Spring 2017 Issue 143
Volunteers give $1.7m in time! TFL to farewell President Please respond to supporter survey
President’s Message
Sun sets on a Presidential term of inspiration, dedication, leadership
inally it’s time for me to call it a day. Our AGM scheduled for Thursday October 19 at May Terrace will be my last time in the chair. It’s been an absolute honour to lead Trees For Life for the past 17 years making countless friends, seeing the organisation adapt to changing times and savouring the part we play in the social fabric of South Australia. I leave confident that we have the people and the mindset to continue the wonderful work undoing the damage done to the environment; work started by our visionary founders back in 1981. No doubt we’ll continue to change how we do things but our core values and basic mission will remain very much the same. My last President’s Message introduced and commended Jeanette Gellard to you as Vice President. Jeanette has slotted seamlessly into her role and been working closely with myself, Natasha Davis and the management team in reviewing the TFL strategic plan. She will be nominating for election as President and I have every confidence that she will bring new skills and experience to the position providing fresh and strong leadership. The AGM enables financial members to participate in the election process, meet Board members and ask questions about how the organisation is tracking. I encourage you to attend and look forward to seeing you there. Trees For Life is a great survivor at a time when the environmental challenges remain huge and attacks on the sector continue. Our commitment is second to none in both caring for natural habitat and providing opportunities for individuals, families and communities to participate; but we simply cannot be complacent. We need to improve and diversify our sources of revenue, to improve and modernise the way we do things and explore new ways of getting the community involved. We need a people-inspired environmental renaissance like we had in the 1980s. Looking back over the 20 years I’ve been involved with the organisation, it’s amazing how far we’ve come and the changes that have been made. This is the result of dedicated staff working with community volunteers to achieve practical outcomes in a worthwhile cause; our inspirational Richard St Barbe Baker would be proud (use Dr Google if you don’t know who he is or better still check out our website). I’ve certainly enjoyed making a contribution but like many others I’ve received more from TFL than I’ve given. If it didn’t save my life it certainly added a dimension that it previously didn’t have. Growing seedlings, collecting seed and caring for a Bush For Life site teach patience, persistence and a certain humility. I’m sure that I leave with a strong foundation laid for the future and look forward to seeing how things develop. In the meantime thank you for your support over the years and best wishes to all Trees For Lifers especially the dear friends and colleagues that have made my time as President so worthwhile. Keep up the good work and I hope to see you around.
Join our 2017-18 grower team
egistrations for volunteer growers are being accepted until September 30. Volunteer growers are a vital part of our Tree Scheme program and perfect for those who want to give back to the environment and community without leaving their backyards! All new growers receive a handbook full of practical advice and website resources are readily available. Growers are also encouraged to attend one of our popular growing workshops – even if you have grown for us before. The free, two hour sessions guide you through the growing process step-by-step and offer some useful tips. The volunteer grower workshops are on: • Thursday 10am, October 12 & 19 • Thursday 5.30pm, October 26 • Friday 10am, October 20 & 27 • Saturday 10am, October 14, 21, & 28 • Saturday 1pm, October 14, 21, & 28 Places are limited and bookings are essential. Phone (08) 8406 0500 or email info@treesforlife.org.au
Contact us ReLeaf is a production of Trees For Life. Editor: Tania Kearney (ph: 08 8406 0500 or taniak@treesforlife.org.au) Production/Graphic Design: IS Design + Digital Printing: Finsbury Green 100% Recycled. Carbon Neutral IS014001 Environment Management Systems.
Find us on: Want to advertise?
- David Mitchell
Advertising space is now available in ReLeaf. Phone (08) 8406 0500 or email taniak@treesforlife.org.au Cover Photo: Morialta Conservation Park by Jim Humphrys.
Trees For Life 5 May Tce, Brooklyn Park 5032 Ph: 8406 0500 Fax: 8406 0599 info@treesforlife.org.au www.treesforlife.org.au
Trees For Life Spring 2017 Number 143
Our volunteers give us nearly $2m of their time!
