Be skilled. Be employed. Be the "CHANGE" generation

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Be skilled Be employed

Be the Change Gener


Youth Version of the 2012 EFA Global Monitoring Report: “Youth and skills: Putting education to Work�

Written and designed by youth of the world

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3 4-5

Foreword Young Editors’ introduction


Progress towards Education for All


What skills are needed?


Disadvantaged youth

12-13 14 15 16 17 18-19

Introduction Rural poor Urban poor Young women Young people affected by conflict Marginalized minorities


Pathways to empowerment

20-21 22-23 24-25 26-27 28-29

Introduction Access to school Second chance Practical training Digital learning

30-31 Financing education 32-33 Steps to a better future 34-36 Youth in action 37 Youth Conclusion 38-39 Task Force members


I]Z XdciZcih d[ i]^h ejWa^XVi^dc bVn WZ gZegdYjXZY l^i]dji X]Vg\Z ^c l]daZ dg ^c eVgi VcY ^c Vcn [dgb [dg ZYjXVi^dcVa ejgedhZh l^i]dji heZX^Va eZgb^hh^dc! egdk^YZY i]Vi EZVXZ 8]^aY >ciZgcVi^dcVa! JC:H8D! VcY i]Z Vji]dg dg e]did\gVe]Zg XdcXZgcZY VgZ XgZY^iZY Vh i]Z hdjgXZ! VcY i]Z ZY^idgh VgZ cdi^ÒZY ^c lg^i^c\# Cd jhZ d[ i]^h ejWa^XVi^dc bVn WZ bVYZ [dg gZhVaZ dg Vcn di]Zg XdbbZgX^Va ejgedhZ l]VihdZkZg l^i]dji eg^dg eZgb^hh^dc ^c lg^i^c\ [gdb EZVXZ 8]^aY >ciZgcVi^dcVa VcY JC:H8D# 6aa ^bV\Zh ^c i]^h GZedgi ]VkZ WZZc gZegdYjXZY l^i] i]Z `cdlaZY\Z VcY eg^dg XdchZci d[ i]Z Vgi^hih XdcXZgcZY! VcY cd gZhedch^W^a^in ^h VXXZeiZY Wn i]Z egdYjXZg! ejWa^h]Zg dg eg^ciZg [dg Vcn ^c[g^c\ZbZci d[ Xdeng^\]i dg di]Zgl^hZ! Vg^h^c\ [gdb i]Z XdciZcih d[ i]^h ejWa^XVi^dc# :kZgn Z[[dgi ]Vh WZZc bVYZ id ZchjgZ i]Vi i]Z XgZY^ih VXXjgViZan Xdbean l^i] i]Z ^c[dgbVi^dc hjeea^ZY# I]Z Vji]dgh VgZ gZhedch^WaZ [dg i]Z X]d^XZ VcY i]Z egZhZciVi^dc d[ i]Z [VXih XdciV^cZY ^c i]^h Wdd` VcY [dg i]Z de^c^dch ZmegZhhZY i]ZgZ^c! l]^X] VgZ cdi cZXZhhVg^an i]dhZ d[ I]Z :;6 <adWVa Bdc^idg^c\ GZedgi iZVb dg JC:H8D VcY Yd cdi Xdbb^i I]Z :;6 <adWVa Bdc^idg^c\ GZedgi iZVb dg i]Z Dg\Vc^oVi^dc# DkZgVaa gZhedch^W^a^in [dg i]Z k^Zlh VcY de^c^dch ZmegZhhZY ^c i]Z GZedgi ^h iV`Zc Wn i]Z Vji]dgh VcY EZVXZ 8]^aY >ciZgcVi^dcVa#

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EZVXZ 8]^aY >ciZgcVi^dcVa I]Z L]^iZ =djhZ! )+ =^\] HigZZi! 7jci^c\[dgY! =Zgih# H<. .6=! J@ IZa# )) &,+( ',))*. ;Vm# )) &,+( ',))+% lll#eZVXZX]^aY#dg\ Jc^iZY CVi^dch :YjXVi^dcVa! HX^Zci^ÒX VcY 8jaijgVa Dg\Vc^oVi^dc ,! eaVXZ YZ ;dciZcdn ,*(*' EVg^h %, HE ;gVcXZ ]iie/$$lll#Z[VgZedgi#jcZhXd#dg\$

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]^h GZedgi h]dlh i]Z ZcZg\n! ^ckZci^kZcZhh VcY Zci]jh^Vhb d[ ndjc\ eZdeaZ Vh i]Zn hig^kZ id bViX] i]Z^g Vhe^gVi^dch id i]Z deedgijc^i^Zh i]Z ldgaY d[[Zgh i]Zb# I]Z XjggZci ndji] \ZcZgVi^dc ^h i]Z aVg\Zhi lZ ]VkZ ZkZg hZZc# Id Wg^Y\Z i]Z^g ]deZh VcY i]Z gZVa^i^Zh d[ i]Z ldgaY d[ ldg`! ndjc\ ldbZc VcY bZc `cdl i]Vi i]Zn cZZY Vh kVg^ZY V gVc\Z d[ h`^aah Vh i]Zn XVc dWiV^c# Id ]Zae i]Zb bZZi i]Z^g cZZYh! lZ bjhi a^hiZc id i]Z^g kd^XZh# L]Zc lZ bV`Z YZX^h^dch VWdji i]Z [jijgZ! lZ bjhi hZZ` i]Z^g de^c^dch Ä WZXVjhZ i]Z [jijgZ WZadc\h id i]Zb# ;gdb i]Z Zk^YZcXZ ^c i]^h GZedgi! i]Vi [jijgZ ^h ^c \ddY ]VcYh! Wji lZ ]VkZ id bV`Z hjgZ ^i ]VeeZch# I]^h ^h JC:H8DÉh _dW! id bdW^a^oZ ZcZg\n VcY Wg^c\ eZdeaZ id\Zi]Zg id egdk^YZ fjVa^in aZVgc^c\ id Vaa ndjc\ ldbZc VcY bZc#

;dgZldgY Wn EVja^cZ GdhZ! 9^gZXidg d[ i]Z '%&' :YjXVi^dc [dg 6aa <adWVa Bdc^idg^c\ GZedgi


Zc :YjXVi^dc [dg 6aa <adWVa Bdc^idg^c\ GZedgih ]VkZ WZZc ejWa^h]ZY dkZg i]Z eVhi YZXVYZ! Wji i]^h ^h i]Z Òghi i^bZ lZ ]VkZ ZkZg Vh`ZY ndjc\ eZdeaZ id \^kZ i]Z^g iV`Z dc djg ÒcY^c\h! VcY Xdcig^WjiZ id ]Zae^c\ jh Xdbbjc^XViZ djg gZXdbbZcYVi^dch [dg h`^aah YZkZadebZci id \dkZgcbZcih# > Vb ZmigZbZan ^begZhhZY id hZZ ]dl i]^h YncVb^X \gdje d[ ndjc\ eZdeaZ ldg`^c\ dc i]Z Ndji] KZgh^dc d[ i]Z GZedgi ]VkZ ZmegZhhZY hd XaZVgan VcY eVhh^dcViZan i]Z h`^aah Xg^h^h [VXZY Wn bVcn d[ i]Z^g bdgZ Y^hVYkVciV\ZY eZZgh l]dhZ cZZYh VgZ VXjiZ# I]Zn VgZ _jhi^ÒZY l]Zc i]Zn hVn i]Vi Vaa ndjc\ eZdeaZ! VcY Vaa X]^aYgZc! l]Zi]Zg bVaZ! [ZbVaZ! g^X]! eddg! a^k^c\ ^c X^i^Zh dg cdi! h]djaY ]VkZ ZfjVa X]VcXZh d[ \d^c\ id hX]dda VcY aZVgc^c\ gZaZkVci h`^aah id ÒcY YZXZci _dWh# I]^h ^h k^iVa id ZchjgZ lZ Yd cdi lVhiZ i]Z iVaZcih d[ V \ZcZgVi^dc l]d VgZ hd `ZZc id Xdcig^WjiZ id V WZiiZg ldgaY ^c i]Z [jijgZ# >i ^h bn ]deZ i]Vi \dkZgcbZcih VgdjcY i]Z ldgaY l^aa a^hiZc id i]Z kd^XZh ^c i]^h Ndji] KZgh^dc d[ i]Z GZedgi VcY gZXd\c^oZ i]Vi! Zfj^eeZY l^i] i]Z g^\]i hZih d[ h`^aah! ndjc\ eZdeaZ gZVaan XVc WZ i]Z 8]Vc\Z <ZcZgVi^dc#


Young Editors’ introduction


YjXVi^dc ^h V g^\]i# >i ^h dcZ hd ^bedgiVci i]Vi ^i ^h Zch]g^cZY ^c i]Z Jc^kZghVa 9ZXaVgVi^dc d[ =jbVc G^\]ih! Vadc\h^YZ i]dhZ i]^c\h Vh k^iVa Vh [gZZYdb [gdb haVkZgn VcY [gZZYdb [gdb idgijgZ#

>c i]Z YZXVYZh h^cXZ i]Z Jc^kZghVa 9ZXaVgVi^dc d[ =jbVc G^\]ih lVh YgVlc je! i]ZgZ ]VkZ WZZc bVcn ^ciZgcVi^dcVa Xdbb^ibZcih bVYZ id egdk^Y^c\ ZkZgn X]^aY VgdjcY i]Z ldgaY l^i] i]^h g^\]i# 6cY nZi! Vh ndj XVc hZZ deedh^iZ! cdi dcan VgZ b^aa^dch d[ ndjc\ eZdeaZ cdi ^c hX]dda! Wji i]ZgZ VgZ Vahd b^aa^dch l]d ]VkZ WZZc id hX]dda VcY VgZ hi^aa aVX`^c\ i]Z h`^aah cZZYZY id \Zi V _dW# I]^h ^h cdi VXXZeiVWaZ# 6h ndjÉaa aZVgc i]gdj\]dji i]^h Wdd`! ndjc\ eZdeaZ Vaa VgdjcY i]Z ldgaY VgZ b^hh^c\ dji dc i]Z^g g^\]i id Vc ZYjXVi^dc WZXVjhZ d[ l]ZgZ i]Zn a^kZ! ]dl bjX] bdcZn i]Zn ]VkZ! dg l]Vi \ZcYZg i]Zn VgZ# LZ cdl ]VkZ i]Z aVg\Zhi ndji] edejaVi^dc i]Vi ]Vh ZkZg Zm^hiZY dc i]^h eaVcZi! VcY djg \ZcZgVi^dc ^h WZ^c\ aZi Ydlc# JC:H8D `cdlh l]Vi V [dgXZ [dg X]Vc\Z ndji] XVc WZ# I]Vi ^h l]n &'"ndjc\ eZdeaZ [gdb VgdjcY i]Z ldgaY ]VkZ WZZc Vh`ZY id [dgb Vc ^cYZeZcYZci ZY^idg^Va \gdje id XgZViZ i]^h Wdd`# ;dg i]Z Òghi i^bZ ^c i]Z &%"nZVg ]^hidgn d[ i]Z ejWa^XVi^dc d[ i]Z :YjXVi^dc [dg 6aa <adWVa Bdc^idg^c\ GZedgih! i]Z GZedgi iZVb ]Vh Vh`ZY ndjc\ eZdeaZ id XgZViZ i]Z^g dlc hjbbVgn d[ dcZ# I]Vi ^h l]Vi ndj VgZ cdl gZVY^c\ Ä i]Z kd^XZ d[ ndji]# >c[dgbVi^dc ^h edlZg/ Vgb ndjghZa[ AZVgc i]Z [VXih ^c i]^h Wdd`! hd ndj XVc iZaa ndjg \dkZgcbZcih l]Vi X]Vc\Zh i]Zn cZZY id bV`Z# GZVY i]Z hidg^Zh d[ ndjc\ eZdeaZ l]d ]VkZ iV`Zc ZYjXVi^dc ^cid i]Z^g dlc ]VcYh Ä \Zi ^che^gZY id bV`Z V X]Vc\Z ndjghZa[#

