Contents EEA Students 3 Enrolment 3 Obtaining an Italian individual tax number 3 Registering with the local authorities 3 Health cover 3 Opening a bank account 4 Abo+: travelling around South Tyrol 4 Study Grants from the Autonomous Province of South Tyrol 4 The “Carta dei Servizi� 4 Grants for Austrian students 5 Grants for German students 5 Non-EU Students resident abroad 6 How to apply for a permit to stay in Italy 6 Renewal 6 Integration agreement 6 Enrolment 7 Obtaining an individual tax number 7 Registering with the local authorities 7 Health cover 7 Opening a bank account 8 ABO+: travelling around South Tyrol 8 Study grants from the Autonomous Province of South Tyrol 8 Study + Work 8 Services and useful adresses 9 unibz services 9 Local services 10
If you are an exchange student or attending our University as part of an international agreement (e.g. Erasmus+ or Erasmus Mundus, etc), please contact the International Relations as the information in this booklet refers to regularly enrolled students of the University.
Your First Days in South Tyrol
EEA STUDENTS ENROLMENT Once you have managed to gain a place at our University, you have to complete the enrolment procedure which needs to be done at the Student Secretariat at the University premises where you are studying. Make sure you check the deadline for enrolment, which can be found in the Study Manifesto of the course you are enrolling for.
OBTAINING AN ITALIAN INDIVIDUAL TAX NUMBER The Italian individual tax number is what you need to identify yourself when dealing with Italian public offices and institutions. In order to obtain this tax number, you have to go to the “Agenzia delle Entrate” (Tax Office) with a valid passport or ID card. You must have obtained your Italian individual tax number in order to enrol at our University (you can also get the number after you have enrolled), to apply for a grant and for all procedures that you need to go through to get health cover in Italy. Further information can be found on the Tax Office’s website, but only in Italian or German:
REGISTERING WITH THE LOCAL AUTHORITIES Italian law states that all EU citizens who wish to stay in another EU state for longer than 90 days must register with the city/town authorities in which they wish to live. This does not mean that you must relinquish your residency in your own country. In order to register, you must go to the Registry Office (Anagrafe) in the city/town where you are living during your studies (Bolzano, Bressanone or Brunico) with certain documents (passport and others). You can find out what you need to take by looking on the webpages of the town in question. We also advise you to contact the office that manages this procedure to find out exactly what you need to take with you. Please be advised that many registry offices will ask you to show them that you have health cover, either with the E106/E109/E37 certificates or with private health insurance provided by an Italian system or a foreign policy (see paragraph above). It is not enough to have the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).
HEALTH COVER There are three different types of health cover that you can get in Italy, which we will describe below. However, it is your own national health service that
Free University of Bozen - Bolzano
decides which documents to give you and therefore which one you can apply for. Cover through the E106, E109/E37 foreign insurance policies: you have to go to the health authorities in your own country and ask them to issue you one of the policies listed above. These policies will enable you to register for health cover in South Tyrol as if you were an Italian citizen. With one of this policies: einen Hausarzt wählen, →→ you can choose your family doctor/GP, →→ you can seek assistance at Accident and Emergency at a hospital and you’ll only have to pay the standard price (the so-called “ticket”), →→ you can access all planned specialist services, →→ you can access all services for preventative medicine, →→ you don’t have to pay for the services of the duty doctor, if needed, →→ finally, if you are a resident: you can access any discounts that may be due to you and any exemptions on the standard prices of medicines or appointments with specialists (the “ticket”).
