The information and designations used and the presentation of the material throughout this publication do not in any way imply the expression of an opinion on the part of the United Nations Development Programme or the United Nations System in China, concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The presentation of the data and information contained in this publication, and the opinions expressed therein, do not necessarily reflect the position of the United Nations Development Programme or the United Nations System in China. Published by the United Nations Development Programme Š 2015 All rights reserved
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014* By Xu Xin, Huang Yanhao, Wang Xiaotang
* Note: A short version of the original Chinese report was published on Tribune of Political Science and Law, Issue 2, 2015
Strengthening the rule of law and enhancing access to justice for all, including the most marginalized, are cornerstones to achieve people-centered sustainable development. UNDP has been supporting China’s judicial reforms since the first five-year judicial reform programme was launched by the Supreme People’s Court in 1999. Throughout the four five-year judicial reform programmes, UNDP has been assisting the Supreme People’s Court on a number of key priorities. 2014 has been a critical year for the rule of law in China. In July, the SPC issued its Fourth Five Year Judicial Reform Plan (2014-2018), marking the beginning of a new round of judicial reforms for the next five years. In October, the Decision of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CCPC addressed the topic of “ruling the country according to the law” for the first time in the Party’s history, reflecting the centrality of judicial reforms to achieve progress on other fronts. The report presents and analyzes major developments of China’s judicial reform occurred over the past year, and reflects on its possible future directions. It highlights general reform measures as well as specific measures in the court system, the procuratorate, and judicial administration, with policy recommendations moving forward. UNDP is pleased to have supported Professor Xu Xin and his research team in the preparation of this comprehensive review. We hope that the report and the views it offers will be of use to policy makers, international and national legal experts, scholars and practitioners, and all those with an interest in judicial reform in China.
Country Director
UNDP China
Introduction ………………………………………………………… 1 I. General Reform Measures …………………………………… 3 The Master Plan of the New Round of Judicial Reform ……………………… 1 ii. Advancing Judicial Reform through Pilot Programs …………………………… 6 iii. Revision of the Criminal Code …………………………………………………… 9
iv. Revision of the Administrative Procedure Law ……………………………… 11 v. Regulating Assets Disposition Procedure in Criminal Cases ……………… 13 vi. Combatting Corruption Requires Systemic Change ………………………… 14 vii. Pilot Program and Authorization Reform for Expedited Procedures in Criminal Cases …………………………………………………………………… 16 viii. Improving the Parole and Commutation System ……………………………… 17 ix. Reform of Petitioning Involving Legal Action ………………………………… 18
II. Reform Measures in the Court System …………………… 21 i.
Pilot Reform of Judicial Officials’ Ratio-Quota Mechanism ………………… 21
ii. Establishing Cross-Administrative Regional Judicial Organs and Circuit Courts under the Supreme People’s Court …………………………………… 23 iii. Establishing Intellectual Property Rights Courts ……………………………… 25 iv. Abolishing Performance Ranking in the Court System ……………………… 26 v. Popularizing the Reform of Standard Sentencing …………………………… 27 vi. Correcting Miscarriage of Justice Cases ……………………………………… 28 vii. Optimizing the Enforcement Mechanism ……………………………………… 30 viii “Rectification Movement” and Strengthening Judicial Oversight …………… 31
III. Reform Measures of the Procuratorate …………………… 32 Deepening the Reform of People’s Monitors Practice ……………………… 32 ii. Promoting Transparency in Procuratorate Work ……………………………… 33 iii. Improving the Review of Criminal Case Appeal ……………………………… 34 i.
iv. Strengthening Internal Monitoring ……………………………………………… 34
IV. Reform Measures for Public Security and Judicial Administration ……………………………………… 36 Comprehensively Deepening Public Security Reform ……………………… 36 ii. Strengthening Systemic Reform of the Supervision of Lawyers …………… 36 i.
iii. Improving Industry-Based and Profession-Based People’s Mediation System ………………………………………………………………… 38 iv. Enhancing the Quality of Legal Aid …………………………………………… 38 Conclusion: Establishing a Constitutional Review Mechanism ………………… 39
A new round of judicial reform began in 2014.
the judiciary; setting up a unified financial
As the starting point of a new round of reform,
management of city-level courts and
2014 was primarily a year of formulating and
procuratorates; and imposing case-handling
launching new reform measures. The Third
accountability on the presiding judge and
Plenary Session of the 18th Communist Party
leading procurator. Upon approval of the CPC
of China (CPC) Central Committee adopted
Central Political and Law Affairs Commission,
the Decision on Major Issues Concerning
pilot programs in judicial reform were also
Comprehensively Deepening Reforms, which
launched in the provinces of Guangdong,
laid out a comprehensive plan for reforming the
Jilin, Hubei, Hainan, Qinghai, and Guizhou.
judicial system, with a focus on substantively
In December, the 7th Meeting of the Central
reducing the interference of local authorities
Leading Group of Comprehensively Deepening
and the executive branch. Concrete programs
Reforms reviewed and approved the Pilot
for judicial reform were gradually released in
Program for Establishing Circuit Courts of the
Supreme People’s Court and the Pilot Program for Establishing Cross-Administrative Regional
In June, at the 3rd meeting of the Central
People’s Courts and People’s Procuratorates.
Leading Group of Comprehensively Deepening
The 8th Meeting of the Central Leading Group
Reforms, the Group reviewed and adopted
reviewed and approved the Opinions on
the Framework Opinions on Several Issues
Further Regulating the Disposition of Assets
Concerning the Pilot Program of Reforming
Related to Criminal Proceedings.
the Judicial System and the Working Plan of Shanghai City Judicial Reform Pilot Program.
Although the above-mentioned directives
In July, the Supreme People’s Court issued
and specific programs were initiated, the
the Outline of the Fourth Five-Year Reform
preparation and implementation of this
of Peoples’ Court (2014-2018) (hereinafter
new round of judicial reforms was by no
“Fourth Five-Year Outline”), which provided
means a smooth process. For example,
a general direction for reforms as well as
the implementation of the judges’ ratio-
concrete tasks for the court. Thereafter,
quota system encountered many difficulties,
two pilot reform plans were adopted in
and the positioning of the cross-regional
Shanghai: the Implementation Plan of the Pilot
courts and circuit courts under the Supreme
Program for Reforming the Judicial System
People’s Court was not clearly defined. These
of Shanghai Higher People’s Court and the
deficiencies reflected a lack of preparation and
Implementation Plan of the Pilot Program for
a strong resistance to reform measures. To a
Procuratorate Reform in Shanghai. Specific
great extent, this was attributable to reforms
pilot reform measures include: establishing
touching on deep-rooted issues in the judicial
a judicial personnel quota system; creating a
system involving controversial adjustments of
commission for the selection and discipline
special interests. In addition, many of the reform
of judicial officials; ensuring job security of
measures require support and coordination of
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
other agencies outside the judicial system in
where the Congress highlighted that: “the rule
their implementation, involving a large number
of law is the Party’s fundamental approach to
of personnel and also huge geographical
leading its people and governing the country”.
discrepancies. Moreover, “close-door” reforms
In 1999, this principle was incorporated into
limited the public’s full access to information
the Constitution as “practicing rule of law and
about the reforms, and it was also difficult for
building a socialist country of law and order”.
scholars to get information in order to conduct
Since then, the “rule of law” has never changed
evidence-based research. All these factors
in the government’s verbal, policy, or theoretical
contributed to a delay in formulating unified
statements. Yet, in the thirty years since the
and feasible action plans, and challenges in
reform and open-door policy was adopted, bad
implementing approved programs.
governance in violation of the Constitution, administrative actions taken against the
For the first time in the history of the CPC,
law, the phenomenon of placing the Party
the 4th Plenary Session of the 18th Central
above the law, and entrenchment of vested
Committee held in October 2014, identified
interest groups have all become rampant. All
the “rule of law” as its main agenda item. The
these phenomena indicate that whether the
meeting adopted the Decision Concerning
Constitution can function effectively as the
Several Major Issues in Comprehensively
fundamental principle of governance does
Advancing Governance According to Law
not depend on the adoption of legal slogans,
(hereinafter “Decision”). The Decision
but rather on the actual enforcement of the
advocated for “governance according to the
Constitution and the laws, and the enactment
Constitution”, and mapped out implementation
of accountability measures in response to
measures on scientific legislation, strict
violations of the Constitution. Consequently,
enforcement, judicial fairness, citizens’
in order to realize the rule of law, governance
abidance to the law, professional capacity
by the Constitution, and substantive judicial
b u i l d i n g , a n d s t r e n g t h e n i n g t h e C P C ’s
reform under this framework, the pressing
leadership over the promotion of the rule of
priority would be to establish a mechanism of
law. Although the Decision had a positive
constitutional judicial review.
impact on advancing the rule of law and judicial reforms in China, whether it will result in realistic reform programs, whether these programs will be implemented, and what their real effect on China’s progress towards the rule of law will be remain to be seen. Emphasizing the rule of law is not equivalent to actually promoting, let alone realizing, rule of law in actual practice; likewise, emphasizing “governance according to the Constitution” is not equivalent to obeying the Constitution or realizing constitutional democracy. The term “rule of law” was mentioned for the first time in 1997 during the CPC 15th National Congress,
i. The Master Plan of the New Round of Judicial Reform
and (7) establishing a categorized personnel management system for police commanders, police officers, and police technical staff.
In February 2014, the 2nd meeting of the Central Leading Group of Comprehensively
The Framework Opinion also proposed the
Deepening Reforms reviewed and approved
creation of a judge and procurator selection
the Opinion on Deepening Reform in the
commission at the provincial level with
Judicial System and Social System and Plan
stepwise selection at different levels, and the
for Division of Labor in Implementation, which
recruitment of outstanding lawyers and legal
laid out the objectives and guiding principles
scholars as judges and procurators. In cities
of deepening judicial reform, as well as the
and provinces where pilot reform programs
roadmap and timeline for various reform
are implemented, judges and procurators will
measures. The 3rd meeting of the Central
be appointed, managed, and removed from
Leading Group, held in June, adopted the
office at the provincial level. The provincial
Framework Opinion on Several Issues Relating
finance department will handle the financial
to Experimental Points in Judicial Reform, and
management of local courts and procuratorates
the Work Plan for the Shanghai Pilot Program
below the provincial level.
in Judicial Reform. The Framework Opinion proposed seven major reform measures:
Although the Framework Opinion provided
(1) differentiating personnel management of
concrete guidelines for judicial reforms,
judges and procurators from that of regular
its effectiveness was limited by the lack of
civil servants; (2) establishing a ratio-quota of
strong support from the central government,
judges and procurators, so as to place talented
the insufficient coordination among various
personnel at the frontline of case-handling; (3)
agencies with competing interests, and the
improving the criteria and process of selecting
inability to eliminate resistance from both
judges and procurators, adhering to the
outside and inside the judicial system. The
principle of judicial officials under Party control,
Opinion also needed more specific and
respecting judicial fairness, and ensuring
feasible implementation measures. Some
political loyalty and professional competency
of the Opinion’s contents are debatable, for
of judicial officials; (4) increasing accountability
instance, as to whether emphasizing “the CPC
for case adjudication, expanding judicial
Party control over judicial officials” is consistent
transparency, and strengthening oversight
with abiding by the rule of law.
and checks and balances mechanisms; (5) making job security commensurate with
In July 2014, the Supreme People’s Court
judges’ and procurators’ responsibilities; (6)
issued the Fourth Five-Year Outline in
promoting a unified personnel, financial, and
accordance with the CPC’s 3rd Plenary
supply management system for local courts
Session Decision and the subsequent
and procuratorates below the provincial level;
Framework Opinion, further clarifying the
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
I. General Reform Measures
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
Court’s general approach to future reforms,
financial management system of local courts
with the goal of “letting the people experience
below the provincial level. Some of these
fairness and justice in each and every case”.
measures touch upon systemic reform of
Means to achieve this end include: adhering
the judicial system, which are conducive to
to the principles of justice for the people
a substantial reduction of interference of
and judicial fairness; focusing on resolving
administrative agencies and local authorities,
deep-seated issues that will enhance justice
thus contributing to increased judicial
and impose restrictions on the exercise of
independence. Some others contribute to
power; ensuring that the court exercises its
promoting fair and efficient trials, such as
adjudication power in an independent and fair
reforming the adjudication of civil, commercial,
manner under the law; and speeding up the
and administrative cases, and procedures
building of a socialist judicial system that is
for signing judgments; improving expedited
just, efficient, and authoritative. The Outline
handling of minor crimes; expanding judicial
further specified that “a socialist operations
transparency; and reforming the court
mechanism for adjudication powers with
evaluation mechanism. Yet, for some of the
Chinese characteristics shall be initially
measures, positive results appear hard to
established by 2018”, which is the overall
achieve, such as reforming petitioning involving
objective of the reforms, involving forty-
legal action.
five measures under eight areas. The eight areas are: (1) promoting a court personnel
The release of the Fourth Five-Year Outline
management system; (2) exploring the
marked the beginning of the implementation
establishment of a jurisdictional system
of the new round of judicial reform. Although
separate from geographic administrative
aspiring to be comprehensive, under the
divisions; (3) improving the exercise of
general framework of the Decision and the
adjudication power; (4) strengthening judicial
Opinion, the Outline leans towards addressing
protection of human rights; (5) expanding
the reform of the operation mechanism of
judicial transparency; (6) defining the function
adjudication power and personnel management
of the four levels of court; (7) improving
without addressing the fundamental issue of
judicial administration and operations; and (8)
judicial independence. Overall it should thus
reforming the practice of petitioning involving
been seen as a transitional plan. Some of
legal action. Specific requirements for each of
the suggested measures, such as ensuring
the reform measures were also highlighted.
the job security of judicial officials, will not be achievable by the judicial organs alone.
The Fourth Five-Year Outline represents
Without the central government’s support, it
progress compared to the Third Five-Year
will be impossible to avoid local interference
Outline. Significant measures include: creating
with judicial proceedings, this round of
a judge selection commission, establishing
judicial reform will not go very far, and many
a judges’ ratio-quota mechanism, reforming
of the measures are likely to encounter
the system of agency and enterprise-
implementation challenges.
managed courts, improving the presiding judge’s adjudication of a case while working
The CPC 4th Plenary Session Decision
with a collegial panel, introducing disciplinary
adopted in October 2014 announced the
mechanisms for judges, and unifying the
overall objective of “building a socialist legal
Specific measures in these six areas
building a socialist country with rule of law”.