E]did\gVe]Zg/ @ViV HoVWd! V\ZY '(! =jc\Vgn

I]Z \gdje d[ &' ndjc\ eZdeaZ l]d ]VkZ eji i]^h Wdd` id\Zi]Zg VgZ ide gdl! [gdb aZ[i id g^\]i / Hgdh] 6clVg! 6c\VY H^c\]! K^g\^c^V EdciVgdad! 6cYg BZad! HiZe]Zc HlV^! GdbV^c Dg^V VcY Wdiidb gdl! [gdb aZ[i id g^\]i LVi]dc^ LV^nV`^! GVajXV 7Zha^j! CV^b @ZgjlVaV! AjWcV HVYZ`! =jdc\ 9Vc\ I]j! L^aadl =Zl^ii#


1 in 6

people around the world are aged 15-24. They are disproportionately concentrated in the world’s poorest countries. 6gi^hi/ >\cVX^d EgjYZcX^d! V\ZY ')! Eajg^cVi^dcVa HiViZ d[ 7da^k^V

young people in developing countries have not completed primary school

1 in 8

young people are unemployed. They haven’t got the skills needed for work.

and 58% of these are female.


1 in 4 young people earn less than $1.25 per day.


1 in 5



l l A r o f n o i t a c u d E s Progress toward


YjXVi^dc [dg 6aa ^h V jc^iZY \adWVa bdkZbZci V^bZY Vi egdk^Y^c\ fjVa^in VcY VXXZhh^WaZ ZYjXVi^dc id ZkZgn eZghdc dc i]Z eaVcZi# >c '%%%! &+) Xdjcig^Zh Xdbb^iiZY id i]Z bdkZbZci! VcY id\Zi]Zg i]Zn hZi i]Z + \dVah ndj hZZ WZadl# I]Z \dVah lZgZ ZhiVWa^h]ZY Vi Vc ^ciZgcVi^dcVa bZZi^c\ ^c 9V`Vg! HZcZ\Va! l^i] V YZVYa^cZ d[ '%&*# I]^h ^cXgZY^WaZ bdkZbZci ]Vh ^che^gZY bVcn Xdjcig^Zh id bV`Z h^\c^ÒXVci X]Vc\Zh id i]Z^g ZYjXVi^dc hnhiZbh# =dlZkZg! dkZg gZXZci nZVgh i]ZgZ ]Vh WZZc V hiV\cVi^dc ^c egd\gZhh i]Vi l^aa YZaVn i]Z bZZi^c\ d[ i]ZhZ iVg\Zih jci^a V[iZg i]Z '%&* YZVYa^cZ# >i ^h i]ZgZ[dgZ ZhhZci^Va i]Vi lZ Vaa `ZZe ldg`^c\ idlVgYh i]ZhZ + \dVah#

E]did\gVe]Zg/ Bj]VbbVY IdfZZg! V\ZY '(! EV`^hiVc

GOAL 1: Expand early childhood care and education 8jggZci h^ijVi^dc/ H^cXZ &...! i]Z cjbWZg d[ X]^aYgZc ^c egZ"hX]dda ]Vh g^hZc Wn Vabdhi ]Va[0 ]dlZkZg! bdgZ i]Vc dcZ ^c ild X]^aYgZc VgZ hi^aa cdi ViiZcY^c\ Vi i]^h aZkZa# >c bdhi Xdjcig^Zh! aZhh i]Vc &% d[ i]Z ZYjXVi^dc WjY\Zi ^h heZci dc ZVgan X]^aY]ddY! VcY ^i iZcYh id WZ eVgi^XjaVgan adl ^c eddg Xdjcig^Zh# I]^h aZkZa d[ ZYjXVi^dc ^h ZhhZci^Va Ä V '%%. hijYn dc +* Xdjcig^Zh VgdjcY i]Z ldgaY h]dlZY i]Vi &*"nZVg" daY hijYZcih l]d ViiZcYZY Vi aZVhi V nZVg d[ egZ"hX]dda djieZg[dgbZY i]dhZ l]d ]VY cdi#


case study: Pre-schooling in Peru has expanded over the past decade. Enrolment is above average for the region. And there is a programme that specifically targets marginal areas. The cost of this is kept low through community involvement, so a large number of children can be reached. Local communities provide the buildings and furniture, and the government trains and pays a member of the community to teach.


Achieve universal primary education 8jggZci h^ijVi^dc/ 6aa Xdjcig^Zh bjhi d[[Zg eg^bVgn ZYjXVi^dc i]Vi ^h [gZZ VcY Xdbejahdgn [dg Vaa! ^c VXXdgYVcXZ l^i] i]Z Jc^iZY CVi^dch 8dckZci^dc dc i]Z G^\]ih d[ i]Z 8]^aY# 8jggZcian! ^i VeeZVgh i]Vi i]^h \dVa l^aa cdi WZ VX]^ZkZY Wn '%&*# :Xdcdb^X WVgg^Zgh VgZ egZkZci^c\ X]^aYgZc [gdb ViiZcY^c\ eg^bVgn hX]dda WZXVjhZ i]Zn VgZ cdi VWaZ id V[[dgY i]Z ZmeZchZh hjX] Vh [ZZh! jc^[dgbh! Wdd`h VcY igVchedgiVi^dc! `ZZe^c\ hX]dda dji d[ i]Z gZVX] d[ b^aa^dch#

case study: In order to ensure that young children attend primary school, the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program was launched in the Philippines in 2008 – beneficiary households receive an average monthly cash transfer of US$19 if they have one school-age child. In 2011 the programme was scaled up to reach 2.3 million poor households and further expansion to 4.8 million households by 2014 is planned. Results from a pilot phase showed that primary school completion rates increased from 68% to 73%.


How many people are missing school



primary-school ool age children




lower secondaryschool age adolescents

‘I]Z \adWVa cjbWZg d[ X]^aYgZc dji d[ hX]dda hiV\cViZY Vi +& b^aa^dc ^c '%&%#’ (2012 :;6 <BG p. 34) ‘LdgaYl^YZ! ,& b^aa^dc VYdaZhXZcih d[ adlZg hZXdcYVgn hX]dda V\Z lZgZ dji d[ hX]dda ^c '%&%#’ (2012 :;6 <BG p. 4)

GOAL 3: Promote learning and life skills for young people and adults

8jggZci h^ijVi^dc/ >i ^h ZhhZci^Va id ZchjgZ i]Vi i]Z aZVgc^c\ cZZYh d[ Vaa ndjc\ eZdeaZ VcY VYjaih VgZ bZi i]gdj\] Zfj^iVWaZ VXXZhh id Veegdeg^ViZ aZVgc^c\ VcY a^[Z h`^aah egd\gVbbZh# >c '%&%! ,& b^aa^dc VYdaZhXZcih d[ adlZg hZXdcYVgn hX]dda V\Z lZgZ dji d[ hX]dda! l]^X] YZeg^kZY i]Zb d[ i]Z deedgijc^in id YZkZade h`^aah cZZYZY [dg ldg` VcY a^[Z# I]Z bV^c egdWaZb l^i] i]^h \dVa ^h i]Vi ^i ]Vh cdi WZZc lZaa YZÒcZY# =dlZkZg! ^ciZgcVi^dcVa Xdbbjc^i^Zh VgZ XadhZ id gZVX]^c\ Vc V\gZZbZci [dg XdbeVgVWaZ ^cY^XVidgh d[ h`^aah YZkZadebZci! VcY i]Z bZVch id bZVhjgZ i]Zb#

case study: In Mexico, a programme developed by a local NGO and the Ministry of Public Education incorporated HIV awareness and life skills. Through role playing activities, students practised assertive communication and negotiations about sexual relations under peer or partner pressure. The students who took this programme displayed positive changes in attitude, selfesteem, decision making, and communication.


Progress towards Education for All case study:

GOAL 4: Reduce adult illiteracy by 50% 8jggZci h^ijVi^dc/ I]^h \dVa ^h ZheZX^Vaan [dXjhZY dc ldbZc! l]d bV`Z je V ]^\] egdedgi^dc d[ i]Z ^aa^iZgViZ VYjaih ^c i]Z ldgaY# I]Z iVg\Zi ^h [dg *% ^begdkZbZci ^c a^iZgVXn aZkZah id WZ VX]^ZkZY Wn '%&*! ]dlZkZg egd\gZhh dc i]Z \dVa ]Vh WZZc kZgn hadl# I]ZgZ VgZ hi^aa ,,* b^aa^dc ^aa^iZgViZ VYjaih ^c i]Z ldgaY# Ild"i]^gYh d[ i]ZhZ VgZ ldbZc#

China has managed to reduce the number of illiterate adults by 66% since 1994, from 183 million to 62 million. Some countries that have made progress in female literacy are Cambodia, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Malawi, Nepal, Saudi Arabia and Timor-Leste.

GOAL 5: Achieve gender parity and equality 8jggZci h^ijVi^dc/ 6ai]dj\] ^i ^h dcZ d[ i]Z W^\\Zhi hjXXZhhZh d[ :YjXVi^dc [dg 6aa :;6 h^cXZ '%%%! i]ZgZ VgZ hi^aa bVcn Xdjcig^Zh i]Vi VgZ [Vaa^c\ WZ]^cY i]Z \dVa d[ VX]^Zk^c\ \ZcYZg eVg^in ^c eg^bVgn VcY hZXdcYVgn ZYjXVi^dc Wn '%&*# H^min"Z^\]i Xdjcig^Zh ]VkZ hi^aa cdi VX]^ZkZY \ZcYZg eVg^in ^c eg^bVgn ZYjXVi^dc! VcY \^gah VgZ Y^hVYkVciV\ZY ^c h^min d[ i]Zb# CZkZgi]ZaZhh! i]ZgZ VgZ gZVhdch id ]deZ# HZkZgZ Y^hVYkVciV\Z ^c ZYjXVi^dc [dg \^gah ^h h^\c^Ă’XVcian adlZg i]Vc V YZXVYZ V\d# >i ^h ^bedgiVci id cdiZ i]Vi Wdnh VgZ Vahd V[[ZXiZY Wn \ZcYZg Y^heVg^in! YjZ id edkZgin VcY i]Z ejaa d[ i]Z aVWdjg bVg`Zi#

E]did\gVe]Zg/ Arkie J. Tarr, aged 23, Liberia

case study: Some countries, such as Burundi, India and Uganda, have achieved gender parity in education. This can be done through adopting a variety of strategies, which include targeting financial support for girls, ensuring gendersensitive teaching measures and materials and providing safe, healthy school environments.



