Year report 2013 en

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Report on the Activities of the Czech UNDP Trust Fund in 2013 Prepared by Barbora Latečková, Programme Associate, UNDP Bratislava Regional Centre (19th February, 2014)

Cooperation with UNDP The United Nations Development Programme is one of the main programmes to which the Czech Republic has made voluntary contributions for multilateral development aid in the past years. The Czech Republic has fulfilled the role of a development aid donor to UNDP since 2000, when it commenced with its regular contributions to the Czech UNDP Trust Fund (hereinafter "the Fund") for the provision of aid and technical assistance to developing countries and countries undergoing transformation (especially South-East Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States). This meant especially sharing Czech know-how and professional experience by means of training, seminars, study trips, technical assistance and consultancy. The particular topics were chosen on the basis of the requirements of the local UNDP offices. General priority topics are in compliance with the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals and Czech Government Decree on the concept of developmental cooperation for the particular year. Priority topics: - protecting the environment and supporting sustainable development; - HIV/AIDS prevention; - supporting democracy and transformation, strengthening the capacities of the state/local administration, parliamentary democracy; - Czech experience with economic transformation.

Activities in 2013 New projects Based on the results of a tender sent out in December, 2012 and completed in March, 2013, 12 projects were selected that had the best evaluation and 9 projects were selected for implementation in the second phase after receiving the yearly allocation in 2013 (aprox. USD 0.5 million), see Appendix 1 hereto. The Fund informed all the Czech Embassies in the region about the results of the tender. Newly, the projects were selected based on a tender in cooperation with specialists in the Bratislava Regional Centre of UNDP (hereinafter "UNDP BRC"). Projects with the greatest number of points achieved were supported as well as those projects where Czech experience is provably relevant/has added value (other criteria were the amount of co-financing; the effectiveness of the aid; logical structure of the project; contents and relevance). In view of the number of applications which was by far greater than last year’s (46 in total)and which means increased administrative load, next year we will introduce submission of applications online. This year the Fund has supported 12 countries within 24 activities (9 new tenders, 8 consultancy contracts, 2 institutional agreements, 3 continuing projects from last year, 2 direct financial subsidies to the branch offices). (See the Overview of the use of contributions in 2013.). The Fund budget for 2013 was planned in the amount of USD 896,087. Almost 92% of all funds were used (USD 822,303 used or contracted). The Fund also decided to support a study trip of Kyrgyzian civil servants that we are preparing in cooperation with the branch office of UNDP for 2014, 1

and a programme of building capacities for new member states (training programme), the concept of which was created in cooperation with the Fund.

Management In 2013 the position of the manager of the Fund was taken by Barbora Latečková from the Czech Development Agency (replacing Barbora Jungová, training 11-12/2012). In the middle of 2013, Daniel Hanšpach left the position of supervisor and the position was partly taken by Dmitry Mariyasin who also became the team leader of the department of Emerging Donors New Partnerships (hereinafter "ED/NP"), of which the Fund is a part. Pavla Müllerová worked as an assistant/intern for the Fund too (June-December, 2013). The Fund enabled Barbora Latečková to obtain training in public procurement (CIPS Procurement Course) and to attend evaluation training (EPDET). The documents for a possible internal/external evaluation of the activities of the Fund up to now (next year the Fund will have been working with UNDP BRC for ten years) will be prepared by the TF manager during 2014. During the year a project committee was established with the participation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Mr. Zdeněk Krejčí of the Development Cooperation Department) which approves any major decision of the Fund. Lists of contacts for tender announcements have been revised and expanded, all tenders were completed at the first attempt, new entities applied that had not cooperated with the Fund before.

