MY World 2015 - Russian Federation Country Report First trimester 2014

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MY World is a global survey for citizens led by the United Nations and partners which will run through 2015. It aims to capture people's voices, priorities and views to inform world leaders as they begin the process of defining the new global development agenda for post-2015. Currently 1.5 million people have responded to the MY World survey from all parts of the world. Nearly half of these votes have come from offline methods such as face-to-face interviews so as to reach communities without phone or internet access. Approximately one quarter of the votes have come through mobile phone polling; the remainder have come through the online platform.

Country Report: Russian Federation More information can be found at:

MY World Statistics of The Russian Federation: 3,322 votes as of 03/03/14


39% of MY World respondents in the Russian Federation are female. 68.2% of those who vote in the Russian Federation are under the age of 30. More than 70.1% of the respondents have finished a post-secondary education. 20% of the respondents have finished secondary education. Level of education is used as a proxy for level of income. 99% of Russian Federation votes are submitted through the MY World website. The World (1,483,855 votes)

Eastern Europe (51,296 votes)

Russian Federation (3,322 votes)

The top three priorities of the Russian Federation voters are: “A good education”, “An honest and responsive government,” “Protection against crime and violence” followed by “Better healthcare” and “Protecting forests, rivers and oceans”. A major difference between the Russian Federation respondents and the average respondent in Eastern European region and the world is that Russians place less emphasis on “Better job opportunities” (which ranks 10th place in Russians, 5th in Eastern Europe and 3rd in the world). Notably, Russian Federation citizens prioritize “Protecting forests, rivers and oceans” higher than the global average (5th and 8th place respectively) and Russians ranks “Political freedom” higher than the global and Eastern European regional levels (which ranks 7th in Russia, 11th in Eastern Europe and 13th in the world). The Russian Federation citizens prioritize “Better transport and roads” higher than the global average (6th and 12th place, respectively). Female voters in the Russian Federation rank “Better healthcare” higher than males—as their second priority—while males prioritize “An honest and responsive government” as their highest priority. The Russian Federation voters who complete only some primary education rank “An honest and responsive government” far lower than those with higher levels of education (7th and 1st place, respectively). 2

Public Opinion via Twitter: Russian Federation The graph below shows a real-time snapshot of the twitter conversations in the Russian Federation as they relate to the MY World sixteen options. This tool constantly scrapes data from more than 150 million ‘tweets’ around the world and by using a taxonomy of more than 25,000 words, the tweets are analyzed coded back to MY World priorities before being displayed through in the visualization. This tool complements the data we have from MY World survey, which asks people what is more important for them and their families, showing us what people are discussing on social media now. To learn more visit: The numbers and trends shown in the graphic below, reflect only the population of Russia which uses Twitter, and hence carries all the biases of that selection. The most frequently addressed topics in the Russian Federation have been “Freedom from discrimination,” “Better job opportunities,” “Protecting forests, rivers and oceans,” and “An honest and responsive government.” Most of the analysis from Twitter is in alignment with the current voting patterns of citizens of the Russian Federation for MY World. The strongest contrasts are the higher levels of Twitter discussions surrounding “Freedom from discrimination” and “Better job opportunities” which both rank as lower priorities among MY World survey respondents. Both “An honest and responsive government” and “Political freedoms” still fall within the top 10 highest selected choices of survey participants.

The information presented here intends to highlight emerging trends from the MY World survey and is not an exhaustive assessment of citizen engagement in post-2015. We invite you to check back on your country’s statistics and explore the data at the links provided and those below. If you have any queries or would like to learn more about the initiative, please contact Kallayaphorn Jaruphand at  

To see the data in general go to To see a hit map and check in which regions/countries the priorities are more prominent go to  To analyze the 17th option open field 3

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