The Decision laid out five systems and six tasks to be completed. The five systems
(1) E n s u r i n g j u d i c i a l i n d e p e n d e n c e :
are: a comprehensive legislation system; a
establishing a recording, reporting and
highly effective enforcement system; a strict
accountability mechanism for leading
supervision system; a strong legal protection
government officials’ interference in the
system; and an improved system of rules and
adjudication of specific cases; receiving
regulations within the CPC Party. The six tasks
more support from administrative agencies;
include: improving the overall legal structure;
improving disciplinary mechanisms for
taking administrative action in accordance
obstruction of justice; and enhancing
with the law; ensuring fairness in the judicial
p r o t e c t i o n o f j u d i c i a l o ff i c e r s w h e n
system; enhancing citizens’ legal awareness;
performing statutory duties.
developing the capacity of the legal profession;
(2) Optimizing judicial functions: piloting the
and strengthening and improving the CPC
reform of separating adjudication from
Party leadership.
enforcement powers; establishing circuit courts under the Supreme People’s Court
The Decision advocated the concept of
and cross-administrative regional courts
“governance according to the Constitution” for
and procuratorates; improving court
the first time, which called for enhancing the
case filing, acceptance and adjudication
enforcement and supervision mechanism for the
procedures, and the trial mechanism at
Constitution, improving the supervision of the
different levels; enabling public interest
National People’s Congress and its Standing
litigation filed by procuratorates; clarifying
Committee on the Constitution, and enhancing
the responsibilities and limits of various
the procedures for constitutional interpretation.
departments within the judicial system; and
These improvements serve to realize the power
strengthening accountability mechanisms
of the National People’s Congress and its
for presiding judges, collegial panels, and
Standing Committee to supervise and interpret
leading procurators and investigators.
the Constitution and to establish a mechanism
(3) Promoting strict justice: standardizing
for constitutional review.
judicial interpretation with more guiding case precedent; promoting the reform of
Judicial reforms are the centerpiece of the
adjudication-centered litigation system;
4th Plenary Session Decision. Following the
defining the responsibilities of various
clear direction and related topics from the 3rd
judicial officials; implementing lifelong
Plenary Session Decision, the 4th Plenary
accountability for case handling and
Session Decision seeks to further judicial
retroactive responsibility for mishandled
reform in six areas, namely: ensuring lawful,
independent, and fair exercise of adjudication
(4) Enhancing judicial democracy: ensuring
and procuratorate power; optimizing judicial
public participation in judicial mediation,
functions; promoting strict justice; improving
judicial hearings, and petitioning involving
public participation in judicial matters;
legal action; improving the people’s jurors
strengthening human rights protection; and
mechanism; and developing judicial
enhancing oversight over judicial activities.
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
system with Chinese characteristics and
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
ii. Advancing Judicial Reform through Pilot Programs
(5) Strengthening judicial protection of human rights: ensuring the right to sue; enacting enforcement legislation; and implementing final appeal and end-of-litigation
In line with the provisions of the Framework
Opinion, seven provinces (including one
(6) Strengthening judicial oversight: improving
provincial-level municipality) launched pilot
the procuratorate’s oversight responsibility
programs. The provinces include Shanghai,
and the mechanism of people’s jurors.
Guangdong, Jilin, Hubei, Hainan, Qinghai, and Guizhou. The pilot programs covered
The Decision especially emphasized the
four aspects: enhancing the categorized
importance of capacity building for judicial
management of judicial personnel; enhancing
professionals, calling for a highly qualified
judicial accountability; improving the job
contingent of well trained, professional, and
security of judicial officers; and promoting
career-oriented judicial officers, and the
unified management of personnel, finance and
stepwise selection of judges and procurators.
supplies for local courts and procuratorates below the provincial level. These four aspects
As a programmatic document, the Decision
involve a wide range of issues with strong
enriched the rule of law agenda addressed in
policy implications.
the CPC 18th National Congress and its 3rd Plenary Session, and provided a roadmap
Shanghai was the first to initiate pilot programs.
and reform steps to build China under rule
Following the Work Plan for the Shanghai
of law. Although the Decision represented
Pilot Program in Judicial Reform adopted in
some progress by referring to “governance
June 2014, the 2nd meeting of the Shanghai
according to the Constitution” and advocating
Pilot Program in Judicial Reform Promotion
for an accountability mechanism for leading
Group approved two pilot reform programs:
officials’ interference in judicial proceedings,
the Implementation Plan of the Pilot Program
it failed to make the key breakthrough and
for Reforming the Judicial System of Shanghai
is still, therefore, a transitional plan. The
Higher People’s Court and the Implementation
Decision emphasized “governance according
Plan of the Pilot Program for Procuratorate
to the Constitution”, but failed to affirm
Reform in Shanghai.
constitutionalism; it emphasized adjudication independence, but failed to ensure judicial
The Shanghai pilot reform program mainly
independence; it particularly emphasized
involves five aspects: enhancing categorized
adhering to the leadership of the CPC, but
management of judicial personnel; improving
failed to specify how to improve the leadership.
job security for judges, procurators, and
Not only will the implementation of the
assistant judicial staff; enhancing judicial
Decision demand more tangible and feasible
accountability; exploring unified personnel
specific measures, but it will also require
management for judges and procurators below
addressing challenges, the biggest one being
the provincial level; and exploring unified
the resistance of vested interest groups.
financial management for sub-provincial courts and procuratorates by the provincial level. Specific pilot reform measures in the abovementioned five aspects include:
The pilot program is in line with the guidelines
among all judicial personnel, judges and
provided in the CPC 4th Plenary Session
procurators shall comprise 33%; judicial
Decision and the Framework Opinion,
assistants, 52%; and administrative staff,
which focus on the substantial reduction
15%. The transitional period will last three
of interference from local authorities and
to five years, and gradually a categorized
administrative agencies and actors in the
personnel management system will be
judicial system.
strictly enforced. (2) Establishing a municipal-level commission
The central government had high expectations
for the selection and discipline of judges
for these vanguard experiments in Shanghai,
and procurators. Judges and procurators
hoping they could be replicated. Yet the
will be primarily selected from among
special social and economic conditions of
outstanding assistants to judges and
Shanghai created doubts as to whether the
procurators, and judges and procurators
model could be scaled up. Although the pilot
of higher-level courts and procuratorates
program received a relatively high rating, it
will be primarily selected from among
raised a number of concerns. First, while the
outstanding judges and procurators of
need for ratio-quota, categorized personnel
lower-level courts and procuratorates.
management, and judicial accountability were
Judges and procurators will also be
emphasized, whether a job security mechanism
selected among outstanding lawyers and
could be put in place emerged as a key
legal scholars.
issue. If remunerations are not considerably
(3) Establishing a job security mechanism
increased, job security between judges and
different from that of regular civil servants.
their assistants is not balanced, or the selection
Under certain circumstances, judicial
process is not conducted properly, the lack
officials will be allowed to delay receiving
of incentives for judicial assistants could lead
their pensions.
to greater loss of talents, which is already
(4) Establishing a unified funds and assets
happening. Second, if the reforms of personnel
management system for all courts and
management and financial management are
procuratorates under the Shanghai
not well coordinated, the latter could impede
municipality and ensuring that funding
the former, thus jeopardizing the entire reform
for office operations, case adjudication,
program. Third, against the goal of substantially
and staff salaries will not be less than the
reducing the interference of local authorities
current level.
and administrative agencies, there is a risk
(5) Establishing case handling accountability
that unified provincial control of personnel and
mechanisms for presiding judges and
finance could actually intensify administrative
lead procurators; reforming the judicial
interference in judicial operations. Although
committee’s functions by substantially
the Shanghai pilot program later separated
reducing its instructions for individual cases
personnel from financial management by
and instead increasing its provision of
letting the Municipal Finance Bureau manage
trial experience summaries and analyses,
financial matters, and the different levels of the
decisions on important trial issues, and
selection commission handle the selection of
guidance for similar case types.
judges and procurators, these measures only simplified some administrative procedures
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
(1) E s t a b l i s h i n g a r a t i o - q u o t a s y s t e m :
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
within the judicial system, but did not address
the candidates’ professional knowledge and
the government’s and Party’s interference in
judicial competence.
judicial matters. Restructuring the relations between courts at various levels in a sound and
Following Shanghai, pilot reform programs
efficient way could be considered as a possible
were launched in other provinces. In
approach to reduce and prevent administrative
November 2014, the Pilot Judicial Reform
interference. Yet this option has not been
Program of Guangdong Province (hereinafter
explored by any pilot programs to date.
the Guangdong Program) was launched and six related documents, issued: the Provincial
The Shanghai Judges and Procurators
Pilot Program of Improving the Operating
Selection (Disciplinary) Commission was
Mechanism of the Courts’ Adjudication
formed at the end of 2014, composed of seven
Function and Accountability; the Provincial
special members and eight expert members,
Pilot Program of Improving the Procuratorates’
all selected upon “recommendation”. The
Function and Accountability; the Provincial Pilot
seven special members are leading officials of
Program of Professional Security for Judges
seven government organs: the CPC Shanghai
and Procurators; the Provincial Pilot Program
Political and Law Commission; the CPC
of Categorized Personnel Management of
Shanghai Organization Department; the CPC
Court Staff and Unified Nomination of Judges;
Shanghai Disciplinary Commission; the Judicial
the Provincial Pilot Program of Categorized
Committee of Shanghai People’s Congress;
Personnel Management of Procuratorate
the Bureau of Civil Servants; Higher People’s
Staff and Unified Nomination of Procurators;
Court; and the Shanghai Procuratorate. The
and Provincial Implementation Program of
eight expert members are legal scholars of
Unified Financial Management of Courts and
major law schools and legal research institutes
Procuratorates below the Provincial Level.
in Shanghai. Among the eight members, only one is a lawyer. The Commission is
The Guangdong Program assigned the cities
further supported by an “experts’ think tank”
of Shenzhen, Foshan, Shantou, and Maoming
composed of some twenty senior legal experts
as experimental sites. Pilot program reform
and lawyers. It has a judge selection/discipline
measures include: creating an operating
office in the Shanghai Higher People’s Court
mechanism of adjudication power centered
and a procurator selection/discipline office
on the presiding judge and the collegial panel;
in the Shanghai Procuratorate. The defects
having the presiding judge sign judgment
of the Commission include: its formation did
documents when s/he is the only judge; and
not follow an open process; it has no non-
having the head of the court not sign any
governmental and non-legal representatives;
judgment document in normal circumstances
the ratio of judges to procurators is too low;
over which s/he has not presided. Additionally,
it has no judge or procurator representatives
a record archive will be established for
from the basic and intermediate level courts or
judges and procurators, mishandled cases
procuratorates; and it has no representatives
investigated, and accountability sought, so
from regular judges or procurators. Given these
as to strengthen oversight and discipline.
defects, it will be hard for the Commission
The judicial official will be responsible for the
to carry out a legitimate and fair selection of
quality of case adjudication for life. Judges
judges and procurators, primarily based on
and procurators will receive remunerations
was similar, each province has some unique
be calculated on the basis of merit evaluations
features. In Hubei province, the reform of
of the volume and quality of cases handled.
the judicial committee restricted the scope of
The allowance should increase in accordance
the committee’s involvement and improved
with economic development, revenue, and
the committee’s understanding of cases
price rises in the province. The retirement
by providing trial videos and allowing the
age of frontline judges and procurators could
examination of evidence and the reading of
be reasonably extended. Within five years,
files. In Qinghai province, the program focused
the ratio-quota of judges and procurators will
on the evaluation of the members of the judicial
gradually reach below 39%, administrative staff
and procuratorate committees; improving the
approximately 15%, and judicial assistants
selection of judicial officials by keeping quotas
above 46%. A selection and discipline
for recruiting outstanding lawyers and legal
commission of judges and procurators will be
scholars; emphasizing stepwise selection and
formed. The provincial CPC party committee
avoiding appointment by seniority or special
will manage heads of city and county
consideration. In Hainan province, jurisdiction
level courts and procurators. Judges and
will be separated from administrative divisions;
procurators will be selected and appointed by
judicial officials will have a list of powers
the provincial commission. Financial matters of
and responsibilities, a file for honest and
the courts and procuratorates will be managed
clean performance of duties, and a database
at the provincial level. City and county level
of guiding cases will be created; a judicial
courts and procuratorates will submit their
advisory committee will be established and the
budget reports to the provincial finance
judicial committee and its by-laws, reviewed;
department and funds be directly distributed
and each case will have a QR code to ensure
from the exchequer. The provincial staffing unit
lifelong accountability in case handling.
will manage the staffing quotas of the courts and procuratorates.
The above-mentioned reform measures regarding the judicial committee are worth
Compared to the Shanghai Program, the
recognizing. The measures of Hainan
judges’ ratio quota in the Guangdong Program
province, in particular, are in line with the
is higher and easier to implement. Although
recommendations in each year ’s Judicial
merit evaluations may in the short term provide
Reform Annual Report. On that basis, in the
some incentive for judges and procurators, it
future, the judicial committee will function as an
may also increase administrative control over
advisory board whose decisions have no legally
the court system and become a straitjacket
binding effect. And eventually, when the time is
for judicial officials. The court not being a
ripe, the judicial committee will be abolished and
company, judgments should not be treated as
replaced by judges' conferences.
products, and incentives for judicial officials
iii. Revision of the Criminal Code
should instead focus on job security and professional pride.
Amending criminal law often involves a series In December, pilot reform programs were
of reforms of the criminal justice system. In
also launched in Hubei, Qinghai, Hainan and
October 2014, the Draft of Amendment IX to
Guizhou provinces. While the overall approach
the Criminal Law (hereinafter the Draft) was
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
according to their ranking. An allowance will
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
submitted to the Standing Committee of the
extremist crimes, expanding the types of
National People’s Congress and released for
violent terrorist acts punished, and imposing
public comments. This constituted another
assets punishment on terrorist organizations;
round of revisions, three years after the
adding certain acts to criminal offenses, such
submission of Amendment VIII. The main
as forced lewdness towards males; abuse of
amendments of this round involve: violent
house servants; organized exam cheating;
terrorist crimes and cyber crimes, which are
fabricating and spreading false information;
occurring more frequently; implementing the
expanding the scope of the definition of
directives of the 3rd Plenary Session of the
“documents” for the crime of forged or altered
18th CPC Central Committee to “gradually
identity cards; expanding the scope of the
reducing offenses liable to death penalty” and
definition of “criminal offenders” for the crime
“intensifying the combat against corruption”
of selling or illegally providing personal citizen
and follow-up legal issues after the abolition of
information; aggravated criminal liability for
the “reeducation through labor” system.
buying abducted women and children; and including to the crime of dangerous driving the
The Draft introduces major revisions to the
serious overloading of passengers in public
following criminal offenses: terrorist and
transit and speeding on the road.
extremist crimes; network information crimes; crimes impeding social management and order;
This round of revisions marks progress in
obstruction of justice; assault and battery;
some respects. For instance, nine offenses
and corruption and bribery. Twenty-three new
liable to death penalty were abolished, thus
categories of criminal offenses were added.
reducing death penalty offenses from 55 to
The Draft proposed to abolish nine criminal
46. The threshold for imposing execution of
offenses liable to death penalty: smuggling
death penalty on offenders granted a reprieve
weapons and ammunition, smuggling nuclear
was raised. This is in line with the modern
materials, smuggling counterfeit currency,
rule of law, and reflects the human rights
producing counterfeit currency, investment
concept of “fewer killing, cautious killing”
financing fraud, organized prostitution, forced
and the policy of “strict control and careful
prostitution, impeding performance of military
application while retaining the death penalty”.
duties, and spreading rumors during war time.