Partnership, new programmes and visibility The systematic expanding of the contact lists is related to creating a database of entities having Czech expertise (available) and in general in order to map the Czech transformation experience. It will be up to the donor if he considers an even more effective roster to support the speedy dispatch of experts within the prepared programme of Aid On Demand for the next year - dispatching consultants for short or low-cost expert consultations/tasks where Czech expertise is of the top quality, having a great added value for the partner country (e.g. for the countries preparing to join the European Union). A visible success is the completion of the preparation of a series of 5 practical trainings for new donors financed by UNDP BRC, co-financed by the Rumanian and Czech party, according to a demand from the technical workshop in Budapest, taking into account the Czech needs - consultations were made with all entities concerned (the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Czech Development Agency, private sphere, non-profit organisations) in August and October of 2013. The first training (PCM) was held from January 21st-22nd, 2014 in Černínský Palace. In October there was a strategic mission of the Fund to the Balkans (Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo) led by a representative of the donor, Mrs. Zuzana Hlavičková, the director of the Development Cooperation Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic. The branch offices evaluated the mission in a positive way as it showed a great demand for Czech expertise, even in the form of flexible aid of quick consultations and dispatching specialists. As a part of ED/NP team, the Fund is in close contact with the Visegrad Fund and it will explore the possibilities of cooperation and coordination mainly concerning a programme of dispatching civil servants from the countries of the East partnership/the Balkans/post-soviet countries into V4 countries. Czech embassies are engaged in the programme as a part of the identification process. Thanks to the Czech contact in OECD, the Fund interconnected the OECD economic programmes in the region (OECD Eurasia Competitiveness Programme) and the Aid for Trade programme of UNDP BRC. Intensive negotiations are being held concerning the form of cooperation (with both parties being eminently interested in cooperation) and the Fund will try and join major programmes in the form of suitable co-financing (sending a specialist etc.). That would be a significant contribution to the global agenda of aid effectiveness and as well as a great opportunity to promote the Fund. The Fund supported with a limited amount a small project in Bosnia and Herzegovina through the newly founded UNDP Innovation Fund, and the initiative of SEE4ALL the support of which is a part of a new multilateral strategy of the Czech Republic. The Fund took an active part in the agenda of the effectiveness of aid coordinated by UNDP; the Czech example of a successful application of the principles from Busan was a part of the promotional materials for the global conference in Addis Ababa. In cooperation with the Montenegrin branch, two videos were made for the project of redevelopment in Mojkovac and two blogs were published on the UNDP website concerning the Czech expertise. Barbora Latečková, 2

the manager, prepared two public presentations: on the topic of engaging non-profit sector in development cooperation under the TIKA agency (Istanbul, April, 2013) and on the activities of UNDP/the Fund for the students of the University of Economics (Prague, May, 2013). The Fund co-financed the trip of a Czech Specialist, a representative of the Forum for Development Cooperation, Mr. Petr Lebeda to regional consultations on post-2015 to Istanbul in November. UNDP Bratislava Regional Centre is negotiating with Glopolis concerning a more extensive regional cooperation - preparing for SDGs. To conclude with the topic of advertising - at the beginning of 2013, based on a market survey, we reviewed the advertising contracts with Respect (a weekly socio-political magazine), we agreed better conditions with EURO magazine (business, export, regions) that is better aimed at our target group of implementation partners, see Appendix 2. The funds for space advertising were decreased in general - we find it more appropriate to address potential entities and expand the database of contacts.

Contributions from the Czech Republic The Czech contributions finance only those activities that fit into the context of the national and regional projects of the UNDP and stem from the demands presented by the local institutions and the representation of the UNDP in the recipient countries. In a large majority of cases, this means activities at least partly co-financed from other sources. In the majority of cases, this means activities at least partly co-financed from other sources. For example, in the case of study trips and seminars organised in the Czech Republic, the Czech contribution only pays for the costs incurred within the territory of the Czech Republic. The costs of the foreign participants’ journey from their home country are paid from the regional programme of the UNDP or by their mother institution (public administration authority, etc.). If Czech consultants travel abroad, the local office of the UNDP usually pays the travel expenses and ensures the accommodation, transportation and interpreting, and the Czech sources only pay the remuneration for the work performed by the consultants. If Czech consultants travel abroad, the local UNDP office usually pays the travel expenses and ensures the accommodation, transportation and interpreting, and the Czech sources only pays the remuneration for the work performed by the consultants. In 2012, the Czech Republic made a contribution of CZK 10 million to UNDP BRC. An overview of the individual contributions made by the Czech Republic to the Czech Trust Fund since 2004 is provided in the chart below. Chart 1: Contributions in individual years (in CZK and USD) Year

Contribution in CZK million CZK Contribution in USD thousand*

*converted in accordance with UNDP’s official exchange rate































The Fund budget for 2013 and the outlook for 2014 The Fund budget for 2013 was planned in the amount of USD 896,087. Almost 92% of all funds were used: USD 822,303 used or contracted.


