t o gain self-understanding, want the chance of an exciting and worthwhile occupation, and are prepared t o take 4 years achieving this, send £for our 20-page training prospectus and list of publications. ~.,-t J ' E .pp

The Psvchotheraov Centre 67 upper ~erkeleyStreet, London W1 H 7DH




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m Tha gnndly ~ m e First d World

'f, Kibbutzim took ptac* in l s r d i from 14 different countrm from wound l s r d for five days



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W8 Ñn in pairs to diffamrh want their children to learn, -and they a n ail m without exams if they wish, and went  Europeancommune*, Kill maintain emittarianismas a b d Â¥( unimd in o m of two main central p r o m . It à ˆ aociaiism tedmtions. The- visits to quita of proarm, taring little for 8 k degree dktgted the content -logy, pore& the end rewits ofn?confmnc*; mcortimunt of ~hc~lfotl'output. M d kiiioinÈÈvwrftÇf i iThLkttAutznikaÑ(n*dt am8 mommmt 8nd mh8t a n b w havadummto let tha p r o b i m turn from weh othar? of wxuai Â¥qualitand challenging Thd kibbutz Ismymtat i t f * d i à §  ¥ r < ~retationihipf n

rim ,.




iw days, we not into tos'i It. Some feh thm

stronger f a our own intern81 beneflt*.Èn far the formtion . ,;pf*group: of education and


of ita indmtry. cuttun 8nd Kibbutznib à tfromlnwt kithe uimd forces and m n r w n t . TIMà stmtetia ahow to whit exthe kibbutz is 8 s y f m WY much tied to the State of 1ÑÑ It b hard to we the coç hym, th8 b i f n t diwiaimn of tabour when woman do the Ñrvic 8nd men the productive work, and to we thb m mciçijç But then am important ftem in a movement which he bmn w niccanful at taking on capitalism compOTitiwiv and is proud of It that they a n provide wort#cçntres Khoois neffe and funded 8nd teaching wtut they




provocçthÃTtK-e wm wm*'mmtoiltv'th8 muiytauMttiof indM.ifmwi of the various c o m u n à which one rnlitv to w r war-dk. Thia wà pçr<icul*rl imporunt for the kibbutznib. wmny of whom h*d KHM IdÑ


Brftfsft .l++j&th&a An enormous but gentla crowd'surtwSfrom the smtiwnkkifit e i b & and not until 4.30 MIS it announad that thelast of the mdmrs W e r r i v a d in Hyda Park. Below the ciiclln# heliqptar enthusium and adrenalin ran high. I heard Michael Foot say It wÈ a

a , Anmrimn imperieli$m or iohaend g u w w f f h r e ~ w m prisinglv, the letter. Pew Kelly in ~ ' c u l w ~ p a - nwvem*nts in other E u r o m n not mare so than here in the the rally, Eruct Kent added a taking Reagan out in hi: Ann Pettitt suggest& th mllitery bases as they'd ftom tinct passed e resolution 14thtodojustthat. ;

