Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Facts & Figures 2016 Publisher: Press and Event Management Office Data: all figures are updated to 30 June 2016 Paper: Revive Pure White, 90g/m2 Revive Pure White, 200g/m2 Polyedra Colour 4/4
unibz statistics
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano Index:
University Finance
2 4
People Figures
5 6
Teaching Figures from Almalaurea
7 8
International Relations
Services Library
11 12
Faculties Education Economics and Management Computer Science Design and Art Science and Technology
14 15 16 17 18 19
Language Centre
Universitätsplatz 1 Piazzetta dell’Università, 1 I - 39031
Regensburger Allee 16 Viale Ratisbona, 16 I - 39042
Bozen-Bolzano Universitätsplatz 1 Piazza Università, 1 I - 39100
Faculty of Economics and Management
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Computer Science Faculty of Design and Art Faculty of Economics and Management Faculty of Science and Technology unibz statistics
Multilingualism and internationalism characterise the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano. This young university is located at the crossroads between the Italian and German cultural and economic worlds. The University's premises are in three different cities: Bozen-Bolzano (Economics, Computer Science, Agricultural Science, Engineering and Design), Brixen-Bressanone (Education and Communication Sciences) and Bruneck-Brunico (Tourism, Sports and Event Management). Multilingualism is not seen as an obstacle but as a means to increase awareness and achieve greater success in the twenty-first century, arguably the most complex and diversified ever. Internationalism implies that there are study programmes that serve the local community, but are international in focus, and academic staff who come from many different countries. Currently unibz offers exchange programmes with more than 100 partner universities all over the world.
â‚Ź 61.9 m Budget 2015
fe e
a ed rese lly fund externa nt elopme and dev
% s 1.9her source
87.6% Autonomous Province of Bozen-Bolzano
unibz statistics
tenured professors and researchers
69.30% male
30.70% female
average age of tenured academic staff 31,58% International tenured professors and researchers
Fixed-term lecturers
38.3% male
61.7% female
administrative and technical staff
31.06% part-time 5
Students - Figures
Faculty of Education
Faculty of Economics and Management
1,286 1,095 375 267 255 91
Faculty of Science and Technology
Faculty of Computer Science
Faculty of Design and Art
Studium Generale
Total students
3,369 * 16%
Students from abroad (national average 3.2%)
unibz statistics
updated on 31st December 2015 *
Research Centres
European Master degrees
10 Bachelor degrees 13 Master degrees
Internship agreements with companies and institutions
unibz statistics
.6 %
81 .0
st th ude e (n p nt at re s io s gr na cr ad of l a ibe ua an gr ve d te a ra tim w (n in du ge e ith at te a io rn te is fra in na s s of 46 m hi un l av p on gr .7 e de % a e e (n d r r ) ta ag at ye ua ke io ar te e n i s of al of s a 55 av the re tim gr .5 a e e ab e du % ra ir g m ) (n ro on at ge ra pl o at ad e es d y is u e io d xc h 52 at d w na ur h a .3 ion it l a in an ve % hi ve g t ge sp ) n ra he pr en ge ir og t s is de ram om 12 gre m e .2 e e % s s )
76 .