Chart 2: Allocation of budget and real costs in 2013 in USD

Item Study trips Training, workshops, consultants Project management: salaries, monitoring and operation of the office, GMS Visibility TOTAL planned costs TOTAL real costs + contracted

Planned budget 439,276 286,473

156,338 14,000 896,087

Real costs 223,559.70 253,176.03

Contracted 79,988 70,000



9,185 655,034.15

0 167,269 822,303

The budget for 2013 was financed from the funds remaining in the Fund from previous years (USD 896,087). Contribution from autumn 2013 is transferred to the planned budget for 2014 (in the sum, USD 763,000 are available, from which in the following weeks and months the remaining payments on the projects from the first and second round will be made - a significant sum has been allocated - see Chart 3). Planned contribution for 2014 will be allocated to new projects that are to be selected in spring/summer, 2014. Tenders will be held in the summer/autumn and the drawing of the funds will commence at the beginning of 2015 (if the public tender procedure is fast enough, in some cases the drawing may commence in autumn, 2014, but for the time being it is not taken into account in the budget for the sake of transparency). The majority of the Czech contribution is intended directly for the implementation of the supported development activities. The remaining part is intended for the salary of the manager, insurance, project monitoring, education, the programme of building emerging donor capacities (co-financing), the operation of the office and a contribution for the operational and technical costs of UNDP BRC. Chart 3: Allocation of budget in 2014 in USD Item

Planned budget 2014*

Study trips Studies, workshops, consultants Project management, capacity building, monitoring and operation, GMS Visibility TOTAL

280,000 317,000

151,000 15,000 763,000

Out of which already allocated** 279,000 245,000

151,000 0 675,000

*Not including estimated regular contribution in 2014 in the amount of CCA USD 500,000 which will be allocated exclusively to new projects to be selected for that year. **Allocated means either already contracted or approved for the support of projects selected in a tender in 2013 (e.g. second wave of the projects). The reserve is allocated for the launch of the programme of Aid on Demand.

Activities in 2013 according to sectors

Environmental protection ARMENIA: “Transfer of the best Czech experience: Strengthening national capacities on comprehensive Chemicals (Persistent Organic Pollutants) contaminated site assessment� Implementation period: June 2011 - January 2014 Costs in 2013: USD 48,093 4

Costs in 2014: USD 12,007 Total costs: USD 60,100 Implementing partner: GEOtest The Czech Republic has much experience with the problem of contaminated soil or water and regarding persistent organic pollutants (POPS, e.g. dioxins), there is a major specialised centre in the Czech Republic (Recetox, National Centre for Persistent Organic Pollutants) engaging in toxicological research in accordance with the Stockholm Convention commitments. Persistent pollutants are subject to regulation throughout the European Union REACH). This information together with the Czech experience in building national capacities, working with the data and the expertise were shared with the Armenian participants at this study trip. Directly in Armenia, GEOtest carried out sampling together with the local experts in a selected locality of Nubarasen (practical training, cca. 20 km from Yerevan, a former pesticide storage), subsequently analysing the samples and handing over the results to the Armenian partners. Montenegro: “Knowledge Transfer of Czech Experience: Detailed Technical Design and Supervision of Construction Works at Zuta Prla Mine, Mojkovac, Montenegro” Implementation period: June 2011 - December 2013 Costs in 2013: USD 4,087 Total costs: USD 60,744 Implementing partner: Vodní zdroje The implementing partner prepared a detailed technical design of the construction of a passive water treatment system for the Zuta Prla mine in the municipality of Mojkovac on the basis of prior reports provided by the UNDP. They then supervised the construction of the passive system in accordance with the prepared technical design. In 2013 only the monitoring of the river was carried out. The Czech experts helped to reduce the pollution of the river Tara and thereby lessen the cross-border environmental risks ensuing from the dangerous contamination, especially as regards abandoned mines and storage tanks. The activity helped to diminish the impact of pollution on human health and improve cross-border cooperation on the identification, management and reduction of risks arising from dangerous activities. MONTENEGRO: “Preparation of Remedial Action Plan for the Former Lead/Zinc Mineral Processing Plant at the Brskovo and Zuta Prla Mines, Mojkovac, Montenegro” Implementation period: November 2012 – September 2013 Costs in 2013: USD 44,922.31 Total costs: USD 44,922.31 (EUR 33,613) Implementing partner: Boris Urbánek The experts of the Czech firm Vodní zdroje a.s. were to prepare an action plan to decontaminate the former lead and zinc processing plant at Brskovo and Zuta Prla for the town of Mojkovac. The action plan was to include the analysis of the negative consequences of the pollution, the advantages of alternative measures, cost estimate, design, time schedule and recommendation of the most cost-effective manner of decontamination. In view of a delayed completion, the order was placed with Boris Urbánek, a consultant, who later included in the analysis (at the suggestion of UNDP Montenegro) also five waste dumps in the mountains that also posed a danger for the environment. It is expected that the decontamination itself will be financed from the IPA programme.