What’s on…
ew data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows that work undertaken by volunteers has a value of $40 per hour. In the Bush For Life program, adopt-a-site volunteers contributed 31,362 hours of their time in 2016 in caring for their sites. In monetary terms, this is a massive $1,265,500 worth of effort to conserve our native species and ecosystems! In the Group Activities program over the last 12 months, volunteers contributed 11,280 hours during all supervised activities, which is a further $450,000 worth of effort in monetary terms. The total contribution by volunteers to care for the natural environment through Bush For Life is almost $1,720,000 each year … and that doesn’t include volunteers in the Seedbank, Nursery and Tree Scheme programs. Where would we be without this incredible volunteer effort; thankyou all.
Tennyson volunteer Val Wales.
Locally extinct species resurrected
he Trees For Life Works team recently handed over locally extinct seedlings to the Friends of the Tennyson Dunes group to plant. The species - Geranium potentilloides (Single Flower Cranes Bill) - became extinct at Tennyson about 10 years ago when the last three remnant plants died. The seed that grew these new seedlings originally came from three remnants and were propagated at our Westwood Nursery. The Friends’ group, which also added three of their own, will no doubt be giving their new babies lots of TLC!
Farewell President at our AGM
One of our hard-working volunteers Bush For Life carer Angela Clements.
rees For Life members and supporters are invited to attend our AGM on Thursday October 19. The meeting will be held at our Brooklyn Park office from 6pm and is a great way to hear about highlights from the past year and learn more about the priorities of Trees For Life over the coming years. Most importantly, the AGM will give us an opportunity to farewell outgoing President David Mitchell and reflect on his 20 years with Trees For Life. If you are interested in a position on the Board, please remember that nominations close 5pm on Tuesday September 19. Contact David Mitchell on (08) 8251 1088 or 0420 514 064 for more information. Please RSVP for the AGM on (08) 8406 0500. Refreshments will be provided.
Sept 7
National Threatened Species Day
Sept 7
National Landcare Week
Sept 15-16
Riverland Field Days
Sept 17
Bushcare’s Major Day Out
Sept 19
Board nominations close
Sept 21
Intro to Plant ID Advanced w-shop
Sept 23
Intro to Plant ID Advanced w-shop
Sept 26-28
Yorke Peninsula Field Days
Sept 29
Intro bush regen w-shop @ Strathalbyn
Sept 30
Grower registrations close
Oct 7
Seed collection workshop
Oct 7-8
Australian Plant Society sale @ Wayville
Oct 12-28
Volunteer grower workshops
Oct 13
Intro bush regen w-shop @ Urrbrae
Oct 14
ABC Gardeners Market
Oct 19
Oct 30
Nominations close for Thank You Trees
Nov 4
Intro bush regen w-shop @ Adelaide
Nov 12
Materials collection day for TS
Nov 27
Intro bush regen w-shop @ Norton Summit
Nov 29
TFL Xmas party
Nov 30
Nursery orders for summer plants close
(Come ‘n Try Bushcare Days on Page 4). For more information on any of the above events, phone Trees For Life on (08) 8406 0500.
Bush Bikes project rolling along
Photo by Jim Humphrys Many recent studies have proven that spending time in nature is good for mental and physical well-being. Thanks to more funding, our Regenerate program will continue.
Healthy program thrown a lifeline
ur successful Regenerate program – aimed at connecting people with nature to improve mental and physical wellbeing – will continue for the next 12 months. An estimated 50 activities will be offered during this period, many of which will involve taking small groups of participants who are living with disability or mental illness to bushland sites for a day of relaxed bush regeneration. We hope to also teach participants seed collection and plant propagation. The program was initially funded through the ‘Fund My Community’ initiative and in the 12 months of operation we: • partnered with seven organisations • delivered 35 in-field activities • involved 110 participants with 47 people attending multiple activities • received very positive feedback from partner organisations and participants - “I enjoy the stillness and quietness of getting up close to nature and being out with a wonderful group which is very supportive. I get a good sense of belonging from the Trees for Life program and giving back to the environment”.
