Meet the Team - UNDP Maldives

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May 2016 -Nov 2018



" The ‘Meet the Team’ series, which we have run in our social media, is very close to my heart. Often it is the Head of an office, or a handful of individuals who get the limelight and are known as its face. Through the ‘Meet the Team’ series, I wanted every single colleague of our team to become the face of UNDP in the Maldives and beyond. For everyone to know that they are the ones behind our successful work. The UNDP Maldives team is a tight-knit community of very unique individuals. They are the most energetic, fun, caring and dedicated bunch I have worked with in my 20 year-plus UN career. I am extremely proud of Team UNDP Maldives. Through this booklet, I want to share this sense of pride with our families, friends and people we work with. As the series unfolded, I was so inspired to learn more about them and become even more proud and fond of them. It was touching to hear about their journeys: their joy and sorrows, their anxieties and humour, their dreams and aspirations. Each story is passionate, diverse and beautiful, and celebrates who we are, how far we have come, and what motivate us every day. And so, let’s Meet the Team…"

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" From pastries to development work "

" I'm the youngest at

" Get involved "

work "

Azifa Afeef

Mizy Musthafa

Programme Finance Assistant

Programme Assistant Tourism Adaptation Project - Small Grants Programme

"Being the youngest at work definitely has its perks. It means I get to learn from an experienced team, who are at the same time approachable and forward-thinking."

"Our oceans’ conservation, gender parity, great reads, good chocolate, body image positivity, sustainable development – these are a few of my favourite things!"

"My message for youth: GET INVOLVED! Don't wait for opportunities, but make the opportunities happen! Ask a lot of questions and be genuine. Be the change you want to see!"

Mizy's story:

Piko's story:

Azifa's story:

Aimon Latheef (Piko) Consultant for 'Miyaheli' Governance Programme


" My work is the adventure I have been seeking " "I want to be a well-

" I enjoy every


bit of my work,

diplomat in the


future "

I'm doing what I love "

Ismail Farish

Shaha Shakeeb

Aishath Nashfa Ismail

Programme Assistant Governance Programme

Project Associate GEF & MFF

Senior Project Associate LECReD Programme

" I want to start an NGO which deals with international relations. I want to operate the NGO as a think tank, researching and trying to find ways to develop our ties with the rest of the world. "

" It is through my work that I have had the opportunity to travel to the most special places. One of my best memories is standing knee-deep in the cool waters of the “Paree Fengandu� in the mangroves of Laamu Gan Island, laughing freely and happily with my friends."

" This has been the most important aspect of my work: when people tell me how the work we are doing is making a difference in their lives. "

Farish's story:

Shaha's story:

Nashfa's story:


" A good support network makes me and my work stronger "

" Can't we all

" The struggle is real &

make a difference

rewarding "

in our own right "

Ahmed Siyah Project Manager Tourism Adaptation Project

"Can’t we all make a difference in our own right? That is what I believe, and what I see happening in our islands even today. In the face of climate change I have seen everyday heroes." Siyah's story:

Makhdhooma Nazim

Simran Pant Intern - Communications

Project Coordinator Governance Programme "It is essential to have people to lean on when times get hard, listen to your worries and give you a differing perspective on things when you need it."

"I have learned that losing is part of life, but for me people who appreciate the positive side and learn from it are the actual winners."

Makhdhooma's story:

Simran's story:



" Work can be exhausting, but it is also fulfilling "

" I am inspired by the

" Care enough to

work done by

make it right "

communities "

Izman Suhail

Zeeniya Ahmed

Ahmed Hamdhan

Intern LECReD Programme

Operations Associate

Project Coordinator, Rule of Law and Access to Justice Governance Programme

"while it is important to identify problems in the world, it is even more important to come up with ways to solve them."

"I really enjoy work even though it might sound mundane to some. I especially like the social aspects of interacting in a work environment."

"Governance is and have always been my passion, and my main area of work. Since joining UNDP, I have also developed a new found interest in the environment."