60 .4
Graduates - Figures of AlmaLaurea
3.7 years average graduation time (national average is 4.5 years)
research 228 current projects, of which
2 6
6 12 4 198
European international national regional research contracts internal
research projects projects 710 completed, 25% ofareresearch of which contracts with
17 15 32 43 134 469
third parties with local companies/ organisations
European international national regional research contracts internal
177 researchers, of whom fixed-term
51 41
are from abroad research assistants
â‚Ź 0.4 m external funding in 2015. â‚Ź 4.4 m total internal budget of current research projects
International Relations
124 108 22 38 1 8 426 426
unibz statistics
Partner universities with Erasmus+ agreements Erasmus+ internships Bilateral agreements with European and non-European universities Erasmus Mundus Partnership
International Study Programmes with double or combined degrees Available places at partner universities Available places for international students at unibz
processed applications involving the recognition of foreign qualifications
technical and design workshops and laboratories
mailboxes in Office365
student associations
PCs and Macs available for students
grants awarded by the local province authority to students in 2015
IT services in the Cloud 11
Services - Library
than half a million * More users visit the library every year, thanks to modern facilities and a user-oriented policy with almost 24h opening times
library visits
books and media
511,883 263,778
library users
access to databases
unibz statistics
91,456 81,632 5,856 90
511,883 510,000 493,892 490,000 481,982 480,000
263,778 260,000 256,850 250,102 250,000
Boo and
91,456 90,000 81,632 80,000 76,816 70,000 67,191 61,648 60,000
52,719 50,000
6,140 6,108 6,000 5,856
100 91 90 86
2015 13
Faculties Faculty of Education Faculty of Design and Art Faculty of Computer Science Faculty of Science and Technology Faculty of Economics and Management
unibz statistics
Campus Brixen-Bressanone 1,151 students
Faculty of Education
In 2016 the Faculty of Education created the EduSpaces laboratories system. This is meant to be a place where theory, practice and critical thinking are blended together, open to the contribution of external - both national and international - education professionals.
Bachelor degrees · Social Work · Social Education · Communication Sciences and Culture
Master degrees · Primary Education (5-years) · Innovation and Research for Social Work and Social Education · Musicology
PhD programmes · General Pedagogy, Social Pedagogy and General Education
Specialisation Courses · To teach children with special educational needs 15
Faculty of Economics and Management
Bachelor degrees Master degrees · Economics and Social Sciences · Entrepreneurship and · Economics and Management Innovation · Tourism, Sport and · Economics and Management Event Management (*) of the Public Sector · Executive Master in Hospitality Management
Campus Bozen-Bolzano Campus Bruneck-Brunico (*) 964 students
PhD Programmes · Management and Economics on Organizational and Istitutional Outliers
In 2016, the Faculty of Economics and Management has been ranked as the top private university for Economics, by the “Grande guida” of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica. unibz statistics
Campus Bozen-Bolzano 240 students
Faculty of Computer Science
0% unemployment rate one year after graduation 2 external quality certifications of the study programmes: GRIN (Italian) and EQANIE (European) 2nd place in Italy for the quality of research in the category of small universities (ANVUR–National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research Institutes) 12 European projects and over € 7 m external funding for research activities since its foundation in 2001. Bachelor degrees · Computer Science and Engineering
· Software Engineering (European Master)
Master degrees · Computer Science · Computional Logic (European Master)
PhD Programmes · Computer Science
Campus Bozen-Bolzano 226 students
Faculty of Design and Art
State of the art workshops for: Carpentry, plastics, metal, digital modelling, video, photography, typography, cutting and binding, serigraphy, printpool materials and technologies, Macpool, assembling pool and surface finishing. The workshops provide our students with optimal conditions to learn, experiment and implement their own concepts. From the 2016/17 academic year the faculty offers a Major in Art.
Bachelor degrees ¡ Design and Art Major in Design ¡ Design and Art Major in Art
unibz statistics
Master degrees ¡ Eco-social Design
Faculty of Science and Technology
Campus Bozen-Bolzano 384 students The faculty, which focuses itsresearch on the topics of energy saving, alpine technologies, innovation in industry, food production and technology, is currently working on 73 research projects with a total value of € 3,4 m (of which 53% is funded externally).
Bachelor degrees · Agricultural and Agro-Environmental Science · Industrial and Mechanical Engineering
Master degrees · International Master in Horticultural Science · Environmental Management of Mountain Areas · Energy Engineering
PhD Programmes · Mountain Environment and Agriculture · Sustainable Energy and Technologies
Language Centre Bozen - Bolzano campus
language courses
teaching hours
computer-based exams
placement exams
language courses (English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Arabic) pre-sessional courses and one-on-one language support, international language certificates preparation courses, academic writing, courses for administrative and academic staff, courses for beginners up to level C1