,+ È

bw,tha&ythoPatOff~bço* to UMTI, or r i l i n g linn~ 'bmkwi' as the CB rodiMdu a11 thammlwh In the fir% fortnight the airWVU hew been dominant! by boring conwmtlons about CB equlpnwnt. The lncomprahensIbla Arm-iun jargon affected by thi b m k u s wunds rtdlculous from Engllih lips. Swnrlng, musk end edv*rtl~Ing a n lllml, but In KIngs Crou b i u u u w k n w thing* Ilke this prwtltutu am already udng CB wen wrong with Dliblo m d now to play JInglasoffarlng their Â¥vryorknow. On* PQtE mrvlws. rç)nnnt*tl hlmmlf -Id that If Then am 40 chinnds on e It wan r o t for the block&, this standird CB 'rig' (the jargon for P T B W m would hm bnn nlotnnsmlttçf)but tha breakers dhortly aftw tta A b i l o ~ Allbnw announwd tha wd of thà ~odud* gaud to tha 33rd DM* of thà m ~Hch t otter on channel 14 of the Dlablo Cmyon nuolar power plant, tho o m PçoHIQà ft nfwMUMr! m d then mow to anothir channal Elmtrlo IPOftR) rnwlMi t tta Nuolear R q u l t o r y Comml-bn (NRC) By thà tlmÃthe bloekid* Ç lor 'window'l for w n l n g f u l Reaotor Inquiry ttat (Ug-up will be lddlnlfly potporcd. ullod off ldtçtwo m k i ) , conwrntlons (bout the road conr PQtE clmd problçmwith 1,900 w r n q h i d bun m a , dlwams a n und In a t r c dltlonh 1. one of tha#tructum In tha m ~ y s lof s piping hçngis ~ m , abom BOO of them Â¥toond-tlm Now a group of breakor* In J plant's mollno svmm and Its and the mlx.uo has m ~ ~ i n t l v B T M ~Fourdç ~, 1111term and the London uu t a w announcad englnnn war* mid t o b* 1120fInn w r e handod out to Â¥ffftifb o t h m o t o n w n - . that the Altsrnatlw Brukars Inwnl~ftIn9tho n d d d h-t nructlon. Ope NRC offlclal flm-tlma offenders, (om* icond- Chmml {ABCI Is chenml 13. 'In ramowl witem whkh f u n a t h i mllod lt 'a first ram s o w uo'. All timars maclwd 21-dm la11 c r m lutum', b i d founekrmtnbf na coollna Wsmm In thfvtnt f i w w m m i un&r I n n Iftlon , and a $300 flna. ~hoii'pludlnà 0lla E l m of lalineton, Â¥ in Involwd In ooollng t a not-gullty wn n l don bill. of a nuchr maoldtnt uwall 8s will onlvalk on ohinn*) 13. Wa tha h i t d l ~ fduring ~ r rÈfirtllna motor during shutdown or In but eta1 dtç warm not i t . won't uia tin stuptd lingo, and Homer, the NRC 11 now laoklnj amarganey ~ltuitlons,Delay d w Th* A b i l o ~ Alllanm hi) Mid the only no-na lubjtot pill be Into Impfoptr wmtructlon ind to tha mix-up could b* u much that pupla will raturn Dteblo cq tiulpintnt.' tha PtTIt'aablllty to withstand as SIX moqths. If and whm n m c r y , AlrÑd A&& mtmb*niB>n*tlmçt d k an nnhquaka, foounlng on f l w A ipakaiptrwn for tha membw a n dolng mom IOQBIon ohtnndl 14, but'only to idwrtAbibna Alllmc* -Id whan thà k w u f t t y svmmi. orgmldng work, and m a h d to channal13, With thà words PQftE haw wnflmwd that mix-upwas rtvulfj: Â¥w frit f s t l f h d to the Ctntral Cont turn on, tun* In and drop out', b l w r l n t s for thà unlt 1 motor, that It Ç only a m t f r of ttaM ' 'Rqlonil Wacr Qudlty Boird, t h w dl on CB u ~ tontwitch Wor* wmething Ilk@this would now comphfd, h i d lomahow which h a yçto (pprow PQ&E1s from t t a phlllnlm 14 to Ur cool ' come out. Ewn though w'rçnot b u n switchod with plms for tha dumping of v w m coollng w t ~ 13, Elflood 4 thçrw*r@ surprised, w ars very ~0nctrntf mwnd unit, now uridir contwo hundrt*rs of ABC in the In the am, about tha dingen of and w ' m hippy that It h * p p à § allowing tha utility to dump 1 structlon. Thls w notlMd by an London am, and convrutlons now WONth* full W U anglnnr who MW t h l what was mdloictlw wtfr Into tha local war* malnly about 'art, drugs and In a nnM w f l t l It Juit w k à § muslc'. trlng-bullt w s a mirror lmçgof wafr syitem. our sfmmmt much w o w r WISE how it should b*. The iwltched Nick Roan









With Am OwumÑi moving towrjb a dMbkn fdu* In tho spring) to hat ulousty in w*w  ¥ f ~ ~ for l yto out luck fn ~ ~ o n smral dawmft alculaloni Â¥bouth* amount of mugy milÂ¥blehwbÑnnud* rht Edinburgh Unb a*. They show that we could obtain twice as much n the lamt figuresfrom the CEGB from inshore voters done and, by going further out to KM, could Â¥ctuall produce more electricity than we now uu from ail wurcei.