Improve the quality of education

8jggZci h^ijVi^dc/ D[ i]Z +*% b^aa^dc X]^aYgZc d[ eg^bVgn hX]dda V\Z! dkZg &(% b^aa^dc d[ i]dhZ ViiZcY^c\ hX]dda VgZ [V^a^c\ id aZVgc i]Z WVh^Xh# IZVX]Zgh VgZ ZhhZci^Va gZhdjgXZh [dg ^begdk^c\ i]Z fjVa^in d[ ZYjXVi^dc# >c &&' Xdjcig^Zh! dkZg *#) b^aa^dc hX]ddaiZVX]Zgh VgZ gZfj^gZY id VX]^ZkZ i]^h \dVa Wn '%&*# HjW"HV]VgVc 6[g^XVc Xdjcig^Zh VadcZ cZZY id gZXgj^i bdgZ i]Vc ' b^aa^dc# D[ &%% Xdjcig^Zh l^i] YViV dc eg^bVgn ZYjXVi^dc! ^c ((! aZhh i]Vc ,* d[ iZVX]Zgh lZgZ igV^cZY id i]Z cVi^dcVa hiVcYVgY# I]^h egdWaZb ^h Zc]VcXZY Wn edejaVi^dc \gdli]# I]Z cjbWZg d[ eje^ah ^c hjW"HV]VgVc 6[g^XV ]Vh ^cXgZVhZY Wn *% b^aa^dc! VcY ^c Hdji] VcY LZhi 6h^V Wn (( b^aa^dc ^c '%&% XdbeVgZY id &...#

case study: Senegal has managed to improve the pupil/teacher ratio significantly. The gross enrolment ratio rose from 68% in 1999 to 87% in 2010, while the pupil/teacher ratio fell from 49:1 to 34:1. One of the measures through which this was achieved was by increasing the number of trained primary schoolteachers.

Id gZVY bdgZ VWdji i]Z :;6 \dVah VcY i]Z XVhZ hijY^Zh fjdiZY ]ZgZ! hZZ i]Z '%&' :;6 <BG! eVgi &# <dVa ( [dgbh eVgi d[ i]Z GZedgi! VcY ^i l^aa WZ i]Z [dXjh d[ i]Z gZbV^c^c\ edgi^dc d[ i]^h Ndji] KZgh^dc# I]Z egd\gZhh idlVgYh <dVa ( ]Vh WZZc hadl# I]^h ^h WZXVjhZ ^i ]Vh egZk^djhan cdi WZZc lZaa YZÒcZY! VcY dcan gZXZcian ]Vh Vc Z[[dgi WZZc bVYZ id V\gZZ i]Z bZVhjgZh Wn l]^X] egd\gZhh idlVgYh i]^h \dVa ^h YZÒcZY#

E]did\gVe]Zg/ Muneeb Ahmed, aged 21, Pakistan


What skills are needed? I

]Z i]gZZ ineZh d[ h`^aah h]dlc ^c i]Z aZkZah deedh^iZ egdk^YZ V [gVbZldg` VgdjcY l]^X] id YZkZade V eVi] id egdYjXi^kZ ZbeadnbZci# Ndjc\ eZdeaZ VgZ bdgZ cjbZgdjh i]Vc ZkZg & ^c + eZdeaZ ^c i]Z ldgaY Vi i]Z bdbZci VgZ WZilZZc &*"') ! VcY i]Z^g ZbeadnbZci ^h `Zn id i]Z [jijgZ d[ i]Z \adWVa ZXdcdbn# :YjXVi^dc VcY h`^aah [dgb Vc ZhhZci^Va eVgi d[ i]^h [jijgZ! Wji i]Zn bjhi WZ a^c`ZY l^i] i]Z _dW bVg`Zi ^c dgYZg id egdk^YZ V gZVa ^begdkZbZci ^c i]Z a^kZh d[ ndjc\ eZdeaZ VcY i]Z ZXdcdb^Zh d[ i]Z^g Xdbbjc^i^Zh! hdX^Zi^Zh VcY Xdjcig^Zh# DkZg i]Z [daadl^c\ eV\Zh ndj l^aa hZZ i]Vi bVcn \gdjeh d[ ndjc\ eZdeaZ aVX` VXXZhh id i]Z ZYjXVi^dc i]Zn gZfj^gZ! VcY hd XVccdi \V^c i]Z h`^aah cZZYZY [dg ZbeadnbZci# I]Zn VgZ Xdch^\cZY id ]VgY! hjWh^hiZcXZ ldg` [dg i]Z gZhi d[ i]Z^g a^kZh# I]^h ^h i]Z bdhi ^bedgiVci egdWaZb [dg i]Z [jijgZ d[ djg \ZcZgVi^dc#


6gi^hi/ 8daa^ch C

iV\j! V\ZY ')! C


É?\ Yekdjh_[i Wh[ je ]hem WdZ fheif[h _d

f$ ')

W hWf_Zbo Y^Wd]_d] mehbZ" j^[o d[[Z je fWo [l[d ]h[Wj[h Wjj[dj_ed je Z[l[bef_d] W ia_bb[Z meha\ehY[$ 7dZ Wbb oekd] f[efb[" m^[h[l[h j^[o b_l[ WdZ m^Wj[l[h j^[_h XWYa]hekdZ" h[gk_h[ ia_bbi j^Wj fh[fWh[ j^[c \eh Z[Y[dj `eXi ie j^[o YWd j^h_l[ WdZ fWhj_Y_fWj[ \kbbo _d ieY_[jo$


Technical and vocational skills Wh[ if[Y_ÓY fhWYj_YWb ia_bbi j^Wj _dYbkZ[ c[jWbmeha" ?9J" i[m_d]" WdZ \Whc_d]" j^Wj fh[fWh[ oek \eh W fWhj_YkbWh `eX$ J^[o Wh[ b[Whd[Z Wj ^_]^[h b[l[bi e\ [ZkYWj_ed WdZ \ehcWb WdZ _d\ehcWb ed#j^[#`eX jhW_d_d] ikY^ Wi Wffh[dj_Y[i^_fi$

Transferable skills h[\[h je W m_Z[ lWh_[jo e\ ia_bbi" ikY^ Wi fheXb[c iebl_d]" [djh[fh[d[khi^_f WdZ Yecckd_YWj_ed ia_bbi" m^_Y^ Wh[ [ii[dj_Wb \eh fheZkYj_l[ `eXi$ J^[o YWd X[ eXjW_d[Z j^hek]^ekj [ZkYWj_ed$ J^[i[ ia_bbi Wbbem oekd] f[efb[ je WZWfj je Z_\\[h[dj meha [dl_hedc[dji$

Foundation skills Wh[ j^[ Óhij ij[fi _d [ZkYWj_ed1 j^[o Wh[ XWi_Y ia_bbi ikY^ Wi h[WZ_d]" mh_j_d] WdZ cWj^[cWj_Yi" m^_Y^ YWd X[ ]W_d[Z _d fh_cWho WdZ bem[h i[YedZWho iY^eeb$ J^[i[ Wh[ fh[h[gk_i_j[i \eh Yedj_dk_d] _d [ZkYWj_ed$ <eh j^ei[ m^e c_ii ekj ed b[Whd_d] j^[i[ ia_bbi" i[YedZ#Y^WdY[ fhe]hWcc[i Wh[ W mWo je ]W_d j^[c m^[d ebZ[h$


Disadvantaged youth

:YjXVi ^dc [d g

dc [dg 6aa " : Y " :YjXVi^ 6aa




[ d g 6 a a " :YjXVi^dc [dg 6aa " :YjXVi^dc [dg 6aa " :Yj XVi aa " : Y j c [dg 6 jXVi^d a " :Y g 6a [d

X V i^ d c

[d g


" : Y



V i ^ d c [ d g 6 a a " : YjXVi^dc [dg 6aa " :YjXVi^d c [dg 6aa " :YjXVi ^dc [dg 6aa " :YjX Vi^dc [ a [dg 6 Vi^dc :YjX a " 6a

Y a " :


dc [d

" : g 6aa

Y jX V

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dg 6

aa "


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g 6



:Y jX V

i^ d c [ d g 6 a a " : Y j X V i^

d c

[ dg

6a a "

: Yj



dc Vi^

[d attend I have always wantedc to g 6 aa " : Yj school with other kids my age. XVi ^d c Unfortunately, this has never [dg 6aa " :YjXVi^dc [dg 6 aa " : YjXV i^dc been possible. Why have I been [dg 6aa " :Y prevented from getting the skills jX I need for work?

d g 6 YjXVi^dc [dg 6aa " :YjXVi^dc [ 6aa " : [dg

aa " : Y j X

Vi ^ d c [

dg 6 a

a "





c [ d g 6a




: Y

j XV

i ^ d c [d g 6

a a " : Y j X V i ^ d

c [dg 6aa " :Yj

XVi^dc [dg 6aa " :Y

dc [dg jXVi^dc [dg 6aa " :YjXVi^dc [dg 6aa " :YjXVi^


any young people around the world leave school without the skills they need for work and life. In both developed and developing countries, they are deprived of their right to have access to learning opportunities, due to poverty, conflict, disabilities, their social status, their gender, or where they live. Together, we will examine how each of these factors impacts their access to education and their possibilities in life, such as their future employment opportunities.


In this section, I will present to you the various groups of young people, who, just like me, cannot experience the basic right of learning the skills needed for work. We will listen to their stories, see their pictures , and strive to better understand their experiences.

E]did\gVe]Zg/ Hgdh] 6clVg! V\ZY ',! EV`^hiVc

;daadl i]^h X]VgV XiZg

i]Z h`^aah [dg ld Vn ZkZgn eZghdc l dc i]Z g`# ^aa aZVgc eVi] id :YjXVi^dc [dg 6aa# LZ ]VkZ ]deZ i]Vi dcZ Y


Disadvantaged youth Rural poor Early before setting off for school and shortly after knocking off from school, Poline (12) and her brother, Chifundo (14), are forced to join their father in the field. Poline complains: ‘Tobacco picking can be so tedious and burdensome for me. I put the leaves on my hands and throw them into the basket while I bend my back for a long time. My back really pains afterwards.’ She complains that some of the work she is subjected to is extremely wearisome for her age, but she cannot avoid it.


