2 minute read
1.1 Purpose, objectives and scope of the evaluation
This chapter presents the purpose, objectives and scope of the evaluation and the methodology applied and lays out the development context of the Plurinational State of Bolivia.
The Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) conducts Independent Country Programme Evaluations (ICPEs) to capture and demonstrate evaluative evidence of UNDP contributions to development results at the country level, as well as the effectiveness of UNDP strategy in facilitating and leveraging national efforts for achieving development results. The purpose of an ICPE is twofold: strengthening accountability of UNDP to national stakeholders and the UNDP Executive Board, and promoting learning. ICPEs are independent evaluations carried out within the overall provisions contained in the UNDP Evaluation Policy.1
This is the first country-level evaluation conducted by UNDP in the Plurinational State of Bolivia (hereafter referred to in its short form: Bolivia). This ICPE covers UNDP work implemented under the umbrella of the 2018-2022 Country Programme Document (CPD), up to December 2021. The scope of the ICPE includes the UNDP programme in its entirety, from all funding sources including UNDP regular resources, donors and the Government. The ICPE also considered interventions that started in the previous programme cycle and continued into the current one, as per the evaluation terms of reference (Annex 1).
The ICPE is guided by five main evaluation questions (Box 1). Among other areas of focus, the ICPE paid close attention to how the pandemic affected the planned CPD implementation and the extent to which the UNDP response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic contributed to the Government’s relief and recovery efforts. The ICPE presents findings, conclusions and recommendations and will serve as an input to the development of the new CPD.
The primary audiences for the evaluation are the UNDP Bolivia country office, the Regional Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean (RBLAC), the UNDP Executive Board and the Government of Bolivia. It is also expected to be used as an input by other United Nations agencies and development stakeholders in the country. BOX 1. Evaluation questions
1. what did the UNDP country programme intend to achieve during the period under review?
2. To what extent has the UNDP programme coherently responded to the country’s sustainable development needs?
3. To what extent has the programme achieved (or is likely to achieve) its intended objectives?
4. To what extent has UNDP been able to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic and support the country’s preparedness, response and recovery process?
5. what (internal and external) factors have contributed to, or hindered, UNDP performance and eventually, the sustainability of results?
1 See http://web.undp.org/evaluation/policy.shtml.