in the bigger islands (Santiago, Sao Vicente, Sal and Boavista) by 2025, while international cooperation, mainly through bilateral actors and international financial institutions, will ensure renewable energy and water solutions for the smaller islands. While most of these developments are outside of the CCP framework, the joint office has also made significant contributions. UNDP and UNIDO support has enabled the National Energy Directorate to directly access and execute funds from the NAMA Facility to promote sustainable mobility in Cabo Verde. The United Nations country team will further support strategic innovations in sustainable mobility through the UNIDO implementation of GEF funds. The joint office will continue to play an essential role in Cabo Verde’s sustainable development agenda, and has secured $7.3 million of GEF Trust Fund grants to improve the country’s governance of biodiversity and natural resources through UNDP. The current BioTUR project is expected to add a proposal to enable regulated tourism and other economic activities within protected areas. This is necessary not just for the financial sustainability and conservation goals of protected areas, but to promote local tourism development and, in marine protected areas, the valuation and diversification of local ocean economies. INFF is supporting the creation of an enabling framework and financing solutions for key transformations in Cabo Verde’s sustainable finance, to bridge financing gaps that slow down the implementation of SDGs, national plans and local strategies. It is expected to contribute to accelerated momentum for the SDGs, PEDS and Ambition 2030, at the heart of a holistic reform process involving all relevant local, national and international actors. This is expected to optimize existing public and private finance flows, mobilize new sources of finance and channel them towards the sectors, areas and populations that need them most. Finally, the joint office is dependent on few donors. As evidenced in the efficiency analysis, the most significant donors for the joint office programme for the current CCP cycle have been the European Union (29 percent), the Government of Luxembourg (23 percent), and the GEF Trust Fund (8 percent). Approximately 80 percent of the State budget is dedicated to the payment of civil servants and only 20 percent for other investments such as equipment and training. Key stakeholders acknowledged that joint office support is essential for the institutional development of Cabo Verde. This means that the sustainability of joint office interventions depends to a great extent on the ability of the joint office to secure the continued involvement of international partners.
Chapter 2. Findings