This section of the report assesses UNDP contributions to the CPD outcomes, outputs, crosscutting issues and analyses the key factors that affected the achievement of expected results.
2.1 Inclusive and sustainable growth and development CPD Outcome 1. By 2021, people living in poverty and vulnerability improve access to decent livelihoods and productive employment by means of sustainable development that strengthens social and natural capital, integrating an adequate management of risk. Related outputs: OUTPUT 1.1. National and subnational capacities strengthened to implement policies, plans or other instruments of sustainable and inclusive development. OUTPUT 1.2. National and subnational capacities strengthened for sustainable management of natural resources, ecosystem services, mitigation, and adaptation to climate change. OUTPUT 1.3. National/subnational systems and institutions enabled to achieve structural transformation of productive capacities that are sustainable and employment and livelihood intensive.
During this programme cycle, 62 projects with 80 project outputs were implemented under this outcome, with a budget of $84.2 million and expenditure of $59.3 million at the time of the evaluation. This is the largest outcome area in terms of expenditure ($59.3 million corresponding to 42 percent of total programme expenditure) and reached a 70 percent execution rate. 55 35 projects (15 percent of expenditure) were directly implemented by UNDP (DIM), 22 projects (78 percent of expenditure) were nationally implemented (NIM) and five projects (7 percent of expenditure) were implemented through support to NIM (NIM-LOA). This portfolio was primarily funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Trust Fund (55 percent of expenditure) and the Government of Norway (15 percent). This outcome has enjoyed the solid and long-standing national leadership of the Ministries of Environment, Production and Agriculture, with different kinds of government cost-sharing.
The financial resources correspond to the period: 2017 to June 2021.
Chapter 2. Findings