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A LETTER FROM TIMOTHY E. WIRTH AND KATHY CALVIN November 2012 Dear Global Entrepreneurs Council Members, You are saving lives. Thank you for serving on the United Nations Foundation’s inaugural Global Entrepreneurs Council. Each of you is a valuable resource for the United Nations and our initiatives. This report is a compilation of our work together over the course of your two year term. As you will read in this book, your accomplishments with our staff are making a substantial impact on solving global problems. Your brainpower, innovation, networks, and dedication to saving lives around the world have helped the UN Foundation further its mission to build partnerships to address the world’s most pressing issues and broaden support for the United Nations through advocacy and public outreach. You are fulfilling Ted Turner’s vision of bringing entrepreneurism to the United Nations. We are proud and honored to have each one of you on this Council. You have set the stage for the next ten members of the Council and we look forward to continuing to work with each of you beyond 2012 as UN Foundation Global Entrepreneurs Council Fellows. Thank you for your dedication to the work of the United Nations. With best wishes,

Timothy E. Wirth Kathy Calvin President, United Nations Foundation CEO, United Nations Foundation


Awareness 2 Advice/Counsel 7 Funding 8 Partnerships 9 Advocacy 10 Conclusion 11


APPENDIX A: Press Releases

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APPENDIX B: Variety Advertisements


APPENDIX D: UBS Donor Advised Fund Proposal

APPENDIX C: Posterscope Out-of-Home Advertisements


AWARENESS VIRTUAL/ONLINE ENGAGEMENT In an effort to bring new ways of reaching many types of different individuals, the Global Entrepreneurs Council launched a major initiative in 2012 titled the UN Foundation Global Good Challenge. The Challenge is a unique online platform which rewards participants with prizes for “donating their voices” by taking action and engaging their online networks to support the United Nations’ work to

address some of the world’s toughest challenges. Some of the prize highlights include VIP backstage passes for a Lady Gaga concert, travel to Africa with the UN Foundation to experience the work of the UN first-hand, MTV Video Music Awards tickets, and a NASCAR VIP experience. This innovative online platform provides a new way to showcase UN partners and the work of the UN to many different constituencies in a simple, fun way. Additionally, council member Randi Zuckerberg participated in the UN Foundation Shot@Life campaign’s “Blogust: Blog Relay for Social Good” initiative during the month of August 2012. Blogust was a first-of-its-kind blog relay for good that brought together 31 of the most influential online voices in the country to change the world through blogging. During each of the 31 days of August, one of the bloggers, including Randi, posted a blog to raise awareness and funds to help save children’s lives from preventable diseases and then “pass the baton” to another blogger for the following day. For each comment made on a Blogust post, $20 was donated to help immunize a child in a developing country. Blogust garnered over 10,000 comments and allowed the UN Foundation to reach out through our partners to people who had not come across Shot@Life before in a meaningful way.

SOCIAL GOOD SUMMITS Council members Sergio Fernandez de Cordova, Brian Gott, and Zaw Thet participated as panelists in the UN Foundation’s 2011 and 2012 Social Good Summits. The Social Good Summit is a partnership between the UN Foundation, Mashable, Ericsson, and others aimed to unite people from around the world, in both the developed and the developing world, in person and online to participate in the global conversation – the world’s largest conversation on how technology can grow communities and improve life for all of us as we move toward being a networked society. Brian interviewed actress Geena Davis as part of the 2011 Social Good Summit in New York to raise awareness about Ms. Davis’ work globally around women’s and girls’ empowerment. Sergio traveled to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, to speak at the Rio+ Social Summit on a panel about the power of media and connecting people globally, and Zaw spoke at the 2012 Social Good Summit in New York about new ideas of social good engagement through online platforms such as the Global Good Challenge mentioned above. 2

AWARENESS Variety The Global Entrepreneurs Council has raised awareness around the globe about the United Nations and United Nations Foundation’s campaigns through innovative, creative, and first-of-their-kind ways. Council member Brian Gott and Variety have been at the forefront of this effort. Variety provided the Nothing But Nets campaign the opportunity to participate in its 2011 and 2012 “Power Of” conferences, which included a soccer game to “kick a shot and send a net” at the Power of Youth event.

Variety also provided thousands of dollars of in-kind advertising in numerous Variety daily issues including specific issues for the Screen Actors Guild Awards, Academy Awards, World Malaria Day, and Cannes Film Festival. These ads have helped the UN Foundation reach over 60,000 Variety readers, a new and valued constituency to cultivate as supporters. The UN Foundation’s Variety advertisements are available in Appendix A. Variety has participated in many UN Foundation events including the 2011 Social Good Summit, networking events in Los Angeles, and World Malaria Day 2012 events across the Council member Brian Gott shoots a goal against Mozzie the Mosquito at U.S. One of the most unique ways Brian and Variety’s Power of Youth event. Variety helped raise awareness around World Malaria Day was to wrap Variety’s website in a bed net and physically wrap the Variety April 25, 2012 issue in a polybag that resembled a bed net. Variety also raised awareness within the LA community on World Malaria Day through a press event at the Pantages Theatre, and co-hosted a World Malaria Day lunch at the Soho House Los Angeles with UN Foundation staff and Variety partners. Brian further contributed to World Malaria Day events by emceeing the 2012 UN World Malaria Day event with Shaquille O’Neill and Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at the UN on April 21.Variety hosted a Shot@Life event at the Soho House in Los Angeles to introduce members of the entertainment community to the campaign and how they can help provide life-saving vaccines to newborn children in the developing world. The UN Foundation is honored that Variety dedicated their 2012 philanthropy issue to the work of the UN Foundation and the importance of philanthropy. The issue included an interview with Ted Turner about his first-of-their-kind groundbreaking philanthropic efforts, Brian Gott’s life-changing experience traveling to the Kakuma UN Refugee Camp in Africa, and an overall theme on the importance of the entertainment sector engaging in philanthropy. Council member Brian Gott (second from right) with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and basketball player Shaquille O’Neill at the UN World Malaria Day 2012 event.


AWARENESS In recognition of their commitment to amplifying key UN messages, we were thrilled to honor Variety at the UN Foundation and United Nations Association of the United States of America 2012 Global Leadership Awards Dinner in October along with Archbishop Desmond Tutu and other high-level UN champions.

Brian Gott, publisher of Variety magazine, receives the Global Leadership Award from UN Youth Champion and actress Monique Coleman at the 2012 Global Leadership Awards Dinner on October 16 in New York City. The 55th annual event also celebrated the 70th year of UNA-USA and marks the 15th anniversary of Ted Turner’s historic $1 billion gift to support the UN. (Stuart Ramson/Insider Images for UN Foundation)

OUT-OF-HOME ADVERTISING Through Council member Sergio Fernandez de Cordova’s introductions and expertise, the UN Foundation achieved 1 billion impressions in one month with in-kind out-of-home advertising. The campaign was made possible by Sergio’s contacts at Posterscope USA and 18 of its media partners, who donated prime out-of-home advertising space around the U.S. including train stations, Times Square billboards, highway billboards, televisions in taxi cabs and more.

Girl Up on screen in Times Square, New York City.

MOBILE AWARENESS Council member Zaw Thet provided in-kind opportunities for the UN Foundation to advertise on mobile phones through 4INFO, a mobile advertising company he founded. UN Foundation and Nothing But Nets mobile banner ads, created by the 4INFO team, ran on numerous different smart phone webpages. 4INFO has also made it possible for mobile phone users to sign up to receive daily UN Foundation text alerts directly on their mobile phones, giving them the opportunity to take action and help the UN tackle global issues.

United Nations Messenger of Peace and recording artist Stevie Wonder, UN Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information Kiyo Akasaka, UN Foundation CEO Kathy Calvin and UN Youth Champion and actress Monique Coleman launched the free, new UN Foundation mobile application at UN Headquarters.