]Z bV_dg^in d[ i]Z eddg ldgaYl^YZ a^kZ ^c gjgVa VgZVh! l]ZgZ i]Z ndji] VgZ YZeZcYZci dc V XdbW^cVi^dc d[ hbVaa"hXVaZ [Vgb^c\ VcY eddgan eV^Y XVhjVa aVWdjg# 6c ZmigZbZ aVX` d[ VXXZhh id ZYjXVi^dc ^c gjgVa VgZVh bZVch i]Vi ndjc\ eZdeaZ XVc gVgZan aZVgc id gZVY VcY lg^iZ! aZi VadcZ aZVgc i]Z h`^aah cZZYZY id ldg` dc bdYZgc iZX]cdad\^XVaan Zc]VcXZY [Vgbh#

>ciZgk^Zl lg^i^c\ Wn DbZ\V IVc\Vcn^`V! V\ZY '+! BVaVl^

I really want to study, but the school does not have proper toilets and sanitation facilities; also the school is so far for us to travel, and being responsible for the majority of domestic work makes it hard for us to take time-out for school.

>cXgZVh^c\ aVcY"hXVgX^in Vahd bZVch i]Vi cdc" [Vgb _dWh VgZ bdgZ ^bedgiVci i]Vc ZkZg# 7ji i]ZhZ gZfj^gZ Wjh^cZhh VcY Ă’cVcXZ h`^aah i]Vi VgZ cdi iVj\]i ^c hjX] ZYjXVi^dcVaan YZeg^kZY VgZVh#

st ories

Where do people live in extreme poverty?




ur b




6c^`V H^c\]! V\ZY '.! >cY^V# IV`Zc [gdb ]Zg Y^Vgn! V\ZY &*

ru 6gi^hi/ HjYi]VeV I]VcVi]VcnV! V\ZY '%! I]V^aVcY


½6gdjcY ,% d[ i]Z ldgaYžh &#) W^aa^dc eZdeaZ a^k^c\ ^c ZmigZbZ edkZgin ^c]VW^i gjgVa VgZVh#ž (:;6 <BG 2012 p. 279)

B^aa^dch d[ e ZdeaZ jcig^Zh# ^c gjg Va VgZVh a^kZ ^c ZmigZbZ edkZgin! [VX^c\ ZYjXVi^dcVa VcY ZXdcdb^X ZmXajh^dc ^c bdhi YZkZade^c\ Xd

Urban poor


Ve^Y jgWVc^oVi^dc VgdjcY i]Z ldgaY ]Vh aZ[i b^aa^dch d[ eZdeaZ a^k^c\ ^c hfjVa^Y hajb XdcY^i^dch# Ndjc\ eZdeaZ bV`Z je V Y^hegdedgi^dcViZan ]^\] h]VgZ d[ i]^h# ;dg bVcn! i]Z dcan ZbeadnbZci dei^dch VgZ ^chZXjgZ! hjWh^hiZcXZ VXi^k^i^Zh# HX]ddah VcY iZVX]Zgh VgZ hXVgXZ ^c hajbh! VcY Ă’cVcX^Va egZhhjgZh [dgXZ bVcn ndjc\ eZdeaZ ^cid ldg` WZ[dgZ i]Zn ]VkZ ZkZc \V^cZY WVh^X ZYjXVi^dcVa h`^aah#

ÉOekd] f[efb[ j[dZ je cWa[ kf W Z_ifhefehj_edWj[ f$ (+-

>c adl"^cXdbZ Xdjcig^Zh! i]Z ^c[dgbVa hZXidg bV`Zh je i]Z bV_dg^in d[ ZbeadnbZci ^c jgWVc VgZVh# I]^h ^h V Y^kZghZ hZXidg XdkZg^c\ V l^YZ gVc\Z d[ ZXdcdb^X VXi^k^i^Zh! [gdb hjWh^hiZcXZ VXi^k^i^Zh! hjX] Vh lVhiZ"e^X`^c\ VcY higZZi kZcY^c\! id hZl^c\ VcY \VgbZci" bV`^c\! XVg gZeV^g! XdchigjXi^dc VcY kVg^djh XgV[ih# BVcn d[ i]ZhZ ]VkZ i]Z ediZci^Va id XgZViZ lZVai]! Wji gZfj^gZ h`^aah ZYjXVi^dc i]Vi ^h jcVkV^aVWaZ id bdhi#

st ories

i^Wh[ e\ j^ei[ b_l_d] _d igkWb_Z YedZ_j_edi _d kdfbWdd[Z khXWd i[jjb[c[dji $$$ CWdo e\ j^[i[ oekd] f[efb[ b[\j iY^eeb X[\eh[ cWij[h_d] XWi_Y ia_bbi ikY^ Wi b_j[hWYo WdZ dkc[hWYo$


Ali is 9 years old. He lives and works as a servant in Waqeel Saab’s flat in the city. Throughout the day, he cleans the house, washes and irons clothes, and does whatever work they tell him to do. When he is free, he looks at the world from his window. There is a park in front of the balcony – everyone there seems to be happy. Children in this neighbourhood speak English, but not Ali. He is poor so he cannot study, and it makes him feel illiterate. He wishes he could get just one chance to study like other children. The best part of the day for Ali is night-time. It excites him enough to survive the whole day working, waiting for the night to come. When Saab and Baaji go to sleep and Ali finishes cleaning, he peeks into Saab’s cabinet with some books. Some have pictures too but most are just words. He doesn’t understand what they mean but they refresh his dream to go to school. 6a^! ^ciZgk^Zl lg^i^c\ Wn HVcV] Hddbgd! V\ZY ''! EV`^hiVc

E]did\gVe]Zg/ BV][j\V EVgkZc! V\ZY (%! 7Vc\aVYZh]

Z cjbWZg d[ ndjc \ eZ Zh# I]


ZkZg# ]Vc c VgZVh ^h ^cXgZVh^c\! nZi i]Z^g ZVgc^c\h VcY a^k^c\ XdcY^i^dch VgZ \Zii^c\ ldghZ i V W g j a^k^c\ ^c


Disadvantaged youth Young Women


kZgn ^hhjZ i]Vi a^b^ih VXXZhh id ZYjXVi^dc V[[ZXih \^gah bdgZ i]Vc Wdnh# I]Z egdWaZb ]Vh bZVci i]Vi ldbZc VgZ ZmXajYZY [gdb i]Z ldgaY d[ [dgbVa ldg`# Ild"i]^gYh d[ ^aa^iZgViZ eZdeaZ VgZ ldbZc! VcY i]dhZ l]d XVccdi gZVY l^aa cdi WZ VWaZ id aZVgc di]Zg h`^aah# I]Z egdWaZb ^h i]Vi l]ZgZ bdcZn VcY gZhdjgXZh VgZ a^b^iZY! XjaijgVa cdgbh d[iZc Y^XiViZ i]Vi \^gah h]djaY WZ i]Z dcZh id b^hh dji dc ZYjXVi^dc# I]Z^g deedgijc^i^Zh VgZ hVXg^Ă’XZY ^c dgYZg i]Vi i]Zn hjeedgi i]Z^g [Vb^a^Zh l^i] adc\ ]djgh d[ VgYjdjh YdbZhi^X aVWdjg# I]ZgZ ^h Vc 6[g^XVc egdkZgW i]Vi hiViZh Ăˆ>[ ndj ZYjXViZ V bVc ndj ZYjXViZ Vc ^cY^k^YjVa! Wji ^[ ndj ZYjXViZ V ldbVc ndj ZYjXViZ V [Vb^an! VcY V l]daZ cVi^dc#É >[ \^gah Xdci^cjZ id WZ aZ[i dji d[ ZYjXVi^dc! bVcn Xdjcig^Zh VgZ b^hh^c\ dji dc i]Z \gZVi ediZci^Va [dg YZkZadebZci#

/ :bVY @Vg^b

! V\ZY '.! :\n


Chisomo Phiri is a 15-year-old-girl who became a sex worker at 14 after she escaped from a forced marriage to a man almost three times her age. ‘I became angry to hear that my 17-yearold brother is almost completing secondary school back home, yet I couldn’t be given the same chance. Instead, my parents subjected me to a polygamous man who used to beat me up almost every time he comes home drunk,’ she recalls emotionally. 8]^hdbd! ^ciZgk^Zl lg^i^c\ Wn DbZ\V IVc\Vcn^`V! V\ZY '+! BVaVl^

POEM Umwiza (Beautiful) Kcm_pW" fWii[Z ^[h [nWci" Xkj iWYh_Ă“Y[Z je cWhh_W][ \eh ^[h jme Xhej^[hi je h[b_i^ j^[ \hk_j e\ [ZkYWj_ed$


st ories

7 Zh[Wc" Z_ijWdj _bbki_ed" X[Yec_d] W bWmo[h eh j^[ Ă“hij \[cWb[ fh[i_Z[dj$ 7 d[l[h#[dZ_d] ijhk]]b[ [dik[i Wi ^[h XWXo Xkhiji ekj Yho_d]$

Rukaiya left school at the age of 9; she was not allowed to go to school simply because she was a girl. She cried telling me her story since her brothers enjoyed going to school while she stayed back home doing household chores. Her parents think educating girls is a waste of money. ‘I want to become a doctor, if only education was free of cost I could go to school like my brothers.’ Gj`V^nV! ^ciZgk^Zl lg^i^c\ Wn @dbVa FjgZh]^! V\ZY '&! EV`^hiVc

GZncVaY GVnbdcY! V\ZY '*! Jc^iZY GZejWa^X d[ IVcoVc^V


HdX^d"ZXdcd b^X Vc Y Xjai jgVa

ig^Zh VYYh VYY^i^dc ZYjXVi^dc# Y^hXg^b^cVi^dc [VXZY Wn \^gah VcY ldbZc ^^c bVcn Xdjc Va WVgg^Zgh id i]Z^g VXXZhh id h`^aah

Young people affected by conflict


dcÓ^Xi"V[[ZXiZY Xdjcig^Zh VgZ i]Z [jgi]Zhi [gdb VX]^Zk^c\ :YjXVi^dc [dg 6aa# L^YZhegZVY ^chiVW^a^in! aVX` d[ adc\" iZgb YZkZadebZci Vhh^hiVcXZ VcY h]dgi" iZgb ]jbVc^iVg^Vc V^Y! Vh lZaa Vh V aVX` d[ VYZfjViZ ZYjXVi^dcVa ^c[gVhigjXijgZ! egZkZcih X]^aYgZc a^k^c\ ^c lVg "idgc odcZh [gdb VXXZhh^c\ ZYjXVi^dc# I]^h hZkZgZan a^b^ih i]Z^g [jijgZ ZbeadnbZci deedgijc^i^Zh! VcY ]VbeZgh i]Z ZXdcdb^X gZXdkZgn d[ i]Z^g Xdjcign# 6h V gZhjai d[ XdcÓ^Xi VcY adhh d[ a^kZh! Xdjcig^Zh ÒcY i]ZbhZakZh l^i] Y^hegdedgi^dcViZan ]^\] ndji] edejaVi^dch# I]^h ^cXgZVhZh i]Z ^bedgiVcXZ d[ ZYjXVi^dc id i]Z [jijgZ YZkZadebZci d[ i]Z Xdjcign! Wji ^i Vahd bZVch i]Vi i]ZgZ ^h V \ZcZgVa aVX` d[ h`^aaZY egd[Zhh^dcVah! hjX] Vh iZVX]Zgh# I]^h ^h Y^[ÒXjai id gZhdakZ Vh XdcÓ^Xi jhZh je bV_dg ÒcVcX^Va gZhdjgXZh! l]^X] ldjaY WZ cZXZhhVgn id ^begdkZ ZYjXVi^dc#