KOSOVO: “Activating Kosovo GHG Monitoring and Reporting System” Implementation period: August 2013 – April 2014 Costs in 2013: USD 37,720 Planned costs in 2014: USD 25,147 Total costs: USD 62,867 Implementing partner: Charles University The project is a direct follow-up to an activity that has already been implemented; creating a system of greenhouse gas inventory and a database (2012), the recipient being the Environmental Protection Agency (KEPA) 5

which is responsible for the monitoring of the greenhouse gases in Kosovo. The subject of the second - practical project - was practicing the methods used for the calculation of greenhouse gas emissions (pollutant inventory according to sectors) during 4 workshops in Kosovo and one study trip in the Czech Republic. It was important to verify the calculations made by the experts from Kosovo in practice and professional support in determining the baseline year. KOSOVO: “Development of Detailed Technical Design (DTD) for Treatment of Acid Mine Water in Novo Brdo Mine, Artana, Kosovo” Implementation period: October 2013 – March 2014 Costs in 2013: USD 0 Planned costs in 2014: USD 70,000 Total costs: USD 70,000 Implementing partner: GEOtest (in cooperation with Fichtner) The mining and metallurgical complex of Trepça used to be the pillar of Kosovo economy, nowadays presenting an environmental burden and a potential danger. The complex includes a lead and zinc mine of Artana/Novo Brdo, that is partly operating, located about 50 km to the south of Pristina. The creation of acid mine water, the result of out-of-date mining methods in the past, as well as slag heaps pose a great danger to the environment. The aim of the project is to prepare a specific design for the decontamination of the acid mine water (AMD). The implementing partner's task is to gather and analyse all available information concerning geology, geography, hydrology, hydrogeology, the use of soil, and gather new/missing data (i.e. carry out surveys, laboratory tests, sampling) in order to prepare a detailed technical design. KYRGYZSTAN: “Expert on mountain hazards for substantive inputs in the International Conference MOUNTAIN HAZARDS 2013” Implementation period: February - October 2013 Total costs: USD 17,340 Implementing partner: Michal Černý According to experts, the changes of the climate threaten the most the region of Central Asia with its glacial mountain ranges and areas with little precipitation (directly influencing the energetics, water management etc.). The aim of the UNDP conference held since 2011 is a discussion about the current knowledge gained from the research of natural processes and the climate in the alpine areas, in particular the methods of risk evaluation, the possibilities of decreasing the risks and monitoring. The conference was held in cooperation with HELVETAS Swiss Interco-operation (USD 10,000 USD) and Norwegian Forest Group (USD 2,000). Michal Černý, the consultant, is a specialist in the problem at hand and apart from organizing the event, his task was to strengthen the Czech attendance at the conference and to ensure the sustainability of financing. UZBEKISTAN: “Transfer of Czech Knowledge: Capacity building of Government of Uzbekistan in the field of promoting Energy Efficient Public Transport” Implementation period: March – August 2013 Total costs: USD 66,080 Implementing partner: Centrum dopravního výzkumu (Transport Research Centre) Uzbekistan is one of the major world producers of fossil fuels and the energy efficiency is very low. The Czech contribution is a part of a broader project of UNDP called "Supporting Uzbekistan in transition to a low-emission development path". Based on the Czech experience, the implementing partner created an analytical document - an initial concept of supporting the effectiveness in public transport in Uzbekistan. Secondly, the document will be used to prepare suggestions for decreasing CO2 emissions in public transport (GEF, SCCF). As a part of the project one mission in Uzbekistan has already been completed (visiting the relevant institutions and companies - identification of roles and competencies), the situation analysis of the public transport sector, identification of the existing obstacles to promoting energy efficiency in transport and presenting examples of good Czech practice, also in relation to the legal and institutional framework. WESTERN BALKANS: “Transfer of know-how: Contaminated sites management in Western Balkans, prevention and remediation of past environmental liability” 6

Implementation period: August 2013 – January 2014 Costs in 2013: USD 63,979.20 Planned costs in 2014: USD 15,995.80 Total costs: USD 79,974 Implementing partner: Dekonta The project was implemented as a part of a regional project of UNDP for the elimination of environmental burdens (coordinated by the Montenegrin branch). The aim of the Czech project is the transfer of experience in eliminating burdens including the creation of a summary of the compliance of the Balkans legislation with the EU directives (focusing in particular on brown fields and industrial and mining pollution); building capacities of governmental officials; introducing the financial instruments for the rehabilitation. The concrete result was a study trip to the Czech Republic, a complex report on the Czech experience in this field and recommendations, and mapping studies according to individual countries with a summary of the relevant hot spots and the state of legislation.

