2016 igp annual report

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UNDP is the United Nations’ global development network, an organization advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. We are on the ground in 170 countries, working with them on their own solutions to global and national development challenges. As they develop local capacity, they draw on the people of UNDP and our wide range of partners. UNDP helps developing countries attract and use aid effectively. In all our activities, we encourage the protection of human rights, capacity development and the empowerment of women.

Š UNDP Maldives 2016 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the United Nations Development Programme. Produced by the Integrated Governance Programme of UNDP Maldives Layout and Design: Dhahau Naseem All photographs courtesy of UNDP Maldives except the following: Page7: Photos obtained with permission from Juman Saeed and Ahmed Zeedhan www.mv.undp.org www.facebook.com/UNDPMaldives www.twitter.com/UNDPMaldives www.youtube.com/UNDPMaldives www.flickr.com/undpmaldives ii

INTERGRATED GOVERNANCE PROGRAMME- PHASE II ( 2016-2020) Towards effective & inclusive Governance in Maldives The country has been attempting to build on considerable economic and human development gains, while simultaneously still challenged by deep socio-economic, environmental and political issues. Important challenges still remain, particularly with regard to issues of strengthening participation, transparency, accountability and rightsbased approaches to development. Against this backdrop, UNDP commenced Phase II (2016-2020) of the Integrated Governance Programme (IGP). The programme will focus on priority areas identified by national decision-makers and partners as well as findings and recommendations of the Intergrade Governance Programme (IGP) Phase I mid-term review, and calls for accelerated support from international partners of the Maldives. It is aligned with the Government’s own priorities for UN support for the period 2016-2020.

The new Programme aims to create an enabling environment for citizen’s engagement, especially young people and women, while simultaneously increasing their confidence in an independent, transparent and accessible legal system. The overall Programme will contribute towards reduced societal tensions, improved citizen participation for sustainable human development IGP will seek to achieve the following inter-linked two programme results: 1. Increased voice and participation for stronger governance systems 2. Enhanced Access to Justice and Protection of Human Rights


IGP Focus Atolls by Population

INCREASED VOICE AND PARTICIPATION FOR STRONGER GOVERNMENT SYSTEMS Through the programme, this area focuses on strengthening engagement between state and citizens to ensure that the voices of the communities are taken into account and there is meaningful participation in political processes for a strengthened governance system. In this regard, UNDP support aims to enhance capacity of civil society to contribute to democratic discourse and expansion of democratic space through community dialogues, innovation camps and provision of medium term grants. In order to ensure inclusive participation of all in public life, UNDP support focuses on creating an enabling environment for women’s meaningful participation and representation at the social, economic and political sphere.


NGO Forum The Forum provided a platform for NGOs and Ministry of Home Affairs to discuss challenges, partnerships and ways forward. It also created networking opportunities for over 100 NGOs working in different sectors. The forum resulted in an outcome document that outlined action points for stronger coordination of NGOs across the country, mechanisms to address challenges faced by NGOs and options for a localized resource mobilization models.

Civic Education Camps The Camp provided a critical platform for increasing youth awareness and understanding of democratic principles. It aimed to foster active citizenship and inclusive governance at the local level. The camp was conducted in partnership with Human Rights Commission (HRCM) of Maldives and covered topics including basic Human Rights Principles and leadership. It was attended from schools across the Atolls with 30 participants (15 girls, 15 boys).

Medium Term Grants In 2015 UNDP launched Medium Term Grants (MTG) aimed at implementing development projects at local level in partnership with NGOs. Three NGOs were awarded grants to implement development projects in the following areas; good governance, human rights, youth development, women empowerment etc. Hope for Women: Conducted workshops aimed at strengthening knowledge and skills of women to run their own small businesses. One of the target groups for this initiative will be victims of domestic violence, supporting them to become more economically independent. The workshops were conducted in greater Male’ region and Laamu Atoll with a total of 30 participants. 3

Journey: Conducted capacity building trainings in Laamu Atoll aimed at introducing Human Rights based approach, drug education and gender equality tools for local CSOs and Women’s Development Committees. These skills equipped the participants to better carter to the need of their target groups including women and youth. Naifaru Juvenile: Organized an Atoll Youth Leadership Camp with over 27 participants from Lhaviyani Atoll. The Camp included sessions on leadership, good governance and civic participation and conflict resolution. The knowledge gained from the Camp would be utilized by the participants to increase youth engagement in community planning and development processes.