Thà figure,

from th* liborat-

ow of Smphç ~ t w inventor , of altar's Duck, show t h e thçr ma 120 tW#wtt hours ( t h t b, 120 million mtgtvwtt hour#)from the standud slta a lsngth of l c s thç 1,000 kllom*t~s.By W m pçrlwnthe CEGB l i t April ulculled that thare ware only 81 TWh out of m awn longer string of devlui 1,460 km. And within ~ t h r~u months,~ the CEGB ~ (in its internal journal, Power N w l had slashed hiown figure by 25%and put the total down to 60 Wh. Given the vast quantities of electr kity that am being dbcuued, such magisterial manIPulati0nof the numbers b breath-taking. The argument may mom to some propla a little actdmic w*wn Britain still has not launched, a wen pIw& e



slngbfull-wle Ñv ¥nwg gen-. eut his ~ ~ f t r niar n ow now In thà tnm¥ndou~W run-UP to* 8iMMll Inquiry ~d tho nukm h8W tried W W actla to support their wumont that bra Is no aItuMtW <to quota a wail-known phrase) to the Qwunment's TM Commandmonts: on0 nuclear power smtlon e y w r for ten years. It k there fore t enentlel a for them to belittle the aIternMives.

h a d*cld*d to w n d £ million on a ubll Ilnklno Orknw with the

Orknay's normal demand is around 27 MW. So, Instetd of pluming to mnt this by building wind-farm, each confining three 3 MW ititchlnm, end then UW the d i e d MU n back-up, the w d (and the m n t of ~ m g ~y l c hprovidh moat of the money) laying In advance that It dow't take wind orkney Link energy ~ u s l v . The word In Edinburgh is that CEGB ~ r r ~ o f l aisi bat Prmnt the aero-generator Is intended as a lifting the claim of O f f S l W t wind proving ground on the windiest LleIWMtOh, as ElllQtttWRY s b in Europe. But H will not be in U n d 48 (Wind ~ over ~ ~ permitted ~ ~to grow into a full-sized ¥me) But while h e w witimi, power station instead, electricity an e x f o r t t t w v devlo~mentwas will he fed acroa the seated as 0 being reported from tha sitter demonstration that you can't rely oreanisatton, thb North of Scoton the tend HydpEbctric Board, which OwU Row


pablic i v w r x ~ and app-lo@ oftnawortd'ofomn-thiv

01rwd~aud Habit LÑh

film (wkM btaOMd h@iwIH, couldn't ba ¥hoimbÑu 00 on* ¥iVWIWi n t a w or want to R I B , OOMMt W f A t t 11Jfclbn ROM, LÈnç N7 ?+,.

¥minin fluorine be cloM(fawn . + , until tha h u w d ~Mr* MmM. ~Èutt>orltleçwom~~ , tatlon @lam totalling fl2Bm. for <mrrwl~.<Èkloa,-.in~ort~f

LIOIMtE~kMfM'MMMfl*.',7#' ittrtwiM'ftMl&tteu¥ttrD^^WMA

, f ~ ,

dTnmi~rfOÑwÇhMdMM build the M2B through hhhorn*. In tlw loza'i W l H k ~ a ' n


ntlopl fWIqlon,ind








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ufxttd-oomingvo~f~utlt.Uo h now 87, and 8 MKM. H* l(VM ln a


~ U n a j u i n w t w ~ ~.l < .


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uatbbtn~d~Wmad buifdw'wonodaNwnvottwfiflntt up anddown thà country,f lw of all, bl9BS,ttwroadw~itno-



of ftbwhThonr~bçfb;It)ftà hMftH* M nwin/*QMDhrwHIfn.


. .

form of opwaitmd underground

During W d d War 1 and World War 2 the food produetion of Bdtalo changed to that by the end of both win Britbh forms wen feeding mot* Brim people. In put this w u achieved by food rationing. In part by the ten* growing more food** being leu reliant on Import* (uch m (rain. Future Internation*! dluuptions m y be more severe and totd defence would require both stocks of food md afiricultuill




ddfKHl infiil~~itoedl~~ku4 energy qntMacfttcould (Unction OÈ.T1*

Indowndenfly from the LwntnHied S* aystemi. In ÇddiUonthi6udi Imulatlon and other e m conurvtng techniques, Industrial and domatic energy men would pgtetttve4 made lew deprodent oncentnttud


smualed out of prison*. out of inuoe

Wave m alot of the work con&.

for .


perceived as scarce.