É9edÔ_Yj#W\\[Yj[Z Yekdjh_[i Wh[ j^[ ceij e\\ jhWYa _d

[\\ehji je WY^_[l[ ;<7$ CWdo \Wbb j^hek]^ j^[ YhWYai _d j^[ _dj[hdWj_edWb W_Z ijhkYjkh[" m_j^ j^[_h [ZkYWj_ed ioij[ci h[Y[_l_d] d[_j^[h bed]#j[hc Z[l[befc[dj Wii_ijWdY[ deh i^ehj#j[hc ^kcWd_jWh_Wd W_Z$

f$ '+'

D[iZc! hijYZcih [ZVg gZijgc^c\ id hX]dda V[iZg ZmeZg^ZcX^c\ XdcÓ^Xi"gZaViZY igVjbV# 6eVgi [gdb X]^aYgZc a^k^c\ ^c XdcÓ^Xi"VgZVh! gZ[j\ZZ X]^aYgZc VgZ Vahd ZmXajYZY [gdb ZYjXVi^dc! YjZ id ^cVeegdeg^ViZ Vhh^hiVcXZ [gdb i]Z gZXZ^k^c\ \dkZgcbZcih Vh lZaa Vh i]Z ^ciZgcVi^dcVa Xdbbjc^in#

st ories


It was a day in early summer of 1998 when the Taliban fighter jets bombed my hometown of Bamyan. These actions were quite regular, but that day they bombed the schools and children. I got up and saw some of my friends screaming, some yelling for help, some did not talk, just gazed at me, and some of them were not even alive. It was the most horrible thing for me to see, when I was ten years old. From twenty people that we were, two of my close friends got killed and twelve others injured. For me, that was not the end of my education career. I was not scared to go back to school and fight to continue my education, though I was not sure if I was going to get hit by another bomb in the future. I continued one more month, until the Taliban captured Bamyan and we had to leave our homes and schools by walking via mountains to Kabul. It was not until the Taliban were ousted from the country that my family went back to Bamyan and I went back to my school again.

Hgdh] 6clVg! V\ZY ',! EV`^hiVc

Lg^i^c\ Wn Bd]VbbVY HV`]^ =VhhVcn! V\ZY '*! 6[\]Vc^hiVc

8]^aYgZc a^k^c\ ^c l YjXVi^dc# Vg"idg d[iZc YZeg^kZY c odcZh dg [dgXZY id Ó ZZ Vh V gZhjai d[ XdcÓ ^Xi VgZ d[ ZkZc i]Z bdhi WVh^X [dgb d[ Z


Disadvantaged youth Marginalized minorities Young people with disabilities


c bVcn Xdjcig^Zh! ndjc\ eZdeaZ VgZ ejh]ZY id i]Z bVg\^ch d[ hdX^Zin YjZ id X^gXjbhiVcXZh i]Zn [VXZ# Ndjc\ eZdeaZ l^i] Y^hVW^a^i^Zh dg l^i] =>K VcY 6>9H ]VkZ kZgn Y^[[ZgZci ZmeZg^ZcXZh# 7ji i]Zn VgZ [VXZY l^i] Y^hXg^b^cVi^dc VcY hdX^Va hi^\bV i]Vi ]daYh WVX` i]Z^g X]VcXZh ^c Wdi] ZYjXVi^dc VcY ldg`#

‘When I enrolled in a school, other kids teased me and called me moatia (dwarf). I had to quit when it became unbearable. I managed to learn the trade of shoemaking but have no capital to start.’ 7gZcnV! ^ciZgk^Zl lg^i^c\ Wn =Vgg^hdc DWZc\ 9ZWgV]! V\ZY '-! <]VcV

;dg i]dhZ l^i] Y^hVW^a^i^Zh! Ă’cY^c\ V _dW XVc WZ heZX^Ă’XVaan Y^[Ă’Xjai WZXVjhZ d[ i]Z^g adl aZkZa d[ ZYjXVi^dc VcY VXXZhh^W^a^in WVgg^Zgh id i]Z^g ldg`eaVXZh# Ndjc\ eZdeaZ hi^aa `cdl kZgn a^iiaZ VWdji ]dl id egZkZci i]Z igVchb^hh^dc d[ =>K VcY 6>9H# I]^h ^cXgZVhZh i]Z^g kjacZgVW^a^in id ^c[ZXi^dc#

st ories

Young people with HIV and AIDS

‘I am disabled. My family members drive me out of the house before 4am and I have to stay outside till after 10pm so that no one sees me as part of the family.’ NVl! ^ciZgk^Zl lg^i^c\ Wn =Vgg^hdc DWZc\ 9ZWgV]! V\ZY '-! <]VcV

s t o r y

Tien is six years old and lives in extreme poverty in a sub-urban area of Ho Chi Minh City. What makes his situation worse, however, is the fact that he is HIV-positive and thus denied the right to attend any public school. The local stigma is strong. The community is small. Almost everyone in his neighbourhood knows he’s been suffering from this disease. Tien is still too young to know that he’s growing into a future where education and work opportunities for HIV-positive people are almost impossible to find. Kj I]^ Fjnc] <^Vd! V\ZY ''! K^Zi CVb


Ndjc\ eZde aZ l^i] jXVi^dc# >c V Y ^ hVW^a^in d[iZc Yd cdi ]VkZ [VX^a^i^Zh id WZ igZViZY a^`Z V cdgbVa ]jbVc WZ^c\ l^i] V g^\]i id ZY

BVcn b^cdg^in \gdjeh ^c kVg^djh Xdjcig^Zh VgdjcY i]Z ldgaY VgZ bVg\^cVa^oZY YjZ id i]Z^g XaVhh! Zi]c^X \gdje! XVhiZ dg Xdadjg# :YjXVi^dcVa egdk^h^dch [dXjh dc i]Z bV_dg^in! VcY i]Z gZfj^gZbZcih VcY l^h]Zh d[ b^cdg^in \gdjeh VgZ d[iZc Y^hXVgYZY# 6h V gZhjai! b^cdg^in X]^aYgZc VgZ aZhh a^`Zan id ViiZcY hX]dda# BdgZdkZg! i]Z aVX` d[ heZX^ÒX ZYjXVi^dcVa egdk^h^dch [dg b^cdg^i^Zh cdi dcan gZYjXZh i]Z^g X]VcXZh id VXfj^gZ WVh^X h`^aah! Wji Vahd id ]VkZ VXXZhh id fjVa^in VcY XjaijgVaan"Veegdeg^ViZ ZYjXVi^dc# I]^h d[iZc aZVYh id adl VX]^ZkZbZci VcY ]^\] Ygdedji gViZh# I]Z^g aVX` d[ h`^aah VcY igV^c^c\ d[iZc gZhjaih ^c i]Z^g bVg\^cVa^oVi^dc ^c i]Z aVWdjg bVg`Zi#

É<WYjehi b_da[Z je Z_iWZlWdjW][ _d [ZkYWj_ed" ikY^ Wi $$$ Z_iWX_b_jo" Wh[ e\j[d Wbie WiieY_Wj[Z m_j^ Z_iWZlWdjW][ _d j^[ bWXekh cWha[j$ J^_i _i dej W Ye_dY_Z[dY[ Å kd[gkWb ia_bbi Z[l[befc[dj" ieY_Wb dehci WdZ bWXekh cWha[j Z_iYh_c_dWj_ed YecX_d[ je b[WZ je j^_i ekjYec[$

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In my country, the Roma are an ethnic minority who have lived here for hundreds of years, but are still very isolated from the rest of society. The Roma face significant social stigma in Romania, which excludes them from both school and work. I work with an NGO, OvidiuRom, which provides a summer school that targets the Roma children. The students are aged 8 to 11, and have never attended any classes before. Many do not even have basic knowledge, such as knowing the days of the week or the months of the year. This is because most of them come from underprivileged families, who cannot pay for school supplies, clothes, and other education related costs. It is important to create programmes that address the specific cultural needs of the Roma communities and adequately integrate them into the schooling system. GVajXV 7Zha^j! V\ZY ')! GdbVc^V

Harke and Bhola Damai are two brothers living together in a remote area of Nepal. Due to their caste, they are regarded as ‘untouchable’ and are not allowed to mix with the people who are considered elite and go to school. This community’s people are isolated and out of the mainstream. E]did\gVe] VcY lg^i^c\ Wn/ HVjgVk GV_ EVci! V\ZY '&! CZeVa

>c bVcn Xdjcig^Zh! b^cd

^g hdX^Zin# jc^i^Zh! YjZ id i]Z dk aa Y^hXg^b^cVi^dc [VXZ mX g^in n Y ^c i]Z Z gV dji] VgZ d[iZc Z ajYZY [gdb ZYjXVi^dcVa deedgi


Pathways to empowerment

:YjXVi ^dc [d g

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XV i^dstories in Although many of the c [d g 6 our previous sections might aa " have : Y been disheartening, there are jXVi^dc [dg 6 a a " :YjXVi^dc [dg 6aa reasons to hope. " :Yj X

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here is an increasing global effort to improve both access to, and quality of, education for people like me. Governments, private organizations, NGOs and the United Nations are striving to ensure that young people are able to go to school and learn the skills needed to get a job. They are also providing second-chance education programmes for those who missed out, and practical training to teach vital skills for work. In addition, they are paving the way to the future of education by increasing access to digital learning.


In this section, you’ll see examples of these mechanisms of educating young people with the skills they need to work. You’ll also find a section about the strategies for financing this education. Plus you can read on to find what needs to be done, and then find examples of what young people themselves are doing to provide skills training, and a youth conclusion that looks to what needs to be the focus in the future if all children and young people, regardless of their background, are equipped with education and skills.