Administration and civil society MONTENEGRO: “Transfer of Czech Experience on Mutual/International Legal Assistance and Cooperation” Implementation period: May – July 2013 Total costs: USD 18,224.65 Implementing partner: Transparency International ČR A study trip to the Czech Republic was organized the main aim of which was a transfer of Czech experience in the functioning and organization of the Czech Ministry of Justice, focusing on the departments having a mandate for international mutual legal assistance and cooperation and for cooperation with Czech courts, the prosecuting attorney's office, the police and Interpol. The aim was to introduce the Montenegrins to challenges connected with the conditions of the process of joining the European Union. The participants were representatives of the Ministry of Justice in Montenegro, the employees of courts, prosecuting attorney's office and the Interpol. MONTENEGRO: “Strengthening institutional capacities of the State Audit Institution of Montenegro through the exchange of experience with the Supreme Audit Office of the Czech Republic” Implementation period: September – December 2013 Total costs: USD 9,490 Implementing partner: The Supreme Audit Office of the Czech Republic The Czech transformation experience is often concentrated in institutions and state administrative authorities - one of the examples being the Supreme Audit Office of the Czech Republic that cooperates with the countries within the region intensively in the field of sharing experience. The Supreme Audit Office has implemented a successful project of the Fund for Georgian partners this year - the aim of which was a decrease in staff turnover. The current project was fully organized by the Supreme Audit Office: preparing the presentation and the study trip for the employees of the Supreme Audit Institution in Montenegro. The Supreme Audit Office worked pro bono, the Fund paid the subsistence money, translations and interpreting. GEORGIA: “Transfer of Czech Knowledge to the Local Municipalities of Georgia on Urban Development/Strategic Planning, Community Waste Management and Citizens Participation in Local Self-Governance” Implementation period: October 2012 – March 2013 Costs in 2012: USD 0 Costs in 2013: USD 28,060 Total costs: USD 28,060 Implementing partner: MEPCO This activity aimed to support the reform of the local administration in Georgia, and especially to strengthen the institutional and organisational capacities of the national and local authorities in order to effectively implement the reforms. The Czech experts gave training to the Members of Parliament and the representatives of the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure and Georgian municipalities on the following topics: urban development, waste management and involvement of citizens in decision-making processes. GEORGIA: “Support to capacity building of Abkhaz archivists of the State Archives in Sukhumi” Implementation period: June 2011 - December 2013 7

Costs in 2013: USD 9,371.5 (co-financing by the Fund) Total costs of the project: USD 24,880 (not financed by the Fund) Implementing partner: the project was financially supported by the Czech Embassy in Georgia and implemented inkind by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic This activity is a part of the UNDP project of "Confidence Building Early Response Mechanism" the broader purpose of which is to support the peace dialogue in Georgia. As a part of this activity, a study trip to the Czech Republic was organized, co-financed by the Fund and the Czech Embassy in Georgia, the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic provided the in-kind input, organizing the trip and the training for the archivists from Abkhazia concerning the protection of documents and new technologies, technical consultancy concerning the management of the state archives in Sukhumi, a visit to the archives in Brno and Prague, the participants were also introduced to the European standards. MOLDOVA, FYROM, KOSOVO: “Transfer of the Czech Knowledge in Support to Local Government Associations of Macedonia, Moldova and Kosovo to strengthen capacities for policy advocacy for improving/establishing fiscal incentives for energy efficiency measures in public schools” Implementation period: October 2012 – May 2013 Costs in 2012: USD 11,959.40 Costs in 2013: USD 47,833.60 Total costs: USD 59,473 Implementing partner: MEPCO This activity supports a four-year UNDP programme ”Think Globally, Develop Locally”. The aim was to provide a foundation and recommendations for introducing effective financial incentives that would support the implementation of energy saving measures in public schools in Macedonia, Moldova and Kosovo. The experts provided examples from Czech and international environment of increasing the efficiency of financial flow and tax incentives on the local level. First the experts will analyse the national legislation and regulations in the area of financial flows from the central to the local level, in particular the mechanism of distributing funds by the local government among public schools. Based on the report, questionnaires were created for the collection of data for subsequent analysis, analysing the empirical evidence of the existence or non-existence of a sufficient number of financial incentives supporting energy saving in public schools in selected countries. The analysis then served as the foundation for the recommendation for an improvement of the policy of redistribution of public funds. A part of the project was a study trip to the Czech Republic for 12 representatives of the Network of Associations of Local Authorities for South-Eastern Europe (NALAS).