The high profile cases of Wu Ying and Ceng Chengjie contributed to the abolition of the
Other revisions include: further raising the
death penalty for the crime of investment
threshold for executing the death penalty on
financing fraud. Other death penalty offenses
offenders granted a reprieve; for crimes of
with low application rates in practice were also
corruption and bribery, modifying the rigid
abolished. In the future, it is hoped that death
provision for defining the offense based on
penalty will be abolished for more non-violent
the amount involved, and instead, adopting
or non-fatal offenses. The modifications of
a descriptive model, adding considerations
the provisions on conviction and sentencing
such as the seriousness and consequences
standards for crimes of corruption and
of the crime; increasing the punishment for
bribery will allow now proper adjustments in
bribery, and in many instances, increasing
accordance with social development. The
fines and engaging in stricter enforcement;
provisions aggravating punishment for the
increasing the punishment for terrorist and
crime of bribery and criminalizing the act of
personnel or participants during judicial
close relationships not only meet the demands
proceedings in violation of a court order, and
of combating corruption, but also comply with
“other acts that seriously disrupt the order of
the relevant requirements of international
the court” as a catch all provision. Shall this
conventions and contribute to the overall
provision be adopted, the risk of abuse will be
improvement of criminal law with regard to
very high, and it will become another sword of
corruption crimes.
Damocles hanging over the head of lawyers. To resolve conflicts between lawyers and the
Yet some provisions of the Draft indicate
court, and thereby reduce the phenomena
significant regression. For instance, in order to
of lawyers “creating trouble in court” and
address certain issues following the abolition
“objecting stubbornly”, a better approach would
of the reeducation through labor system, the
be to regulate the judicial process, namely,
Draft lowered the threshold for the crime of
the judicial organs strict implementation of
“assembling a crowd to disturb social order”
procedural law, effectively ensuring a lawyers’
contained in China’s criminal code. Some acts
right to practice law, and promoting the
were listed as criminal offenses, such as “those
autonomy of the legal profession, rather than
who make repeated petitions in a persistent,
intensifying criminal punishment as a means
pestering, and incorrigible way and seriously
of deterrence. It is therefore recommended
disrupt the order of state organs”. This may
that, in future review, the above-mentioned
lead to some people being criminally punished
provision be deleted. In the meantime, in order
for repeatedly disrupting the order of state
to prevent retaliation against lawyers, some
organs by themselves, without assembling
provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure
a crowd. As another illustration, following
should be revised, or a judicial interpretation
the judicial interpretation issued last year by
issued, to ensure that the judicial organs
the Supreme People’s Court and Supreme
involved in the original trial do not participate in
People’s Procuratorates with regard to cracking
the investigation or trial of such cases.
down on online rumors, the Draft defined acts
iv. Revision of the Administrative Procedure Law
of fabricating and spreading rumors on the Internet as criminal offenses and the Internet as a “public space”. These provisions of the Draft are not conducive to protecting citizens’
The Decision for Revising the Administrative
freedom of speech.
Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China was issued in November 2014 and the
In response to frequently occurring incidents
newly revised law entered into force on May 1,
in recent years of lawyers “creating trouble
2015. This is the first major revision since the
in court” and “objecting stubbornly”, the Draft
law was enacted 24 years ago. The revision’s
modified the crime of disrupting court order.
objective is to address the long-existing
In addition to assembling a crowd, disrupting
difficulties in case filing, case adjudication, and
the court and attacking judicial personnel,
enforcement when citizens sue government
some other acts were added as criminal
agencies or government officials.
offenses, such as the assault and battery of participants during judicial proceedings,
The revisions cover ten aspects, including
insulting, slandering or threatening judicial
the scope of acceptance for filing, jurisdiction,
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
offering bribes to close relatives and other
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
parties to the litigation, evidence rules,
jurisdiction over administrative cases so as to
adjudication processes and other issues. The
eliminate local protectionism in administrative
legislative intent is to “resolve administrative
litigation. The administrative mediation process
disputes”. The previous censorship of
will allow disputes involving administrative
accreditation system is being replaced by case-
compensation, remedies, and the legality
filing registration system, and administrative
of administrative agency’s discretion. The
agencies will not be able anymore to interfere
revisions also clarify the type of cases where
or obstruct a court’s acceptance of cases.
simplified procedures are applicable. Some
The scope of filing is being further expanded
special cases of civil and administrative
to include abuse of administrative power to
claims can be adjudicated jointly, and when
eliminate or restrain competition; illegal financing
the court determines that adjudication of
and imposing of costs; non-payment of low-
an administrative case will depend on the
income social security or social security benefits
judgment of a civil case, administrative
prescribed by the law; and administrative
adjudication can be suspended. Evidence
agencies’ decisions of expropriations,
rules have been improved, circumstances
compensation, and the determination of rights.
identified where the court can subpoena
The revisions make it easier for parties to sue
evidence and cross-examination of evidence,
the administration by allowing oral complaints
added. Enforcement measures have also been
and extending the limitation of action by six
strengthened. Shall the administrative agency
months when the plaintiff is an individual citizen
refuse to fulfill its judgment obligations, the
or a legal person.
head of the agency will bear the responsibility to pay a fine. In cases of serious negative
Other revisions include: establishing
social impact, the chief official or the person
accountability for those illegally pressuring
directly responsible can be detained. When
the plaintiff to withdraw a complaint by means
the agency conducting administrative review
of deception or coercion; establishing a pre-
upholds the challenged administrative act,
judgment relief procedure; stipulating that
the defendant agency and the review agency
the chief administrator of the defendant
will be joined as co-defendants in subsequent
administrative agency must appear in court
litigation in order to prevent administrative
and, if unable to appear, appointing another
review from becoming an empty procedure.
appropriate staff to appear; allowing the court to make a public announcement or make
Overall, the revisions mainly address technical
a judicial recommendation for disciplinary
issues. Some of them are based on previously
action to the relevant agency if the defendant,
issued judicial interpretations, and in reality,
receiving a subpoena, refuses to appear
only constitute minor amendments. The
without a legitimate excuse or leaves the
provision of non-interference of administrative
hearing before the end without permission. It
agencies on the court acceptance of filing
is hoped that these revisions will help address
only serves as an empty slogan. The abstract
the problem of officials not appearing in
administrative act of making rules and
court when they are sued. Upon approval of
regulations does not fall within the scope
the Supreme People’s Court, some Higher
of judicial review. Neither do the revisions
People’s Courts will be allowed to establish
provide the plaintiff with jurisdictional options.
cross-administrative regional courts with
The procedure for retrying administrative
Interpretation of the Application of the Civil
revisions do not respond to the issues of
Procedure Law issued by the Supreme People’s
public interest administrative litigation and
Court in February 2015 includes specific
regulating administrative contracts. Relatedly,
provisions regarding case-filing registration
provisions establishing the accountability
system, public interest litigation, evidence rules,
for administrative interference lack clarity
small claims proceedings, court discipline, and
and details. Mandatory appearance of Chief
civil law principle of good faith. This Judicial
administrative officials’ chief administrators in
Interpretation contains the most numerous
court is difficult to implement, and is usually
provisions in the history of the Supreme
substituted by their lower level administrative
People’s Court’s judicial interpretation.
staff instead. When the new law enters into
v. Regulating Assets Disposition Procedure in Criminal Cases
force, the courts’ acceptance rate of plaintiff’s fillings against government agencies or officials may increase, but how many cases will obtain a favorable judgment remain to be seen.
In December 2014, the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms
Finally, administrative litigation involves a
reviewed and approved the Opinion on the
tension between public power and private
Further Regulation of the Management of
rights, as well as check and balance between
Assets Involved in Criminal Proceedings.
the judicial and administrative branches. Under
It called for local judiciaries to establish a
the current situation, where state power is
centralized and transparent information
exceptionally strong, and the judiciary rather
clearing-house for assets, with the Party and
weak, or even dependent on local government,
government agencies being prohibited to be
the new law can only have limited effects in
involved in the process of disposition.
practice. The weak position of the judiciary should be addressed through systemic reform
Although the Criminal Procedure Law contains
that ensures judicial independence. Yet judicial
some provisions regarding assets illegally
system reform can only be dealt with under the
obtained through criminal acts, the provisions
overall reform of the political system.
are rather vague and broad, and related disposition procedures too simple and not
The revision of the Administrative Review Law
detailed enough to be followed. In addition,
has also been placed on the agenda of the
due to lack of transparency and oversight, the
legislature, targeting the phenomenon where
interference of local Party and government
higher courts affirm the judgments of lower
agencies is severe. For a long time, there
courts in most cases and only infrequently
had been extreme chaos in criminal assets
reverse the original judgment. The system and
recovery and auction. Secretive operation,
procedure of administrative review demands
misappropriation, interception, and corruption
urgent attention, and an important reform will
were rampant. Such assets had become an
be shifting from the current process of written
important source of illegal gain and even a
complaints to a trial process, with the aim of
major motivation for “fabricating” criminal
securing meaningful judicial review.
cases. Some agencies attempted to address the situation but with little success. The above
Similarly to the revisions, the Judicial
Opinion emphasized procedural transparency
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
cases is also insufficient. Furthermore, the
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
and strictly prohibited the involvement of the
of the parties and stakeholders, and improving
Party and government agencies in assets
procedural remedies; granting the owners of
disposition, which had a positive impact
the assets or their custodians the right of relief
in standardizing the procedures of assets
should they disagree with the disposition or
disposition involved in criminal proceedings
the judgment and the right of presence when
and in avoiding Party or government agencies
the assets are disposed, and to outsiders the
to profit illegally. Yet not only does the Opinion
right of objection; (7) utilizing digital technology
need more detailed measures in order to be
to enhance the transparency and oversight of
implemented, it also require the support of
sealing, taking custody, freezing, safekeeping,
related legislations.
and disposing of the assets.
The idea behind regulating assets disposition
vi. Combatting Corruption Requires Systemic Change
procedures in criminal cases is to standardize relevant procedures, make them more professional, and orient them towards the
After he became the Secretary-General of the
judiciary. The following suggestions could
CPC, Xi Jinping launched an anti-corruption
serve this purpose: (1) at the institutional
campaign, which was sustained throughout
level, separating the funding of judiciary
2014. In the first half of the year alone, the CPC
operations and staff remuneration from local
Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
government finances, and severing the
(CCDI) investigated and sanctioned 375 officials
connection between judicial officials and the
with disciplinary actions. Some of the officials
assets involved in the case; (2) abolishing
were above the provincial and government
the system whereby the judiciary retains a
ministerial level, and some were high level
benefit from the asset, thus eliminating any
executives of state-owned enterprises, such as
possibility of illegal gains, possibly by handing
Ji Wenlin, Jin Daoming, Shen Peiping, Yao Mu-
over the assets to the central treasury; (3)
Gen, Song Lin, Tan Qiwei, Ling Zhengce, Han
clearly defining criminally obtained gains and
Xiancong, Su Rong, Xu Caihou, and Ling Jihua.
goods, crime scenes, and crime tools; strictly
The downfall of Zhou Yongkang marked the
differentiating assets involved in criminal cases
climax of this round of the anti-corruption drive.
from fines and confiscated assets; changing the concept in criminal proceedings of “paying
To combat corruption, the CPC Organization
more attention to the person than to assets�;
Department issued the Opinion on
improving judicial procedures for determining
Strengthening Oversight on the Selection
and disposing criminal case related assets;
and Promotion of Officials, and Regulations
clarifying the burden of proof and standards of
for Managing the Positions of Government
proof; (4) establishing an assets administration
Officials Whose Spouses Have Migrated
mechanism, turning over assets from cases to
Abroad. As a result, many provinces and
the management of specialized professionals,
central government ministries carried out an
and maximize the interests of interested
inventory of the officials whose spouses have
parties and creditors; (5) clearly stating that
migrated abroad. In June, the CPC Politburo
the assets involved in criminal cases cannot
adopted the Implementation Plan of Discipline
be disposed prior to the judgment becoming
and Inspection Reform, which announced eight
effective; (6) ensuring the right to participate
reform measures, including: strengthening the
to form an ICAC that will be solely responsible
inspection system; improving internal rules and
for anti-corruption matters. The ICAC will
regulations; and strengthening power oversight
exercise independent investigatory power
and administrative supervision, starting with
without the interference of any organization or
the CCDI itself then expanding from top
individual. This pilot measure could be tested
down. The Implementation Plan constitutes a
in selected places, such as in the Hengqin
programmatic document for the reform of the
district in Zhuhai city, which already has a
anti-corruption system indicating intensified
similar model. (3) Placing CCDI’s disciplinary
internal party control around the CCDI by
actions under the legal framework. (4) Truly
expanding its power for investigation and
implementing the Party’s policy of serving the
punishment and improving its own operation
people, guaranteeing freedom of speech, and
and management.
encouraging anti-corruption reports from the general public.
The judicial branch has closely followed the CCDI’s strategy. In the first half of 2014, a
As the CCDI Implementation Plan has laid
total of 10,854 cases of corruption and bribery
down reform objectives and measures for
were investigated, involving 14,603 suspects,
the next decade, it is unlikely that the anti-
of whom 10,057 were prosecuted, 8,110 tried
corruption campaign will result in any systemic
and 8,096 found guilty. This type of cooperation
breakthroughs. It will be difficult to follow the
reflects, on the one hand, the judicial system’s
ICAC model any time soon and to predict the
powerlessness in anti-corruption efforts, and
future of placing disciplinary actions under the
reveals, on the other hand, the tension between
legal framework. Under the current situation
anti-corruption efforts and the rule of law.
and increasingly tightened control of freedom of speech, the only feasible measure would
The new Party leadership emphasized that
be gradually pushing for officials’ assets
anti-corruption efforts should be carried out
disclosure. This has been proved, regardless
within the legal framework. The following four
of the political system and ideology, to be the
aspects should be taken into consideration
most effective means of curtailing corruption.
for combatting corruption at the systemic and
In China, the disclosure system has not been
institutional level: (1) Introducing a system of
implemented, mainly due to the resistance
officials’ assets disclosure, a common practice
from the officials themselves. The government,
worldwide. Currently at least 137 countries
in turn, has not offered a convincing
employ this system. It is also practiced in
explanation why it has not been implemented,
China’s Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan.
parrying that the disclosure system was not
In Macao, the only option for officials who
suited to China’s circumstances. Should the
refuse to comply with assets disclosure is
government be concerned about political
resignation. (2) Taking as a reference the
risks, then a compromise could be considered:
Hong Kong model, integrating existing anti-
disclosure could be only required for new
corruption agencies to form an independent
officials but not incumbents, and only for new
and centralized ICAC (Independent
officials below the department chief level,
Commission Against Corruption). The anti-
with a view towards gradually moving up the
corruption function should be stripped from the
hierarchy. Since the rule of law and judicial
Procuratorate and merged with the CPC CCDI
reform are considered important, after a
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
CCDI’s leadership from the top; improving the
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
significant raise in the remunerations of judicial
less than one year imprisonment, detention,
officials and the establishment of greater job
constraint, or fines. The expedited procedures
security, the disclosure mechanism could
in criminal cases will simplify trial procedure
first be implemented in the judicial system.
with its unrestricted pre-trial service time and
The disclosure requirement is a yardstick to
eliminate court investigation and examination,
measure the central government’s resolve to
which will contribute to saving judicial
fight corruption. It cannot be ignored or further
resources, alleviating court pressure, and
delayed. As early as 1994, the Officials’ Assets
enhancing litigation efficiency.