I KNOW of no i n d u s k society where women are the economic

is pe

sexist nature of economics as such, and


reported jobs has not changed in severity but has grown in volume. For instance 51% of US women now have paid employment. One hundred years ago it was 5%. This sounds like progress until You apply the one measuring stick that counts. The median yearly earnings of the average full-time employed woman

Every modem institution, from school to family and &om union to courtroom, incorporate* this assumption of scarcity, thereby dispersing it throughout society. For example, men and women have always grown up; now they need 'education*@ do so. In traditional societies, they matured without the conditions for growth being,

growth leading t o a convergence of GNP north and south of the equator. But it Is now possible to invert the issub. Instead of clinging t o the dream of n o p sexist growth. I t now appears more , sensible to pursue economic shrinkage as the policy along which a non-sexist or, at least, a less sexist sotiety can . , come into being. I now see that an industrial economy without a sexist hierarchy is far-



Undercurrents 49



.-=.+ s.,*^Wt exdumge of women by their nule kin. Both vision* are pipe-dram, legudleu of the wx of the dreamer. But the .






. ....

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. . ,

wesuggest apriority.r p r ~ ey r p or ~ people forming a d o p b % f a to

intenttoadlyknd con&iousiy approach it from a collective attitude. To help.formulata ti$ol&$b$ approach a useful start"i'point$&r d l the potential members toconduct a , fe4biity stu of, .the propwed coSpttl.ti-m'~A&, to tenm ofontnil-

over certain collective tfiictiOM md the placeof aoquisitiveness": This mutudity b the*disti~ilishtngfeature of new institutionaltyrttms and is the antithesis of the present order of capitalistic acquisitiveness. For this ~4noftco-optatives cannot k4y on support from the current system of Institutions, but mu@ draw on selfreliance &their strengths. But'supportto needed, Apart from a few local authorities and voluntary agencim, we haw to look for support from meof* VW-ptopfe who will benefit and the present network of co-operative organizations.


$ 7









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houndhay "L-wd<<Lq2LQn, +%A;^ -05 ¥



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operatim in Spain.

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~ i - l e t d i einc~ud*poiuir¥xtp*cking d iryabb to.* Uniwtty'land

on ih$yld'be.fftrtt to: " ~ ~ W Q @ U i i l t ' s v d à t o ~ polsç ~È>Çà ' Watton mil. Milton K à ˆ KB A A ; ' E ~ ~ I à ‡ ~



lw I bulletin WIERD STUFF

had entered a plea of "not guilty" ontfc'irwM*o^Sunavte(KM,l

Undercurrents 49





ONCE it was the Wort Coast ef America that.#ovit#j, $0 international focus for experimental livingfar thoÈ d i s s a t ' i i with the direction society was taking. Nick Wares reports from j ~ l a n d, on another West Coast which could ttke its place.

BANTRY BAY'S Rwn D m New Y e s Eve was, at Hotel first sightjetheperfect tourist brochureimage ofIreland with h d d p & i$couplesof 9]!ages whirling around thefloor to a



Cioserinpction revealedthat : everything -not as one might have expected.HaltWw prefent wen obviously of local origin. .The other half were equally obviously not. They were pie -mainly in their twena-irties -with shaggy . halt, l&d@coloured clothing and ,..:



frequently weird appearance the new arrivals are not a threat. Furthermore, they provideincome by paying rent For cottages whfih would otherwise remain empty,& they"ptovldecustom forthe mall Isolated shops."' ' Many of the older generation also feel m e t for thtscydung people who ÃdUm,whit theywuuh) fwv Hked their o children to doT-instead of heading off to the bit! cities in search of higher wtges and modem life. In addition. the laid back*humanit~alignphilosophy 'of the new settlers is, paradoxically and despite outward diffdtengs in appearance, similar to the traditions of the local strongly rooted moralistic Catholic community.

the Irish'talk about "resignation to the will of God"; the new settlers talk of "going with the flow of things and accepting karma". The Irlth and English have not yet integrated much on a deeper social level -there are no mixed marriages for Instance -and there has inevitably been the off conflict. But in most cases everyone knows what everyone else is doing, and the two communitieslive harmoniously side by side.

Back to the land fife in the mountabs of West Cork is

not easy and the new settlers initially flrid themstlvet preoccupied with day to day living: fetching water in buckets from streams; digging turffor cooking andheating; learnid about life without The ney settlers ft electrid*, ahd discovering how to keep People both c o ~ u n i t i 6 . can q and' goats and &ow vegetables without the former eating the latter. in and gut of each other's do Not'to mention coping with psychic houses, and never get vssy without being offered à clip 'of tea if not some- and supernatural forces which even the thing stronger (against pressure born the &ratiorri npwcomem soon accept M a major influence in daily life. (Few church ma the media the L-bh soon people do not have tales of their own accented that tile hew settitragenjoyencounten with 'wandering turf, ment of abundant marijuana wu, standing stones or 'the fairies'. Whethermorally, little different to their own it's a product of the mounttlni or consitmpllon of large quantities of dmply a natural reoult of living 10 dm illegally dhtnled whUky). to nature h hard to ucortate.) ' Desolteatr6n< morals. there kin Then an virtually no private tebof others both &mmuni&, a tolephone*, few s t e w -so that people with afferent view*, and a mlgution 1earntodngfin)andno-oneteem* tokgerf&-wWchantomçUme