Economic infrastructure and services ALBANIA: “Consolidation of an innovative value chain for animal products in the south of Albania – “Ionian Lamb” Implementation period: August 2013 – January 2014 Costs in 2013: USD 24,708.80 Costs in 2014: USD 3,978.20 Total costs: USD 28,687 Implementing partner: Jan Hlaváč (in cooperation with Caritas ČR) The project is a follow-up to the activities of the European Union and the Italian government in the region between 2009 and 2012 when an association of cattle owners was created (NGO called "Ionian Lamb"). As a part of the project of the Fund, a study trip was implemented and a feasibility study was supplied. The aim of the study trip was to introduce the participants to good Czech practice in branding and marketing projects (meat, milk) and the related food safety standards, which is the condition of entering the European market. Selected farms, milk processing plants, slaughterhouses and meat processing plants were visited. The aim of the feasibility study was to analyse the local milk sector and recommend measures leading to a better processing and quality of the products. ARMENIA: “Study trip to exchange knowledge in the field of implementation of innovative tools to support exports and SMEs through enhancing skills and capacities of SME supporting institutions in provision of business internationalization services to local SMEs” Implementation period: November – December 2013 Total costs: USD 16,665.95 8

Implementing partner: EDUCON A study trip was organized as a part of the project (the materials for the study trip were created in Russian in view of the language of the participants). The aim of the study trip was broadening the knowledge concerning the Czech practice in supporting small and medium-size businesses and the European legislation, including strategies, main principles, institutional framework and providing toolkits. During the study trip the participants visited relevant institutions and agencies (e.g. The Technology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic), providing financial and technical support to small and medium-size businesses, business incubators, technology parks and successful businesses. BELARUS: “International trade & export promotion expert mission to Belarus” Implementation period: November – December 2013 Total costs: USD 5,000 Implementing partner: Martin Tlapa The output was a presentation at the conference titled „Modern Opportunities for Export Development“, held as a part of a prestigious regional programme of UNDP Aid for Trade (financed by the Finnish Embassy), and a workshop for the representatives from business, industry and the Ministry of Economy. At the request of the organizers, the conference paper focused on the strategy of support of light industry. Martin Tlapa, a consultant (Czech government, former director of Czech Trade), presented the most recent trends in searching new export markets and focused on sharing Czech know-how in the field of supporting the export in the context of the recent restructuring of economy in the Czech Republic as well as in the European Union. BOSNIA AND HERCEGOVINA: “Innovation Fund – Building a hydroponic production system tailored to Bosnian farmers”

Implementation period: October 2013 - June 2014 Costs in 2013: USD 3,760 Total costs: up tp USD 5,000 (Trust Fund will provide seed funding) Direct project support for the branch A part of the activity of Visibility. Support of hydroponics - a pilot project of UNDP Innovation Fund. Direct financial support of the branch that is to ensure the financial link-up and sustainability, if the project is successful. As a part of the project, two demonstration greenhouses and all the necessary equipment for hydroponics were acquired, and drip irrigation was built. The greenhouses are situated in the premises of the Faculty of Agriculture in Sarajevo (Butmir). KAZAKHSTAN: “Economic Cost and Expenditure Modelling research for Ratification and Subsequent Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the Republic of Kazakhstan” Implementation period: November 2012 – January 2013 Costs in 2012: EUR 3,993 (USD 5,186) Costs in 2013: EUR 4,392.3 (USD 5817.62) Total costs: USD 11,086 Implementing partner: Lucie Rybová The aim of this activity was to support the ratification and implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Kazakhstan and to evaluate the related financial costs and expenses. The Czech expert has participated in the preparation of the feasibility study, which is to form the basis for the ratification and implementation of the Convention. Within the scope of the study, the expert shall analyse good Czech and foreign experience with the implementation of the Convention, and assess the current situation in Kazakhstan, on the basis of which the expert shall propose the steps to be taken. The outcome of the study will be handed over to the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in Astana. Contrary to the original plan, the report was not prepared in a fully satisfactory manner. The Fund suggested several options for further steps to be taken by the branch, the project committee of the Fund will approve a solution. KOSOVO: “Promoting social enterprises in Kosovo” Implementation period: June – September 2013 9