Funding for the second year was not forthcoming through the same avenue however, but we’re pleased to advise the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources has provided funding through its Healthy Parks Healthy People initiative. We’re thrilled Regenerate will continue, giving people the opportunity to experience the benefits of being in nature.
nspired by growing discussions about the importance of recognising nature in our daily lives, especially in cities, Trees For Life created the Bush Bikes project. Since April a fleet of Bush Bikes has been placed throughout the city showcasing our wonderful native plants. We have invited supporters and the public to get involved through social media platforms, linking to our sites at #BushBikesADL, hosting a bike or creating their own. Participants have a chance to win a $50 plant voucher from our Westwood nursery, which will be announced in the December edition of ReLeaf. The Bush Bikes have been hosted by several councils and businesses, made an appearance at the Trees For Life display at the Royal Adelaide Show and will continue to be out and about until the end of September. The project is funded by the Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges Natural Resources Management Board through the NRM Levy. Find out more at www.treesforlife.org.au/node/534 or email info@treesforlife.org.au.
Have we confirmed your order form?
ith the end of the Tree Scheme order season, the team is now busy allocating seed and volunteer growers. If you ordered through the Tree Scheme this year you should have received a letter confirming the details within a month of submitting. If you have not received confirmation, please contact us so we can follow up. Sometimes orders get lost on their way to us and we have introduced the early confirmation letter to pick up any issues. If you have received your confirmation we will be in touch with next steps in October if you are selfgrowing or early December if you have opted for a volunteer grower. If you have any questions about your order don’t hesitate to contact the Tree Scheme team on (08) 8406 0500.
Trees For Life Spring 2017 Number 143
The team from Conservation SA hosted a couple of our Bush Bikes at The Joinery recently.
Trees For Life Workshops
f you are interested in becoming a volunteer on one of our Bush For Life sites or would like to learn more about managing your own bushland then come along to an Introductory Bush Regeneration Workshop. Phone (08) 8406 0500 to register for workshops.
Intro Bush Regeneration Workshops (B1)
YP workshops cover range of topics
rees For Life will run a series of workshops on Yorke Peninsula in the next 12 months, thanks to funding from the Northern & Yorke NRM Board and National Landcare Programme. These events are a great opportunity for Yorke Peninsula locals to learn about their natural environment, build their land management skills and discover ways to take action for the land they love. Topics include native seed collection, growing seedlings, bush regeneration, plant ID and conservation of threatened flora. They are open to everyone and are great value (some are free, some attract a $10 registration fee). Bookings are essential by phoning (08) 8406 0500 or BFL@treesforlife.org.au. • Introduction to Plant Identification (Presented by Andrew Crompton, Expert Botanist). September 26 at Kadina. • Introduction to Grass Identification (Presented by Andrew Crompton, Expert Botanist). October 17 at Kadina. • Propagation Workshop (Presented by Rohan Cleeves, Trees For Life Seedbank Manager) November 9 at Kadina.
• Seed Collection Workshop (Presented by Rohan Cleeves, Trees For Life Seedbank Manager) November 10 at Moonta. • Introductory Bush Regeneration Workshop (Presented by Peter Watton, Bush Regeneration Expert). Date TBA April 2018 at Moonta. Register your interest now.
September 29
October 13
November 4
November 27
Norton Summit
Come and Try Bushcare Days Wednesday
October 4
Fairview Park
October 6
October 10
October 14
Kersbrook *SFBR
October 18
Kersbrook *SFBR
October 20
October 26
October 28
Cherry Gardens *SFBR
November 1
November 3
November 7
November 9
November 11
November 15
Upper Hermitage *SFBR
November 17
Victor Harbor
November 21
November 23
Hindmarsh Valley
November 25
St Agnes
November 29
Aberfoyle Park
December 1
December 5
December 7
December 9
* SFBR - Sampson Flat Bushfire Recovery
Advanced Bushcare Workshops (By Ann Prescott) Intro to Plant ID
September 21
Intro to Plant ID
September 23
Intro to Grass ID
October 26 + 28
Seed Collection Workshop Saturday
October 7
Kangarilla Primary School
Farewell to TFL Founding member
By ordering through the Tree Scheme, Nick’s property is a great example of what can be achieved by people who are passionate about the environment, and open to learning from their own successes and failures. Not every native species is going to thrive in every situation, but the point is, never stop trying!
