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2.2 Inclusive societies CPD Outcome 1: By 2021, all people benefit from inclusive and equitable social protection systems and poverty reduction services, which will reduce multidimensional poverty and vulnerabilities.

UNDP interventions within this outcome mostly concentrated on efforts towards extreme poverty reduction. This includes projects addressing the measurement of multidimensional poverty in urban areas, among ethnic minority women and for social assistance protection. Other projects covered interventions to reduce extreme poverty in marginalized groups including people with disabilities, ethnic minorities, remote communities and women; promoting inclusive growth and strengthening productivity and competitiveness. Of the actual budget of $5,586,670, actual expenditure accounted for $3,010,125 in November 2020, around 54 percent of the available budget. Finding 8. UNDP support to the NTP-SPR (2016–2020) has been critical to reinforce Viet Nam’s poverty reduction efforts. While policies and programmes introduced by UNDP are being implemented by the Government, the real impact will depend on how these capacities and solutions are scaled up nationwide.




UNDP support to the ‘Implementation of Resolution 80’ project (2012–2017) helped the Vietnamese Government to establish the innovative NTP-SPR 2016–2020. The project promoted investment in the poor and near-poor, the inhabitants of areas with difficult living conditions, and vulnerable communities, by ensuring their access to quality services (health care, education, vocational training, housing, clean water, waste management and access to information). The programme adopted mechanisms such as block grants and medium-term budget allocations to create favourable conditions for local planning based on need. Drawing on lessons from the South Korean ‘Saemaul Initiative Towards Inclusive and Sustainable New Communities’,93 self-help and community empowerment approaches were integrated into NTP-SPR and NTP-NRD 2016–2020, particularly on production support and capacity building. To address the practical need for capacity building and implementation of the capacity building components of the two programmes, especially at grassroots level, MoLISA, MARD and CEMA developed training documents and handbooks with an inclusive and sustainable community spirit for their annual nationwide training for local staff. UNDP support also critically influenced the decision to use a single implementation mechanism for the two NTPs. MoLISA uses a Rapid Impact Monitoring toolkit and procedure for reporting, aiming to collect qualitative information to complement quantitative information, which contributes to its management and administration of labour and social affairs nationwide.94 All of these contributions are critical to reinforcing Viet Nam’s poverty reduction efforts.95

The South Korea model was later integrated into the NTP-SPR. The model is focusing on community empowerment instead of subsidies from the Government. Final Review Report: The Project “Support to the Implementation of Resolution 80 on Directions of Sustainable Poverty Reduction 2011-2020 and the National Target Program on Sustainable Poverty Reduction 2012-2015 (PRPP, Hanoi, June 2017); and Korea International Cooperation Agency. ISNC Final Report-Viet Nam2015-2017. For relevant government documents, see the NTP-SPR 2016-2020 at https://data.Viet record/decision-1722-qd-ttg-approving-national-target-program-for-sustainable-poverty-reduction-2016-2020; Decision No. 1865/ QD-TTg on the implementation of action plans for national target programmes during the 2016-2020 period at quyet-dinh-1865-qd-ttg-2017-giao-ke-hoach-thuc-hien-chuong-trinh-muc-tieu-quoc-gia-2016-2020-59f6a.html; and the NTP-NRD 20162020 at



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