Undercurrents48 r-^Â¥a^Bftttna^tt^^ ,


thanmen then. otherpoliticalun) .

may simply 'develop'ihtosucceSBful -'

A /

- 4 i t e H s t busineaws. On the ether hand they may be incorporatedjntoatarget co-operative structure. Either way,the developments in Weft Cork yill be of interest,in, the cimiing years,'p@cularly for t4ase .,. who .. have . , believed .,,., that . .., . - : . . ,. .


Undercurrents 49

tor example.

It was the destruction&ls



7 .


and toft.

Shadow work Is the informal,

inbuilt, InteialOldnBMgei'ofUM 3 most {ir)z*dÇ1ÑÇBts!ç(bidurt sodet~..

. ..-..,:




s r^riifv'

I ;il'll l'i'hY michlnery and equipment n'comuuptbn', bit m it Ir been tmted by aU conviitlonal economlM. In W t y . It ihould be s ~ uncapltal,a+kd themor* nich apltal b : p a d uounc)tho bqtter. I am not nuggeiting that thà rle of councilhow:, or the c q n to tb Borne, nuclw or any of @'printl-tlon' i p U d M of thit *nd o w rtehtQoveramenti b a good thlng. But in wtnt WMODI* want foodpublic


¥S' only buietucratically-detlilod nods, * * they will continue to distanc*thta- ' lelm from pçoploreal wphntlo~l, and will continue to.lom out -and I don't mean j u t electenlly) to slicker, ,dmpler propaganda from the Right. Instead, radiak ahould aim to bdp . people to determine for them*elÈe their own priocltlei, theirowqenvironment and the urn of local mouicM. A* the Britlih Empire withdraw to Its London centre from the north and wed (well, tbateione eflriUMtton of the cuts), mme placw are aheady looking at their own mourcn, tbI# own real needs. T need all the help theyçng*t-*IK naylum' ghen them a phlkxopby towork StoplMi Jaieph .-,,




Cruise Finite





A8 Lamb to t^Sbghter doMrittook closely e M { h at the complex brew of (rotorb k- svichab

the thoat.

national pride, military and bUNmlktltk lggmlldlaOlm& commerdd fd. f ~ f o l l ~ o M ^ D p u i t o i d ) i ~ ~ and~ycMhqlolandirtialn


DID YOU KNOW that h training of Military penonnelin "...Ithinktint{Èofl*wintpeacei much t h a t o ~ o f t h à ‘ d n the US alone cogto twicea* much gowluiumbbaçbrtt*#oh out of thdr per ear as the Education budget for 00 millid school children in w l y n d t e t w b a v e l t . " WhoatçtlMt,çwhMi? No,% South Asia?Or th& research on wuntBNiMitart-crBdÑr new weapons receives eight time* Thomwoti In IWt. It w U8 as much public money Mresearch on new .goiircea of energy?Or that, in the US, 'twenty Umes as much public research money goeÃfor transportation Wo space a# for maetransit on earth? vrutereifnwnttmy backin 1976. (You Them and a multitude of ether read~tftntta Undies). Ako sohering fact8 are culled h&m Ruth Leger Slvard't World Mflitatv artd Socialhpenditures 1980 (£2.6ftem -




WMSE publications, c/o CUT, tiCaledonian Road. London N1 ÈDX)

Undercurrents 49



Word and Action (Corat) community themre/publications co-operative Isubsidised by ACGBI - requires two theatre worker; (woman/man, preferably mid-20s) for non-conventional work in Domt and touring Britain, abroad. W&A(D) emphasises language, audience participation, seeing the ordinary afmh; pay low, hours long; long-tarm commitment. Non-smoking/vefletarian ethos; ability to type, cook, share work of houie and garden desirable, to drive eitentiai. Write: W&AID), 23 Beaucroft ~ a n iColnhill, , Wimborn*. Dome BH212PE. Phone: Wimborna 10202) 883197 HARDWORKING, -k, VMMttfknrCimr toOn Tha Eighth Dm idwork long hwd hours, for mnuts,.h tha anpandin# co-opuatiwlv run wholefood (hop. Wrim to 111 Oxford Road, Mmchdtw M l 7DU or ring 061 273 4878.