E]did\gVe]Zg/ :bVY @Vg^b! V\ZY '.! :\nei


Pathways to empowerment Access to school


^aa^dch d[ X]^aYgZc VgdjcY i]Z ldgaY higj\\aZ id VXXZhh i]^h a^[Z"X]Vc\^c\ gZhdjgXZ# <ZcYZg! adXVi^dc VcY ZXdcdb^Xh Vaa [VXidg ^c id i]Z gZVhdch l]n X]^aYgZc Z^i]Zg cZkZg bV`Z ^i dg XVccdi gZbV^c ^c hX]dda# L^i]dji ZkZc i]Z WVh^X h`^aah d[ gZVY^c\ VcY lg^i^c\! i]Zn l^aa cZkZg Ă’cY egdYjXi^kZ ldg`# Egd\gVbbZh i]Vi heZX^Ă’XVaan iVg\Zi i]ZhZ ^hhjZh l^aa ZcVWaZ i]dhZ bdhi ^c cZZY id \Zi i]Z ZYjXVi^dc i]Vi ^h XjggZcian hd [Vg dji d[ gZVX]# Hdaji^dch XVc ^cXajYZ i^bZiVWaZ Ă“Zm^W^a^in i]Vi VXXdbbdYViZh X]^aYgZc l]d ]VkZ id ldg` dg Yd X]dgZh! Xdbbjc^in Zc\V\ZbZci id ZchjgZ i]Vi ZkZgndcZ jcYZghiVcYh i]Z cZZY id ZYjXViZ \^gah! dg hdX^Va egdiZXi^dc bZVhjgZh hjX] Vh XVh] igVch[Zgh id ]Zae i]Z eddgZhi l^i] i]Z Xdhih d[ Wdd`h VcY jc^[dgbh#

Hadiza was brought from her village to live with a family as their house maid; she attends evening secondary school that fits to her work schedule. She does her chores in the morning, while her employers and their kids are away to work and school, so on their return, she heads to school. The concern is the fatigue and concentration level in school, after such a tedious work, but she feels it is better than no education at all, at least she can read now and is getting to write gradually. She says: ‘Though to be honest afternoon school is not that good because then the environment is not conducive to learn ‌ but for many people like me that cannot wake and get ready for school, unless we finish our house work, it is helping us to at least get a form of education. So I appeal to government to build more schools in our neighbourhood and get us better environment.’ =VY^oV! ^ciZgk^Zl lg^i^c\ Wn Dc^ <WZc\V >hVVX! V\ZY '.! C^\Zg^V

st ories My family was too poor so my older brother sent me to an orphanage. Here was where I first went to school. I was 2 years late when I came to grade 1 at the Charity School. Now I study at the Educational Center District 3. I don’t need to pay school fees as my orphanage supervisor applied for a fee waiver. C\jnáť…c Kăc Ăši! ^ciZgk^Zl lg^i^c\ Wn =jdc\ 9Vc\ I]j! V\ZY ')! K^Zi CVb E]did\gVe]Zg/ L]V"Ndjc\ 8]Vc! V\ZY '-! GZejWa^X d[ @dgZV


6h ndj ]VkZ hZZc! X]^aYgZc [VXZ bVcn d WhiVXaZh ^c dgYZg id ZkZc ZciZg V XaVhhgddb! Wji hX]dda XVc hiVgi i]Zb dc i]Z eVi] id h`^aah ZYjXVi^dc#

f$ ((

ÉJ^[ ceij Yeij#[\\[Yj_l[ mWo je fhel_Z[ XWi_Y ia_bbi _i je [dikh[ j^Wj Wbb Y^_bZh[d ^Wl[ WYY[ii je ]eeZ gkWb_jo fh_cWho iY^eeb_d]$ Ê

When I reached school going age, I was taken to a private primary school though it was far away and expensive for my mother (HIV widow) in terms of paying school fees and other scholastic materials. Discrimination by fellow pupils was another challenge faced in that school. In 2008 my mother surprised me that I was given a vacancy in COTFONE Children’s Centre that purely provides free basic formal primary education (Vocational Integrated). In addition to that, I am receiving scholastic materials for my efficient and effective education. Besides that, my family received pigs and seeds to act as income generating activities to cater for other household needs. When I am at school, I receive psycho-social support (counselling and guidance) with other students like me which makes me extremely happy and enjoying my remaining life time as a normal child. Due to extensive vocational knowledge acquired, I am now able to produce my own handcrafts and sell them to available local markets within my community and look forward to stretching to outsider markets. Besides that, I am a peer educator to other vulnerable girls within my HIV Social Network whom I train in the same skills to foster their self-reliance.

‘Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.’ Mahatma Gandhi

Gji]! ^ciZgk^Zl lg^i^c\ Wn BjYYj N^h^id @Vn^c\V! V\ZY '+! J\VcYV

st ories

E]did\gVe]Zg/ :bVY @Vg^b! V\ZY '.! :\nei



Pathways to empowerment Second chance


]ZgZ VgZ '%% b^aa^dc ndjc\ eZdeaZ l]d b^hhZY dji dc hX]dda VcY ]VkZ [V^aZY id aZVgc ZkZc i]Z bdhi WVh^X h`^aah# ;dg i]dhZ b^hhZY Wn i]Z Ă’ghi hiZe d[ XdckZci^dcVa hX]dda^c\! i]ZgZ bjhi WZ V hZXdcY X]VcXZ id dWiV^c i]Z h`^aah cZZYZY [dg ZbeadnbZci# I]dj\] hZXdcY"X]VcXZ egd\gVbbZh [dXjh dc eg^bVgn ZYjXVi^dc! ^i ^h ZhhZci^Va i]Vi i]^h igV^c^c\ ^h cdi a^b^iZY id i]Z kZgn ndjc\! Vh ^h d[iZc i]Z XVhZ# HZXdcY X]VcXZ [dg ^cY^k^YjVah \^kZh i]Zb Vc deedgijc^in id \V^c [djcYVi^dc h`^aah i]Vi l^aa aZVY i]Zb id WZiiZg ZbeadnbZci#

Mr. Chun, the chief of school affairs at ‘Gangdong Night School’, says: ‘Night School has covered where public education couldn’t. Also it has been run by volunteers like me. I think the Night School is the alternative education for those who couldn’t participate in public education. If public schools and night schools were connected, it can make all generations get along within education.’ Young people are still being left out of education and it will last for a long time. A ‘Night School’ has to be maintained for the young people’s second chance. >ciZgk^Zl lg^i^c\ Wn =nZ ldc 8]jc\! V\ZY &,! GZejWa^X d[ @dgZV

st ories

E]did\gVe]Zg/ NkdccZ 6`di]! V\ZY (%! @ZcnV


H`^aah ZYjXVi^ dc


edgijc^in# ^[Z! hd ZkZgn egdkZY id WZ ZhhZci^Va [dg VX]^Zk^c\ ^c a dcZ YZhZgkZh V hZXdcY de

What is the proportion of young people who missed primary school in low and middle income countries?



1 in 5

(= 200 million)


½>c &'( adl VcY b^YYaZ ^cXdbZ Xdjcig^Zh! VgdjcY '%% b^aa^dc d[ i]Z V\ZY &* id ') ]VkZ cdi ZkZc XdbeaZiZY eg^bVgn hX]dda# I]^h ^h Zfj^kVaZci id dcZ ^c ÆkZ ndjc\ eZdeaZ#ž '%&' :;6 <BG! e &+

‘Education is the great engine of personal development. It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become e a doctor, that a son of f a mineworker can become the head of the mine, that a child of farm workers can become the president of a great nation.’ Nelson Mandela

st ories

At the age of 7, Emmanuel left his family and went to live a street life. This was due to poverty – they were hopeless in their family to the point that he found the street life more enjoyable than being at home. For a period of 6 years he lived on the street. He could often spend 3 to 4 days without eating, he was beaten most of the time, and turned to drugs. I met him last year when I joined the university where he could hang most of the time near the campus begging for money. He told me: ‘If I ever get a chance to go to the university like you, I will strive to become a mechanist, I will help my little sisters to move out of the misery they are in and I will buy a car!’ At that time he was 16 years old, but he had never been to school before. In other words he had to start with the basic skills that are taught to kids of 3 years old. I started procedures to get him back to school, I went to many schools but none wanted to have him for he was too old, but finally I found what we call in my country The Catch Up Program. This program is incorporated in primary school on local levels to help assist young men and women who did not get the chance to go to school at the early age. Here they study the primary level that normally takes 6 years in only 3 years. Finally I managed to get him back to school! :bbVcjZa! ^ciZgk^Zl lg^i^c\ Wn H]ZbV HiZkZ! V\ZY '&! GlVcYV

Radha Khanal was born in a stereotype, superstitious society. She passed her childhood being her mother’s helping hand and then married away in a tender age of 20. She became an early mom and started raising her own children and fulfilling all the responsibilities coming along with it. Being illiterate, she had lost her confidence and self-esteem. However, her children encouraged her to study and fulfil her dreams. ‘It’s never too late to start learning. I could not study during my childhood but the desire to learn was always burning in my heart, ’explains Radha. ‘Where there is a will, there is a way.’ She joined a second-chance programme and now she studies in Grade 5. She believes that education has brought a drastic change in her life. She has regained her self-confidence and dares to dream her future. She says: ‘Education has been a boon in my life. I can read and write on my own. I’m very thankful to my teachers and friends for all their support and guidance.’ She aims to work as a social worker to teach underprivileged children and women like her in the future. >ciZgk^Zl lg^i^c\ Wn 6c_Vc^ ?dh]^! V\ZY '%! CZeVa



Pathways to empowerment Practical training


beadnVW^a^in h`^aah VgZ cdi dcan YZkZadeZY ^c hX]ddah! Wji Vahd d[iZc ^c VaiZgcVi^kZ egd\gVbbZh! hjX] Vh kdXVi^dcVa XZcigZh hX]ddah! dg i]gdj\] ldg`"WVhZY igV^c^c\# BVcn _dWh heZX^ÒXVaan gZfj^gZ iZX]c^XVa `cdl"]dl! [gdb \gdl^c\ kZ\ZiVWaZh id jh^c\ V hZl^c\ bVX]^cZ# ;dg ndjc\ VYjaih l]d ]VkZ b^hhZY [dgbVa hX]dda^c\ dg l]d Y^Y cdi bVcV\Z id \V^c h`^aah [dg ldg` i]gdj\] i]Z^g ZYjXVi^dc! \V^c^c\ egVXi^XVa igV^c^c\ XVc WZ V bZVch d[ hZXjg^c\ ZbeadnbZci#

>ciZgch]^eh VcY VeegZci^XZh]^eh VgZ ild d[ i]Z bdhi lZaa"`cdlc ineZh d[ ldg`"WVhZY aZVgc^c\# ;dg ]^\]Zg" aZkZa h`^aah! ^i bVn WZ bdgZ hj^iVWaZ id hijYn ^c V egVXi^XVa Zck^gdcbZci# DcZ d[ i]Z egdWaZbh l^i] aZVgc^c\ h`^aah ^c i]^h bVccZg ^h i]Vi djih^YZ d[ i]Z [gVbZldg` d[ V Xjgg^Xjajb i]ZgZ ^h! ^c bVcn Xdjcig^Zh! cd lVn id [dgbVaan gZXd\c^oZ i]Z h`^aah \V^cZY# BdgZ ldg` cZZYh id WZ YdcZ id ZchjgZ i]Vi l]ZcZkZg ^ckZhibZcih VgZ bVYZ ^c ndjc\ eZdeaZ id ]Zae i]Zb ViiV^c egVXi^XVa h`^aah! i]ZhZ VXfj^gZY VW^a^i^Zh XVc WZ V gZXd\c^oVWaZ \ViZlVn id ZbeadnbZci# :miZcY^c\ [djcYVi^dcVa h`^aah id i]dhZ V\ZY &* id ') VcY XdbW^c^c\ i]Vi l^i] kdXVi^dcVa igV^c^c\ XVc ]Zae i]Zb ÒcY hZXjgZ ldg`#


