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2.3 Outcome 3: Economic transformation and sustainable and inclusive growth
Because of this persistent barrier, the joint office and national environmental leadership have taken a more holistic approach for future projects promoting conservation and sustainable use. Two new projects, funded under the GEF-6 and GEF-7 cycles, tackle marine conservation45 and biodiversity governance with a more holistic, landscape approach involving multiple actors including NGOs, private sector and local government, and a less rigid view of the activities officially allowed within protected areas without jeopardizing key conservation objectives. Another important joint office contribution is the alignment of the GEF Small Grant Programme (SGP) with a more holistic, landscape approach. The SGP has decisively contributed to the conservation success of international and local NGOs,46 but its support, especially to local NGOs, is limited by the rigidity of GEF rules which prevent the use of funding for staff recruitment and impose unfeasible bureaucratic requirements at local and community levels. The UNDP regional hub has been lobbying GEF to ease its rules that affect the performance of regular GEF SGP projects.
Regarding sustainability, the joint office will implement two GEF Biodiversity Focal Area funded projects, one on marine protected areas and the blue economy and the other on biodiversity governance, with grants amounting to $7.3 million. GEF funding for the climate change (including energy) and land degradation focal areas will be implemented by the national Government through the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and FAO respectively.
CPD Outcome 3. By 2022, all Cabo Verdeans of working age, particularly women and youth, benefit from decent work through economic transformation in key sectors, which leads to more sustainable and inclusive economic development.
Related outputs:
OUTPUT 3.1. The Ministries of Finance, Economy and Employment have strengthened institutional capacity for the formulation and implementation of policies and programmes that harness the demographic dividend for inclusive and sustainable economic growth. OUTPUT 3.2. Young people and women have enhanced ability to secure employment, including selfemployment. OUTPUT 3.3. Municipalities have strengthened technical capacities to develop integrated and SDGaligned territorial development strategies that promote local employment opportunities particularly for youth and women. OUTPUT 3.4. The Ministry of Family and Social Inclusion has enhanced technical capacity to ensure access to the social protection system by the most vulnerable groups, particularly women and children.
45 This project was included in the current CCPD, though it was only designed in this programme cycle and will begin implementation at the end of this year or next. 46 Contributing to the successful impacts of Cabo Verde CSOs on marine turtle and seabird conservation.