PUBLICATIONS OTHER BRANCH, radial/ aiurnmiw bookshop. For books you went and books you don't know axbt, Vut us m 12 Gbuo-tf StrÑt LMmlngton Sp*.Wllworthçjoun~y v à ‘ ' B*lh Strat, dow to

budrail ftioni.


FREE LAND front l i w w t-l The VeglÈta çebe healthier a well a cheaper, when you know how. Send 60p for "Introduction to Practical Vçganhm with recipes and 'Vegan Diary" article; Vegan Socity Chpt. F, 47 Highlmds Rod, Leatherheed, Surrey. WOOD AND WATER. Femlnist influtnced, ecologically mindM, Goddwi orienud pwn ntaglin*. Sample 6Sp.4 High Tor CltW, Bromley. K m t.

DIRECT ACTION agoinst nuclear The LçuLimits. L à ‘ V f ' Guide to keeping out of troubM.60p+20(1pot<nd , packing from BobspIT, 12 E a t End, Manhfiild, Chippenham, Wiltt. wnpoiH:

THE COMING AGE?m u z i n *

ofih*!Mn8 mMriMdial community, 45p Lux Madriana (U), 49, Industrial St, Todmordtn, Una.

iWOULD lib to mmt up with a few other people who are interested in letting up a housing oo-opwin/community in or around Nottingham. Iam in communal child interore. 6 nan-wxut woroKh to work lid behaviour and ecologicnI/environmentil life*In. PIphone Gill, N o m . (M.)583988 (06021 or write to 8B Hendon RK, St. Ann's, Nottm.

CITY U V I NG undnolme wgnwiwi virgo mother, 37,

RURAL Rewttlemmt. Handbook. w u l d like to mnt a countvSMOnd edition reviaad md living nun wdo'dlonmlmsi mIaBtd. 2-20 Pagei Of practical, lib company, ¥n(Lmaybr r l p finmM. b d , vdd i d whf~choppin# çjooor cooking PemonÈ information h u t rural or m r & d $ ? ~ o x BP9. rwetttenwit. An nwntfl reference (look for rural dw1Un-a. TWO ADULTS. tçK children, spiring mall-holds, armchair ~k wortwc* for orefti and/or rÑrtleri,an e w w concerned n- . mywhçr fn with tha wuntrnide. On4 C1.m return forrent or-tiw p-1 If from Rural ~iaettlement ~ m tone , y ~ pr~ ~ i bl ol yw . Group, 5 Crown Strut, Oxford ~ x p t rini aoftldbuildtna ~ ~ contact: Qmf ~ t r d y r ~omr& l "THE PAGAN CAROLS Awnw, Wet DçrbyLiverpool RESTORED" 18tradition*) LIZ 7JP. Phone 081-256 0699. Carols freed from Churdi inrinctrlnation. f3 from Mevman WOULD OX nufflbWs 104 and 110s.381 Marin* Rend. 106 plÑÑicontt us in the Morecambe, ma. . + U+wcurrena office (253 73031 1 htvo (on your addrenu. Thanla


COURSES BORED?OepittMd? EICJM the rat race by becoming a WOOFER IW O O F k ten years old. Lwrn organic firming mc~gardming m -*ndi. forfurther dnrilb, writ* to Worklno WÑkmd on m n i c Firm, 19 Bradford Rd, Lmm, SuÑx WINTER DANCE RESIDENTIAL h w m b u 4-6 GlÑcwm nr. Uandrhd& Wills. Within tho Mvlronmmt of a bnutiful Welsh vIlm, we will dmce, play, improvha, manage and meditate ID nourith idanjby ourwlm in this ÑÑ of warm fir^ and retreat. BÑi acoommodttlon m d vMfrim food cost £30 EnqulriwiKrnehtTMion (£10 to: Carrie Born md Ruth Noble, 14 L i i o s Road, London NW3. Tat: 01-435 0020.


UNIQUE holiday on organic small holding with 77 acres of wooded nature m o r n within Exrnwr National Park. SM 4 mlles. Eight -fl& carwana, modern toilets. SK plÑ Cowley Wood, N. Devon. PÈrm-200




.~. % .


unange Things A substantial introduction-to meditation on a 10 day retreat over Xmas and New Yea Make the lust move phone the London Buddhist Centre on 981-1225

Centre for Alternative


coqkdely new and practical guldÈStÈurÈM the 80s

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SXX (full iddmn). DItributod by WIMwood HouU.