Council member Shervin Pishevar worked with the UN team to create a first-of-its-kind UN mobile and tablet application. The mobile app allows people everywhere to get the latest news on the UN’s work through aggregated news feeds from multiple UN agencies and programs, free of charge, and enables users to share information through social media and technology. The mobile app was launched in September 2011 at the UN Headquarters with UN Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information Kiyo Akasaka, UN Foundation CEO Kathy Calvin, UN Foundation Youth Champion Monique Coleman, and UN Messenger of Peace Stevie Wonder. 4

AWARENESS OBSERVATION TRIPS These trips provide the opportunity for Council members to meet our UN partners who are implementing projects and creating partnerships on the ground with governments, the private sector, and local non-profits. While in Ethiopia, Shervin met the UN in-country teams from the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and the World Health Organization (WHO), and was introduced to Ethiopian girls who are being provided the opportunity to access an education and health services through UN projects. Council members Ryan Allis and Brian Gott in Kenya. (Photo: Michael Muller)

Brian and Ryan met UN in-country teams from the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Food Program (WFP), and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR). These agencies facilitated a trip to the refugee camps, where Brian and Ryan met refugees and listened to their stories about how their lives were helped by the UN, and what remains to be accomplished. Upon return from these trips, Council members renewed their commitments to helping the life-saving work of the UN. Shervin has focused his time on raising awareness and funds for girls in Ethiopia, Brian is raising awareness through dedicated articles and entire issues of Variety to educate readers about the plight of refugees and the urgent need for bed nets, and Ryan has given a large donation to help fund bed nets for refugees.

Zusiash Mersha, Ethiopian girl whom Shervin Pishevar met while on an observation trip. Zusiash is part of a UNFPA non-formal education and training program for girls and young women.

UNHCR supply truck on the Kenya/South Sudan Border. (Photo: Michael Muller)


AWARENESS NETWORKING EVENTS Council members Zaw Thet, Shervin Pishevar, and Randi Zuckerberg have graciously hosted events in their communities to educate their friends and colleagues about the work of the UN – helping facilitate new partnerships between individuals in these communities. Zaw held a Nothing But Nets event in 2011 in the metro San Francisco area with a group of individuals primarily focused on technology. In 2012, Zaw held a closed door meeting with UN Foundation President Timothy Wirth and twenty of the top business leaders in the Silicon Valley area focused on capital investment and for-profit business models for social good. Shervin held a fundraiser for the Girl Up campaign with his daughter, Darya, who is a Girl Up Teen Advisor and continues to make introductions between the UN Foundation and his venture start-up companies. Randi held an intimate discussion at her home in Palo Alto with actress Mandy Moore about the power of insecticidetreated bed nets, the Nothing But Nets campaign, and how Americans can help. Randi and Mandy also participated in a Facebook Town Hall event together during the 2011 Social Good Summit, where they discussed their work on providing insecticide-treated bed nets and saving lives by preventing malaria, in addition to taking questions from Facebook users from all over the world. Randi helped facilitate the first ever Facebook Town Hall involving the UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon. The Secretary-General participated in the town hall with musical group Linkin Park and discussed the needs of the Haitian community after the Haiti earthquake and the UN’s post-earthquake relief efforts. Council member Angela Mwanza speaking at the Girl Up Girls Leadership Summit.


Council member Angela Mwanza attended and spoke at Girl Up’s first annual Girls Leadership Summit in March 2012. Angela spoke to 100 teenage girls and their parents about her background and the importance of empowering youth around the world.

ADVICE/COUNSEL The Global Entrepreneurs Council has provided the UN Foundation with invaluable advice and counsel on diverse industries. Ryan Allis hosted the UN Foundation’s social media team at the headquarters of his company at the time (he has recently sold the company), iContact, in Raleigh, North Carolina, to review the Foundation’s current social media and marketing strategies and provide additional suggestions to improve and innovate. Ryan pulled together the best and brightest from his team to meet for a half-day session on best practices. Subsequently, a few weeks later Ryan visited the UN Foundation’s office in Washington, D.C., to give a presentation to an expanded group on trends in social media and email marketing. During his visit to the UN Foundation, Ryan met with key UN Foundation program experts in the fields of clean cookstoves, mHealth, and sustainable energy. Angela Mwanza has donated her time and expertise to the Foundation’s senior staff to implement a strategy around Donor Advised Funds and other long-term cultivation methods targeted to wealthy individuals who are interested in socially responsible investments. The UN Foundation is also honored to have Angela join UN Foundation CEO Kathy Calvin as a co-chair on the UN Secretary-General’s Reproductive Health Pillar of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) Health Alliance. The MDG Health Alliance works in partnership with UN Agencies, the private sector, nonprofit organizations, academic institutions, and others to develop private-public partnerships to accelerate progress toward achieving the health-related MDGs. In the effort to improve access to reproductive health, the Reproductive Health Pillar that Angela chairs builds partnerships that promote voluntary family planning and access to reproductive health in developing countries. Shervin Pishevar has counseled the UN Foundation on mobile tools such as the mobile app and game, Pieces of Peace. Shervin has also shared guidelines on the best way for the UN to create these tools. Zaw Thet has provided advice on trends in mobile advertising including words and graphics to use in banner ads, and has given the Foundation opportunities to experiment, pro-bono, with banner ads. Zaw also provided counsel on Nothing But Nets’ integration into the Consumer Electronics Show. Shauna Robertson has provided her Crowdrise team’s expert guidance on crowd sourced fundraising for Nothing But Nets and introduced the Foundation to actor Jonah Hill, who became a supporter of the UN Foundation and helped to raise funds for Nothing But Nets. Sergio Fernandez de Cordova shepherded the work of the UN Foundation into the outdoor advertising world to reach large numbers of new audiences. Brian Gott and his team at Variety have provided ongoing Council members with Ted Turner at the UN Foundation Global advice on how best to navigate the creative community and Leadership Dinner in New York City, November 2011. have raised the profile of the UN Foundation and its work in the creative community. Variety has counseled the Foundation on the right way to build a partnership with the megaphone and other assets of the entertainment industry. Council member Elliott Bisnow applied his knowledge around convening individuals and his Summit Series network to help the UN Foundation recruit the next class of Global Entrepreneurs Council members.


FUNDING Council members have provided unique funding opportunities for UN projects. Council member Angela Mwanza is helping to build a Donor Advised Fund for the UN Foundation that will strategically raise funds from select wealthy individuals over the next five years. UBS will provide wealth investment advice to the donors and assist us with introductions to potential donors. Council member Elliott Bisnow provided an innovative fundraising opportunity through Summit Series, which included a Facebook campaign co-led by Council member Ryan Allis, an auctioned lunch with Ted Turner during Summit Series Aspen, and an auction at Summit Series DC for Girl Up. Council member Shervin Pishevar held a fundraiser for Girl Up in San Francisco that raised money for UN programs for girls in Africa and Guatemala. Shervin continues to help raise funding for Girl Up and the UN programs he observed on his trip with us to Ethiopia.

Council member Angela Mwanza with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and UN Foundation Board Member N. R. Narayana Murthy.

Through Council member Shauna Robertson and a holiday giving contest with Mozilla Firefox on Crowdrise, Nothing But Nets raised thousands of dollars for bed nets in the span of two weeks. Many Council members donated personally to Nothing But Nets through the contest as well.

Most recently, Ryan has committed funds to Nothing But Nets to send thousands of bed nets to refugees in need in Africa. Brian Gott included a fundraising appeal card in Variety’s World Malaria Day issue and has raised funds through his personal networks for Nothing But Nets.


