not automatically part of the law of Botswana, and therefore do not create justiciable rights. Domestication of international commitments is still an important challenge for the country. The Kalahari Desert occupies approximately 77 percent of the land in Botswana, and less than 1 per cent of land is arable. This makes the country especially sensitive to climate change, which is expected to adversely impact agricultural production and water resources.19 Erratic rain, floods and drought are the country’s most frequent natural disasters, but it is also faced with land degradation due to overgrazing and desertification. Annex 2 provides an overview of the key country and programme statistics.
Limitations of this review This review has been conducted in challenging circumstances, created by the COVID-19 pandemic. No field visits were made, and the review relied expensively on a desk review of available documents and a limited number of remote interviews.20 While the overall availability and adequacy of documentation was fair, results reporting and evidence to substantiate claims made by the country office on contribution were limited (see finding 11 on monitoring and evaluation). There were also difficulties in scheduling interviews with some informants, particularly government counterparts. These limitations were mitigated by the use of data collected in March 2020 for the IEO evaluation of the UNDP contribution to middle-income countries, which included field work in Botswana, and the midterm evaluation of the UNDP Botswana CPD from November 2019.
2. Progress Towards Outputs and Contributions to Outcomes The CPD results framework is organized around three strategic priorities, set in the UNSDCF 2017-2021: • • •
Policy development - strengthening capacities for the development of policy and programmes for economic development, environmental protection and greater democratic governance. Implementation of policies and programmes - identifying bottlenecks for the effective implementation of existing policies, programmes and legislation at national and district levels. Data for planning, monitoring and evaluation - collection of comprehensive data to identify, prioritize and track progress of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged groups.
The country programme consists of three portfolio programmes: Economic Diversification and Inclusive Growth (EDIG); Environment and Climate Change (ECC); and Governance, Human Rights, Access to Justice, Women and Youth (GHR). For implementation purposes a programme approach has been adopted for the EDIG and GHR portfolios, while a project approach has been used for the ECC portfolio which mainly comprises Global Environment Facility (GEF) projects. The overall CPD programme budget for 2017-2021 is $35.6 million. An overview of progress and ratings for UNDP outputs and contribution to outcomes is presented for each of the three outcome areas. This overview is complemented by a set of findings on strategic priorities and practice areas (see detailed table in Annex 1). Findings in each section can refer to multiple outcomes.
Outcome 1 - Policy development Overview of outcome 1 progress and ratings – The UNDP Botswana country programme is making progress towards most of the policy development outputs. UNDP has met, or is likely to meet, all indicators for outputs 1.1 and 1.2 related to enhancing national capacities for addressing multidimensional poverty and developing policies for sustainable development in the areas of economy and environment. Indicators for output 1.3 on deepening democracy and strengthening governance institutions were yet to be achieved. This is mainly due to the link between the indicators selected and a discontinued project on health and HIV/AIDS (HHD). The review 19
African Development Bank strategic programme 21 interviews were conducted, including of United Nations and UNDP personnel, international development partners, programme coordinators and private sector actors. 20