Izman's story:

Zeeniya's story:

Hamdhan's story: 6

" Work-life balance is important to be productive and happy " " Young women

" Humanity, compassion,

can work for

and mutual respect can


make things better "

& development through sports"

Aishath Loona Moosa

Aishath Nathasha

Ahmed Shifaz

Executive Assistant to RC/RR

Project Officer Environment & Energy LECReD Programme

Assistant Resident Representative a.i. Resilience and Climate Change Programme

"Sports for peace and development is now being practiced globally and I would like to play a part in making this possible in my community by engaging more young girls and women in the sport in a more significant manner. "

"Throughout the tasks that make up an average day, what is most gratifying is being a mother to an inquisitive young boy who never ceases to amaze me."

Loona's story:

Nathasha's story:

" Whether in personal life or work, I’m a firm believer in learning from your own experiences and that of others. And doing better each successive time. Treating each new experience as a way to collect a new set of skills or previously unknown knowledge only helps yourself grow." Shifaz's story:


" Take pride in writing your story, and never give up "

" If you want to become

" People power is

better, keep challenging

incredible "

yourself "

Yasmin Rasheed

Aminath Shaliny

Project Coordinator Civic Participation Governance Programme

Project Officer, Waste Management - SPPPM

"It is especially inspiring to see young women and men owning their role in society and voicing out for social good."

"Giving up is not something I’m familiar with. Life must go on. I am the author of my life, and I take pride in writing my story."

Yasmeen's story:

Shaliny's story:

Ahmed Mohamed Shihab Project Officer, LECReD Programme "It is my belief that, should you want to make a difference in your nation, you need to be IN your nation. Your efforts might not bring a change in your lifetime or your children’s, but its impact will be realized decades into the future." Ahmed's story: 8

" The UNDP Maldives team is a tight-knit community of very unique individuals, with dirverse and beautiful stories... " Shoko



" It s important to go with the flow sometimes "

" Do things that allow

" I want to see a society

you to be yourself "

that accepts my girls equally as boys "

Aishath Azza

Hussain Adhuham

Aishath Azfa

Assistant Resident Representative - Resilience and Climate Change Programme

Operations Associate with ICT

Project Manager – LECReD Programme

"I like to go with the flow, and not take things too seriously, except of course where it is required. I believe this helps maintain the balance."

"Managing a multi-million dollar programme in a remote atoll is no ordinary task, especially when you are constantly challenged by social constructs of gender roles."

Adhuham's story:

Azfa's story:

"These past years have taught me a few things along the lines of how important it is to have a dream (and start at a young age), to follow your passion (even if it means making difficult decisions), to be confident (especially when you are most unsure), to make sacrifices (it does pay off) and most importantly, to have a balanced life!" Azza's story:


" My mantra is: 'Don't panic' "

"Put in your best efforts

" We can prosper

& be patient "

only if we take care of each other "

Abdulla Waheed

Nasheeth Thoha

Aysha Solih

Small Grants Officer LECReD Programme

Assistant Resident Representative - Programme Management & Policy

Programme Officer, Resilience and Climate Change Programme

"What matters to me is the thought that along the way, I have managed to inspire some people to live a little, to attempt things they would not even consider otherwise, and explore the adventurous aspects of life."

"Today I fear as to what would happen to my son if the forecasted impacts of climate change were to be realized in my country. As I work with teams on the newly adopted Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), I always visualize what life would be like for my son in 2030."

" We as development practioners, are never the experts of what communities need – they are. And we can prosper only if we take care of each other. "

Waheed's story:

Nasheeth's story:

Aysha's story: 11

" I find meaning in my life through giving back "

" Be proud of your " No job is too small, or

failures and rise up

too menial, when you do

again even stronger "

what you love "

Mariyam Nazra

Umna Luthfee

Assistant Resident Representative - Operations

Programme Assistant Resilience and Climate Change Programme

"I have learnt that happiness doesn’t have to be an end result, rather, it is a journey."

"By doing small things, the habits developed and the lessons learnt lead you to possess the characteristics required to change something big."

