Independent Country Programme Evaluation: Ghana

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FIGURE 2. Evolution of budget and expenditure in the area of g​ reen, equitable and resilient development (2018‑2021) million US$

Budget 3.5






1.5 0.5 0



2.0 1.0



3.0 1.7

1.3 1.0



4.0 3.3

3.6 3.2 2.6



1.0 2019


Outcome 1: Environmental governance






2.5 1.6


Outcome 2: Access to affordable services, knowledge and tools

Note: Data for 2021 are only up to early October. In addition to the expenditure reported above, an additional $0.9 million has been committed to be spent in the year. Source: UNDP Atlas Project data, Power Bi, October 2021

Finding 1. General NDC support: UNDP has contributed to putting in place various frameworks and tools to enable Ghana to deliver on climate change goals agreed at the UNFCCC. A gender action plan has also been developed for mainstreaming gender into these frameworks. Implementation of the climate finance tracking tool has been slow. The Government of Ghana initiated the revision of its NDCs with technical and financial support from UNDP. The NDCs form the foundation of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and embody each country’s efforts to reduce national emission levels. UNDP support built on and was a continuation of a long‑term collaboration with the Government to gradually develop an enabling environment for climate action. A comprehensive review of the NDCs was conducted in close collaboration with line ministries and key agencies with the focus on seven NDC priority sectors (energy, waste, transport, agriculture, water, health and disaster risk, and climate service) to take stock of achievements and bring to light priorities for the coming years. Facilitated by UNDP, the NDC revision process also engaged the CSOs, the private sector and development partners. UNDP facilitated the establishment of an Emission Reduction Registry to enhance transparency in the tracking of GHG emission levels. The Emission Reduction Registry was used for monitoring NDC commitments and updating the NDC report in 2020. The development of the registry was a complex process involving all key ministries and departments which required several rounds of dialogue at all levels and UNDP provided valuable support for this. UNDP also supported the development of NDC accounting tools to allow monitoring and reporting on GHG emissions and inventory. With support from UNDP Headquarters, the CO provided training on the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) system to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which is now able to support other countries in the region in rolling out MRV through the UNDP/UNEP MRV networks established. EPA has been able to train various GHG inventory sector experts54 and is now training the districts and various ministries and agencies to collect and report 54

Energy, IPPU – Industrial Processes and Product Use, AFOLU – Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use; Waste.



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