Costs in 2013: USD 18,440 Planned costs in 2014: USD 15,000 Total costs: USD 33,440 Implementing partner: Maria Doiciu, social enterprise in the Czech Republic The activity is a part of an UNDP project supporting social enterprises (on the level of policy and on local level) for the purpose of a successful economic transformation in Kosovo. The consultant, having Balkans experience (also experience in micro-grants thanks to which the sustainability may be better ensured, if they are used), was to prepare a feasibility study for a social enterprise in the municipality of Kosovo Pole concerning the possibility of facility management for public buildings. After the completion of the activity of the Fund, the social enterprise was actually founded and it obtained its first client - the local town hall. The project will be expanded on in its second stage next year with a study trip to the Czech Republic to a social enterprise (ideally) of similar parameters. REGION: Support of SEE4ALL Initiative Implementation period: June - August 2013 Total costs: USD 4,875 Implementing partner Susan Legro The Sustainable Energy for All Initiative (SEE4ALL) was launched in 2011 and more than 75 countries have joined the initiative, including the Czech Republic. The regional centre monitors the status and the possibilities of introducing measures leading to sustainable energy in the countries of the region. The Fund supported the preparation of a study by hiring a consultant to prepare a part of the report. The consultant has lived in the Czech Republic for a long time and is the author of many professional publications, including some commissioned by UNDP. She was also asked to include some Czech examples. TAJIKISTAN: “Access to the Country and Expanding the Economic Opportunities” Implementation period: August 2013 – January 2014 Costs in 2013: USD 11,452.20 Costs in 2014: USD 45,805.80 Total costs: USD 57,261 Implementing partner: CzechINVENT The project supported the transfer of Czech experience in the field of promoting investments and tourism in Tajikistan, in particular in the economically strong border region of Suchd. The project improved (the investors') access to information (revision of web sites), recommended measures leading to an improvement in the image of the country and contributed significantly to the development of the regional logo and a guidebook for the investors in the Suchd region. As a part of the project, apart two workshops in Dushanbe, a study trip to the Czech Republic was organized during which the participants visited important institutions and entities dealing with these topics in the Czech Republic.

Overview of the use of the contribution in the year 2013 in individual countries




Title Consolidation of an innovative value chain for animal products in the south of Albania – “Ionian Lamb” trademark



Economic infrastructure and services


Total budget in USD

Paid in 2013



Description A study trip and a feasibility study for milk processing for a local association of farmers. Jan Hlaváč (in cooperation with Caritas)





Transfer of the best Czech experience: Strengthening national capacities on comprehensive Chemicals (POPS) contaminated site assessment Study trip to exchange knowledge in the field of implementation of innovative tools to support exports and SMEs through enhancing skills and capacities of SME supporting institutions in provision of business internationalization services to local SMEs

Environmenta l protection

Economic infrastructure and services



Building a hydroponic production system tailored to Bosnian farmers

Economic infrastructure and services

International trade & export promotion expert mission to Belarus

Economic infrastructure and services










Transfer of Czech experience in handling hazardous substances - workshops, sampling in the field (Nubarasen), study and a study trip. GEOtest Sharing Czech experience in supporting small and medium-size businesses study trip. EDUCON


Bosnia and Herzegovina












Transfer of Czech Experience on Mutual/International Legal Assistance and Cooperation

Administratio n and civil society




Knowledge Transfer of Czech experience – Preparation of Remedial Action Plan for the Former Lead/Zinc Mineral Processing Plant at the Brskovo and Zuta Prla Mines, Mojkovac Municipality Knowledge Transfer of Czech Experience: Detailed Technical Design and Supervision of Construction Works at Zuta Prla Mine, Mojkovac, Montenegro

