Sample Slide Bullet Points
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Black Sea Trade and Investment Promotion Programme CLIMBIZ - Black Sea Climate & Business Initiative
Introducing Climate Change in the Environmental Strategy of the Protection for the Black Sea
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Black Sea Trade and Investment Promotion Programme Presentation Overview 1. Project Partners and Outcomes 2. Situation Analysis – Climate Change and Green Economy in the Black Sea region 3. Project Outputs and Activities 4. Achievements 5. Next Steps
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Black Sea Trade and Investment Promotion Programme I PART: Project Partners and Outcomes
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Black Sea Trade and Investment Promotion Programme Key Project Partners
Implementing Agency: UNDP PMO Athens - Black Sea Trade and Investment Promotion Programme (BSTIP)
Beneficiaries: Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization (BSEC) and Black Sea Commission (BSC) based in Istanbul
Donors: Austrian Foreign Ministry and BSEC PDF
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Black Sea Trade and Investment Promotion Programme Expected Outcomes Regional Multilateral Organizations of the Black Sea have improved understanding of and capacities to integrate climate change into development planning Private sector agents in the region are better equipped to contribute to low carbon and climate change resilient development
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Black Sea Trade and Investment Promotion Programme II PART: Situation Analysis Climate Change and Green Economy in the BSEC Region
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Black Sea Trade and Investment Promotion Programme Climate Change and the BSEC Region
Climate change poses a threat to the Black Sea basin
Considerable experience related to climate change in the region
Positive references for BSEC and BSC: EU adaptation policy framework, the Mediterranean Action Plan and on-going regional research activities
Challenge: to integrate climate change into BSEC and the BSC
Opportunity: BSEC and BSC mandated to support the climate change agenda
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Black Sea Trade and Investment Promotion Programme Green Economy and the BSEC Region
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of the EU and of most of the BSEC Member States economies Green entrepreneurship is at the frontline of the green economy and crucial for poverty reduction and local development Financial, trade and investment actors can be key drivers for the transition to a green economy in the Black Sea
International environmental agreements facilitate the transition to a green economy and initiate reforms of the regulatory framework More hands-on regional green economy and climate change adaptation and mitigation initiatives are needed Page 8
Black Sea Trade and Investment Promotion Programme III PART: Project Outputs and Activities
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Black Sea Trade and Investment Promotion Programme OUTPUT 1 Output 1: Regional climate change vulnerability and impact assessment for key sectors prepared and capacities of relevant stakeholders strengthened to integrate climate change into regional policy development The aim is to support BSEC and BSC to identify vulnerabilities and adaptation options in key sectors to gain an understanding about the impacts of climate change in the region to develop a strategic perspective on how adaptation can be promoted within the institutional settings and organizational mandates of BSEC and BSC to start integrating climate change in specific sectoral strategies of BSEC and BSC
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Black Sea Trade and Investment Promotion Programme OUTPUT 2 Output 2: Green trade and investment programs for business opportunities arising from climate change developed and skills of relevant stakeholders improved in the BSEC region. The aim is to
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Identify, profile and promote locally-led, innovative green ventures in the BSEC region Support and network the green ventures strategically Implement regional business to business matchmaking and networking events Promote approaches and partnerships for enhancing access to green and inclusive finance in the region
Black Sea Trade and Investment Promotion Programme OUTPUT 3 Output 3: A regional forum for climate change and green economy established in order to connect stakeholders, enforce networks and promote a green marketplace in the BSEC region The aim is to
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Create online website where the selectees and all other initiatives of this project will be presented and promoted Organize the Black Sea Forum for Climate Change and Green Economy as a regional green economy platform Network all stakeholders engaged in the process and promote a regional green and inclusive marketplace Produce a policy note on the conclusions and lessons learned of the forum and the overall project
Black Sea Trade and Investment Promotion Programme IV PART:
Project Achievements
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Black Sea Trade and Investment Promotion Programme Output 1: Regional climate change vulnerability and impact assessment for key sectors prepared and capacities of relevant stakeholders strengthened to integrate climate change into regional policy development Initial stocktaking exercise and consultations completed including missions to Istanbul, Vienna, Bratislava, and Athens to meet with stakeholders Detailed project plan and presentation were developed Climate change and green business policy briefs were created as inputs to Terms of Reference and the Vulnerability and Impact Assessment The relevant sectors and methodology for the study have been identified
Lead author for the Climate Change vulnerability and impact assessment was selected
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Black Sea Trade and Investment Promotion Programme Output 2: Green trade and investment programs for business opportunities arising from climate change developed and skills of relevant stakeholders improved
The infrastructure for the green business promotion scheme is implemented (application process, knowledge and marketing partnerships, capacity building component)
Partnerships with important stakeholders in the process of being established to support selectees (finance community, investment promotion agencies, development agencies, support organisations, business leaders) CLIMBIZ green and inclusive entrepreneurship selection process launched and open till 15 th of February 2013
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Black Sea Trade and Investment Promotion Programme Output 3: A regional forum for climate change and green economy established in order to connect stakeholders, develop networks and promote a green marketplace.
Project launch event – 23rd of Nov, Istanbul Congress Center
Project website launched -
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Black Sea Trade and Investment Promotion Programme
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Black Sea Trade and Investment Promotion Programme V PART:
Next Steps
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Black Sea Trade and Investment Promotion Programme Output 1: Regional climate change vulnerability and impact assessment for key sectors prepared and capacities of relevant stakeholders strengthened to integrate climate change into regional policy development Preparation of the draft climate change vulnerability and impact
assessment including sector reports and an adaptation exercise
Peer review of the draft report Preparation of the final climate change vulnerability and impact assessment Targeted awareness and capacity building workshop in the region. Widespread regional dissemination of results and information including linkage to the UNDP Adaptation Learning Mechanism. Page 19
Black Sea Trade and Investment Promotion Programme Output 2: Green trade and investment programs for business opportunities arising from climate change developed and skills of relevant stakeholders improved
Green and inclusive entrepreneurship promotion Green and inclusive entrepreneurship support Matchmaking for green and inclusive enterprises Increase Access to finance and investment opportunities
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Black Sea Trade and Investment Promotion Programme Output 3: A regional forum for climate change and green economy established in order to connect stakeholders, develop networks and promote a green marketplace.
Promote website across the Black Sea region Execution of regional forum including presentation of results of vulnerability impact assessment with a final report to be published after the forum and posted on the website
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Black Sea Trade and Investment Promotion Programme VI PART:
OUTLOOK Establishment of the Black Sea Climate & Business Initiative
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Black Sea Trade and Investment Promotion Programme THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION JOIN THE NETWORK UNDP Programme Management Office Address: 24B, Papadiamantopoulou St. 11528 Athens, Greece Tel: (0030) 210 770 1661 Fax: (0030) 210 770 1664 E-mail: Page  23