4. Effectiveness
4.A. Achieving stated outputs and outcomes
4.B. P rogramme inclusiveness (especially those at risk of being left behind)
4.C. Prioritizing GEWE
4.D. Programming processes adhered to sustainable development principles
5. Sustainability
5.A. Sustainable capacity
5.B. F inancing for development
Chapter 2. findings
Overall, programme outputs were delivered successfully in close cooperation with the Government. Outcomelevel achievements varied, with more visible success in economic development and entrepreneurship, but less in the areas of social protection and GEWE, where UNDP has brought some important results, albeit mainly at individual level with limited transformational potential. While UNDP interventions focused on ensuring outreach to socially-excluded groups such as women, rural communities, people living with HIV and TB, youth, etc., more efforts are required to integrate and support these marginalized communities and most vulnerable groups in interventions to ensure that no one is left behind. Investments were mainly designed from a premise that support to institutional capacity strengthening would result in better and more sustainable delivery of services. Environment-related results were generally more effective and are progressing well, but were not particularly designed to address inclusiveness and GEWE. The HDR was an important intervention in this regard.
The sustainability prospects of UNDP interventions in the country have been mixed, with energy-related initiatives demonstrating better uptake and sustainability potential. UNDP strongly supported financing for development through direct engagement with IFIs and the Government on SDG financing, but also through direct interventions in the economic development area. While this has varied across the programme, UNDP has been particularly effective in securing development financing for environmental initiatives and given prominence to market transformation approaches and the demonstration of the net economic and social benefits of initiatives. Most initiatives, except for GEWE, have good potential for scale-up and replication with minimal project support in the future.