Cover through the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC): if you have the EHIC that is issued by your country, you have the right to any treatment that is necessary during the time you’re studying in Italy. However, this is a more limited cover and allows people to seek medical care in the country they are staying in without having to return to their own country. All you have to do is go to the doctor/place that provides the treatment (GP, Accident and Emergency, Out-patient department). If you go to a GP, you can see him/her for free, but this is on an occasional basis. The cost of the treatment will then be charged to your own health care provider abroad. Cover though Italian private health insurance schemes (e.g. INA) or private foreign health insurance, instead of the E 106/E109/E37 policies you can also take out private health insurance that will cover you for all accidents you may have and treatment you may need during the time you’re studying in Italy. In this case, you will be regarded as a “paying foreign citizen” and as such you do not need to register for the local health service. If you do NOT have the EHIC, or you do not have health cover in your own country and you do not want to take out private insurance The Health Ministry, in an information bulletin from 19 February 2008, has stated that EU citizens – and particularly citizens of new EU countries – who do not have the EHIC, who do not have health cover from
EEA-Students their own countries and who do not have private health insurance only have the right to urgent treatment or treatment that cannot be postponed. If you do not have any type of health cover, it is advisable to stay in a EU country that isn’t yours for a maximum of three months only. Further, in this situation, you will not be able to register with the local council for the duration of your studies. If you are interested in finding out more about this, read: →→ EU directive 2004/38/CE on the right to reside and move freely and →→ health care (Regulation EEC 1478/71, modified by Regulation EC 631/2004 and Decision 189/2003 which introduced the EHIC). Further information in all the EU languages can be found on the European Union’s website: Further information is also available from the Local Health Authorities (see useful addresses at the end of this booklet).
OPENING A BANK ACCOUNT If you want to organise your finances while you are studying here, and to obtain any grants that you may apply for, you’ll have to open an Italian bank account. Most banks offer special accounts for students and young people – normally accounts for young people are for people under the age of 26. We suggest you have a look at the deals being offered by the different banks and open an account at the beginning of the academic year. If you want to open a special account for students, apart from an ID card, you will also have to present a certificate from the University that says you are a student here with us.
ABO+: TRAVELLING AROUD SOUTH TYROL The Autonomous Province of South Tyrol allows unibz students to apply for a great value travel card. The ABO+ is your own personal travel card which can be used for a whole year on all the public transport in South Tyrol and for the train as far as Trento. If you are enrolled at the unibz and by 31 December you are still under 26 years of age, you can ask for the ABO+ for only €150 a year. You have to apply before 31 December each year by going to one of the ticket offices that issue the ABO+, making sure you take your university enrolment certificate with you. Information, forms and further information is available from: > Titoli di viaggio > Alto Adige Pass Abo+.
Your First Days in South Tyrol
STUDY GRANTS FROM THE AUTONOMOUS PROVINCE OF SOUTH TYROL The School and University Welfare Office of the Autonomous Province of South Tyrol provides grants for students attending the unibz. The grants given are ordinary grants, extraordinary grants, grants for special merit and grants for postgraduate training. If you are interested in applying for a grant and would like more information, we suggest you contact the School and University Welfare Office of the Autonomous Province of South Tyrol where you can arrange an appointment to see whether you have the prerequisites to apply. If you are awarded a grant or are judged to be suitable to receive a grant from the Autonomous Province of South Tyrol, the university fees that you paid for that academic year will be reimbursed. The South Tyrolean Student Association (sh-asus) can help you to fill in the grant application form during its opening hours (see end of the brochure). Applications for grants can only be made online through the e-government service. To this purpose you must use the so called “Carta provinciale dei Servizi” (provincial services card). If you don’t have it, you have the opportunity to create a provisional account and validate it then at the Province. To this purpose we suggest you to contact the School and University Welfare Office of the Autonomous Province of South Tyrol or the sh.asus (see addresses at the end of the brochure).
THE “CARTA DEI SERVIZI” The “Carta dei servizi” is a smart card (health insurance card) granting you the access to the services of the local public administration in South Tyrol. If you have a European Health Insurance Card provided with a microchip, you can apply for its ctivation. Do not forget to apply for its activation in time, otherwise you could miss the deadline for the application for a study grant from the Autonomous Province of South Tyrol.
Where can I activate the “Carta dei Servizi”? To activate your smart card, you have to apply at the local registry office, where you registered and where you are living during your studies. Bring your smart card and your ID card or passport. Within 14 days after the application you will receive PIN and PUC codes to activate your card permanently and access the online e-government services. As an alternative to grants provided by the Autonomous Province of South Tyrol there are grants available for Austrian and German students, which are listed below.
StudY GRANTS FOR AUSTRIAN STUDENTS If you are an Austrian student, you can apply, if you have the prerequisites, for a grant from the Austrian “Studienbeihilfenbehörde” organisation ( to finance your studies abroad. Further information is available from the website of the “Studienbeihilfenbehörde” (in German).