Nazra's story:

Umna's story:

Ahmed Yaamin Mohamed Partnership and Engagement Associate "We treat our failures as an end point rather than the beginning of a new chapter. A chapter which can lead to bigger things." Yaamin's story:



" Everything happens for good "

" Family over everthing"

" Go with the flow & life will surprise you "

Aishath Rizna Assistant Resident Representative Governance Programme "For a person who is a lawyer by profession and who had largely worked in the judiciary, this was quite a roller-coaster ride. UNDP gave me a new identity, and today I find myself talking about waste management, water plants or even how new farming methods can change people’s lives!" Rizna's story:

Fathimath Saeedha

Fathimath Maaesa Zaki

National Coordinator - GEF Small Grants Programme

Communications Assistant

"One thing I never realized when I took up this post was that it would literally change my life, and become the most meaningful thing I have possibly ever done."

"My family is my whole world. My parents, my two siblings and I are always there for each other through thick and thin." Maaesa's story:

Fathimath's story: 14

" Change begins within you "

"It s the little

" Put

things that


matter the most "

first "

Shamha Naseer

Fathmath Nazaha

Mariyam Zaina

Programme Analyst Governance Programme

Operations Assistant

Digitalization Consultant

"Every year through work, I meet so many young girls and women who despite all odds continue to ‘rebel’ against gender roles and push their boundaries."

"In my point of view, the society will only change if we represent the ideals of what we believe the society should look like, and act on it at an individual level."

"We all require help from one another and should always be ready to give a helping hand or just mentally be there for someone. You would not be able to do that if you don’t take good care of yourself."

Shamha's story:

Nazaha's story:

Zaina's story: 15


" Live a little louder "

" Tackle life's stressors " Always believe that

as moments of

something beautiful is

opportunity rather than

going to happen "

moments of opposition "

Aminath Hidhayath Partnership Associate

"Something as small as picking up a piece of paper on the road can make the difference. All that matters is to believe and to get up stronger." Hidhayath's story:

Nabeeh Asim

Faiza Effendi

Programme Assistance Governance Programme

Deputy Resident Representative a.i.

"Seize every day to make sure that your passions in life are part of your purpose in this world, and see to that they are fulfilled."

"Through my work, I have been able to witness the development touch and make a positive difference in people’s lives - an experience which is priceless."

Nabeeh's story:

Faiza's story: 17

" It is passion & dedication for a cause that drives you " " I've learned that the " In life nothing is

only person whose

permanent. No matter

opinion that truly

how bad the situation is,

mattered was mine "

it will always change "

Ayesha Junaina Faisal

Hamna Shareef

Mariyam Suneetha

Programme Officer Governance Programme

Programme Officer Governance Programme

Operations Associate

"My work in the development sector is driven by passion to work with communities. Each community member is an agent of change & have within them potential to bring about change. With the right opportunities, communities can surprise you. Ive witnessed this through my work. It makes me happy to know that what drives me can change the life of another. If you are fortunate enough to build a career out of what you are passionate about, go for it!"

"Over the years I have realized that life is short. It’s up to you to make it meaningful. Loosing people who are close to you makes you realise what matters is the values you have, your family and your friends. Because of this I promised myself that I will spend more time with my dear ones and hug them a little more each day. At the end, your family and friends can guide you through the rough patches. I may not be where I want to be in life, but I am where I am for a reason. I embrace to live in the present with all I have. A good job, supportive family, friendly colleagues and lots of laughter. Truly blessed."

"Growing up I had always struggled with insecurities...Today, I am a person with big dreams. I am friendly, I still talk a lot and laugh loud. I love animals especially my cat, Chibi. I am strong and fierce; a selfproclaimed feminist who is passionate about helping the community. I am still flawed, and I still have my bad days. But that’s OK because I know that I'm worth it. Every single bit."


" It is ok to be an introvert leader "

Shoko Noda UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative "A day will come next year when I will turn back and look at my little Manhattan one more time with nostalgia before moving to a new country, a new job. Maldives is the place where my dream has come true. But my mission will continue; the mission to support people most in need around the world." Shoko's story: 19


Mailing address 4th Floor, H. Aaage (Bank of Ceylon Building, Boduthakurufaanu Magu, MalĂŠ, Maldives

Email address


Phone number (960) 332 4501

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