No. 11 Nov 10 2011

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The University News Celebrating 90 Years as a Student Voice of Saint Louis University THE SAINTS COME MARCHING IN Vol. XCI No. 11

Thursday, November 10 , 2011

THE 2011-2012 SEASON IS HERE. BASKETBALL IS BACK AT CHAIFETZ ARENA. Check out the 16-page Men’s Basketball Preview >> INSERT

SLUCare proposed for Pevely site Sustainability: University’s latest acquisitions augment real estate holdings

Innovation key to progress

By BRIAN BOYD News Editor

Saint Louis University announced plans to destroy the Pevely Dairy complex, located on Chouteau Avenue and Grand Boulevard, and build a new facily for SLUCare, the University’s physician practice. In his 2011 August message to the SLU community, University President Lawrence Biondi, S.J., announced the purchase of the Pevely Dairy complex. At the time, the University’s intentions for the St. Louis landmark remained unclear. According to a University press release, the project is a continuation of SLU’s effort to improve the area surrounding the SLU campuses, which includes construction of the $82 million Doisy Research Center and the addition of an education union on the Health Sciences Campus. The University “expects to invest millions of dollars” into the property, which is located across from the DRC. A specific amount was not given. The Pevely complex had been a part of the St. Louis community since 1919. In 2008, the building closed its doors permanently due to downsizing, leaving hundreds out of work. SLU purchased the three buildings that comprise the Pevely complex from Bruce Development and business partner Rick Yackey. The group originally intended to use the space for rental lofts. Bruce Development also owns the University Heights loft apartments on Laclede Boulevard, located across from SLU’s campus. According to the press release, SLU’s investment in the building is essential not only for the University, but also the St. Louis community. SLUCare generates more than $250 million in revenue annually and employs more than 550 physicians. The press release stated that SLUCare has outgrown the cur-

Program evolves By CHARLES BOWLES Staff Writer

Kelly HInderberger / Associate Photo Editor

The Pevely complex, located on Chouteau Avenue and Grand Boulevard, will serve as a new facility for SLUCare, which currently serves 500,000 patients annually. rent Midtown facility, which serves nearly 500,000 patients every year, and that the purchase of the Pevely complex will benefit the health care provider. Despite SLU boasting its highest population total in history, the building will not be used for student housing, as many members of the University community had ideally suggested. “I am not aware of any plans to expand student housing at this time,” Kent Porterfield, vice president of student development, said. Sophomore Tavon Wilson said that he thinks the University needs more housing

options, but made the right move by not choosing the Pevely complex. “I wish there was more housing selections, but I don’t think the Pevely building would be the best place for it,” Wilson said. Sophomore physical therapy student Mark Ladd said he thinks that using the Pevely complex as housing would aid students who have the majority of their classes on the Health Sciences Campus. “I think that the Pevely building would have been a great opportunity for student housing,” Ladd said. “This could have benefitted the students that have to shuttle or

carpool every day to get to the medical campus.” Although the purchase of SLUCare may not directly benefit student residency, the new SLUCare facility may have beneficial effects on the community as a whole. “A new doctor’s office is critical to meeting the needs of our physicians, our medical students and residents, and, most importantly, our patients,” the University said. “SLUCare strives to provide the best patient-centered care in the region, and a first-class facility with enhanced resources will provide the space we need to match the quality of that care.”

Businessmen, attorneys, information technology specialists, engineers and a professional chef are just some of the students at one of Saint Louis University’s newest and most innovative master degree programs. In its second year with a variety of different students, the Sustainability Degree Program in the Center for Sustainability is the only program of its kind in the Midwest. Sustainability is not just about “going green.” The program is intended to train leaders to understand issues surrounding society’s increasing use of decreasing resources. The program integrates knowledge on sustainable business practices, as well as effective social and policy processes, and integrates an innovative design and engineering approach to sustainability. The program focuses on multiple aspects of sustainability. It may address issues regarding real estate and environmental law, or creating more efficient business supply chains in order to have more direct sales and distribution of products. The program also addresses public policy on various environmental and management issues in local and state governments, including protecting water quality in lake and steams, increasing green building standards and lobbying in Jefferson City, Mo. “At first I had a narrow focus on what this program could be, but now I recognize the more broad focus and far reaching possibilities of this

program,” David Webb, a current student and program manager for the center, said. The Center for Sustainability was launched in 2010 as a master’s degree program with a unique collaboration between the College of Arts and Sciences, the John Cook School of Business, Parks College of Engineering, Aviation and Technology and the College of Education and Public Service to create a crossdisciplinary degree. Since its inception, the Center for Sustainability has received more than $7 million in direct grants. The center has also given more than $200,000 in grants to collaborating faculty, to pursue innovative research in earth and atmospheric sciences, dietetics and nutrition, and biology and chemistry. “We are doing a lot of innovative things and trying to push the envelope what people think of when they think about sustainability,” Tim Keane, executive director of the program, said. The program recently hired Tom Tangaro as the new director of partnerships and collaboration. Tangaro worked for Anheuser Busch InBev for 32 years, where he worked as the head of Global Hop and Enzyme Procurement, and developed and implemented strategies supporting company-wide best practices, supplier partnerships and vertical integration programs. “I have connections with a number of companies,” Tangaro said. “I am excited about all of the possibilities we have in bringing the resources of See “Center” on Page 3