StudY GRANTS FOR GERMAN STUDENTS If you are a German student, you can apply, if you have the prerequisites, for a grant made available by the German Ministry of Education (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung), to finance your studies if the entire course is being done abroad. For further information, check out the Ministry’s website (in German):
Free University of Bozen - Bolzano
NON-EU STUDENTS RESIDENT ABROAD How to apply for a permit to stay in Italy If you are able to be admitted to the admission procedure of the course you applied for (check the admission ranklists), the Italian Authorities in your own country will issue you with the entry visa for studies/university: this will allow you to arrive in Italy to sit the Italian-language test (for undergraduate degrees), any entrance tests you have to take, and to enrol for the course that you have pre-enrolled for, after passing the selection procedure. The Italian-language test, which all students applying for undergraduate courses must sit, usually taking place at the beginning of September in Bozen- Bolzano. According to Italian law, within 8 working days of your arrival in Italy, you must have applied for the permit to stay: as soon as you arrive you should go to the University’s Advisory Service and you will be given all the information so that you can start this procedure. In order to obtain the permit to stay, you need to have: →→ application form kit (which should be collected from a Post Office); →→ your passport or other equivalent document, which should be valid and which contains the entry visa, if needed, and a photocopy of the whole document; →→ all the necessary documentation to apply for a permit to stay for study purposes (enrolment certificate and photocopy of your medical insurance for treatment in the case of illness and/or accidents). To apply for the permit to stay, you must first go to the Post Office in the town where you which to live and get the kit that contains an envelope (with a yellow stripe), two application forms and the instruction sheet. Once you have filled in the form, you need to attach a duty stamp (“marca da bollo”) of €16, which you can buy in a tobacconist’s. You must also pay another €30 when you send the form, which is sent with insured post (hence the cost). A further €27.50 and another €80 must be paid with a postal order for any stays longer than 90 days. The procedure therefore costs €153.50 in total. Once you have filled in the application form, you must take it back to the Post Office where you got it from. The post office clerk will then give you the receipt that certifies that you have sent the documentation. You must keep this receipt safe as you need it to track your application through the “” website so that you can see when the permit to stay is ready to be collected
Your First Days in South Tyrol
from the Police Station (“Questura”). You will also need to show this receipt in the event that you are stopped by the police. The receipt acts as a provisional permit to stay and as such, puts some limitations on you that the full permit does not. The receipt, however, still has legal value and allows you to move freely in Italy; it also allows you to return to your country and back into Italy again, as long as you do so through the same border control. Once you have applied for the permit to stay, you will receive a letter asking you to come to the Police Station (“Questura”). The letter will tell you which day you have to go to the Police Station, and what you need to take with you: 4 passport-size photos which are identical, with a light background and with your head and face uncovered and any other documents that may be missing. If it’s your first time in Italy, you will be fingerprinted. After a certain amount of time, you will be issued with an electronic permit, which is an optical smart card with a microchip that contains all your personal information, your photo and your fingerprints.
RENEWAL Do not forget to renew your permit to stay in time! Do not wait for its expiry date, but apply for its renewal at least 30 days in advance. You must follow the same procedure as for the first issuing, but, for the first renewal you must certify by means of an exam certificate the passing of at least one exam. As from the second renewal you must pass at least two exams. According to the Italian law, you can apply for the renewal of the permit to stay until the 3rd year after the normal lenght of the studies; further renewals are not allowed.
