Evaluation 2021 Annual Report

Page 44

Chapter 7 UNV and UNCDF

7.1 United Nations Volunteers The 2021 UNV budget for evaluation was $200,000, drawn from core and non-core funds. It covered the final evaluation of UNV’s Strategic Framework 2018-2021 as well as the costs of the evaluation team. Building on the findings of a 2020 midterm review, the evaluation acknowledged UNV’s contribution to the work of the United Nations system. It delivered flexible, timely and effective volunteer solutions through a broad range of modalities. UNV’s main comparative advantages encompassed ensuring proximity to grass-roots constituencies, enabling youth engagement, and bringing additional diversity and inclusivity to the United Nations. The evaluation confirmed UNV had achieved positive results in volunteer mobilization and operational efficiency and acknowledged the organizational transformation that brought UNV closer to its partners. UNV responded robustly to the challenges caused by the pandemic, demonstrating agility in rallying national and community volunteers in more than 100 countries while facilitating online volunteering services to deliver critical tasks not dependent on location. The evaluation recommended that UNV reinforce its role as a system-wide service, including through additional capacities at the country level, and expand and diversify its partner base. UNV should continue to act as a global advocate for volunteerism for sustainable development but also ensure stronger complementarity between advocacy and volunteer mobilization. Furthering digital transformation of UNV would produce efficiency gains. Throughout the evaluation, the UNV management team reviewed regular updates. Findings were presented during a management team meeting and in UNV’s staff townhall meeting.



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