2 minute read

4.5.2 Publication of the final evaluation report

The Evaluation Policy requires management responses to all evaluations regardless of the status of the initiative that was evaluated. The management response template can be found in the annexes.

4.5.2 Publication of the final evaluation report

All evaluation plans and evaluation reports must be uploaded to the ERC.

34 The ERC is an open information site accessible to all to view evaluation plans and evaluations. Some information on the ERC is for internal UNDP use only and requires IEO to provide access. Each programme unit can nominate several ERC focal points who will have different permissions across the site for uploading and accessing data for oversight purposes.

Access is required to upload evaluation plans, TORs and evaluations. Normally the M&E focal point or officer has this level of access to the ERC using their UNDP email and password.

Only the following documents need to be uploaded for completed evaluations:

▪ Final TOR for the evaluation, uploaded within two weeks of completion of the TOR. ▪ Final evaluation report uploaded within two weeks of agreement and completion of the report. ▪ Supporting annexes, uploaded with the evaluation report if not as part of the main report.

No other documents need to be uploaded. Evaluation audit trails and inception reports should not be uploaded to the ERC. Programme units should remember that the ERC site is public, and therefore only final documents should be uploaded. Documents should not contain comments or track changes and should ideally be uploaded as PDF files, although Word documents are acceptable. Therefore:

▪ Evaluation audit trails should not be uploaded to the ERC. ▪ Inception reports should not be uploaded separately to the ERC

Once the evaluation is complete and uploaded, information previously entered will need to be updated including the completion date, evaluation expenditure and the individual names and roles of the evaluation team members. More information is available in the ERC guidance.


Recommendations, management responses and key actions

The following information also needs to be uploaded to the ERC by the evaluation manager within the schedule outlined below:

▪ Evaluation recommendations addressed to UNDP entered into the ERC when the final report is uploaded (within two weeks of completion). ▪ Evaluation management responses entered into the ERC within six weeks of receipt of the final evaluation report. ▪ Evaluation key actions entered into the ERC along with the management responses.

Recommendations are entered into the ERC individually and should not be cut and pasted as a single block of recommendations. Individual recommendations, management responses and key actions

34 Access at: https://erc.undp.org/ 35 Access at: https://erc.undp.org/resources/docs/guidance/ERC-User-Guide.pdf

are reported and tracked separately so must be entered to the ERC individually. Where the TOR requires an evaluation team to produce lessons learned, these should also be uploaded. A separate page is available for this information.

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