UNDP is yet to develop a comprehensive strategy to address SDG attainment, with no focused project or dedicated funding. The Government initiated an SDG Policy Gap Analysis process, which identified gaps in progress towards SDGs related to gender, youth, poverty reduction, transport, security, energy and inclusive sustainable cities. This analysis also found that the current legal framework supports 78 percent of the targets (108 of the 138 targets), pointing to a further gap requiring attention.39 There are also evident gaps at the county level because of weak capacity in data collection, performance tracking, reporting and communications. For example, only 42 percent of the indicators needed to monitor the SDGs from a gender perspective were available as of December 2020. Joint United Nations support is needed to close the gender data gap, improve SDG progress reporting and the target programmes to reach women and girls that are being left behind. Despite this gap in general target- and strategy-setting, UNDP is supporting the Government of Kenya to align funding to Kenya’s Vision 2030 (and the SDGs) through the implementation of an Integrated National Financial Framework (INFF). The INFF is a long-term process to align a country’s development planning with financial resources, identifying funding gaps and identifying possible public or private sources.40 Kenya is still at the early stages of its INFF process, having completed a Development Finance Assessment, to provide a current overview of the financing landscape. Based on that, an oversight structure will be established with the Government, and work will begin to identify and align financing with development plan objectives.41
2.2 Peace and security CPD OUTCOME 2: By 2022, people in Kenya live in a secure, peaceful, inclusive and cohesive society Output 2.1: Government has normative standard capacities to operationalize policies and legal frameworks on conflict management, cohesion, and human security Output 2.2: Strengthened capacities of peace architecture at national, county and community levels on peace, inclusion, reconciliation, social cohesion, and integration Output 2.3: Government has strengthened capacities for coordination and operationalization of gender and human rights responsive strategies and action plans on preventing violent extremism Output 2.4: Electoral management bodies have technical and financial capacities to deliver peaceful and democratic elections and based on lessons learned from the 2017 elections Output 2.5: Rule of law, justice and legislative institutions have technical and financial capacities to deliver normative inclusive and accountable, equitable services
39 40 41
United Nations (2021) CCA Report for Kenya, Synthesised Draft, p. 29. See https://inff.org/country/kenya Ibid.