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2.3 Governance and gender The Governance and Gender portfolio54 of UNDP committed to contributing to Outcomes 2, 3 and 4, with the following outputs (key projects in italics): • Output 2.3. The judiciary, the Ministry of Justice and related national institutions have reviewed laws, strategies, procedures, functions and financing to improve access to justice and redress institutional arrangements, and to put measures and systems in place for the implementation of cross-sector strategies to prevent and respond to SGBV. • Output 2.4. The government has revised institutional arrangements, and put measures and systems in place for the implementation of crosssector strategies to prevent and respond to SGBV. • Output 3.1. Parliament, constitution-making bodies and the Electoral Commission of Zambia have developed strategies, laws, systems and institutional mechanisms to enable them to perform core functions for improved accountability, participation and representation. • Output 3.2. The National Assembly of Zambia has developed strategies, policies and legal frameworks to address awareness, prevention and enforcement of anti-corruption measures across sectors and stakeholders. • Output 3.3. CSOs have developed frameworks, strategic plans and platforms for effective engagement with government on national development and parallel reporting on regional and international conventions. • Output 4.1. The Human Rights Commission has developed strategies, procedures and systems to perform core functions for advocating the domestication and fulfilment of human rights in line with regional and international treaties and conventions. 54 55

• Output 4.3. Line ministries driving national economic growth have developed evidenceinformed national strategies and partnerships to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment. A total of 16 projects were implemented in this portfolio, focusing mostly on election work (52 percent of expenditure) and SGBV and gender equality programming (34 percent), with some work on institutional capacity building (9 percent) and human rights (5 percent). The total budget for this portfolio amounted to $15.8 million, with $15 million in expenditure. A total of 13 projects were from the previous cycle. New projects for this cycle include Phase II of the Joint SGBV Programme (2018-2022), Strengthening National Capacities for Planning (20192020) and Support to Human Rights (2018-2021). Most projects (13 out of 16, or 80 percent of expenditure) were nationally implemented.55 Based on the gender marker used in the design stage, the SGBV Joint Programme (Phases I and II), the Promotion of Women’s and Children’s Rights project, and the Empowerment and Leadership Skills Development project (previous cycle, completed 2016) were GEN3 (34 percent of expenditure); several projects under the 2011-2015 Governance programme (with some expenditure recorded in 2016) were GEN2 (9 percent); while the elections projects, support to human rights, and strengthening national capacities projects were GEN1 (57 percent). Finding 6: Governance and participation – UNDP’s support to strengthening institutional capacities and improving citizen participation and representation contributed to enhancing public confidence in the election results and improving access to justice. However, there is insufficient evidence to attest that UNDP significantly and sustainably contributed to the expected outcomes of increasing the participation of women in politics, improving voter turnout, deterring youth electoral violence and addressing corruption.

Corresponds to governance and participation in the CPD. Promotion of Women’s and Children’s Rights was a DIM project; the Support to Civil Society and the Empowerment and Leadership Skills Development projects (previous cycle, completed 2016) were implemented by non-governmental organization partners. Democracy Strengthening in Zambia (new elections project launching in 2020) will be DIM.



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