Disclosure Law has been included in the legislative agenda of the national legislature,
Procedural simplification has been an
but since then, no progress has been made in
important part of the criminal justice reform
this regard. A type of sunshine law needs to be
agenda. Since the 1996 Criminal Procedure
adopted as soon as possible, and it is hoped
Law established that a simplified procedure
that a breakthrough will occur during the tenure
could be applied to criminal cases where
of CCDI’s chief, Wang Qishan.
sentencing is less than three years, various reform measures have been tested. At first,
vii. Pilot Program and Authorization Reform for Expedited Procedures in Criminal Cases
some basic level courts, for the purpose of
In June 2014, the Standing Committee of
Interpretation of the Supreme People’s Court
the National People’s Congress adopted the
formally recognized the legality of this method
Decision of Authorizing the Supreme People’s
and named it a “regular procedure with
Court and the Supreme People’s Procuratorate
defendant’s guilty plea”. Thereafter emerged
to Launch a Pilot Program on the Application
a “light punishment and fast trial” frenzy. In
of Expedited Procedures in Criminal Cases
2006, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate
in Selected Areas. The two courts drafted a
issued the Opinion of Expedited Handling of
concrete implementation plan for the two-year
Minor Criminal Cases According to the Law. In
pilot program, to be carried out in eighteen
2007, judicial organs in Beijing jointly issued
cities including Beijing. The Fourth Five-
the Opinion of Expedited Handling of Minor
Year Outline released in July also stated,
Criminal Cases According to the Law with
“under the authorization and oversight of the
Suspects’ and Defendants’ Guilty Pleas. In
legislature, the reform of expedited procedures
2008, the Opinion on Deepening Reforms of
in criminal cases will be promoted in an orderly
the Judicial System and Work Mechanism also
manner”. Expedited procedures in criminal
called for “establishing expedited handling
cases are applicable to cases where the facts
of minor criminal cases and expanding the
are clear, where the evidence is sufficient,
scope of applicability of simplified procedures”.
where the defendant pleads guilty, where the
The 2013 revised Criminal Procedure Law
defendant has no dispute over the applicable
restructured the simplified procedure by
law in misdemeanor cases such as dangerous
combining the previous simplified procedure
driving, traffic accidents, theft, fraud, snatching,
and the “regular procedure with defendant’s
harm, and affray that are relatively minor,
guilty plea”, while not further differentiating the
and where the possible sentence by law is
different types of simplified procedures.
reducing the pressure of heavy caseloads, explored the method of “simple trial with regular procedure”. In 2003, a Judicial
should be recognized and supported, instead
simplified procedural reform should focus
of restricted.
on the following: (1) a baseline guarantee
viii. Improving the Parole and Commutation System
of justice: a defendant’s minimum rights must be protected, including the right to procedural choice; the right to defense; the right to reasonable explanation; and the
In recent years there have been quite a few
right to a timely trial. Reasons to terminate
illegal paroles and commutations for the
the expedited procedure should be clearly
privileged, and exposure of such incidents has
stated, and a mechanism of switching from
prompted reform in this field. For instance,
“summary to regular” procedure in place to
the illegal commutation of Zhang Hai, former
prevent unsuitable yet mandatory application.
Chairman of Guangdong Jianlibao Group,
In the meantime, the scope of legal aid should
involved corruption of the court, the prison, and
be expanded to include both expedited and
a detention center, which exposed the issues of
simplified procedures, and legal aid should
arbitrary discretion, weak oversight, and serious
be accessible as earlier as at the stage of
corruption in parole and commutation practice.
investigation. (2) further enhancing adjudicative efficiency: based on current conditions in China,
In February 2014, the CPC Central Political
learning from other countries’ experiences,
and Law Affairs Commission issued the
developing a multi-level trial procedure
Opinion on Strictly Regulating Commutation,
model with different degrees of simplicity or
P a r o l e , a n d P r o b a t i o n , a n d E ff e c t i v e l y
complexity, including the presence of public
Preventing Judicial Corruption. The Opinion
defenders; establishing and improving relevant
called for strictly handling these three
supporting mechanisms, such as adopting
types of sentencing, improving relevant
centralized trial models and handling simplified
procedures, strengthening the accountability of
procedural cases together; fully utilizing and
enforcement officers, and severely punishing
improving the pre-trial management.
corrupt conduct. Subsequently, the Supreme People’s Court issued the Regulation of
Pilot program authorization is a supplement
Adjudicating Procedures of Commutation and
and improvement to the deficiency of the
Parole Cases. The Regulation addressed
newly revised Criminal Procedure Law, and
issues regarding the trial of commutation
also a measure of “experimental legislation”,
and parole cases: expanding the scope of
intended to ensure legitimate, stable, and
public notice, increasing transparency in case
orderly implementation of judicial reforms. Pilot
registration and trial, combining trials with
program authorization ensuring the legality
written hearings, introducing people’s jurors,
of the judicial reform will have an important
conducting investigations and verifications,
impact on future reforms in judicial and other
soliciting comments, and the arraignment of
fields. On the other hand, many years of past
criminals. The Regulation is a supplement and
judicial reform experience shows that reform
improvement to the 2012 Regulation of Specific
measures driven by practical needs at the local
Application of the Law in Commutation and
level and outside of pilot sites are conducive
Parole Cases, as well as a correction of the
to maintaining the vitality and momentum of
previous practice of administrative intervention
the reform. Therefore, these reform measures
in which such cases were submitted by the
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
The forthcoming pilot and design of future
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
enforcement agency for court approval. In
process of commutation and parole; granting
June, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate
prisoners the right to petition for commutation
issued the Regulation of Record Review
and parole; making commutation and parole
for Commutation, Parole, and Probation for
contingent on a judicial organ’s initiative and
Offenders for Official Misconduct. It stipulated
the prisoner’s application; allowing lawyers into
that for offenders for official misconduct
the process; including judgments and decisions
above the level of the department director,
in the unified public information system;
any commutation, parole, and probation
implementing a procuratorate’s function of
must be reported to the Supreme People’s
oversight over prisons and detention centers
Procuratorates for record review within ten
with their pre-investigation powers; in inmate
days of a judgment or decision being issued.
management, abandoning the single-track
And for offenders for official misconduct at
evaluation by accumulation of merit points,
the county level, in each and every case, the
emphasizing the investigation of an inmate’s
record must be submitted to the provincial
actual state of change, and taking into
procuratorate for review.
consideration the nature of an inmate’s crime to determine whether parole or commutation
In August, the Regulation of the Procuratorates’
should be applicable; gradually changing the
Handling of Commutation and Parole was
current practice of favoring commutation over
passed, which required review, investigation,
parole, increasing the application of parole;
and verification for six types of commutation
and improving community correction programs,
and parole cases. The Regulation also defined
w i t h e ff e c t i v e r e i n t e g r a t i o n a n d a c t i v e
the responsibility of procurators who appear in
monitoring, strengthening the educational
commutation and parole trials, and emphasized
function of criminal penalties, and encouraging
that inappropriate commutation and parole
paroled persons to take the initiative to change
must be corrected once discovered.
and to reintegrate into society.
Progress was made but the above-mentioned
ix. Reform of Petitioning Involving Legal Action
regulations had certain defects. For example, only an enforcement agency can initiate procedures and prisoners have no way to do so.
Bringing petitioning into the legal framework
Furthermore, a prisoner’s right to participate in
has been the objective of petitioning reform
the process is not ensured. Prisoners have no
in recent years. The 4th Plenary Session
procedural rights, such as making a statement
Decision also emphasized this reform. In 2014,
or argument, or requesting recusal, and cannot
a concrete series of reform and guidance
obtain legal representation. A prisoner’s lack
measures were issued. In February, the
of a right to apply for review or appeal further
Opinion of Innovative Mass Work Method
reflects the lack of a relief procedure. Victims’
to Address Pressing Issues of Petitioning,
rights were also neglected. The Regulations
issued by two central government offices,
did not provide for a victim’s right to know and
summarized past experiences and proposed
right to dissent.
some improvement measures. The February Opinion was another major guiding document
Future reform should include: further
following the 2007 Opinion of Further
enhancing the transparency of the adjudication
Strengthening Petitioning Work in a New
mechanisms. In October, the 4th Plenary
the State Council issued the Opinion for
Session Decision emphasized “placing
Dealing with Petitioning Involving Legal Action,
petitioning under the legal framework, ensuring
which proposed the following: differentiating
that legitimate and reasonable requests get
petitioning from litigation; handling and ending
lawful and fair results through proper legal
petitioning according to the law; seeking
procedures”, and reaffirmed “implementing
judicial remedies; and guiding the petitioners
the final judgment and litigation termination
to legal proceedings. After review by judicial
mechanism, differentiating petitions and
organs above the provincial level, if the issues
litigations, and ensuring the petitioner’s right to
in the petition have been dealt with fairly, there
should be no more review procedures. The Supreme People’s Court also issued Opinions
The petitioning system, a phenomenon with
for Further Advancing the Reform of Petitioning
Chinese characteristics originating from the
Involving Legal Action and called for clarifying
mass movement of “peoples’ letters and
the concept of litigation and petitioning so as to
visits” marked by the 1951 State Council
separate the two, establishing a circuit hearing
Decision for Handling the Letters and Visits
and monitoring mechanism, and setting up a
of the People, is a means for the CPC Party
new channel of online petition. The Supreme
to carry out the mass line, encourage public
People’s Procuratorate issued the Opinion for
criticism, and oversee the government’s power
Further Strengthening Petitioning Involving
according to the Constitution. As time goes
Legal Action under the New Situation.
by, this mechanism has departed from its original intention and became a hodgepodge
In April, the State Bureau of Letters and Visits
of social discontent, citizens’ participation in
issued the Method for Further Regulating
political decisions, public oversight over abuse
Handling Procedures of Petitioners to
of power and mistake correction, and people’s
Encourage Petitioners to Make Step-by-Step
seeking rights and remedies – an all-inclusive
Petitioning According to the Law. It stipulated
panacea for conflict resolution. In reality, many
that “leapfrog” petitions and visits should not
people have more faith in petitioning than in
be accepted. Thus the new procedures strictly
the law, and use this mechanism as the last
follow the principle of “territorial jurisdiction”.
resort to solving their problems. It has become
In September, the CPC Central Political and
a major problem for orderly social governance.
Law Affairs Commission successively issued several directives: the Opinion for Channeling
Calls for reform of the petitioning system have
Petitions Involving Legal Action into the
never stopped over the years. Although many
Working System of Legal Proceedings, the
reform measures were initiated in 2014, they
Guiding Opinion for Correcting the Mistakes
were merely superficial stopgap policies.
and Defects in Handling Petitions Involving
Petitioning will never end, as its appeal lies
Legal Action, and the Implementation Opinions
precisely in its unrestricted nature. “Leapfrog
for Ending Petitions Involving Legal Action
visits” cannot be stopped in practice, because
by Law. These measures addressed three
petitions are only effective when they appeal
major difficulties in the petitioning system:
to a higher level government. Fundamentally,
initiating, processing, and ending, by proper
such petitioning is contrary to the rule of law,
guidance, mistake correction, and case ending
thus the task of placing petitioning under a
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
Era. In March 2014, the General Office of
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
legal framework is an impossible mission.
petitioning accountability practice, abandoning the “abnormal petitioning� ranking system,
The pressure of petitioning will not be alleviated
and firmly cracking down on the illegal and
under the background of the frequent social
criminal acts of holding up or intercepting
conflicts, unbalanced vested interests, notable
petitions and setting up underground jails
social injustice, lack of judicial independence,
against the petitioners. The long-term solution
and absence of any conflict prevention and
lies in the realization of judicial independence,
resolution mechanism. As long as the systemic
and eventually petitioning will be replaced
defects of bureaucracy and the interference of
by judicial proceedings. Petitioning should
administrative agencies and local authorities
be remodeled as a supplementary relief
are not addressed, and the judiciary continues
for conventional rights remedies. Another
to lack independence, fairness, credibility and
approach could be the gradual weakening
authority, it will be difficult to solve problems
and stripping of the current petition-handling
without petitioning. The solution lies in
units in various government agencies, and
adopting multiple approaches, with a special
their integration into a specialized complaints
emphasis on fair and just social policies, free
handling agency, such as the Ombudsman
and open expression of opinions, restricting
system in Sweden and other countries. The
the powers of the Party and the government,
Ombudsman office could be established at the
and enhancing judicial independence,
central government and provincial levels, and
fairness, credibility, and authority, so as to
gradually transition into a specialized semi-
form an effective multidimensional mechanism
judicial complaints handling agency.
of conflict resolution. An urgent priority for petitioning reform is abolishing the coercive
Significant reform measures were implemented
of Court Personnel and Professionalization
in the court system in 2014 and the court made
of Judges proposed the following reforms:
achievements in the pilot reform of the ratio-
separating the ranking of judges from the
quota mechanism for judicial officials, court
administrative hierarchy; prohibiting judges
structure, correcting miscarriages of justice
from holding administrative management
cases, and the abolishment of the performance
positions; creating three categories for court
ranking practice.
personnel — judges, trial assistants, and administrative staff; for intermediate courts
i. Pilot Reform of Judicial officials’ Ratio-Quota Mechanism
at the city level, setting the number of judges
An important measure in this round of judicial
setting the number of judges at not more than
reform is a categorized judicial personnel
65%, and aiming to gradually reduce the judge
management system, separating them
ratio; setting the remuneration and benefits
from the system of regular civil servants,
of judges to correspond to their ranking; and
and placing judges and procurators under
making remuneration increase and promotions
separate title ranking management. The
dependent on years of service, seniority, and
judicial officials’ ratio-quota mechanism, a
work merits.
