Funded by:
Ref.: LIFE08 ENV/E/000135
FENIX – Giving Packaging a New Life! AFTER LIFE+ COMMUNICATION PLAN [Action 10.1]
FENIX Consortium Barcelona, March, 2013
The FENIX project aims at developing an ad-hoc flexible and user-friendly software tool for evaluating the environmental performance of alternative scenarios for the management of postconsumer packaging waste. The tool is based on high-quality technical and scientific data, and will assist Spanish and Portuguese local municipalities, and waste management entities, in the decision-making for performing more eco-efficient and sustainable management of packaging waste. This tool will use a life cycle thinking (LCT) approach by incorporating the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology. Users of the FENIX tool can introduce and modify a large number of parameters, such as distances, collection and treatment options, sorting efficiencies of treatment plants, etc. to adapt the models created in the tool to their real situation. Up to three different and independent waste management scenarios can be compared at the same time. Its main objective is developed into the following specific objectives:
To create a user-friendly and flexible tool for easily obtaining environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) results of packaging waste management alternatives.
To show the usefulness of LCA to help public authorities in different aspects related to waste management issues.
To share the knowledge outcomes among other Spanish and Portuguese institutions (universities, technical institutes, etc.) aiming at facilitating the establishment on an Iberian network of experts on LCA and waste management.
To compile a specific database and parametrized models on waste treatment and recycling technologies, for Spain and Portugal. The database format is compatible with the International Life Cycle Database (ILCD).
To create and adapt the new software to the user’s real needs.
To transfer the results to other European regions, in particular, the applicability of the project has been tested in Federal Czech Republic.
LIFE+ Environment Policy & Governanceance
FENIX – Giving Packaging a New Life
Actions and means involved: Actions that have been carried out during the 39 months of the project have been organized as follows: 1. Overall project coordination 2. Monitoring
People involved:
3. Audit
‘FENIX – Giving Packaging a New Life!’ is a 39-month project funded by the European Union’s LIFE+ Programme from 2010 to 2013. The FENIX consortium has 4 partners from 3 European countries. In addition, 13 technological centres and universities from Spain and Portugal have closely collaborated in gathering and modelling data and technologies. Independent experts have also been involved in key phases of the project.
4. Regulatory framework and legal issues 5. Methodological development 6. Data search and modelling 7. Software development and maintenance 8. Critical review revision by external experts 9. Transferability
Photo 1: Technological centres and universities from Spain and Portugal involved in FENIX. Photo 2: FENIX´s consortium: UNESCO Chair in Life Cycle and Climate Change ESCI-UPF, Ecoembes, Sociedade PontoVerde and PE international.
LIFE+ Environment Policy & Governance
Critical review of... Reviewer (affiliation)
Userfriendliness of the tool
Susana Xarà (UCP)
Paolo Massoni (ENEA)
Dr. Matthias Fischer (LBP)
Social indicators
Dr. Francesc Castells’ team (URV) Gabriela Bienveniste/Marta Anglada (Cyclus Vitae)
Dr. Michael Hauschild (DTU)
Review Panel (Chamber of Commerce of Valencia)
Dr. Emmanuel Gentil (DTU)
Bo Weidema (Int. LCA Academy; 2.0 LCA Consultant)
Table 1: independent experts who have also been involved in key phases of the project.
The main results of the FENIX project are summarized below:
An easy, friendly-user and flexible software tool aiming at facilitating the decision-making for packaging waste management from a life cycle perspective. This tool is adapted to the reality of the processes of packaging waste collection and treatment that exist in the Iberian Peninsula.
The access to the software tool, a the User Manual and also a video outlining how the software tool works can be found in the website of the project:
LIFE+ Environment Policy & Governanceance
FENIX – Giving Packaging a New Life
A database on waste management´s treatment processes in Spain and Portugal, in the ILCD format. This database is integrated into the calculation tool.
Contribution to national and international conferences (CML, SETAC, CONAMA, CONAMA Local, SWT & M, CILCA, CHISA, LCM) and disseminating the project in both scientific journals and magazines (see ¨documents¨ section).
Conducting training and information sessions and workshops to disseminate the progress and results of the project.
An evaluation of the technical needs and costs for transferring the results of the project to the Czech Republic.