Miyaheli- Social Innovation Camp The Camp aimed to bring together youth, innovative ideas as well as digital and non-digital tools in order to create local solutions to developmental challenges. The Social Innovation Camp was the first of its kind and was organised in partnership with private telecom company Ooreedo. The Camp provided a much needed space for youth to discuss everyday development challenges while expanding on their ideas with youth and mentors from across the country. This initiative received overwhelming support from youth with over 100 application. Five ideas were shortlisted and three ideas were selected by a panel involving independent and UNDP representatives. The winning three ideas were given seed funding and ICT support to make their ideas into a reality. The ideas aimed to address gaps at the community level on issues related to transport, education and volunteering.

Winning Ideas Heyvalla: An app that will bridge volunteers with NGOs, based on their availability and skill set. Mathiveri: A Learning Management platform in Dhivehi (the Maldivian natives language) Atoll Ride: A speed boat ride sharing app which would lower the cost of travelling between the islands as well as fuel wastage 4

Civic Education Strategy UNDP supported the Election Commission (EC) of Maldives to implement its Strategic Plan through the development of the Civic and Voter Education Strategy. The stakeholder and public engagement pillar within the Strategic Plan stressed on the importance of stronger coordination and communication with regards to civic and voter education. The Strategy will attempt to streamline the civic education activities conducted by EC and key electoral stakeholders for the upcoming local and national elections.

Political Party Women’s Wing Mapping Study UNDP conducted a mapping study to assess various critical factors within women’s wings of political parties affecting women’s representation in leadership roles. This assessment provided critical insight into the current context in which women’s wing operate and also identified the key capacity gaps that exist including strengthening of internal party governance to reflect a more balanced role for men and women and capacity building initiatives for women’s wing. Additionally, this study also identified training needs for potential female leaders Based on the study, UNDP developed a training curriculum for potential female leaders. It was piloted amongst the five main political party women and youth wings, potential local council candidates and interested women in Male’. For many political parties, the trainings provided a safe space for discussion on internal governance issues between senior members of the party and women’s wing members. Through the training, participants gained skills and knowledge on the importance of inclusive party governance structures, leadership and campaigning skills.

Gender Equality Policy The Gender Policy launched in 2015 was reviewed and updated to reflect the newly passed Gender Equally Law (GEL). The Law calls for the abolishment of discriminatory practices especially in the workplace, equal pay for equal work irrespective of gender and the different gender dimension within both urban and rural context. The multi sectoral coordination mechanism set up through the Policy would pave the way for stronger efforts towards gender mainstreaming across all sectors. 5

UN Resolution 2250: Youth Peace & Security UN organized a working session in partnership with Ministry of Youth and Sports to launch the UN Security Council Resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security. The resolution provides an important foundation for young people to play a crucial role in sustaining peace and security in the world. The discussion session which was attended by CSOs, line ministries and youth advocates resulted in a non-paper, reflecting the participants` views on the role of the youth in peace and security agenda, as well as the agreement to establish an advisory panel to integrate youth perspectives for future programming of the UN in the Maldives in this area.

Enhancing Access to Justice & Protection of Human Rights Through the programme, this area focuses on enhancing access to justice and protection of human rights. Building on the findings from various national assessments such as the Legal and Justice Sector Baseline Study , and working in partnership with duty bearers and rights-holders, further research was supported for understanding key issues and challenges in this area to ensure legislative and institutional reform are evidence based. In order to enhance access to justice for the most vulnerable groups, UNDP supported strengthening the legal aid framework and Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) referral mechanisms through support for implementation of existing legislation to ensure protection, prevention, and prosecution. Additionally support was provided to strengthen the Human Rights coordination mechanism at a national level through the development of the National Human Rights Action Plan.

Legal Aid Framework Legal aid is essential for enhancing access to justice for vulnerable groups, legal aid services can be a means to empower people to seek out justice and protect their rights. UNDP in partnership with AGO supported the development of the Legal Aid Bill. The draft Bill included a broader definition of those entitled to legal aid to include civil cases, as per international best practices. Additionally, a research paper on best practices for establishing formal pro bono legal initiative was developed under a pro-bono partnership with the American Bar Association. The research paper was presented 6

at the first national legal aid conference “Pro Bono Initiatives: Building Partnership in Legal Aid� organised in partnership with the Attorney Generals Office (AGO) and Family Protection Agency (FPA). The main objective of the conference was to create space for stronger engagement with the legal community and relevant stakeholders to provide alternative legal aid mechanisms, including pro-bono initiatives. The workshop resulted in consensus amongst participants on a localised bro-bono mechanism that would strengthen the legal aid services for victims of sexual and gender-based violence and to accused persons in serious criminal offences who cannot afford legal representation.