at not more than 60% of the total judicial personnel quota; for district level courts,
key component of categorized personnel management reform, attracted much attention
The Pilot Reform Program of Shanghai,
in 2014. The ratio-quota is determined by
issued in June 2014, further specified that
factors such as the population under the
the ratio-quota of judges, trial assistants,
court’s jurisdiction, the level of its economic
and administrative staff would be 33%, 52%,
development, its caseload, and the workload
and 15% respectively. The Fourth Five-Year
of judges. Qualified personnel are selected
Outline issued in July 2014 required that all
and appointed as judges. The purposes of
courts at the four levels in the country establish
this mechanism are: (1) to reduce the number
a judges’ ratio-quota according to the socio-
of judges; (2) to improve their quality and job
economic development of the court jurisdiction,
security; (3) to change the current situation
population (including temporary residents),
where too many administrative staff take up
caseload, level of trial functions, judges’
the judges’ positions, and heads of courts
workload, trial assistant staffing, and case
and tribunals are not adjudicating cases; (4)
adjudication needs.
to enhance professionalism; (5) to advance judicial independence; and (6) to promote trial
Establishing a categorized judicial personnel
quality and efficiency.
management system and a judges’ ratio-quota mechanism has long been an important aspect
In February 2014, the Reform Program of
of judicial reform. As early as 2001, the revised
Shenzhen City on Categorized Management
Judges Law stated that “the Supreme People’s
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
II. Reform Measures in the Court System
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
Court would work with relevant agencies and
many vested interests, while no corresponding
set a judges’ ratio-quota in accordance with
personnel and financial support is in place.
the need of trial cases”. In 2002, the Opinion of
The above measures encompass fundamental
Strengthening the Professionalization of Judges
systemic reform and involve effective exercise
reaffirmed that a sound judges’ ratio-quota of
of judicial power, sound disposition of judicial
the court at various levels would be established
resources, and judicial job security, all of
according to comprehensive consideration of
which must be carried out in a coordinated
China’s conditions, trial workload, area, size,
way. However, there is currently insufficient
population of the court jurisdiction, and level of
job security, no real judicial independence,
economic development. In 2004, the Opinion
no clear boundaries for judicial accountability,
of Pilot Program for Judges’ Assistants in
low remuneration of judges, heavy workloads,
Some Selected Local Courts selected 18 pilot
and lack of a sense of professional pride. In
courts, including the Haidian Court in Beijing to
spite of this, judges will be held to life-long
explore ways of selecting and managing judges’
accountability for cases they have handled.
assistants, determining judges’ ratios, and
Some will have to resign under the pressure
setting a model for conducting trials. In 2005,
of the government’s need to maintain stability,
the People’s Court Second Five-Year Outline
or the parties’ dramatic petitioning methods, or
(2005-2009) restated that the judges’ ratio-
even commit suicide. All of these factors could
quota of the courts at various levels would be
lead to a lack of support among judges for the
studied, formulated, and gradually implemented
reform measures, and judicial organs’ lack of
according to court jurisdictional level, territorial
incentives. Due to the absence of coordinated
jurisdiction, caseload, and workload.
reform action, the implementation of the pilot reform measures may depart from its original
The judges’ ratio-quota mechanism is now on
intent. According to the Shanghai Program,
the reform agenda, and substantive initiatives
only 33% of judicial officials could be judges, a
have been carried out, but nevertheless the
quota that is usually decided by seniority, and
Shanghai Pilot Reform Program raised some
younger but better judges could only become
widespread concerns, such as: who will be
judges’ assistants. This measure may reinforce
selected to fill the 33% quota of judges; what
the current trend of outstanding judicial officials
will the selection criteria be; to what extent
leaving judges’ positions to become lawyers
seniority, position, and administrative ranking
or other legal professionals, a phenomenon
will play a role; whether young judges will
that goes against normal career trajectory from
become victims of the reform measures;
lawyer to judge.
whether the power of adjudication will be in the hands of good judges; and whether the reforms
The judges’ ratio-quota mechanism is still in its
will trigger a wave of judges resigning.
exploratory phase in the selected pilot courts. Before it is fully expanded, the courts should
Although categorized judicial personnel
consider the following recommendations where
management and judges’ ratio-quota have
the pilot is already ongoing, or about to start:
been on the agenda for a long time, there has
(1) making the judges’ ratio-quota mechanism
been no substantive progress over the years.
flexible: aiming for “fewer but better” judges
This is mainly attributable to the scale of the
and “many and sufficient” assistants; (2)
change the reform would trigger, affecting
completely eliminating administrative officials
system separate from administrative regions”,
officials who do not adjudicate cases another
the Decision of the 4th Plenary Session
chance of choosing their positions; establishing
continued to stress the necessity of exploring
a sound system for those unfit to serve as
the establishment of cross-administrative
judges to quit; (3) expanding the base for
regional people’s courts and procuratorates
judges’ assistants; developing a reasonable
to deal with cross-regional cases. For the
system for more hiring; prohibiting judges’
first time also, the Decision called for the
assistants from simultaneously holding
establishment of circuit courts of the Supreme
administrative positions; (4) establishing an
People’s Court to deal with major cross-
appraisal committee for the selection of judges
regional administrative and commercial cases.
which, aside from being representative and
In December 2014, the Central Leading Group
professional, might also be randomly selected
of Comprehensively Deepening Reforms
ad-hoc from a database of experts when
reviewed the Pilot Program for Establishing
needed; (5) clarifying the selection criteria:
Circuit Courts of the Supreme People’s Court,
apart from educational qualifications and
and the Pilot Program for Establishing Cross-
passing the bar exam, the selection criteria
Administrative Regional People’s Courts and
should emphasize professionalism; avoid using
People’s Procuratorates. The Leading Group
the judges’ rank or administrative grade as
recommended that revisions be made for
metric for professionalism and instead focus on
the approval and implementation of the pilot
the judges’ proven competence, professional
plans. Thereafter, the Supreme People’s Court
experience and ethics; (6) ensuring the
selected Shenzhen city in Guangdong province
transparency of the selection process: making
and Shenyang city in Liaoning province as pilot
public information regarding judges’ position
sites for circuit courts. In Shanghai and Beijing,
vacancies, job requirements, applicants’
the Third Intermediate People’s Court and the
resumes in order to create a shortlist for the
Fourth Intermediate People’s Court and their
positions; release nominations or objections by
corresponding procuratorates were established
Party organizations; and (7) recognizing that
respectively. In January 2015, the Supreme
staffing quotas and financial resources are key
People’s Court adopted the Provisions on
to the success of the reform. Remuneration
Several Issues Concerning the Trial of Cases
for judges should be raised significantly. For
by Circuit Courts and decided that the First
judges’ assistants, remuneration should be kept
Circuit Court would be established in Shenzhen
at the current level with a reasonable increase;
city, covering the provinces of Guangdong,
and there should be more opportunities for the
Guangxi, and Hainan, and the Second Circuit
promotion of judges’ assistants as a career
Court, in Shenyang city, covering the provinces
development incentive.
of Liaoning, Jilin, and Heilongjiang. The Provisions specified the scope and types of
ii. Establishing Cross-Administrative Regional Judicial Organs and Circuit Courts under the Supreme People’s Court
cases to be handled by circuit courts and what
Subsequent to the CPC 3rd Plenary Session
accountability, and the selection of anti-
Decision’s directive of “exploring a jurisdictional
corruption monitors.
types of cases would still be adjudicated by the Supreme People’s Court for the time being. The Provisions also outlined the appointment of circuit court judges, case adjudication
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
from the quota reserved for judges; giving
Although now operational, circuit courts have
caseload, economic development, population
basic defects, in particular unclear role and
density, geographical area, and accessibility.
functions. The original purpose of establishing
(3) The jurisdiction of cases handled by circuit
circuit courts was to eliminate the interference
courts should be expanded. Although the judicial
of local authorities by separating judicial from
interpretation has a catch-all provision including
administrative jurisdiction. In practice, it has
“all other cases that the Supreme People’s
been hard to achieve. Up to now, the main
Court deems necessary to be adjudicated by
function of circuit courts has been to make
circuit courts”, further judicial interpretation
litigation more convenient and accessible in
should clarify that circuit courts have the function
rural areas. As a judicial organ established
of adjudicating cases across administrative
by the Supreme People’s Court, the types
regions. For instance, cases of administrative
of cases handled by circuit courts and the
litigation against specific administrative acts of
Supreme People’s Court are the same, the
ministries and commissions of the State Council
only difference being that the adjudication is
or provincial governments, cases in which
moved from Beijing to local cities. Therefore,
the parties encounter a serious controversy
circuit courts’ main function has become to
regarding jurisdiction and cases that do not fall
reduce the workload of the Supreme People’s
within the same provincial regions should be
Court, similarly to a subdivision of the Supreme
clearly added to the jurisdiction of the circuit
People’s Court in the early years of its
establishment. Compared to circuit courts, cross-administrative Nevertheless, under the current framework,
regional courts can play a more positive role
circuit courts can still play a positive role
in reducing interference of local authorities.
through the adjustment of the scope of their
However, the emphasis should not be on cross-
jurisdiction and adjudication functions. The
regional courts below the provincial level, as
establishment of circuit courts touch upon
administrative power at the provincial level can
issues such as organizational structure,
still easily influence the judiciary, as illustrated
personnel quotas and disposition, financial
by the situation of the Hainan Intermediate
support, and major revisions to the legal
People’s Court in Hainan province. The
grounds and the jurisdictional system. In this
emphasis on cross-regional courts should be
regard, the following improvements need to be
at the higher court level, as the “de facto final
considered: (1) Although the Organic Law of
judgment body”. In dissolving and merging
the People’s Courts and the procedure laws
higher courts, the reform can take as a guiding
both recognized the circuit trial principle, there
example the People’s Bank’s mega-regional
are so far no legal grounds for the Supreme
model. For instance, one higher court could
People’s Court to establish circuit courts.
cover the entire region of Hebei, Beijing and
Amended legislation is needed to define the
circuit courts’ function, personnel composition, and financial resources. Timely judicial
Although procuratorates could follow the
interpretation is also needed to regulate trial
same model, the need for cross-regional
activities of circuit courts and periodic personnel
procuratorates is not as important as the
rotations. (2) The number and location of future
relationship between the lower and higher
circuit courts should be decided according to
level procuratorates is one of subordinate
to superior, with the chief procurator as the
clarifying jurisdictional issues and trial levels.
responsible official.
Based on the above-mentioned directives, IPR courts have been established in the
iii. Establishing Intellectual Property Rights Courts
three cities. In the future, intellectual property tribunals of local level high people’s courts will adjudicate administrative cases.
In August 2014, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress issued the
At present, many countries have established
Decision on Establishing Intellectual Property
patent courts and intellectual property courts,
Rights Courts in Beijing, Shanghai and
such as in the U.S., Germany, Korea, Japan,
Guangzhou. According to the Decision, IPR
Russia, and Finland. In China in the 1990s,
courts specialize in adjudicating all the city-
some courts’ economic tribunals had patent
level basic courts’ first instance appeal cases
review trial groups, which later became
(of both civil and administrative judgments)
intellectual property tribunals. In 2010, the
concerning copyright and trademark, as
Supreme People’s Court issued the Opinion
well as first instance trials (of both civil and
on Certain Issues Regarding Implementing the
administrative judgments) of more complicated
State’s Intellectual Property Rights Strategy
cases, such as those involving patents, new
and proposed exploring the establishment of
plant varieties, and integrated circuit layout
intellectual property appeal courts. In recent
design. First instance cases are expected to
years, IPR cases in China have increased
realize cross-regional jurisdiction within three
remarkably. In 2013, over 110,000 such cases
years. The chief and deputy chief justices of
were adjudicated, the highest number in the
IPR courts, heads of tribunals, judges, and
world. Increasingly, new and difficult cases
members of the judicial committee shall all
involving highly specialized technology require
be appointed or dismissed by the standing
adjudications. High profile cases, such as
committee of the city-level people’s congress.
the “Power Dekor” brand name trademark
In October, the Supreme People’s Court
protection case, Microsoft v. Chinese Internet
issued a Guiding Opinion on the Selection of
Cafés Infringement, Han v. Baidu Library
Judges for IPR Courts (Trial Version), requiring
Copyright Dispute, Wong Lo Kat v. JDB and
that judges of IPR courts, in addition to
3Q War cases, played a role in promoting
requirements provided in the Judges Law, also:
the specialization of IPR adjudication. The
be qualified for fourth-level senior judge; have
4th Plenary Session Decision formally called
at least six years of relevant trial experience;
for “strengthening IPR protection, improving
hold a college or an advanced law degree; and
incentives for innovation, and exploring the
possess a strong ability in presiding over trials
establishment of IPR courts”. The Fourth
and writing verdicts. Judges will be selected
Five-Year Outline subsequently proposed
through an open process by a selection
establishing IPR courts where IPR cases are
committee, according to the requirement of the
judges’ ratio-quota and the accountability of the presiding judge, and with public comments. In
Based on past pilot program experiences,
November, the Supreme People’s Court issued
reform measures introduced the civil and
the Regulation of the Jurisdiction of IPR Courts
administrative IPR cases “two-in-one” model,
in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, further
which has a positive impact in resolving
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
problems of inconsistent adjudication
In January 2015, the Central Political and
standards, trademark review and “cycle action”
Law Affairs Commission ordered all central
in patent appeal cases. Criminal IPR cases
and local judicial organs to conduct a
are being excluded for the time being. IPR
comprehensive inventory of existing evaluation
courts, similarly to maritime courts, are the
indicators and abolish unreasonable items,
equivalent of intermediate courts, and handle
such as the number of criminal detentions,
both first and second instance trials. Within
as well as the rate of approved arrests,
the organizational hierarchy, the courts both
prosecution, guilty verdicts, and annual case-
above and below the IPR courts are regular
completion rate.
courts (basic-level and higher courts). There is no corresponding IPR appellate court, nor
Since the adoption of the reform and the open-
a separate IPR judicial system. Measures
door policy, especially in the late 1980s when
for establishing cross-regional jurisdiction,
trial reform started, court management and
appointing or removing judges from office
related evaluation practice gained increased
at the provincial level, and establishing IPR
attention. In 1995, the Judges Law made
tribunals without an administrative ranking,
general as well as specific provisions for the
are all aimed at reducing the influence of
selection body, subjects, principles, content,
local authorities. However, overall, these are
and results of judges’ evaluation. In 1996,
still transitional measures and do not enable
the Temporary Organization Measure of the
sufficient specialization and independence
Judges’ Evaluation Committee introduced
of courts. In the future, IPR appellate courts
provisions for a judges’ evaluation committee
should be established, a “three-in-one” trial
and its organization. In 1999, the First Five-
model gradually implemented, positions of
Year Reform Outline of the People’s Court
head and deputy head of tribunal abolished,
proposed exploring a systematic reform of
and judicial committees replaced by a judge
the management of judicial officials. In 2004,
conference mechanism.
