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Figure 2. Main thematic areas of the UNDP Bolivia country programme
The UNDP country programme is expected to contribute to four UNDAF outcomes and two UNDP strategic plan 2017-21 outcomes. The thematic areas of intervention are aligned to the PDES pillars, as illustrated in Figure 2. The total funding estimated for the CPD 2018-2022 was US$ 62.7 million. The extent of the scope of public management and inclusive services outcome was emerging, with 56 percent of the planned resources allocated to that area.
FIGURE 2: Main thematic areas of the UNDP Bolivia country programme
CPD Outcome 1 Public management and inclusive services
UNDAF27 Outcomes 1 and 3
PDES pillars 1. Poverty eradication 3. Health, education and sports CPD Outcome 2 Integral development and plural economy UNDAF Outcome 2 CPD Outcome 3 Interculturality
UNDAF Outcome 4
PDES pillars 9. Environmental sovereignty with comprehensive development PDES pillars 1. Poverty eradication
11. Sovereignty and transparency in the public sector
In the Public Management and Inclusive Services area (Outcome 1), UNDP planned to support national policies that promote effective public services, working in three sectors: i) integrated development planning for poverty reduction and social progress; ii) access to justice, citizen security and crime reduction, by addressing structural weaknesses in the justice system; and iii) communicable diseases, with support to the Ministry of Health and Sport (MoH) with funds from the Global Fund to Fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund).
within the Integral Development and Plural Economy area (Outcome 2), UNDP aimed to support institutions at central and subnational levels to apply the life systems concept in their planning processes. It also aimed to promote risk reduction and climate adaptation actions that would contribute to strengthening resilient and inclusive productive systems for food security, while respecting biodiversity and ecosystem conservation. UNDP was committed to supporting the operationalization of the first national disaster response system and implementing sustainable livelihoods projects for communities with high-exposure to natural or man-made disasters. Under this outcome, the UNDP Global Environment Facility (GEF) portfolio was expected to implement sustainable productive systems, while enhancing the governance of protected areas. At local level, the programme focused on indigenous communities in protected areas or buffer zones in the Amazonia and Chaco Boliviano regions, and women-led enterprises in northern La Paz and Pando, to improve their livelihoods.
In the Interculturality area (Outcome 3), UNDP planned to enhance the institutional and public management capacity of indigenous autonomous governments, in coordination with national institutions, to contribute to the effective exercise of the rights of native farmers and Afro-descendent people. Under
27 UNDAF had: Outcome 1 on inclusive social development towards an integral human being; Outcome 2 on integral development and plural economy; Outcome 3 on public management and plural justice; and Outcome 4 on interculturality, decolonization and depatriarchalization.