The majority of expenditure in the CPD period (62 percent) was related to GEN1 projects, while the rest was on GEN 2 projects, with no expenditure on GEN 0 and GEN 3 projects. Overall, there are 39 projects marked as GEN1, 31 marked as GEN2 and one project related to institutional strengthening marked as GEN075.
FIGURE 11. Expenditure by Gender Marker and CPD outcome 2018-21 (US$ million) Outcome 4 Outcome 3 Outcome 2 Outcome 1
Source: Atlas project data, Power BI, as of 11 November 2021
The mainstreaming of gender across the project portfolio has been mixed. With a few notable exceptions, most projects in outcomes 1, 3 and 4 have had a more superficial approach, whereby gender is reduced to ensuring equal participation of men and women in training activities. Outcome 2 has a strong gender focus due to the inclusion of GBV issues, which are highly relevant to its Peace and Security focus. In governance and devolution processes, there has been progress in efforts to enhance the participation of women in county governance but it has proved difficult to address the drivers of inequality. Devolution has raised high expectations that gender issues will be mainstreamed at county level, and contribute to inclusive and sustainable gender-sensitive initiatives in rural communities. UNDP Kenya has supported the development, launch and dissemination of the Women’s Empowerment Index, which represents a major milestone in the country’s evidence-based policymaking and sets a baseline for monitoring the Government’s progress toward achieving gender equality and empowerment of all women and girls.76 Furthermore, UNDP and UN Women facilitated implementation of the Political Parties (Amendment) Act 2016, which requires that political parties promote the values of inclusion by upholding the ‘two-thirds gender’ constitutional principle when seeking registration.77 This contributed to the gains witnessed in the 2017 General Elections, where women were elected to various posts including: three Governors (6.38 percent); three Senators (6.38 percent); 23 members of the National Assembly (7.93 percent); and 96 members of County Assemblies (6.76 percent). This significantly increased the number of elected women, from 5.63 percent in 2013 to 11.4 percent in 2017.78 75
76 77
The Gender Marker aims to sensitize programme managers on gender mainstreaming through the assignment of a rating in the UNDP programme and financial reporting system. The ratings are: GEN3 = outputs that have gender equality as the main objectives; GEN2 = outputs that have gender equality as a significant objective; GEN1 = outputs that will contribute in some way to gender equality, but not significantly; GEN 0 = outputs that are not expected to contribute noticeably to gender equality. UNDP(2020) ROAR. Article 81 (b) of the Constitution of Kenya stipulates that “Not more than two-thirds of the members of elective or appointive bodies shall be of the same gender”. UNDP Kenya (2017) Annual Report.