the Second Five-Year Reform Outline of the People’s Court proposed establishing a sound
iv. Abolishing Performance Ranking in the Court System
unified assessment system of the quality and
In December 2014, the Supreme People’s
proposed establishing an assessment system
Court decided to abolish the practice of
centered around trial quality and efficiency,
performance ranking in all higher courts. Apart
and a categorized judicial officials’ evaluation
from necessary indicators such as the case-
and management system based on the merits
completion rate within the trial period of each
of judges, assistants, court clerks, and other
case as mandated by law, all other evaluation
administrative staff.
efficiency of trials. In 2009, the Third FiveYear Reform Outline of the People’s Court
criteria will only serve as statistical reference. This decision aims at ending the phenomenon
Over the years, with the emphasis on
of courts refusing to accept filings toward the
performance management and evaluation
end of the year in order to secure a certain
ranking, trial performance has become the
annual case-completion rate. As a result,
main reference and criterion of court work,
higher courts began to abolish unreasonable
triggering internal competition within the court
evaluation indicators within their jurisdictions.
system over resources, which sometimes led to
to the falsification of evaluations. Abolishing the practice of performance ranking reflects the spirit of judicial work, unties the hands of the
The Notice of Implementing Standard
court, represents a mark of respect for judges,
Sentencing by the Supreme People’s Court
and is in line with the recommendations of
required that, starting January 1, 2014, all
China’s Annual Report of Judicial Reform over
courts in China officially begin to use standard
the years.
sentencing. The Notice would be fully implemented by the end of the year. At the
After the abolishment of the practice of
same time, the Guiding Opinion of Sentencing
performance ranking, and the review of
for Common Crimes was issued, which
existing evaluation indicators, a sound judicial
laid down guiding principles for sentencing:
statistical system should be put in place,
punishment in proportion to the crime,
utilizing information technology and judicial
tempering justice with lenience, and balanced
data management. Accuracy, reliability, and
sentencing. It also provided detailed guidelines
transparency of data should be stressed.
for sentencing, offering guiding opinions on
Judicial data plays an important role in
sentencing circumstances of fourteen common
observing judicial operations, policy-making,
scenarios including failed attempts, surrender
monitoring the exercise of adjudication power,
and confessions, as well as on sentencing
ensuring the public’s right to know, and
range on fifteen common crimes. The Opinion
conducting theoretical research. In the future,
is an amendment and improvement to the
a sound and reasonable system of judges’
2010 People’s Courts’ Guiding Opinion of
evaluation should be established, under
Sentencing (Trial Version). It contributed to
the precondition of strictly ensuring judges’
make sentencing more sound, reasonable, fair,
independence. The judicial committee should
and just. Subsequently, higher courts in Hubei,
be independent from the court and composed
Guangdong, and Qinghai provinces issued
of judges, lawyers, scholars and the public.
corresponding implementation measures. The
Whether this can be achieved on the basis
issuance of these documents indicated that
of the current judge selection commission
reform of standardized sentencing had entered
needs to be further analyzed. In terms of
the stage of full popularization after early
evaluation, the current emphasis on cases
exploration and gradual pilot experiments.
adjudication could be replaced by a focus on judicial fairness and efficiency, including
In the future, more efforts could be made to
judges’ professional ethics, legal competency,
draw lessons from the successful practice of
communication skills and work attitude, with a
sentencing reform in local courts and further
shift from quantitative to qualitative indicators;
improve sentencing procedures and related
and the evaluation of results should only serve
supporting measures, specifically: (1) Further
as a reference. The concern that judges may
promoting the openness and transparency of
slack after the abolishment of performance
the sentencing process. In trial proceedings,
ranking does not seem to be grounded
both parties should be able to examine and
as judicial behavior can be regulated and
cross-examine facts, circumstances, and
monitored through case accountability and
evidence that will affect sentencing. The
judicial oversight.
verdict should state the method used, the
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
v. Popularizing the Reform of Standard Sentencing
the violation of the parties’ right to sue or even
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
process followed, the reasoning and the
to the National People’s Congress in March
legal grounds of the sentence. (2) A relatively
reaffirmed firmly preventing and correcting
independent sentencing procedure should be
miscarriage of justice cases; respecting and
established and there must be a conviction
protecting human rights; strictly adhering to
before sentencing. If the person is found
the principles of convicting and sentencing
not guilty, no sentencing procedure should
according to the law, the presumption of
be initiated, so as to prevent the situation of
innocence, and verdicts based on evidence;
“conviction for the sake of sentencing”. (3)
strictly excluding illegal evidence; giving
Forensic evidence provided by investigation
serious attention to issues reported by lawyers
and prosecution agencies for sentencing
and lawyers’ associations; respecting and
should be strengthened, and attention paid
protecting lawyers’ right to practice according
to evidence used for conviction as well as
to the law. Chief Justice also required lower
evidence used for sentencing. (4) Expanding
courts to report each and every serious case
the scope of criminal charges for which
that appeared to be a miscarriage of justice
standard sentencing will be applicable to and
in order to ensure thorough oversight of such
gradually making it applicable to all charges
of crimes in the sub-sections of the Criminal Code. The applicable types of sentencing
Progress was made under these reforms.
should be expanded from limited terms of
In April, Wu Zhongxing, a “model worker” of
imprisonment to life imprisonment, and death
Gansu province who had been sentenced
penalty. It is especially important to regulate
to and detained for eight years for crimes of
and standardize sentencing benchmarks for
corruption, was acquitted by the Qingyang
felonies. (5) Introducing guidance cases to
intermediate court. In June, Ms. Bai Chunrong
improve consistency in sentencing standards.
of Liaoning province, who had been sentenced to eight years imprisonment for theft, was
vi. Correcting Miscarriage of Justice Cases
acquitted by the Foshan intermediate court. In
death four times, was acquitted by the Fujian
Rehabilitating and correcting cases of
higher court. In September, Xu Hui, who had
miscarried justice has been the focus of
been imprisoned for 16 years for murder and
the Supreme People’s Court since Zhou
rape, was acquitted by the Zhuhai intermediate
Qiang became Chief Justice. In 2013, courts
court. In December, Huugjilt, who had been
nationwide corrected 12 major miscarriage of
sentenced to death and executed, was
justice cases, such as the Zhang family uncle
posthumously acquitted by the Inner Mongolia
and nephew case in Zhejiang province, the Li
higher court. Compared to past miscarriage
Huailiang case in Henan province, the Xiao
of justice cases, where the “real murderer
Shan case in Zhejiang province, and the Yu
appeared or the allegedly murdered victim was
Yingsheng case in Anhui province. Appeals of
in reality alive, the above-mentioned people
final verdicts and retrials totaled 116,000 cases,
were acquitted for insufficient evidence, which
among which 30,000 cases were retried, 7,415
is in line with the concept of presumption of
verdicts modified, and 825 defendants found
innocence and reflects real progress in criminal
not guilty. The rehabilitation and correction
justice. In the beginning of 2015, the retrial of
work continued in 2014. Zhou Qiang’s report
the Chen Xiaying case was also initiated.
August, Nian Bin, who had been sentenced to
of 1.06 million yuan but however was convicted
corrective work is far from being sufficient. A
for extorting the government and sentenced
number of high profile mishandled cases are
to 10 years imprisonment. In addition, it does
still waiting to be reviewed. For instance, the
not seem reasonable to only hold accountable
Nie Shubin case, the Chen Man case, the
those who directly handle the case, as they
Huang Zhiqiang case and three other suspects
often turn out to be mere scapegoats, while the
involved in a case of rape and murder in
real culprit could be above the law.
Leping, Jiangxi province, as well as the two Mei cases in Shanghai, have not entered
Prevention is more important than correcting
the stage of retrial. An effective correction
mistakes. In order to prevent miscarriage of
mechanism is yet to be established. As long as
justice, not only the principles of presumption
there is no fundamental change in the system
of innocence and exclusion of illegal evidence
that produces miscarriage of justice cases,
must be followed, but a series of measures
judicial accountability is not strictly enforced,
must be also in place, including: counsel’s
and there is no judicial independence, which is
presence, simultaneous audio and video
a precondition for judicial accountability, it will
recording, witness testimonials, police
be hard to carry out and pursue the policy of
officer ’s appearance in court, confession
correcting mistakes.
corroborations, judicial writs, trial level o v e r s i g h t , a n d j u d i c i a l a c c o u n t a b i l i t y.
Seeking accountability for miscarriage of
Withdrawing funds from monetary awards
justice can be particularly challenging. Internal
must be completely abolished, and the funding
disciplinary action within the judicial system is
of judicial operations separated from the
difficult to implement, and external oversight,
monetary amount involved in cases. For a long
weak. Victims cannot effectively participate
time, this unspoken rule has been an incentive
in the accountability review, which is a closed
for abuse of state power for its own benefits. It
process. Miscarriage of justice cases are
is also a huge hindrance for correcting wrongly
too numerous, and public attention shifts
handled cases. The abolition of such practice
too quickly. Moreover, many of the wrongly
must be supported by a policy specifying
handled cases involve the political and legal
that the funding of judicial operations is fully
commission’s coordination or the joint handling
borne by the government budget. Fines and
of the police, the procuratorate, and the court.
confiscated funds must be submitted to the
Resistance is great when too many entities
central government, and financial transparency
are involved. After a case has been corrected,
and public oversight, strengthened. Root
the process moves slowly and it becomes
causes and institutional defects also need
sometimes impossible to enforce accountability
to be addressed: citizens need to be given
retroactively. In some cases, even state
the right to remain silent, lawyers’ rights
compensation cannot be obtained. A striking
effectively protected, police power weakened
illustration of this is the case of a victim who
and oversight strengthened, the function of
was convicted for extortion when he claimed
procuratorate power shifted from oversight
compensation from the government. Jing
to restriction, adjudication independence
Chun, a farmer of Panshi in Jilin province, was
ensured, and no organization or individual
initially unjustly convicted and incarcerated.
should be allowed to interfere in the trial under
After release, he claimed state compensation
any circumstance.
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
Although some success has been achieved,
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
vii. Optimizing the Enforcement Mechanism
Court launched the Executive Command
Progress was made in enforcement reform
with open information and a credit discipline
in 2014. In October, the Supreme People’s
function. From now on, when enforcement
Court and the State Administration for Industry
o ff i c e r s i n i t i a t e a s e a r c h , r e q u e s t s f o r
and Commerce jointly issued the Notice on
information will be aggregated to the Supreme
Strengthening Enforcement and Assistance
People’s Court, and then transferred to
in Implementation through Information
enforcement action units through the network
Cooperation. It specified some procedures
search and control system. In the meantime,
for enforcement actions by the court and
judicial online auctions continued. The higher
the industry/commerce administration in
court of Guizhou province, the local court of
network searches, freezing equity, and
Luohu in Shenzhen city and many other courts
other investment rights and interests. The
conducted open auctions of automobiles, real
Supreme People’s Court and the China Bank
estate, and other enforcement items on the
Regulation Commission also issued a joint
Taobao judicial auction platform.
System, which vertically links the four levels of courts in the country, a network search function
Opinion on People’s Courts and Banking Institutions Conducting Network Control
At present, optimizing the enforcement
and Joint Credit Discipline, promoting a
mechanism mainly depends on information
nationwide enforcement network control and
technology. Although some progress has been
disciplinary mechanism to gradually realize
made, it has not touched upon the current
enforcement measures of searching, freezing,
enforcement system. Overall, in this new
withholding, and deducting through network
round of judicial reform, enforcement reform is
information sharing of the judgment debtors
relatively weak. The power of enforcement is
list in enforcement cases. These documents
unclear, enforcement ability insufficient, cross-
provided detailed implementation measures to
regional enforcement inadequate, and the
the 2013 Supreme People’s Court’s Provisions
attention paid to corruption in the enforcement
of Network Search and Freezing Debtors’ Bank
process, insufficient. The lack of substantive
Accounts, which is conducive to alleviating
progress in enforcement reform may affect
difficulties in enforcement.
trial fairness and public confidence in the judicial system. In order to fundamentally
In October, the Supreme People’s Court
address the problem of “difficult and chaotic
issued the Provisions of Assets Enforcement
enforcement”, it is essential to rapidly
in Criminal Judgment. It specified some
implement the call from the CPC 4th Plenary
provisions of the Criminal Code and Criminal
Session for advancing the pilot system reform
Procedure Law and clarified that the court is
of separating the power of trial from the power
responsible for the enforcement of levying
of enforcement. A specialized enforcement
fines, confiscating assets, ordering restitution,
agency, independent from the court, should be
controlling the time for transfer and review of
established, using administrative and police
filings, and recovering fungible crime proceeds.
operations. The power of enforcement should
The Provisions contributed to the assets-
be decentralized, efficiency enhanced, and
related enforcement as part of a criminal
oversight strengthened. Legislative action over
judgment. In December, the Supreme People’s
the Enforcement Law needs to be expedited,
Parties in Trial Activities.
the overall framework of judicial reform. It is worth recognizing that in the “rectification”
viii. “Rectification Movement” and Strengthening Judicial Oversight
drive the Supreme People’s Court placed a
Subsequent to the CPC 18th National
improvement of judicial work style, and
Congress and the Eight Provisions on
judicial fairness cannot be achieved through
Improving Work Style and Having Close Ties
issuing numerous directives and launching
with the Masses, a wave of “rectification”
“rectification” drives. Future judicial reforms
campaigns was set off in the country as well
must focus on ensuring the independence
as in the court system. A series of directives
of judges, clarifying responsibility lines,
were issued, which included: Six Measures on
ensuring judicial protection, oversight, and
Further Improving Judicial Work Style; Notice
accountability, and establishing a sound
of Conducting a Judicial Work Style Education
judges’ disciplinary mechanism. The role of the
in all Courts in the Country; Implementation
parties and counsel should be given full play
Plan of Intensified Efforts of Dealing with
to enable them to seek rights and interests to
Illegal Purchasing and Using Official (Police)
the maximum extent as an effective means to
Vehicles and Illegal Business Activities; Notice
exercise public oversight. In the internet era,
on Clearing and Returning Membership Cards
guaranteeing freedom of speech is also an
in the National Court System; Ten-Not-To-
effective means of enhancing public oversight.
great emphasis on judicial oversight, including oversight by the parties. Yet, reforms over the years have long proved that judicial corruption,
Do Provisions to Rectify Unhealthy Tendency during Holidays and Festivals; and Notice on
In addition, the Opinion on Strengthening
2014 Judicial Probity Education Campaign in
Adjudication of Environmental Resources
the National Court System.