1.3. THE PROJECT IS HIGHLY RELEVANT TO THE EUROPEAN ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY AND LEGISLATION This project is in concordance with the European environmental policy related to waste and packaging waste (Directive 2008/98/EC on waste and Directives 2004/12/EC and 2005/20/EC on packaging and packaging waste). The principles of the Thematic Strategy on Waste Prevention and Recycling of Waste are fully embedded in the FENIX project, since the major aim of it is to assist local authorities in helping the EU become a more resource-efficient recycling society. Recycling provides EU industry with valuable secondary raw materials, cutting down on the amount of material needed from the natural environment. As stated in the Thematic Strategy, the FENIX tool becomes a new instrument to ensure an integrated approach to waste and material management and also to ensure that materials and energy used to collect and treat packaging waste do not exceed the benefits of obtaining those secondary materials; not compromising the achievement of this resource-efficient recycling society. The FENIX tool will also help municipalities to comply with EU targets on collection, recycling and landfill from the best eco-efficiency manner, contrasting the application of the waste hierarchy suggested in D. 2008/98/EC, in order to ensure that packaging waste management does not endanger human health and is not harmful to the environment.
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2. THE COMMUNICATION STRATEGY The main stakeholders to whom they are addressed dissemination activities of the project and principal applicants of this type of technology are:
Table 1. Target public Target Group
1. Potential users of the FENIX tool (DECISION-MAKERS) 1.1
Waste management units (municipalities, groups of municipalities regions)
Green Dot Holders
Waste management industry sector
2. Scientific community 2.1
Universities and Technological Centres
4. Others
Politicians (UE Institutions, European Agencies, network and working group meetings, parliamentarian groups)
Media (local, regional, national and international)
General public
International organisations / United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), SETAC, ACR+, ICLEI, etc.)
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FENIX – Giving Packaging a New Life
This website is used as an important management tool in internet, with a private section only accessible by partners and collaborators which includes information such as a working calendar, a debate forum, the access to the financial management software, activities planned, etc. Collaborators did not have access to all the private content. Partners and collaborators have included the FENIX website into their websites. Through this website, it is possible to access all the information related to the project, including a detailed description, results obtained, Layman report, etc. The information is available in English, Spanish and Portuguese, to increase the potential number of readers interested in the project.
2000 dissemination leaflet in 3 languages (700 in English/Portuguese–1300 in English/Spanish) have been produced. These have been distributed in international and national fairs in Europe and also North America. An electronic format is available at the FENIX website. 4 roll-up banners (size: 85cm x 214.5cm) in English have been printed, one per each partner, aiming at raising awareness of the project at conference and events. Moreover, two videos have been produced to disseminate the main goals and scope of the project, and the results, with special emphasis on guidance on how to use the FENIX tool. The videos have been uploaded at the project website. 1000 posters (sixe: 42 x 54.5cm) addressed to municipalities, groups of municipalities and regions have been produced and will be distributed aiming at summarizing the benefits and advantages of using the FENIX tool.
2.3. DISSEMINATION OF THE PROJECT RESULTS AT INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL FAIRS Information and results of the project have been presented at different international and national conferences, namely:
Oral presentations •
Fullana-i-Palmer P., 2010. Introducción al ACV: Aplicación del ACV al Packaging. CONAMA 2010, Madrid, Spain.
Fullana-i-Palmer P., 2011 Sostenibilidad en el ciclo de vida de los productos en Andalucía – la inteligencia ecológica, el ciclo de vida de los productos y la huella ecologica. Jornada para la sostenibilidad de los productos en Andalucía, Sevilla, Spain (08/06/2011)
Fullana-i-Palmer P, 2011. La inteligencia ecológica y el análisis de ciclo de Vida. Encuentro empresarial Portugal - España. Ecoinnovación para la Sostenibilidad del sector Químico y Medioambiental, Huelva (23-24/03/2011)
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Fullana -i-Palmer P., 2011. FENIX – Giving Packaging a New Life: LCA a decision-making tool for waste management. Identiplast, Madrid, 2011.
Villazán Cabero A., 2011. Análisis del ciclo de vida de un envase: La aventura de la cuna a la cuna. Jornada sobre Residuos, Recursos y Sociedad, Semana de la Ciencia, Fuengirola – Málaga.
M. Margallo, R. Aldaco, A. Bala, P. Fullana, A. Irabien, 2012. Best available techniques in municipal solid waste incineration: state of the art in Spain and Portugal. 20th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (CHISA 2012), Prague, Czech Republic.
