Lcm 2011 poster decision making for packaging waste management

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Dpto. Ingeniería Química y Química Inorgánica. Universidad de Cantabria : ETSIIyT. Avda. de los Castros s/n 39005 Santander. SPAIN : 2Escola Superior de Comerç Internacional (ESCI-ÚPF), : Pg. Puajdes, 1.08003 Barcelona, SPAIN 3Instituto de Medio Ambiente, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud (Universidad San Jorge), : Campus Universitario Villanueva de Gállego, Autov. A-23 Zaragona-Huesca, km. 510; 50830 Villanueva de Gállego- Zaragoza, SPAIN

1. Introduction

2. Goal and scope FENIX-Giving Packaging a New life is a 3-year European LIFE+ funded project started in 2010. The aim of this project is to develop a flexible software tool for the Spanish and Portuguese municipalities and other territorial organisation, to obtain Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) results for packaging waste management system, integrating environmental, economic and social aspect.

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a powerful tool for assessing the environmental performance of a product, process or activity from “cradle to grave”. It can be used to support the decision making in order to identify the clean and sustainable alternatives in the process design activity. In order to make the most of the potential of LCA for strategic planning in waste management its necessary to develop informatics tools that help the users to selected the most sustainable options. In this framework is developed the FENIX project.

4. Project diagram

3. Specific objectives

Diagnosis current situation

Show usefulness of LCA to make decision in waste management issues.

User needs analysis

Other software Analysis

Database format

Compile data and create a specific database on waste management processes for Spain and Portugal. EXPERT REVIEW

Technical specifications for software and database

Create and adapt the new software to the user’s real needs. Share knowledge among Spanish and Portuguese institutions to establish Iberian network of experts on LCA and waste management

Data Search: parameters, LCI

Training project collaborators on waste management, LCA and the use of the GaBi software.

Expected Results

Transfer results to other European regions.

Waste management options modelling: collection, selection, recycling and treatment

Software first version




Figure 1.Conceptual project diagram

5. Partners and collaborators FENIX is coordinated by GIGA (ESCI) with participation of 3 partners: ECOEMBES, PE International and Sociedade Ponto Verde.

FENIX cooperate with universities and centres in Spain and Portugal for data collection and modelling of collection processes, transport and waste treatment.

Figure 3.FENIX collaborators.

Figure 2. FENIX partners.

Universidad San Jorge Universidad de Cantabria (SOSPROCAN) Centro Tecnológico de Miranda de Ebro Escola d'Engineyeria d'Igualada (UPC) Instituto Tecnológico Metalmecánico (AIMME) Instituto Tecnológico del Mueble, Madera, Embalaje y Afines (AIDIMA Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico (AIMPLAS) Universidad de Santiago (USC) Instituto Andaluz de Tecnología (IAT) Cátedra Ecoembes de Medio Ambiente de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) Universidad de Tras- os-Montes e Alto Douro (UTAD) LNEG - Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia CCIAM - Climate Change Research

6. Actions Action 1: Overall project operation •Coordination communication among the Consortium and planning activities to be performed by each institution. •Establishing common format to present project outcomes. • Preparation of meetings and documents to be delivered to European Commission. Action 2: Monitoring Measure and document effectiveness of project actions. Action 3: Training, communication and dissemination Performance training courses to encourage municipalities to participate.

Action 5: Methodological Development

Action 7: Software Development and Maintenance

•Analyse needs of final tool users and of packaging waste collection systems in Spain and Portugal. •Search experiences in other countries. •Choose best database format for environmental inventory data collection. •Select waste management models and waste treatment technologies to be modelled into the software. •Establish the technical requirements for software and database. •Select Spanish and Portuguese pilot municipalities that will be involved in project. •Assign responsibility among project collaborators.

•Models using Gabi 4.0 software. •Creating an interface to deal with database contents and Gabi models. Action 8: Ongoing Revision Revision of software and database by external experts according to ISO 14044:2006. Action 9: Transferability basis Spreading life-cycle thinking and use of LCA for packaging waste management to Spain and Portugal, and to other European countries.

Action 4: Regulatory Framework and Legal Issues

Action 6: Data Search and Modelling

Action 10: Audit

Analyse regulatory framework waste management in Spain, Portugal and other European countries.

Modelling of technologies and processes, data search and writing of inventory life cycle reports.

External verification, by an independent auditor, of financial statements provided to Commission in the final project report.

7. Expected results • A flexible tool for easy obtaining environmental LCA results of packaging waste management:

8. References

•Favouring start-up of Iberian LCA network of experts on LCA and waste management.

[1] [EC] European Commission, 2006. Reference Document on the Best Available Techniques for Waste Incineration. [2] < >, (Accessed 15.10.2010). [3] <>, (Accessed 22.10.2010). [4] <>, (Accessed 22.10.2010). [5] <>, (Accessed 25.10.2010). [6] <>, (Accessed 22.10.2010). [7] ISO (2006) ISO 14040: Environmental management - Life cycle assessment Principles and framework.

• A LCI database of packaging waste management technologies and treatments compatible with ELCD/ILCD and available for free to the LCA community.

9. Acknowledgement

•Used by different European regions and municipalities to assist in decision-making process •Prepared for future updating to include new technologies of processes •Allow users change parameters like: type of truck, num. of containers, total amount waste collected, etc. • Contribution to congresses, meetings and publications about packaging waste management and the use of LCA for decision-making in this area to disseminate the project.

•Increasing knowledge on waste management and LCA by means of dissemination and transferability.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of FENIX-Giving packaging a New Life project.

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