Local health center serves the underprivileged SLU community volunteers are ‘crucial to Casa de Salud’ By MARK CAMPOS Staff Writer

Translated from Spanish as “The House of Wellness,” Casa de Salud, founded and sponsored by Saint Louis University, serves as a clinic, episodic health care center and referral agency for patients in St. Louis. Located on the corner of Compton Avenue and Chouteau Avenue, Casa de Salud serves patients who that are otherwise unable to afford quality health services. “If you have a cold, if you need a flu shot, if you have a toenail that needs to be pulled, if you have a sprained ankle–that’s episodic health-

care, and so when patients come to us, we fix them up,” Bob Fox, chairman of Casa de Salud, said. “And then we connect them with long- term continuity of care programs, like a medical home.” Fox, with his wife Maxine Clark, spearheaded the creation of Casa de Salud after the failure of two previous clinics due to unsustainable funding. When these clinics did not succeed, Fox said he felt that another clinic would be a necessity to the immigrant community and financially distressed citizens in St. Louis. Instead of just funding the clinic, however, Fox said

‘Easy Ed’ Macauley, 83; NBA Hall-ofFamer; SLU hero

he felt that he should take a leadership role in its development. “Prior to this, I had not been in a leadership role,” Fox said. “So, being the founder and the chair of the board of this organization has changed my life. It has given me hope that when you roll your sleeves up and go to work, you can accomplish miracles.” According to Fox, the clinic connects patients to local programs and services in an effort to make them feel more accepted in the city. Fox said that the clinic also benefited the community by providing a healthy workforce to businesses, which in turn

Staff Writer

One of SLU’s all-time greats, Ed Macauley, passed. He led the Billikens to the 1948 NIT Championship. >> SPORTS

See “Casa” on Page 3

Mandatory sexual assault module seeks to educate entire SLU community By HANNAH WILEY

File Photo

keeps those employees from both spreading sicknesses and from missing work hours. “We identify early signs of chronic disease and get people into care, so that they don’t end up severely ill in our emergency rooms and occupying our hospital beds,” Fox said. According to Casa de Salud Executive Director Jorge Riopedre, patients in need will receive services at the clinic, even if they are unable to pay for their visit. “If the patient cannot pay, they don’t pay. They receive

Two weeks ago Saint Louis University students, faculty and staff members were emailed a link to a sexual assault education module that goes hand in hand with the newly renovated sexual assault policy and federal guidelines. The module, “Sexual Assault: Recognize It, Understand It, Report It,” was designed to make students aware of the new sexual assault policy and changes that were made, and to increase awareness concerning sexual assault on campus, according to Director of Diversity and

Affirmative Action Jennifer Scheessele. All students are required to complete the module by the time they register for the Spring 2011 semester. If the module goes uncompleted, student enrollment and registration will be withheld. The education module is divided into three parts: The definition of assault and consent, statistics and behavior regarding sexual assault and actions that should be taken in the event of a sexual assault. Junior Niel Peterson said he thinks that the module does not command the attention of the

students. “I think students didn’t really get the point and were just trying to get through it. When they make it required and give you a [student account] hold, it just makes people want to get it through it,” Peterson said. In light of the statistics surrounding sexual assault, Scheessele said that the goal of the module is to advocate options for those involved in a sexual assault case and create a safer environment for SLU students. See “Module” on Page 2

Min Zhuang / Staff Photographer

Junior Micah Program member Anthony Burchett works with a patron of Saint Elizabeth Adult Day Care Center.

Micah House celebrates fifteenth anniversary By EMILY DIEHL Staff Writer

Fifteen years ago, professor Michael Garanzini, S.J., said he was concerned that students were more apathetic toward intellectual issues than students of his college generation. In an effort to motivate them to learn and discuss intellectually, Garanzini created the Micah Program at Saint Louis University, a program in which students take classes, live and serve together. Though Garanzini has since left SLU to become president of Loyola University Chicago, the Jesuit mission has remained the foundation for the Micah Program, forming the four pillars of service, learning, faith and community, according to the Micah Program’s website. “The program has changed a lot, but has never lost the core of Father Garanzini’s vision,” Donald Stump, a professor in the English department and the current director of the Micah Program, said. When the program started, Micah students took classes in the four subject areas of philosophy, theology, psychology and English. Stump designed a writing class that

served as an outlet for students to reflect on their service experiences. Today there are 36 different majors represented in the Micah Program and more than 200 members. Students are required to take philosophy and theology classes during the fall semester of their freshman year with fellow “Micahs.” In the spring semester of their freshman year, the See “Micah” on Page 3

Blue the Billiken A comedy of errors?

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