Aldaco García, Rubén; Margallo Blanco, María; Bala, Alba; Fullana, Pere; Irabien Gulias, J. Ángel., 2012. The Fenix Project: Obtaining environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) Results on packaging waste management. 27th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, Philadelphia, USA.
Aldaco R., Margallo M., Bala A., Fullana-i-Plamer P., Irabien A., 2011. The Fenix Project: Giving Packaging a New Life. CILCA 2011 Conference, Coatzacoalcos (Veracruz), México.
María Margallo, Rubén Aldaco, Alba Bala, Pere Fullana, Ángel Irabien, 2013. Life Cycle Inventory of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration (MSWI) in Spain and Portugal. 5th International Conference on LCA (CILCA 2013), Mendoza, Argentina.
Bala A., Fullana-i-Palmer P., Gazulla C., 2012. Avances del proyecto FENIX- Giving Packaging a New Life! CONAMA 2012, Madrid, España.
Aldaco García, Rubén; Margallo Blanco, María; Bala, Alba; Fullana, Pere; Irabien Gulias, J. Ángel., 2012. Incineration of packaging waste management: Life cycle inventory analysis. 27th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, Philadelphia, USA.
Aldaco R., Margallo M., Bala A., Fullana-i-Palmer P., Irabien A., 2011. Decision-making for packaging waste management from a life Cycle perspective: the FENIX-life project. Life Cycle Management LCM 2011 Conference, Berlin, Germany.
Russi D., Bala A., Lehmann A., Fnkbeiner M., Fullana-i-Plamer P., 2011. Social Life-Cycle Assessment of waste management options. Some preliminary results. 21st SETAC-EU Conference, Milan, Italy.
Margallo M., Aldaco R., Bala A., Fullana-i-Palmer P., Irabien A., 2011. State of the art and Life Cycle Inventory of packaging waste incineration in Spain and Portugal. CILCA 2011 Conference, Coatzacoalcos (Veracruz), México.
Bala A., Anglada M., Pérez M., Fullana-i-Palmer P., 2010. FENIX: Giving packaging a new life! CONAMA 2010, Madrid, Spain.
Raugei M., Bala A., 2011. Versión beta del software de ACV para la gestión de residuos de envase. CONAMA Local, Madrid, Spain.
Fullana -i-Palmer P., Anglada M., Bala A. 2011. Green Week, Brussels, Belgium (a stand was set up).
LIFE+ Environment Policy & Governanceance
FENIX – Giving Packaging a New Life
An international event “FENIX: 1st International Conference on Life Cycle Thinking” for the general public attended by over 200 participants was held in Barcelona (Spain, 14 Sep 2010). Moreover, two specialized events: ¨Methodological advances in Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of waste management: the FENIX project” and ¨Advances of the FENIX project: LCA of waste management” addressed to experts on LCA were organized in Lisboa (Portugal, 19 June 2012, 51 attendants)) and in Barcelona (Spain, 12 March, 2013, 42 attendants) respectively. Three decision making meetings addressed to waste management decision makers were held in Segovia (Spain, 21-22 Jul 2010 – 39 assistants, 12 Jul 2012 – 30 assistants) and in Valencia (Spain, 23 Nov 23, 2011).
7 training sessions were performed during the development of the project. In total 95 people were directly trained: •
1 Basic course on on LCA, GaBi and data collection for collaborators (5-7 July 2010, Barcelona, Spain)
3 advance courses on GaBi modelling and data collection for collaborators (15-16 Nov, 13-14 Dec, 15-17 Des 2010, Barcelona, Spain)
2 training sessions/pilot test for municipalities (Eixo Atlántico and FEMP)
1 session for reviewers taking part of a review panel.
In addition, three internal seminars were also organized: 1) on S-LCA and the UNEP-SETAC methodology (19 May 2010, Barcelona); 2) ILCD system (15 Sep 2010, Barcelona); 3)on Avoided Impacts for partners and external reviewers (May 30 2012)
The Layman’s report is available in three languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese. An electronic format is available at the FENIX website. In total, 1000 have been printed (400 in English, 400 in Spanish and 200 in Portuguese).
6 press releases have been launched. General public articles have also been published in local press and national media.
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In total, 1 scientific paper have been published, 3 have been submitted to journals, 3 are currently under preparation and 3 more will be written as part of a Doctoral Thesis. Another thesis is being prepared as well. A list of papers that have been already submitted: •
Lehmann, A.; Russi, D.; Bala, A.; Finkbeiner, M.; Fullana-i-Palmer, P. Integration of Social Aspects in Decision Support, Based on Life Cycle Thinking. Sustainability 2011, 3, 562577.