PARTNERSHIPS Through Council member Elliott Bisnow and his Summit Series network, the UN Foundation has developed over 70 partnerships with long-term benefits and ongoing commitments to the UN. Elliott has generously integrated the UN into all Summit Series conferences through the years. Introductions from Council members to their networks and key individuals have allowed the UN Foundation to build major, innovative partnerships. One example is our participation as the philanthropic arm of the largest conference in the U.S., the 2012 Consumer Electronics Show. The Consumer Electronics Association provided booth space at the conference at no cost and facilitated a portion of proceeds from the official Consumer Electronics Show closing event to Nothing But Nets. Shervin Pishevar and Zaw Thet have helped build partnerships with the UN and the technology community in the San Francisco area. Shervin has made introductions to Apple, Facebook, Zynga, and others to come. Zaw has introduced us to Plyfe, Element Lifestyle, The America’s Cup, San Francisco 49’ers NFL team, and others. Angela Mwanza connected her network at SC Johnson to organize a discussion with the Foundation around cause marketing opportunities specifically with their mosquito repellent product OFF! and has connected us to many of her other networks within the financial community. Brian Gott introduced the UN Foundation to the Nederlander Organization and Disney Broadway to raise awareness for Nothing But Nets among millions of Broadway theater fans across the country. Brian has also made introductions to Virgin Produced, a Richard Branson company focused on financing and production of Hollywood films, numerous high level entertainment individuals, and leaders in the entertainment industry. Through the partnership with Virgin Produced, UN Foundation’s public service announcements ran for two months on all Virgin America flights within the U.S. Sergio Fernandez de Cordova integrated the UN Foundation into conferences throughout the two years of his term to bring new partner opportunities to the UN Foundation. Conferences included the Nexus: Global Youth Summit on Innovative Philanthropy and Social Entrepreneurship, a convening of the next generation of leaders as the true ambassadors of change, and the SALT conference, an exclusive high-level conference geared toward the finance sector and new ideas around social capital investments.

Council member Zaw Thet with UN Foundation President Timothy E. Wirth at the San Francisco Global Good Challenge Launch.

UN Foundation Vice President for Global Partnerships Elizabeth Gore, with Council members Zaw Thet and Sergio Fernandez de Cordova at Nexus: Global Youth Summit on Innovative Philanthropy and Social Entrepreneurship.


ADVOCACY Since the launch of the Global Entrepreneurs Council in early 2011 at a dinner in the historic Mansfield Room of the U.S. Capitol, Council members have been interested in getting more involved in the advocacy space. Their interest will culminate at the November 2012 Global Entrepreneurs Council meeting when the Council will go to the Hill to visit with Congressional representatives about their individual work and their work to support the UN as Council members.

U.S. Capitol during Spring. Photo credit: Craig Toocheck

In September 2012, Council member Sergio Fernandez de Cordova helped to celebrate the life of the late Rep. Donald M. Payne from New Jersey, Sergio’s home state, at a UN Foundation event at the 2012 Democratic National Convention. As someone that grew up in New Jersey, Rep. Payne was a leader that Sergio looked up to as a role model in using his megaphone to support global issues and bring the discussion to his constituents. Sergio’s remarks at the event during the Democratic Convention were heard by lawmakers and influencers such as Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Rush Holt, and Donald Payne Jr. Sergio’s participation was a perfect example of the importance of the Council members’ exposure as constituents to policymakers because of their influence. As the Global Good Challenge grows and evolves, we hope to showcase how advocacy can be fun and easy. The games will leverage the power of collective social voice on behalf of global issues and build a constituency of long-term digital ambassadors for the causes and initiatives of the UN Foundation and the UN. In addition to these direct advocacy actions, all of the Council’s work and ideas listed in this book are ultimately geared to helping the UN Foundation’s advocacy efforts by bringing new partners and constituencies to the UN Foundation who can help to influence Congress to support the work of the UN. 10

CONCLUSION The UN Foundation is grateful for the guidance, creativity, and support of the Global Entrepreneurs Council. Each Council member has used their own acumen and intellectual capital to enhance multiple humanitarian causes on behalf of the United Nations. The Council’s efforts contributed to the UN Foundation’s success in both fundraising and constituency building. Above all, the brainpower and innovative ideas that the Council has provided the Foundation are priceless.

Global Entrepreneurs Council members with UN Foundation staff at the first Council meeting, Washington, DC, April 2011. From left to right: UN Foundation Vice President for Global Partnerships Elizabeth McKee Gore, Council member Marissa Mayer, UN Foundation Director of Partnership Initiatives Diana Walker, Council members Ryan Allis, Elliott Bisnow, Shervin Pishevar, Angela Mwanza, Sergio Fernandez de Cordova, Shauna Robertson, UN Foundation President Timothy E. Wirth, UN Foundation CEO Kathy Calvin, Council members Zaw Thet and Brian Gott.

The Council’s dedication, intelligence, and networks have helped the Foundation innovate our campaigns, further our advocacy efforts and explore new opportunities. We hope each Council member has had a positive return on their investment, and that their time with the Foundation has provided a deeper understanding of the life-saving work of the UN. Our work together is creating a better, safer, and healthier world.



UN FOUNDATION ANNOUNCES GLOBAL ENTREPRENEURS COUNCIL Washington, DC — May 14, 2010 Today, the UN Foundation announced the creation of its new Global Entrepreneurs Council. This group will be comprised of twenty of the worlds most innovative and talented young entrepreneurs dedicated to helping solve global problems and paving the way for the next generation of philanthropists. Between the ages of 25 and 40, the Council will work with the UN Foundation to increase the impact of its work on issues ranging from climate change, to adolescent girls and global health. Members will also work closely with the UN Foundation to strengthen international campaigns such as Nothing But Nets and Girl Up, in addition to helping to develop new campaigns moving into the future. Over the next six months, the UN Foundation will engage with a number of young entrepreneurs to determine the final roster of the first class of the Global Entrepreneurs Council. Specific names of Council members will be made public in early 2011. The UN Foundation made the announcement as part of its participation in the Summit Series DC10 event this May. Executive Director of Global Partnerships for the UN Foundation, Elizabeth Gore, unveiled the new initiative during her introduction of Ted Turner, Founder & Chairman of the UN Foundation. Turner participated in an open dialogue with Blake Mycoskie, Founder of TOMS Shoes, about the role of business and young executives in global philanthropy. CEO of the UN Foundation, Kathy Calvin, also participated in a Summit Series DC10 Bisnow event as part of a keynote panel discussion on “Where Women Stand” with Lauren Bush of FEED Projects and Jessica Jackely of Kiva.org.



Victoria Justice: Starlet gives Girl Up a boost Youth Impact Report 2010: Honoree - By ADDIE MORFOOT WHO: Actress-singer Victoria Justice’s breakthrough performance in Nickelodeon’s “Zoey 101” led to her current starring role as a 16-year-old who gets recruited to join a performing arts high school in the net’s popular “Victorious,” which premiered in March.

Girl Up champion Victoria Justice.

WHAT: Girl Up, a “for girls, by girls” United Nations Foundation campaign, gives American girls the opportunity to raise funds and awareness for UN programs that help educate, protect and empower adolescent girls living in developing countries. WHY: “I was looking for something to be a part of, and then this (opportunity) came my way. I really liked the fact that it was girls helping other girls. There is so much that I didn’t know and recently learned about girls just like me. I feel it’s so important to help other girls who have hopes and dreams just like we all do, but don’t have the same opportunities we have here for reaching their full potential.” WHAT’S NEXT: In September, Justice helped launch the Girl Up campaign in Gotham. She will continue to support the “Unite for Girls” tour, which travels to cities across the U.S. to inspire and engage teens from coast to coast, including an upcoming event in Los Angeles on Nov. 5. Justice also plans to visit Girl Up supported programs in developing countries. Contact Addie Morfoot at news@Variety.com




Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, C.A., Palo Alto, C.A. — February 23, 2011 The United Nations Foundation today hosted a Facebook® Town Hall to keep the public engaged in rebuilding Haiti after last year’s earthquake, and giving participants unique access to experts and high-profile speakers from the United Nations, multiplatinum alternative band Linkin Park, and the United States government. The Town Hall was the first time UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has spoken alongside members of a band to educate and raise awareness about efforts to rebuild Haiti. The unique speaker lineup engaged a wide base of participants for the interactive online forum. Attendees watched live and asked questions as representatives from the United Nations, members of Linkin Park, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and the UN Foundation spoke about the latest developments in Haiti and ways for individuals to continue helping the Haitian people one year after the devastating earthquake. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said, “Significant progress has been made in Haiti in the thirteen months since the earthquake, and there is still tremendous work to do. Governments, non-governmental organizations, and individuals all have a role to play in supporting the rebuilding efforts. This Facebook Town Hall provided an innovative, effective way to educate people on the work the UN is doing in Haiti and ways that individuals can get involved.” During the event, fans were able to log on to the UN Foundation’s Facebook page to participate in the live-streamed Town Hall through a live chat feature. Participants were encouraged to Download to Donate as part of Linkin Park’s charity, Music for Relief, where a one-time donation offers year-long access to a growing catalog of music from a Variety of artists. Donations made to Download to Donate support the work of five organizations in Haiti: Artists for Peace and Justice, charity: water, Direct Relief International, Partners In Health, and the UN Foundation. By partnering with Download to Donate, the UN Foundation aims to raise enough money to enable UN agency partners to provide 100 new solar lights to keep the women and children of Haiti’s tent camps safe at night. “As a band we have always focused on creating the music our fans are passionate about,” said Linkin Park’s co-lead vocalist, Mike Shinoda. “Now we are asking our fans to direct their passion to help others. That’s why we established Download to Donate, giving music lovers a way to access a unique lineup of songs while helping the rebuilding efforts in Haiti.” “Helping Haiti rebuild and transform is a long-term process that requires global support,” said Kathy Calvin, CEO of the UN Foundation. “The UN Foundation and others have used Facebook in new and innovative ways to mobilize the resources needed to help the Haitian people. Today we have once again come together on Facebook to maintain the focus on Haiti, to continue the conversation, and use the power of social media to get people involved.” “This is a time of great challenge for Haiti, but also a time of great hope,” said Mark Feierstein, USAID’s Assistant Administrator in the Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean. “The United States’ commitment to Haiti’s recovery and reconstruction will endure. The people of Haiti deserve partners who will stick with them over the long term, empower them to take the lead in their own development, and invest in building up their capacity to govern and support themselves.”



“By working with Facebook, the United Nations, the UN Foundation, and Linkin Park gained the ability to reach a global audience on a global issue, without having to travel,” said Facebook Marketing Director Randi Zuckerberg.” We are proud to have had this opportunity to help the UN Foundation raise awareness that there is still work to be done in Haiti, and anyone can get involved and donate.” After welcoming participants to the Facebook virtual Town Hall meeting, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon met with members of Linkin Park and its official charity, Music For Relief, to recognize their significant contribution to relief efforts in Haiti and other countries affected by natural disasters. The organization was founded by Linkin Park following the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. Since then, Music For Relief has raised over $3.9 million for survivors of multiple disasters across four continents and initiated programs to help reduce global warming. During the meeting, Linkin Park and Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon explored ways Music for Relief and the United Nations can continue to work together to mobilize the public on global issues. Those who missed the event can view a recording of the discussion at www.livestream.com/unfoundationlive.




Washington, DC — April 20, 2011 The United Nations Foundation has brought together ten of the brightest entrepreneurs under the age of 40 to help the UN achieve a new level of innovation and impact in solving global problems. Together they form the first class of the Foundation’s Global Entrepreneurs Council - the next generation of great thinkers who pledge to help the UN create a better world. The Global Entrepreneurs Council is comprised of members representing various industries including the corporate sector, creative community, and media world with a proven track record of entrepreneurship, philanthropy, and advocacy on global issues. The ten inaugural council members are: Ryan Allis – Founder, iContact Elliott Bisnow – CEO, Summit Series Sergio Fernandez de Cordova – Founder, Fuel Outdoor Brian Gott – Publisher, Variety Magazine Marissa Mayer – Vice President, Consumer Products, Google Angela Mwanza – Senior Vice President, UBS Private Wealth Management Shervin Pishevar – Executive Chairman, Social Gaming Network Shauna Robertson – Co-Founder, Crowdrise Zaw Thet – CEO, 4INFO Randi Zuckerberg – Director of Marketing, Facebook “The members of the Global Entrepreneurs Council are the next generation of entrepreneurs who understand that working with the United Nations is good for the world and for business,” said UN Foundation CEO Kathy Calvin. “These innovative thinkers will help us work with the UN to create 21st century solutions to some of the world’s toughest problems.” On Tuesday, April 26, 2011, the Global Entrepreneurs Council will meet for the first time in Washington, D.C. at the UN Foundation. Following their inaugural meeting, members will participate in a lively debate with the D.C. community on how entrepreneurs and corporations can partner with the UN to create a better world for future generations. Background: The Global Entrepreneurs Council was launched in 2010, and was born out of the idea that that young executives and business leaders play a vital role in the future of philanthropy. The Council will work closely with the UN Foundation to bring innovation and a new generation of supporters to the UN to increase the impact of its work on issues ranging from climate change, to supporting adolescent girls and strengthening global health. Members will support the UN Foundation in pioneering international campaigns such as Nothing But Nets and Girl Up, in addition to helping to develop new campaigns benefitting UN programs. For more information, please visit www.unfoundation.org/GEC.




Washington, DC — May 31, 2011 The United Nations Foundation today announced the launch of a nationwide, Out-of-Home advertising campaign that leverages the power of digital advertising to link Americans to the fight against global problems. The message is big but clear: Americans are working with the United Nations to combat malaria, help rebuild in Haiti, fight extreme poverty, confront climate change, ensure gender equality, and promote clean energy. The dynamic campaign is made possible by a partnership with Posterscope USA, the world’s leading Out-ofHome communications agency, and 18 of its media partners, who have donated prime advertising space around the country worth millions of dollars, to help the UN Foundation reach Americans at all points throughout their day with the reminder that everyone has a role to play in solving global problems. The campaign utilizes digital displays in environments such as malls, universities, taxis, rail stations and airports, some of which are coupled with mobile prompts, as well as in high-profile outdoor locations through digital billboards, static wallscapes and Times Square digital spectaculars. Together, these spots are estimated to deliver more than one billion impressions during the spring/early summer of 2011. These spots feature calls to action from UN Foundation-sponsored campaigns including Girl Up, Nothing But Nets, the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves and the Better World Campaign. By working with Posterscope’s digital and innovations expert division Hyperspace as well as the media vendors, the UN was able to select both creative and engagement elements that would optimally engage their audiences with these global messages. Akoo, an out-of-home television network, for example, selected the UN Foundation’s Girl Up campaign as the ideal opportunity to turn out a distinctive ‘text to donate’ campaign that aimed to engage and motivate teenage audiences with its interactive music video programming available throughout 162 malls and 22 universities in 63 U.S. markets. The ads inform the public about the need to support adolescent girls around the world, and then invites them to make a donation by texting GIRLUP to 90999. These ads aim to build awareness while bolstering support for UN programs on the ground in places like Malawi, Ethiopia, and Guatemala that help girls get an education, have access to better health care, and combat child marriage. Commenting on the launch of the nationwide effort, UN Foundation CEO Kathy Calvin said, “This public awareness partnership demonstrates the generosity and willingness of our friends in the advertising community to help people get engaged in positive, meaningful ways that add value to their lives and to the lives of millions around the world. We’re grateful to Posterscope and to the dozens of media partners who are proof of the power of what can be accomplished when Main Street and Madison Avenue come together to rally people around the work of the United Nations. Americans understand that building a brighter future for those who need it creates a better world for all of us, and they want to know how they can be part of that movement.”

Continues on next page.