Cases to Provide Powerful Judicial Protection for the Construction of Ecological Civilization
In 2014, the Supreme People’s Court kept the
proposed to establish a mechanism for
momentum of the “rectification” campaign by
coordinating the filing of cases and publicizing
issuing additional directives such as: Guiding
the cases that are accepted; special funds
Opinion on Further Strengthening Discipline
for environmental public interest litigation; an
and Work Style of People’s Courts under
environmental resources trial experts’ pool;
the New Situation; Urgent Notice on Further
and a specialized tribunal. These measures
Strengthening Rectification during the Spring
are conducive to improving the environmental
Festival Period; Guidance on Conducting
civil public interest litigation system. The Fourth
the Second Party’s Mass Line Education
Five-Year Outline also proposed promoting the
Activities; Implementation Opinion of the
establishment of environmental resources trial
Main Responsibility of Building a Clean Party
and Government (Trial Version); Notice on Strengthening Judicial Fairness for the People by Addressing the “Six Difficulties and Three Types of Cases”; and Provisions on the Court Pro-actively Accepting Oversight of Litigation
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
and enforcement reform implemented under
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
III. Reform Measures of the Procuratorate The main measures of procuratorate reform
people’s monitors. According to the directives,
in 2014 can be summarized as follows:
people’s monitors will be selected and
implementing the Decision of the 3rd Plenary
managed by the judicial administration agency.
Session; mapping out future procuratorate
When needed for participation in monitoring
reform programs; promoting reform of
specific cases, people’s monitors will be
petitioning involving legal action; deepening
randomly selected by the procuratorate from a
the three pilot reforms, namely the practice of
pool. The scope of oversight will be expanded
people’s monitors, procurator’s accountability,
to include three monitoring situations: illegal
and making the procuratorate process public;
measures used in mandatory residence
improving criminal appeal review; strengthening
surveillance while investigating official
anti-corruption efforts in collaboration with
misconduct; impeding lawyers and litigants to
the Party’s Central Committee of Discipline
exercise their right to sue according to the law;
Inspection and its intensified anti-corruption
and illegal non-refund of bail bonds. Oversight
campaign; and improving work style and
is being improved by adding a review
internal oversight under the “rectification
procedure: when the opinion of the majority
vote is not accepted, people’s monitors can request a review. The directives also called
i. Deepening the Reform of People’s Monitors Practice
for securing the right to know; establishing a
The people’s monitor practice was
ensuring monitors’ participation in follow-up
introduced in 2010 as an important means
visits and enforcement acts. In October, the
of strengthening democratic oversight and
Decision of the 4th Plenary Session reiterated
restraining the procuratorate’s power. This
that “the practice of people’s monitors should
effort made headway in 2014. In September,
be improved with an emphasis on monitoring
the Supreme People’s Procuratorate issued
law enforcement activities of the procuratorate
the Pilot Reform Program on the Scope
in handling official misconduct, especially
and Procedure of Oversight by People’s
regarding case filing, detention, seizure of
Monitors and the Opinion on Pilot Reform of
frozen assets, and prosecution”.
crime ledger for official misconduct; making public matters under monitors’ oversight; and
the Selection and Management of People’s Monitors. It was decided that, from October
The directives respond to some of the
2014 to June 2015, pilot reform of the selection
issues repeatedly mentioned in previous
and management of people’s monitors would
Annual Reports on China’s Judicial Reform,
be launched in Beijing, Jilin, Zhejiang, Anhui,
such as the inappropriate selection and
Fujian, Shandong, Hubei, Guangxi, Chongqing,
management of people’s monitors; the limited
and Ningxia. The directives also provided
scope of monitoring; the difficult monitoring
guidelines for the selection body and process,
process; and unsatisfactory effectiveness
as well as qualifications and management of
and implementation. To a certain extent,
accountability of procuratorates, and allowing
by correcting the inherent defect of “the
people’s monitors’ participation in attending
procuratorate inviting someone to monitor its
interrogation of the suspect, examination of
own actions”. It should be acknowledged that
witnesses, statements of relevant individuals
procuratorates seized the opportunity of the
and lawyers, as well as procedures of asking
new round of judicial reform to make some
questions, making comments, and casting a
breakthroughs in the practice of people’s
monitors. More could be done on ongoing
ii. Promoting Transparency in Procuratorate Work
pilot measures and future reforms, namely: (1) The selection of people’s monitors could be done with broader representation and the process, more open. Monitors must be
In 2014, the procuratorates made efforts in
independent from the agency to be monitored.
promoting transparency through regular press
Self-recommendations and more flexible
release and news media release of major
eligibility requirements should be encouraged.
cases. Starting in April, the Supreme People’s
In the long run, being a people’s juror and
Procuratorate has been regularly publicizing
people’s monitor could become one of
information of major official misconducts on
citizens’ obligations, and citizens randomly
its own website. In June, the Implementation
selected from voters’ lists. (2) The scope
Measures of the Supreme People’s
of monitoring could be further expanded.
Procuratorate’s Press Release was issued,
At present, the focus could be on how final
declaring that all matters involving important
decisions are made by the procuratorate.
policies, work strategies, major events,
Later, under certain circumstances, the focus
important judicial interpretations and regulatory
could be further expanded to include cases
documents, important reform measures,
transferred from public security organs to the
and major sensitive emergency situations
procuratorate. (3) Procedural monitoring could
would be disclosed to the public. In July, the
be further improved. Reasonable provisions
Supreme People’s Procuratorate released
should be introduced regarding case transfer
the Temporary Implementation Measures for
and monitoring, arrangements for time and
Disclosing Major Cases of Official Misconduct.
place, interrogation, file-reading, records
In October, the People's Procuratorate Case
checking, and archive keeping. Measures to
Information Disclosure Provisions (Trial
make information on monitored matters public
Version) was issued, which advanced the full
should be fully implemented to ensure the right
implementation of an online search of case
to know and the process, open and smooth.
procedural information, the press release of
(4) As the effectiveness of monitoring is key
major case information, and transparency
for its sustainability, the practice should be
of legal instruments. In the meantime, the
further enhanced and gradually transition from
People’s Procuratorate Case Open Information
strictly implementing procedural law to also
website was officially launched.
implementing substantive law, and from the current monitors’ opinions review procedure
These measures demonstrate that the
to more acceptance of monitors’ opinions.
procuratorates are adapting to the new
(5) Support systems need to be established,
era of media information dissemination
for instance, improving merit evaluation and
and responding to the demands for public
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
new dynamism is added to the mechanism
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
participation by transitioning toward disclosing
review, and if the procuratorate decides to
the process rather than just disclosing
suspend or terminate the review, notifying
the results of the procuratorate work. The
the appellant; (5) standardizing the time limit
disclosure of case information and legal
for appeal to two months; (6) establishing
instruments has great significance. It indicates
ten situations where challenges to verdicts
that, following the court’s opening of three
should be allowed and procedures specified
major platforms, the procuratorate has also
for challenging appeals to the higher level
completed the transparency requirement.
procuratorate; (7) strictly enforcing record
The next step will be implementation and
keeping and accountability for mistakes.
improvement. Procuratorate work disclosure is the reform measure that is the least difficult to
These are important amendments sixteen
implement and the most effective. In furthering
years after the original provisions were
these efforts, the following could be considered:
introduced and contribute to strengthening
(1) further clarifying and expanding the scope
the procuratorate’s oversight in criminal
of disclosure by relaxing disclosure criteria for
appeals and mistake correction by alleviating
case information and legal instruments; (2)
to a certain extent the long-existing issue
clarifying accountability for the non-disclosure
of discretionary power in criminal appeals.
of information that should be disclosed so as
However, in essence, the default of the
to avoid selective disclosure and superficial
procuratorate self-policing its own criminal
disclosure as a mere formality; more disclosure
appeals remains unaddressed. Procedural
is required for cases that are of great public
improvements cannot really resolve the
concern; and (3) timely responding to public
problem of the procuratorate “correcting its
inquiry and comments, especially prompt and
own mistakes”. Under the current system,
open response to crime reports.
the procuratorate is playing a dual role of state prosecutor and legal oversight body.
iii. Improving the Review of Criminal Case Appeal
Under the pressure of case adjudication,
The Provisions for Criminal Appeal Review of
own wrongly-handled cases and hold itself
People’s Procuratorates, issued in October
accountable. Thus, the implementation of the
2014, clarified jurisdictional procedures,
amendments remains very difficult. Moreover,
adjudication, filing, and review of criminal
in order to have a sound criminal appeal
appeal cases. It aimed at improving internal
practice, supporting measures are needed,
checks and controls and regulating review
such as a mechanism to terminate litigation
procedures to protect the legitimate rights and
and the provision of judicial remedies.
quality evaluations, and accountability, the procuratorate has no incentive to check its
interests of the appellant. The main points of
iv. Strengthening Internal Monitoring
the Provisions are: (1) expanding the scope of the open review process to include appeals of verdicts and rulings that already took effect;
Under the background of the “rectification”
(2) lowering the threshold for appeals; (3)
campaign, in 2014 the procuratorates issued
increasing the conditions for appeals and
several documents strengthening internal
the requirements for appeal documents; (4)
control and supervision. The Provisions
listening to appellant’s views in criminal appeal
on Strengthening Internal Supervision of
Provisional Measures on the Supreme
Prevent Interference listed seven situations
People’s Procuratorate Internal Audit, and
where interference may occur, such as:
Work Rules on the Planning and Finance
being invited to meet with the procurator
Equipment Bureau, which together laid down
privately; inquiring about the procurator who
detailed rules for expenses related to official
is handling the case; pulling strings for the
hospitality, projects, conferences and business
case; pleading for mercy; or exerting pressure.
trips, and office equipment. In September, the
These situations will affect fair adjudication
Supreme People’s Procuratorate held the first
of the case and must be reported to the
online press conference and publicized guiding
superior leadership or disciplinary office. In
cases for challenging criminal verdicts on
September, the Discipline Inspection Group of
appeal. The purpose of this publication was to
the CPC Central Commission for Disciplinary
correct the tendency of “giving more attention
Inspection Office at the Supreme People’s
to prosecution, and less to the challenge of
Procuratorate and the Inspection Bureau at
a verdict”, “only challenging misdemeanor
the Supreme People’s Procuratorate jointly
cases but not felonies”, and “emphasizing
issued the Implementation Opinion on the
cooperation but not supervision”. This is the
Supervising Responsibility for Constructing
fifth batch of guiding cases that the Supreme
a Clean Government, which required the
People’s Procuratorate has published.
rectification of “four unhealthy tendencies” and an improvement to enforcement work style.
In the beginning of 2015, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate issued the Work Plan
Although they may play a cautionary role, these
for Deepening Procuratorate Reforms (2013-
directives do not represent any breakthrough
2017), which laid out six major reform tasks
and seem to be no more than repetitions of
and forty-two specific measures. The six
past documents. As the judicial organ of anti-
major tasks include : (1) ensuring independent
corruption and legal oversight, it is necessary
and fair exercise of procuratorate power; (2)
for the procuratorate to strengthen internal
establishing a personnel management system
control and supervision. Yet, any reform
suitable to the professional characteristics
measures based on the logic of self-policing
of procuratorates; (3) improving the exercise
makes it hard to achieve effective results.
of procuratorate power; (4) improving the
Real change can only happen when internal
legal monitoring of anti-corruption efforts,
monitoring is being replaced by external
and enhancing the ability of investigation,
oversight. Specific measures should include
adjudication, and prevention of official
ensuring the rights of litigants and lawyers,
misconduct according to the law; (5)
encouraging crime reporting by the public,
strengthening legal monitoring functions in
disclosing the handling and results of reports,
criminal, civil, and administrative litigations; (6)
and substantially promoting the transparency
strengthening monitoring and restrictions over
of the procuratorate function.
the exercise of procuratorate power.
In addition to the above, the Supreme People’s Procuratorate issued eight other documents, such as Implementation Measures on Domestic Official Hospitality Management,
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
Adjudication and Enforcement Activities to
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
IV. Reform Measures for Public Security and Judicial Administration Reform in the field of public security may go
of torture and mistreatment of criminal
deeper and further according to overall reform
suspects; using audio and video recording
arrangements. As far as judicial administration
in questioning suspects; carefully reviewing
is concerned, although some measures have
and promptly addressing suspects’ argument,
been taken towards community correction of
appeal, and complaint; listening to the defense
released inmates and people’s mediation, on
counsel’s opinion during investigation;
the whole, there have been no substantive
regulating the seizure, freezing, and disposition
reforms in recent years.
of case-related assets; implementing centralized management of case-related
i. Comprehensively Deepening Public Security Reform
assets; and improving mistake correction
At the end of 2014, the 8th Meeting of the
are implemented, it will definitely contribute
Central Leading Group of Deepening Reforms
to regulate enforcement power, reduce
called for the first time for “comprehensively
miscarriage of justice cases, and promote
deepening public security reform”. In February
social justice. However, the fundamental
2015, the Framework Opinion Regarding
approach to restricting power and protecting
Several Major Issues in Comprehensively
human rights lies in checks and balances.
Deepening Public Security Reform and related
Lawyers’ participation, judicial independence,
reform programs were reviewed and approved.
and effective checks and balances are also
The Opinion covered seven major reform
crucial factors to ensure the sound exercise of
tasks with over a hundred specific measures.
investigative power.
and lifelong accountability for miscarriage of justice cases. If these reform measures
The seven tasks include: safeguarding state
ii.Strengthening Systemic Reform of the Supervision of Lawyers
security; innovating mechanism for social order control; deepening administrative reform of public security; improving the exercise of enforcement power; improving the
In April, the National Bar Association issued
management of public security agencies; and
the Opinion of Further Enhancing Lawyers’
improving the management of police officers
Credibility and Regulations for Information
and supporting personnel. Among these
Management of Lawyers’ and Law Firms’
reforms, improving the exercise of enforcement
Credibility. The directives aim at addressing
power has a connection to judicial reform.
the problems of “transfer of benefits”, “malicious
Specifically, improving enforcement power
manipulation”, “unreasonable fees”, and
involves reforms of the trial-centered litigation
inappropriate judicial comments through
system in the following aspects: strengthening
internet media. It is proposed that a national
evidence collection according to the evidence-
lawyers’ credibility information system be
based judgment requirement; strictly enforcing
established, the monitoring of professionalism
exclusion of illegal evidence and the prohibition
strengthened, and the interactions of
committee could be established within the bar
as to enhance the overall credibility of the
association, consisting of lawyers, judges,
legal profession. For example, the Beijing
and social figures. The committee could have
Bar Association recently took disciplinary
the power to accept complaints, conduct
measures against seven lawyers involved in a
investigations, and make recommendations.
rape case, in the form of public condemnation,
Disciplinary measures could be taken by the
admonition, reprimand, and recommendations
bar association with procedures for remedies.
of practice restrictions.