Bestowed opportunity 7 Z_\ÓYkbj YedY[fj_ed" heXX[Z c[ e\ [ZkYWj_ed$ Fem[hb[ii [cfjo ^WdZi" Z[d_[Z c[ j^[ 789 fbWdi" WdZ ie \hec j^[ mecX" W ijh[[j a_Z mWi Xehd$ 8kj W Zeeh imkd] ef[d" b_]^j ]b[Wc[Z" W b_Z Xhea[d$ 7 ]_\j e\ fhWYj_YWb jhW_d_d] X[ijem[Z W i_bl[h b_d_d]$ Fhef[bb[Z je d[m ^_]^i" `eX effehjkd_j_[i d[Wh[Z" mehafbWY[ WYY[ii h[Wb_p[Z$ JeZWo W c[djeh e\ fWii_ed" _dif_h_d] m_j^ h[l[bWj_ed" [cfem[h_d] Z[ij_d_[i" iYh_XXb_d] ikYY[ii ijeh_[i$ HiZe]Zc HlV^! V\ZY '+! Jc^iZY GZejWa^X d[ IVcoVc^V

st ories

E^XijgZ egdk^YZY Wn 8]Zg^i] Ed^ci


6cdi]Zg VaiZgcV i^kZ l

]Zc YZV a^c\

j^gZ Xf i X ^ X cid i]Z ldga V V V ^ X g ^ Z Ò a e e \ X i h g h ] c Z V Z ^ g ` ^c^c\ Z Y d[ l ^aah XVc W j\ l^i] \Zii XdjghZh l] dg` ^h id \d i]gd

Y# D



b em


a st er



The young people are taught in fields such as techniques of woodwork, electrical engineering, hospitality management, tailoring, and interior decor. Within their 2 year training period, the child reports to the GHAPE office every Monday to also strengthen and build their skills in reading and writing, empowerment on basic knowledge including health and human rights awareness.

‘Tell me, I w ill f me, I o Show wi ll re m e e , v I n vo l wi I ll u nd Chinese pr ov er


In September 2011 the Grounded and Holistic Approach for People’s Empowerment (GHAPE), an NGO in Bamenda, Cameroon, developed a project on vocational training. It helps underprivileged children who cannot afford secondary education to develop their skills through two-year apprenticeships.

Lg^i^c\ Wn AVjgV BjbV! V\ZY '-! 8VbZgddc

st ories

E]did\gVe]Zg! BjYYj N^h^id @Vn^c\V! V\ZY '+! J\VcYV

My brother and I have a company that manufactures renewable energy from value added sawdust and biofuel. We hire new employees from vulnerable communities. For the first week, they undergo entrepreneurship training to acquaint them with the business environment, and then an orientation in the practical side of the production process. Through working with us, our employees learn how to raise money, make money and save money. This is done to enable them to gain the skills so that they will also be able to run their own businesses one day. One of our employees, Collins Mwewa (26), has only attended primary school, he lost his parents when he was 16 and could not continue with his education. He became a street kid and was involved in drugs and theft. He says working for the company and having gone through the training has inspired him to one day run his own company. He says you don’t need to have a degree or PhD to have a successful life. Lg^i^c\ Wn ?VX` @V[lVc`V! V\ZY &.! OVbW^V

ZY# Dc"i]Z"_dW igV^c^ c\


^h V Vn^c\! XVgeZcign! [Vgb^c\ dg Xdbeji^c\# k Z gn \ddY lVn d[ aZVgc^c\ jhZ[ja h`^aah hjX] Vh Wg^X`"a

Pathways to empowerment Digital learning


di dcan VgZ Y^\^iVa iZX]cdad\^Zh V [VciVhi^X VaiZgcVi^kZ bZi]dY d[ egdk^Y^c\ Vc ZYjXVi^dc eVgi^XjaVgan id ]VgY"id"gZVX] \gdjeh hjX] Vh gjgVa ndji] ! i]ZnÉgZ Vahd Vc ^cXgZVh^c\an ^bedgiVci idda ^c i]Z ldg`eaVXZ# :YjXVi^dc XVc WZcZÒi [gdb jh^c\ Y^\^iVa ZaZbZcih! VcY ^iÉh Vahd ZhhZci^Va id ^cXajYZ i]ZhZ ^c dgYZg id \^kZ ndjc\ eZdeaZ Vc ZhhZci^Va h`^aa [dg ZbeadnVW^a^in#

ÉJ^[ ki[ e\ _d\ehcWj_ed WdZ Yecckd_YWj_ed j[Y^debe]o ?9J _d [ZkYWj_ed _i ]Wj^[h_d] cec[djkc WYheii j^[ mehbZ" [l[d _d iec[ e\ j^[ ceij Y^Wbb[d]_d] [dl_hedc[dji _d Z[l[bef_d] Yekdjh_[i$



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In Zambia young university graduates have teamed up and their goal is to enable educational information to be packaged and shared with members of the public via mobile phone SMS system. They have named their company ‘Nchitonet Dot Com’. They have a wonderful SMS application system that school management can use to send standardized and personalized messages to students and parents. Its aim is to help schools provide educational information to disadvantaged children and other young people who could not have had the chance to go to school. Lg^i^c\ Wn Ija^hlZch^ H^cnVc\Z! V\ZY '-! OVbW^V

E]did\gVe]Zg/ 7Zi] HVcidh! V\ZY '+! Jc^iZY HiViZh


st ories

The internet can be a godsend for young people looking for an education. The majority of the population has a mobile subscription in every continent, and computers are becoming more widespread. The Indian Government has launched tablets with internet at just $35 for students, with plans to distribute 10 million over the next few years. The ability to learn from the internet is making education more accessible for everyone.

Lg^i^c\ Wn 6a^ OVnVVc! V\ZY &.! BVaY^kZh


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Never Absent Again JeZWo _i `kij Wdej^[h ZWo O[j jeZWo _i W d[m ZWo <eh jeZWo _i j^[ ZWo m^[d \eh j^[ Óhij j_c[ _d co '' o[Whi ? Wc ]e_d] je mWjY^ W j[b[l_i_ed


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Even right now, many young people that can’t afford full schooling are able to access the internet. They can use the internet (whether at home or somewhere public like a library) to learn at their own pace for free, even if they have to work in the daytime or can’t afford or access regular schooling. If they want to get a qualification like a high school diploma, then they just need to afford time and money for one or two days to attend an exam. This lowers the cost barrier of pursuing an education a lot.




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Financing education


meZg^ZcXZ h]dlh i]Vi ^ckZhi^c\ ^c ZYjXVi^dc XVc VX]^ZkZ i]Z :;6 \dVah# =dlZkZg! bdgZ hi^aa cZZYh id WZ YdcZ id ZchjgZ i]Vi Xdhi ^h cdi V WVgg^Zg id ndjc\ eZdeaZ aZVgc^c\ i]Z h`^aah i]Zn cZZY id \Zi V _dW# BdcZn VadcZ ^h cdi i]Z VchlZg! Wji aZhh bdcZn l^aa XZgiV^can WZ ]Vgb[ja#

Spending more and effectively H^cXZ 9V`Vg! Xdjcig^Zh ]VkZ WZZc ^ckZhi^c\ bdgZ ^c ZYjXVi^dc# I]Z \gZViZhi ^cXgZVhZ ^c heZcY^c\ ]Vh WZZc ^c adl VcY b^YYaZ ^cXdbZ Xdjcig^Zh# 6bdc\ i]Zb! +( ^cXgZVhZY i]Z^g cVi^dcVa WjY\Zi dc ZYjXVi^dc# =dlZkZg! i]Z XjggZci ÒcVcX^Va Xg^h^h ]Vh ]^\]a^\]iZY i]Z egdWaZb d[ gZan^c\ dc ^ciZgcVi^dcVa V^Y# BVcn Ydcdg Xdjcig^Zh VgZ cdi dcan a^b^i^c\ i]Z bdcZn i]Zn ^ckZhi ^c ZYjXVi^dc ^c YZkZade^c\ Xdjcig^Zh! Wji VgZ Vahd bV`^c\ ZYjXVi^dc V adlZg eg^dg^in# Cdi dcan ^h i]ZgZ V cZZY id heZcY i]Z bdcZn i]Vi ^h WZ^c\ ^ckZhiZY ^c bdgZ Z[ÒX^Zci lVnh! ^i ^h Vahd ^bedgiVci id add` [dg cZl hdjgXZh d[ [jcY^c\ id egdbdiZ aZVgc^c\ VcY a^[Z h`^aah [dg ndjc\ eZdeaZ#

Bridgingthe thegap gap Bridging

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Strong investment in skills education is key to national prosperity


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Steps to a better future h V X^i^oZc d[ ndjg Xdjcign! ndj VgZ gZhedch^WaZ [dg Zchjg^c\ i]Vi ndjg \dkZgcbZci [jaÒah ^ih dWa^\Vi^dch id egdk^YZ ZYjXVi^dc# >c[dgb ndjghZa[! gZVY i]ZhZ &% hiZeh [dg V WZiiZg [jijgZ VcY iV`Z VXi^dc#

6 1

Provide second-chance education for those with low or no foundation skills

Providing second-chance education to a large number of young people requires well-coordinated and adequately funded programmes. This is achieved by: • Increasing government and donor support prioritizing policy-creation for young people without foundation skills • Developing and including second-chance education in the national budget forecast


Make upper secondary education more accessible to the disadvantaged and improve its relevance to work

Upper secondary schools <^k^c\ XVgZZg \j^YVcXZ#

Aim policies and programmes at youth in deprived rural areas

National governments should give greater attention to rural young people by: • Providing second-chance education to acquire foundation skills as well as training in agriculture techniques to enhance productivity • Ensuring they have access to training on entrepreneurship and financial management to widen their opportunities, especially where farmland is becoming scarce


Tackle the barriers that limit access to lower secondary school

Without the foundation skills that primary and lower secondary schools should offer, the chances of finding a rewarding job are severely limited. These skills can be secured by: • Increasing the number of public schools that cover all education costs and ensuring accessibility in rural areas • Promoting female participation in schools by understanding and overcoming the cultural barriers

should be able to equip

youth with workplace skills by: id bVcn _dW XdciZmih i]gdj\] Xjgg^Xjajb gZ[dgbh# Egdk^Y^c\ XVeVX^in VcY XgZVi^kZan Veea^ZY `cdlaZY\Z i]Vi VgZ gZaZkVci • Ensuring technical and vocational training is :chjg^c\ iZX]c^XVa VcY kdXVi^dcVa igV^c^c\ l^i] ÇZm^WaZ hX]ZYjaZh0 included with flexible schedules h`^aah Wn/ • Creatively teaching applied skills that are relevant JeeZg hZXdcYVgn hX]ddah h]djaY WZ VWaZ id Zfj^e ndji] l^i] ldg`eaVXZ to many job contexts through curriculum reforms Y^hVYkVciV\ZY VcY ^begdkZ ^ih gZaZkVcXZ id ldg` (# BV`Z jeeZg hZXdcYVgn ZYjXVi^dc bdgZ VXXZhh^WaZ id i]Z • Giving career guidance