NATIONWIDE CAMPAIGN BRINGS UN MESSAGE TO MAIN STREET U.S.A. Continuing from previous page. The inventory obtained by Posterscope for the campaign enables the UN Foundation to engage Americans in more than 60 markets across multiple advertising platforms. The use of digital out-of-home media created an opportunity to implement a varied yet tailored campaign featuring custom video and still spots around seven issue areas: “Help the UN Help Haiti” PSA “Someday” PSA Girl Up, “Connecting the Dots” PSA

Nothing But Nets, “Together We Can Cover a Continent” PSA Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, “Cooking Shouldn’t Kill” PSA The Better World Campaign, “UNanimoUS” PSA The Millennium Development Goals, “Everyone Has a Role” PSA Brigg Hyland, Chief Client Officer of Posterscope USA also commented “We are excited by the opportunity to work with our generous media partners on all of the UN Foundation’s very important causes. Our Hyperspace team was able work with the flexibility and dynamic nature of Digital Out-of-Home signage to ensure the multitude of messages were both relevant and engaging. Also, with the recent rise in mobile philanthropy, we jumped at the opportunity to take advantage of the undeniable synergies between mobile and OOH media. With Akoo’s generous space donation we are hoping the Girl Up text messaging initiative proves to be a success by reaching out to a targeted audience in a relevant environment with a congruous call to action, encouraging empathy and donations to the cause impacting today’s youth.” The UN Foundation’s Executive Director for Communications and Public Affairs Aaron Sherinian predicted that the campaign was the first of a series of initiatives of this kind. “The reality is that we cannot achieve our mission to help the UN without the support of partners who can reach millions of people with this message that everyone has to get involved. The needs are urgent and the problems are serious but we’re also optimistic about what people can do when they embrace the potential of social good. Out-of-Home media owners have donated more than just their space and time as part of this campaign, they’ve given millions of people a chance to get involved in the biggest movement in history to help the world achieve some important goals.”



UN Foundation and 4INFO Launch Mobile Action Campaign Mobile Empowers Users to Help Create Global Change Washington, DC — August 31, 2011 The United Nations Foundation today announced the launch of a new mobile campaign, the first of its kind for the organization. Made possible by a partnership with 4INFO, one of the country’s largest mobile advertising companies, this campaign allows users to sign up to receive text alerts directly on their mobile phones, giving them opportunities to take action to help the United Nations tackle our greatest challenges. The SMS campaign is the first leg of a larger mobile media campaign, designed by 4INFO to boost mobile interaction and user engagement. With the help of its partners, friends, and the expertise of its Global Entrepreneurs Council, the UN Foundation is making mobile outreach and digital engagement a focus of its efforts in 2011. “If we’re going to be serious about taking philanthropy, advocacy and public engagement to the next level, we’ve got to be serious about leveraging the power of mobile technology,” said Kathy Calvin, CEO of the UN Foundation. “This sector is changing fast, and we need to be at the forefront of it. We’re all learning together about how to connect with engaged global citizens using new and innovative media.” By texting “UNF” to 80676, subscribers will learn about simple ways they can get involved with the life-saving work of the United Nations. (Message and data rates apply. Text STOP to 80676 to cancel alerts or text HELP for help.) Through their mobile phones, users will be able to take action to empower women, confront climate change, combat malaria, fight extreme poverty, improve global access to children’s vaccines, ensure gender equality, support the UN’s work to fight famine in the Horn of Africa, promote clean energy, and more. Zaw Thet, CEO and Founder of 4INFO and a member of the UN Foundation’s Global Entrepreneurs Council, commented on this unique partnership, “4INFO has seen what mobile marketing can achieve for brands and agencies, and we can’t wait to see what we can accomplish for promoting the humanitarian work of the United Nations. This campaign is an innovative communications program that is utilizing the powerful medium of mobile to help individuals get involved with the UN Foundation on a personal level. It has always been a goal of ours at 4INFO to use our technology to give back to the world in a significant way – I am honored that we are fulfilling that goal with a foundation I respect and admire.” Aaron Sherinian, Vice President for Communications and Public Relations at the UN Foundation, said, “This SMS Campaign makes it easy for our supporters to take action and to learn more about the world and help the UN solve global problems. Mobile allows us to instantly engage with more people, promoting the life-saving work of the United Nations, and we’re grateful to 4INFO for helping us make this campaign possible.”



Think Global, Act Mobile: New App Puts Global Change in Your Hands UN Foundation Launches Mobile Application to Make it Easy to Support the UN through the Power of Mobile Technology UN Messenger of Peace Stevie Wonder and UN Youth Champion Monique Coleman Unveil Application during Ceremony at United Nations Headquarters Announcement to run on ToshibaVision Screen in Times Square

Washington, DC — April 20, 2011 As world leaders prepare to meet in New York this month for high-level meetings at the UN General Assembly, the United Nations Foundation launched a first-of-its-kind mobile and tablet application that makes it easy for people everywhere to connect with the United Nations. The application allows people everywhere, free of charge, to get the latest news on the life-saving work of the United Nations and to share information through social media and mobile technology. The free app for smartphones and tablets will aggregate news feeds from multiple UN agencies and programs and deliver news in one integrated, real-time stream that is easy-to-use and tailored to a person’s interests and individual mobile device. Users can personalize their UN news by selecting the topic areas and regions of most interest. The stream will be available in all six of the official languages of the UN. During a launch event at UN headquarters today, UN Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information Kiyo Akasaka and UN Foundation CEO Kathy Calvin unveiled the mobile app, inviting people to help the UN solve global problems by getting connected and staying informed. “Just as open, social and real-time technologies are changing the UN’s development and disaster relief work, the same technologies are redefining relationships between people and institutions,” said Akasaka. “Tools such as the UN Foundation’s new app are critical to empower citizens to stay informed about the UN’s work, to participate in the global conversation, and to support the push to realize the Millennium Development Goals.” Singer-songwriter and UN Messenger of Peace Stevie Wonder, “High School Musical” star and UN Youth Champion Monique Coleman and Toshiba America Senior Manager of Communications Eddie Temistokle joined to help launch the new app and stressed the importance of innovation to combat poverty worldwide. “As UN Youth Champion, I traveled the world for six months visiting over 20 countries. I saw firsthand the role that technology can play particularly in education,” said Coleman. “I encourage everyone to download this app. It can bridge the gap between young people and the United Nations and equip today’s ‘philanthroteen’ with the tools he or she needs to have global social impact.” The application, which is already available on the Android, iPhone/iPad, and Windows Phone platforms, allows users to support the work of the UN to tackle the world’s most pressing challenges by supporting UN Foundation campaigns and programs, including Nothing But Nets, Girl Up, the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, the Better World Campaign, and the United Nations Association of the USA. The app is compatible with the accessibility features of most smartphones, and future versions and updates will always welcome ways to make mobile technology and information as accessible as possible.



“When we imagine the peaceful, healthy world we want our children to inherit, the UN is at the heart of that vision. And now the power to be part of that future is literally in the palm of our hands,” said Calvin. “Mobile technology has the ability to connect millions of people to world issues such as children’s health, peace and security, women’s empowerment, climate and the environment, and U.S.-UN relations. We invite people to make global action a part of their mobile devices by downloading the new UN Foundation application. A better world and a better future are in all our hands.” The app makes it easy to get involved and includes some innovative (and fun) ways to learn about the work of the United Nations. An upcoming interactive photo-scramble game, “Pieces of Peace,” will give users the ability to have fun while they learn by unscrambling photos taken around the world that are related to the work of the UN. The game includes ways for users to learn as they play, helping build awareness and knowledge about international issues. Integrated social media options also allow users to organically share this content with friends, brag about their photo-unscrambling prowess, and encourage them to get involved. Building and launching this official UN Foundation application has been a global effort. The app was developed through a partnership with FDV Solutions – an Argentina-based software development company that builds innovative mobile solutions. The project was made possible with the support of the UN Foundation’s Global Entrepreneurs Council, which brings together some of the world’s top young leaders committed to finding innovative solutions to global problems. “The launch of the UN Foundation app marks an important milestone as the nonprofit community moves to create new ways for supporters to help drive social change,” said Shervin Pishevar, Managing Director at Menlo Ventures. “As a member of the UN Foundation’s Global Entrepreneurs Council, I am excited to support a project that will help ensure that people around the world have instant access to information about the lifesaving work of the United Nations, as well as the ability to take action anytime, anyplace.” To learn more and download the free app, visit http://www.unfoundation.org/mobileapp Tweet this: Think Global, Act Mobile. Download the free @unfoundation app that connects YOU to the work of the #UN. http://bit.ly/UNFapp



Media players talk gender equality Sherinian, Davis, Gott take part in Social Good Summit - By Variety Staff United Nations Foundation’s Aaron Sherinian, Geena Davis and Variety publisher Brian Gott took part in the Social Good Summit, hosted by online news org Mashable in conjunction with United Nations Week in Gotham. Gott moderated a conversation with Davis about her work on gender equality issues in media. The Geena Davis Foundation on Gender in Media is also hosting a symposium today at Manhattan’s Scandinavia House.