Water supply and sewerage system




Water supply and sewerage system




As a part of the activity of Visibility. Support of hydroponics - a pilot project of the Innovation Fund. Direct financial support of the branch. Workshop and a conference paper at UNDP Aid for Trade conference in Minsk. Martin Tlapa Study trip for the representatives of Montenegrin justice on the topic of the adoption of EU acquis in the judiciary system. Transparency International Czech expertise in the field of revitalisation of old environmental burdens for the city of Mojkovac, Montenegro. Completed by RAP expert. originally Vodní zdroje (2011-2012 – unfinished),2013- Boris Urbánek Czech experts will prepare a detailed technical solution for the construction of a passive water treatment system for the mine of Zuta Prla. In 2013, monitoring was carried out. Vodní zdroje


Transfer of know-how: Contaminated sites management in Western Balkans, prevention and remediation of past environmental liability Strengthening institutional capacities of the State Audit Institution of Montenegro through the exchange of experience with the Supreme Audit Office of the Czech Republic

Environmenta l protection




A project of a regional hot spot centre with UNDP Montenegro. Czech expertise in the management of old environmental burdens. Dekonta

Administratio n and civil society




Study trip for Montenegrin colleagues by NKÚ ČR. The Supreme Audit Office of the Czech Republic





Transfer of Czech Knowledge to the Local Municipalities of Georgia on Urban Development/Strategic Planning, Community Waste Management and Citizens Participation in Local Self-Governance

Administratio n and civil society




Support to capacity building of Abkhaz archivists of the State Archives in Sukhumi

Administratio n and civil society














Economic Cost and Expenditure Modelling research for Ratification and Subsequent Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the Republic of Kazakhstan

Economic infrastructure and services

2012 – 2013



Activating Kosovo GHG Monitoring and Reporting System

Environmenta l protection


Trainings in Georgia for the representatives of the Parliament, the Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgian Municipalities, on the following topics: urban development, waste management, engaging citizens in decision-making processes. MEPCO Study trip of Georgian archivists to the Czech Republic. The project was financed by the Czech Embassy in Georgia and organized by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic. Czech expertise in the field of ratification and implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (presentation and report). Lucie Rybová

Follow-up project. Practical training and a study trip concerning the system of inventory of greenhouse gases already developed. Charles University


Promoting social enterprises in Kosovo

Economic infrastructure and services




Business model for a newly established social enterprise in the area of Kosovo Pole in Pristina. Maria Doiciu

Development of Detailed Technical Design (DTD) for Treatment of Acid Mine Waters in Novo Brdo Mine, Artana, Kosovo

Environmenta l protection




Preparing a technical plan of decontamination (mine water). GEOtest (in cooperation with Fichtner)



Expert on mountain hazards for substantive inputs in the International Conference MOUNTAIN HAZARDS 2013

Environmenta l protection






Organizing a UNDP annual conference concerning the risks in the alpine environment in Central Asia. Michal Černý



Access to the Country and Expanding the Economic Opportunities

Economic infrastructure and services










Supporting investments and tourism in the border region of Suchd. Designing, revision of web sites, two workshops in Dushanbe and a study trip. CzechINVENT



Transfer of Czech Knowledge: Capacity building of Government of Uzbekistan in the field of promoting Energy Efficient Public Transport

Environmenta l protection


Complex analytical document to support energy efficiency in public transport in Uzbekistan. The report was preceded by a mission to Uzbekistan and data analysis. Centrum dopravního výzkumu


Moldova, FYROM, Kosovo


Support to Local Government Associations of Macedonia, Moldova and Kosovo to strengthen capacities for policy advocacy for improving/establishing fiscal incentives for energy efficiency measures in public schools Visibility: SEE4ALL Initiative

Administratio n and civil society






Providing recommendation for the introduction of effective financial incentives that would support the implementation of energy saving measures in public schools in Macedonia, Moldova and Kosovo. MEPCO



Report SEE4ALL, including Czech experience (Susan Legro)








Costs of the centre, advertising, administrative costs, GMS


Travel costs, trainings, courses

8361.80 3009.16

Salaries and obligatory taxes, insurance, health expenses etc.

50,460 56,250 900

Programme Associate 12m. ED Specialist 6 m. Intern/Assistant 6 m.

Other: visibility, partnership


Attendance of FORS (P. Lebeda) at the conference on post-2015 agenda, the trip was co-financed by UNDP (accommodation) and the Fund (travel expenses)





Waste removal, security, electricity, water, gas, cleaning, bank transfers, mail, advertising, GMS fee Travel, monitoring, DSA Fees for 2 trainings (EPDET, procurement course)


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