KEN CAMPBELL,dIrMtor of Tht Hitah-tiikVt Guidf To 77w Wtof and role 23 hour plçby NEtt ORAM, Thf W~hiteonrr~pwith@n~wIdÑ.HeI*plannlngo7-dà long ewnt which would b* ff to enter, butyoupç to get out, dewndlna on how long you my;%r'examplç If

you ItarinthmW d a y y o u p w  £ l O m d q n t t r l i t b ~ & . H* itcçntlhold a l i u e i h t m l w * wÑkç on tho llnmof EST, EXMÑI or Insight, currently OM of the miint w y s of ftowlna upwirdly-mabll@ Tim Out rudwi line* nt rook1n d bottled wittr. CAMPBELL1@

'it would

w~MK^WMMH~U~.& God-* ~

In en itfmotto dÑ with glint ran--'=&Lt In tK8 of tho pluih building* of the COUNCIL FO.frTHE PRO OF t?URAt-edaLAND l o w amountt of tho xtrime y lc ohomlael Wirfwin h u bindumfitf. T~Èc.P.& hd& ihowtng 6oftmiWhffvour of tctlvlty durlqth* nçmWl cMç In pçrllemwrt&y It wl




ThÇçtrt*~~rqw *tthçTOW

PLANNING AS80CIA 1% W n l CoirmmnftW exhibition a objectid to don VIvur boit and £12,WOmtÇrvpÈl th*T. hli f lnt trtw adon Club, otc. .Then don't w o r ~ l i t otty itroln Impqwd by chtmptening ~ r i u l n 'won^ftrinow i towns., MuMlb, Wdt out farthe r w l w a o w w r a A RTceftrfl bring wttttnlorChwwl4 vanwwntly w it the wattlnçl trendy. I.C.A.. problçm~à the big r d 10thà § n n l v r ~ofr riving BolihlMPlum AMK .. Tho d oomto'& on D 10th it 7.30p.m. without o d0ubt.k ttf b ~ ~ à §London t FH~. miter* Co-optttotio-Ur RoçdOulk Firm. Tho miuto wilt be provldod by thÃwbÈkl*rfu Letln-Amorleanrodl&l dsna combo, WA PA CHA. Tho D i d Wtey flr HOT CLUB, ttm ttà of the EdlnburghFttlMl, mtetMl ky KIM Bl*euit Dlioklt. us Â¥pp~renc by oxtrimlit humouriit TONY ALLEN and kx-flr@-88tlna ooç Md Wlt HEATHCOTE WILLIAMS Â¥n a formula XmdCftektailIWdiwrttof which are jellouily guarded 24 hours a d w i n oar DUAW beneath the UC office. All thicfor a wry rwsonible £ (prpbably) whichwill help enable us to fmy.tho,print bill of tfjo bumper 60th luu* and 10thanniwstw imp. I leave you with a frivolous . ~ m i mesogo s from Andrsw 'Altwnitiv Mitt World' Lugan. 'People fpend too much time& effort* Christina* decorating tree$, indnot¥¥nou livdacorating themmlvos.' See you there! LOONY DOOMSTER






Tin ofefuraof Kiith Jonah an am 26 It

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FIND OUT what you've been missing and help us ~ l e a r some space In the office by taking advantage of our cut price back numbers offer. Any ten of the issues listed below cost justS3.50. Or, even better, all thirty-two plus a free copy of the index of the first nine years for only £10.50surface mail, worldwide. We regret that numbers 1 to 13. 15. 19 and 20 are completely out of print.