United Nations Foundation’s Aaron Sherinian, Geena Davis and Variety publisher Brian Gott.

Contact Variety Staff at news@Variety.com



New Mobile Game Makes it Easy to Share Pictures of Peace this Holiday Season UN Foundation’s Interactive Photo-Jumble Game Provides a Fun Way to Support the United Nations and Learn How You Can Make a Difference

Washington, D.C. — December 16, 2011 Today, the United Nations Foundation launched an interactive photo-scramble game “Pieces of Peace” which gives users the ability to have fun while getting up-to-speed on international news by unscrambling photos taken around the world related to the work of the United Nations. The game includes ways for people to learn as they play, helping build awareness and knowledge about international issues. Integrated social media options also allow users to organically share this content with friends, brag about their photo-unscrambling prowess, and encourage them to get involved. “This holiday season, many people are wondering what they can do to give back and make a difference around the world,” says UN Foundation COO Rick Parnell. “This first mobile game makes it fun and easy to stay upto date on the lifesaving work of the UN. With a few easy taps on your phone, you can get involved and help change the world for the better.” The game offers users the following features: •

Captivating, high-res images of the UN’s lifesaving work around the world

Updated photos each week

Three levels of difficulty for the photo scramble

Photos come with descriptions and links to learn more and take action

Photos can be saved on mobile devices and be shared on Facebook and Twitter

Donation options (by credit card and text-to-give) to help support innovative campaigns and initiatives that support the UN

The game, which is available for free download on iTunes, is also integrated into the iTunes version of the UN Foundation’s mobile application which was launched in September at the UN headquarters in New York. Singersongwriter and UN Messenger of Peace Stevie Wonder and “High School Musical” star and UN Youth Champion Monique Coleman helped UN Foundation CEO Kathy Calvin launch the new app and stressed the importance of innovation to combat poverty worldwide. The mobile application makes it simple for people everywhere to connect with the United Nations and allows users, free of charge, to get the UN’s latest news. The app aggregates news feeds from multiple UN agencies and programs and delivers news in one integrated, real-time stream that is easy-to-use and tailored to a person’s interests and individual mobile device. Users can personalize their UN news by selecting the topic areas and regions of most interest. The stream is available in all six of the official languages of the UN.

Continues on next page.



New Mobile Game Makes it Easy to Share Pictures of Peace this Holiday Season Continuing from previous page. “Mobile technology and social media means that everyone has a way to impact the world, right in the palm of their hands,” says Aaron Sherinian, Vice President of Communications and Public Relations at the UN Foundation. “Now, people who love phones, love playing games on their phones, and love to know what is going on in the world have a way to do all three and help the UN at the same time.” Building and launching the mobile game and news app has been a global effort. Both apps were developed through a partnership with FDV Solutions – an Argentina-based software development company that builds innovative mobile solutions. The project was made possible with the support of the UN Foundation’s Global Entrepreneurs Council, which brings together some of the world’s top young leaders committed to finding innovative solutions to global problems. To learn more and download the free game, visit http://www.unfoundation.org/mobileapp. Tweet this: Fun facts and #development news at #PiecesofPeace, the first #UN mobile photo jumble. Download 4free and play now! http://bit.ly/oiHtCW



Jonah Hill Asks for Nothing But Nets on his Birthday Actor joins grassroots campaign to save lives from malaria Los Angeles, CA (December 21, 2011) — Today, on his birthday, actor and comedian Jonah Hill is asking his fans and supporters to send life-saving bed nets to refugees in the Horn of Africa through the UN Foundation’s Nothing But Nets—a global, grassroots campaign to fight malaria in Africa. As part of a new contest on fundraising site Crowdrise. com, Hill is competing against 11 other celebrities to raise money for their chosen charities. The Mozilla Corporation, hosts of the Firefox web browser, will award $25,000 to the charity that raises the most by January 11, 2012. “Everyone’s heard of the crisis in the Horn of Africa, it’s a big deal and far more important than my 28th birthday,” said Hill. “It would be amazing if all of my fans got together to send bed nets to help the Nothing But Nets campaign protect refugees in the Horn of Africa from malaria. It’s easy and just takes $10 a net, so anyone who wants to get me a birthday present can either send a net or buy me a pony.” Every 60 seconds, a child in Africa dies from malaria, a disease spread by a single mosquito bite. Since 2006, the Nothing But Nets campaign has been working with celebrities, corporate partners, and hundreds of thousands of grassroots supporters to raise awareness and funding to save lives from malaria. “We’re truly grateful to Jonah Hill for choosing to champion Nothing But Nets in this contest on Crowdrise,” said Chris Helfrich, Director of Nothing But Nets. “Malaria is a leading cause of death among refugees and hundreds of thousands of families in the Horn of Africa need our help immediately. With Jonah’s help, this contest is raising money and awareness to help these families as quickly as possible.” Supporters who donate to Nothing But Nets during this contest can win an autographed “Buzzkill” t-shirt—the Campaign’s staple—as well as an opportunity to have Jonah Hill record the outgoing message on their voicemail. “Crowdrise is about giving back, raising tons of money for life-saving charities like Nothing But Nets, and having the most fun in the world while doing it,” added film producer and Crowdrise founder Shauna Robertson. Anyone can join the fight against malaria with a $10 donation. Nothing But Nets uses 100 percent of each donation to purchase a net, deliver it to a family, and educate communities on its importance and proper use. Tweet me: Do something seriously good today. Join @JonahHill to send a net & save a life with @NothingButNets on @Crowdrise. http://bit.ly/rR2Lws BACKGROUND In Africa, every 60 seconds, a child dies from malaria, which is easily prevented through the use of an insecticidetreated net. The nets create a protective barrier against mosquitoes at night, when the vast majority of malaria transmissions occur, and are the most cost-effective method of preventing the spread of the disease. Bed nets work: according to The World Health Organization, 96 percent of those with access to a bed net use it, and malaria mortality rates have dropped by more than 33 percent in Africa since 2000. To date, Nothing But Nets has raised nearly $40 million to distribute more than 6 million nets to families throughout Africa. For more information, please visit www.NothingButNets.net.



MEDIA HIGHLIGHT January 25, 2012 Documented@Davos: Kathy Calvin UN Foundation Kathy Calvin, CEO of the United Nations Foundation, is interviewed by Randi Zuckerberg at Documented@ Davos 2012 at the WorldEconomic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The spotlight was on women’s and children’s health, innovation and social good.



Celebrities, Companies, and Faith-Based Organizations Come Together to Help Families in the Horn of Africa Thousands of Americans come together to send more than 150,000 life-saving bed nets to protect families from malaria—a leading cause of death among refugees Washington, DC (January 31, 2012)—In less than three months, thousands of Americans have donated to send 150,000 anti-malaria bed nets in response to the humanitarian crisis in the Horn of Africa. An eclectic group including celebrities like Jonah Hill, and organizations like the Consumer Electronics Association, The United Methodist Church, and the Union for Reform Judaism came together to send nets through the UN Foundation’s Nothing But Nets campaign—a global, grassroots campaign to fight malaria in Africa—and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR). Every 60 seconds, a child dies from malaria—a disease spread by a single mosquito bite. Due to the location and crowded environment in refugee camps, malaria is a leading cause of death among refugees, making bed nets a key tool for survival. Access to insecticide-treated bed nets can help curb the spread of malaria by up to 90 percent. “Thank you on behalf of the families in refugee camps throughout the Horn of Africa who have benefitted from the generosity of Nothing But Nets supporters and partners,” said Dr. John Wagach Burton, Public Health Officer for UNHCR in Kenya. “You have helped save lives and futures of refugees from the devastating impact of malaria.” Within three months, Nothing But Nets supporters have sent nets instead of holiday gifts, joined Jonah Hill’s competition to raise money for bed nets on CrowdRise, donated to Nothing But Nets at the Consumer Electronics Show, and more. Nothing But Nets campaign partners The people of the United Methodist Church made a lead gift of $100,000 on the day the appeal was announced, and chemical company and bed net manufacturer BASF contributed 75,000 bed nets to help meet the emergency appeal as quickly as possible. “We are grateful for everyone who donated, and to our many partners who provided the unique opportunities to help us quickly reach our goal of sending 150,000 life-saving nets to refugees in the Horn of Africa who urgently need them,” said Chris Helfrich, Director of Nothing But Nets. Protecting refugees has always been a priority for Nothing But Nets, which has helped the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) send nets to millions of refugees in Africa. As the crisis in the Horn of Africa continues, Nothing But Nets and its supporters will continue to send nets to protect families through UNHCR. BACKGROUND In Africa, every 60 seconds, a child dies from malaria, which is easily prevented through the use of an insecticide-treated net. The nets create a protective barrier against mosquitoes at night, when the vast majority of malaria transmissions occur, and are the most cost-effective method of preventing the spread of the disease. Anyone can join the fight against malaria with a $10 donation. Each donation goes to purchasing a net, delivering it to a family, and educating communities on its importance and proper use. Bed nets work: according to The World Health Organization, enough bed nets have been delivered to cover 76 percent of the 765 million people at risk for malaria, and in three years, 11 African countries have cut malaria rates in half. To date, Nothing But Nets has raised nearly $40 million to distribute more than 6 million nets to families throughout Africa. For more information, please visit www.NothingButNets.net.