Give poor urban youth access to skills training for better jobs

Governments’ development strategies need to provide a clearer indication of how the skills needed by young people living in urban poverty will be met and funded. The important actions are: • Strengthening training provided by master craftspeople and improving training conditions • Providing budding entrepreneurs access to funds to start their own business as well as much- needed training


Link skills training with social protection for the poorest youth

Skills’ training alone is unlikely to be sufficient for most disadvantaged urban and rural poor. Therefore, measures should be taken by: • Including those involved in subsistence activities, such as street vendors, waste-pickers, smallholders, and home-based workers in social protection schemes • Combining microfinance or social protection with training in basic literacy and numeracy, as this can help in overcoming the multiple forms of disadvantage that can lock youth into poverty

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Make the training needs of disadvantaged young women a high priority

More should be done to help young women make productive use of their skills by: • Providing them with microfinance and livelihood assets as well as skills to manage them • Giving women control over their resources, to benefit them and their families • Creating programmes that take into account the socio-economic and cultural restrictions that women face in their countries


Improve planning by strengthening data collection and coordination of skills programmes

Government should involve various young stakeholders in the planning process to identify constraints and develop appropriate solutions by: • Collaborating with businesses and trade unions, to ensure that skill training efforts and national qualification frameworks are relevant to employment • Initiating skills development programmes beyond the formal school system that includes secondchance programmes and apprenticeships, while linking to the labour market


Harness the potential of technology to enhance opportunities for young people

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) should be used to provide skills training to a larger audience by: • Using basic technology, such as radio, to disseminate information and provide skills training, particularly for people in remote rural areas • Enhancing and improving ICT training prospects for urban youth


Mobilize additional funding from diverse sources dedicated to the training needs of disadvantaged youth

There is a pressing need for resources, especially in low income countries, to be diverted to the training needs of disadvantaged youth. This can be achieved by: • Ensuring that national governments and international agencies prioritize training programmes and provide additional funds for their effective implementation • Involving private companies in training disadvantaged youth through their foundations and corporate social responsibility funds


Youth in action


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YUVA Unstoppable É Oekd] f[efb[ Wh[ hWh[bo WXb[ je Yedjh_Xkj[ je feb_Yo#cWa_d]" Xkj _j _i _cfehjWdj \eh j^[_h le_Y[i je X[ ^[WhZ $$$ J^[o ^Wl[ W Z[[f[h kdZ[hijWdZ_d] j^Wd feb_Yo#cWa[hi Ze e\ j^[ h[Wb_j_[i e\ j^[_h emd b_l[i" _dYbkZ_d] j^[ [nf[h_[dY[ e\ [ZkYWj_ed WdZ jhW_d_d] WdZ j^[ F$'/ Y^Wbb[d][ e\ ÓdZ_d] W ]eeZ `eX$



f$ '/ rything eve t e at h a os is gr s lm hat b y e t you on ‘A th n d .’ b ee amin Disr enj ae B li

Youth across the world are facing a number of problems and the root cause of most of the problems is illiteracy and the extremely low level of education which leads to unemployment. While a number of organizations are pondering over this problem, a group of youngsters from the city of Ahmedabad in India formed an organization in 2006 – YUVA (Youth) Unstoppable gives us some very simple yet effective solutions to these complex problems. Volunteers of YUVA Unstoppable have started weekend schools at various locations in the city where youth who couldn’t continue their education could learn elementary English and mathematics. In 2009, the programme was joined by Microsoft India, and within a span of a few months, the weekend school programme was operational in 30 different cities of India with the help of Microsoft Student Partners and Volunteers of YUVA Unstoppable. The programme focuses on English, mathematics and computers that enhances the employability of the youth. More than 25,000 youth have benefited from this programme since its inception. A number of universities and corporate companies have joined the programme and it is still growing.


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A journey from a drawing room to an entrepreneurial centre The floods in Pakistan in 2010 affected millions of people. Most of them never went to school, were from villages, illiterate, and uneducated. During the rehabilitation process I analysed that skills or technical education must be given to these disadvantaged families (especially females, as they are the neglected ones in the culture) so that in such situations they may get a job and earn for their families. I wanted to initiate a work which could be started as early as possible and the effect of the work must be long lasting. Thus, I decided to open a ‘FREE Sewing Centre for poor/disadvantaged girls’ where girls could get an opportunity to polish their skills and could earn for their families. But when I shared my idea, everyone discouraged me except my parents. Everyone asked: ‘Toqeer, how will you make it possible? It’s better to focus on your studies rather than getting into this work.’ In those days I was in my 4th semester of university and decided to execute my plan from the money which I saved to buy a laptop (approx. £320). My laptop was not more necessary than the future of these disadvantaged girls. I started it from a drawing room, got it on a monthly rent. I bought three used sewing machines of beginner level, asked my friends, teachers, relatives for some donations and somehow I succeeded to arrange almost ten used sewing machines. I also hired a tailor who could teach the basics of sewing. After continuous struggle and passion of two months, almost 100 disadvantaged girls were ready to work. Almost all of them started to work with different boutiques on ‘order system”’and a few of them started to work with different tailors. Still they are earning for their families a handsome amount. 100 Girls = 100 Families!


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K Youth Media In places like Korogocho, the third largest slum in Kenya, the dreams of many young people remained trapped in poverty. Their dreams shattered because they cannot access education. Although many of them have no access to education, particularly secondary and tertiary education, they are hopeful and buoyant. Just over one year ago, some of us who are trained in media established K Youth Media. It provides free journalism training and skills that lead to employment and improvement of lives in the informal settlement. Crucially and as part of their training, those who are enrolled at the Media Centre are given special skills on how to cover and produce stories on the adverse effects of lack of education and other essential needs in the informal settlements. As a result of their efforts, mainstream media houses in Kenya are now asking to partner with K Youth Media to train some of the youth and to offer them internships and employment. Additionally, media houses are now coming to ask for stories done by youth trained by K Youth Media. Such transformative and innovative initiatives are required to change the lives of many young people who cannot afford education. Lg^i^c\ Wn GVe]VZa DWdcnd! V\ZY (%! @ZcnV

Lg^i^c\ Wn Bj]VbbVY IdfZZg! V\ZY '(! EV`^hiVc


Youth in action ‘Young

Educating young women in my culture


are a force for transf ormati on.’ B

an Ki-m oon, UN Se cretary -Gener


To educate young women in my culture was not acceptable. For the local villagers, there was a feeling of shame to send their daughters and sisters to the school. This thinking left the women of the community in the darkness of illiteracy. I have a desire to educate the people of my village, especially the girls of the village because they are the key factor to bringing change in the village and helping in the development of the village as well as the nation. Education provides awareness to any society. Especially the education of the females because the educated girl becomes a good daughter, sister, wife, mother and teacher to the future leaders of the nation. In 2004, I started in my mission to educate the local young women with the help of my family. I got some financial support from my family members for tents, blackboard, books, and stationery items. Then I started a class in which girls aged 5 to 16 are inducted. They are taught by two of my sisters. There was much resistance in launching this programme from the villagers, but my family supported me in trying to change their minds. The programme is free of cost, and in the second year the number of students increased. I have managed to get some additional financial support from a local welfare body. The funds provide a daily stipend, which motivates students to attend as well as reducing the financial burden on their families. Following the success of this programme, the local government also provided support by building and furnishing a classroom, so we can provide more schooling to the local young women. With the help of my family, I managed to start this mission, and made it into a reality that keeps on growing. I believe that change is never easy – but with enthusiasm, imagination and integrity, it’s always possible. Lg^i^c\ Bj]VbbVY 6b_VY @]Vc! V\ZY '-! EV`^hiVc

Youth, skills and Work: What can YOU do? H^\c je idYVn id i]Z :;6 <adWVa Bdc^idg^c\ GZedgi XVbeV^\c ÒcY ^c[dgbVi^dc Vi/ ]iie/$$lll#Z[VgZedgi#jcZhXd#dg\ Ä hZZ Èejh] [dg ndji] h`^aahÉ id WZ jeYViZY VWdji ZkZcih ]VeeZc^c\ ^c ndjg dlc Xdjcign! VcY VXi^k^i^Zh ndj XVc \Zi ^ckdakZY ^c# Ndj XVc Vahd Xdcig^WjiZ i]gdj\] i]Z XVbeV^\c id V ndji] cZlheVeZg i]Vi l^aa hZcY ndjg de^c^dch Y^gZXian id \dkZgcbZcih VgdjcY i]Z ldgaY# Ndjg bZhhV\Z bViiZgh/ WZXdbZ V bZbWZg d[ i]Z 8]Vc\Z <ZcZgVi^dc VcY Xdbb^i ndjghZa[ id bV`^c\ V Y^[[ZgZcXZ



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Youth Conclusion dj ]VkZ gZVY i]Vi i]ZgZ VgZ b^aa^dch d[ ndjc\ eZdeaZ l]d Yd cdi ]VkZ VXXZhh id Vcn [dgb d[ ZYjXVi^dc! hd VgZ aVX`^c\ ZkZc [djcYVi^dc h`^aah# Ndj ]VkZ Vahd gZVY i]Vi bVcn ndjc\ eZdeaZ ViiZcY^c\ hX]dda [V^a id VXfj^gZ ZkZc WVh^X a^iZgVXn 6cY ndj ]VkZ aZVgcZY i]Vi XjggZci hX]dda Xjgg^XjaV VgZ ^chj[ÒX^Zci! VcY iZVX]Zgh cdi Veegdeg^ViZan fjVa^ÒZY! id Zfj^e ndji] l^i] i]Z iZX]c^XVa VcY igVch[ZgVWaZ h`^aah i]Zn cZZY id \Zi V _dW#


LZ Vahd gZXdbbZcY i]Vi \dkZgcbZcih VgdjcY i]Z ldgaY Xdch^YZg bdgZ hZg^djhan l]Vi lZ ndjc\ eZdeaZ XVc Yd [dg djghZakZh# >c i]^h Ndji] KZgh^dc! lZ ]VkZ ig^ZY id h]dl ndj V a^iiaZ d[ l]Vi ndji] VgZ Yd^c\ id bV`Z V X]Vc\Z ^c i]Z^g dlc hdX^Zi^Zh Ä Wji i]ZgZ ^h bjX]! bjX] bdgZ ]VeeZc^c\ dji i]ZgZ# L^i] i]Z Vhh^hiVcXZ d[ \dkZgcbZcih! ndjc\ eZdeaZ XVc ]Zae i]ZbhZakZh VcY i]Z di]Zgh ^c i]Z^g Xdbbjc^i^Zh#

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Task Force members


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Sezen Bektaş

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Dişu Trşn

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