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Lucas & AT; Jack Mundey, Overseas at; Hillside Cottage; Building & natural energy; Shutter d e a n . People's Habitat; NATTA; Citizen's Band; Garden villages. Tree farming; DIY new towns; Self-sufficiency town houses. Inner Technology; Save your own seed; Computer leyhunting, l7 17th century radical science. Dowsing; Kirlian photokit. Worid, Irrelevant technology; 2nd clam 18 AT & the capitalism; Chinese science; Supermacker; Green ban. Good squat guide, Dangers of counter-culture; Broadcasting; Reich; Nuclear policy; Iron age farm;Ladeston. A doctor writes. Paranoia power (1); Stonehewe; Primal therapy, Cod war; Fiah farming (1); Ripple revolutionism. 93 Seabrook; Nukes and unions; Fish farming (2); Wastesaver; Lorenastoves; Solar collector;VHF transmitter; Paranoia P (2). Chicken'slib; Numihian health. Windscale;VHF traiumitter(2); 94 Dun- Campbell on the Eavesdmppers; Cheese & cider Emotional plague; Findhorn. Compost& communion (2);Water 25 power; Oz community radio; Punk* Thailand;poritive sabotage. AT & the Portuguese revolution; The Russians aren't coming; 96 Boat repair%New Age Access; Orkney croftbe; Growing dope. Soft energy. hard politics; Fast breeders; Tools for small faxms; 97 Brookhouse Ampersand co-op The Shakers; DIY Woodatove. 28 Windscale; Tvind; Mondragon. AT & the State; Canadian AT; Behaviour Mod, Bicycle planning; Urban wasteland. Women & Energy; New Clear Enerxy;Feministsagainst nukes; 29 Women & Science; Womanthought: Alice & ATman. 30 Windscale; Ecofemlnlam; Sokcal; AT & the British State; Muscle powered revolutionary samadhi; Greenine socialism. Food politle*; Factory farming; Additives; Wholefood co-ops; 31 Commodity cammkns; Common ~ ~ r i c dPOUCY. t d EeopoUttu, British road to Ecotopia, Larzac; Nukes & and 39 unions; Workera' plans. DIY VHFtransmitter; Shotton; Micms. 33 Planning; Garden cities; Urban wasteland; National parks; Shetland; Country life. WWOOFing; AT workshop. 34 Co-op la ns; Crabapple; UNCSTD; Earthcare; CounterRevoIutio~Qliftrterly; Feminist anti-nukeism; Engineering. 35 COMTEK78; Wave power, TeamworkTraiiUntTlust; Campaign for the North; DIY Woodstove design; Decentralising AT. 36 Children & the Envimnment; Future perfect; City jungles; Flysheet camps; Ma Gala; Community schools & services. 37 Third worldenergy; F A 0 food conference; Street fightin'man; DIY biogas; Ecotopoly; Environmental education Anti-nude- Camminu: Denmark. Seabrook; Guerilla tactics; 38 The English Earthquake; The Ruulans and Nicola T e a . ' ; Communes & Communes: Co-operative work; Ch 39 anarchism; Peame%polemics; US Wind=Inc. -on: Wave power; Viewdata. Depmgramming Ecoropa; T h M w o a Ripow; c m Jobs & so& c-e. Cooperators Fail! Suma; Winds of change;Working collectivel~ 4' 0-ic w o u r ; ~ a h nations; o cwiand co-ops. Protopia. Convivial computing; Manifesto for the 80s: END; 42 NATTA; T e a D&eus windmm d d n ; Pirate Radio. 43 Bombs into windmills; Atoms for peace; Land reform - no thanks;Greentown; Life without TV; EST; Propertarians. Media Special: Pen pushing; 4th world; Arts council; Open radIocampak3n;Derek Jarmaninterview Ruff Tuff Creem Puff. Law *n Anarchy: Red Buristen; Westminster Zoo; Tribal 45 Justice; Prostitutes; WçldAnonliti, Community Law. 46 Women in CO-OPS Their Experiences and Roles; Childcam in Co-ops; Building without Men; S American Collectives report. Special luua on Forextft: Why Forests Matter: Defotestation; 47 Carbon Dioxide Lev*: Medical Effects of Nuclear War. 'AQ Women against miÑHes Free Sexuality; Nukespeak; Edmund Bond on Democracy; William Bunouflhs interview; CB Mania:




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_____________________________________________ Undercurrents 49 December 1981 Contents 2 Eddies 6 Letters 8 Alternative Defence - Paul Smoker 10 Super-8 Films - Jo Comino 12 Genderless Economics - Ivan Illich 14 Co-opposition - Freer Spreckley 16 Good Afternoon, objects - not HM the Queen 18 Diary of a Safety Valve - Tony Allen 19 Eire: the new West Coast- Nick Wates 22 Travel - Nick Rogers 23 What’s When & Where 25 Reviews 30 Classifieds 32 Froth: Loony Doomster’s Last Word Undercurrents was produced by: Peter Culshaw, Nick Hanna, Dave Smith, Tam Dougan, Lowana Veal, Antonia Millan, and Godfrey Boyle. Ably assisted by: Dave Elliott, Bill Flatman, Steve Joseph and Mary McHarg. Cover: Will Hill.


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