THE NEDERLANDER ORGANIZATION AND DISNEY’S THE LION KING JOIN THE UNITED NATIONS FOUNDATION’S Nothing But Nets CAMPAIGN IN THE FIGHT AGAINST MALARIA New York, NY (April 23, 2012) – The Nederlander Organization and Disney’s The Lion King have joined the United Nations Foundation’s Nothing But Nets campaign, a global grassroots movement to fight malaria in Africa. The organizations will work together to raise awareness among millions of Broadway fans about how they can help stop malaria, a disease that kills a child every 60 seconds and is spread by a single mosquito bite. Since last June, more than 130,000 refugees—and counting—have entered South Sudan and neighboring countries to escape fighting on the border of Sudan. As the situation worsens, the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) is providing food, water, and shelter. Living in a country where malaria is the leading cause of death among children under five, the refugee families in South Sudan need another life-saving tool: insecticide-treated bed nets. The nets create a protective barrier against mosquitoes at night, when the vast majority of malaria transmissions occur, and are a cost-effective method of preventing the spread of the disease. A net costs just $10 to purchase, deliver, and to educate the recipient on its proper use. To meet this need, the United Nations Foundation’s Nothing But Nets campaign launched a nationwide appeal to send 100,000 life-saving bed nets to help these families sleep safely. As a major partner of Nothing But Nets, the Nederlander Organization—joined by Disney—is encouraging audiences at many of their theatres across the country to send nets and save lives in South Sudan. Nederlander’s month-long effort kicked off with Fela! at Broadway In Chicago and culminates with an audience appeal at Disney’s The Lion King on Broadway on World Malaria Day, April 25, 2012. The program is also being supported at Nederlander presentations in Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, Tucson, and Durham. On April 23, Nederlander Organization Chairman James M. Nederlander will be recognized by the United Nations Foundation’s Nothing But Nets campaign as a Champion in the fight to end malaria, in part to celebrate the company’s 100th anniversary. “When my grandfather founded the Nederlander Company in 1912, thousands of people were still suffering from malaria around the U.S. every year,” said James L. Nederlander, President of the Nederlander Organization. “The Lion King has connected millions of Americans to Africa,” said Tom Schumacher, President of Disney Theatrical Group. “It’s fitting that this story gives its fans an opportunity to help fight malaria—a leading cause of death among children on the continent. We welcome Nothing But Nets to The Lion King in celebration of its fifth anniversary and in recognition of the campaign’s lifesaving efforts to prevent the spread of malaria in Africa.” “We’re thrilled to have both the Broadway and national touring company of Disney’s The Lion King, the Nederlander Organization, and Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS join Nothing But Nets to help save lives from malaria,” said the UN Foundation’s Vice President of Global Partnerships, Elizabeth Gore. “In five years, the Nothing But Nets campaign has brought together the world’s largest group of partners and grassroots supporters to send nets to save lives from malaria; today we’re excited to bring that buzz to the Broadway community.” To date, Nothing But Nets has raised more than $40 million to distribute more than 6 million nets to families throughout Africa. To learn more and to donate, visit www.NothingButNets.net.



United Nations Foundation and United Nations Association of the USA to Honor Global UN Advocates Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Variety, UNIDO’s Kandeh Yumkella and Human Rights Expert Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro to be Honored for Their Global Leadership and Support of the UN WASHINGTON, D.C. (April 25, 2012) –Today the UN Foundation and the United Nations Association of the USA (UNA-USA) announced the awardees for its 2012 Global Leadership Awards Dinner, scheduled for October of this year. Named one of “New York’s Top 100 Events 2012,” the Global Leadership Awards Dinner brings together a distinguished audience of nearly 500 policymakers, diplomats, United Nations supporters, business leaders, celebrities, and members of the media, as well as UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, UN Goodwill Ambassadors and Messengers of Peace, and representatives from the U.S. Mission to the UN. UN Foundation Founder and Chairman Ted Turner, UN Foundation President Timothy E. Wirth, and UNA-USA Executive Director Patrick Madden will salute global leaders from a Variety of sectors in October at Cipriani 42nd St. The event is hosted by the UN Foundation and benefits UNA-USA’s youth and education programs. Together the two organizations represent the single largest network of American supporters of the UN. This year’s awardees include: •

Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize winner, will receive the Champion for Global Change Award for his strong leadership as an advocate for human rights and global health, as well as his campaigning against poverty, racism, and sexism.

Variety, the entertainment industry’s preeminent news organization, for their leadership in answering the UN Secretary-General’s call to activate the creative community in solving global problems.

Dr. Kandeh K. Yumkella, Director- General for the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), for his work on a Variety of global issues, including promoting sustainable energy for all, poverty reduction, climate change, and the advancement of the Millennium Development Goals.

Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro, Special Rapporteur on Syria and leading UN independent human rights expert, will receive the Leo Nevas Human Rights Award for his more than 30 years of work in support of human rights both in the UN and Inter-American systems.

“This year’s honorees demonstrate that individuals and organizations from all corners of the globe can elevate the UN’s work and help the world,” said Madden. “American communities applaud the work of these distinguished awardees as they help educate and advocate on behalf of the UN every day.” For 54 years, the Global Leadership Awards Dinner has called attention to the vital role the UN plays in helping the global community advance peace, prosperity and justice and recognizes individuals and organizations for their outstanding leadership in furthering the purposes of the United Nations Charter and advancing UN causes—from global health and economic development, to human rights and environmental sustainability. For more information, visit www.unausa.org/annualdinner.