Domestic Violence General Regulation Strengthening the SGBV referral mechanism is critical for addressing the high prevalence of sexual and gender-based violence as well as domestic violence in the Maldives. UNDP support contributed towards full implementation of Domestic Violence Prevention Act (DVPA) through the development of the DVP General Regulation. This Regulation would ensure a harmonized approach to dealing with domestic violence amongst all key stakeholders, including service-providers.

Domestic Violence Trainings UNDP in partnership with FPA conducted stakeholder training on prevention of Domestic Violence. The five day training aimed to strengthen capacity and improve responsiveness of all relevant stakeholders to incidents of domestic violence. The workshop created a space for key stakeholders to come together and discuss common challenges and identify ways forward The training were conducted in two Atolls; Fuvahmulah and Shaviyani with a total of 40 and 30 participants respectively from various institutions such as police, school, hospitals and island office. Towards the end of the training, participants prepared an Atoll-level advocacy plan and a domestic violence prevention group was formed to implement the plan. FPA will be working closely with this group to roll out the advocacy plan at the local level. 7

Human Rights Action Plan A well-functioning national human rights coordination mechanism is crucial for the promotion and protection of human rights in the Country. UNDP supported the formulation of National Human Rights Action Plan (NHRAP), which is a key guiding document for improving State compliance with human rights obligations and ensuring coordination between duty-bearer institutions. It will also assist in implementation of treaty body recommendations. Through the NHRAP a multisector coordination mechanism will be established, allowing for stronger coordination and collaboration on issues related to Human Rights.

Criminal Procedure Code Roll Out Plan The Criminal Procedure Code (CRPC) enacted in 2016 was a key milestone towards strengthening of the criminal justice sector and will greatly contribute towards enhancing access to justice and promotion of human rights. Therefore, UNDP in partnership with AGO developed a roll out plan for CRPC through the first Government Cost Sharing Agreement. The CRPC rollout plan outlined the multi-sectoral coordination setups, different training modalities and public outreach required for the full implementation of the CRPC. A successful roll out of the CRPC will help build public confidence in the justice sector and strengthen coordination amongst key stakeholders.

Clinical Legal Education Strengthening the functions and capacity of legal and justice sector institutions is essential to ensure access to justice, especially for the vulnerable groups. Strengthening legal education is key to improving the quality of the legal and justice sector institutions and the services delivered by them. UNDP aims to work with Universities to support legal education through development of interactive and practical skills based legal training including clinical legal education (CLE). In this regard, UNDP conducted a baseline basement to better understand the current context and ways forward. The recommendations from the study would be utilized for the establishment of a stronger legal education system in the country, which will have a core focus on developing pro bono ethics in law graduates using tools such as moot court and street law. This would create an environment for greater access to justice and rule of law especially for the vulnerable groups 8

Funding Sources and Contributing Partners

National Ownership

IGP Board Presidents Office Attorney Generals Office Ministry of Gender and Family Ministry of Finance and Treasurery Supreme Court Local Government Authority Transparency Maldives Hope for Women

Technical Committee for Result Area 1: Increased voice and participation for stronger governnace

Technical Committee for Result Area 2: Enhanced Access to Justice and Human Rights Supreme Court Attorney General’s Office Human Rights Commission Anti-Corruption Commission Prosecutor General’s Office Ministry of Home Affairs Maldives Police Services Ministry of Gender and Family Family Protection Authority Hope for Women

Election Commision of Maldives National Integrity Commission Ministry of Home Affairs Ministry of Gender and Family Maldives Media Council Local Government Authority People’s Majlis Women on Boards


UNDP Maldives 4th Floor, H. Aage (Bank of Ceylon Building) Boduthakurufaanu Magu Male’ 20152 Republic of Maldives Tel: +960 332 4501 Fax: +960 332 4504 Email: registry.mv@undp.org


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