INTEGRATION AGREEMENT If you enter Italy for the first time, along with the application form for the issuing of a residence permit lasting at least one year, you must sign at the local police headquarters (Questura) the so-called “integration agreement”. Within this framework, the State ensures you support in the integration process in your new cultural and linguistic context, while at the same time, within two years of the signing of the agreement, you undertake to →→ learn spoken Italian and achieve at least the level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages issued by the Council of Europe; →→ acquire adequate knowledge of the fundamental
Non-EU Students resident abroad
principles of the Italian Constitution, organisation and functioning of public institutions in Italy; →→ acquire adequate knowledge of the organisation and functioning of civic life in Italy, with particular reference to healthcare, education, social services, work and taxes; →→ and comply with the laws on compulsory education of your minor children, if you have any. The first step of the integration agreement is the free-ofcharge participation in a training session on civic education and information about life in Italy, lasting between 5 and 10 hours, offered by the “Commissariato del Governo” (local prefect’s office) in Bozen/Bolzano. You must attend this training programme within three months of the signing of the agreement. You will receive an invitation to the training session by recorded delivery stating when and where exactly the session will take place. If you are a student you can certify your language skills in Italian (compulsory at least at A2 level) and German (which can give you some more advantages in the Province of South Tyrol) by sitting the language exams organised by the Language centre of the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano. If you →→ comply with the terms of the agreement and reach the credits set out in the agreement →→ reach the minimum proficiency in Italian and →→ a sufficient knowledge of the Italian civic culture within two years →→ the agreement will be considered fulfilled and, if you wish, you can extend you stay in Italy. Further information are published in different languages on the website: export/sites/default/it/sezioni/sala_stampa/speciali/ accordo_integrazione/accordi_e_brochure.html
ENROLMENT Once you have managed to gain a place at unibz, you have to complete the enrolment procedure which needs to be done at the Student Secretariat at the University premises where you are studying. Make sure you check the deadline for enrolment, which can be found in the Study Manifesto of the course you are enrolling for.
Obtaining an Italian individual tax number The Italian individual tax number is what you need to identify yourself when dealing with Italian public offices and institutions. In order to obtain this tax number, you have to go to the “Agenzia delle
Free University of Bozen - Bolzano
Entrate” (Tax Office) with a valid passport or ID card and the receipt that you got when applying for your permit to stay. You must have obtained your Italian individual tax number in order to enrol at our University (you can also get the number after you have enrolled), and for all procedures that you need to go through to get health cover in Italy. Further information can be found on the Tax Office’s website, but only in Italian: Further information can be found on the Tax Office’s website, but only in Italian or German:
Registering with the local authorities Italian law states that all non-EU citizens resident abroad must register with the city/town authorities in which they wish to live. This does not mean that you must relinquish your residency in your own country. In order to register, you must go to the Registry Office (Anagrafe) in the city/town where you are living during your studies (Bolzano, Bressanone or Brunico) with certain documents (passport and others). You can find out what you need to take by looking on the webpages of the town in question. We also advise you to contact the office that manages this procedure to find out exactly what you need to take with you. Once you have registered, your declaration of residence, and the certificate that you are provided with, are a fundamental requirement if you wish to apply for a grant from the Autonomous Province of South Tyrol. You can only apply for a grant once you have certified at least one year of residency in South Tyrol. You have to re-register yourself every time your permit to stay is renewed: within 60 days of the renewal of your permit to stay you will have to go again to the Registry Office and renew your residency there. If you move house, you will also have to inform the Police within 15 days of the move.
health cover To obtain health cover and have your own family doctor for the period of your studies, you will have to go to the Local Health Care Provider (Azienda Sanitaria Locale - ASL) to register for the Italian National Health Service (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale - SSN). You need the following documents: →→ enrolment certificate, →→ passport, →→ Italian individual tax number, →→ permit to stay or receipt certifying you have applied for the permit,
Non-EU Students resident abroad further, if you have a grant: →→ letter confirming you are in receipt of a grant. The amount you have to pay to register for health care is: →→ € 149.77 for students without any dependent family members and without any income apart from grants or subsidies paid by the Italian authorities (e.g. from the Italian government); →→ or € 387.34 euro for students with dependent family members; →→ or, if you have an income which does not come from a grant (earned in Italy or abroad), 7.5% of that income (minimum charge will be € 387.34 ). These amounts are valid for a year (1 January to 31 December), are not divisible and are not retroactive. The duration for health care can only last as long as the permit to stay is valid.
OPENING A BANK ACCOUNT If you want to organise your finances while you are studying here, you’ll have to open an Italian bank account. Most banks offer special accounts for students and young people – normally accounts for young people are for people under the age of 26. We suggest you have a look at the deals being offered by the different banks and open an account at the beginning of the academic year. If you want to open a special account for students, apart from an ID card, you will also have to present a certificate from the University that says you are a student here with us.
