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than results, and on micro-level interventions that did not connect with any clear strategy. The project actively sought youth engagement but had little to show in terms of gender empowerment and equality for women and girls. Overall, the project did not orient itself adequately towards civic engagement for responsive local governance.

2.3 Resilience, disaster risk reduction and climate change CPD Outcome: By 2022, environmental management, sustainable recovery and reconstruction, and resilience to climate change and natural disaster are strengthened at all levels. RELATED OUTPUTS Output 3.1: Understanding and knowledge on environment climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction enhanced at national, subnational and community levels to make development risk-informed. Output 3.2: Policy and institutional mechanisms strengthened for integrating gender-responsive CCA/ DRR and environment management in national and key sectors development planning. Output 3.3: Mechanisms in place to enable the government and private sector to increase investment in CCA/DRR recovery and environment management. Output 3.4: Capacities of subnational governments and communities strengthened for effective preparedness and response environment management CCA/DRR. Output 3.5: Improved capacities of communities and government for resilient recovery and reconstruction.

The Resilience, Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change portfolio is aligned with the legal and policy frameworks at the national and subnational levels, including the 14th and 15th Plans, and sectoral policy frameworks for disasters risk management, climate change and biodiversity management. In addition, UNDP also supports Nepal in meeting its international commitments such as the Sendai Framework and the Paris Agreement. Moreover, the portfolio has supported the post-2015 earthquake reconstruction to build back better. The programme provides policy advisory services, institutional capacity-building, technical support for project implementation, introduction of technology and tools, and financial support. The portfolio works closely with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, the Ministry of Forests and Environment, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Authority, the National Reconstruction Authority, and subnational governments, CSOs and other development partners.



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