theunicefglobe UNICEF Australia Newsletter
Edition 1 2013
UNICEF disabilities chief Rosangela Berman Bieler, New York · Page 2
Promise Me campaign calls for foreign aid commitment · Page 3
Message from the CEO, Norman Gillespie · Page 4
SOUTH SUDAN: FATHER CARRIES SON TO SCHOOL FOR ‘CHANCE IN LIFE’ SOUTH Sudan’s Simon Leni is one courageous father. The 58-year-old’s only son, Dominic, 8, was born without legs. Yet rather than see it as an impediment to his son’s future, Mr Leni made sure his son had access to a good quality education by ensuring he is carried to school each and every day. “My son may not have legs but he has brains and that’s why I have chosen to invest in his education,” Mr Leni told UNICEF. Dominic is carried the 10km to and from school by his mother and father each day and despite the difficulty in doing so they are rewarded with a bright young student who is excelling in his classes. Mr Leni said his son was one of the top students in his class with an impressive record of straight As. “I know he has a bright future ahead of him,” Mr Leni said.
“This is not the time to hide these children” – Simon Leni, 58, South Sudan
UNICEF is due to report on the status of children living with a disability in its flagship report, State of the World’s Children, out later this year. The report will reflect on the fact that of the 1 billion people living with a disability, although categorical research is limited, the best estimates suggest 1 in 10 are children. About 80 per cent of people living with a disability are from a developing country. Though he lives in a developing country, where poverty is exacerbated by civil unrest and drought, Dominic is fortunate to have parents who want to see their son get the very best advantage he can through education. Many children living with a disability in South Sudan are hidden by parents for fear of discrimination and embarrassment but Mr Leni is vocal on the need to bring children with a disability into communities and give them a chance to be examples, like his son, of what’s possible. “My advice to parents with children who have a disability is for them to accept them as they are and give them a chance in life,” Mr Leni said. “This is not the time to hide these children. They deserve to go to school, to play, to be loved, to be cared for and to be protected from discrimination.” To read more stories like Dominic’s visit
© UNICEF South Sudan/2012/Mercy Kolok
Simon Leni, 58, with his son Dominic, 8, enjoying time together after a long walk home from school.
© UNICEF South Sudan/2012/Mercy Kolok
1000 WORDS: POLIO IMMUNISATION They say a picture is worth 1000 words and so it is with so many of the images taken by UNICEF’s photographers worldwide. In this edition of The Globe we take a look at some of the amazing range of endeavours taken to ensure UNICEF’s polio immunisation program reaches every child. HEAD back, cheeks pinched to open a child’s mouth and two drops of vaccine hover at the end of a vial before dropping into the child’s mouth.
To mark the two-year anniversary of India’s last case of polio and UNICEF Australia’s current focus on ending polio in Nigeria, Pakistan and Afghanistan – the last three countries where the virus is endemic – The Globe takes a closer look at the diversity of activity behind those two tiny, life-saving drops. To learn more about UNICEF’s work to end polio, visit
To paraphrase the words of UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador and movie star Ewan McGregor, it’s so simple and yet does so very much to protect children from the debilitating and irreversible impact of polio. The classic image described, and the successes of immunisation programs worldwide, have been proudly shared by UNICEF since 1988 when, with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and Rotary International and the US Centre for Disease Control, it heralded the start of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. WHO and UNICEF had already achieved gains under the Universal Childhood Immunisation Initiative but the drive to end polio renewed efforts and mobilised a concerted effort unlike any seen prior.
© UNICEF/INDA2012-00414/Sandeep Biswas
INDIA: It doesn’t matter where you are, hundreds of thousands of trained polio vaccinators travel far and wide to reach every last child to avoid an outbreak of polio. In India, transit teams wait on highways to ensure no child has been missed, even if they are travelling. These polio doses are being administered to a child under the age of five found travelling by bus.
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