By 2021, participatory and transparent decisionmaking processes and accountable institutions are strengthened, with policies and implementation mechanisms that are responsive to all people, particularly vulnerable groups, women, youth and children
By 2021, Viet Nam has accelerated its transition to low-carbon and green development, and enhanced its adaptation and resilience to climate change and natural disasters, with a focus on empowering the poor and vulnerable groups
By 2021, all people benefit from inclusive and equitable social protection systems and poverty reduction services, which will reduce multidimensional poverty and vulnerabilities
People in Viet Nam enjoy improved public service delivery including access to justice, institutional accountability, public participation in policy dialogue, and enhanced political empowerment of women within national and local representation bodies
People in Viet Nam enjoy increased resilience to disaster, and benefit from reduction in carbon emissions, sustainable natural resource management, and improved environmental health
People in Viet Nam enjoy improved wellbeing in all its dimensions according to national definition and greater socioeconomic equity
• Framework conditions conducive for reforms • Mutual interest for partnership building between the Government, UNDP and the donors • Inclusion and empowerment of vulnerable groups leads to stability • Beneficiaries remain open to, and willing/available to participate/attend, • Ethnic Minority groups able/willing to effectively participate capacity building initiatives • Human rights norms are more widely accepted and upheld; social • Policy, markets , public and private investments and partnerships norms and institutions oppose discrimination, inequality and support GHG emission reductions enhance low emission development rights abuses , in line with SDG 16 and strengthen climate resilience while protecting ecosystems for current and future generations
3.1 Functions and capacity of the rule of law institutions supported, including strengthening the protection of human rights and improving access to justice and redress 3.2 Increase in women’s participation in decision-making and representation in leadership positions 3.3 F ramework and dialogue processes strengthened for effective and transparent engagement of civil society in national development 3.4 Legal framework improved, and accountability of institutions enhanced to address awareness, prevention and enforcement of anti-corruption measures across sectors and stakeholders 3.5 National data collection, measurement and analytical systems in place to monitor progress on the Sustainable Development Goals and to inform plans, policies and budgets at national and subnational levels
Increased voice, institutional accountability and access to justice
2.1 R educed greenhouse gas emissions in key sectors and cities through low-emission and green development 2.2 Adaptation and resilience of vulnerable communities to climate change and disasters increased through UNDP-assistance 2.3 P olicies, systems and technologies in place to enable people to benefit from sustainable management of natural resources (forests, ecosystems), and reduced environmental and health risks
Climate change and resilience
• Proactive engagement from government stakeholders and stable political context • Availability of financial and human resources to complete reforms • Cultural norms allow women to participate actively in decision-making • Policies drive modernization and progressive change, and are backed by fiscal capacity to deliver reform • Global economic environment is favourable
Combination of political dialogue and financial support; project and sector interventions
Policy inputs:
Knowhow and best practice exchange Dialogue and partnership with government, private sector and CSOs, UN agencies and donors; donor coordination Policy dialogue and advocacy
Technical inputs:
Policy advice Capacity building Administrative support Financial support
Project staff Country office staff RBAP
Human resources:
Grants Project funding Joint programmes
Financing modalities:
GEF, GCF, UNDP, South Korea, USA, Germany, Australia, Viet Nam, etc.
69,588,682 USD (2017-2019)
1.1 National Targeted Programs (NTPs) reduce entrenched and extreme poverty in ethnic minority and remote communities, especially among women 1.2 National and subnational systems, institutions and policies reduce multidimensional poverty, exclusion and inequality, particularly for urban settings 1.3 S ocial protection is progressively expanded based on a life-cycle approach and universal floor coverage
Poverty eradication and greater socio-economic equity
Theory of Change - Reconstructed Intervention Logic – UNDP Country Programme Viet Nam
FIGURE 3. UNDP Viet Nam - Reconstructed Theory of Change/ Intervention Logic