ABO+: travelling around south tyrol The Autonomous Province of South Tyrol allows unibz students to apply for a great value travel card. The ABO+ is your own personal travel card which can be used for a whole year on all the public transport in South Tyrol and for the train as far as Trento. If you are enrolled at the unibz and by 31 December you are still under 26 years of age, you can ask for the ABO+ for only €150 a year. You have to apply before 31 December each year by going to one of the ticket offices that issue the ABO+, making sure you take your university enrolment certificate with you. Information, forms and further information is available from: > Titoli di viaggio > Alto Adige Pass Abo+.
StUDY GRANTS FROM THE AUTONOMOUS PROVINCE OF SOUTH TYROL Non-EU students can apply for a study grant of the Autonomous Province of South Tyrol when they have a long-time permit to stay or if they have their residence in South Tyrol for at least one year without interruption.
StudY + WORK If you have a study permit to stay, you can work part-time for at least 20 hours a week with a maximum annual limit of 1,040 hours. Once degreed, if you have a job proposal, you have the opportunity to convert your permit to stay from “study purposes” to “work purposes”, obtaining one of the places 8
Your First Days in South Tyrol
established by the immigration decree, issued yearly by the Italian Government, if you fulfill the requirements provided for the specific job.
SERVICES and useful adresses unibz Services Advisory Service
Universitätsplatz 1 - piazza Università, 1 39100 Bozen - Bolzano Tel.: +39 0471 012 100 Fax: +39 0471 012 109 e-mail:
InfoPoint Bozen - Bolzano (A1.01):
Universitätsplatz 1 - piazza Università, 1 Wed, Fri 10:00 - 12:30 Tue, Thu 14:00 - 16:00 InfoPoint Brixen - Bressanone (DAN 2.12):
Regensburger Allee 16 - viale Ratisbona, 16 Thu 14:00 - 16:00 on request
Student Secretariat Bozen - Bolzano
Opening hours:
Student Secretariat Brixen - Bressanone
Opening hours:
Language Centre
InfoPoint Bozen - Bolzano (A1.01):
Universitätsplatz 1 - piazza Università, 1 39100 Bozen - Bolzano Tel.: +39 0471 012 200 Fax: +39 0471 012 209 e-mail:
Regensburger Allee 16- viale Ratisbona, 16 39042 Brixen - Bressanone Tel.: +39 0472 012 200 Fax: +39 0472 012 209 e-mail:
Universitätsplatz 1 - piazza Università, 1 39100 Bozen - Bolzano Tel.: +39 0471 012 400 Fax: +39 0471 012 409 e-mail:
International Relations
Universitätsplatz 1 - piazza Università, 1 39100 Bozen - Bolzano Tel.: +39 0471 012 500 Fax: +39 0471 012 509 e-mail:
Secretariat Faculty of Economics and Management
Universitätsplatz 1 - piazzetta Università, 1 39031 Bruneck - Brunico Tel.: +39 0474 013 600 Fax: +39 0474 013 609 e-mail: or
Free University of Bozen - Bolzano
Mon, Wed, Fri 09:00 - 12:00 Tue, Thu 14:00 - 16:00
Mon, Wed, Fri 09:00 - 12:00 Tue, Thu 14:00 - 16:00
Universitätsplatz 1 - piazza Università, 1 Wed, Fri 10:00 - 12:30 Tue, Thu 14:00 - 16:00 InfoPoint Brixen - Bressanone (DAN 2.12):
Regensburger Allee 16 - viale Ratisbona, 16 Thu 10:00 - 12:00 (from October to June) InfoPoint Bozen - Bolzano (A1.01):
Universitätsplatz 1 - piazza Università, 1 Mon, Thu 10:00 – 12:30 Tue 14:00 – 16:00 InfoPoint Brixen (DAN 2.12):
Regensburger Allee 16 - viale Ratisbona, 16 Wed 14:00 – 16:30
Opening hours:
Mon - Fri 08:30 - 12:30
Services and useful adresses
