ICPR Belize

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Annex 1. Detailed assessment on Belize Country Programme Results and Resources Framework: Progress towards outputs and outcomes Structure of Annex 1: Each CPD Outcome assessment includes overall budget-related information and the rating of UNDP contribution to the Outcome based on the outcome Indicator provided in the CPD results framework. Each CPD Output assessment contains the rating based on the Output Indicator provided in the CPD results framework and assessment of the CPD Output as well as a summary of key results of the projects that were tagged by the country office. Outcome 1

Policies and programmes for climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction and universal access to clean and sustainable energy in place. Indicator 1.1 % of relevant sectoral strategies and action and investment plans at national level that have been assessed with climate-proofing instruments and have integrated measures for climate change adaptation. Baseline (2016): 12%; Target: 50%; Result (2019): 30%

Outcome indicators

Outcome resources ($M) UN MSDF Estimated: $8.595M CPD Estimate: $5.12M Programme Expenditure (2017-2019): $1.4M* Indicator 1.2 Global Climate Risk Index (Composite indicator/Country Ranking). Baseline (2015; 10-year average): * Amount incl. regional/global project expenditures of 21; Target: 25; Result (2019): 49 $0.7M; excl. non-operational project expenditures of Note: annual Global Climate Risk Index reports scoring for 2 years prior – e.g. 2019 score reflects 2017 data. previous CPD cycle and non-programme expenditures Indicator 1.3 % of cities/communities with a direct participation structure of civil society in urban planning and management which operate regularly and democratically. Baseline: 0%; Target: 50%; Result (2019): 10% Note: the year of baseline (except for indicator 1.2) and target were not indicated in the CPD.

High level of influence (CO)/Moderate level of influence (IEO): With regards to the outcome area, UNDP’s long-term support has contributed positively to set in place national structure for effective climate change management. UNDP has made significant contribution to the establishment of the National Climate Change Office (NCCO) and the strengthening of core capacities of the NCCO through programmatic/ project support. Interventions within the framework of this outcome have served to build Outcome assessment core competencies for climate change modelling, analysis and planning across the various line ministries of the Government of Belize. UNDP’s portfolio also supported the completion of four policy/planning works for sector-level climate change adaption and resilience. However, there is insufficient evidence of UNDP contribution to the outcome indicator Global Climate Risk Index which monitors impact-level (lack of) progress. It is unclear the level of influence UNDP exerts over this indicator’ achievement vis-à-vis other development actors. Overall, this ICPR found UNDP having a moderate level of influence over the indicators of this outcome.

CPD Output Output 1.1: National and community planning and investments integrate climate-change adaptation and mitigation to provide cobenefits

CPD Output Indicators Indicator 1.1.1 Number of communities/municipalities adopting climate risk management strategies within planning and investment frameworks. Baseline (2015): 7; Target

UNDP progress and contribution

Key interventions

On track (CO)/On track (IEO): The country programme has made positive progress towards achieving the indicators’ targets. UNDP supported Belize in reporting its progress towards UNFCCC commitments, and in assessing national vulnerabilities that contributed to informing national policies and practices for climate change adaptation. Such efforts are complemented by the community-level climate change adaptation initiatives supported through the Japan-Caribbean Climate Change Partnership and the UNDP/OAK-SGP small grants.

00087297/00123914 Belize 4th National Communication to UNFCCC/BUR (2017-2021)

Main results:

00122725 Enabling GenderResponsive Disaster Recovery (Regional project, 2019-2023)


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