t is with deep regret that we acknowledge the passing of Foundation and long-term member Clare Longhorn. Clare was born in the UK, trained as a nurse and after migrating to Australia held a number of senior nursing positions. Possessing a lifelong passion for the environment she joined Trees For Life from its inception (as Men of the Trees) and played an active part in establishing what was to become the Willunga branch. Subsequently Clare became the driving force behind the Noarlunga group and its rehabilitation work, especially in the Christies Creek area. She was passionate and at times outspoken in her commitment to the organisation, the environmental cause and the value of native trees. Clare died aged 91 after a lengthy illness. RIP.
Collection day in mid-November
H Landholder Nick Paphitis on his Yorke Peninsula property.
Learning from local site is key to success
Start From Seed Kits Have you missed out on placing a Tree Scheme order or want to grow a small number of plants? If you buy a Start From Seed Kit before the end of February you can still grow seedlings in time for planting in winter 2018. Start From Seed Kits are $60 and available throughout the year. You can choose two different species per kit and request plants with specialist butterfly and bird habitat value. To purchase Start From Seed Kits call or email our office on (08) 8406 0500 or info@ treesforlife.org.au.
or more than 10 years, Nick Paphitis has been revegetating his South Australian properties using Trees For Life seedlings. Currently planting in Sultana Point on the Yorke Peninsula, Nick has put in hundreds of trees, shrubs and groundcovers to create a buffer around the remnant native vegetation there. Using the Tree Scheme order form, Nick has tried many local species. But with trial and error, now sticks with those plants that have proven to be successful in the local conditions. “Eucalyptus porosa is my darling,” Nick said. “I was sceptical at first, but once Graham (former Tree Scheme officer) put me on to them, I’ve never looked back.”
Natural regeneration Looking around, it is easy to see the E. porosa thriving on the site, while other trees planted, like Eucalyptus gracilis and E. leptophylla are a lot slower growing in the sandy, coastal soils. Having ordered for nine of the last 10 years, Nick now has many species setting seed and regenerating on his property naturally, including species from the bushland remnant expanding their presence.
Trees For Life Spring 2017 Number 143
ave you volunteered to grow and want to know where to collect your seeds and propagation materials? Our fantastic network of volunteers will be out in force again midNovember to manage our Tree Scheme collection depots across the State. Most depots will take place this year Sunday November 12 (9am-1pm). If you have registered to grow in 2017-18, please keep an eye out for your instructions mid-October. These will be sent by post or email depending on your registered preference. If you have some extra time on the day you could offer to help your local depot manager. We could not manage the growing program without these volunteers and their contact details will be included in your instructions.
Lottery provides valuable income
he Trees For Life annual lottery is about to be launched. Our lottery not only helps generate valuable income for Trees For Life, but also gives the community a chance to win some great prizes for a modest financial contribution. This year, we have a host of prizes on offer thanks to generous supporters. Funds raised help keep our teams out working in the landscapes we all love. Please call our office on (08) 8406 0500 if you would like to know more.
Budding artists Thank you to some of our young Kids Branch members for colouring in our butterfly in the June edition of ReLeaf! You all did a beautiful job!
Xmas show to thank our volunteers
e would love you to join us for our annual Christmas drinks and volunteer recognition event on Wednesday November 29. This year’s event will again be held at the Thebarton Community Centre between 5.30-7.30pm. The centre is located on the corner of South Road and Ashwin Parade, with entry to the carpark from South Road. Our annual event gives TFL Board and staff the chance to thank you for your valuable contribution to the organisation over the past 12 months.
Nominate for TYT
By Rosie, 6, of Blackwood.
By Abigail, 3.