Musicians and Young Hollywood Actors Send ‘Letters of Hope’ to Refugees in South Sudan on World Malaria Day Recording artist, Broadway stars, young actors join the United Nations Foundation’s Nothing But Nets campaign to send life-saving bed nets to protect refugee families fleeing conflict Los Angeles, CA (April 25, 2012) – Rapper and record producer Lupe Fiasco is coming together with other talented actors on World Malaria Day to raise awareness about the humanitarian crisis in South Sudan — and offer refugee children help and hope. Joining them is South Sudanese Lost Boy Tut Gatyiel, who will share his heart-wrenching personal story, and Nothing But Nets’ newest Champion, actress Serinda Swan. For the 130,000 refugees who have fled to South Sudan to escape violence along the border, each day brings the threat of famine and disease. Especially vulnerable are thousands of refugee children five and under, whose leading cause of death is malaria. While the United Nation’s Refugee Agency (UNHCR) provides food, water, and shelter, these refugees need another life-saving tool: insecticide-treated bed nets. To meet this need, the United Nations Foundation’s Nothing But Nets campaign has launched a nationwide appeal to send 100,000 life-saving bed nets to help refugee families sleep safely. Broadway shows in Nederlander theaters across the U.S. are fundraising, including tonight’s production of Billy Elliot the Musical at the Pantages Theatre. “I’m so proud of everyone joining in this important work,” says Gatyiel. “We are all connected. Even one child dying of malaria — a preventable disease — is too many.” When rising young stars such as Justin Tinucci and Jadin Gould heard about Nothing But Nets, they were immediately inspired to send their own ”Letters of Hope.” The 100,000 bed nets being delivered to South Sudan by Nothing But Nets will be accompanied by personal letters from young actors to refugee children, filled with encouragement, drawings, jokes, and the reassurance that kids half a world away care. And cast members from Billy Elliot offered their own “Letter of Hope” to South Sudanese refugee children with a performance of the show’s signature ballad, “The Letter,” about a mother’s love for her son. “The refugees of the South Sudan face a multitude of dangers,” says Chris Helfrich, Nothing But Nets Director. “By providing a simple but effective resource like bed nets, we can help make a deadly mosquito bite one less thing to fear when going to sleep at night. These talented partners truly prove that we can all do something to help refugees fight malaria.” A major partner of Nothing But Nets, the Nederlander Organization is encouraging audiences at many of their theaters across the country to send nets and save lives in South Sudan. Nederlander’s month-long effort kicked off with Fela!, which opened at Broadway In Chicago earlier this month, followed by Bring It On: The Musical in Durham, and Disney’s The Lion King on Broadway. The program is also being supported at Nederlander presentations in San Diego, Tucson, and San Jose. “Nothing But Nets enables us to shine our spotlight on an important health issue that everyone in our country needs to be aware of. Audiences from around the world attend our theatres and supporting this initiative is one way we can give back,” says James L. Nederlander, President of the Nederlander Organization. Background South Sudan is roughly the size of Texas; families escaping fighting are moving into safer zones away from violence concentrated near the border. More than 130,000 refugees have fled fighting on the border of Sudan and South Sudan since last June; observers expect 75,000 more this year. Malaria is a leading cause of death among refugees and the number one cause of death of children under five in South Sudan. Bed nets are an easy, cost-effective tool to keep families safe. To date, Nothing But Nets has raised over $40 million to distribute more than 6 million insecticide-treated nets to families throughout Africa. To learn more and to donate, visit www.NothingButNets.net








has a role... GLOBAL VACCINES






...in SOLVING GLOBAL PROBLEMS The creative community has a powerful voice in shaping public opinion and driving people to take action. You can help by:

Authoring an op/ed to give a voice to the issue Spreading the word with social media Attending an event to raise awareness and funds Weaving a global issue into your TV or film storyline Visiting a developing country and reporting back If you or your clients are looking to get involved in something that will change the world, check out these campaigns that support the work of the United Nations.

www.unfoundation.org To get personally involved, call Danielle Lemmon Zapotoczny at 310-295-1845 or email dzapotoczny@unfoundation.org.

Download any QR code reader to your smartphone. Use that mobile app to take a picture of this code for free insider updates from the UN Foundation.



Everyone has a role...

...in SOLVING GLOBAL PROBLEMS. Congratulations on your Academy Awards nomination.

You’ve changed your industry. Now come change the world with us!

www.unfoundation.org To get personally involved, call Danielle Lemmon Zapotoczny at (310) 295-1845 or email dzapotoczny@unfoundation.org.

Act Global, Go Mobile Scan QR code to download our app and make a global impact!







Your NETwork can


Visit us in the LVCC, South Hall 4, #35485

Join us Friday night at the official CES party at TAO in the Venetian for food and drink specials that benefit Nothing But Nets Photo by Vestergaard

While you're NETworking at CES,


Text BEDNET to 90999 to Donate $10 Scan this QR code and go to Help us tell this story: creative@unfoundation.org



APPENDIX B You’ve changed your industry.


APPENDIX B Now come change the world with us. www.unfoundation.org


APPENDIX B You’ve changed your industry.

Now come change the world with us.

The UN Foundation builds new coalitions and supports creative initiatives to connect individuals, governments, and organizations with the United Nations to multiply results and produce long-lasting change. Through these campaigns and initiatives, we create innovative linkages among partners that bring new energy to bear on global problems, and reach new audiences who give and advocate in support of the life-saving and lifechanging work of the UN.

Get involved! Visit www.unfoundation.org/campaigns.

Creative Community Professional; to get involved; call (310) 295-1845 or email dzapotoczny@unfoundation.org.





















the united nations foundation UBS Donor Advised Fund www.unfoundation.org | info@unfoundation.org | 202.887.9040

You have the power to improve the human condition.


The United Nations FoundationUBS Donor Advised Fund EXPERTISE

Guided by a shared vision for a better world, this platform for global progress allows you to be the champion of change you want to see. It marries your humanitarian compass for socially responsible investments with your uncompromising standards for exceptional value in top-tier wealth management. The approach combines philanthropic investing that delivers results for the world’s most vulnerable with financial investing that demands accountability, cost-effectiveness, administrative efficiency, fiduciary oversight, and measurable returns. We are creating transformational partnerships that embrace innovation and scale up proven solutions.

A new platform for progress is available as your tool for change.


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world’s biggest challenges


APPENDIX D the united nations foundation UBS Donor Advised Fund www.unfoundation.org | info@unfoundation.org | 202.887.9040

Partnering for a better world Since its creation in 1998, the United Nations Foundation has leveraged the power of creative, groundbreaking partnerships with the United Nations to successfully implement innovative solutions for global problems. By forging strong public-private partnerships, the United Nations Foundation and its partners are helping the United Nations make unprecedented progress toward a better world, keeping thousands of girls in school, preventing child marriage, providing sustainable energy to hundreds of thousands, reducing polio by 99 percent worldwide, slashing measles deaths in Africa by 92 percent, creating a movement to send more than 6 million anti-malaria bed nets to Africa, and championing the payment of almost $2 billion in U.S. debt to a strong United Nations supporting global peace and stability. In this spirit of partnership, the United Nations Foundation and UBS are collaborating now to offer a new philanthropic investment opportunity. If you are ready to enhance your legacy of lasting impact—one that maximizes your financial interests and fulfills your driving passion to create a more peaceful and prosperous world—explore The United Nations Foundation-UBS Donor Advised Fund.

Unveiling a platform for progress While donations to any United Nations Foundation campaign or initiative are always welcome, The United Nations Foundation-UBS Donor Advised Fund provides a structured platform for a longer-term partnership, where donors like you enjoy deeper engagement and unparalleled access to the issues in a broader portfolio of programs. This portfolio advances four philanthropic priorities: Investing in global health to help families survive and thrive

Creating a new energy future

Empowering women and girls worldwide

Supporting a strong United Nations and U.S.-UN relationship for the 21st century.

You are invited to make an investment of $200,000 or more in this special fund and can do so over the course of several years. Contributions can be directed to one or more of the United Nations Foundation’s four philanthropic priorities. During its scheduled 10-year life, The United Nations Foundation-UBS Donor Advised Fund is required to award 100 percent of its investments to United Nations Foundation projects.

Engaging champions of change Ultimately, your generosity to support the global good is both a social and financial investment. Financial stewardship of your social capital is just one of many advantages to investing in the professionally managed United Nations Foundation-UBS Donor Advised Fund. You also benefit from: • Exclusive high-level exposure: Donors engage regularly with leading issue experts and professional staff at the United Nations, the United Nations Foundation, and other organizations for firsthand briefings from the field. • Program innovation: Engaged donors help mold the approach to cutting-edge programs that are changing lives, offering your thoughts and ideas on project development, activities, and implementation to maximize the impact of your investment. • Total access: Through an online portal, you will access unique, timely programmatic content, an accurate balance sheet tracking all programmatic investments, and a forum for communicating with other donors who share your commitment for global change. Joining our partnership through The United Nations Foundation-UBS Donor Advised Fund will translate your philanthropy today into tomorrow’s policies and programs for a better world. This will make a tangible difference in lives and communities worldwide, where the need is great but the promise of transformative, enduring change is greater. Connect to The United Nations Foundation-UBS Donor Advised Fund today by contacting: XXX.


www.unfoundation.org/gec www.unfoundation.org

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