Local Services STUDY GRANTS / STUDENT HALLS Office for the Right to Study Autonomous Province of South Tyrol
A.-Hofer-Straße 18 - via Andreas Hofer, 18 39100 Bozen - Bolzano Tel.: +39 0471 412 941 – 412 926 Fax: +39 0471 412 949 e-mail:
Opening hours:
Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri 09:00 - 12:00 Thu 08:30 -13:00 and 14:00 - 17:30
advice about study grants Südtiroler HochschülerInnenschaft (sh.asus) Associazione Studenti/esse Universitari/e Sudtirolesi
Kapuzinergasse 2 - via Cappuccini, 2 39100 Bozen - Bolzano Tel.: +39 0471 974 614 e-mail:
Opening hours:
Mon - Thu 09:00 - 12:30 and 14:00 – 17:00 Fri 09:00 - 12:30
italian tax number Agentur der Einnahmen - Agenzia delle Entrate Bozen - Bolzano
Opening hours:
Brixen - Bressanone
Opening hours:
Bruneck - Brunico
Opening hours:
G. Ambrosoli-Platz 24 - piazza G. Ambrosoli, 24 39100 Bozen - Bolzano Tel.: +39 0471 194 5111
Vittorio-Veneto-Str. 67 - via Vittorio Veneto, 67 39042 Brixen - Bressanone Tel. +39 0472 824 611
Graben 7 - Bastioni, 7 39031 Bruneck - Brunico Tel. +39 0474 572 411
Mon and Thu 8:30 – 15:30 Tue, Wed and Fri 8:30 - 13:00
Mon - Fri 8.15 – 13:00 Mon and Wed also 14.00 - 15.30
Mon - Fri 8.15 – 13:00 Mon and Wed also 14.00 - 15.30
permit to stay Quästur Bozen - Questura di Bolzano
Opening hours: Amt für Einwanderung - Polizia dell’Immigrazione Mon - Fr 8.30 - 13.30 Palatucci-Str. 1 - largo Palatucci, 1 Thu 15.00 - 17.00 (only to collect permits that 39100 Bozen - Bolzano are ready) Tel. +39 0471 947 611 Police Station Brixen - Bressanone (also for Bruneck - Brunico)
Vittorio-Veneto-Str. 13 - via Vittorio Veneto, 13 39042 Brixen - Bressanone Tel. +39 0472 271 611 10
Your First Days in South Tyrol
Opening hours:
Mon - Thu 8.30 - 13.00 Thu also 15.00 - 17.00
Services and useful adresses Do not forget to check the opening hours of the local services online or by telephone!
health cover Information and Enrolment in the local sanitary system Health Authorities Bozen - Bolzano
Opening hours:
Brixen - Bressanone
Opening hours:
Bruneck - Brunico
Opening hours:
W.-A.-Loew-Cadonna-Platz 12 piazza W. A. Loew Cadonna, 12 39100 Bozen - Bolzano Tel. +39 0471 909 115 Romstraße 7 - via Roma, 7 390472 Brixen - Bressanone Tel. +39 0472 836 145
Paternsteig 3 - vicolo dei Frati, 3 39031 Bruneck - Brunico Tel.: +39 0474 586 506
Mon - Fri 8:00 – 12:30 Thu also 14:30 – 16:30
Mon 8:00 – 12:00 Tue and Wed 9:00 – 12:00 Thu 10:00 – 18:00 Fr 8:00 – 11:00
Mon - Fri 8:00 – 12:45 Mon also 14:30– 16:30
Registering with the local authorities Ämter für demographische Dienste Uffici Anagrafe Bozen - Bolzano
Opening hours:
Brixen - Bressanone
Opening hours: (until 1st November)
Bruneck - Brunico
Opening hours:
Vintlerstraße 16 - via Vintola, 16 39100 Bozen - Bolzano Tel. +39 0471 997 155
Issuing office counter: Maria Hueber Pl. 5 - Piazza Maria Hueber, 5 39042 Brixen - Bressanone Tel. +39 0472 836 090
Rathausplatz 1 - Piazza Municipio, 1 39031 Bruneck - Brunico Tel. +39 0474 545 205
Free University of Bozen - Bolzano
Mon - Fri 8:30 – 13:00
Mon 8:30 – 13:00 Tue 8:30 - 13:00 and 14.30 – 17:00 Wed 8:00 – 13:00 and 14.30 - 17.00 Thu 8:30 – 13:00 and 14:30 – 18:00 Fri 8:30 – 12:15 Sat 9:00 – 11:30 Mon - Fri 8:30 -12:30
Free University of Bozen - Bolzano Advisory Service Universitätsplatz 1 - Piazza Università 1 I - 39100 Bozen - Bolzano