Thank You Trees are presented on the night so if you know someone who deserves to be recognised, please let us know. It could be your dedicated grower, a caring landholder, bushcare volunteer or anyone else who helps through TFL. To nominate someone please email us at info@treesforlife.org.au (subject heading ‘Thank You Tree Nomination’) with the person’s name, involvement with TFL and why you think they deserve a Thank You Tree. Don’t forget to include your contact details on there as well! Nominations close 5pm Monday October 30. For more information or to RSVP please email info@treesforlife.org.au or phone (08) 8406 0500. Please also advise us if you have special dietary requirements. We look forward to seeing you there!
Learn how to identify native seed such as Hakea carinata (Erect Hakea), top, and Callitris gracilis (Native Pine) at our workshops.
Learn about local native seed
rees For Life works with a network of volunteers to maintain one of the most comprehensive and diverse seedbanks in the State. To retain this invaluable network of helpers, Seedbank Manager Rohan Cleeves runs a Seed Collection Workshop every three months. These workshops are free for Tree For Life members to attend. During the session, participants learn to identify, collect, clean and store a range of local native seed. The workshops are educational, motivational and always lots of fun. The next workshop will be held on October 7 at Kangarilla Primary School. For more information contact Rohan at rohanc@treesforlife.org.au
By Bella, of Mitchell.
Supporter survey – please give us your feedback
W Photo by Paul Cullen The stunning Blue Squill (Chamaescilla corymbosa).
Coppin’s Bush site full of amazing treasures Stephanie Jarrett
ear the heart of Littlehampton is a precious remnant of original native bushland known as Coppin’s Bush. While only 13 hectares, Coppin’s Bush is home to at least 115 native species that once covered the valleys and hills of Littlehampton for millennia. I have got to know and love this and other pieces of bushland as a volunteer bushcarer with the Bush For Life Program of Trees For Life. For young and old alike, we are moved to protect this precious bush heritage from invasive weeds that threaten these native plants for space, nutrients and sunlight. Pesty plants such as olive trees, gorse, and pussytail grass are just a few such weeds. In spring, Coppin’s Bush will greet and surprise you with its native flowers bursting open in every colour and sometimes, surprising perfume.
beautiful Christmas Bush (Bursaria spinosa). To some of Littlehampton’s older, long-term residents, Coppin’s Bush brings back memories of childhood strolls along endless woodland paths filled with the scent and vision of these native flowers. For younger people, Coppin’s reveals perhaps for the first time, how unique, varied and beautiful our Hills bushland is, and well worth caring for. To find out more about Bush For Life and its activities in this area please phone (08) 8406 0500 or BFL@ treesforlife.org.au
e always like to know more about our supporters and receive your feedback and ideas. So please take the time to complete our online survey. Your answers will help us understand what you think our priorities should be and improve our communications. Everyone who completes the survey goes in the draw to win a $50 voucher in our shop! The survey is open until Monday October 17 and available at the following link www.surveymonkey.com/r/TFL2017 If you don’t have access to a computer, let us know by phoning (08) 8406 0500 or emailing info@treesforlife.org.au and we can post a copy.
Favourite species One favourite is the Candles (Stackhousia aspericocca), with its showy candlesticks of tiny cream flowers. The gorgeous Pink-eyed Susan (Tetratheca pilosa) and the deliciouslyscented chocolate lilies and vanilla lilies (Arthropodium spp.) are other favourites, along with several orchid species. The deceptively innocentlooking pink or white sundew flowers (Drosera spp.), with leaves that snare and digest insects for dinner, are also intriguing. Many trees and bushes burst into flower too, such as the
Summer sowing at Westwood Nursery has started If you can’t find the species you’re looking for in the Tree Scheme, our nursery grows to order a wide range of native plants with local provenance well suited for urban gardens, green and coastal spaces, pre-school and school gardens, council reserves, conservation remnants and farms. We supply revegetation and conservation projects across South Australia with professionally grown tube stock at a competitive price. Our deadline for receiving project orders for summer sown species is November 30. Choose from our species list or send us your own requirements for suggestions and a quote on (08) 8406 0500 or info@ treesforlife.org.au.
Trees For Life Spring 2017 Number 143
Photo: Native raspberry Rubus parvifolius
5 May Tce, Brooklyn Park, SA, 5032. (08) 8406 0500 www.treesforlife.org.au