This chapter presents the evaluation conclusions on UNDP performance and contributions to development results in Honduras, as well as the recommendations and management response.
3.1 Conclusions Conclusion 1.179 UNDP is a trusted and valued partner of the Government. It is perceived as a credible provider of development services by both national and international stakeholders. UNDP neutrality and transparency allowed the country office to be strongly positioned and involved in highly strategic areas of development in Honduras. UNDP has been adapting its work to remain relevant to the country’s evolving development context. UNDP enjoys a good reputation as a valuable partner in Honduras, providing support in alignment with national priorities. UNDP work in Honduras appropriately focuses on environmental vulnerability and climate change, democratic governance and citizen security, three of the country’s major development challenges. The UNDP value proposition has been its expertise and ability to respond to the country’s needs and demands. Its work is particularly appreciated for the efficiency and transparency of its procurement services, its role during electoral dialogues and as a knowledge broker. UNDP has responded promptly to the Government’s changing priorities and emerging needs, and has been able to swiftly adapt some of its interventions to address challenges generated by the COVID-19 pandemic and migration. The trust of the Government and international partners has enabled UNDP to play a leading role in coordinating efforts to fight and mitigate the damage caused by the pandemic. It has also presented new opportunities for UNDP, notably in the field of digital transformation. Conclusion 2.180 UNDP made important contributions to the national development agenda and demonstrated some progress towards most programme outputs despite a very challenging and dynamic national context. The role of UNDP in supporting electoral processes has been crucial and recognized in the country. UNDP has contributed to preventing a further escalation of violence by facilitating the inter-party dialogue. UNDP also brought credibility and transparency to procurement processes for Honduran institutions. UNDP has contributed significantly to national capacity for the collection and analysis of citizen security data, as well as the understanding of violence and insecurity in the country. Published data are now deemed more reliable and accurate, contributing to public confidence and greater transparency of information. UNDP also played an important role in improving the legal and institutional framework for climate change, and the restoration, conservation and sustainable use of the biodiversity of the country’s natural ecosystems to achieve environmental benefits. UNDP also supported the country to fulfil specific obligations undertaken in world environmental summits. The UNDP social and economic inclusion strategy and the improved sustainable management practices have achieved some results in terms of increased income and temporary employment opportunities. During this programming cycle, UNDP contributions to disaster risk management have been limited, despite the scale of this challenge for Honduras. Interventions insufficiently addressed capacity gaps, in particular at local level.
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Linked to findings 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 14, 16 & 18. Linked to findings 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 & 15.