Camba, A., Bala, A., Fullana-i-Palmer, P., Moreira, M.T., Feijoo, G. (2013). Modelling the environmental burdens of leachate from municipal waste landfills under Life Cycle Thinking in the Oceanic region of the Iberian Peninsula. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (submitted)
Margallo M., Aldaco R., Bala A., Fullana P., Irabien I., 2012. Best Available Techniques in Municipal Solid Waste Incineration: State of the Art in Spain and Portugal. Chemical Engineering Translations 29, 2012, 1345-1350.
Life Cycle Inventory of Municipal Solid Waste incineration in Spain and Portugal: a multiinput/multi-output allocation model.
Other technical papers that have been written during the Project are:
Rocío Clemente, Yolanda Nuñez, Alba Bala, Pere Fullana. El Ciclo de la Vida de los contenedores en la gestión de los residuos urbanos.
M. Margallo, R. Aldaco, A. Bala, P. Fullana, A. Irabien, 2011. Application of Life Cyle Assessment (LCA) to waste management: municipal solid waste (MSW) incineration in Spain and Portugal (Paper - LCM 2011 Conference, Berlin, Germany)
Margallo, María, Aldaco, Rubén, Bala, A, Fullana, Pere , Irabien, Ángel. State of the art and Life Cycle Inventory of packaging waste incineration in Spain and Portugal
Rubén Aldaco, María Margallo, Alejandra Navarro, Alba Bala, Pere Fullana, Angel Irabien, 2011. Decision for packaging waste management from a Life Cycle perspective. The FENIX project (Paper LCM 2011)
Aldaco R., Margallo M., Irabien A. Incineration of Packaging Waste Management: Life Cycle Inventory Analysis
Aldaco R., Margallo M., Irabien A.The Fenix Project: Obtaining Environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Results on Packaging Waste Management
Modeling of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) incineration in Spain and Portugal. María Margallo* 1, Rubén Aldaco1, Alba Bala2, Pere Fullana2, Ángel Irabien1
El trato con estadísticas de generación y composición de residuos domiciliarios en España (Cátedra ECOEMBES)
LIFE+ Environment Policy & Governanceance
FENIX – Giving Packaging a New Life
3. FUTURE CONTINUOUS DISSEMINATION PLANS Taking into account the importance of dissemination for the different interest groups in the coming years, a number of dissemination activities, both nationally and internationally, have been planned. 3 posters will be presented by three different entities and also an oral communication at the Life Cycle Management (LCM) 2013 Conference (Gothenburg, Sweden, 25-28 August). Additionally, another poster will be presented at the Biennial Meeting of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry in English (Spain, 15-18th September 2013). Communication strategies planned for each of the stakeholders of the project and for 3-5 years after the completion of the project are as follows:
Development of communication materials Dissemination events: workshops, conferences
Potential users of the FENIX tool
Dissemination in the press and communication Communication Techniques
Others (politicians, media, general public, international organisations)
Maintenance of the website Posters
Participation in 2 (at least) international conferences Event presenting the FENIX tool
4 articles in the press
Participation in technical seminars
A number of training sessions for final users of the tool
LIFE+ Environment Policy & Governance
25-28 August 2013
Life Cycle Management (LCM)
Gothenburg, Sweden
Scientist, potential users
15-18 September 2013
XXXIV Reunión Bienal de la RSEQ
Santander, Spain
Scientist, potential users
Tel Aviv, Israel
Scientists, international organizations,
17-19 June 2013
LCA: Introduction to Data Collections and Databases at the Horizon 2020 Capacity Building/Mediterranean Environment Programme (H2020 CB/MEP)
Main objective
To keep updated the website with the latest version
300 €
Assistance to LCM (Sweden), 1 partners per 3 organisations
To disseminate the FENIX results
Assistance to XXXIV Reunión Bienal de la RSEQ (Spain)
To disseminate the FENIX results
10 Training sessions
To train municipalities on how to use the FENIX tool
5000 €
Training materials
To provide training material to municipalities on how to use the FENIX tool
To distribute amongst municipalities
350 €
Website update
Posters TOTAL
The partners are currently seeking for funds.
LIFE+ Environment Policy & Governanceance