In today’s China, where the rule of law and the role of lawyers are greatly emphasized, the
In the past few years, a number of measures
conditions for lawyers’ self-management are
have been implemented, such as enhanced
mature. It is therefore necessary to promote
supervision of lawyers through rectification
the reform of a lawyers’ supervision system
drives, the regulation of law firms, and
and let bar associations be the management
lawyers taking oaths. In June, the Ministry of
body, provided that they are formed by bona
Justice issued the Opinion Regarding Further
fide election. The practice of annual review
Strengthening of Lawyers’ Professional
of lawyers should be completely abandoned
Ethics. The Opinion advocated the values of
and judicial administrative agencies gradually
“loyalty, serving the people, rule of law, justice,
withdraw from lawyers’ management.
credibility, and dedication”, as well as building lawyers’ ethics and professionalism through
The degree of focus on regulating lawyers’
means of regulations, training, supervision,
comments on the internet is subject to debate.
evaluation and awards, and ensuring support.
Over the past few years, a batch of lawyers nicknamed the “die-hards lawyers” has
Although necessary, the supervision and
emerged. Under a harsh and unjust judicial
management of lawyers must be undertaken
environment, these lawyers have had no choice
in an appropriate manner. At present, lawyers
but to fight hard to safeguard the dignity of
are under the dual leadership of the judicial
the law and the rights of the litigants. If judicial
administrative agency and the bar association,
organs abided by due process and procedural
with the former taking the lead, and the latter
justice, and respected lawyers’ rights, there
having a subordinate role. In terms of discipline,
would be no need for die-hard lawyers. Yet
the bar association only has the power to
in practice, lawyers enjoy a low status, and
issue public condemnation, admonition,
their right to practice is not being protected.
reprimand, and cancel membership. The
It is difficult for them to meet with their clients
power of substantive disciplinary measures,
in detention, to participate in investigations,
such as suspensions and disbarment, are in
and to access files. And it’s common for
the hands of a judicial administrative agency.
lawyers to be scolded, discriminated against,
Disciplinary measures, and annual reviews
body searched, expelled from court, and
of lawyers licenses, have become a sharp
even arrested and detained. The pressure on
sword over the head of lawyers. Therefore,
lawyers was especially high in 2014. Not only
the reform of the supervision of lawyers
were many lawyers’ right to practice restricted
could begin with giving the power to take
or deprived, such as in the cases of Xie Yang,
disciplinary measures to the bar association
Cheng Hai, and Wang Quanping, but also
instead. Specifically, a lawyers’ disciplinary
many prominent lawyers were arrested, and
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
lawyers and judicial officials regulated, so
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
one was even arrested in court. On December
Despite some improvements, current
11, 2014, Judge Zhou Fengwu of Xi’an
reforms usually focus on superficial matters
district court in Liaoyuan city, Jilin province,
such as office building, mediation process
colluded with police officer Jin Zhenyu and
standardizing, file organizing, and report
illegally arrested lawyer Zhang Keke, who was
writing. Efforts towards enhancing mediation
performing his legal duty of defense in court.
organizations’ actual conflict resolution
This case had a serious adverse impact on
capacity are very limited, therefore the rate and
the rule of law and lawyers’ right to practice.
quality of dispute resolution, unsatisfactory.
Lawyers represent litigants, and anyone who
In addition, the current people’s mediation
may become their clients, and act on behalf of
system is government controlled, externally
society. Therefore, the deprivation of lawyer’s
imposed and thus lacks the inherent vitality
rights represents societal oppression. It is
of civil society self-initiated mediation. Future
extremely important to safeguard lawyers’ right
reforms need to shift from exogenous to
to practice and to protect their personal rights
endogenous types of mediation, and eventually
as securing lawyers’ rights represents securing
to self-governed community mediation. This
the rule of law.
will fully ensure the voluntary, spontaneous, and autonomous nature of mediation, make
iii. Improving Industry-Based and Profession-Based People’s Mediation System
mediation a real self-governing, self-learning, self-restraining, and self-servicing dispute resolution mechanism, and address the current situation of low efficiency.
I n O c t o b e r, t h e O p i n i o n o n F u r t h e r
iv. Enhancing the Quality of Legal Aid
Strengthening Industry-Based and ProfessionBased People’s Mediation was issued, which stressed the importance of strengthening industry-based and profession-based mediation,
“Low quality” has been the chronic defect
especially in the fields of healthcare, road
of legal aid. In January 2014, the Measure
and transportation, labor disputes, asset
for Handling Legal Aid Complaints officially
management, and environmental protection.
took effect. It introduced specific provisions
The Opinion also called for expanding the scope
for complaints against legal aid in terms
of mediation. The CPC 4th Plenary Session
of situations, ways of making complaints,
Decision reaffirmed “strengthening industry-
acceptance conditions, handling processes,
based and profession-based people’s mediation,
time limits, and procedures of remedies.
and forming a joint work system of people’s
The purpose of the Measure is to strengthen
mediation, administrative mediation, and judicial
the supervision of legal aid, standardize
mediation”. Since the Ministry of Justice issued
complaints channels, and enhance the quality
the Opinion on Strengthening Industry-Based
of legal aid. However, the directive neglected
and Profession-Based People’s Mediation
to mention the right to respond to a complaint.
Committee in 2011, China has established over
Filing a complaint is a necessary means for
30,000 industry-based and profession-based
the parties to monitor legal aid actions, and the
people’s mediation organizations, with about
effectiveness of the complaint depends on the
130,000 mediators, who have successfully
parties’ ability to make a sound judgment. In
mediated over 3 million cases.
practice, the majority of complaints’ feedback
including Shanghai, Guangdong, Jilin, Hubei,
mainly because of the parties’ inability to make
Hainan, Qinghai, and Guizhou. The court, the
a sound judgment, especially given their lack
procuratorate, and the judicial administrative
of a clear understanding about what kind of
agency, respectively, issued reform plans and
service a legal aid lawyer can provide to a
implementation measures. According to the
criminal suspect in detention.
official disclosure statement, by the end of 2014, 80 major reform tasks and 108 specific reform
The Ministry of Justice and the Supreme
measures had been completed by various
People’s Court jointly issued the Opinion for
government agencies, and 370 results reported.
Strengthening Legal Aid in State Compensation Cases, which expanded the ways of applying
In the past year, significant progress has been
for legal aid; increased case-handling
achieved on some reform measures, such as
allowances; improved the quality control of
abolishing performance ranking in the court
case-handling; established dispute resolution
system; improving the parole and commutation
mechanisms; and reflected the intention of
system; piloting the practice of summary
guaranteeing the right to state compensation
criminal judgement; revising the administrative
of the poor in need.
procedure law; deepening the reform of people’s monitors; establishing intellectual property
Although judicial administrative agencies
rights courts; correcting miscarriage of justice
at various levels have tried different quality
cases; and popularizing the reform of standard
control pilot measures, the effect has not been
sentencing. Some other measures however
apparent due to the lack of independence of
encountered great resistance, which resulted in
evaluation bodies, non-uniform evaluation
unsatisfactory implementation. These measures
standards and procedures, administrative
include the pilot reform of judicial officials’ ratio-
interference, lack of professionalism, and
quota mechanism and selection committees
insufficient funds. Enhancing the quality of
of judges and procurators; the establishment
legal aid must be done at a larger scale.
of circuit courts under the Supreme People’s
Not only is it necessary to strengthen the
Court; and the reform of petitioning involving
handling, distribution, and evaluation of legal
legal action. Overall, although most reform
aid cases, but more importantly, it is critical to
measures are still ongoing, only a few really
mobilize additional financial support, increase
touched upon systemic reform, and even for
case-handling allowances for lawyers, put in
those that did, the implementation and actual
place suitable incentives, and encourage the
results were limited. More importantly, the key
participation of civil society organizations.
issue of judicial independence has not been sufficiently addressed.
Conclusion: Establishing a Constitutional Review Mechanism
In sharp contrast with actual results, the central
A new round of judicial reform officially kicked
Congress has repeatedly emphasized the
off in 2014. Along with the direction laid out by
importance of the rule of law, which it raised
the 2013 CPC 18th National Congress and its
for the time at the 4th Plenary Session to
3rd Plenary Session, pilot reform programs were
the height of top priority. Thus, the rule of
launched in seven provinces and municipalities,
law and governing the country according to
government since the CPC 18th National
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
and evaluation become a mere formality,
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
the Constitution should not remain at the
review over the past twenty years. Typical
level of rhetoric and policy but must be fully
unconstitutional cases, such as the Sun
implemented. The Constitution being the
Zhigang case, the Qi Yuling case, and the
supreme law of the country, no political party,
series of forced labor cases in Chongqing
organization or individual should be above it. As
aroused widespread public concern. Yet no
the key to ensure the effective implementation
progress towards constitutional review has
of the Constitution and a benchmark of a
been achieved so far. The National People’s
country’s actual abidance to the rule of law,
Congress or its Standing Committee has never
anyone committing an unconstitutional act
taken the initiative to exercise the power of
must be held accountable. As part of political
constitutional review.
reform, judicial reform should be linked to the implementation of constitutionalism.
Under the current situation, where a great emphasis is placed on governing the country
Recalling history, from the first constitutional
according to the Constitution, whether the
document in modern Chinese history, the
Constitution can work in practice has become
Outline of Imperial Constitution, to the
a crucial factor for China’s transformation.
Provisional Constitution of the Republic of
In theory, as an inevitable requirement,
China, the Chinese Constitution has gone
Chinese constitutionalism has to be socialist
through a long series of ups and downs. After
constitutionalism. In terms of system building,
1949, the 1954 Constitution could be seen as
a mechanism of constitutional review must be
a milestone of China’s legal construction. Yet
established expeditiously.
the authority of the Constitution was never established. In practice, the phenomena of
A system of constitutional review cannot
constitutional violations, illegal administrative
be put in place overnight. In the long run,
acts, and “the Party above the law” remained
a Constitutional Court or Constitutional
rampant. The authority of the Constitution
Commission should be established to
was totally destroyed during the Cultural
adjudicate constitutional lawsuits or claims
Revolution. One of the root causes of
filed by citizens or organizations. This is bound
the lack of authority of the Constitution
to be a difficult, long, and complex process. At
was the absence of constitutional review.
present, a more realistic approach would be to
Unconstitutional acts did not bear any adverse
establish a special constitutional review body
consequences. The 1954 Constitution
under the Standing Committee of the National
included provisions for constitutional review
People’s Congress which would exercise the
and judicial independence, but these were
power to review the legality of all legislation.
never implemented. The 1982 Constitution
According to the current legislation, under
restored a constitutional oversight mechanism
Article 41 of the Constitution, citizens have the
on paper, stating that the National People’s
right to make criticisms and recommendations,
Congress and its Standing Committee have
and Article 90 of the Legislation Law provides
the right to oversee the implementation of
that citizens have the right to recommend the
the Constitution, but no relevant review body
review of the legality of legislation. However,
or procedure was established. As a result,
these two important rights and the system they
outright unconstitutional acts kept on occurring,
rely on have long been shelved.
which led to persistent calls for constitutional
against the responsible administrative agency
mechanism, the following recommendations
as a start. (6) The entire review process should
should be considered: (1) A constitutional
be open and transparent. Once the review body
review body should be established under the
is properly functioning, it could be elevated
Standing Committee of the National People’s
into a Constitutional Committee operating at
Congress and review procedures, clarified.
the same level as the Standing Committee
Open hearings should be introduced. Litigants
or directly lead to the establishment of a
should be able to engage legal counsel in
Constitutional Court.
the review process. Provisions should be formulated to specify time limits for responses,
In 2015, the new round of judicial reform was
review procedures, rights and obligations of the
further pursued. At the beginning of the year, the
parties, liability of illegal action, and remedies.
Party Committee of the Supreme People’s Court
(2) The scope of constitutional review
met and decided the reform tasks of the year:
should be expanded. Currently, only specific
actively studying and advancing trial-centered
regulations made by administrative agencies,
litigation reform; expeditiously implementing
local governments, and autonomous regions
judicial accountability; establishing circuit
are subject to constitutional review. The scope
courts, cross-administrative regional courts and
of review should include all laws, resolutions,
intellectually property rights courts; expanding
decisions, and regulative decrees adopted
judicial transparency and improving the three
by the National People’s Congress and its
open platforms of trial process, judgment
Standing Committee. (3) Litigation regarding
documents, and enforcement information;
constitutional review should be introduced. In
strengthening judicial protection of human rights;
the course of court adjudication, if and when
further correcting and preventing miscarriage
it is found that a relevant legal ground for
of justice cases; and regulating commutation,
litigation is in violation of the Constitution or
parole, and probation.
a higher-level law, the adjudication should be suspended and submitted for constitutional
In January 2015, the Central Work Conference
review. (4) The constitutional review body
on Politics and Law was held, and called for
should be able to initiate a review and be
eradicating the influence of Zhou Yongkang.
responsible for reviewing all registered regulative
The following reform measures were also
documents as well as to revoke or correct
adopted: abolishing performance ranking
any regulation that violates the Constitution
in the court system; allowing appeals of
or the law. A Constitutional review database
criminal verdicts to be reviewed by a different
should be established. For cases for which a
jurisdiction; shifting judicial work towards better
review decision has been made, the review
applying the principles and approaches of rule
request shall not be accepted again. (5) The
of law, focusing more on deeper issues, better
accountability of an unconstitutional act should
utilizing ICT-based approaches, and becoming
be established. It should be clarified that any
more open; establishing a highly effective
law, regulation, or regulative decree is invalid if
multi-dimensional social order control system;
found in violation of the Constitution or a higher-
launching the second batch of pilot reforms
level law. The responsible parties should bear
in 11 selected provinces and municipalities;
the consequences of a constitutional violation.
establishing pilot cross-administrative regional
The consequences should be first enforced
courts and procuratorates; establishing records,
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
In order to implement a constitutional review
Annual Report on China’s Judicial Reform 2014
reporting, and accountability for leading
issue of judicial independence, avoided.
officials’ interference in judicial work; improving
At present, the establishment in China of a
the protection of judicial officers performing
constitutional review mechanism seems hard
official duties; removing unreasonable merit
to envision. The country still has a long way
evaluation indicators; redoubling efforts in
to go in order to fully realize the rule of law.
ensuring independent and fair exercise of
It is our hope that in 2015 judicial reform will
judicial power; and deepening public security
continue to make progress towards a reduction
and judicial administrative reforms.
in the interference of local authorities and administrative agencies, and the establishment
If some progress has been achieved: the rule
of a constitutional review mechanism in the
of law was reaffirmed, and some erroneous
spirit of “governing the country according to the
ways of thinking corrected, reforms stalled
Constitution”, and will result in an independent,
on other fronts: the saying that “the law is
just, and efficient socialist judicial system.
a sharp weapon of the state” re-emerged, constitutionalism was criticized, and the key